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Amino acid transport was studied in primary cultures of parenchymal cells isolated from adult rat liver by a collagenase perfusion technique and maintained as a monolayer in a serum-free culture medium. These cells carried out gluconeogenesis from three carbon precursors (alanine, pyruvate, and lactate) in response to glucagon addition. Amino acid transport was assayed by measuring the uptake of the nonmetabolizable amino acid, alpha-aminoisobutyric acid (AIB). Addition of insulin or glucagon to culture rat liver parenchymal cells resulted in an increased influx of AIB transport. The glucocorticoid, dexamethasone, when added alone to cultures did not affect AIB transport. However, prior or simultaneous addition of dexamethasone to glucagon-treated cells caused a strong potentiation of the glucagon induction of AIB transport. Kinetic analysis of the effects of insulin and glucagon demonstrated that insulin increased the Vmax for transport without changing the Km while glucagon primarily decreased the Km for AIB transport. The effect of dexamethasone was to increase the Vmax of the low Km system.  相似文献   

Parenchymal cells were isolated from adult rat liver with an enzyme perfusion technique. The single-cell suspension, representing 40-50% of the liver's hepatocytes was suspended in medium and maintained in primary culture for up to four days. The cells were found to carry out glycogen synthesis for the first eight hours in culture after which time the accumulated glycogen was gradually degraded. The ability of the liver cell cultures to accumulate glycogen was found to be dependent upon the metabolic state of the animal prior to cell isolation. Cells prepared during the feeding period from animals on the 8+16 feeding schedule had markedly different capacities for glycogen accumulation. Changes in glycogen metabolism were found to be due, in part, to changes in the fraction of cells involved in metabolism at any given time. High concentrations of glucose stimulated the cells to deposit glycogen but the response was reduced the longer the cells were in culture over a 3-day period. This loss of glycogen synthesizing capacity appears to be due to a decrease in glycogen synthetase activity. The activities of pyruvate kinase, hexokinase and aldolase also decrease during the culture period.  相似文献   

Significant levels of collagenase activity have been found in extracts of isolated rat hepatocytes, but not in extracts of rat liver. Hepatocytes prepared by perfusion of liver with 125I-clostridial collagenase and washed repeatedly retained significant amounts of the radiolabeled proteases. During the first 24–48 hours of primary culture of the hepatocytes, the contaminating clostridial collagenase was rapidly inactivated and degraded as judged first, by loss of collagenase activity from both cell extracts and culture medium; and second, by release of 125I into the medium largely in the form of iodinated small peptides.  相似文献   

Parenchymal cells from normal adult rat liver, prepared with high yield (30 × 106 cells/g liver) and viability index (>96%) by a non-perfusion method, were maintained in non-proliferating monolayer culture. Several metabolic functions were investigated for 7 days to evaluate functional integrity of the cultured hepatocytes. Leucine was linearly incorporated into protein for 4.5 h at each day of cultivation and the incorporation rate increased up to 2-fold after 3 days. Urea production was maintained at a rate of 0.5 μmoles/mg protein × h for at least 7 days, and its amount was enhanced 2-fold within 24 h by the addition of 3 mM NH4Cl. Glucose was formed during the first days by the hepatocytes and was then taken up with increasing amount from the surrounding medium. Lactate consumption, on the other hand, was replaced by lactate production after one day of cultivation.Variations in enzyme levels of lactate dehydrogenase, arginase, glutamine synthetase and glucose-6-phosphatase were also studied during the whole culture period. Cell leakage, which was detected only in the case of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), occurred through the 4th day along with a concomitant loss of intracellular LDH activity. After 4 days, however, the enzyme activity returned to the initial level. Arginase was maintained throughout the cultivation period and was stimulated 2- to 3-fold within 24 h by NH4Cl. Glutamine synthetase declined within the first 4 h of cultivation and then remained in the hepatocytes with a transitory rise after 2 days. Its activity was also found to be inversely related to the concentration of glutamine in the culture medium up to 4 mM. Glucose-6-phosphatase gradually decreased during the cultivation period, the enzyme activity, however, was stimulated by glucagon within 24 h.  相似文献   

