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Herpes simplex virus antigen-induced lymphocyte proliferation and production of leukocyte migration inhibitory factor (LMIF) and lymphocyte-derived interferon were studied in normal individuals and patients with recurrent Herpes labialis and Herpes progenitalis. Virus-specific lymphoproliferative responses were regularly detected in patients with recurrent infection irrespective of the clinical stage of infection. In contrast, transient deficiencies in herpes-specific lymphoid production of both LMIF and interferon were regularly documented at the time of and immediately before herpes simplex-induced vesicular eruptions. During the convalescence, pronounced production of these mediators in response to antigenic stimulation with inactivated virus antigen preparations were regularly detected. The biology of these fluctuations in lymphokine production is evaluated and discussed.  相似文献   

A double blind, randomised, crossover placebo controlled trial of 5% acyclovir cream, applied topically five times a day for five days, was carried out in 45 patients with recurrent herpes labialis. These patients had a total of 72 episodes, 34 of which were treated with the 5% acyclovir cream and 38 with placebo cream. Treatment was begun by the patients as soon as possible after the onset of prodromal symptoms. There was no significant clinical benefit from treatment with acyclovir cream compared with placebo cream. The median healing times were nine days with acyclovir cream, 10 days with placebo cream, and 13 days when no treatment was given. The possibility that the 40% propylene glycol cream base alone has a therapeutic effect must therefore be considered.  相似文献   

Mononuclear leukocytes from 14 cytomegalovirus (CMV)-seropositive and six CMV-seronegative normal healthy donors were treated with soluble CMV antigen for 5 days to generate cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) activity. CMV-antigen-stimulated lymphocytes from CMV-seropositive but not CMV-seronegative donors lysed autologous peripheral blood monocyte targets infected with CMV in 13 of 14 donors (mean percentage of virus-specific lysis = 19.0 +/- 4.5%, effector to target ratio of 50:1). Freshly donated, unstimulated lymphocytes displayed little or no lysis of CMV-infected monocytes. Lysis was virus specific in that CMV-stimulated CTL did not kill herpes simplex virus-infected monocytes. The mean level of lysis of CMV-infected autologous targets was equivalent to that of HLA-DR-matched targets (20.0 +/- 8.0%), and was significantly greater than that of HLA-A/B-matched targets (6.3 +/- 2.5%, p less than 0.035) and HLA-mismatched targets (3.3 +/- 2.5%, p less than 0.01). Enrichment for T cell subsets with the use of selective depletion methods with monoclonal antibodies showed that CTL activity against autologous and HLA-DR-matched allogeneic targets was present predominantly in Leu-3-positive T lymphocytes. These results show for the first time that short term stimulation of heterogeneous lymphocytes from CMV-seropositive donors with CMV antigen can generate CMV-specific, Leu-3-positive CTL that are primarily restricted in their activity to autologous and class II, HLA-DR-matched targets. Our findings suggest a role for Leu-3-phenotypic CTL in immunity to CMV, and provide a model for analysis of this antiviral effector function during immunodeficient states.  相似文献   

A double blind, placebo controlled trial of 5% acyclovir cream, applied topically five times a day for five days, was carried out in 49 patients with recurrent herpes labialis. These patients had a total of 74 episodes, 34 of which were treated with the 5% acyclovir cream and 40 with matching placebo. First episodes and all episodes treated with acyclovir cream had significantly shorter times to formation of ulcer or crust and to complete healing (p less than 0.05 for all variables). The duration of all symptoms and proportion of patients developing itching was also reduced by acyclovir cream in first episodes, though the difference was not significant. When the patient started treatment early in the course of a first episode acyclovir cream significantly reduced the percentage of lesions progressing beyond the papular stage (p less than 0.05). Acyclovir cream is well tolerated and effective for the treatment of recurrent herpes labialis.  相似文献   

