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A genetic polymorphism of adenosine deaminase (ADA), is described for the first time in European shad species, Alosa alosa and Alosa fallax . Significant heterogeneity in gene frequencies was found, both between species and within species.  相似文献   

Morphological characteristics as well as electrophoretic polymorphism have been analysed in eight samples of allis shad, Alosa alosa (L.) and twaite shad, Alosa fallax (Lacepede), collected in the Loire basin and the Gironde-Dordogne system. The morphological characteristics showed that allis and twaite shad were present in these samples. Moreover, specimens with intermediate characteristics were found in the Loire and assumed to be hybrids between the two forms. By contrast, the two species were monomorphic and electrophoretically indistingishable at the 22 loci analysed. Therefore, it cannot be excluded that these two forms correspond to a single species.  相似文献   

该研究采用硅胶、Sephadex LH-20柱色谱和HPLC进行分离纯化,并结合1D-NMR波谱数据和文献比对,研究了黄花倒水莲花中黄酮类成分及抗氧化活性。结果表明:(1)从黄花倒水莲花95%乙醇提取物的乙酸乙酯部位中分离鉴定出6个黄酮苷类化合物,即紫云英苷(1)、槲皮素-3-O-β-D-葡萄糖苷(2)、槲皮素-3-O-β-吡喃木糖苷(3)、槲皮素-3-O-α-L-吡喃阿拉伯糖苷(4)、异鼠李素-3-O-β-葡萄糖苷(5)、芦丁(6),其中化合物1-6均为首次从该植物中分离得到。(2)分别采用DPPH·自由基清除法及FRAP法对花的不同极性部位和所获得化合物进行总抗氧化能力评价,结果显示化合物1-6均表现出较好的抗氧化作用,其中化合物4的总抗氧化能力达到(4.533±0.13)mmol·g-1(Vc为5.951±0.25 mmol·g-1)。该研究结果不仅丰富了黄花倒水莲花的物质基础,而且为其今后的综合开发利用提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

The diet of Alosafallax was studied by means of the frequency of occurrence of prey items. In the Tagus Estuary, shads feed preferentially on fish, with mysids, shrimp, isopods and insects occurring as secondary prey.  相似文献   

运用同源克隆和c DNA末端快速扩增(RACE)技术获取了美洲鲥(Alosa sapidissima)热应激蛋白70(hsp70)的全长c DNA序列,其总长度为2 545 bp,开放阅读框(ORF)为1 914 bp,推测编码637个氨基酸,其氨基酸的二级结构含有HSP70家族的3个特征序列。氨基酸同源性分析显示,美洲鲥hsp70与墨西哥脂鲤(Astyanax mexicanus)等鱼类的相似性达84%以上,与无脊椎动物果蝇(Drosophila auraria)及大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)的相似性分别为73%和38%。荧光定量PCR检测显示,该基因在美洲鲥鳃、肌肉、头肾中高表达,在脑和心中相对高表达,在肝、脾、肠、肾中微量表达。采用荧光定量PCR方法研究运输应激对美洲鲥未经繁殖的亲鱼hsp70 m RNA水平的影响,在运输实验中鳃、肝hsp70 m RNA水平呈先升高后降低的变化趋势,头肾hsp70 m RNA水平呈现递增趋势。该结果表明克隆到的基因符合诱导型hsp70的特点,而且美洲鲥鳃、肝、头肾组织的hsp70 m RNA对运输应激表现出明显的应答作用。  相似文献   

