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Anthracnose, one of the most important diseases of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), is caused by the fungus Colletotrichum lindemuthianum. A "candidate gene" approach was used to map anthracnose resistance quantitative trait loci (QTL). Candidate genes included genes for both pathogen recognition (resistance genes and resistance gene analogs [RGAs]) and general plant defense (defense response genes). Two strains of C. lindemuthianum, identified in a world collection of 177 strains, displayed a reproducible and differential aggressiveness toward BAT93 and JaloEEP558, two parental lines of P. vulgaris representing the two major gene pools of this crop. A reliable test was developed to score partial resistance in aerial organs of the plant (stem, leaf, petiole) under controlled growth chamber conditions. BAT93 was more resistant than JaloEEP558 regardless of the organ or strain tested. With a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population derived from a cross between these two parental lines, 10 QTL were located on a genetic map harboring 143 markers, including known defense response genes, anthracnose-specific resistance genes, and RGAs. Eight of the QTL displayed isolate specificity. Two were co-localized with known defense genes (phenylalanine ammonia-lyase and hydroxyproline-rich glycoprotein) and three with anthracnose-specific resistance genes and/or RGAs. Interestingly, two QTL, with different allelic contribution, mapped on linkage group B4 in a 5.0 cM interval containing Andean and Mesoamerican specific resistance genes against C. lindemuthianum and 11 polymorphic fragments revealed with a RGA probe. The possible relationship between genes underlying specific and partial resistance is discussed.  相似文献   

The fungal pathogen Colletotrichum lindemuthianum secretes an endo-chitin de-N-acetylase (ClCDA) to modify exposed hyphal chitin during penetration and infection of plants. Although a significant amount of biochemical data is available on fungal chitin de-N-acetylases, no structural data exist. Here we describe the 1.8 A crystal structure of a ClCDA product complex and the analysis of the reaction mechanism using Hammett linear free energy relationships, subsite probing, and atomic absorption spectroscopy studies. The structural data in combination with biochemical data reveal that ClCDA consists of a single domain encompassing a mononuclear metalloenzyme which employs a conserved His-His-Asp zinc-binding triad closely associated with the conserved catalytic base (aspartic acid) and acid (histidine) to carry out acid/base catalysis. The data presented here indicate that ClCDA possesses a highly conserved substrate-binding groove, with subtle alterations that influence substrate specificity and subsite affinity. Strikingly, the structure also shows that the hexahistidine purification tag appears to form a tight interaction with the active site groove. The enzyme requires occupancy of at least the 0 and +1 subsites by (GlcNAc)(2) for activity and proceeds through a tetrahedral oxyanion intermediate.  相似文献   

Adhesion of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum spores to Phaseolus vulgaris hypocotyls and to polystyrene was inhibited by the respiratory inhibitors sodium azide and antimycin A, indicating a requirement for metabolic activity in adhesion. Various commercial proteins and Tween 80 also reduced adhesion to both surfaces. Binding was enhanced by the presence of salts: sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium chlorides were equally effective. The removal of surface wax from hypocotyls by chloroform treatment greatly reduced their subsequent ability to bind spores. The results suggest a similar mechanism for spore adhesion to the plant surface and to polystyrene, involving purely physical surface properties rather than group-specific binding sites.  相似文献   

Conservation of the molecular mechanisms controlling appressorium-mediated penetration during evolution was assessed through a functional study of the ClPLS1 gene from Colletotrichum lindemuthianum orthologous to the MgPLS1 from Magnaporthe grisea, involved in penetration peg development. These two plant-pathogenic Pyrenomycetes differentiate appressoria to penetrate into plant tissues. We showed that ClPLS1 is a functional homologue of MgPLS1 in M. grisea. Loss of ClPLS1 function had no effect on vegetative growth, conidiation or on appressorium differentiation and maturation. However, Clpls1::hph mutants are non-pathogenic on either intact or wounded bean leaves, as a result of a defect in the formation and/or positioning of the penetration pore and consequently in the formation of the penetration peg. These observations suggest that the fungal tetraspanins control a conserved appressorial function that could be required for the correct localization of the site where the penetration peg emerges.  相似文献   

Following inoculation of pods of several cultivars of French bean (Red Kidney Selections W 243, 244, 245), with Colletotrichum lindemuthianum (Sacc. & Magn.) Bri. and Cav. ANZ races 1 and 2, phaseollin, phaseollidin and 6-α-hydroxyphaseollin were estimated in infection-droplets and tissue extracts by u.v. spectrophotometry and HPLC. The examples represented both compatible and incompatible cultivar-race interactions and confirmed a positive correlation between degree of incompatibility andphaseollin concentration or content. The data supported the concept that a phytoalexin index may be of value in selecting for disease resistance or studying the quantitative inheritance of phaseollin in studies of anthracnose resistance in French beans.Concentrations of phaseollidin and 6-α-hydroxyphaseollin were low and were not correlated with degree of compatibility of cultivar-race interactions. The evidence did not support the putative role of 6-α-hydroxyphaseollin as an in planta degra, dative phaseollin metabolite associated with French bean –C. lindemuthianum compatible interactions.  相似文献   

