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The limnological features that characterize the shallow ponds (<2 m deep) and lakes (>2 m deep) on Bathurst Island, Nunavut, Canada were examined through chemical analyses and multivariate statistical methods as part of a larger on‐going survey to document and monitor environmental changes in these remote and sensitive areas. All sites were relatively oligotrophic and alkaline. Nutrient ratios indicated that nitrogen could be limiting algal growth to a greater degree than phosphorus in over 63% of the sites. Principal components analysis (PCA) was used to explore the patterns of variation in the limnological dataset. The three dominant limnological gradients were: major ion content and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) levels along Axis 1; and pH along Axis 2.  相似文献   

The limnological characteristics of 38 lakes and ponds on Axel Heiberg Island were determined, in part, to establish baseline data for future monitoring programs, and to provide the foundation for future paleoenvironmental work in this climatically‐sensitive region. In general, these sites were slightly alkaline, oligotrophic to ultra‐oligotrophic (mean total unfiltered phosphorus = 4.1 μg/L), and phosphorus‐limited. Principal components analyses separated lakes along a primary gradient of ionic concentration, and along a secondary gradient of POC, DOC and nutrient concentrations. Some interesting aspects of this limnological survey included very acidic sites (pH < 4), and the minimal effects of large altitudinal and latitudinal gradients on the limnological characteristics of our sites.  相似文献   

Twenty-one metazoan parasite species were found in Arctic charr at three coastal sites in west Greenland, including Neascus sp. and the nematode Pseudoterranova decipiens , new records for Arctic charr. Twelve species are new records for Arctic charr in Greenland. The quantitative composition of the parasite communities varied, but the freshwater species ( Diphyllobothrium ditremwn, Eubothriutn salvelini, Proteocephalus longicollis, Crepidostotnutn farianis ) were usually numerically dominant, even in anadromous fish. The absence from Greenland of Mysidacea, Amphipoda, Ephemeroptera and Odonata excludes parasites requiring such organisms as intermediate hosts, including the cestode Cyathocephalus truncatus , nematodes of the genus Cystidicola , and freshwater acanthocephalans.  相似文献   

Baseline and historical environmental data are sparse in the High Arctic, however diatom assemblages preserved in high arctic lake and pond sediment profiles can provide proxy data of past environmental changes. Ecological data, however, are still sparse. Diatom taxa preserved in the surficial sediment of lakes and ponds on Bathurst Island (75° 42 N, 97° 21 W), Nunavut, Canadian High Arctic, and their relationship to 34 environmental variables were examined using multivariate statistics. A total of 148 diatom taxa were identified from the surface sediments of 29 study sites. Five environmental variables, Fe3+, Total Phosphorus (Unfiltered) (TPU), Total Nitrogen (TN), Temperature (TEMP) and pH significantly (P0.05) accounted for most of the variation in the diatom assemblages. TN was also significantly correlated to other variables (e.g. TPF, DOC, POC). A CCA constrained to TN indicated that this variable best explained the species distributions, and a weighted-averaging (WA) model was developed to infer nutrient levels from the relative abundances of the 58 dominant taxa. Interestingly, previous limnological work indicated that nitrogen most likely limited algal production in some of these high arctic sites. This model may be used to quantitatively estimate past TN levels from diatom assemblages preserved in sediment cores from Bathurst Island, and may provide a means to track past environmental changes in the High Arctic.  相似文献   

The limnology of freshwaters surrounding Isachsen, Ellef Ringnes Island, Nunavut was examined to determine the baseline physical and chemical limnological conditions present in the region. Sites were found to be circumneutral to slightly acidic, and were oligotrophic. Concentrations of most measured chemical variables were highly variable, with broad ranges that greatly exceeded those found in previous surveys conducted in the High Arctic. Ratios of nitrogen to phosphorus suggest that nitrogen may be the limiting nutrient for algal growth at the majority of sites. Principal Components Analysis (PCA) indicated that the major controls on water chemistry variability between sites were conductivity and related variables, and nutrients, explaining 36.5% and 26.5% of the variation in the dataset, respec‐tively.  相似文献   