Immunoregulatory mechanisms in human schistosomiasis japonica were investigated through in vitro T lymphocyte-macrophage co-culture experiments. High responder T lymphocytes responded to the schistosomal adult worm antigen in the presence of HLA-DR-compatible low responder macrophages, whereas low responder T lymphocytes failed to respond to this antigen even in the presence of HLA-DR-compatible high responder macrophages. This observation strongly suggested that T lymphocytes, but not macrophages, controlled the low responsiveness to the schistosomal adult worm antigen. When high responder lymphocytes were challenged with the schistosomal antigen in the presence of low responder T lymphocytes, low responder T lymphocytes caused an antigen-specific suppression, in a dose-dependent manner, of the responsiveness of high responder lymphocytes. The suppressor T lymphocytes were mitomycin C resistant and were positive for Leu-2a, but were negative for Leu-3a. When Leu-2a+ T lymphocytes were depleted from low responder T lymphocytes, a vigorous response by the Leu-2a-depleted T lymphocytes (Leu-2a-3a+) to the schistosomal adult worm antigen was observed. By adding back the Leu-2a+ T lymphocytes into autologous T lymphocyte subpopulations, the specific response to the adult worm antigen was completely suppressed. These findings clearly demonstrate the existence of Leu-2a+3a- suppressor T lymphocytes that can control low responsiveness to the schistosomal adult worm antigen in man.  相似文献   

The prevalence of recurrent herpes labialis (RHL) and recurrent aphthous ulcers (RAU) in young adults - - 635 armed-forces recruits and 9897 health-profession students - - in 48 institutions in 21 countries was determined by a questionnaire survey. Two or more occurrences (lifetime prevalence) of RHL were reported by 33.2% of men and 28.0% of women; the corresponding figures for RAU were 38.7% and 49.7%. North American respondents, mainly from Canada, had a significantly higher prevalence of both lesions. There were some differences in relation to profession. Approximately 15% of all the people surveyed had had herpes labialis and 25% had had aphthous ulcers at least once during the previous year. Persons with a history of recurrence of one lesion were more likely to have a history of recurrence of the other.  相似文献   

Two new monoclonal antibodies (termed 2D2 and D12) have been used to identify and to analyze phenotypically distinct subpopulations of human T cells. The 2D2 antibody recognized an antigenic determinant closely related, if not identical, to that reactive with the anti-Leu-2 monoclonal antibody. The D12 antibody reacted with a variety of cell types, which included a subpopulation of Leu-2+ (2D2+) T cells. These antibodies were used to isolate four phenotypically distinct T cell populations by sequential cell sorter techniques. Functional analyses demonstrated that the 2D2+D12+ subset was unique in its ability to suppress the antigen-induced proliferation of T cells. These cells also suppressed the proliferative responses of other T cell subsets stimulated with mitogens. Pretreatment of 2D2+D12+ T cells with mitomycin C before culture abrogated the suppressor cell activity of these cells. We propose that the cells within the Leu-2+ cytotoxic/suppressor T cell subpopulation that suppress T cell proliferation are phenotypically distinct and express the 2D2+D12+ membrane antigenic phenotype.  相似文献   

The subpopulation of CD4+ T cells that expresses the Leu-8 peripheral lymph node homing receptor suppresses PWM-stimulated Ig synthesis. To determine the mechanism of this suppression, the immunoregulatory activity of culture supernatants obtained from peripheral blood CD4+ Leu-8+ T cells cultured with anti-CD3 mAb and PMA (Leu-8+ supernatant) was determined. Leu-8+ supernatant suppressed PWM-stimulated Ig synthesis in cultures containing non-T cells and CD4+ Leu-8- T cells. In contrast, the supernatant from CD4+ Leu-8- T cells did not suppress Ig synthesis. The inhibitory activity of CD4+ Leu-8+ T cell supernatants could not be accounted for by a deficiency or excess of IL-2, IL-4, IFN-gamma, IL-6, or PGE2. In studies examining the effect of CD4+ Leu-8+ supernatant on T cells, the supernatant did not alter either mitogen-induced proliferation or the helper function of CD4+ Leu-8- T cells. In studies examining the effect of CD4+ Leu-8+ supernatant on B cells, the supernatant inhibited Staphylococcus aureus Cowan I strain-induced B cell Ig secretion but not B cell proliferation. The suppressor activity of Leu-8+ supernatant was eliminated by protease treatment and was eluted by HPLC in two main peaks, with molecular sizes of 44 and 12 kDa. In summary, these studies indicate that supernatants from activated CD4+ Leu-8+ T cells directly suppress B cell Ig production.  相似文献   

