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Deletion of the regulatory N-terminal arms of the AraC protein from its dimerization domain fragments increases the susceptibility of the dimerization domain to form a series of higher order polymers by indefinite self-association. We investigated how the normal presence of the arm inhibits this self-association. One possibility is that arms can act as an entropic bristles to interfere with the approach of other macromolecules, thereby decreasing collision frequencies. We examined the repulsive effect of flexible arms by measuring the rate of trypsin cleavage of a specially constructed ubiquitin-arm protein. Adding an arm to ubiquitin or increasing its length produced only a modest repulsive effect. This suggests that arms such as the N-terminal arm of AraC do not reduce self-association by entropic exclusion. We consequently tested the hypothesis that the arm on AraC reduces self-association by binding to the core of the dimerization domain even in the absence of arabinose. The behaviors of dimerization domain mutants containing deletions or alterations in the N-terminal arms substantiate this hypothesis. Apparently, interactions between the N-terminal arm and the dimerization domain core position the arm to interfere with the protein-protein contacts necessary for self-association.  相似文献   

We report development of a method for the direct measurement of the interaction between the N-terminal arm and the remainder of the dimerization domain in the Escherichia coli AraC protein, the regulator of the l-arabinose operon. The interaction was measured using surface plasmon resonance to monitor the association between the immobilized peptide arm and the dimerization domain, truncated of its arm, in solution. As expected from genetic and physiological data, the interaction is strongly stimulated by l-arabinose and is insensitive to sugars like d-glucose or d-galactose. Alterations in the sequence of the arm which physiological experiments predict either to strengthen or weaken the arm produce the expected responses.  相似文献   

Determining residue-base interactions between AraC protein and araI DNA   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Depurination/depyrimidation binding-interference experiments (missing contact probing) identified specific candidate residue-base interactions lost by mutants of Escherichia coli L-arabinose operon regulatory protein, AraC, to one of its binding sites, araI. These candidates were then checked more rigorously by comparing the affinities of wild-type and alanine-substituted AraC protein to variants of araI with alterations in the candidate contacted positions. Residues 208 and 212 apparently contact DNA and support, but do not prove the existence of a helix-turn-helix structure in this region of AraC protein whereas contacts by mutants with alterations at positions 256, 257 and 261 which are within another potential helix-turn-helix region do not support the existence of such a structure there. The missing contacts displayed by three AraC mutants are found within two major groove regions of the DNA and are spaced 21 base-pairs apart in a pattern indicating a direct repeat orientation for the subunits of AraC.  相似文献   

We report the solution structure of the DNA binding domain of the Escherichia coli regulatory protein AraC determined in the absence of DNA. The 20 lowest energy structures, determined on the basis of 1507 unambiguous nuclear Overhauser restraints and 180 angle restraints, are well resolved with a pair wise backbone root mean square deviation of 0.7 Å. The protein, free of DNA, is well folded in solution and contains seven helices arranged in two semi‐independent sub domains, each containing one helix‐turn‐helix DNA binding motif, joined by a 19 residue central helix. This solution structure is discussed in the context of extensive biochemical and physiological data on AraC and with respect to the DNA‐bound structures of the MarA and Rob homologs. Proteins 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The Salmonella typhimurium araC gene product is known to be susceptible to proteolytic degradation. Limited cleavage by trypsin, kallikrein, elastase and pronase E yields stable fragments comprising approximately the N-terminal two thirds of the AraC protein. These fragments have in common the ability to dimerize in solution and to bind L-arabinose and D-fucose. Under appropriate conditions, hydrolysis of the AraC protein with Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease leads to a small C-terminal fragment which is able to bind specifically to a synthetic ara consensus sequence. These results indicate that, as with several other prokaryotic gene regulatory proteins, the basic functions of effector binding, subunit interaction and specific DNA binding are segregated into distinct domains of the AraC protein.  相似文献   

