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We have altered the specificity of U1 small nuclear RNA by replacing its 5' splice site recognition sequence (nucleotides 3 to 11) with sequences complementary to other regions of either the adenovirus E1A or the rabbit beta-globin mRNA precursor. We then used a HeLa cell transient expression assay to test whether such altered U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles (snRNPs) could interfere with splicing of the targeted mRNA precursors. The altered U1 snRNPs were able to cause novel splicing of the E1A mRNA precursor, minor changes in the ratio of E1A 12 to 13S mRNAs, and modest nuclear accumulation of beta-globin mRNA precursors with either one of the two introns removed. Most of the altered U1 snRNPs did not affect the level of mature cytoplasmic mRNA significantly, but in one case an altered U1 snRNP (alpha 1) whose intended target was located downstream from the adenovirus E1A 12S 5' splice site was able to reduce the level of cytoplasmic 12S mRNA by approximately 60% and that of 13S mRNA by 90%. This alpha 1 snRNP induced an additional E1A splice, resulting in the appearance of 10 and 11S E1A mRNAs normally found only late in adenovirus infection. Thus, a trans-acting factor can induce alternative splicing. Surprisingly, the effects of alpha 1 on E1A splicing were not abolished by deleting the intended target sequence on the mRNA precursor.  相似文献   

We describe an adaptation of the yeast three-hybrid system that allows the reconstitution in vivo of tripartite (protein-RNA-protein) ribonucleoproteins (RNPs). To build and try this system that we called RNP interaction trap assay (RITA), we used as a model the autoantigenic Ro RNPs. hY RNAs bear distinct binding sites for Ro60 and La proteins, and Ro RNPs are thus physiologically tripartite (Ro60/hY RNA/La). Using recombinant La (rLa) and Ro60 (rRo60) proteins and recombinant hY RNAs (rhY) co-expressed in yeast, we found that RNPs made of rRo60/rhY/rLa were readily reassembled. Reconstitution of tripartite RNPs was critically dependent on the presence of an appropriate Ro60 binding site on the recombinant RNA. The RITA assay was further used to detect (rRo60/rhY RNP)-binding proteins from a HeLa cell cDNA library, allowing specific identification of La and of a novel Ro RNP-binding protein (RoBPI) in more than 70% of positive clones. RITA assay may complement already available two- and three-hybrid systems to characterize RNP-binding proteins by allowing the in vivo identification of interactions strictly dependent upon the simultaneous presence of a protein and of its cognate RNA.  相似文献   

Small nuclear (sn) ribonucleoprotein (RNP) U2 functions in the splicing of mRNA by recognizing the branch site of the unspliced pre-mRNA. When HeLa nuclear splicing extracts are centrifuged on glycerol gradients, U2 snRNPs sediment at either 12S (under high salt concentration conditions) or 17S (under low salt concentration conditions). We isolated the 17S U2 snRNPs from splicing extracts under nondenaturing conditions by using centrifugation and immunoaffinity chromatography and examined their structure by electron microscope. In addition to common proteins B', B, D1, D2, D3, E, F, and G and U2-specific proteins A' and B", which are present in the 12S U2 snRNP, at least nine previously unidentified proteins with apparent molecular masses of 35, 53, 60, 66, 92, 110, 120, 150, and 160 kDa bound to the 17S U2 snRNP. The latter proteins dissociate from the U2 snRNP at salt concentrations above 200 mM, yielding the 12S U2 snRNP particle. Under the electron microscope, the 17S U2 snRNPs exhibited a bipartite appearance, with two main globular domains connected by a short filamentous structure that is sensitive to RNase. These findings suggest that the additional globular domain, which is absent from 12S U2 snRNPs, contains some of the 17S U2-specific proteins. The 5' end of the RNA in the U2 snRNP is more exposed for reaction with RNase H and with chemical probes when the U2 snRNP is in the 17S form than when it is in the 12S form. Removal of the 5' end of this RNA reduces the snRNP's Svedberg value from 17S to 12S. Along with the peculiar morphology of the 17S snRNP, these data indicate that most of the 17S U2-specific proteins are bound to the 5' half of the U2 snRNA.  相似文献   

