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During human ontogeny, testosterone has powerful organizational and activational effects on the male organism. This has led to the hypothesis that the prenatal environment (as studied through the second-to-fourth digit ratio, 2D : 4D) is not only associated with robust adult male faces that are perceived as dominant and masculine, but also that there is an activational step during puberty. To test the latter, we collected digit ratios and frontal photographs of right-handed Caucasian boys (aged 4-11 years) along with age, body height and body weight. Using geometric morphometrics, we show a significant relationship between facial shape and 2D : 4D before the onset of puberty (explaining 14.5% of shape variation; p = 0.014 after 10 000 permutations, n = 17). Regression analyses depict the same shape patterns as in adults, namely that the lower the 2D : 4D, the smaller and shorter the forehead, the thicker the eyebrows, the wider and shorter the nose, and the larger the lower face. Our findings add to previous evidence that certain adult male facial characteristics that elicit attributions of masculinity and dominance are determined very early in ontogeny. This has implications for future studies in various fields ranging from social perception to life-history strategies.  相似文献   

The semispinalis capitis and splenius muscles of the horse were analyzed for gross morphology, microarchitecture, fiber length, and fiber type. Although these two muscles are similar in size and anatomical position, they are very different from one another in structural design and histochemistry, implying diverse functional roles in the animal's behavior. The histochemical staining profile was limited to two fiber types: slow oxidative and fast glycolytic. The splenius muscle has simple architecture, long fibers, and a 60/40 ratio of SO to FG cross-sectional area. The semispinalis capitis has complex architecture with short-fibered, concentric compartments dorsal to its central tendon and longer-fibered compartments ventrally. The entire dorsal region has an increasing gradient of slow oxidative fiber percentage from caudal to cranial (58-71% SO). In contrast, the ventral region has a decreasing gradient of slow oxidative fibers from caudal to cranial (48-67% FG). These patterns can be interpreted within the context of the cervical musculature during locomotion and posture to indicate the functional advantages of this organization.  相似文献   

目的:研究平衡性训练对膝关节内侧副韧带(MCL)损伤患者膝关节功能恢复的效果。方法:选取2014年8月至2016年8月北京体育大学运动员膝关节MCL损伤患者112例为研究对象,根据随机数字表法将其分为对照组(n=56)与观察组(n=56)。对照组予以常规康复训练干预,观察组则在对照组的基础上加用平衡性训练干预,两组患者干预时间均为4周,分别比较两组干预前和干预4周后膝关节功能变化情况、疼痛程度、膝关节平衡能力以及生活质量的变化。结果:干预后两组患者Lysholm评分均较干预前升高,且观察组明显高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。干预后两组患者视觉模拟(VAS)评分均明显低于干预前,且观察组明显低于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(均P0.05)。干预后,两组患者总体稳定指数(OSI)、前后方向的稳定指数(APSI)、左右方向的稳定指数(MLSI)水平均低于干预前,且观察组患者OSI、APSI、MLSI水平均低于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(均P0.05)。观察组患者满意度较对照组明显升高,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:为膝关节MCL损伤患者实施平衡性训练能较好地改善其膝关节功能,并缓解疼痛,同时可帮助其提高膝关节的平衡能力,增加了满意度,适于推广。  相似文献   

Michael A. Huston 《Oecologia》1997,110(4):449-460
Interactions between biotic and abiotic processes complicate the design and interpretation of ecological experiments. Separating causality from simple correlation requires distinguishing among experimental treatments, experimental responses, and the many processes and properties that are correlated with either the treatments or the responses, or both. When an experimental manipulation has multiple components, but only one of them is identified as the experimental treatment, erroneous conclusions about cause and effect relationships are likely because the actual cause of any observed response may be ignored in the interpretation of the experimental results. This unrecognized cause of an observed response can be considered a “hidden treatment.” Three types of hidden treatments are potential problems in biodiversity experiments: (1) abiotic conditions, such as resource levels, or biotic conditions, such as predation, which are intentionally or unintentionally altered in order to create differences in species numbers for “diversity” treatments; (2) non-random selection of species with particular attributes that produce treatment differences that exceed those due to “diversity” alone; and (3) the increased statistical probability of including a species with a dominant negative or positive effect (e.g., dense shade, or nitrogen fixation) in randomly selected groups of species of increasing number or “diversity.” In each of these cases, treatment responses that are actually the result of the “hidden treatment” may be inadvertently attributed to variation in species diversity. Case studies re-evaluating three different types of biodiversity experiments demonstrate that the increases found in such ecosystem properties as productivity, nutrient use efficiency, and stability (all of which were attributed to higher levels of species diversity) were actually caused by “hidden treatments” that altered plant biomass and productivity. Received: 16 December 1996 / Accepted: 2 March 1997  相似文献   