The decision to generate a productive immune response or immune tolerance following pathogenic insult often depends on the context in which T cells first encounter Ag. The presence of apoptotic cells favors the induction of tolerance, whereas immune responses generated with necrotic cells promote immunity. We have examined the tolerance induced by injection of apoptotic cells, a system in which cross-presentation of Ag associated with the dead cells induces CD8+ regulatory (or suppressor) T cells. We observed that haptenated apoptotic cells induced CD8+ suppressor T cells without priming CD4+ T cells for immunity. These CD8+ T cells transferred unresponsiveness to naive recipients. In contrast, haptenated necrotic cells stimulated immunity, but induced CD8+ suppressor T cells when CD4+ T cells were absent. We further found that CD8+ T cells induced by these treatments displayed a "helpless CTL" phenotype and suppress the immune response by producing TRAIL. Animals deficient in TRAIL were resistant to tolerance induction by apoptotic cells. Thus, the outcome of an immune response taking place in the presence of cell death can be determined by the presence of CD4+-mediated Th cell function.  相似文献   

Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP) is caused by human papillomavirus type 6 (HPV-6) or HPV-11. Specific HLA-DR haplotypes DRB1*01:02 and DRB1*03:01 are associated with the development of RRP, disease severity, and Th2-like responses to HPV early proteins. Th1-like responses to HPV proteins have been shown to be protective in animal models. Therefore, we investigated the hypothesis that RRP patients have dysfunctional Th1-like, HPV-specific T cell responses. Using MHC class II tetramers, we identified immunogenic peptides within HPV-11 early proteins. Two distinct peptides (E6(113-132) and E2(1-20)) contained DRB1*01:02- or DRB1*03:01-restricted epitopes, respectively. An additional peptide (E2(281-300)) contained an epitope presented by both alleles. Peptide binding, tetramer, and proliferation assays identified minimal epitopes within these peptides. These epitopes elicited E2/E6-specific CD4(+) T cell responses in RRP patients and healthy control subjects, allowing the isolation of HPV-specific T cell lines using tetramers. The cytokine profiles and STAT signaling of these tetramer-positive T cells were measured to compare the polarization and responsiveness of HPV-specific T cells from patients with RRP and healthy subjects. HPV-specific IFN-γ secretion was substantially lower in T cells from RRP patients. HPV-specific IL-13 secretion was seen at modest levels in T cells from RRP patients and was absent in T cells from healthy control subjects. HPV-specific T cells from RRP patients exhibited reduced STAT-5 phosphorylation and reduced IL-2 secretion, suggesting anergy. Levels of STAT-5 phosphorylation and IFN-γ secretion could be improved through addition of IL-2 to HPV-specific T cell lines from RRP patients. Therapeutic vaccination or interventions aimed at restoring Th1-like cytokine responses to HPV proteins and reversing anergy could improve clinical outcomes for RRP patients.  相似文献   

Modulation of suppressor T cell induction with gamma-interferon   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ability of antigen-coupled splenic adherent cells to induce suppressor T cells (Ts) is dependent on the presence of I-J determinants on antigen-presenting cells. After 4 days of in vitro culture, antigen-coupled adherent cells lose the capacity to induce Ts. Supernatants from Con A-stimulated lymphocyte cultures and purified interferon-gamma can sustain accessory function for the induction of Ts. Furthermore, after in vitro culture of splenic adherent cells, there is an apparent correlation between the loss of I-A determinants and the decrease in I-J-restricted Ts induction. Stimulation of Ia expression with interferon-gamma results in a simultaneous increase in the ability to induce Ts. Finally, elimination of I-A-bearing splenic adherent cells with antibody + C eliminates I-J-restricted Ts induction. The combined data imply a co-regulation of I-A and I-J on the antigen-presenting cells involved in the induction of both the Ts1 and Ts3 suppressor T cell subsets.  相似文献   

CD8+ T cells can be primed in vitro to produce IL-4.   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
IL-4 production by T lymphocytes from naive mice in response to stimulation by plate-bound anti-CD3 is concentrated among CD4+ T cells. In vitro stimulation of lymph node T cells with anti-CD3 plus IL-2 and IL-4 strikingly increases the frequency of cells that produce IL-4 in response to subsequent stimulation with anti-CD3 plus IL-2. Separation of these primed cell populations into CD4+ and CD8+ T cell by cell sorting reveals that the frequency of IL-4-producing cells in both population is similar. Verification that CD8+ T cells produce IL-4 is provided by the capacity of anti-IL-4 mAb to inhibit the response of the indicator cell line to the growth factor produced by the primed cells and by detection of IL-4 by an IL-4-specific ELISA. The in vitro "priming" of CD8+ T cells to produce IL-4 is not dependent on the presence of CD4+ T cells because highly purified CD8+ T cells can be stimulated to develop into cells capable of producing IL-4 by culture with plate-bound anti-CD3 plus IL-2 and IL-4.  相似文献   

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