The heterokaryotic and vegetative diploid phases of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum are described using nutritional and biochemical markers. Nitrate non-utilizing mutants (nit), derived from R2047, R89, R73, R65, and R23 isolates, were paired in all possible combinations to obtain heterokaryons. Although pairings R2047/R89, R2047/R73, R65/R73, and R73/R23 showed complete vegetative incompatibility, prototrophic heterokaryons were obtained from pairings R2047/R65, R2047/R23, R65/R89, R65/R23, R73/R89, R89/R23, R2047/R2047, R65/R65, R89/R89, R73/R73, and R23/R23. Heterokaryons gave rise to spontaneous mitotic segregants which carried markers corresponding to one or the other of the parental strains. Heterokaryons spontaneously produced prototrophic fast-growing sectors too, characterized as diploid segregants. Diploids would be expected to yield auxotrophic segregants following haploidization in basal medium or in the presence of benomyl. Parental haploid segregants were in fact recovered from diploid colonies growing in basal medium and basal medium containing the haploidizing agent. Although barriers to the formation of heterokaryons in some crosses were detected, the results demonstrate the occurrence of parasexuality among vegetative compatible mutants of C. lindemuthianum.  相似文献   

Eightyfive isolates of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum (bean anthracnose) collected from different kidney bean growing areas of a hilly state (Himachal Pradesh) of India, were characterized on the basis of their reaction types on International and CIAT differentials. On international differentials, 12 races viz., Alpha-Brazil, Beta, Gamma and Ind I to Ind IX were characterized. The races designated as Ind I to Ind IX were different from those identified in Europe and USA, thus forming a new race group from the Indian subcontinent. On the CIAT differential set the 85 isolates have been grouped into 19 races. Of these, only races 65 and 73 resembled the North American races. Exotic accessions AB 136 and G 2333 were resistant to all the Indian races. However, race specific resistance has been found in a number of indigenous and exotic genotypes of Phaseolus vulgaris.  相似文献   

Histochemical methods showed that epidermal cells of Phaseolusvulgaris (cv. Kievit) contained lysosomelike particles richin ß-glyceTophosphatase. The behaviour of these organellesduring infection by different physiological races of Colletotrichumlindemuthianum has been examined. Host cell death during theresistant (hypersensitive) response of the bean to infectionby incompatible races ß and occurred during the secondand third days after inoculation. Cell death appeared to becoincident with the release of ß-glycerophosphataseinto the cytoplasm and a reduction in size and number of stainingparticles. Invading incompatible hyphae were restricted to singlenecrotic cells. In contrast, for 4 days, infection by the compatiblerace caused little alteration in particulate staining whileconsiderable fungal colonization took place. Subsequent observationsrevealed a decrease in the number of enzyme-rich particles whichwas not associated with the appearance of diffuse staining evenafter cell necrosis. It is suggested that the release of ß-glycerophosphataseand possibly other hydrolases from the lysosome-like particlesof the host caused hypersensitive cell death, and that necrosiswas not controlled by the plant in this way during the susceptibleresponse.  相似文献   

R J Rodriguez  O C Yoder 《Gene》1987,54(1):73-81
Glomerella cingulata f. sp. phaseoli (Gcp) was transformed using either of two selectable markers: the amdS + gene of Aspergillus nidulans, which encodes acetamidase and permits growth on acetamide as the sole nitrogen source and the hygBR gene of Escherichia coli which encodes hygromycin B (Hy) phosphotransferase and permits growth in the presence of the antibiotic Hy. The amdS+ gene functioned in Gcp under control of A. nidulans regulatory signals and hygBR was expressed after fusion to a promoter from Cochliobolus heterostrophus, another filamentous ascomycete. Protoplasts to be transformed were generated with the digestive enzyme complex Novozym 234 and then were exposed to plasmid DNA in the presence of 10 mM CaCl2 and polyethylene glycol. Transformation occurred by integration of single or multiple copies of either the amdS+ or hygBR plasmid into the fungal genome. There was no evidence of autonomous plasmid replication. Transformants were mitotically stable on selective and nonselective media. However, transforming DNA in hygBR transformants was observed to occasionally rearrange during nonselective growth, resulting in fewer copies of the plasmid per genome. These transformants were capable of infecting bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), the Gcp host plant, and after recovery from infected tissue were found to have retained both the transforming DNA unrearranged in their genomes and the Hy resistance phenotype. All single-conidial cultures derived from both amdS+ and hygBR transformants had the transplanted phenotype, suggesting that transformants were homokaryons.  相似文献   

