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Somatic angiotensin I converting enzyme (ACE) contains two functional active sites. Up to now, most of the studies aimed at characterizing the selectivity of inhibitors toward the two ACE active sites relied on the use of ACE mutants containing a single functional active site. By developing new fluorogenic synthetic substrates of ACE, we demonstrated that inhibitor selectivity can be assessed directly by using somatic ACE. This useful screening approach led us to discover that some bradykinin potentiating peptides turned out to be selective inhibitors of the C-domain of ACE. The peptide pGlu-Gly-Leu-Pro-Pro-Arg-Pro-Lys-Ile-Pro-Pro, with K(i)(app) values of 30 nM and 8 microM, respectively, for the C- and N-domain of ACE, is to our knowledge the most highly selective C-domain inhibitor of ACE so far reported. Inhibitors able to block selectively either the N- or C-domain of ACE will represent unique tools to probe the function of each domain in the regulation of blood pressure or other physiopathological events involving ACE activity.  相似文献   

The angiotensin I converting enzyme (kininase II; peptidyl dipeptidase; EC3.4.15.1) has a dual function: it converts angiotensin I to angiotensin II and it inactivates bradykinin. Lung, kidney, guinea pig plasma and testicles are among the richest sources of the enzyme. Vascular endothelial cells and bursh borders of renal proximal tubular cells contain high concentrations of the enzyme. The availability of synthetic peptide inhibitors was a great help in establishing the function of converting enzyme in normal and pathological conditions.  相似文献   

Inhibitors of angiotensin converting enzyme may cause angio-oedema. To see if this might be due to potentiation of the tissue effects of bradykinin the thickness of weals raised by intradermal injection of saline or 1, 3, or 10 micrograms bradykinin was measured before and three times after single doses of captopril, enalapril, or placebo. The mean thickness increased with increasing doses of bradykinin. It did not change with time after the administration of placebo or captopril but increased from 0.61 mm before enalapril to 1.12 mm two and a half hours and 1.06 mm five hours after enalapril was given. Five subjects flushed when given bradykinin after captopril and four after enalapril, but none flushed when given bradykinin after placebo. It is concluded that angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors potentiate the effects of intradermal bradykinin in vivo and that this may partially explain why they cause angio-oedema in susceptible patients.  相似文献   

Because bradykinin (BK) appears to have cardioprotective effects ranging from improved hemodynamics to antiproliferative effects, inhibition of BK-degrading enzymes should potentiate such actions. The purpose of this study was to find out which enzymes are responsible for the degradation of BK in human plasma. Human plasma from healthy donors (n = 10) was incubated with BK in the presence or absence of specific enzyme inhibitors. At high (micromolar) concentrations, BK was mostly (>90%) degraded by carboxypeptidase N (CPN)-like activity. In contrast, at low (nanomolar) substrate concentrations, at which the velocity of the catalytic reaction is equivalent to that under physiological conditions, BK was mostly (>90%) converted into an inactive metabolite, BK-(1-7), by angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE). BK-(1-7) was further converted by ACE into BK-(1-5), with accumulation of this active peptide. A minor fraction (<10%) of the BK was converted into another active metabolite, BK-(1-8), by CPN-like activity. The present study shows that the most critical step in plasma kinin metabolism, i.e., inactivation of BK, is mediated by ACE. Thus inhibition of plasma ACE activity would be cardioprotective by elevating the concentration of BK in the circulation.  相似文献   

Testis and epididymis are known to have high amounts of angiotensin converting enzyme (dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase, EC We investigated the localization of the enzyme in these tissues by an immunofluorescent technique and found that the enzyme was localized in the spermatids and residual bodies in the Sertoli cells of the testis. Furthermore, the enzyme was shown to be present in the cytoplasmic droplet of epididymal sperm and also in detached cytoplasmic droplets in semen. The enzyme was not detected in the interstitium of testis and epididymis except for the endothelial cells of the vessel.  相似文献   

Dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase (DCP) is well known as a mammalian angiotensin I converting enzyme (ACE) which plays an important role in blood pressure homeostasis. DCP was purified from the whole body of a polychaete, Neanthes virens. The purified enzyme was homogeneous by SDS-PAGE, with a molecular mass of 71 kDa by SDS-PAGE and 69 kDa by gel filtration, indicating that it is monomeric. The isoelectric point was 4.5 and optimum pH for the activity was 8.0. It showed a specific activity of 466.8 U/mg, which is the highest of known DCPs. The enzyme hydrolyzed angiotensin I to angiotensin II and sequentially released Phe-Arg and Ser-Pro from the C-terminus bradykinin, but does not cleave imido-bonds. Activity was completely inhibited by 1 mM EDTA and 5 mM o-phenanthroline, but it was not affected by serine and aspartic protease inhibitors. The original activity of EDTA-inactivated DCP was restored by addition of cobalt, manganese or low concentrations of zinc. The Km and Vmax values of the enzyme for Bz-Gly-His-Leu were 0.56 mM and 600 mumol/min per mg, respectively. The Ki values for specific mammalian ACE inhibitors, such as captopril and lisinopril, were 1.38 and 2.07 nM, respectively. In conclusion, we have shown the existence of a DCP from the polychaete, N. virens, with similar properties to those of mammalian ACE.  相似文献   

Novel substrates for angiotensin I converting enzyme   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Homogenous human angiotensin converting enzyme (EC cleaves dipeptides from the C-terminus of substrates containing a free carboxyl group. In this study we demonstrate that peptides containing a C-terminal nitrobenzylamine are also cleaved by the enzyme. The hydrolysis of these substrates is inhibited by the specific converting enzyme inhibitors captopril and MK421 as well as by anti-converting enzyme antibody. Sodium chloride accelerates the rate of hydrolysis forty-fold. The product of the reaction, an amino acid nitrobenzylamide, was identified by thin layer chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography. These results suggest that the carboxyl group is not an absolute requirement for substrate hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Carboxypeptidase A-catalyzed hydrolysis of peptides and depsipeptides is competitively inhibited by N-(1-carboxy-5-t-butyloxycarbonylaminopentyl)-L-phenylalanine (Boc-CA-Phe, Ki = 1.3 microM) and the angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, N-(1-carboxy-5-carbobenzoxyaminopentyl)-glycyl-L-phenylalanine (Z-CA-Gly-Phe, Ki = 4.5 microM). The latter compound is actually a slow substrate of carboxypeptidase. Indirect observation of inhibitor binding by stopped-flow measurement of radiationless energy transfer between carboxypeptidase tryptophans and dansylated substrates reveals slow binding for both compounds. The visible absorption spectrum of the complex of cobalt(II)-substituted carboxypeptidase and Z-CA-Gly-Phe, which differs from the corresponding spectrum of the Boc-CA-Phe complex, is remarkable in its resemblance to the spectrum of the complex between Co(II)carboxypeptidase and a transient intermediate previously observed during hydrolysis of peptide substrates. The spectrum slowly changes to that of the free enzyme indicating hydrolysis. Chromatographic quantitation of substrate and products confirms that carboxypeptidase converts Z-CA-Gly-Phe to Z-CA-Gly and L-Phe with an apparent kcat of 0.02 s-1. Absorption spectroscopy indicates that the Z-CA-Gly-Phe-Co(II)carboxypeptidase spectrum is not that of bound products. Moreover, spectral titrations indicate that the products (both with spectral Ki values of about 3 mM), as well as D-Phe, compete for the same site on the enzyme.  相似文献   

Dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase (DCP) from the polychaete Neanthes virens, resembling mammalian angiotensin I converting enzyme (ACE), was studied to discover some of its molecular and inhibitory properties, as the first evidence of these in a marine invertebrate. Amino acid and carbohydrate contents were analyzed. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of N. virens DCP was (NH2)D-E-E-A-G-R-Q-W-L-A-E-Y-D-L-R-N-Q-T-V-L-. Peptide maps of N. virens DCP from lysyl endopeptidase digestion were different from rabbit p-ACE. The far-ultraviolet circular dichroic spectra of N. virens DCP indicated that the secondary structure of this enzyme seemed to be an alpha-helical structure and was similar to that of rabbit p-ACE, but the near-ultraviolet circular dichroic spectra of N. virens DCP indicated that the aromatic amino acid residue circumambience of this enzyme was different from rabbit p-ACE. The effects of several reagents for chemical modification of amino acids on the activity of N. virens DCP were tested. Arg, Tyr, Glu, and/or Asp, His, Trp, and Met caused loss of the activity. In addition, the IC50 and Ki values for a well-known ACE inhibitor, Val-Tyr, which was a competitive inhibitor of N. virens DCP, were 263 and 20 microM, respectively. These results suggested that N. virens DCP is different from mammalian ACE in the molecular and inhibitory properties, although the same substrate specificity was demonstrated in a previous paper.  相似文献   

Angiotensin I converting enzyme (kininase II; ACE) inhibitors are important therapeutic agents widely used for treatment in cardiovascular and renal diseases. They inhibit angiotensin II release and bradykinin inactivation; these actions do not explain completely the clinical benefits. We found that enalaprilat and other ACE inhibitors in nanomolar concentrations activate human bradykinin B(1) receptors directly in the absence of ACE and the B(1) agonist des-Arg(10)-Lys(1)-bradykinin. These inhibitors activate at the Zn(2+)-binding consensus sequence HEXXH (195-199) in B(1), which is present also in ACE but not in the B(2) receptor. Activation elevates [Ca(2+)](i) and releases NO from endothelial or transfected cells expressing the B(1) receptor but is blocked by Ca-EDTA, a B(1) receptor antagonist, the synthetic undecapeptide sequence (192-202) of B(1), and the mutagenesis of His(195) to Ala(195). Except for the B(1) antagonist, these agents and manipulations did not block activation by a peptide ligand. Thus, Zn(2+) is essential for B(1) receptor activation by ACE inhibitors at the zinc-binding consensus sequence. Ischemia or cytokines induce abundant B(1) receptor expression. B(1) receptor activation by ACE inhibitors, a novel mode of action reported here first, can contribute to their therapeutic effects by releasing NO in the heart and to some side effects.  相似文献   

A low molecular weight angiotensin I converting enzyme (light angiotensin enzyme) was isolated from a homogenate of rat lung subjected to dialysis against sodium acetate at pH 4.8. This enzyme has a molecular weight of 84 000 on Sephadex G-200 and a molecular weight of 91 000 on SDS-poly-acrylamide gel as compared with a molecular weight of 139 000 for angiotensin I converting enzyme on SDS-polyacrylamide. Light angiotensin enzyme was activated by NaCl and inhibited by EDTA, angiotensin II, and bradykinin potentiating factor nonapeptide. Light angiotensin enzyme cross-reacted with antibody prepared against angiotensin I converting enzyme and stained with periodic acid-Schiff reagent as a glycoprotein. The evidence suggests that light angiotensin enzyme is a fragment of the higher molecular weight enzyme.  相似文献   

Summary Total retro-inverso (TRI) analogues of bradykinin (BK), the B2a -selective kinin antagonistd-Arg0[Hyp3,d-Phe7,Leu8]BK, angiotensin II (AT II) and the AT II antagonist Saralasin ([Sar1, Val5, Ala8]AT II) were prepared by conventional solid-phase synthesis. Molecular recognition of TRI peptidomimetics by G-protein-coupled receptors was studied by competitive radioligand displacement experiments. TRI analogues ofd-Arg0[Hyp3,d-Phe7,Leu8]BK specifically bound to the kidney medulla B2a bradykinin receptor with affinities (K d ) ranging from 64 μM to 4 μM. Conversely, TRI analogues of BK, AT II and Saralasin did not bind to either the B2a bradykinin receptor or the rat AT1a AT II receptor, respectively. These studies indicate that the TRI strategy is more compatible with the synthesis of antagonists than ‘agonists’. Three TRI peptidomimetics ofd-Arg0[Hyp3,d-Phe7,Leu8]BK were weak inhibitors of angiotensin converting enzyme. All other TRI peptidomimetics had no effect upon ACE activity. These data endorse the utility of the TRI strategy for the synthesis of protease-resistant antagonists of peptide hormones and neuropeptides.  相似文献   

