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Field studies on the occurrence of meiobenthos in the water column above intertidal sandflats have been performed near the Island of Sylt in the northern Wadden Sea. Swimming meiobenthos was strongly dominated by harpacticoid copepods. Many of them have a semiplanktonic life-style. They rest in superficial sediment layers at low tide and swin in the water column at high tide. Swimming activity correlated negatively with light. The abundance in the water column was one order of magnitude higher during the night. Strong currents caused by storm tides significantly decreased meiobenthic abundance in the water column. Light and flow being constant, no significant changes of meiobenthic abundance per unit area occurred over a tidal cycle. Since holoplankton and meroplankton abundances correlated positively with the height of the water column, semiplanktonic meiobenthos may dominate the mesozooplankton in shallow waters. On an average, emergence of meiobenthos increased the mesozooplanktonic biomass by about 2% during diurnal high tides over the entire tidal cycle, and by about 50% during nocturnal high tides. Because of seasonal cycles of the dominant harpacticoids, this high contribution to planktonic biomass may be a summer phenomenon.  相似文献   

In spring and early summer,Pleuronectes platessa, Platichthys flesus, Solea solea, andCrangon crangon transform to benthic postlarvae in the shallow water region of the North Frisian Wadden Sea (eastern North Sea). During the first weeks after metamorphosis, they remain in the puddles and drainage gulleys on the tidal flats that are exposed during low tide. Positive rheotaxis prompting the juveniles to swim against the ebb tide currents is an important mechanism for maintaining their position on the flats. When sunlight intensity increases, they continue their locomotory and feeding activity, even during daytime, in the pools still present at low tide. On warm, cloudless days, temperature levels in these pools may increase to lethal thresholds. Consequently, the animals attempt to escape from higher tidal flats near the shore through the drainage gulleys. Such migrations bring about changes in their distribution patterns. Plaice can scarcely be found in near-shore areas, and they are absent at both high and low tide. The responses observed were correlated to physical and chemical data recorded during the observation period. The ecological significance of tidal pools as habitats is discussed.  相似文献   

From observations carried out in the intertidal sands of the Island of Sylt (North Sea),Prostomatella arenicola Friedrich is a typical inhabitant of this Wadden Sea area. Its morphological characters are redescribed. The life cycle ofP. arenicola appears to be univoltine.  相似文献   

Environmental conditions in salt marsh creeks are intermediate between the open tidal coast and estuaries. A large salt marsh creek at the island of Sylt (North Sea) was studied in order to test whether its fauna is more similar to that of the open tidal coast or to that of estuaries. Because of a sandy bar at the seaward opening, the tidal range is only 10 cm in the creek, and the water level never drops below the level of the sand bar. Zoobenthos in the sandy bottom and on the sandy shores was studied at both ends and in the middle of the creek. Polychaeta and Plathelminthes were determined to species level. On an average, 2115 metazoans were found below 10 cm2 of surface area. At the seaward end of the creek, abundance and taxonomic composition are similar to that of the adjoining Wadden area. Nematoda are the dominant taxon, followed by Copepoda, Plathelminthes and Oligochaeta. Taxonomic composition is different at the landward end. Plathelminthes and Nematoda are most abundant followed by Copepoda. Both Oligochaeta and Polychaeta are scarce at these newly eroded sites. Plathelminth abundance at the landward end of the creek is exceptionally high (770–935·10 cm−2). Contrary to what is generally found in estuaries, the species density of Plathelminthes shows a significant increase toward the land. The species composition of Polychaeta and Plathelminthes indicates that the sites below mean high tide level of the creek correspond to the adjacent eulittoral Wadden area while the fauna of the supralittoral sites of the creek is similar to the fauna of supralittoral tidal coasts. Typical sublittoral species did not occur in the salt marsh creek. Thus, salt marsh creeks may be regarded as a small-scale model for the tidal coast. In context with the results obtained, the definition of estuaries is discussed.  相似文献   

For 10 selected tide gauges at the German North Sea Coast, the time series of the mean high water (MHW) and mean low water (MLW) were analysed. Since about 1950, both levels deviate from earlier trends; MHW shows an accelerated rise, while MLW even fell after an earlier rise. Presented at the VI International Wadden Sea Symposium (Biologische Anstalt Helgoland, Wattenmeerstation Sylt, D-2282 List, FRG, 1–4 November 1988).  相似文献   