Summary Cytochrome P-450 dependent hydroxylation of testosterone was measured in 7-day-old cultures of primary rat liver parenchymal cells. Determinations were carried out in monocultures of parenchymal cells and co-cultures of parenchymal cells with rat liver nonparenchymal epithelial cells, or mouse embryo fibroblasts. In the monoculture system, testosterone metabolism was drastically reduced and hardly measurable after 7 days in culture. In the co-culture systems, individual P-450 isoenzymes were stabilized on different levels. P-450sp and presumablyc were well preserved, P-450a was reduced but clearly measurable, P-450h was totally lost whereas P-450sb ande were not measurable after 7 days (the activities of these isoenzymes however were already low in freshly isolated parenchymal cells). The results were independent of the cell line used for co-cultivation and of the method of parenchymal cell isolation, that is whether collagenase or EDTA was used as the agent for dissociating the cells from the liver. The results showed that the co-cultivation of liver parenchymal cells with other nonparenchymal cells significantly improved the differentiated status of the former. In this cell culture system however, not every parameter was equally well stabilized.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of dexamethasone on the isozyme patterns of ATP-hexose phosphotransferases, aldolase and pyruvate kinase of adult rat hepatocytes maintained in primary cultures has been studied.A progressive loss of the typical adult liver isozymes glucokinase, pyruvate kinase L and aldolase B, with a simultaneous increase of both pyruvate kinase A and hexokinase activities, was observed in hepatocytes cultured in the absence of added glucocorticoid.When the culture medium was supplemented with 10–7 M dexamethasone, the adult liver patterns of pyruvate kinase and aldolase were preserved for at least seven days of culture, the initial level of glucokinase was maintained for three days, and the rise of hexokinase activity was delayed and partially blocked.These results are discussed in relation to the known beneficial effect of glucocorticoids on the survival of cultured hepatocytes.  相似文献   

The mechanism of pantothenate transport across the plasma membrane was investigated with initial velocity studies of [14C]pantothenate uptake and efflux in rat liver parenchymal cells maintained in primary culture. At 116 mM sodium, double-reciprocal plots of the initial velocity of uptake versus [pantothenate] were linear from 0.3 to 36.5 microM pantothenate and gave an apparent Km,pant of 11 +/- 2 microM. The rate of pantothenate uptake at 0 [sodium] was about 14% of the rate at 116 mM sodium, and the reciprocal of the apparent Km,pant was a linear function of [sodium]. Vmax obtained by extrapolation to infinite [pantothenate] was independent of [sodium]. Ouabain, gramicidin D, cyanide, azide, and 2,4-dinitrophenol inhibited uptake, but preloading cells with pantothenate did not. Pantothenate derivatives or carboxylic acids were only weak inhibitors of uptake. Efflux was measured in cells preloaded with [14C]pantothenate. The apparent Km for efflux was 85 +/- 29 microM, and the rate of efflux was unaffected by addition of pantothenate, sodium, ouabain, gramicidin D, or 2,4-dinitrophenol to the external medium. These features are consistent with a mechanism for pantothenate transport in which sodium and pantothenate are cotransported in a 1:1 ratio on a carrier highly specific for pantothenate; sodium decreases the apparent Km for pantothenate, and a sodium-carrier complex forms only on the intracellular side of the membrane.  相似文献   

In contrast to suspensions of freshly isolated hepatic parenchymal cells (HPC), short-term monolayer cultures of HPC displayed properties of active transport for the amino acid analog aminoisobutyric acid (AIB). The uptake of AIB was inhibited by KCN and iodoacetate, failed to occur at 4 degrees, and was stimulated by glucagon. The apparent Km for AIB uptake by cultured HPC was approximately 19 mM. Glucagon did not alter the apparent Km but did increase V.  相似文献   