The enhancement of monocyte ACE activity during culture by autologous T-lymphocytes was shown to be due to a stimulation of the rate of ACE synthesis. The rate of synthesis increased from 0.020 mU/10(6) monocytes/hr in monocytes cultured alone to 0.063 mU/10(6) monocytes/hr in monocytes co-cultured with T-lymphocytes. The presence of T-lymphocytes during culture did not alter the rate of ACE degradation observed in monocytes cultured alone. The ACE induced in monocytes by T-lymphocytes appears to be an ecto-enzyme. Brief exposure to diazosulfanilic acid (10(-3) M) and papain (250 micrograms/ml) reduced ACE activity 89% and 66%, respectively, without appreciably altering the activity of the cytosolic enzyme, lactate dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

Total retro-inverso (TRI) analogues of bradykinin (BK), the B2a-selective kinin antagonist d-Arg0[Hyp3,d-Phe7,Leu8]BK, angiotensin II (AT II) and the AT II antagonist Saralasin ([Sar1,Val5,Ala8]AT II) were prepared by conventional solid-phase synthesis. Molecular recognition of TRI peptidomimetics by G-protein-coupled receptors was studied by competitive radioligand displacement experiments. TRI analogues of d-Arg0[Hyp3,d-Phe7,Leu8]BK specifically bound to the kidney medulla B2a bradykinin receptor with affinities (Kd) ranging from 64 M to 4 M. Conversely, TRI analogues of BK, AT II and Saralasin did not bind to either the B2a bradykinin receptor or the rat AT1a AT II receptor, respectively. These studies indicate that the TRI strategy is more compatible with the synthesis of antagonists than agonists. Three TRI peptidomimetics of d-Arg0[Hyp3,d-Phe7,Leu8]BK were weak inhibitors of angiotensin converting enzyme. All other TRI peptidomimetics had no effect upon ACE activity. These data endorse the utility of the TRI strategy for the synthesis of protease-resistant antagonists of peptide hormones and neuropeptides.  相似文献   

Bradykinin (BK) receptor agonists and antagonists contain modifications that confer resistance to specific peptidases. In control studies, rat plasma degraded BK (10.3 +/- 0.3 nmol/min/ml) via angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE; EC; 5.2 +/- 0.3 nmol/min/ml), carboxypeptidase N (CPN; EC; 3.2 +/- 0.4 nmol/min/ml), aminopeptidase P (APP; EC; 0.6 +/- 0.2 nmol/min/ml), and other (unidentified) activity (2.1 +/- 0.6 nmol/min/ml). In contrast, BK agonist analogs were hydrolyzed more slowly due to selective resistance to these plasma peptidases. In addition to Lys-Lys-BK (B1087), which is partially resistant to ACE, [Hyp3,Phe8-r-Arg9]BK (B7642) was completely resistant to ACE, CPN, and the unidentified plasma activity (1.9 +/- 0.3 nmol/min/ml), and D-Arg0[Hyp3,Phe8-r-Arg9]BK (B7644) was resistant to all plasma hydrolysis, including APP (less than 0.2 nmol/min/ml). In vivo ACE-resistant B1087 exhibited a depressor potency and duration of action greater than BK and equivalent to that of BK in the presence of the ACE inhibitor enalapril. Although the B7642 and B7644 agonists were also more potent and longer acting than BK, the increases were no more than that seen for B1087, despite their additional resistance to CPN (B7642) and CPN and APP (B7644). The duration of action of these analogs was, however, increased after renal ligation. These data demonstrate the importance of ACE to the metabolism of circulating BK and BK analogs. In contrast, resistance to CPN and APP are not associated with further potentiation. Beyond ACE resistance, it is likely that the development of more potent, longer-acting BK agonists and antagonists will relate to other factors, such as renal processing independent of CPN and APP.  相似文献   

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