Thawing permafrost and the resulting mineralization of previously frozen organic carbon (C) is considered an important future feedback from terrestrial ecosystems to the atmosphere. Here, we use a dynamic process oriented permafrost model, the CoupModel, to link surface and subsurface temperatures from a moist permafrost soil in High‐Arctic Greenland with observed heat production and carbon dioxide (CO2) release rates from decomposition of previously frozen organic matter. Observations show that the maximum thickness of the active layer at the end of the summer has increased 1 cm yr?1 since 1996. The model is successfully adjusted and applied for the study area and shown to be able to simulate active layer dynamics. Subsequently, the model is used to predict the active layer thickness under future warming scenarios. The model predicts an increase of maximum active layer thickness from today 70 to 80–105 cm as a result of a 2–6 °C warming. An additional increase in the maximum active layer thickness of a few centimetres may be expected due to heat production from decomposition of organic matter. Simulated future soil temperatures and water contents are subsequently used with measured basal soil respiration rates in a respiration model to predict the corresponding depth‐integrated CO2 production from permafrost layers between 0.7 and 2 m below the surface. Results show an increase from present values of <40 g C m?2 yr?1 to between 120 and 213 g C m?2 yr?1 depending on the magnitude of predicted warming. These rates are more than 50% of the present soil CO2 efflux measured at the soil surface. Future modelling accounting for snow, vegetation and internal biological heat feedbacks are of interest in order to test the robustness of the above predictions and to describe the entire ecosystem response.  相似文献   

Sea ice loss will indirectly alter energy transfer through the pelagic food web and ultimately impact apex predators. We quantified spring-time trends in sea ice recession around each of 46 thick-billed murre (Uria lomvia) colonies in west Greenland across 20 degrees of latitude and investigated the magnitude and timing of the associated spring-time primary production. A geographical information system was used to extract satellite-based observations of sea ice concentration from the Nimbus-7 scanning multichannel microwave radiometer (SMMR, 1979-1987) and the Defence Meteorological Satellite Programs Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSMI, 1987-2004), and satellite-based observations of chlorophyll a from the moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS: EOS-Terra satellite) in weekly intervals in circular buffers around each colony site (150 km in radius). Rapid recession of high Arctic seasonal ice cover created a temporally predictable primary production bloom and associated trophic cascade in water gradually exposed to solar radiation. This pattern was largely absent from lower latitudes where little to no sea ice resulted in a temporally variable primary production bloom driven by nutrient cycling and upwelling uncoupled to ice. The relationship between the rate and variability of sea ice recession and colony size of thick-billed murres shows that periodical confinement of the trophic cascade at high latitudes determines the carrying capacity for Arctic seabirds during the breeding period.  相似文献   

The effects of depth-related differences in environmental factors (pressure, hydrography, habitat and disturbance) on the benthic megafauna at the mouth of Kangerdlugssuaq Fjord in Arctic Greenland were investigated using a towed camera platform and autonomous underwater vehicle photographs. Large reductions in faunal density (60,132 to 1881 individuals ha-1) and increases in diversity (H'=0.93-2.54), through increases in richness (ES(220)=7.6-18.8) and reductions in dominance (Berger-Parker index=0.77-0.38) were found between 270 and 720 m water depth. Assemblages were separated into distinct shallow, intermediate and deep faunas by multivariate community analysis. In the shallower sites there were high levels of iceberg disturbance, directly reducing diversity as well as creating a complex, patchy environment inhabited by high densities of mobile suspension-feeding epifauna. In the deeper areas there was small-scale disturbance from the deposition of drop stones, but at a relatively low frequency and magnitude, which allowed increased species diversity. Proportions of deposit-feeding epifaunal and infaunal taxa rose with depth, as indicated by an increase with depth in faunal traces. Decreases in faunal density probably resulted from decreased food supply with depth.  相似文献   

