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Posterior spiracles of newly hatched first instar larvae of Hypoderma bovis (L.) and H. lineatum (DeVill.) consist of two pairs of spiracular openings. Each pair is surrounded by a rima bearing three spines. Posterior spiracles of second instar larvae are composed of a pair of medial ecdysial scars bounded laterally by spiracular plates. H. bovis spiracular plates have twenty-nine to forty openings, each surrounded by a slightly raised rima. H. lineatum spiracular plates have eighteen to twenty-five openings. Spiracular openings lead to posterior felt chambers which are connected to a common anterior felt chamber filled with a meshlike network. In third instar H. bovis each medial ecdysial scar is surrounded by a strongly concave spiracular plate. Spiracular openings are surrounded by slightly raised rima. Most rimae bear a spine. Spiracular plates of H. lineatum are flat and rimae are without spines. Each spiracular opening leads to a posterior felt chamber, several of which are confluent with a larger anterior felt chamber. Anterior felt chambers open into the dorsal longitudinal tracheal trunk. Felt chambers in third instar larvae are also filled with a complex mesh.  相似文献   

Larvae of Dermatobia hominis 10–27 days old were collected from experimentally infected rats and their morphology was studied by scanning electron microscopy. The moult from the second to third instar occurs at 18 days, with emergence from the host at 30 days post-infection. The second-instar larvae bear on the pseudocephalon, antennae (coeloconic sensilla), and coeloconic and basicoconic sensilla on the maxillary sensory complex. The thoracic segments bear small backwardly-directed spines anteriorly and ventral trichoid and campaniform sensilla. The first four abdominal segments have small and large backwardly-directed spines that are absent on segments five and six. The seventh and eighth abdominal segments have medium-sized forwardly-directed spines. Abdominal segments are encircled by campaniform sensilla. The terminal end of the eighth abdominal segment bears the anus, prominent anal lobes and two spiracular openings on each spiracular plate. Spiracular plates show a radial sun ray pattern. The rear abdomen also bears an ecdysal aperture, several pores and eight coeloconic sensilla. Although there are slight morphological differences, the spines (predominantly flat and thorn-like) and sensilla (campaniform and coeloconic) of the third-instar larvae show a similar arrangement to that of second-instar larvae. Thoracic trichoid sensilla are not seen in third-instar larvae. A perispiracular gland aperture is situated above each posterior spiracular opening. These morphological features are compared with those of other cuterebrid larvae.  相似文献   

The Drosophila respiratory system consists of two connected organs, the tracheae and the spiracles. Together they ensure the efficient delivery of air-borne oxygen to all tissues. The posterior spiracles consist internally of the spiracular chamber, an invaginated tube with filtering properties that connects the main tracheal branch to the environment, and externally of the stigmatophore, an extensible epidermal structure that covers the spiracular chamber. The primordia of both components are first specified in the plane of the epidermis and subsequently the spiracular chamber is internalized through the process of invagination accompanied by apical cell constriction. It has become clear that invagination processes do not always or only rely on apical constriction. We show here that in mutants for the src-like kinase Btk29A spiracle cells constrict apically but do not complete invagination, giving rise to shorter spiracular chambers. This defect can be rescued by using different GAL4 drivers to express Btk29A throughout the ectoderm, in cells of posterior segments only, or in the stigmatophore pointing to a non cell-autonomous role for Btk29A. Our analysis suggests that complete invagination of the spiracular chamber requires Btk29A-dependent planar cell rearrangements of adjacent non-invaginating cells of the stigmatophore. These results highlight the complex physical interactions that take place among organ components during morphogenesis, which contribute to their final form and function.  相似文献   

Four sympatric species of Sarcophaga, viz S. cruentata Meigen, S. exuberans Pandelle, S. nodosa Engel and S. tibialis Macquart, which occur in the Transvaal, South Africa, showed oviparity under optimum laboratory breeding conditions. Details of the life cycle duration under these conditions are discussed. Rearing and colonizing methods were developed. Scanning electron microscopy of third instar larvae provided useful data in distinguishing between the four species. The characters which were examined were the spinulation of the body segments and the rim surrounding the spiracular atrium of the posterior spiracles, the anterior spiracles and the spiracular hairs of the posterior spiracles.  相似文献   