The increasing P and N content in the two main tidal basins in the western Dutch Wadden Sea, the Marsdiep and the Vliestroom basin, has been reconstructed from the 50s onwards. The area is enriched with nutrients by two sources both originating from the river Rhine, one being the discharge from Lake IJssel and the other the exchange with the coastal zone of the North Sea. Due to a buffering by Lake IJssel for about 15–20 years, the eutrophication of the western Wadden Sea showed a time lag compared with the continuously increasing nutrient concentrations in the river Rhine and the coastal zone of the North Sea. At present, the primary production in part of the area still seems to be nutrient limited in summer, while loadings have already been decreasing in recent years. So far, no severe, negative effects on the ecosystem have been reported. Some remarks are made on the eutrophication in other parts of the Dutch' Wadden Sea in relation to the hydrographic characteristics of these areas. Presented at the VI International Wadden Sea Symposium (Biologische Anstalt Helgoland, Wattenmeerstation Sylt, D-2282 List, FRG, 1–4 November 1988) Publication No. 18 of the project “Ecological Research of the North Sea and Wadden Sea” (EON)  相似文献   

Contributions to the mesozooplankton of the northern Wadden Sea of Sylt. From June 1975 to June 1976 temperature, salinity, mesozooplankton (>76 µm), phytoplankton and seston (dry weight, particulate organic carbon and nitrogen) were measured at different stations in the northern Wadden Sea of Sylt (German Bight, North Sea). Maxima of the planktonic copepods, which form the biggest part of the zooplankton, occurred in the summer months from June to September. Larval development from nauplii to adults was observed inAcartia clausi, Acartia discaudata, Centropages hamatus andTemora longicornis; generation times ranged from 3 (Temora longicornis) to 7 1/2 weeks (Centropages hamatus) at ca. 20 °C. Organic carbon produced by zooplankton was about 0.4 g C m–3 year–1 and zooplanktonic carbon decomposed in the area studied amounted to about 1.4 g C m–3 year–1. Meroplanktonic larvae made up ca. 60 % of the organic carbon produced by zooplankton, indicating great influence of the benthos on the water column in this very shallow part of the German Bight.  相似文献   

Sulfide concentrations were measured in the inner and outer Königshafen (Sylt, Wadden Sea) from November 1990 to December 1991 to assess the fluctuations of sulfide levels in natural tidal habitats. Three different areas were compared: (1) muddy sediment (2) fine-medium sand, and (3) a mussel bed. Other abiotic factors such as Eh, pH, temperature, grain size and organic content were measured. After assessment of the macrofaunal distribution, an attempt was made to relate the distribution to the sulfide concentrations in the benthic habitat. Sulfide concentrations varied between sites throughout the year with considerable differences ranging from below 5 μM (limit of detection) to about 1 mM (Oct. 1991). The faunal composition (Table 2) at the different sites hardly varied; it was always dominated by annelids: The cirratulidTharyx marioni was the most abundant species in the upper layers of all sites, where it occurred at low sulfide concentrations (<50 μM).Heteromastus filiformis was commonly found in the deeper sediment layers of the muddy site where it was regularly exposed to sulfide levels around 75 μM and peak concentrations in autumn up to 1 mM.Capitella capitata, Tubificoides pseudogaster andTubificoides benedii were very common in the upper sediment layers where sulfide levels were about 150 μM in autumn. These species also occurred, however, in the deeper layers with higher sulfide concentrations. These results document not only the wide annual range of sulfide concentrations at different depths in a tidal flat, they also emphasize that under natural conditions tidal flat annelids are exposed to considerable concentrations of hydrogen sulfide.  相似文献   