This study aims to evaluate the suitability of non‐linear geostatistics and indicator kriging (IK) as a tool in environmental impact assessment and nature conservation, in particular to search for potential Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) for the endangered fish species twaite shad, Alosa fallax (Lacepède , 1803) within the German Exclusive Economical Zone (EEZ) of the North Sea. To analyse the spatial distribution of this fish species, data on standardised biomass index (catch per unit effort, c.p.u.e., kg × 30 min–1) from 1996 to 2001 were used, regarding the third and fourth quarters of each year, respectively. Thereby we assume that the spatial distribution can be described as a time‐invariant process. This assumption is supported by information on annual sampling effort, allocation of hauls and spatial distribution of the positive catches. All indicator variograms obtained for different c.p.u.e. cut‐off values displayed distinct spatial structures, clearly indicating that the indicator variables were spatially autocorrelated. Gaussian models were fitted by least‐squares methods and were evaluated with a goodness‐of‐fit statistic. Subsequently, IK was employed to estimate the probability of exceeding the c.p.u.e. cut‐off values for the twaite shad in the investigation area. These were highest in the Weser‐ and Elbe‐estuary, probably because of migrations of twaite shad to and from estuaries at the time of investigation due to spawning, while within the German EEZ of the North Sea no such areas with increased probabilities could be discerned. Thus, although available data did not allow to identify and implement any SAC in the German EEZ, the methods employed here can be regarded as a promising management tool in biological conservation issues. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We collected data during a 10-month study carried out on the mongoose lemur, Eulemur mongoz, at Anjamena in northwestern Madagascar, which provide baseline information on seasonal variation in the ecology, home range use and some aspects of the behavior of two neighboring groups. We monitored group size of nine groups in the study area and assessed them for seasonal variation. We present additional information collected during short-term surveys in other areas before and during the study for comparison. The study groups were small family units, and changes in group size were limited to births and emigrations of sexually mature progeny. In spite of clear seasonal changes in climate and vegetation, there is no variation in grouping patterns, so it is not possible to correlate variation in group size with seasonal variation of ecological variables. Comparison with ecological data from other field studies on lemurids reveals differences in food resource distribution in western forests versus other types of Malagasy forest. This distribution of food resources may predict home range size in mixed frugivorous–folivorous lemurs. Small home ranges, mainly in the West, could be correlated with a uniform distribution of food resources. Finally, we suggest that the dry season in the West may not present frugivorous–folivorous lemurs with major problems in finding an adequate food supply. This is supported by the lack of seasonal differences in ranging behavior of mongoose lemurs.  相似文献   

Desert Truffles of the Australian Outback: Ecology, Ethnomycology, and Taxonomy. The Aborigines of central Australia have traditionally used desert truffles as food. Truffle hunting in the desert requires substantial ecological knowledge, as truffles occur sporadically and only with adequate and properly distributed rainfall as well as the presence of necessary soil conditions and mycorrhizal hosts. Truffles are hunted primarily by women, who look for cracks or humps in the soil caused by expansion of the truffles, which are then extracted with digging sticks. The truffles are typically eaten raw or baked or roasted in ashes. Seven truffle species are recorded from the Australian Outback, including three that have been only recently described.  相似文献   

Pollen, microscopic charcoal, palaeohydrological and dendrochronological analyses are applied to a radiocarbon and tephrochronologically dated mid Holocene (ca. 8500–3000 cal b.p.) peat sequence with abundant fossil Pinus (pine) wood. The Pinus populations on peat fluctuated considerably over the period in question. Colonisation by Pinus from ca. 7900–7600 cal b.p. appears to have had no specific environmental trigger; it was probably determined by the rate of migration from particular populations. The second phase, at ca. 5000–4400 cal b.p., was facilitated by anthropogenic interference that reduced competition from other trees. The pollen record shows two Pinus declines. The first at ca. 6200–5500 cal b.p. was caused by a series of rapid and frequent climatic shifts. The second, the so-called pine decline, was very gradual (ca. 4200–3300 cal b.p.) at Loch Farlary and may not have been related to climate change as is often supposed. Low intensity but sustained grazing pressures were more important. Throughout the mid Holocene, the frequency and intensity of burning in these open PinusCalluna woods were probably highly sensitive to hydrological (climatic) change. Axe marks on several trees are related to the mid to late Bronze Age, i.e., long after the trees had died.  相似文献   