The characteristics of hepatic copper accumulation and metabolism were studied using primary monolayer cultures of adult rat liver parenchymal cells. Accumulation of copper from serum-free medium was temperature dependent and strongly inhibited by cyanide and N-ethylmaleimide. Addition of various concentrations of zinc to the medium did not alter copper accumulation by the cells. Furthermore, it was found that supplementation of the cell cultures with dexamethasone significantly stimulated zinc accumulation without affecting the accumulation of copper. Cycloheximide substantially stimulated accumulation of copper from the culture medium, whereas actinomycin D had no effect. Efflux experiments showed that copper is rapidly sequestered by intracellular components and becomes unavailable for exchange soon after it is transported into the cells. Gel chromatography of liver cytosol demonstrated that most of the cooper that is initially accumulated is bound to the low molecular weight cytoplasmic protein metallothionein.  相似文献   

Degradation of cytochrome P-450 was studied in adult rat liver parenchymal cells in primary monolayer culture. In cells incubated in standard culture medium, the amount of cytochrome P-450 decreased at an accelerated rate relative to either the rate of degradation of total protein in the cells or the turnover of cytochrome P-450 in vivo. This change was succeeded by a spontaneous increase in the activity of haem oxygenase, an enzyme system that converts haem into bilirubin in vitro, measured in extracts from the cultured cells. This finding suggests that the rate of cytochrome P-450 breakdown may be controlled by factor(s) other than the activity of haem oxygenase. The decline in cytochrome P-450 and the subsequent increase in haem oxygenase activity was prevented by incubation of hepatocytes in medium containing an inhibitor of protein synthesis such as cycloheximide, puromycin, actinomycin D, or azaserine. The effect of cycloheximide appeared to be due to decreased breakdown of microsomal (14)C-labelled haem. By contrast, cycloheximide was without effect on the degradation of total protein, measured either in homogenates or in microsomal fractions prepared from the cultured cells. These results suggest that the conditions of cell culture stimulate selective degradation of cytochrome P-450 by a process that is inhibited by cycloheximide and hence may require protein synthesis. The findings in culture were verified in parallel studies of cytochrome P-450 degradation in vivo. After administration of bromobenzene, the degradation of the haem moiety of cytochrome P-450 was accelerated in vivo in a manner resembling that observed in cultured hepatocytes. Administration of cycloheximide to either bromobenzene-treated rats or to untreated rats decreased the degradation of the haem moiety of cytochrome P-450. However, the drug failed to affect degradation of haem not associated with cytochrome P-450, suggesting that cycloheximide is not a general inhibitor of haem oxidation in the liver. These findings confirm that the catabolism of hepatic cytochrome P-450 haem is controlled by similar cycloheximide-sensitive processes in the basal steady state in vivo, as stimulated by bromobenzene in vivo, or in hepatocytes under the conditions of cell culture. We conclude that the rate-limiting step in this process appears to require protein synthesis and precedes cleavage of the haem ring.  相似文献   

Parenchymal cells from adult rat liver, isolated by a collagenase perfusion technique, have been maintained in primary culture and a detailed study on carbohydrate metabolism carried out over the initial 48-hour culture period. The glucose concentration of the medium exerts a major influence on glycogen accumulation by the cells. Insulin, particularly at high glucose concentrations, stimulates glycogen biosynthesis, whereas glucagon prevents glycogen accumulation. Dexamethasone was without effect on glycogen metabolism. Glucose appears to stimulate glycogen accumulation by activation of glycogen synthetase enzyme. However, there is a gradual loss of synthetase activity throughout the culture period. Similar decreases in activity were noted for pyruvate kinase, aldolase and hexokinase. Glucose, insulin and dexamethasone were unable to prevent these decreases in enzyme activity. Foetal bovine serum contains fructose and this hexose appears to be the factor in serum which is responsible for the activation of glycogen accumulation in the presence of physiological glucose concentrations. The lactic acid content of the serum may also stimulate glycogen accumulation. In general, there is a gradual loss of the pattern of carbohydrate metabolism typical of differentiated hepatocytes during the culture period.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of transcobalamin II was investigated in primary cultures of adult rat liver parenchymal cells maintained in serum-free media. The data indicate that these hepatocytes secrete a vitamin B12-binding substance into the culture medium which is identical to rat serum transcobalamin II as judged by the following criteria: (i) gel filtration on columns of Sephadex G-200; (ii) ion-exchange chromatography on columns of diethyl aminoethyl cellulose and carboxymethyl cellulose; (iii) polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis at pH 9.5; and (iv) the ability to facilitate cellular vitamin B12 uptake by HeLa cells and mouse L-929 fibroblasts in culture. The secretion of transcobalamin II by the liver parenchymal cells was blocked by cycloheximide, puromycin, and p-fluorophenylalanine. The inhibition by cycloheximide, but not that of the other inhibitors, was partially reversed upon removal of the drug. The liver parenchymal cells incorporated radioactive amino acids into transcobalamin II which was absorbed from the growth medium using affinity chromatography on Sepharose containing covalently linked B12. Collectively, these data indicate that rat liver parenchymal cells, in culture, are capable of the biosynthesis de novo of transcobalamin II and the subsequent secretion of this protein into the culture media.  相似文献   