Where, since the 1980s, patchy and variable green algal mats are prevailing, distinct belts of an amphipod (Corophium volutator) and seagrass (Zostera spp.) had dominated in the 1930s. The zonation between tide marks has been mapped in a sheltered sedimentary bay in the Wadden Sea near the island of Sylt (coastal eastern North Sea). Maps on vegetation from 1924 and on selected macrobenthos from 1932 and 1934 are compared with biannual surveys conducted from 1988 to 2006. Rising high water levels and eutrophication are suggested to be major causes of the observed long-term changes. In front of a saltmarsh, a sandy beach developed and partly displaced former cyanobacterial mats. Advancing sandiness may have inhibited C. volutator and facilitated lugworms, Arenicola marina, in the upper tidal zone. A variable occurrence of green algal mats arising in the 1980s affected infauna and seagrass by smothering the biota underneath. This dissolved a coherent belt of Zostera noltii. In the lower tidal zone, natural disturbances had lasting effects on the occurrence of mussels with attached fucoid algae. The spectrum of species became enriched by alien species (13% of macrobenthic taxa). A reversal to habitat structure and biotic zonation of the 1920–1930s does not seem possible. Aliens, in combination with climate change, are expected to further divert the ecological pattern to new configurations.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the methods and results of monitoring sea level (tidal gauges) and with the analysis of depth sounding data. Possible future monitoring by menas of remote sensing techniques will be presented. Some trends, based on water level and morphological monitoring, have been established in the western part of the Dutch Wadden sea: (a) the relative mean sea level is rising persistently by 15 cm/century, observed since the middle of the 19th century. The tidal range is increasing as well; (b) the cross-sectional areas of the most western Dutch Wadden tidal inlets have been increasing over the last two centuries; (c) the intertidal zones of the Texelstroom and Vliestroom tidal basins have shown an increase of surface area over the last decades. The Borndiep tidal basin shows a decrease of 4% of the area shallower than 5 m — Dutch Ordinance Level (DOL) over the last two centuries. Several factors prevent serious predictions about future morphological developments of the tidal Wadden flats: (a) man induced interfering factors, e.g. the construction of the harbour revetments of Den Helder, the construction of the Enclosure Dike and construction of sand drift dikes stabilising the Wadden islands; (b) the limited scope of the present analysis that deals only with the western part of the Dutch Wadden Sea. Presented at the VI International Wadden Sea Symposium (Biologische Anstalt Helgoland, Wattenmeerstation Sylt, D-2282 List, FRG, 1–4 November 1988)  相似文献   

Living conditions for macrofauna on flood delta shoals are determined by surf, strong currents and sediment mobility. Thus, a unique assemblage of invertebrate species colonize these far off-shore, low intertidal flats. We here describe the macrobenthic fauna of emerging shoals in the Wadden Sea between the islands of Römö and Sylt. Besides ubiquitous macroinvertebrates of the intertidal zone and species which attain their main distribution in the subtidal zone, the flood delta shoals are characterized by organisms adapted to live in these highly unstable sediments, like the polychaetesSpio martinensis, Streptosyllis websteri, Magelona mirabilis, Psammodrilus balanoglossoides, the pericarid crustaceansCumopsis goodsiri, Tanaissus lilljeborgi, Bathyporeia sarsi and a few others. Average abundance (1440 m?2 of ind >1 mm) and biomass (12.9 g AFDW m?2) were low compared to other intertidal habitats in the Wadden Sea. Biomass was dominated by largesized individuals of the lugwormArenicola marina. The U-shaped burrows of these polychaetes were inhabited by high numbers ofUrothoe poseidonis. Maximum densities of these amphipods occurred in the deepest parts of the burrows. Sampling at approximately montly intervals revealed no apparent seasonality ofU. poseidonis abundance. Together with smallCapitella capitata, these amphipods constitute a deep-dwelling component of the macrofauna associated with lugworms, which is separated from all other macrofauna living at the sediment surface. As a response to rising sea level and increasing tidal ranges, we expect the unstable sandy shoals, inhabited by numerousSpio martinensis andUrothoe poseidonis, to expand within the Wadden Sea at the cost of stable sandy flats with abundant macrofauna.  相似文献   

Spatial configurations generated by motile benthic polychaetes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Micro-spatial patterns of five infaunal polychaete species were investigated on tidal flats in the Wadden Sea (island of Sylt, North Sea). Sediment samples were taken within plots of 4 m2 at regular distances or with a multiple-cell corer composed of 144 contiguous units. Most of the configurations observed can be related to the mode of feeding. Individuals of the predatory polychaeteEteone longa do not generate discernible spatial structures.Anaitides mucosa, a carnivoruous scavanger, occurs in marked patches. Juveniles ofScoloplos armiger, a burrowing deposit feeder, live in small aggregates which in turn conglomerate to larger ones. Adults are scattered within larger clusters. High density areas of juveniles and adults do overlap. Another burrowing deposit feeder,Capitella capitata, is even more aggregated. Local attractors may cause clusters of exceptional intensity. Territoriality is exhibited by the tube-dwelling surface deposit feedingNereis diversicolor. The juveniles are restricted to interspaces left by the adults.I acknowledge a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).  相似文献   