Intact AraC protein is poorly soluble and difficult to purify, whereas its dimerization domain is the opposite. Unexpectedly, the DNA binding domain of AraC proved also to be soluble in cells when overproduced and is easily purified to homogeneity. The DNA binding affinity of the DNA binding domain for its binding site could not be measured by electrophoretic mobility shift because of its rapid association and dissociation rates, but its affinity could be measured with a fluorescence assay and was found to have a dissociation constant of 1 x 10(-8)M in 100 mM KCl. The binding of monomers of the DNA binding domain to adjacent half-sites occurs without substantial positive or negative cooperativity. A simple analysis relates the DNA binding affinities of monomers of DNA binding domain and normal dimeric AraC protein.  相似文献   

The arabinose-binding pockets of wild type AraC dimerization domains crystallized in the absence of arabinose are occupied with the side chains of Y31 from neighboring domains. This interaction leads to aggregation at high solution concentrations and prevents determination of the structure of truely apo AraC. In this work we found that the aggregation does not significantly occur at physiological concentrations of AraC. We also found that the Y31V mutation eliminates the self-association, but does not affect regulation properties of the protein. At the same time, the mutation allows crystallization of the dimerization domain of the protein with only solvent in the arabinose-binding pocket. Using a distance difference method suitable for detecting and displaying even minor structural variation among large groups of similar structures, we find that there is no significant structural change in the core of monomers of the AraC dimerization domain resulting from arabinose, fucose, or tyrosine occupancy of the ligand-binding pocket. A slight change is observed in the relative orientation of monomers in the dimeric form of the domain upon the binding of arabinose but its significance cannot yet be assessed.  相似文献   

Genes were synthesized to express two DNA binding domains of AraC connected by short linkers. The abilities of the resulting proteins to bind to DNA containing AraC half-sites separated by the usual four bases as well as an additional two or three helical turns of the DNA were measured. The inability of some of the protein constructs to bind to widely separated half-sites indicates that the C-terminal 14 amino acids of AraC are firmly bound to the rest of the DNA binding domain.  相似文献   

Oscillatory activity plays a critical role in regulating biological processes at levels ranging from subcellular, cellular, and network to the whole organism, and often involves a large number of interacting elements. We shed light on this issue by introducing a novel approach called partial Granger causality to reliably reveal interaction patterns in multivariate data with exogenous inputs and latent variables in the frequency domain. The method is extensively tested with toy models, and successfully applied to experimental datasets, including (1) gene microarray data of HeLa cell cycle; (2) in vivo multi-electrode array (MEA) local field potentials (LFPs) recorded from the inferotemporal cortex of a sheep; and (3) in vivo LFPs recorded from distributed sites in the right hemisphere of a macaque monkey.  相似文献   