A screen for insertional mutants of Colletrichum lindemuthianum, the causative agent of common bean anthracnose, led to the identification of a non-pathogenic, lightly colored transformant. This mutant is unable to induce disease symptoms on intact or wounded primary leaves of seedlings and plantlets of Phaseolus vulgaris. In vitro, it exhibits normal vegetative growth, sporulation and conidial germination, but the cultures remain beige instead of becoming black. Microscopic examination revealed that this mutant forms fewer appressoria than the wild-type strain, and these are misshapen and poorly melanized. Molecular analyses indicated that the mutagenic plasmid had targeted clap1, a gene encoding a putative copper-transporting ATPase sharing 35% identity with the human Menkes and Wilson proteins and the product of the CCC2 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Complementation of the non-pathogenic beige mutant with a wild-type allele of clap1 restored both pathogenicity and pigmentation. Conversely, replacement of the wild-type allele with a disrupted clap1 gene gave rise to non-pathogenic beige transformants. Compared with the wild-type strain, extracts from clap1 mutants were found to have very low levels of phenol oxidase activity. These observations suggest that the clap1 gene product may be involved in the pathogenicity of C. lindemuthianum strains because of its role in delivering copper to secreted cuproenzymes, such as the phenol oxidases that mediate the polymerization of 1,8-dihydroxynaphthalene to melanin.  相似文献   

Fusion of conidia and conidial germlings by means of conidial anastomosis tubes (CATs) is a common phenomenon in filamentous fungi, including many plant pathogens. It has a number of different roles, and has been speculated to facilitate parasexual recombination and horizontal gene transfer between species. The bean pathogen Colletotrichum lindemuthianum naturally undergoes CAT fusion on the host surface and within asexual fruiting bodies in anthracnose lesions on its host. It has not been previously possible to analyze the whole process of CAT fusion in this or any other pathogen using live-cell imaging techniques. Here we report the development of a robust protocol for doing this with C. lindemuthianum in vitro. The percentage of conidial germination and CAT fusion was found to be dependent on culture age, media and the fungal strain used. Increased CAT fusion was correlated with reduced germ tube formation. We show time-lapse imaging of the whole process of CAT fusion in C. lindemuthianum for the first time and monitored nuclear migration through fused CATs using nuclei labelled with GFP. CAT fusion in this pathogen was found to exhibit significant differences to that in the model system Neurospora crassa. In contrast to N. crassa, CAT fusion in C. lindemuthianum is inhibited by nutrients (it only occurs in water) and the process takes considerably longer.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to screen Phaseolus vulgaris L. germplasm accessions for anthracnose resistance genes to the fungus Colletotrichum lindemuthianum. (Sacc. and Magn.) Scrib. This fungus is made up of many pathogenic races which poses a challenge in developing resistant plant varieties; however, screening for and selection of resistant plant sources plays an important role in developing resistant plant lines. This screening work involved examining 69 accessions consisting of two resistant lines (D-line, L-line) and two susceptible varieties (Kanchana and Jwala). Fourteen SCAR primers specific to anthracnose disease resistance in the French bean were used. Of these 14 SCAR primers, 5 of them, SAS13, SF10, SC08, SZ04 and SBB14, produced amplification with good monomorphic bands.  相似文献   

Zhao H  Charnley AK  Wang Z  Yin Y  Li Z  Li Y  Cao Y  Peng G  Xia Y 《Journal of biochemistry》2006,140(3):319-327
Trehalose is the main sugar in the haemolymph of insects and is a key nutrient source for an insect pathogenic fungus. Secretion of trehalose-hydrolysing enzymes may be a prerequisite for successful exploitation of this resource by the pathogen. An acid trehalase [EC] was purified to homogeneity from a culture of a locust-specific pathogen, Metarhizium anisopliae, and its properties were characterized. The gene (ATM1) of this acid trehalase was also isolated. The pure enzyme can efficiently hydrolyze haemolymph trehalose into glucose in vitro. The new acid trehalase appearing in the haemolymph of Locusta migratoria infected with M. anisopliae had the same pI and substrate specificity as the purified fungal acid trehalase, and the concentration of trehalose in the haemolymph decreased sharply after infection. RT-PCR also revealed the ATM1 gene's expression in the haemolymph of the infected insects. Our results indicated that the acid trehalase may serve as an "energy scavenger" and deplete blood trehalose during fungal pathogenesis.  相似文献   