研究雷氏黄萤Luciola leii Fu and Ballantyne幼虫的呼吸系统及其呼吸行为。结果表明:雷氏黄萤幼虫的呼吸系统中只有气管无气囊。前胸、中胸和后胸均分布有气门,无气管鳃,腹部1~8节分布有气门和气管鳃,气门腔基部和气管鳃基部相连,呈"√"状,气管鳃内气管与气门气管相连通。雷氏黄萤幼虫的呼吸行为分为3种:利用胸部气门呼吸、腹部气门呼吸和气管鳃呼吸,其中以腹部气门呼吸为主。  相似文献   


The larvae of Costelytra zealandica have cribriform spiracles with a smooth spiracular plate pierced by aeropyles measuring about 5×0.2 μm. The contact angle of water on the sclerotised cuticle of the spiracular plate is sufficiently high to prevent the aeropyles from filling with water even under the wettest conditions. The spiracles have no closing apparatus, but this has little effect on transpiration rate.  相似文献   

The first data on blood-sucking ectoparasitic larvae of Neottiophilum praeustum (Meig.) which develop in bird nests are presented in Russia, with the fieldfare Turdus pilaris L. as a host example. Larval development takes not more than 10–12 days but no puparia are formed until late autumn. The larvae of Neottiophilum resemble those of calliphorid flies both in body structure and life mode. The main diagnostic characters of Neottiophilum larvae distinguishing them from calliphorid ones are the spiracular disk of the posterior spiracles being positioned dorsal rather than ventral to the stigmal plate and lying outside rather than inside its peritreme. In addition, the anterior spiracles have 14–15, rather than 3–8 spiracular chambers.  相似文献   

The morphology of all larval instars of Fannia canicularis (Linnaeus) (Diptera: Fanniidae) is documented using a combination of light and scanning electron microscopy. The following structures are documented for all instars: antennal complex; maxillary palpus; facial mask; cephaloskeleton; ventral organ; anterior spiracle; Keilin's organ; posterior spiracle; fleshy processes, and anal pad. Structures reported for the first time for all instars include: two pairs of lateral prominences on the prothoracic segment; additional ventrolateral prominences on the second thoracic segment, and a papilla at the base of the posterior spiracle. Other structures reported for the first time are anterior spiracles in the first instar and a serrated tip on the mouthhook in the second instar. A trichoid sensillum on the posterior spiracular plate, representing a sensory organ otherwise unknown in the Calyptratae, is described in the second and third instars. Results are discussed and compared with existing knowledge on dipteran larval morphology.  相似文献   

Activity patterns of motoneurones which innervate spiracular muscles in two blaberid cockroaches, Blaberus discoidalis and Gromphadorhina portentosa, have been monitored during two homologous behaviour patterns: respiratory and non-respiratory tracheal ventilation. Based upon the activity of spiracular motoneurones during these two activities, the abdominal spiracles have been divided into three functional groups: vestigial, respiratory and non-respiratory. In Blaberus discoidalis spiracle 3 is vestigial, spiracles 6, 7, 8 and 10 are respiratory, and spiracles 4, 5 and 9 are non-respiratory. In Gromphadorhina portentosa spiracles 3 and 10 are vestigial, spiracle 4 is non-respiratory and spiracles 5–9 are respiratory.Respiratory spiracles in both species are characterized by activity patterns of their motoneurones during respiratory tracheal ventilation: low frequency firing at irregular intervals during the respiratory pause and a higher frequency burst synchronous with the expiratory abdominal compression. Non-respiratory spiracles are characterized by complete inactivity of their opener motoneurones during respiratory tracheal ventilation. These motoneurones are activated by mechanical stimulation in both species, which simultaneously suppresses activity in respiratory opener motoneurones. In Blaberus discoidalis, there are no differences between activity patterns of respiratory and non-respiratory closer motoneurones. In Gromphadorhina portentosa, not only do respiratory and non-respiratory closer motoneurones have different activity patterns, but the activity pattern of respiratory closer motoneurones is different during respiratory and non-respiratory tracheal ventilation. The functional implications of these several spiracular motoneurone activity patterns are discussed.  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopy documentation of first instar Calliphora vicina Robineau-Desvoidy, Phormia regina (Meigen) and Lucilia illustris (Meigen) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) is presented for the first time, and the following morphological structures are documented: pseudocephalon; antenna; maxillary palpus; facial mask; labial lobe; thoracic and abdominal spinulation; spiracular field; posterior spiracles, and anal pad. Light microscopy documentation and illustrations are provided for the cephaloskeleton in lateral and ventral views. New diagnostic features are revealed in the configuration of the facial mask, cephaloskeleton and posterior spiracles. The first instar morphology of C. vicina, Ph. regina and L. illustris is discussed in the light of existing knowledge about early instars of blowflies.  相似文献   

