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Castro JP  Carareto CM 《Genetica》2004,121(2):107-118
The molecular mechanisms that control P element transposition and determine its tissue specificity remain incompletely understood, although much information has been compiled about this element in the last decade. This review summarizes the currently available information about P element transposition, P-M hybrid dysgenesis and P cytotype features, P element-encoded repressors, and regulation of transposition.  相似文献   

With the complete genome sequence of Drosophila melanogaster defined a systematic approach towards understanding the function of glycosylation has become possible. Structural assignment of the entire Drosophila glycome during specific developmental stages could provide information that would shed further light on the specific roles of different glycans during development and pinpoint the activity of certain glycosyltransferases and other glycan biosynthetic genes that otherwise might be missed through genetic analyses. In this paper the major glycoprotein N- and O-glycans of Drosophila embryos are described as part of our initial undertaking to characterize the glycome of Drosophila melanogaster. The N-glycans are dominated by high mannose and paucimannose structures. Minor amounts of mono-, bi- and tri-antennary complex glycans were observed with GlcNAc and Galβ1–4GlcNAc non-reducing end termini. O-glycans were restricted to the mucin-type core 1 Galβ1-3GalNAc sequence.  相似文献   

We wanted to determine whether there is a correlation between the quantitative character, the penetrance of the loss of humeral bristles in scute lines, and the distribution of transposable genetic elements in their genomes. We derived 18 isogenic lines with penetrance ranging between 2.8% and 92.0% from six mutant lines. The localization of the transposable elements (TEs) P, mdg1, Dm412, copia, gypsy and B104 was determined in all isogenic derivatives by in situ hybridization. The total number of the TE sites over all lines was 180. A comparison of the distribution of the TEs in the isogenic lines revealed the location of sites typical of lines with similar penetrance, no matter which parental line was involved. The results obtained suggest that such typical sites appear to tag the genome regions where the polygenes affecting the character in question are most likely to be found.  相似文献   

Flies mutant for one or both of the last two enzymes of de novo pyrimidine biosynthesis express a number of phenotypes that are also expressed by mutants of the first four pathway enzymes (r and Dhod-null mutants). However, r-1 flies also express two phenotypes, mottled eyes and poor viability, that are not usually expressed by r and Dhod-null flies. Chemical determinations show that orotic acid, a substrate for the fifth pathway enzyme, accumulates in r-1 individuals but not in r and wild-type individuals. Moreover, flies simultaneously mutant for r and r-1 do not express the mottled-eye phenotype, showing that r is epistatic to r-1 for this r-1-specific phenotype. When genotypically wild-type flies are cultured on a medium containing 6-azauracil, the base of a potent inhibitor of the last enzyme of de novo pyrimidine biosynthesis, phenocopies are obtained that include the mottled-eye as well as the wing phenotypes of r-1 flies. These results support hypotheses that the phenotypes common to r, Dhod-null, and r-1 flies are consequences of uridylic acid deficiency, whereas the r-1-specific phenotypes result from orotic acid accumulation in flies lacking either or both of the last two enzymes of de novo pyrimidine biosynthesis.This research was supported by NSF Research Grant PCM 78-14164, an NSF predoctoral fellowship award to T. Conner, and an NIH research career development award to J. Rawls.  相似文献   

We have analysed the viability of cellular clones induced by mitotic recombination in Drosophila melanogaster/D. simulans hybrid females during larval growth. These clones contain a portion of either melanogaster or simulans genomes in homozygosity. Analysis has been carried out for the X and the second chromosomes, as well as for the 3L chromosome arm. Clones were not found in certain structures, and in others they appeared in a very low frequency. Only in abdominal tergites was a significant number of clones observed, although their frequency was lower than in melanogaster abdomens. The bigger the portion of the genome that is homozygous, the less viable is the recombinant melano-gaster/simulans hybrid clone. The few clones that appeared may represent cases in which mitotic recombination took place in distal chromosome intervals, so that the clones contained a small portion of either melanogaster or simulans chromosomes in homozygosity. Moreover, Lhr, a gene of D. simulans that suppresses the lethality of male and female melanogaster/simulans hybrids, does not suppress the lethality of the recombinant melanogaster/simulans clones. Thus, it appears that there is not just a single gene, but at least one per tested chromosome arm (and maybe more) that cause hybrid lethality. Therefore, the two species, D. melanogaster and D. simulans, have diverged to such a degree that the absence of part of the genome of one species cannot be substituted by the corresponding part of the genome of the other, probably due to the formation of co-adapted gene complexes in both species following their divergent evolution after speciation. The disruption of those coadapted gene complexes would cause the lethality of the recombinant hybrid clones.  相似文献   