Physical and chemical profiles of a shallow (c. 12-m-deep) subsaline (total dissolved solids 2.3-2.8 g l–1) closed-basin lake in the continental area of southwestern Greenland are described for the first time. Watercolumn data for every 5th consecutive day between April 20 and October 6, 2001, and continuous recordings of lake water level and meteorological conditions are used to infer controls on contemporary lake functioning, sediment formation and climate-lake interactions. Limnological observations demonstrate the importance of lake-ice formation and its role in haline convection and the development of meromixis. Observed lake cycling suggest that the lake at present is in a state of near-meromixis where stagnant bottom waters de-stratify through deep penetration of weak haline convective cells by the end of June. From this study, the primary reasons the shallow Greenlandic low salinity lakes develop meromixis are:(i) lack of an outflow (ii) meltwater dilution and chemical stratification of surface waters, (iii) insubstantial wind mixing, (iv) a weak winter thermohaline convective cell forced by cryoconcentration, and (v) biogeochemically enhanced solute concentrations near the sediment bed. Throughout the open water period the hydrological balance is dominated by evaporative losses. Lake surface water conductivities change from 2110 to 2890 S cm–1 due to the combined effects of open water evaporation, meltwater dilution, diffusive exchanges over the seasonal pycnocline, and boundary mixing. Freeze-out of salts and resulting deep haline convection increase overall water column salinity during winter. Owing to deep convective mixing, plant nutrients are relatively high in the upper watercolumn with a dominant internal source of phosphorous. Extreme productivity pulses of phytoplankton are observed as soon as sub-ice radiation levels increase and directly after ice-out when sufficient wind mixing can support an intense monospecific diatom bloom of Diatoma spp. leading to the rapid depletion of dissolved silica.  相似文献   

Darkening of parts of the Greenland ice sheet surface during the summer months leads to reduced albedo and increased melting. Here we show that heavily pigmented, actively photosynthesising microalgae and cyanobacteria are present on the bare ice. We demonstrate the widespread abundance of green algae in the Zygnematophyceae on the ice sheet surface in Southwest Greenland. Photophysiological measurements (variable chlorophyll fluorescence) indicate that the ice algae likely use screening mechanisms to downregulate photosynthesis when exposed to high intensities of visible and ultraviolet radiation, rather than non-photochemical quenching or cell movement. Using imaging microspectrophotometry, we demonstrate that intact cells and filaments absorb light with characteristic spectral profiles across ultraviolet and visible wavelengths, whereas inorganic dust particles typical for these areas display little absorption. Our results indicate that the phototrophic community growing directly on the bare ice, through their photophysiology, most likely have an important role in changing albedo, and subsequently may impact melt rates on the ice sheet.  相似文献   

The growth, survivorship and reproduction of Arctic region Daphniamiddendorffiana was investigated in several lakes and pondson the tundra in northern Alaska and additionally in a laboratorystudy. Growth rate equations, reproduction rates and survivorshipunder natural conditions were determined. The natural environmentsdiffered in the available resources; investigations were madein undisturbed oligotrophic lakes, lakes undergoing nutrientmanipulations, lakes recovering from nutrient manipulation,and a small human-created pond. The lakes also differed in thepresence or absence of fish. The results indicated that resourceavailability affected the growth, survivorship and reproductionof D. middendorffiana. The lake with the highest resources producedthe greatest reproduction and growth. The environments withthe lowest resources had the least reproduction. Secondly, resourcelevel was observed to influence life history choices. Underlow resource conditions D. middendorffiana produced ephippiaat first reproduction rather than neonates. Third, the resultsalso indicated that refuge from predation significantly affectsthe distribution of D. middendorffiana. Lakes that contain fishdo not support significant populations of D. middendorffiana,although the growth and survivorship studies indicate they coulddo well in those environments.  相似文献   