Amino acid starvation causes an adaptive increase in the initial rate of transport of selected neutral amino acids in an established line of rat hepatoma cells in tissue culture. After a lag of 30 min, the initial rate of transport of alpha-aminoisobutyric acid (AIB) increases to a maximum after 4 to 6 h starvation of 2 to 3 times that seen in control cells. The increased rate of transport is accompanied by an increase in the Vmax and a modest decrease in the Km for this transport system, and is reversed by readdition of amino acids. The enhancement is specific for amino acids transported by the A or alanine-preferring system (AIB, glycine, proline); uptake of amino acids transported by the L or leucine-preferring system (threonine, phenylalanine, tyrosine, leucine) or the Ly+ system for dibasci amino acids (lysine) is decreased under these conditions. Amino acids which compete with AIB for transport also prevent the starvation-induced increase in AIB transport; amino acids which do not compete fail to prevent the enhancement. Paradoxically threonine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, and tyrosine, which do not compete with AIB for transport, block the enhancement of transport upon amino acid starvation. The starvation-induced enhancement of amino acid transport does not appear to be the result of a release from transinhibition. After 30 min of amino acid starvation, AIB transport is either unchanged or slightly decreased even though amino acid pools are already depleted. Furthermore, loading cells with high concentrations of a single amino acid following a period of amino acid starvation fails to prevent the enhancement of AIB transport, whereas incubation of the cells with the single amino acid for the entire duration of amino acid starvation prevents the enhancement; intracellular amino acid pools are similar under both conditions. The enhancement of amino acid transport requires concomitant RNA and protein synthesis, consistent with the view that the adaptive increase reflects an increased amount of a rate-limiting protein involved in the transport process. Dexamethasone, which dramatically inhibits AIB transport in cells incubated in amino acid-containing medium, both blocks the starvation-induced increase in AIB transport, and causes a time-dependent decrease in transport velocity in cells whose transport has previously been enhanced by starvation.  相似文献   

Adult rat liver parenchymal cells were isolated by the collagenase perfusion technique and cultured as a monolayer for up to 20 h. The quantity of zinc accumulated from the extracellular environment was significantly increased by adding physiological concentrations of certain glucocorticoids to the medium. The degree of stimulation was directly related to glucocorticosteroids potency. Sex steroids, certain peptide hormones and prostaglandins E2 and F2α did not influence zinc accumulation.Control cells exhibited a decline of zinc accumulation after 4 h in culture although uptake processes were still operative. When dexamethasone, the most potent glucocorticoid used, was present in the medium the cells accumulated zinc at a linear rate greater than that seen in control cells, for at least 20 h. The dexamethasone-induced stimulation of zinc accumulation was relatively specific since 45Ca, 14C-labelled amino acids and [35S]cystine accumulation was not influenced by the hormone. A lag of 4 h was observed before an effect of dexamethasone on zinc accumulation could be detected. Moreover, the hormone-stimulated phase of accumulation was blocked when the cells were simultaneously incubated with either actinomycin D or cycloheximide. The additional complement of zinc accumulated by the dexamethasone-treated cells was localized in the cytosol fraction. Gel filtration and ion-exchange chromatorgraphy confirmed that this additional cytosol zinc was bound to metallothionein. [35S]Cystine was incorporated into metallothionein in hormone-treated cells indicating that the protein was synthesized de novo during periods of enhanced zinc accumulation.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane vesicles were prepared from isolated rat liver parenchymal cells. The transport of several amino acids was studied and found to be identical to that in membrane vesicles from whole liver tissue.  相似文献   

