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Summary Morphological observations on the reversion of homokaryotic protoplasts obtained from dikaryotic mycelium ofSchizophyllum commune reveal that part of the morphogenetic processes operative in clamp formation are transiently expressed in the absence of heterokaryotic conditions. Often the homokaryotic revertants start off to produce simple septa and then 21form pseudoclamps for some time before they revert permanently to the normal monokaryotic morphology with simple septa. Heterokaryotic revertants often form pseudoclamps before reverting to the normal dikaryotic morphology with true clamps.  相似文献   

Summary In hyphae of the basidiomyceteSchizophyllum commune Fr. mitosis occurs through a longitudinal division of a strand of chromatin, which is followed by a parallel separation of the daughter strands.  相似文献   

《Experimental mycology》1986,10(4):294-300
Proteolytic activity produced bySchizophyllum commune homokaryons was derepressed upon starvation of plate-grown cultures for nitrogen. Decreasing thel-asparagine concentration in the growth medium resulted in slower growth (as total protein), alteration of colonial morphology, and an increase in mycelial and extracellular protease specific activity against hide-powder azure. In comparisons between colonies grown on minimal medium (1 g/literl-Asn), 0.1 ×l-Asn, 0.01 ×l-Asn, and Nol-Asn medium, mycelial proteolytic specific activity increased 2- to 8-fold. Mycelial specific activity also generally increased as the colonies aged. In addition, substantial increases, up to 100-fold, in extracellular protease specific activity occurred under conditions of nitrogen deprivation. This derepression could result in increased mycelial protein turnover and, potentially, proteolysis of extracellular substrates.  相似文献   

Summary Newly synthesized chitin at the hyphal apex ofSchizophyllum commune was shown to be highly susceptible to chitinase degradation and solubilization by dilute mineral acid. With time this chitin became gradually more resistant to these treatments. With a combination of the shadow-cast technique and electron microscopic autoradiography it could be shown that this process occurred as the newly synthesized chitin moved into subapical parts of growing hyphae but also in non-growing apices which had ceased growth after incorporation of theN-acetyl[6-3H]glucosamine. These results are in agreement with a model which explains apical morphogenesis by assuming that the newly synthesized wall material at the apex is plastic due to the presence of individual polymer chains but becomes rigidified because of subsequent physical and chemical changes involving these polymers.Dedicated to Dr. A.Quispel, Professor of Botany at the University of Leiden, on occasion of his retirement.  相似文献   

Summary Ultrastructural study of a dikaryon of the basidiomyceteSchizophyllum commune showed that treatment with griseofulvin affected the site of the dividing nuclei and the location and structure of the septa. The microtubules were considered to be the primary target of griseofulvin, since they participate in nuclear division and movement in the hyphae, and their assembly is known to be in other organisms than fungi inhibited by griseofulvin. It is pointed out that dikaryotic hyphae with two nuclei and a clamp connection per cell are more sensitive indicators of the effect of griseofulvin than homokaryotic hyphae, whose structure is less complex.  相似文献   

The behaviour of nuclei during the growth and differentiation of basidiocarp primordia of Armillariella mellea (Vahl) Karst. is described. The primordial initials which arose from monokaryotic rhizomorphs were also monokaryotic. In older primordia, at the site of initiation of gill folds, multinucleate cells formed at the tips of monokaryotic hyphae and gave rise to the dikaryotic hyphae bearing clamp connections. These formed the gills of the older primordia. Cytological studies suggested that the nuclei in monokaryotic cells were diploid. In young basidial primordia haploidization occurred in the cells which were to become multinucleate prior to giving rise to dikaryotic hyphae of the gills. In mature basidia after nuclear fusion and meiosis had occurred, each of the four haploid daughter nucleic migrated into a basidiospore and then divided mitotically. One of the mitotic daughter nucleic migrated from each spore back into the basidium so that mature spores were uninucleate.Abbreviations M.T.O.C. microtubule organizing centre  相似文献   

Summary During the intercellular nuclear migration of the basidiomycete Schizophyllum commune cytoplasmic microtubules were frequently observed scattered in the hyphae around interphase nuclei and connected with a semiglobular structure at the poles of mitotic and postmitotic nuclei. Thus it seems possible that microtubules, which have been demonstrated to participate in the intracellular nuclear movements in the dikaryotic hyphae of the basidiomycetes, are also involved in the intercellular nuclear movements of these fungi. During hyphal fusion microtubules close to an interphase nucleus were connected with electron-dense structures. It is suggested that these structures are centers for the assembly of microtubules necessary for nuclear movements not associated with nuclear divisions.Abbreviations KCE kinetochore equivalent - ch chromatin - cw cross wall of septum - ge semiglobular end of KCE - gm grey material - m mitochondrion - mp middle plate of KCE - mt microtubules - n nucleus - ne nuclear envelope - nu nucleolus - s electron-dense structure connected with microtubules  相似文献   

