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Future climate change is expected to increase temperature (T) and atmospheric vapour pressure deficit (VPD) in many regions, but the effect of persistent warming on plant stomatal behaviour is highly uncertain. We investigated the effect of experimental warming of 1.9–5.1 °C and increased VPD of 0.5–1.3 kPa on transpiration and stomatal conductance (gs) of tree seedlings in the temperate forest understory (Duke Forest, North Carolina, USA). We observed peaked responses of transpiration to VPD in all seedlings, and the optimum VPD for transpiration (Dopt) shifted proportionally with increasing chamber VPD. Warming increased mean water use of Carya by 140% and Quercus by 150%, but had no significant effect on water use of Acer. Increased water use of ring‐porous species was attributed to (1) higher air T and (2) stomatal acclimation to VPD resulting in higher gs and more sensitive stomata, and thereby less efficient water use. Stomatal acclimation maintained homeostasis of leaf T and carbon gain despite increased VPD, revealing that short‐term stomatal responses to VPD may not be representative of long‐term exposure. Acclimation responses differ from expectations of decreasing gs with increasing VPD and may necessitate revision of current models based on this assumption.  相似文献   

We observed that stomata of Gossypium hirsutum, Glycine max and Xanthium strumarium respond to a change in vapour pressure difference between leaf and air at ambient partial pressures of CO2 and below the CO2 compensation point. Our report is at variance with a recent report (J. A. Bunce 1997, Plant, Cell and Environment 20, pp. 131–135) that stomatal sensitivity of leaves to a change in vapour pressure difference between leaf and air was eliminated when gas exchange measurements were made at near-zero carbon dioxide partial pressures (0–5 Pa).  相似文献   

Drought stress is a major constraint on cowpea productivity, since the crop is grown under warm conditions on sandy soils having low water‐holding capacity. For enhanced performance of crops facing terminal drought stress, like cowpea, water‐saving strategies are crucial. In this work, the growth and transpiration rate (TR) of 40 cowpea genotypes with contrasting response to terminal drought were measured under well‐watered conditions across different vapour pressure deficits (VPD) to investigate whether tolerant and sensitive genotypes differ in their control of leaf water loss. A method is presented to indirectly assess TR through canopy temperature (CT) and the index of canopy conductance (Ig). Overall, plants developed larger leaf area under low than under high VPD, and there was a consistent trend of lower plant biomass in tolerant genotypes. Substantial differences were recorded among genotypes in TR response to VPD, with tolerant genotypes having significantly lower TR than sensitive ones, especially at times with the highest VPD. Genotypes differed in TR response to increasing VPD, with some tolerant genotypes exhibiting a clear VPD breakpoint at about 2.25 kPa, above which there was very little increase in TR. In contrast, sensitive genotypes presented a linear increase in TR as VPD increased, and the same pattern was found in some tolerant lines, but with a smaller slope. CT, estimated with thermal imagery, correlated well with TR and Ig and could therefore be used as proxy for TR. These results indicate that control of water loss discriminated between tolerant and sensitive genotypes and may, therefore, be a reliable indicator of terminal drought stress tolerance. The water‐saving characteristics of some genotypes are hypothesised to leave more soil water for pod filling, which is crucial for terminal drought adaptation.  相似文献   

Ji? d?íve zji?těné (Slavík 1959a) rozlo?ení hodnot osmotického tlaku buně?né ?távy na plo?e listové ?epele dvoudělo?ného typu (apex >base, okraj > centrální ?ást), nezávislé na vodní bilanci a nezměněné i p?i nulovém deficitu difusního tlaku (DPD)in situ bylo doplnéno dal?ím sledováním fysiologické heterogenity listové ?epele u dospělých list?Nicotiana sanderae hort., p?edev?ím hlavních indikátor? vodního provozu a výměny CO2. Intensita transpirace s intaktního povrehu list?, vypo?tená z vá?kových mě?ení na discích, vyseknutých z ?epele, je v apikální ?ásti o 50 a? 70%, ni??í ne? na basi. Rovně? p?irozený trvalý vodní deficit, stanovený diskovou metodou (?atský 1960), byl v apikální ?ásti o 10% ni??í ne? na basi. Hustota pr?duch? byla jak uNicotiana sanderae, tak u dal?í pokusné rostliny u cukrovky v apikální ?ásti pr?měrně o 40% ni??í, zatím co velikost pr?duch? byla v apikální ?ásti naopak pr?měrně o 30% vět?í. Relativní index plochy pr?duchových skulin na plochu ?epele (po?et × ?tverec délky na svrchní plus spodní straně) se na obou místěch pr?kazně neli?il. Intensita fotosynthesy (na plochu), mě?ená gazometricky infra?erveným analysátorem, byla p?i plném nasycení pletiva vodou v apikální ?ásti pr?kazně o 17% ni??í ne? v ?ásti basální, a?koliv obsah chlorofylu na plochu je v tlust?í, apikální ?ásti vět?í. Rovně? intensita dýchání, manometricky mě?ená jako QO2, byla v apikální ?ásti pr?kazně ni??í, a to jak v p?epo?tu na su?inu (o 12%), tak na plochu. Podobné, av?ak podstatně men?í rozdíly byly zji?těny také mezi okrajem a centrální ?ástí ?epele. Fysiologická heterogenita listové ?epele je kauzálně zalo?ena na r?zné hydrata?ní úrovni, tak?e studium aktivity r?zných fysiologických proces?, na r?zných místech ?epele je vhodné pro sledování jejich vztahu k r?zné úrovni hydratace.  相似文献   