Thirty-four lakes and ponds on north-central Victoria Island (Arctic Canada) were examined in order to characterize the limnological conditions of these unstudied aquatic ecosystems, and to provide baseline data as part of a larger study monitoring future changes in climatically-sensitive high-latitude locations. Similar to several other arctic regions, the lakes and ponds were slightly alkaline (mean pH = 7.65), dilute (mean specific conductance = 96.4 S), and low in nutrients. What distinguished this limnological data set was the ultra-oligotrophic nature of the lakes and ponds, as mean phosphorus (1.3 g l–1) and chlorophyll a (0.4 g l–1) concentrations were amongst the lowest recorded in arctic environments. Also, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations (often <1 mg l–1) were 2–3 times lower than those recorded for ponds at similar latitudes. Principal components analysis (PCA) separated sites primarily along a gradient of DOC and specific conductance, and along a secondary gradient of particulate nitrogen, likely reflecting differences in phyto- and zooplankton biomass. These ultra-oligotrophic lakes and ponds should show a marked response to global warming. As DOC acts as a natural UV radiation screen, the combination of ultra-oligotrophic conditions and low DOC levels suggests that the biota within these sites are representative of those adapted to living in highly stressful environments. Lakes and ponds in this region make ideal monitoring sites, as they should be especially responsive to future environmental changes.  相似文献   

Drop stones with lithophyllic macrofauna from Belgica Bank, Greenland Sea (79–81°N and 5–17°W) were collected during the Polarstern cruise in August 2000. The investigation focussed on species richness, diversity, abundance, and interactions of organisms colonizing rocks. On 101 stones collected by 10 dredges from nine sites, 113 taxa (58 genera, 38 families, 12 orders and 8 phyla) were recognized. Among the most abundant groups of organisms were foraminiferans, bryozoans and polychaetes, while the least abundant were anthozoans and ascidians. Abundance ranged from 1239 to 11,383 individuals m−2 of rock surface area. Bryozoans were the most species-rich group, while anthozoans and ascidians were represented by the least number of species. Colonization occurred at various topographical levels and was classified into two categories. Stones were classified as primary space and were colonized by erect membranous, erect flexible, erect rigid, and flat encrusting organisms. The second level of colonization by epibionts occurred on erect forms of organisms (e.g. erect bryozoans) and was classified as a secondary space. Species composition and abundance between faunal assemblages of primary and secondary space differed greatly. Colonization occurred only on the top of stones and was considered a special adaptation to avoid burial by sedimentation and to enhance food supply. Only 3% of recruits were involved in any competitive interactions. Competition was considered to be of minor importance in structuring lithophyllic assemblages.  相似文献   

We examined 395 mtDNA control-region sequences from Greenlandic Inuit and Canadian Kitikmeot Inuit with the aim of shedding light on the migration history that underlies the present geographic patterns of genetic variation at this locus in the Arctic. In line with previous studies, we found that Inuit populations carry only sequences belonging to haplotype clusters A2 and D3. However, a comparison of Arctic populations from Siberia, Canada, and Greenland revealed considerable differences in the frequencies of these haplotypes. Moreover, large sample sizes and regional information about birthplaces of maternal grandmothers permitted the detection of notable differences in the distribution of haplotypes among subpopulations within Greenland. Our results cast doubt on the prevailing hypothesis that contemporary Inuit trace their all of their ancestry to so-called Thule groups that expanded from Alaska about 800-1,000 years ago. In particular, discrepancies in mutational divergence between the Inuit populations and their putative source mtDNA pool in Siberia/Alaska for the two predominant haplotype clusters, A2a and A2b, are more consistent with the possibility that expanding Thule groups encountered and interbred with existing Dorset populations in Canada and Greenland.  相似文献   