《Experimental mycology》1991,15(4):326-335
Several properties of transformation in the basidiomycete,Schizophyllum commune, were examined. The transformation efficiency of protoplasts made from germinating basidiospores is dependent upon the length of time that the spores are incubated under conditions that promote germination. Protoplasts prepared from ungerminated spores transform at least 10 times more efficiently than protoplasts prepared from germlings (25 μm in length) or from mycelium. Transformation frequencies of 1000 transformants/μg of control plasmid DNA and 107 protoplasts are sufficient for obtaining transformants with 2 × 107 protoplasts and 10 μg of bank DNA from a genomic plasmid library. The probability of cotransforming with two plasmids is dependent on the DNA concentrations of each; concentrations can be adjusted to yield nearly 100% cotrasformants. The presence of a nonselected plasmid in the reaction mix improves the transformation frequency of a selected marker carried on another plasmid; this is not true if linear fragments ofSchizophyllum genomic DNA are used as the nonselected DNA. Transformation of aSchizophyllum protoplast does not require its fusion to another protoplast.  相似文献   

P. Kieft 《Genetica》1967,38(1):32-42
The Kniep stock subcultured for more than 45 years in the Centraal Bureau voor Schimmelcultures at Baarn, Netherlands, contains a burden of morphological and biochemical mutations. It is said to have been originally a monokaryon; something has obviously happened to it: either it has been mislabeled, or it has become contaminated during its long period of subculturing.Our results obtained from outcrossing, indicate that the Kniep stock is a dikaryon. Even mycelia derived from single spores behave as dikaryons and heterokaryons. An explanation of the abnormal behaviour of monosporous mycelia isolated from the Kniep stock is given in terms of impaired distribution of the nuclei from the basidia to the basidiospores, resulting in mono-, di-, and heterokaryotic basidiospores.  相似文献   

Cloning of the Cdc42 gene from Schizophyllum commune enabled investigation of the role of ScCdc42 in the regulation of vegetative growth and sexual reproduction in this fungus, which has a well-characterized hyphal cell structure, cytoskeleton, and mating system. Ectopic expression of the constitutively active Sccdc42(G12V) or Sccdc42(Q61L) alleles from native or inducible ScCel1 promoters in haploid hyphae had dramatic effects on hyphal morphology, cytoskeletal structure, and Cdc42 localization. For transformants with constitutively active Sccdc42, polar tip growth of apical cells in the leading hyphae was normal but polar tip growth in side branches was altered, implying different regulation of polarity establishment in the two groups of apical cells. Branch emergence at exceptional sites and isotropic growth of cells near the septum indicated that ScCdc42 regulates branch site selection and subsequent hyphal development. Poor dikaryotization along with irregular clamp connections in mates expressing Sccdc42(G12V) or Sccdc42(Q61L) suggested that Cdc42 also contributes to efficient mating in S. commune.  相似文献   

We investigated the roles of microfilaments and microtubules in the localization and tyrosine phosphorylation of paxillin, a focal adhesion-associated signaling molecule, in bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAECs). Paxillin tyrosine phosphorylation is inhibited by cytochalasin D (CD), but slightly increased by colchicine and paclitaxol (taxol). CD also caused an overall disassembly of paxillin-containing focal adhesions (paxillin-FAs) and translocation of paxillin to the cytoplasm and perinuclear region with a diffuse distribution. Meanwhile, colchicine and taxol caused a disassembly of paxillin-FAs from cell periphery and lamellipodia, and their assembly in cell center. These results indicate that actin filaments are important in paxillin assembly in the FAs of the whole ECs and that microtubules are critical in paxillin assembly in cell periphery and lamellipodia; thus the microfilaments and microtubules play differential roles in the dynamics of paxillin assembly/disassembly. Our findings also suggest that tyrosine phosphorylation is an important element in paxillin dynamics at FAs.  相似文献   