Three malformed Rhipicephalus sanguineus specimenswere noticed in a tick laboratory colony. These specimens had different degreesof twining, from an almost fused individual (with two anal pores) to apartiallyfused adult male, with four spiracular plates. One female was a heart-shapedspecimen, with both body halves fused along a longitudinal axes, with fourspiracular plates and two anal pores.  相似文献   

The copulatory organ of Pantodon buchholzi is described. It consists of two folded, complex structures, situated in two pouches, which open ventrally. The wall between the pouches contains the modified skeletal elements of a part of the anal fin. Laterally each pouch is covered by a bony plate. The structures are connected ventrally to the bony plates and consist of a spiral of parallel bone rays, connective tissue with many blood vessels, and covering epithelium. The organ is different from all other copulatory organs described in fishes.  相似文献   

The insect tracheal system is a unique respiratory system, designed for maximum oxygen delivery at high metabolic demands, e.g. during activity and at high ambient temperatures. Therefore, large safety margins are required for tracheal and spiracular conductance. Spiracles are the entry to the tracheal system and play an important role in controlling discontinuous gas exchange (DGC) between tracheal system and atmosphere in moth pupae. We investigated the effect of modulated metabolic rate (by changing ambient temperature) and modulated spiracular conductance (by blocking all except one spiracles) on gas exchange patterns in Samia pupae. Both, spiracle blocking and metabolic rates, affected respiratory behavior in Samia cynthia pupae. While animals showed discontinuous gas exchange cycles at lower temperatures with unblocked spiracles, the respiratory patterns were cyclic at higher temperatures, with partly blocked spiracles or a combination of these two factors. The threshold for the transition from a discontinuous (DGC) to a cyclic gas exchange (cycGE) was significantly higher in animals with unblocked spiracles (18.7 nmol g−1 min−1 vs. 7.9 nmol g−1 min−1). These findings indicate an important influence of spiracle conductance on the DGC, which may occur mostly in insects showing high spiracular conductances and low metabolic rates.  相似文献   

【目的】本研究旨在阐明新疆地区优势种拉合尔钝缘蜱Ornithodoros lahorensis不同龄期若蜱超微形态及其发育特征,为软蜱的形态特征研究及龄期划分提供形态学依据。【方法】在实验室条件下培养获得拉合尔钝缘蜱1-5龄若蜱虫体,分别通过体视显微镜与扫描电子显微镜对拉合尔钝缘蜱不同龄期若蜱形态特征进行详细观察。【结果】在体视显微镜下,1-5龄若蜱虫体均呈椭圆形,前端稍尖后端钝圆,体表呈淡黄色或黄褐色,有4对足。在扫描电子显微镜下,1-5龄若蜱具有如下相同特征:表皮均呈褶皱样;有瘤突;哈氏器呈横裂样;口下板呈矛形;气门呈半圆形;肛门呈圆形,由叶状肛瓣构成,无肛后横沟。1-5龄若蜱间的不同特征为:1龄若蜱刚毛长且粗,无瘤突,口下板顶端凹陷且齿式为2|2,无气门板;2龄若蜱瘤突不明显,口下板顶端有小凹陷且齿式为3|3,有气门板;3龄若蜱瘤突明显;4龄若蜱肛瓣毛为6对;5龄若蜱肛瓣毛为7对。【结论】拉合尔钝缘蜱1-5龄若蜱在体视显微镜下观察的形态结构基本相似;在扫描电子显微镜下观察的刚毛、瘤突、口下板、齿式、气门、气门板、肛瓣毛、肛前沟和肛中沟等形态特征可作为拉合尔钝缘蜱1-5龄若蜱的鉴定特征。本研究首次详细描述了拉合尔钝缘蜱各龄期若蜱形态结构,为软蜱龄期划分及生活史研究提供依据。  相似文献   

