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Due to the direction, intensity, duration and consistency of genetic selection, especially recent artificial selection, the production performance of domestic pigs has been greatly changed. Therefore, we reasoned that there must be footprints or selection signatures that had been left during domestication. In this study, with porcine 60K BeadChip genotyping data from both commercial Large White and local Chinese Tongcheng pigs, we calculated the extended haplotype homozygosity values of the two breeds using the long‐range haplotype method to detect selection signatures. We found 34 candidate regions, including 61 known genes, from Large White pigs and 25 regions comprising 57 known genes from Tongcheng pigs. Many selection signatures were found on SSC1, SSC4, SSC7 and SSC14 regions in both populations. According to quantitative trait loci and network pathway analyses, most of the regions and genes were linked to growth, reproduction and immune responses. In addition, the average genetic differentiation coefficient FST was 0.254, which means that there had already been a significant differentiation between the breeds. The findings from this study can contribute to further research on molecular mechanisms of pig evolution and domestication and also provide valuable references for improvement of their breeding and cultivation.  相似文献   

Intensive artificial selection has been imposed in Yunshang black goats, the first black specialist mutton goat breed in China, with a breeding object of improving reproductive performance, which has contributed to reshaping of the genome including the characterization of SNP, ROH and haplotype. However, variation in reproductive ability exists in the present population. A WGS was implemented in two subpopulations (polytocous group, PG, and monotocous group, MG) with evident differences of litter size. Following the mapping to reference genome, and SNP calling and pruning, three approaches – GWAS, ROH analysis and detection of signatures of selection – were employed to unveil candidate genes responsible for litter size. Consequently, 12 candidate genes containing OSBPL8 with the minimum P-value were uncovered by GWAS. Differences were observed in the pattern of ROH between two subpopulations that shared similar low inbreeding coefficients. Two ROH hotspots and 12 corresponding genes emerged from ROH pool association analysis. Based on the nSL statistic, 15 and 61 promising genes were disclosed under selection for MG and PG respectively. Of them, some promising genes participate in ovarian function (PPP2R5C, CDC25A, ESR1, RPS26 and SERPINBs), seasonal reproduction (DIO3, BTG1 and CRYM) and metabolism (OSBPL8, SLC39A5 and SERPINBs). Our study pinpointed some novel promising genes influencing litter size, provided a comprehensive insight into genetic makeup of litter size and might facilitate selective breeding in goats.  相似文献   

The data from the newly available 50 K SNP chip was used for tagging the genome‐wide footprints of positive selection in Holstein–Friesian cattle. For this purpose, we employed the recently described Extended Haplotype Homozygosity test, which detects selection by measuring the characteristics of haplotypes within a single population. To assess formally the significance of these results, we compared the combination of frequency and the Relative Extended Haplotype Homozygosity value of each core haplotype with equally frequent haplotypes across the genome. A subset of the putative regions showing the highest significance in the genome‐wide EHH tests was mapped. We annotated genes to identify possible influence they have in beneficial traits by using the Gene Ontology database. A panel of genes, including FABP3, CLPN3, SPERT, HTR2A5, ABCE1, BMP4 and PTGER2, was detected, which overlapped with the most extreme P‐values. This panel comprises some interesting candidate genes and QTL, representing a broad range of economically important traits such as milk yield and composition, as well as reproductive and behavioural traits. We also report high values of linkage disequilibrium and a slower decay of haplotype homozygosity for some candidate regions harbouring major genes related to dairy quality. The results of this study provide a genome‐wide map of selection footprints in the Holstein genome, and can be used to better understand the mechanisms of selection in dairy cattle breeding.  相似文献   

Chinese pigs have been undergoing both natural and artificial selection for thousands of years. Jinhua pigs are of great importance, as they can be a valuable model for exploring the genetic mechanisms linked to meat quality and other traits such as disease resistance, reproduction and production. The purpose of this study was to identify distinctive footprints of selection between Jinhua pigs and other breeds utilizing genome‐wide SNP data. Genotyping by genome reducing and sequencing was implemented in order to perform cross‐population extended haplotype homozygosity to reveal strong signatures of selection for those economically important traits. This work was performed at a 2% genome level, which comprised 152 006 SNPs genotyped in a total of 517 individuals. Population‐specific footprints of selective sweeps were searched for in the genome of Jinhua pigs using six native breeds and three European breeds as reference groups. Several candidate genes associated with meat quality, health and reproduction, such as GH1, CRHR2, TRAF4 and CCK, were found to be overlapping with the significantly positive outliers. Additionally, the results revealed that some genomic regions associated with meat quality, immune response and reproduction in Jinhua pigs have evolved directionally under domestication and subsequent selections. The identified genes and biological pathways in Jinhua pigs showed different selection patterns in comparison with the Chinese and European breeds.  相似文献   