Li JY  Wu CF 《Cell research》2003,13(4):219-227
The origin of cytoskeleton and the origin of relevant intracelluar transportation system are big problemsfor understanding the emergence of eukaryotic cells. The present article snmmarized relevant information of evidences and molecular traces on the origin of actin, tubulin, the chaperonin system for folding them,myosins, kinesins, axonemal dyneins and cytoplasmic dyneins. On this basis the authors proposed a seriesof works, which should be done in the future, and indicated the ways for reaching the targets.These targets are mainly: 1) the reconstruction of evolutionary path from MreB protein of archaeal ancestor ofeukaryotic cells to typical actin; 2) the finding of the MreB or MreB-related proteins in crenarchaea andusing them to examine J. A. Lake‘‘s hypothesis on the origin of eukaryote from “eocytes“ (crenarchaea);3) the examinations of the existence and distribution of cytoskeleton made of MreB-related protein withincoccoid archaea, especially in amoeboid archaeon Thermoplasm acidophilnm; 4) using Thermoplasma asa model of archaeal ancestor of eukaryotic cells; 5) the searching for the homolog of ancestral dynein inpresent-day living archaea. During the writing of this article, Margulis‘‘ famous spirochaete hypothesis onthe origin of flagella and cilia was unexpectedly involved and analyzed from aspects of tubulin.% dyneinsand spirochaetes. Actually, spirochaete cannot be reasonably ass,med as the ectosymbiotic ancestor of eukaryotic flagella and cilia, since their swing depends upon large amount of bacterial flagella beneath theflexible outer wall, but not depends upon their intracelluar tubules and the assumed dyneins. In this case,if they had “evolved“ into cilia and lost their bacterial fiagella, they would immediately become immobile!In fact, tubulin and dynein-like proteins have not been found in any spirochaete.  相似文献   

Summary The mode of origin of cross-walls in living cells of S. commune was studied in basidiospore germinants, vegetative homokaryotic mycelium and the dikaryon of this mushroom. The de novo origin of septa in basidiospore germinants always involved annular ingrowth of cross-walls. The restriction of intercalary growth was observed in the transition from a two-celled hypha to a three-celled unit. Primary branch formation occurred in nonseptate germinants, subterminal cells of the young hypha and in the hyphal apex. Septum formation in purely vegetative homokaryotic mycelium as well as the main cross-wall of the dikaryon was also by annular ingrowth. Ultrastructure studies of the septal pore apparatus revealed no differences in those of germinants, wild-type or morphologically aberrant unilateral diploidizing strains of vegetative mycelium or in the clamp connection of the dikaryon. Simple septa of two general types prevailed in the common-A heterokaryon of S. commune.  相似文献   

The origin of cytoskeleton and the origin of relevant intracellular transportation system are big problems for understanding the emergence of eukaryotic cells. The present article summarized relevant information of evidences and molecular traces on the origin of actin, tubulin, the chaperonin system for folding them, myosins, kinesins, axonemal dyneins and cytoplasmic dyneins. On this basis the authors proposed a series of works, which should be done in the future, and indicated the ways for reaching the targets. These targets are mainly: 1) the reconstruction of evolutionary path from MreB protein of archaeal ancestor of eukaryotic cells to typical actin; 2) the finding of the MreB or MreB-related proteins in crenarchaea and using them to examine J. A. Lake's hypothesis on the origin of eukaryote from "eocytes" (crenarchaea); 3) the examinations of the existence and distribution of cytoskeleton made of MreB-related protein within coccoid archaea, especially in amoeboid archaeon Thermoplasm acidophilum;  相似文献   

Using immunofluorescence techniques, we have examined the microtubules and microfilaments in colonies of terminally differentiating human keratinocytes in tissue culture. The undifferentiated keratinocytes contained numerous microtubules, which radiated from a centrosomal organization center (MTOC). Differentiating keratinocytes, which leave the basal layer and begin to synthesize involucrin, displayed an altered cytoskeleton. Thick mats and coils of microtubules formed throughout the cytoplasm of the differentiated squames, and microfilaments were no longer visible after staining with phalloidin. Instead, only scattered stipples of phalloidin-stained material were observed. The results suggest that the terminal differentiation of epidermal cells involves a reorganization not only of the keratin filaments but of the entire cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

T. Noguchi  K. Ueda 《Protoplasma》1988,143(2-3):188-192
Summary Cortical microtubules and cortical microfilaments were visualized in cells ofMicrasterias pinnatifida treated by freeze-substitution, and the pattern of their distribution was reconstructed from serial sections. Most cortical microtubules accompanied the long microfilaments that ran parallel to the microtubules. Cortical microfilaments not accompanied by the microtubules were also found. They were short and slightly curved. Both types of cortical microfilament were not grouped into bundles, and were 6–7 nm in diameter, a value that corresponds to the diameter of filaments of F-actin.  相似文献   

The role of microtubules and microfilaments in neurulation in Xenopus   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

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