The human 7SK ribonucleoprotein (RNP) has been analyzed to determine its RNA secondary structure and protein constituents. HeLa cell 7SK RNA alone and within its RNP have been probed by chemical modification and enzymatic cleavage, and sites of modification or cleavage have been mapped by primer extension. The resulting secondary structure suggests that structural determinants necessary for capping (a 5' stem followed by the sequence AUPuUPuC) and nuclear migration (the sequence AUPuUPuC) of 7SK RNA may be similar to those for U6 small nuclear RNA (snRNA). It also supports existence of a 3' stem structure which could serve to self-prime cDNA synthesis during pseudogene formation. Oligonucleotide-directed RNase H digestion indicated regions of 7SK RNA capable of base pairing with other nucleic acids. Antisense 2'-O-methyl RNA oligonucleotides were used to affinity select the 7SK RNP from an in vivo 35S-labeled cell sonic extract and identify eight associated proteins of 83, 48, 45, 43, 42, 21, 18, and 13 kDa. 7SK RNA has extensive sequence complementarity to U4 snRNA, within the U4/U6 base pairing domain, and also to U11 snRNA. The possibility that the 7SK RNP is an unrecognized component of the pre-mRNA processing machinery is discussed.  相似文献   


The possibility to produce plants edited in multiple genes by means of DNA-free approaches opens new perspectives for breeding purposes and acceptance of resultant genotypes. In this work, we have explored the polyethylene glycol (PEG)-mediated delivery of ribonucleoproteins (RNPs) in tomato protoplasts using a multiplexing approach (i.e. two genes targeted simultaneously using two sgRNAs per gene) for the first time. We have analysed the editing outcome in fully developed green calli and demonstrated that tomato protoplasts are a valid cell target for RNP-mediated multiplexed genome editing with high efficiency.


Gene and mRNA for precursor polypeptide VI from adenovirus type 2.   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
We present a 1,040-base-pair-long sequences of adenoviruses type 2 DNA which encodes the complete gene for precursor polypeptide VI (pVI). pVI consists of 250 amino acids amounting to a molecular weight of 26,990. The proteolytic cleavage maturing pVI to virion polypeptide VI removes 33 amino acids from the amino-terminal end of the polypeptide, thus giving the mature polypeptide VI a molecular weight of 23,400. The UAA stop codon terminating pVI translation is separated by 84 nucleotides from the initiator triplet for the hexon gene. Both polypeptides are encoded by the same translational reading frame, suggesting the evolution of pVI and hexon as separate proteins by the introduction of a termination codon and selection of a new splice acceptor site in an ancestral fused polypeptide chain. The splice site where the common tripartite leader is attached to the pVI mRNA precedes the initiator codon for pVI translation by one nucleotide and forms, together with other late splice acceptor sites, a late adenovirus consensus acceptor site. We also demonstrate that the 3' end of the mRNA's belonging to the L2 3'-cotermination family is located only 31 nucleotides upstream from the splice junction of the pVI mRNA. Furthermore, we show that four novel polypeptides of molecular weights 80,000, 39,000, 36,000, and 10,500 are encoded by region L2.  相似文献   

Localization of bicoid (bcd) mRNA to the anterior and oskar (osk) mRNA to the posterior of the Drosophila oocyte is critical for embryonic patterning. Previous genetic studies implicated exuperantia (exu) in bcd mRNA localization, but its role in this process is not understood. We have biochemically isolated Exu and show that it is part of a large RNase-sensitive complex that contains at least seven other proteins. One of these proteins was identified as the cold shock domain RNA-binding protein Ypsilon Schachtel (Yps), which we show binds directly to Exu and colocalizes with Exu in both the oocyte and nurse cells of the Drosophila egg chamber. Surprisingly, the Exu-Yps complex contains osk mRNA. This biochemical result led us to reexamine the role of Exu in the localization of osk mRNA. We discovered that exu-null mutants are defective in osk mRNA localization in both nurse cells and the oocyte. Furthermore, both Exu/Yps particles and osk mRNA follow a similar temporal pattern of localization in which they transiently accumulate at the oocyte anterior and subsequently localize to the posterior pole. We propose that Exu is a core component of a large protein complex involved in localizing mRNAs both within nurse cells and the developing oocyte.  相似文献   