The Ross Sea Sector (RSS) of Antarcticallies between the lines of longitude 150°E and 150°W and contains diverse landscapes with a variety of lakes, ponds and streams. Neither insects nor crustacean species have been recorded in these ecosystems but most contain planktonic and/or benthic communities that are composed exclusively of microscopic organisms. Microbial brodiversity is low with a small number of species (e.g. filamentous cyanobacteria of the family Oscillatoriaceae) occurring under a broad range of environmental conditions throughout the region. There is no evidence to date of microbial endemism in the RSS; however, there is a need to apply molecular and cellular techniques to compare biodiversity and genetic characteristics with assemblages elsewhere in Antarctica and with comparable communities in the north polar zone. A series of hypotheses are advanced to help guide further work. These derive from the conclusion that environmental extremes plus biogeographical isolation control the biodiversity of RSS communities, and that biological interactions (competition, grazing, predation, parasitism) are weak and play a minor role by comparison with temperate latitude ecosystems.  相似文献   

Douglas  Marianne S.V.  Smol  John P. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,431(2-3):193-204
Meretta Lake (Resolute Bay, Cornwallis Island, Nunavut, Canada) is a polar lake that has been receiving sewage since 1949 via a series of watercourses and utilidors from the so-called `North Base' of the Canadian Department of Transport. The lake's physical, chemical and biological characteristics were studied between 1968 and 1972 as part of the Char Lake Project, which was a component of the International Biological Programme (IBP). This was the first detailed study of high arctic lake eutrophication. However, since the time of the IBP, use of the North Base has declined markedly. Between 1992 and 1999, we re-sampled Meretta Lake for a suite of limnological variables, and compared our findings to those gathered during IBP. Our data indicate that, although Meretta Lake was still more eutrophic in the 1990s than near-by, undisturbed high arctic lakes, it presently has much lower nutrient concentrations and other trophic state variables than it did during IBP. These concentrations continued to decline in the 1990s, coincident with further decreases in usage of the base. Our most recent data indicate that Meretta Lake nutrient levels are now near `natural' background levels. Furthermore, phytoplankton are characterised by higher abundances of cryptophytes than those recorded in the early 1970s, again indicating less eutrophic conditions. Diatom-based, paleolimnological techniques recorded marked species assemblage shifts coincident with the eutrophication from the North Base. However, similar to the phytoplankton data, species assemblage changes were different from those recorded following eutrophication in more temperate regions, with periphytic diatoms overwhelmingly dominating the assemblages.  相似文献   

Latitudinal transects across subpolar ecozones display striking changes in lakewater chemistry reflecting steep gradients in vegetation, climate, and other variables. This paper explores the relationships among chemical and physical lakewater characteristics of 70 lakes spanning arctic treeline in Canada's Central Northwest Territories. Principal components analysis (PCA) was used to examine trends and relationships among environmental variables and these 70 sites. In general, lakes in this data set were dilute, slightly acidic to slightly alkaline, and nutrient-poor. However, a strong trend toward more concentrated lakewater conditions in densely forested areas was observed relative to tundra regions. Interrelationships among measured limnological variables appear to be strongly influenced by catchment characteristics associated with proximity of sites to treeline.  相似文献   

Thirty-two taxa of chironomid larvae were collected from the sediments of 50 lakes from across the Canadian Arctic Islands. Most chironomid taxa living in the Arctic have wide distributions, with only one taxon, Abiskomyia, showing a clear geographic limitation in this region. Many of these taxa have habitat preferences, among which lake morphometry, pH, nutrients and temperature are important. Due to the complex environmental patterns in the Arctic, lakes in both the northern and southern portion of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago have warmer temperatures and the chironomid assemblages of these two regions resemble each other more than those of the intervening central islands. Chironomid diversity is lowest in the central arctic islands, primarily Devon and Cornwallis Island, where the combination of low nutrients and cold temperatures provide the most severe environment for chironomid survival.  相似文献   

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