A decrease in steady-state leaf transpiration rate with increased vapour pressure difference between leaf and air, which is reversible and independent of leaf water status, is evidence for feedforward control of stomatal aperture (Cowan 1977). A recent survey of gas exchange data by Monteith (1995), covering 52 sets of measurements on 16 species, reported that evidence for feedforward control was rare and usually reliant on a single point. We conducted gas exchange experiments on an additional 13 species and observed an apparent feedforward response in only two. However, the response was not reversible and depended upon experimental procedure. In view of this we discuss the appropriate use of the term ‘feedforward’.  相似文献   

Plants dynamically regulate water use by the movement of stomata on the surface of leaves. Stomatal responses to changes in vapour pressure deficit (VPD) are the principal regulator of daytime transpiration and water use efficiency in land plants. In angiosperms, stomatal responses to VPD appear to be regulated by the phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA), yet the origin of this ABA is controversial. After a 20 min exposure of plants, from three diverse angiosperm species, to a doubling in VPD, stomata closed, foliar ABA levels increased and the expression of the gene encoding the key, rate‐limiting carotenoid cleavage enzyme (9‐cis‐epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase, NCED) in the ABA biosynthetic pathway was significantly up‐regulated. The NCED gene was the only gene in the ABA biosynthetic pathway to be up‐regulated over the short time scale corresponding to the response of stomata. The closure of stomata and rapid increase in foliar ABA levels could not be explained by the release of ABA from internal stores in the leaf or the hydrolysis of the conjugate ABA‐glucose ester. These results implicate an extremely rapid de novo biosynthesis of ABA, mediated by a single gene, as the means by which angiosperm stomata respond to natural changes in VPD.  相似文献   

Stomatal conductance ( g s) and photosynthetic rate ( A ) were measured in young beech ( Fagus sylvatica ), chestnut ( Castanea sativa ) and oak ( Quercus robur ) growing in ambient or CO2-enriched air. In oak, g s was consistently reduced in elevated CO2. However, in beech and chestnut, the stomata of trees growing in elevated CO2 failed to close normally in response to increased leaf-to-air vapour pressure deficit (LAVPD). Consequently, while g s was reduced in elevated CO2 on days with low LAVPD, on warm sunny days (with correspondingly high LAVPD) g s was unchanged or even slightly higher in elevated CO2. Furthermore, during drought, g s of beech and chestnut was unresponsive to [CO2], over a wide range of ambient LAVPD, whereas in oak g s was reduced by an average of 50% in elevated CO2. Stimulation of A by elevated CO2 in beech and chestnut was restricted to days with high irradiance, and was greatest in beech during drought. Hence, most of the additional carbon gain in elevated CO2 was made at the expense of water economy, at precisely those times (drought, high evaporative demand) when water conservation was most important. Such effects could have serious consequences for drought tolerance, growth and, ultimately, survival as atmospheric [CO2] increases.  相似文献   

This study tested a multiplicative model of stomatal response to environment for drought‐affected trees of Eucalyptus globulus Labill. growing in southern Australia. The model incorporates a feed‐forward response to vapour pressure deficit of ambient air (δea) and performed well if evaluated using reduced major axis regression and log‐transformed data. There was strong evidence from gas‐exchange data, leaf water potentials and sapflow measurements of the feed‐forward response by stomata to leaf‐to‐air vapour pressure deficit (δel). The response of stomata to δel was irreversible. Stomatal conductance and the rate of net photosynthesis were highly correlated and declined, together with the rate of transpiration, throughout the afternoon as δea increased despite increasing leaf water potentials. The concentration of CO2 inside leaves (ci) increased as stomatal conductance declined indicating increasing non‐stomatal limitations to photosynthesis. The stomatal response to δel of E. globulus in the field is best described as an ‘apparent feed‐forward response’ that probably results from both slowly reversible depression of net photosynthesis and abscisic acid accumulation in guard cells. We suggest that the stomatal response to ci may strengthen the link between photosynthetic capacity and stomatal conductance during leaf drying as a result of either drought or large δ el.  相似文献   