The morphology and ultrastructure of the larval spiracle system of three phlebotomine sandfly species, Phlebotomus perniciosus, P. perfiliewi and P. papatasi, were examined by scanning (SEM) and transmission (TEM) electron microscopy and by confocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM). During larval development, thoracic and abdominal spiracles show considerable modifications. In fourth instar larvae, the spiracles consist of a plate with a sclerotized central portion and a peripheral circle of papillae. The latter is distinctive in the larvae of P. papatasi, which are readily distinguished from the other species. Opening clefts across the papillae communicate with an internal chamber that encircles an electrondense plug. Many cylindrical projections cross the chamber, uniting the central plug with the larval body, forming an air filter. Spiracular development in successive larval instars has both a taxonomic and adaptive value.  相似文献   

Mechanisms for regulating the degree of opening of its spiracles are present in Thermobia. That of the mesothoracic spiracle is of the external type with a flap-like hood guarding the spiracular aperture. Contraction of muscles open the spiracle by raising the hood. Closure is brought about by muscular relaxation and elastic cuticular recoil. Opening is either partial, with small-scale oscillatory movements ('fluttering'), or complete ('wide-opening'). Wide-opening follows bouts of muscular activity. Carbon dioxide anaesthesia relaxes the opener muscles causing the spiracles to close by elastic recoil. This explains continued low tracheal water loss during anaesthesia, and also in death. The control mechanisms of the metathoracic and 8 pairs of abdominal spiracles are of the internal type, with a crypt-like atrium leading into the slit-like neck region of the spiracular pit, one side of which has an elastic cuticular rod running along it. Muscles inserted on the opposite side widen the aperture. As with the mesothoracic spiracle, closure is brought about by muscular relaxation and elastic cuticular recoil.  相似文献   

The aquatic larvae of the family Hydrochidae (Coleoptera) have been considered ‘mystery larvae’, because ecological knowledge about them is lacking. We discovered that Hydrochidae larvae (Hydrochus japonicus Sharp) are benthic via laboratory rearing. The larvae have a terminal spiracular atrium, but we did not observe them breathing at the water surface. The larvae fed on Naididae worms that were collected from the same habitat.  相似文献   

The bodies of adult and fifth instar Notonecta possess external air stores which are periodically renewed at the surface of the water. Both nymphs and adults have large ventral air stores on the thorax and abdomen and obtain atmospheric air at the posterior end of the latter; the adult also has dorsal subalar and supra-alar air stores on both these regions. Ten pairs of spiracles open onto the air stores. Although the seven small, ventrally placed abdominal spiracles are probably both exhalant and inhalant in nymphs and adults, the three large anterior spiracles (mesothoracic, metathoracic, and first abdominal), which play a more important respiratory role, appear to function differently in mature and immature Notonecta. In the nymph they are probably both inhalant and exhalant, and communicate broadly with each other and with the ventral air stores. In the adult, however, they open onto separate, air-filled chambers, each of which communicates differently with various parts of the air stores. Although all three probably function in exhalation, only the first abdominal spiracle, whose spiracular chamber is widely continuous with the dorsal and ventral air stores, appears to be well suited for inhalation. Several morphological features, most notably the development of long prothoracic lobes, separate spiracular chambers, and long, movable forewings, allow the adult a greater variety of respiratory modes than are available to the nymph. Some of the respiratory advantages of the adult are: (1) a larger amount of stored air; (2) a longer subalar air store, which can serve as an alternate pathway between the air stores and the atmosphere; (3) a greater capacity to utilize dissolved as well as atmospheric oxygen; (4) greater separation and functional specialization of the three anterior spiracles, thus allowing more separation of exhaled air from oxygen-rich air on the external surface of the thorax; (5) the probable ability to regulate the continuity between various parts of the air stores, thus utilizing alternate pathways of air circulation and/or changing the functions of the three anterior spiracles; and (6) better protection of the latter against the entry of water during prolonged submergence.  相似文献   

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