对内蒙古居群抗寒西伯利亚杏的12个种源同一树龄的102株进行雌蕊败育率、花粉量、花粉活力、柱头可授性及自交不亲和性进行研究,以明确西伯利亚杏主产地资源的花期生物学特性和繁殖特性,为杏杂交育种和资源利用提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)有86.27%的西伯利亚杏雌蕊败育率低于90%;73.53%的西伯利亚杏单朵花花粉量在1×104~5×104之间;86.27%的西伯利亚杏花粉活力低于50%,且寿命较短。(2)花苞在将开未开时,柱头已经具备一定的可授性,开花后1~4d内柱头可授性保持较高水平,第5天开始有下降趋势。(3)荧光显微观察结果显示,授粉后16h时,96.08%的杏花花粉管在花柱上部;授粉后24h时,74.51%的杏花花粉管仍在花柱上部;授粉后48h时,35.29%的杏花花粉管到达花柱中部;授粉后80h时,花粉管到达花柱下部的杏花约50%,但受精胚珠数为0。研究认为,西伯利亚杏基本为自交不亲和。  相似文献   

We analyzed ovarian dynamics of anadromous blueback herring, Alosa aestivalis, in Connecticut River with the principal aim of exploring oocyte recruitment and how it shapes the fecundity pattern. We examined the oocyte release strategy and analyzed spawning cyclicity by linking oocyte growth to the degeneration of postovulatory follicles. Females were accordingly classified as pre-spawners, early and late active spawners, and oocyte recruitment intensity was compared among the different spawning phases. Oocyte recruitment occurred continuously and in parallel with spawning activity, a pattern which is diagnostic of indeterminate fecundity. However, both fecundity and oocyte recruitment intensity progressively decreased (tapered) throughout spawning, until the ovary was depleted of vitellogenic oocytes. There was no massive atresia of vitellogenic oocytes at the end of the spawning season, which is atypical of indeterminate spawners. We propose that tapering in oocyte recruitment and fecundity is an adaptation to the high energetic expenditure of the upstream spawning migration.  相似文献   

The distribution of insect parasitic nematodes in Scotland was investigated between April 1988 and April 1989 using the wax moth, Galleria mellonella, larvae as bait. Of the 1014 samples examined only 2.2% were found to be positive and all the nematodes recovered and identified belonged to the one species Steinernema feltiae. A more detailed investigation into the distribution of S. feltiae in a 1 ha block indicated that it had a very aggregated distribution.  相似文献   

We performed a comparative pilot study on vertical space use and feeding ecology of 2 closely related sympatric mouse lemur species in northwestern Madagascar. We recorded feeding behavior and the use of vertical forest strata for 6 gray and 4 golden-brown mouse lemur females that we followed for 120 h. We carried out feeding experiments and analyzed fecal samples for food remains. Both species showed no significant difference in use of forest strata. They had a similar overall diet, with insect secretions and gum as main plant food resources; arthropod remains occurred in about half of all fecal samples. Both lemurs used in common >50% of the plant species that each consumed, which accounts for ≥70% of all individual plants used. However, both species used >40% of their feeding plant species exclusively and seemed to differ in their degree of specialization on certain plant species.  相似文献   

A locally severe crown disease of exotic plantation Eucalyptus trees has been recorded periodically in New Zealand since 1986. Symptoms include leaf spots, petiole infection and twig and small branch lesions. Outbreaks of disease are episodic and individual trees may show marked variation in crown symptoms ranging from unaffected to total defoliation. Two previously unknown species of Phytophthora are associated with the disease. These are described and formally designated here as P. captiosa, from Eucalyptus botryoides and E. saligna; and P. fallax, from E. delegatensis, E. fastigata, E. nitens and E. regnans. Both P. captiosa and P. fallax have non-papillate, non-caducous sporangia and both are self-fertile. Phylogenetic analysis on the basis of ITS rDNA sequence data indicates they are closely related to each other but evolutionarily distant from the majority of described Phytophthora taxa. They share a common ancestor with another assemblage of Phytophthora lineages that includes P. insolita, P. macrochlamydospora and P. richardiae. Sporulation of P. captiosa and P. fallax has not been observed in the field. The mode of infection and spread of these non-caducous Phytophthora species in the eucalypt tree canopy remains unknown. This issue, and the possible geographic origins of these two Phytophthora species are discussed.  相似文献   