The influence of the ebb tide on the abundance and distributionof bloom-forming species, as well as the mechanisms for theselection of those species which remain, were investigated inthe shallow, tidal-flushed Urdaibai estuary, north Spain. Phytoplanktonwas collected monthly from May to September 1998 during differenttidal conditions (neap-spring) at five stations along the salinitygradient of the estuary. During the neap tides of May, Leptocylindrusdanicus dominated in the lower estuary, together with Thalassiosiraguillardii and Peridinium foliaceum in the upper segment; T.guillardiiexperienced the broadest displacement along the estuary. Duringthe June and July cruises, coinciding with mid-tidal amplitudesand high temperatures, Peridinium quinquecorne densely aggregatedin the upper estuary at the slack high tide, whereas Chaetocerossalsugineum bloomed at the intermediate stations. Cyclotellaatomus and Protoperidinium achromaticum reached high concentrationsin the upper zone only during the late stages of the ebb. Duringthe spring tides of September, Prorocentrum minimum, Heterocapsapygmaea and Heterocapsa rotundata appeared in the lower marineestuary, being washed out at low tide. By contrast, the diatomsSkeletonema costatum, Thalassiosira guillardii and Cyclotellaatomus were the most abundant species in the upper reaches,peaking during the ebb. Physical trapping and high water residencetimes served to retain blooming species in the upper estuary.The intense growth of the estuarine diatoms may compensate forthe advective seaward losses of cells during the ebb, thus allowingthe development of stable populations in the estuary. Only Peridiniumquinquecorne seems to combine an endogenous tidal rhythm witha photic response to remain in the tidal area of the estuary.  相似文献   

Wadden Sea tidal flats are highly dynamic regarding the spatial distribution and the grain size composition of their sediments. From 2003 to 2006 surface sediments have been surveyed in an intertidal and a subtidal area within the tidal inlet Königshafen (south-eastern North Sea, northern Wadden Sea, island of Sylt) with the goal to gain information on short-term development trends in the grain size composition. The average grain size (Mean) becomes finer in the sheltered part of the intertidal survey area whereas a coarsening tendency can be observed in the more exposed part of the intertidal and especially in the subtidal survey area. The trend of the most frequent grain size (first Mode) shows the same spatial distribution pattern but is far less distinct. Thus, the changing Mean must be related to an increase in the deposition of fines in the sheltered part of the intertidal Königshafen as well as a general removal of fine-grained material in the exposed intertidal and subtidal Königshafen. In order to see long-term trends the surveys of 2003–2006 were compared to earlier studies conducted in 1932/1933, 1981 and 1989. A significant depletion of mud can be observed in the entire survey area. It is concluded that primarily changed hydrodynamics that may accompany ongoing climate change are responsible for this. However, the loss of fine-grained sediments is additionally amplified by a reduced vegetation cover and coastal protection measures.  相似文献   

Many wrasses on coral reefs exhibit daily spawning that peaks around daytime high tides. In this study, we examined tidal-related ovarian development in the threespot wrasse, Halichoeres trimaculatus, a species common on coral reefs in the Indo-Pacific Ocean. When the fish were collected in the morning at different tidal phases, the gonadosomatic index (GSI) and ovarian histology changed; concomitant with increases in GSI towards high tide, a clutch of the most advanced oocytes developed from vitellogenic to maturation stages. Ovulated eggs and post-ovulated follicles (POF) existed in most ovaries around high tide, but only POF remained around ebb tide, suggesting that spawning occurred during or after high tide. We noticed that tidal-related spawning was considerable in the morning and that most ovaries collected on the afternoon high tide exhibited post-spawning features. This suggests that certain labrid species possess plasticity with regard to their spawning time and utilize potent environmental cues to ensure their reproductive success. When pieces of ovary were incubated with precursor steroids, high conversion of testosterone to 17beta-estradiol occurred during high and ebb tides, while that of 17alpha-hydroxyprogesterone to 17alpha,20beta-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one and 17alpha,20beta,21-trihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one was observed during low and flood tides. Incubation of pieces of ovary with human chorionic gonadotropin resulted in similar fluctuations in the steroid hormones with tidal phase. Production of these steroid hormones correlated with oocyte development in the ovaries and was probably regulated by gonadotropin. These results demonstrate that the daily cycle is fundamental for oocyte development, and that the tidal cycle is superimposed on this process.  相似文献   

The effect of hydrodynamically-mobilized sediment on abundance and vertical distribution of macrobenthic fauna was studied in Königshafen, a sheltered tidal bay at the northern end of the Island of Sylt (North Sea). Sediment drift tended to increase from high towards low tide level, while abundance of nearly all species decreased (with the polychaeteSpio filicornis as a notable exception). To test whether this decrease could be attributed to water currents affecting sediment stability, experimental flumes with funnels at both ends were set up to enhance sediment mobility by increasing tidal current velocities. Abundance and vertical distribution of fauna inside and outside the flumes were compared. Responses of individual species depended on their vertical position in the sediment, and resembled those observed along the gradient of sediment drift between high and low tide levels. Mainly juveniles ofPygospio elegans, Scoloplos armiger, Hydrobia ulvae andMacoma balthica, and the small polychaeteMicrophthalmus sczelkowii were washed out of the sediment. No effect of increased erosion inside the flume was found on the numbers ofCapitella capitata and the oligochaetesTubificoides benedii andT. pseudogaster. These oligochaetes probably migrated downwards with increasing erosion in the flumes. Numbers decreased in the upper cm and tended to increase below. A storm had a similar effect on oligochaete vertical distribution, while under conditions of permanently high sediment mobility near low tide level, these species were rare or absent. It is concluded that even under sheltered conditions, differential degrees of sediment mobility may have effects on the zonation of the tidal flat macrofauna.  相似文献   