The Göttingen Minipig (GMP) developed at the University of Göttingen is a synthetic breed that is widely used in medical research and toxicology. It combines the high fertility of the Vietnamese potbellied pig, the low body weight of the Minnesota Minipig and the white coat colour of the German Landrace pig. The aim of this study was to find genomic regions that may have undergone selection since the creation of the breed in the 1960s. Therefore, the whole genome was screened for footprints of recent selection based on single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotypes from the Illumina Porcine SNP60 BeadChip using two methods: the extended haplotype homozygosity (EHH) test and the estimation of the genomic proportion of the three original breeds at each SNP using a Bayesian approach. Local deviations from the average genome‐wide breed composition were tested with a permutation‐based empirical test. Results for a comprehensive whole‐genome scan for both methods are presented. Several regions showing the highest P‐values in the EHH test are related to breeding goals relevant in the GMP, such as growth (SOCS2, TXN, DDR2 and GRB10 genes) and white colour (PRLR gene). Additionally, the calculated proportion of the founder breeds diverged significantly in many regions from the pedigree‐based expectations and the genome average. The results provide a genome‐wide map of selection signatures in the GMP, which leads to a better understanding of selection that took place over the last decades in GMP breed development.  相似文献   

Pigs from Asia and Europe were independently domesticated from c. 9000 years ago. During this period, strong artificial selection has led to dramatic phenotypic changes in domestic pigs. However, the genetic basis underlying these morphological and behavioural adaptations is relatively unknown, particularly for indigenous Chinese pigs. Here, we performed a genome‐wide analysis to screen 196 regions with selective sweep signals in Tongcheng pigs, which are a typical indigenous Chinese breed. Genes located in these regions have been found to be involved in lipid metabolism, melanocyte differentiation, neural development and other biological processes, which coincide with the evolutionary phenotypic changes in this breed. A synonymous substitution, c.669T>C, in ESR1, which colocalizes with a major quantitative trait locus for litter size, shows extreme differences in allele frequency between Tongcheng pigs and wild boars. Notably, the variant C allele in this locus exhibits high allele frequency in most Chinese populations, suggesting a consequence of positive selection. Five genes (PRM1, PRM2, TNP2, GPR149 and JMJD1C) related to reproductive traits were found to have high haplotype similarity in Chinese breeds. Two selected genes, MITF and EDNRB, are implied to shape the two‐end black colour trait in Tongcheng pig. Subsequent SNP microarray studies of five Chinese white‐spotted breeds displayed a concordant signature at both loci, suggesting that these two genes are responsible for colour variations in Chinese breeds. Utilizing massively parallel sequencing, we characterized the candidate sites that adapt to artificial and environmental selections during the Chinese pig domestication. This study provides fundamental proof for further research on the evolutionary adaptation of Chinese pigs.  相似文献   

Improving immune capacity may increase the profitability of animal production if it enables animals to better cope with infections. Hematological traits play pivotal roles in animal immune capacity and disease resistance. Thus far, few studies have been conducted using a high‐density swine SNP chip panel to unravel the genetic mechanism of the immune capability in domestic animals. In this study, using mixed model‐based single‐locus regression analyses, we carried out genome‐wide association studies, using the Porcine SNP60 BeadChip, for immune responses in piglets for 18 hematological traits (seven leukocyte traits, seven erythrocyte traits, and four platelet traits) after being immunized with classical swine fever vaccine. After adjusting for multiple testing based on permutations, 10, 24, and 77 chromosome‐wise significant SNPs were identified for the leukocyte traits, erythrocyte traits, and platelet traits respectively, of which 10 reached genome‐wise significance level. Among the 53 SNPs for mean platelet volume, 29 are located in a linkage disequilibrium block between 32.77 and 40.59 Mb on SSC6. Four genes of interest are located within the block, providing genetic evidence that this genomic segment may be considered a candidate region relevant to the platelet traits. Other candidate genes of interest for red blood cell, hemoglobin, and red blood cell volume distribution width also have been found near the significant SNPs. Our genome‐wide association study provides a list of significant SNPs and candidate genes that offer valuable information for future dissection of molecular mechanisms regulating hematological traits.  相似文献   

The evolution of self‐compatibility (SC) is the first step in the evolutionary transition in plants from outcrossing enforced by self‐incompatibility (SI) to self‐fertilization. In the Brassicaceae, SI is controlled by alleles of two tightly linked genes at the S‐locus. Despite permitting inbreeding, mutations at the S‐locus leading to SC may be selected if they provide reproductive assurance and/or gain a transmission advantage in a population when SC plants self‐ and outcross. Positive selection can leave a genomic signature in the regions physically linked to the focus of selection when selection has occurred recently. From an SC population of Leavenworthia alabamica with a known nonfunctional mutation at the S‐locus, we collected sequence data from a ~690 Kb region surrounding the S‐locus, as well as from regions not linked to the S‐locus. To test for recent positive selection acting at the S‐locus, we examined polymorphism and the site‐frequency spectra. Using forward simulations, we demonstrate that recent selection of the strength expected for SC at a locus formerly under balancing selection can generate patterns similar to those seen in our empirical data.  相似文献   