Caprella mutica Schurin, 1935 was first described from sub-boreal areas of north–east Asia. In less than 40 years C. mutica has spread throughout the northern hemisphere and the first recorded sighting in the southern hemisphere is reported here. Caprella mutica has been introduced to temperate oceanic coasts between latitudes of 25 and 70 °N. Outside its native range, C. mutica has only been found in areas of human activity, including ports, aquaculture facilities and an oilrig; the species has not yet been found in natural habitats. Shipping and aquaculture transfers are the most likely long distance vectors; recreational boating and drifting weed are the most likely short distance vectors. Temperature and salinity do not explain the small-scale distribution of C. mutica on the west coast of Scotland; globally its annual temperature range is 0–22°C. This suggests that the local scale distribution of C. mutica is potentially limited by the availability of suitable transportation vectors during the dispersal phase rather than by physical environmental factors following release.  相似文献   

Synopsis Feeding habits of juvenile alewife, A. pseudoharengus, blueback herring, A. aestivalis, and American shad, Alosa sapidissima, were examined over a 24 h period at an inshore location on the lower Hudson River. Feeding periodicity differed by species: alewives showed no diel differences, whereas shad fed least intensively near dawn and herring least intensively at night. Alewives fed primarily on chironomids and the amphipod Corophium lacustre, shad on Formicidae and larval chironomids, and herring on chironomids and copepods. Diel variation in prey selection was evident. Dietary overlap was generally greatest between alewife and herring and least between shad and herring.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analysis using up to 1325 base pairs of mitochondrial DNA from 179 specimens and 30 species of Chalcides, Sphenops, Eumeces, Scincopus and Scincus indicates that Sphenops arose twice independently within Chalcides. It is consequently synonymized with that genus. Chalcides in this broader sense originated in Morocco, diversifying into four main clades about 10 Ma, after which some of its lineages dispersed widely to cover an area 40 times as large. Two separate lineages invaded the Canary Islands and at least five main lineages colonized southern Europe. At least five more spread across northern Africa, one extending into southwest Asia. Elongate bodies with reduced limbs have evolved at least four times in Chalcides, mesic 'grass-swimmers' being produced in one case and extensive adaptation to life in loose desert sand in two others. In clade, Chalcides striatus colonized SW Europe from NW Africa 2.6 Ma and C. chalcides mainland Italy 1.4 Ma, both invasions being across water, while C. c. vittatus reached Sardinia more recently, perhaps anthropogenically, and C. guentheri spread 1200km further east to Israel. C. minutus is a composite, with individuals from the type locality forming a long independent lineage and the remaining ones investigated being most closely related to C. mertensi. In the Northern clade, C. boulengeri and C. sepsoides spread east through sandy habitats north of the Sahara about 5 Ma, the latter reaching Egypt. C. bedriagai invaded Spain around the same time, perhaps during the Messinian period when the Mediterranean was dry, and shows considerable diversification. Although it is currently recognized as one species, the C. ocellatus clade exhibits as much phylogenetic depth as the other main clades of Chalcides, having at least six main lineages. These have independently invaded Malta and Sardinia from Tunisia and also southwest Arabia C. o. humilis appears to have spread over 4000 km through the Sahel, south of the Sahara quite recently, perhaps in the Pleistocene. In the Western clade of Chalcides, C. delislei appears to have dispersed in a similar way. There were also two invasions of the Canary Islands: one around 5 Ma by C. simonyi, and the other about 7 Ma by the ancestor of C. viridanus+C. sexlineatus. C. montanus was believed to be related to C. lanzai of the Northern clade, but in the mtDNA tree it is placed within C. polylepis of the Western clade, although this may possibly be an artifact of introgression. The Eumeces schneideri group, Scincopus and Scincus form a clade separate from Chalcides. Within this clade, the geographically disjunct E. schneideri group is paraphyletic. One of its members, E. algeriensis is the sister taxon to Scincopus, and Scincus may also be related to these taxa. The phylogeny suggests Scincopus entered desert conditions in Africa, up to 9.6 Ma and the same may have been true of Scincus up to 11.7 Ma. Scincus appears to have diversified and spread into Arabia around 6 Ma. Dates of origin and divergence of these skinks, desert Chalcides and other squamates agree with recent geological evidence that the Sahara is at least 5-7 My old. The subspecies Chalcides viridanus coeruleopunctatus is upgraded to the species level as C. coeruleopunctatus stat nov., on the basis of its large genetic divergence from C. v. viridanus.  相似文献   