1.  Plants are simultaneously attacked by multiple herbivores and pathogens. While some plant defences act synergistically, others trade-off against each other. Such trade-offs among resistances to herbivores and pathogens are usually explained by the costs of resistance, i.e. resource limitations compromising a plant's overall defence.
2.  Here, we demonstrate that trade-offs can also result from direct negative interactions among defensive traits. We studied cyanogenesis (release of HCN) of lima bean (Fabaceae: Phaseolus lunatus ) and effects of this efficient anti-herbivore defence on resistance to a fungal pathogen (Melanconiaceae: Colletotrichum gloeosporioides ).
3.  Leaf tissue destruction by fungal growth was significantly higher on high cyanogenic (HC) lima bean accessions than on low cyanogenic (LC) plants. The susceptibility of HC accessions to the fungal pathogen was strongly correlated to reduced activity of resistance-associated polyphenol oxidases (PPOs) in leaves of these plants. LC accessions, in contrast, showed high PPO activity, which was correlated with distinct resistance to C. gloeosporioides .
4.  Experimentally applied, gaseous HCN reduced PPO activity and significantly increased the size of lesions caused by C. gloeosporioides in LC leaves.
5.  Field observations of a wild lima bean population in Mexico revealed a higher infection rate of HC compared to LC plant individuals. The types of lesions observed on the different cyanogenic plants in nature were similar to those observed on HC and LC plants in the laboratory.
6.   Synthesis. We suggest that cyanogenesis of lima bean directly trades off with plant defence against fungal pathogens and that the causal mechanism is the inhibition of PPOs by HCN. Our findings provide a functional explanation for the observed phenomenon of the low resistance of HC lima beans in nature.  相似文献   

Phaseolin, the major seed storage protein of Phaseolus vulgaris L., is degraded in the cotyledons in the first 7–10 d following seed germination. We assayed cotyledon extracts for protease activity by using [3H]phaseolin as a substrate and then fractionated the digestion mixtures by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in order to identify the cleavage products. The cotyledons of 4-d-old seedlings contain an endopeptidase which cleaves the polypeptides of [3H]phaseolin (apparent molecular weights=51 000, 48 000, 46 000 and 43 000) into three discrete clusters of proteolytic fragments (M rs=27 000, 25 000 and 23 000). Endopeptidase activity is not detected in the cotyledons until the protein content of these organs starts to decline, shortly after the first day of seedling growth. Endopeptidase activity increases to a maximum level in the cotyledons of 5-d-old seedlings and then declines to a minimum value by day 10. The enzyme was purified 335-fold by ammonium-sulfate precipitation, organomercurial-agarose chromatography, gel filtration and ion-exchange chromatography. The endopeptidase constitutes 0.3% of the protein content in the cotyledons of 4-d-old seedlings. It is a cysteine protease with a single polypeptide chain (M r=30 000). Optimum hydrolysis of [3H]phaseolin occurs at pH 5. The enzyme is irreversibly inactivated at pH values above 7 and at temperatures above 45° C. The endopeptidase attacks only a limited number of peptide bonds in [3H]phaseolin, without causing any appreciable change in the native molecular weight of the storage protein. The endopeptidase is also able to hydrolyze the bean-seed lectin, phytohemagglutinin. Thus, this enzyme may play a general role in degrading cotyledon proteins of P. vulgaris following seed germination.Abbreviations Da dalton - DTT dithiothreitol - M r apparent molecular weight - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - PHA phytohemagglutinin - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate  相似文献   


Key message

The Co - x anthracnose R gene of common bean was fine-mapped into a 58 kb region at one end of chromosome 1, where no canonical NB-LRR-encoding genes are present in G19833 genome sequence.


Anthracnose, caused by the phytopathogenic fungus Colletotrichum lindemuthianum, is one of the most damaging diseases of common bean, Phaseolus vulgaris. Various resistance (R) genes, named Co-, conferring race-specific resistance to different strains of C. lindemuthianum have been identified. The Andean cultivar JaloEEP558 was reported to carry Co-x on chromosome 1, conferring resistance to the highly virulent strain 100. To fine map Co-x, 181 recombinant inbred lines derived from the cross between JaloEEP558 and BAT93 were genotyped with polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based markers developed using the genome sequence of the Andean genotype G19833. Analysis of RILs carrying key recombination events positioned Co-x at one end of chromosome 1 to a 58 kb region of the G19833 genome sequence. Annotation of this target region revealed eight genes: three phosphoinositide-specific phospholipases C (PI-PLC), one zinc finger protein and four kinases, suggesting that Co-x is not a classical nucleotide-binding leucine-rich encoding gene. In addition, we identified and characterized the seven members of common bean PI-PLC gene family distributed into two clusters located at the ends of chromosomes 1 and 8. Co-x is not a member of Co-1 allelic series since these two genes are separated by at least 190 kb. Comparative analysis between soybean and common bean revealed that the Co-x syntenic region, located at one end of Glycine max chromosome 18, carries Rhg1, a major QTL contributing to soybean cyst nematode resistance. The PCR-based markers generated in this study should be useful in marker-assisted selection for pyramiding Co-x with other R genes.  相似文献   

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