Landraces are local populations of crop plants adapted to a particular environment. Extant landraces are surviving genetic archives, keeping signatures of the selection processes experienced by them until settling in their current niches. This study intends to establish relationships between genetic diversity of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) landraces collected in Spain and the climate of their collection sites. A high‐resolution climatic data set (5 × 5 km spatial, 1‐day temporal grid) was computed from over 2,000 temperature and 7,000 precipitation stations across peninsular Spain. This data set, spanning the period 1981–2010, was used to derive agroclimatic variables meaningful for cereal production at the collection sites of 135 barley landraces. Variables summarize temperature, precipitation, evapotranspiration, potential vernalization and frost probability at different times of the year and time scales (season and month). SNP genotyping of the landraces was carried out combining Illumina Infinium assays and genotyping‐by‐sequencing, yielding 9,920 biallelic markers (7,479 with position on the barley reference genome). The association of these SNPs with agroclimatic variables was analysed at two levels of genetic diversity, with and without taking into account population structure. The whole data sets and analysis pipelines are documented and available at https://eead-csic-compbio.github.io/barley-agroclimatic-association . We found differential adaptation of the germplasm groups identified to be dominated by reactions to cold temperature and late‐season frost occurrence, as well as to water availability. Several significant associations pointing at specific adaptations to agroclimatic features related to temperature and water availability were observed, and candidate genes underlying some of the main regions are proposed.  相似文献   

Pigs have experienced dramatic selection due to domestication, which has led to many different phenotypes when compared to their wild counterparts, especially in the last several decades. Currently, genome‐wide scans in both cattle and humans showing positive selection footprints have been investigated. However, few studies have focused on porcine selection footprints, particularly on a genome‐wide scale. Surveying for selection footprints across porcine genomes can be quite valuable for revealing the genetic mechanisms of phenotypic diversity. Here, we employed a medium sequencing depth (5–20x/site per individual, on average) approach called genotyping by genome reducing and sequencing (GGRS) to detect genome‐wide selection signatures of two domestic pig breeds (Yorkshire and Landrace) that have been under intensive selection for traits of muscle development, growth and behavior. The relative extended haplotype homozygosity test, which identifies selection signatures by measuring the characteristics of haplotypes’ frequency distribution within a single population, was also applied to identify potential positively selected regions. As a result, signatures of positive selection were found in each breed. However, most selection signatures were population specific and related to genomic regions containing genes for biological categories including brain development, metabolism, growth and olfaction. Furthermore, the result of the gene set enrichment analysis indicated that selected regions of the two breeds presented a different over‐representation of genes in the Gene Ontology annotations and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes pathways. Our results revealed a genome‐wide map of selection footprints in pigs and may help us better understand the mechanisms of selection in pig breeding.  相似文献   

Skin is the largest organ in the pig body and plays a key role in protecting the body against pathogens and excessive water loss. Deciphering the genetic basis of swine skin thickness would enrich our knowledge about the skin. To identify the loci for porcine skin thickness, we first performed a genome scan with 194 microsatellite markers in a White Duroc × Erhualian F2 intercross. We identified three genome‐wide significant QTL on pig chromosomes (SSC) 4, 7 and 15 using linkage analysis. The most significant QTL was found on SSC7 with a small confidence interval of ~5 cM, explaining 23.9 percent of phenotypic variance. Further, we conducted a genome‐wide association study (GWAS) using Illumina PorcineSNP60 Beadchips for the F2 pedigree and a population of Chinese Sutai pigs. We confirmed significant QTL in the F2 pedigree and replicated QTL on SSC15 in Chinese Sutai pigs. A meta‐analysis of GWASs on both populations detected a genomic region associated with skin thickness on SSC4. GWAS results were generally consistent with QTL mapping. Identical‐by‐descent analysis defined QTL on SSC7 in a 683‐kb region harboring an interesting candidate gene: HMGA1. On SSC15, the linkage disequilibrium analysis showed a haplotype block of 2.20 Mb that likely harbors the gene responsible for skin thickness. Our findings provide novel insights into the genetic basis of swine skin thickness, which would benefit further understanding of porcine skin function.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the underlying genetic architecture of quantitative traits could aid in understanding how they evolve. In wild populations, it is still largely unknown whether complex traits are polygenic or influenced by few loci with major effect, due to often small sample sizes and low resolution of marker panels. Here, we examine the genetic architecture of five adult body size traits in a free‐living population of Soay sheep on St Kilda using 37 037 polymorphic SNPs. Two traits (jaw and weight) show classical signs of a polygenic trait: the proportion of variance explained by a chromosome was proportional to its length, multiple chromosomes and genomic regions explained significant amounts of phenotypic variance, but no SNPs were associated with trait variance when using GWAS. In comparison, genetic variance for leg length traits (foreleg, hindleg and metacarpal) was disproportionately explained by two SNPs on chromosomes 16 (s23172.1) and 19 (s74894.1), which each explained >10% of the additive genetic variance. After controlling for environmental differences, females heterozygous for s74894.1 produced more lambs and recruits during their lifetime than females homozygous for the common allele conferring long legs. We also demonstrate that alleles conferring shorter legs have likely entered the population through a historic admixture event with the Dunface sheep. In summary, we show that different proxies for body size can have very different genetic architecture and that dense SNP helps in understanding both the mode of selection and the evolutionary history at loci underlying quantitative traits in natural populations.  相似文献   