A study was made of the effect of different constant soil moisture (90, 60 and 30 or 40% maximum capillary capacity) on the net assimilation rate (N.A.R.) in maize in relation to changes in relative transpiration (R.T.), water saturation deficit of the leaves (W.S.D.) and osmotic pressure of the cell sap (O.P.). The soil moisture was maintained constant either from the planting of the germinating grain, or from the phase of 4–6 leaves. An attempt was made to interpret the mechanism of action of water deficit on photosynthesis and at a rough differentiation between the indirect effect through changes in internal diffusive resistance to carbon dioxide and the direct effect on the hydration of the photosynthetizing tissue. In plants exposed to different constant soil moisture levels from the phase of 4–6 leaves, the initial difference in N.A.R. corresponding to the degree of lowering of soil moisture gradually evened out during the vegetation season. On applying different constant soil moisture levels from the time of planting no marked differences in N.A.R. were found between plants cultivated at high values of soil moisture (60% and 90%). In plants cultivated from planting at 40% soil moisture, the course of changes in N.A.R. was qualitatively different from that of the above two variants and corresponded more or less to changes characteristic for the process of adaptation to unfavourable conditions. From the analogous course of N.A.R. and R.T. it can be assumed that in all cases the intensity of photosynthesis was very markedly influenced by changes in diffusive resistance to carbon dioxide. On the basis of an analysis of changes in O.P. of the cell sap and W.S.D. of the leaf tissue, the assumption was made that in plants cultivated from planting at 40% and to some extent at 60% soil moisture, irreversible adaptation changes occurred in the structural conditions of photosynthesis as a result of continuous dehydration. In plants cultivated at similar soil moisture levels from the phase of 4–6 leaves, the changes in the intensity of photosynthesis were more likely caused by actual dehydration of the photosynthetizing tissue.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the spatial patterns of transpiration-driven water isotope enrichment (Delta(lw)) along monocot leaves. It has been suggested that these spatial patterns are the result of competing effects of advection and (back-)diffusion of water isotopes along leaf veins and in the mesophyll, but also reflect leaf geometry (e.g. leaf length, interveinal distance) and non-uniform gas-exchange parameters. We therefore developed a two-dimensional model of isotopic leaf water enrichment that incorporates new features, compared with previous models, such as radial diffusion in the xylem, longitudinal diffusion in the mesophyll, non-uniform gas-exchange parameters and non-steady-state effects. The model reproduces well all published measurements of Delta(lw) along monocot leaf blades, except at the leaf tip and given the uncertainties on measurements and model parameters. We show that the longitudinal diffusion in the mesophyll cannot explain the observed reduction in the isotope gradient at the leaf tip. Our results also suggest that the observed differences in Delta(lw) between C(3) and C(4) plants reflect more differences in mesophyll tortuosity rather than in leaf length or interveinal distance. Mesophyll tortuosity is by far the most sensitive parameter and different values are required for different experiments on the same plant species. Finally, using new measurements of non-steady-state, spatially varying leaf water enrichment we show that spatial patterns are in steady state around midday only, just as observed for bulk leaf water enrichment, but can be easily upscaled to the whole leaf level, regardless of their degree of heterogeneity along the leaf.  相似文献   

Overexpression of genes that respond to drought stress is a seemingly attractive approach for improving drought resistance in crops. However, the consequences for both water-use efficiency and productivity must be considered if agronomic utility is sought. Here, we characterize two tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) lines (sp12 and sp5) that overexpress a gene encoding 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase, the enzyme that catalyzes a key rate-limiting step in abscisic acid (ABA) biosynthesis. Both lines contained more ABA than the wild type, with sp5 accumulating more than sp12. Both had higher transpiration efficiency because of their lower stomatal conductance, as demonstrated by increases in delta(13)C and delta(18)O, and also by gravimetric and gas-exchange methods. They also had greater root hydraulic conductivity. Under well-watered glasshouse conditions, mature sp5 plants were found to have a shoot biomass equal to the wild type despite their lower assimilation rate per unit leaf area. These plants also had longer petioles, larger leaf area, increased specific leaf area, and reduced leaf epinasty. When exposed to root-zone water deficits, line sp12 showed an increase in xylem ABA concentration and a reduction in stomatal conductance to the same final levels as the wild type, but from a different basal level. Indeed, the main difference between the high ABA plants and the wild type was their performance under well-watered conditions: the former conserved soil water by limiting maximum stomatal conductance per unit leaf area, but also, at least in the case of sp5, developed a canopy more suited to light interception, maximizing assimilation per plant, possibly due to improved turgor or suppression of epinasty.  相似文献   