The geographic range and bloom frequency of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum and other members of the A. minutum group have been increasing over the past few decades. Some of these species are responsible for paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) outbreaks throughout the world. The origins of new toxic populations found in previously unaffected areas are typically not known due to a lack of reliable plankton records with sound species identifications and to the lack of a global genetic database. This paper provides the first comprehensive study of minutum-group morphology and phylogeny on a global scale, including 45 isolates from northern Europe, the Mediterranean, Asia, Australia and New Zealand.Neither the morphospecies Alexandrium lusitanicum nor A. angustitabulatum was recoverable morphologically, due to large variation within and among all minutum-group clonal strains in characters previously used to distinguish these species: the length:width of the anterior sulcal plate, shape of the 1′ plate, connection between the 1′ plate and the apical pore complex, and the presence of a ventral pore. DNA sequence data from the D1 to D2 region of the LSU rDNA also fail to recognize these species. Therefore, we recommend that all isolates previously designated as A. lusitanicum or A. angustitabulatum be redesignated as A. minutum. A. tamutum, A. insuetum, and A. andersonii are clearly different from A. minutum on the basis of both genetic and morphological data.A. minutum strains from Europe and Australia are closely related to one another, which may indicate an introduction from Europe to Australia given the long history of PSP in Europe and its recent occurrence in Australia. A minutum from New Zealand and Taiwan form a separate phylogenetic group. Most strains of A. minutum fit into one of these two groups, although there are a few outlying strains that merit further study and may represent new species. The results of this paper have greatly improved our ability to track the spread of A. minutum species and to understand the evolutionary relationships within the A. minutum group by correcting inaccurate taxonomy and providing a global genetic database.  相似文献   

Campylobacter,salmonella and chlamydia in free-living birds of Croatia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Campylobacteriosis, salmonellosis and avian chlamydiosis are zoonotic diseases in which birds have been suggested to play an important role as reservoirs. We have investigated the prevalence of Campylobacter and Salmonella spp. and Chlamydophila sp. in 107 free-living birds belonging to 25 species from 13 families from Croatia in order to examine the natural infections caused by these agents. Campylobacter jejuni-like organisms were isolated from 2 of 107 free-living bird species examined (1.9%). Salmonella was isolated from 8 fresh fecal specimens from free-living bird species (7.4%). These isolates were identified as S. typhimurium in 4 (3.7%), and S. enteriditis in 4 (3.7%) free-living birds. These samples originated from feral pigeons (Columba livia domesticus; n=14; 28.6%), rook (Corvus frugilegus; n=13; 15.4%), buzzard (Buteo buteo; n=12; 16.7%), black-headed gull (Larus ridibundus; n=8; 12.5%) and tawny owl (Strix aluco; n=8; 12.5%). The presence of Chlamydophila sp. was not detected in the free-living birds examined during this study. Epidemiological aspects and possible significance of the examined birds as a source of infections for domestic animals and humans are discussed.  相似文献   

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