The decline in the reproductive efficiency of dairy cows, especially those with high producing potential, has become a challenging problem. In this study, a selective DNA pooling approach was applied to a cow population whose oocytes were fertilized and cultured to obtain phenotypic records of fertilization rate and blastocyst rate. Using a stringent 5% genome‐wide significance level, 22 and five single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were found to be associated with fertilization rate and blastocyst rate, respectively. SNPs that showed significant association in selective DNA pooling were further evaluated by individual genotyping. Interestingly, the majority of the SNP associations were confirmed by individual genotyping, testifying to the effectiveness of selective DNA pooling using a high‐density SNP genotyping array. This study is the first application of the selective DNA pooling approach using the BovineSNP50 array in cattle.  相似文献   

A genome‐wide association study (GWAS) was conducted on 15 milk production traits in Chinese Holstein. The experimental population consisted of 445 cattle, each genotyped by the GGP (GeneSeek genomic profiling)‐BovineLD V3 SNP chip, which had 26 151 public SNPs in its manifest file. After data cleaning, 20 326 SNPs were retained for the GWAS. The phenotypes were estimated breeding values of traits, provided by a public dairy herd improvement program center that had been collected once a month for 3 years. Two statistical models, a fixed‐effect linear regression model and a mixed‐effect linear model, were used to estimate the association effects of SNPs on each of the phenotypes. Genome‐wide significant and suggestive thresholds were set at 2.46E‐06 and 4.95E‐05 respectively. The two statistical models concurrently identified two genome‐wide significant (< 0.05) SNPs on milk production traits in this Chinese Holstein population. The positional candidate genes, which were the ones closest to these two identified SNPs, were EEF2K (eukaryotic elongation factor 2 kinase) and KLHL1 (kelch like family member 1). These two genes could serve as new candidate genes for milk yield and lactation persistence, yet their roles need to be verified in further function studies.  相似文献   

Because of increasing litter size in Western pig breeds, additional teats are desirable to increase the capacity for nursing offspring. We applied genome‐wide SNP markers to detect QTL regions that affect teat number in a Duroc population. We phenotyped 1024 animals for total teat number. A total of 36 588 SNPs on autosomes were used in the analysis. The estimated heritability for teat number was 0.34 ± 0.05 on the basis of a genomic relationship matrix constructed from all SNP markers. Using a BayesC method, we identified a total of 18 QTL regions that affected teat number in Duroc pigs; 9 of the 18 regions were newly detected.  相似文献   

Ecological and environmental heterogeneity can produce genetic differentiation in highly mobile species. Accordingly, local adaptation may be expected across comparatively short distances in the presence of marked environmental gradients. Within the European continent, wolves (Canis lupus) exhibit distinct north–south population differentiation. We investigated more than 67‐K single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) loci for signatures of local adaptation in 59 unrelated wolves from four previously identified population clusters (northcentral Europe n = 32, Carpathian Mountains n = 7, Dinaric‐Balkan n = 9, Ukrainian Steppe n = 11). Our analyses combined identification of outlier loci with findings from genome‐wide association study of individual genomic profiles and 12 environmental variables. We identified 353 candidate SNP loci. We examined the SNP position and neighboring megabase (1 Mb, one million bases) regions in the dog (C. lupus familiaris) genome for genes potentially under selection, including homologue genes in other vertebrates. These regions included functional genes for, for example, temperature regulation that may indicate local adaptation and genes controlling for functions universally important for wolves, including olfaction, hearing, vision, and cognitive functions. We also observed strong outliers not associated with any of the investigated variables, which could suggest selective pressures associated with other unmeasured environmental variables and/or demographic factors. These patterns are further supported by the examination of spatial distributions of the SNPs associated with universally important traits, which typically show marked differences in allele frequencies among population clusters. Accordingly, parallel selection for features important to all wolves may eclipse local environmental selection and implies long‐term separation among population clusters.  相似文献   

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