Responses of stomatal conductance (gs) to increasing vapour pressure deficit (D) generally follow an exponential decrease described equally well by several empirical functions. However, the magnitude of the decrease – the stomatal sensitivity – varies considerably both within and between species. Here we analysed data from a variety of sources employing both porometric and sap flux estimates of gs to evaluate the hypothesis that stomatal sensitivity is proportional to the magnitude of gs at low D ( ≤ 1 kPa). To test this relationship we used the function gs = gsrefm· lnD where m is the stomatal sensitivity and gsref = gs at D = 1 kPa. Regardless of species or methodology, m was highly correlated with gsref (average r2 = 0·75) with a slope of approximately 0·6. We demonstrate that this empirical slope is consistent with the theoretical slope derived from a simple hydraulic model that assumes stomatal regulation of leaf water potential. The theoretical slope is robust to deviations from underlying assumptions and variation in model parameters. The relationships within and among species are close to theoretical predictions, regardless of whether the analysis is based on porometric measurements of gs in relation to leaf-surface D (Ds), or on sap flux-based stomatal conductance of whole trees (GSi), or stand-level stomatal conductance (GS) in relation to D. Thus, individuals, species, and stands with high stomatal conductance at low D show a greater sensitivity to D, as required by the role of stomata in regulating leaf water potential.  相似文献   

Summary The performance of coastal and desert species of Encelia (Asteraceae) were evaluated through common garden growth observations. The obectives of the study were to evaluate the roles of leaf features, thought to be of adaptive value (increased leaf reflectance and/or transpirational cooling), on plant growth in the hot, arid, desert garden versus their impact on growth under cooler, relatively more moist coastal garden conditions. E. californica native to the coast of southern California and E. farinosa, and E. frutescens, interior desert species, were grown in common gardens at coastal (Irvine, California) and interior (Phoenix, Arizona) sites under both irrigated and natural conditions. Although all species survived in both gardens during the two and a half year study period, there were large differences in their sizes. In the desert garden, leaf conductance and leaf water potential were both lower than at the coastal site. E. californica shrubs were leafless much of the time under natural conditions in the desert garden and had the smallest size there as well. Under natural conditions, E. farinosa, with its reflective leaf surface, was able to maintain lower leaf temperatures and attained a large size than the other two species in the desert garden. The green-leaved species (E. californica and E. frutescens) were not able to maintain leaves into the drought periods in the desert garden, with the exception of the irrigated E. frutescens which did maintain its leaf area if provided with supplemental watering to maintain transpirational leaf cooling. In the coastal garden, all species survived and there were few clear differences in the physiological characteristics among the three species. E. californica, the coastal native, attained a larger size in the coastal garden when compared with either of the two desert species.  相似文献   

Cunningham SC 《Oecologia》2005,142(4):521-528
Rainforests occur in high precipitation areas of eastern Australia, along a gradient in seasonality of precipitation, ranging from a summer dry season in the temperate south to a winter dry season in the tropical north. The response of net photosynthesis to increasing vapour pressure deficit (VPD) was measured in a range of Australian rainforest trees from different latitudes to investigate possible differences in their response to atmospheric drought. Plants were grown in glasshouses under ambient or low VPD to determine the effect of growth VPD on the photosynthetic response. Temperate species, which experience low summer precipitation, were found to maintain maximum net photosynthesis over the measurement range of VPD (0.5–1.9 kPa). In contrast, the tropical species from climates with high summer precipitation showed large reductions in net photosynthesis with increasing VPD. Temperate species showed higher intrinsic water-use efficiencies under low VPD than the tropical species, whereas their efficiencies were similar under high VPD. Growing plants under a low VPD had little effect on either the photosynthetic response to VPD or the intrinsic water-use efficiency of the species. These different responses of gas exchange to VPD shown by the tropical and temperate rainforest species may reflect different strategies to maximise productivity in their respective climates.  相似文献   