Proline rich RNA-binding protein (Prrp), which associates with mRNAs that employ the late pathway for localization in Xenopus oocytes, was used as bait in a yeast two-hybrid screen of an expression library. Several independent clones were recovered that correspond to a paralog of 40LoVe, a factor required for proper localization of Vg1 mRNA to the vegetal cortex. 40LoVe is present in at least three alternatively spliced isoforms; however, only one, corresponding to the variant identified in the two-hybrid screen, can be crosslinked to Vg1 mRNA. In vitro binding assays revealed that 40LoVe has high affinity for RNA, but exhibits little binding specificity on its own. Nonetheless, it was only found associated with localized mRNAs in oocytes. 40LoVe also interacts directly with VgRBP71 and VgRBP60/hnRNP I; it is the latter factor that likely determines the binding specificity of 40LoVe. Initially, 40LoVe binds to Vg1 mRNA in the nucleus and remains with the RNA in the cytoplasm. Immunohistochemical staining of oocytes shows that the protein is distributed between the nucleus and cytoplasm, consistent with nucleocytoplasmic shuttling activity. 40LoVe is excluded from the mitochondrial cloud, which is used by RNAs that localize through the early (METRO) pathway in stage I oocytes; nonetheless, it is associated with at least some early pathway RNAs during later stages of oogenesis. A phylogenetic analysis of 2×RBD hnRNP proteins combined with other experimental evidence suggests that 40LoVe is a distant homolog of Drosophila Squid.  相似文献   

The location of the globin mRNA sequence within its 16S precursor.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The coding sequence of globin mRNA has been located at or very close to the 3' end of its poly(A)-containing 16S precursor. The 16S RNA was annealed to globin cDNA and the hybrid digested with ribonuclease H. The undigested fragment did not bind to oligo(dT)-cellulose and its size was that expected for the intact 5' portion of the precursor.  相似文献   

Pseudoexons occur frequently in the human genome. This paper characterizes a pseudoexon in the GH receptor gene. Inappropriate activation of this pseudoexon causes Laron syndrome. Using in vitro splicing assays, pseudoexon silencing was shown to require a combination of a weak 5' pseudosplice-site and splicing silencing elements within the pseudoexon. Immunoprecipitation experiments showed that specific binding of heterogenous nuclear ribonucleoprotein E1 (hnRNP E1) and U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP) in the pre-spliceosomal complex was associated with silencing of pseudoexon splicing. The possible role of hnRNP E1 was further supported by RNA interference experiments in cultured cells. Immunoprecipitation experiments with three other pseudoexons suggested that pre-spliceosomal binding of U1 snRNP is a potential general mechanism of suppression of pseudoexons.  相似文献   

Neurotrophins play an essential role in the regulation of actin-dependent changes in growth cone shape and motility. We have studied whether neurotrophin signaling can promote the localization of beta-actin mRNA and protein within growth cones. The regulated localization of specific mRNAs within neuronal processes and growth cones could provide a mechanism to modulate cytoskeletal composition and growth cone dynamics during neuronal development. We have previously shown that beta-actin mRNA is localized in granules that were distributed throughout processes and growth cones of cultured neurons. In this study, we demonstrate that the localization of beta-actin mRNA and protein to growth cones of forebrain neurons is stimulated by neurotrophin-3 (NT-3). A similar response was observed when neurons were exposed to forskolin or db-cAMP, suggesting an involvement of a cAMP signaling pathway. NT-3 treatment resulted in a rapid and transient stimulation of PKA activity that preceded the localization of beta-actin mRNA. Localization of beta-actin mRNA was blocked by prior treatment of cells with Rp-cAMP, an inhibitor of cAMP-dependent protein kinase A. Depolymerization of microtubules, but not microfilaments, inhibited the NT-3-induced localization of beta-actin mRNA. These results suggest that NT-3 activates a cAMP-dependent signaling mechanism to promote the microtubule-dependent localization of beta-actin mRNA within growth cones.  相似文献   

The interactions between Ro and La proteins and hY RNAs have been analysed. The binding site for the 60 kDa Ro protein on hY RNAs is shown to be the terminal part of the base paired stem structure, which contains the most highly conserved sequence among hY RNAs. The bulged C-residue within this region plays an important role in the recognition by this protein. The same regions of hY RNAs are essential for the association of the 52 kDa Ro protein with the RNAs, strongly suggesting that the 60 kDa Ro protein is required for the 52 kDa Ro protein to bind, presumably via protein-protein interactions, to Ro RNPs. The binding site for the La protein on hY RNAs is shown to be the oligouridylate stretch near the 3'-end of the RNAs, which is also recognized when additional nucleotides flank this motif at the 3'-side. Additional sequence elements in hY3 and hY5, but not in hY1, are bound by the La protein as well. Deletion mutagenesis showed that the RNP motif, previously identified in many ribonucleoprotein (RNP) proteins and in some cases shown to be almost sufficient for the interaction with RNA, of both the 60 kDa Ro and the La protein are not sufficient for the interaction with hY RNAs. Substantial parts of these proteins flanking the RNP motif are needed as well. It is likely that they stabilize the correct conformation of the RNP motif for RNA binding.  相似文献   

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