Among the increasing number of species introduced to coastal regions by man, only a few are able to establish themselves and spread in their new environments. We will show that the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) took 17 years before a large population of several million oysters became established on natural mussel beds in the vicinity of an oyster farm near the island of Sylt (northern Wadden Sea, eastern North Sea). The first oyster, which had dispersed as a larva and settled on a mussel bed, was discovered 5 years after oyster farming had commenced. Data on abundance and size-frequency distribution of oysters on intertidal mussel beds around the island indicate that recruitment was patchy and occurred only in 6 out of 18 years. Significant proportions of these cohorts survived for at least 5 years. The population slowly expanded its range from intertidal to subtidal locations as well as from Sylt north- and southwards along the coastline. Abundances of more than 300 oysters m–2 on mussel beds were observed in 2003, only after two consecutive spatfalls in 2001 and 2002. Analyses of mean monthly water temperatures indicate that recruitment coincided with above-average temperatures in July and August when spawning and planktonic dispersal occurs. We conclude that the further invasion of C. gigas in the northern Wadden Sea will depend on high late-summer water temperatures.Communicated by H.D. Franke  相似文献   

Empty habitat in coastal sediments for populations of macrozoobenthos   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Species with wide dispersal are expected to have little empty habitat. This was tested by analysing habitat use in the Wadden Sea near the island of Sylt (North Sea). Sampling covered 222 intertidal sites spread across the K?nigshafen tidal flats (4.5 km2, mapping approach conducted once) and 270 subtidal sites along 12 km of a tidal channel system (stratified random sampling in spring and autumn). For any single species, 'suitable habitat' was extrapolated from the ranges of water depth and sediment composition present at the ten sites with the highest frequency or abundance of the species. On average, macrobenthic species actually used less than half of the suitable sites within the scale of local populations; this was far less than expected from a lognormal distribution. In the subtidal, abundance of most species changed between the two sampling seasons. A 50% increase in overall abundance was accompanied by a decrease in empty habitat of only about 25%. Thus, a doubling of abundances would not fill the empty space but just of half of it. The polychaete Scoloplos armiger was an exception in occupying almost all of its suitable habitat in the intertidal and subtidal sediments. A distinct patch of high species richness occurred where flood waters persistently form a large gyre which may enhance larval settlement. We suggest that limitations to larval settlement and/or juvenile survival primarily cause the extent of the observed habitat emptiness. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The pattern of distribution of intertidal mussel beds is relatively constant over a number of years although their surface area can vary greatly. The abundance of mussels shows much greater fluctuations. In the western part of the Dutch Wadden Sea, west of the Terschelling tidal divide, the amount of mussels on natural beds fluctuated between 1 and 24 million kg fresh weight during the years 1949 to 1988. In the eastern part of the Dutch Wadden Sea the biomass varied between 5.5 and 180 million kg. The influence of the mussels on the ecosystem therefore can be very different between years. When many mussels are present the whole watermass can be filtered every few days. In years with few mussels present the filtering may take one month. It is argued that monitor programmes for a.o. nutrients, chlorophyll and growth rates of benthic organisms are of limited value if there is no indication about the total amount of mussels in the area. Presented at the VI International Wadden Sea Symposium (Biologische Anstalt Helgoland, Wattenmeerstation Sylt, D-2282 List, FRG, 1–4 November 1988)  相似文献   

Temperature dependent growth rates ofPhaeocystis pouchetii (Haptophyceae) were investigated in 5–1 batch cultures. The algae had been isolated from the German Wadden Sea area off Sylt. Microscopic cell counts and fluorescense measurements yielded similar results. The growth ofP. pouchetii reveals a typical optimum curve between 7 °C and 20 °C. Maximal growth rates, 3 divisions per day, were obtained at 15 °C. At 5 °C the algae cultures survived, but multiplication of the cells almost ceased. Results of the culture experiments correspond with observations made onPhaeocystis blooms at the German North Sea coast.  相似文献   

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