In Drosophila melanogaster, two new variants affecting the activity of phenoloxidase were found in natural populations at Gomel in Belorussia and at Krasnodar in Russia. Prophenoloxidases, A 1 and A 3 , in these variants had the same mobilities on native electrophoresis as the wild type. However, enzymatic activities in their activated states were much lower than in the wild type, whereas the existence of prophenoloxidase proteins was demonstrated. Egg-to-adult and relative viabilities in the variants did not decrease at temperatures between 18 and 29°C. Genetic analyses indicated that the genes showing the phenotype of variants are new alleles of Mox and Dox-3 on the second chromosome.  相似文献   

Two leucine aminopeptidases from Drosophila melanogaster larvae have been partially purified. The LAP A and D enzymes have similar biochemical characteristics including molecular weights of 280,000 daltons, Michaelis-Menten constants of 0.05 mM, associations with metal cofactors, and specificities toward natural and chromogenic substrates. They differ in their pH optima and spatial distributions. If the closely linked genes that code for these enzymes have resulted from a tandem gene duplication event, it is suggested that there has been subsequent evolutionary divergence. This would provide Drosophila larvae with two related, but functionally distinct enzymes.Virginia K. Walker was supported by an NRC Predoctoral Scholarship and a Killam Merit Scholarship.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic studies of the degree and pattern of polymorphism at two third-chromosome loci, esterase-6 (Est-6) and phosphoglucomutase (PGM), were carried out in three Drosophila melanogaster populations collected from different localities in Iraq: Mosul, Tuwaitha, and Basrah. The results show that only the Tuwaitha population was polymorphic for both loci; the other two populations were polymorphic for Est-6 and monomorphic for PGM. The allele frequency changes at both loci were followed for 20 generations in an experimental cage derived from the Tuwaitha population; it was found that there is a deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium at both loci toward the homozygote.  相似文献   

Summary Bi-directional selection was carried out in coisogenic stocks with and without mobilised P element transposons to determine whether P elements induce quantitative genetic variation for inebriation time in Drosophila. There was significant response to 11 generations of selection in both pairs of replicates of bi-directional selection from an isogenic base stock in which P elements had been mobilised. Conversely, there was no significant response to 11 generations of identical selection in the control lines derived from a relatively inbred line lacking P elements. Thus, P elements have induced quantitative genetic variation for inebriation time.  相似文献   

Ludwig A  Loreto EL 《Genetica》2007,130(2):161-168
The gtwin retrotransposon was recently discovered in the Drosophila melanogaster genome and it is evolutionarily closer to gypsy endogenous retrovirus. This study has identified gtwin homologous sequences in the genome of D. simulans, D. sechellia, D. erecta and D. yakuba by performing homology searches against the public genome database of Drosophila species. The phylogenetic analyses of the gtwin env gene sequences of these species have shown some incongruities with the host species phylogeny, suggesting some horizontal transfer events for this retroelement. Moreover, we reported the existence of DNA sequences putatively encoding full-length Env proteins in the genomes of Drosophila species other than D. melanogaster. The results suggest that the gtwin element may be an infectious retrovirus able to invade the genome of new species, supporting the gtwin evolutionary picture shown in this work.  相似文献   

Summary Using a monoclonal antibody selective for the acetylcholine (ACh)-synthesizing enzyme choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) of Drosophila melanogaster we find ChAT-like immunoreactivity in specific synaptic regions throughout the brain of Drosophila melanogaster apart from the lobes and the peduncle of the mushroom body and most of the first visual neuropile (lamina). Several anatomically well-defined central brain structures exhibit particularly strong binding. Characteristic differential staining patterns are observed for each of the four neuromeres of the optic lobes. Cell bodies appear not to bind this antibody. The prominent features of the distribution of ChAT-like immunoreactivity are paralleled by the distribution of acetylcholine hydrolyzing enzymatic activity as revealed by histochemical staining for acetylcholine esterase (AChE). These results are discussed in comparison with published data on enzyme distribution, choline uptake and ACh receptor binding in the nervous system of Drosophila melanogaster.  相似文献   