In the association of electron transfer proteins, electrostatics has been proposed to play a role in maintaining the stability and specificity of the biomolecular complexes formed. An excellent model system is the interaction between mammalian cytochrome b5 and cytochrome c, in which the X-ray structures of the individual components reveal a complementary asymmetry of charges surrounding their respective redox centers. Determining the exact extent of the electrostatic interactions and identifying the specific residues involved in the formation of the electron transfer complex has proved more elusive. We report herein the utilization of high-pressure techniques, together with site-directed mutagenesis, to provide a map of the interaction domains in biomolecular complex formation. The application of high pressure disrupts macromolecular associations since dissociation of the complex results in a decreased volume of the system due to the solvation of charges that had been previously sequestered in the interface region and force solvation of hydrophobic surfaces. Site-directed mutagenesis of a totally synthetic gene for rat liver cytochrome b5, which expresses this mammalian protein in Escherichia coli as a hemecontaining soluble component, was used to selectively alter negatively charged residues of cytochrome b5 to neutral amide side-chains. We have demonstrated that the interaction domain of cytochrome b5 with cytochrome c can be mapped from a comparison of dissociation volumes of these modified cytochrome b5-cytochrome c complexes with the native complex. Using these techniques we can specifically investigate the role of particular residues in the equilibrium association of these two electron transfer proteins. Single-point mutations in the interaction domain give nearly identical effects on the measured dissociation volumes, yet removal of acidic residues outside the recognition surface yield volumes similar to wild-type protein. Multiple mutations in the proposed protein-protein interaction site are found to allow greater solvent-accessibility of the interface as reflected in a diminution in the volume changes on subsequent charge removal. This is indicative that the interprotein salt-bridges in this complex provide a mechanism for a greater exclusion of solvent from the interfacial domain of the complex, resulting in a more stable association.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic nitric oxide (NO) signaling involves modulation of cyclic GMP (cGMP) levels through activation of the soluble isoform of guanylate cyclase (sGC). sGC is a heterodimeric hemoprotein that contains a Heme-Nitric oxide and OXygen binding (H-NOX) domain, a Per/ARNT/Sim (PAS) domain, a coiled-coil (CC) domain, and a catalytic domain. To evaluate the role of these domains in regulating the ligand binding properties of the heme cofactor of NO-sensitive sGC, we constructed chimeras by swapping the rat β1 H-NOX domain with the homologous region of H-NOX domain-containing proteins from Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis, Vibrio cholerae, and Caenorhabditis elegans (TtTar4H, VCA0720, and Gcy-33, respectively). Characterization of ligand binding by electronic absorption and resonance Raman spectroscopy indicates that the other rat sGC domains influence the bacterial and worm H-NOX domains. Analysis of cGMP production in these proteins reveals that the chimeras containing bacterial H-NOX domains exhibit guanylate cyclase activity, but this activity is not influenced by gaseous ligand binding to the heme cofactor. The rat-worm chimera containing the atypical sGC Gcy-33 H-NOX domain was weakly activated by NO, CO, and O(2), suggesting that atypical guanylate cyclases and NO-sensitive guanylate cyclases have a common molecular mechanism for enzyme activation. To probe the influence of the other sGC domains on the mammalian sGC heme environment, we generated heme pocket mutants (Pro118Ala and Ile145Tyr) in the β1 H-NOX construct (residues 1-194), the β1 H-NOX-PAS-CC construct (residues 1-385), and the full-length α1β1 sGC heterodimer (β1 residues 1-619). Spectroscopic characterization of these proteins shows that interdomain communication modulates the coordination state of the heme-NO complex and the heme oxidation rate. Taken together, these findings have important implications for the allosteric mechanism of regulation within H-NOX domain-containing proteins.  相似文献   

Mapping protein-protein interactions by mass spectrometry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mass spectrometry is currently at the forefront of technologies for mapping protein-protein interactions, as it is a highly sensitive technique that enables the rapid identification of proteins from a variety of biological samples. When used in combination with affinity purification and/or chemical cross-linking, whole or targeted protein interaction networks can be elucidated. Several methods have recently been introduced that display increased specificity and a reduced occurrence of false-positives. In the future, information gained from human protein interaction studies could lead to the discovery of novel pathway associations and therapeutic targets.  相似文献   

Type 4 P-type ATPases (P(4)-ATPases) catalyze phospholipid transport to generate phospholipid asymmetry across membranes of late secretory and endocytic compartments, but their kinship to cation-transporting P-type transporters raised doubts about whether P(4)-ATPases alone are sufficient to mediate flippase activity. P(4)-ATPases form heteromeric complexes with Cdc50 proteins. Studies of the enzymatic properties of purified P(4)-ATPase·Cdc50 complexes showed that catalytic activity depends on direct and specific interactions between Cdc50 subunit and transporter, whereas in vivo interaction assays suggested that the binding affinity for each other fluctuates during the transport reaction cycle. The structural determinants that govern this dynamic association remain to be established. Using domain swapping, site-directed, and random mutagenesis approaches, we here show that residues throughout the subunit contribute to forming the heterodimer. Moreover, we find that a precise conformation of the large ectodomain of Cdc50 proteins is crucial for the specificity and functionality to transporter/subunit interactions. We also identified two highly conserved disulfide bridges in the Cdc50 ectodomain. Functional analysis of cysteine mutants that disrupt these disulfide bridges revealed an inverse relationship between subunit binding and P(4)-ATPase-catalyzed phospholipid transport. Collectively, our data indicate that a dynamic association between subunit and transporter is crucial for the transport reaction cycle of the heterodimer.  相似文献   

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