We have investigated the role of polyunsaturated fatty acids in photosynthesis using a triple mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana that lacks trienoic fatty acids (fad 3-2 fad 7-2 fad 8). Though this mutant is male sterile, vegetative growth and development under normal conditions are largely unaffected (McConn and Browse, 1996 Plant Cell 8: 403–416). At 0.2–1.0 kPa vapor pressure deficit (low VPD), maximum photosynthetic rates of wild-type and mutant plants were similar while stomatal conductance rates were up to 2 times higher in mutant plants. However, light-saturated rates of carbon assimilation and stomatal conductance in the mutant were lower than in wild-type plants when measured at ambient (35 Pa) CO2 and 2.0–2.8 kPa vapor pressure deficit (high VPD). The limitation to photosynthesis in the mutant plants at high VPD was overcome by saturating partial pressures of CO2 suggesting a stomatal limitation. Chlorophyll fluorescence measurements indicate that differences observed in maximum assimilation rates were not due to limitations within the photochemical reactions of photosynthesis. Stomatal response to VPD and intrinsic water use efficiency was drastically different in mutant versus wild-type plants. The results of this investigation indicate that for Arabidopsis, polyunsaturated fatty acids may be an important determinant of responses of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance to environmental stresses such as high VPD. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Measurements of carbon dioxide exchange and transpiration were made, at various air temperatures, on wheat and barley using a field enclosure system. From these were derived the stomatal and mesophyll resistances to carbon dioxide transfer. Optimum temperatures for net CO2 uptake were about 24°C for wheat and barley. Above these optima, as temperature increased so net CO2 uptake rates decreased, because of increasing stomatal and mesophyll resistances; transpiration rates decreased in wheat but were constant in barley. In laboratory growth cabinets, wheat plants were subjected to different regimes of temperature and humidity. Optimum temperature for net CO2 uptake of individual leaves was 25°C. At constant humidity, a decline in net uptake rates above 25°C was associated with large increases in mesophyll resistance. At a constant 25°C, as the vapour pressure deficit (v.p.d. was increased above 1 k Pa (10 mb) v.p.d. the net uptake declined, with an increase in mesophyll resistance and a small increase in stomatal resistance. When the v.p.d. exceeded 1 k Pa at a temperature of 30°C, conditions that are experienced by field plants, then there were large increases in both mesophyll and stomatal resistances and the net uptake rates declined. Photo-respiration, as measured by CO2 uptake in oxygen-free air, was independent of temperature, but both dark respiration and CO2 compensation concentration increased with temperature.  相似文献   

Abstract. Stomatal conductance and needle water potential of P. radiata clones were measured after 2, 5 and 8 months on plants grown in controlled environment rooms with markedly different water vapour saturation deficits (D). Conductance was significantly lower at high D, but water potential differences between treatments were not significant. When trees were moved between treatments most of the changes in conductances occurred within 2 h, with residual changes after 24 h. Water potentials were not different 24 h after the trees were moved. The effects were completely reversible.
Transpiration rates of individual trees were highest in the high D treatment and lowest in the low D treatment. They were not linearly related to D because of decreasing conductance with increasing D.
Height growth, diameter growth and foliage areas were not significantly different between treatments. Tracheid lumen diameters tended to be larger in trees grown at higher D although treatment differences were not significant.
There were significant clonal differences in shoot conductance and tracheid dimensions.  相似文献   

Leaf resistance for water vapor (total diffusion resistance minus boundary layer resistance), transpiration, and leaf temperature were measured in attached leaves of greenhouse-grown Xanthium strumarium L. plants that had been pretreated for 72 hours with high (40 C day, 35 C night), or low (10 C day, 5 C night) air temperatures. Measurements were made in a wind tunnel at light intensity of 1.15 cal cm−2 min−1, air temperatures between 5 and 45 C, and wind speed of 65 cm sec−1. Leaf resistances in low temperature pretreated plants were higher (8 to 27 sec cm−1) than in controls or high temperature pretreated plants (0.5 to 3 sec cm−1) at leaf temperatures between 5 and 25 C. Thus, the pretreatment influenced stomatal aperture.  相似文献   

Summary The relations between leaf conductance (gl) transpiration rate and root permeability to water (Rp) of three sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) cultivars grown in a controlled environment cabinet are described.No differences in transpiration rates were found but it was shown that plants with low values of Rp have active stomatal closure with favourable consequences for water use efficiency under water limiting conditions.Rp was estimated by applying hydrostatic pressure on the root system. Values of Rp per unit root volume ranged from 0.34×10–5 to 16.75×10–5 (s MPa–1). There were significant inter-cultivar differences (P<0.05) in Rp and gl and an inverse correlation between Rp and the maximum values cf gl within cultivars.Pressure applied on the root system is proposed as a useful tool for the determination of differences in the root permeability to water amongst sunflower cultivars.  相似文献   

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