Summary The pattern of neuroblast divisions was studied in thoracic and abdominal neuromeres of wild-type Drosophila melanogaster embryos stained with a monoclonal antibody directed against a chromatin-associated antigen. Since fixed material was used, our conclusions are based upon the statistical evaluation of a large number of accurately staged embryos, covering the stages between the formation of the cephalic furrow up to shortened germ band. Our observations point to a rather stereotypic pattern of proliferation, consisting of several parasynchronous cycles of division. The data suggest that all SI neuroblasts divide at least eight times, all SII neuroblasts six or seven times and all SIII neuroblasts at least five times. This conclusion is based on the mapping of mitotic neuroblasts and is supported by the progressive reduction of the neuroblast volume and by the results of cell countings performed on embryos of increasing age. No conclusive evidence was obtained concerning the fate of the neuroblasts after their last mitosis, i.e. it cannot be decided whether the neuroblasts degenerate or become incorporated as inconspicuous cells in the larval ventral cord. The duration of the cycles of division of the neuroblasts was found to be 40–50 min each, while in the case of ganglion mother cells about 100 min are required to complete one cell cycle.  相似文献   

Summary Six replicate lines of Drosophila melanogaster, which had been selected for increased abdominal bristle number for more than 85 generations, were assayed by hierarchical analysis of variance and offspring on parent regression immediately after selection ceased, and by single-generation realised heritability after more than 25 generations of subsequent relaxed selection.Half-sib estimates of heritability in 5 lines were as high as in the base population and much higher than observed genetic gains would suggest, excluding lack of sufficient additive genetic variance as a cause of ineffective selection in these lines. Also, there was considerable diversity among the six lines in composition of phenotypic variability: in addition to differences in the additive genetic component, one or more of the components due to dominance, epistasis, sex-linkage or genotype-environment interaction appeared to be important in different lines.Even after relaxed selection, single-generation realised heritabilities in four lines were as high as in the base population. As a large proportion of total genetic gain must have been made by fixation of favourable alleles, the compensatory increase of genetic variability has been sought in a genetic model involving genes at low initial frequencies, enhancement of gene effects during selection and/or new mutations.  相似文献   

We have studied genetic variation for levels of activity of the enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD) in Drosophila melanogaster. We have constructed 34 lines homozygous for a given second and a given third chromosome derived from eight original lines; all lines were homozygous for the fast (F) allele of Sod. The variation in the relative levels of SOD CRM ranges from 1 to 1.6. The second chromosomes modify the SOD level, even though the structural Sod locus is in the third chromosome, and the specific effect of a given second chromosome depends on the particular third chromosome with which it is combined. This indicates that the variation in SOD content is controlled by polygenic modifiers present in the second (and in the third) chromosome. In addition to these trans-acting modifiers, we have isolated a cis-acting element (Sod CAl ) that reduces SOD CRM levels to 3.5% of a typical F/F homozygote. Sod CAl is either a mutation in a regulatory site closely linked to the structural locus or a change in the coding sequence affecting the rate of degradation of the enzyme.This research was supported by a Fellowship of the Swiss NSF to J.-D.G., and by Contract PA 200-14 Mod #4 with the U.S. Department of Energy.  相似文献   

Biochemical properties of esterase 6 in Drosophila melanogaster   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Biochemical properties of esterase 6 in Drosophila melanogaster were investigated using partially purified preparations from three genotypes, 1/1, 1/2, and 2/2. The molecular weight of the enzyme is estimated to be about 90,000, and treatment with sodium dodecylsulfate cleaves the enzyme into four units with a molecular weight of about 22,000. The activity toward 28 naturally occurring esters was assayed and shown to vary considerably with substrate, the 1/1 preparation having in general higher activity than 1/2 and 2/2, which were very similar. Heat sensitivity, the effect of metal ions, and the effects of the presence or absence of an end product were also studied. The differences demonstrated between allozymes would allow considerable scope, under appropriate conditions, for differential selection to operate between genotypes.Supported in part by an SRC Research Studentship (N.D.D.).  相似文献   

Thirty-three percent (228/682) of all long terminal repeat (LTR) retrotransposon sequences (LRSs) present in the sequenced Drosophila melanogaster genome were found to be located in or within 1000 bp of a gene. Recently inserted LTR retrotransposons are significantly more likely to be located in or within genes than are older, fragmented LTR retrotransposon sequences, indicating that most LRS-gene associations are selected against over evolutionary time. LRSs associated with conserved genes (homologenes) are especially prone to negative selection. In contrast, fragmented LRSs that have persisted in the genome over long spans of evolutionary time are preferentially associated with genes involved in signal transduction and other newly evolved functions. Reviewing Editor: Dr. Juergen Brosius  相似文献   

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