Adult rat liver parenchymal cells in primary culture exhibit specific saturable binding of 125I-labeled murine epidermal growth factor (EGF). The Scatchard plot of the binding data obtained at 36 °C was curvilinear yielding two apparent dissociation constants of 1.5 × 10?10m and 1.2 × 10?9m with 27,000 and 57,000 sites per cell, respectively. The binding data obtained at 2 °C yielded a linear Scatchard plot with an apparent dissociation constant of 4.4 × 10?9m and 78,000 sites per cell. Exposure of the hepatocytes to EGF at 36 °C resulted in a loss of EGF binding capacity due to down regulation of receptors. The cells recovered the capacity to bind EGF upon incubation in medium which did not contain EGF; this recovery was inhibited by cycloheximide. The cultures appeared to internalize and degrade bound EGF at 36 °C but not at 2 °C. The degradation of EGF was inhibited by chloroquine, an inhibitor of lysosomal enzymes. These data indicate that liver specifically binds and further processes EGF, and therefore, may be a physiological target tissue for this growth factor.  相似文献   

The characterization of cytochalasin B binding and the resulting effect on hexose transport in rat liver parenchymal cells in primary culture were studied. The cells were isolated from adult rats by perfusing the liver in situ with collagenase and separating the hepatocytes from the other cell types by differential centrifugation. The cells were established in primary culture on collagen-coated dishes. The binding of [4-3H]cytochalasin B and transport of 3-O-methyl-D-[14C]glucose into cells were investigated in monolayer culture followed by digestion of cells and scintillation counting of radioactivity. The binding of cytochalasin B to cells was rapid and reversible with association and dissociation being essentially complete within 2 min. Analysis of the kinetics of cytochalasin B binding by Scatchard plots revealed that binding was biphasic, with the parenchymal cell being extremely rich in high-affinity binding sites. The high-affinity site, thought to be the glucose-transport carrier, exhibited a KD of 2.86 · 10?7 M, while the low-affinity site had a KD of 1.13 · 10?5M. Sugar transport was monitored by 3-O-methyl-D-glucose uptake and it was found that cytochalasin B (10?5M) drastically inhibited transport. However, D-glucose (10?5M) did not displace cytochalasin B, and cytochalasin E, which does not inhibit transport, was competitive for cytochalasin B at only the low-affinity site, demonstrating that the cytochalasin B inhibition of sugar transport occurs at the high-affinity site but that the inhibition is non-competitive in nature. Therefore, the liver parenchymal cells may represent an unusually rich source of glucose-transport system which may be useful in the isolation of this important membrane carrier.  相似文献   

The effect of the glucocorticoids, insulin, and glucose concentration on glycogen deposition in adult rat liver parenchymal cells maintained in a chemically defined, serum-free medium has been studied. Increasing the medium concentration of glucose from 5.6 mM to 30.6mM in the absence of hormones increased cellular glycogen content from 6.5 to 51 μg of glycogen per mg of cell protein. Treatment of the cells with insulin increased the glycogen content by 15 to 30% at medium glucose concentrations above 10.6 mM. The addition of the synthetic glucocorticoid, dexamethasone, to the culture medium resulted in 40 to 105% increases in glycogen content at glucose concentrations greater than 5.6 mM. The addition of dexamethasone and insulin together in the culture medium resulted in an increase in glycogen content that was greater than the additive effect of each hormone alone. This established that glucose concentrations above 10.6 mM stimulate glycogen deposition in the absence of any hormonal stimulus. In addition, glucocorticoids directly stimulate glycogen deposition at glucose concentrations which are greater than physiological (5.6 mM).  相似文献   

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