目的:分析8例III度膝关节内侧副韧带损伤的患者行缝合锚重建术后异位骨化发生与损伤的关系。方法:回顾性收集8例Ⅲ度膝关节内侧副韧带损伤行缝合锚重建术后发生异位骨化的患者,对其临床一般资料、损伤程度及部位、膝关节活动度及异位骨化程度等进行分析。结果:8位中Ⅰ度异位骨化4例,膝关节活动度73.75°~176.25°,平均125°,Ⅱ°异位骨化4例,膝关节活动度78.75°~157.25°,平均117.4°。在发生内侧副韧带异位骨化的8名患者中,仅有1名为单纯内侧副韧带损伤导致,其余7名患者中5名合并前叉或前、后叉韧带损伤,1例伴有胫骨髁间棘的撕脱骨折,1例合并胫骨平台骨折,4例合并胫骨或股骨髁骨折。结论:膝关节内侧异位骨化是异位骨化的好发部位,其发生与膝关节多发韧带损伤有关。  相似文献   

A study of 246 adult nonhuman primates belonging to 34 genera indicates that a popliteal sesamoid bone is always present in the tendon of the popliteus muscle in Prosimii and Callitrichidae. The bone occurs only variably in Atelidae and Pongo, and is usually absent in Gorilla. The bone is absent, or very rare, in Cebus, Cercopithecidae, Hylobatidae, Pan, and humans. When the bone is present, it articulates with the posterior part of the articular surface of the lateral condyle of the tibia, and lies very close to the head of the fibula, at the angulated part of the popliteal tendon, near the tendomuscular junction. The presence of the popliteal sesamoid bone in primates is a primitive character.  相似文献   

The annual growth rate of the horny wall of the hoof was investigated in 38 horses—31 mares and seven stallions. Experimental subjects were Konik horses kept in a conservative breeding herd. The horses hooves of both limbs: the right fore limb and the right hind limb were measured and next growth rate of the horny wall was analysed at five points of the hoof capsule. On the basis of Principal Component Analysis it was found that the subjects needed to be considered in three groups: three-year old mares, older mares and stallions. Next the growth increments were averaged in each investigated group and compared. The dynamics of hoof horn growth turned out to be the highest in the group of young mares, followed by the group of stallions and the group of adult mares. In the winter months the lowest growth increment of the hoof horn was observed in all the analysed groups. In the period of the elongating solar day, i.e. from May to July, the growth was rapid and reached the highest values. Starting from August the growth of the hoof horn decreased.  相似文献   

本研究以我国放归野化的普氏野马家族群为观测对象,在2003年1月至2006年12月系统研究了该物种家族群变更的类型及其频次。结果表明,普氏野马家族群的变更类型有5种:1)头马更替、2)群体分裂、3)群体合并、4)家族群间个体变换、5)亚成体离群。头马更替和群体分裂主要发生于6~7月份,分别占该类变更总数的50%和66%;群体合并主要发生于6月、8月,占66%;家族群间个体变换主要发生于7月、10月和11月,占89%;亚成体离群主要发生于4月和5月,占75%。普氏野马家族群变更是该物种生物学特性与放归地环境共同作用的结果。依据本研究结果,作者提出了调整放归野马群体的年龄结构,改善放归地水源空间配置,进而维护放归普氏野马家族群的稳定性的管护措施。  相似文献   


Horses are used worldwide for a range of activities. Their usefulness and welfare in these pursuits are strongly influenced by their trainability, which may in turn be influenced by learning ability. Handling and riding horses can expose both handler and horse to a considerable risk of injury. This risk can be reduced by employing correct handling procedures that can facilitate learning in horses. As with all training, efficacy is influenced by consistency and timing. To determine the optimum timing of reinforcement, 16 unweaned naïve foals, that had previously undergone minimal human–animal interaction (i.e., not had a headcollar previously applied), of warmblood (WB; n = 6), thoroughbred (TB; n = 5) or warmblood x thoroughbred (WB x TB; n = 6) breeding were randomly assigned to three treatment groups for testing on ten training days at approximately 14-day intervals. Pressure applied to a headcollar via a lead rope was used as the stimulus for each foal to walk forward, and this was repeated until the foal had walked a distance of 8 m. The effects of three different latencies of negative reinforcement were evaluated by releasing the pressure either immediately: as the first foreleg step commenced (Treatment 1); when the second step of the forelegs was completed (Treatment 2) or when the fourth step of the forelegs was completed (Treatment 3). Each foal's rate of learning was measured by the proportion of correct responses relative to the total number of responses performed. Behavioral responses exhibited (rears, strikes, head shakes, falls, sideways movement and hops) and the steps taken over the distance were also recorded.

Initially, the foals undergoing Treatment 1 appeared to learn more quickly than those foals undergoing Treatments 2 and 3, suggesting that Treatment 1 was associated with the greatest compliance and the quickest learning. However, the foals undergoing Treatment 3 ultimately achieved significantly (p < 0.001) more correct responses, suggesting that the longer delay of reinforcement (i.e., the longer duration of aversive stimulus) may enhance learning via the negative reinforcement inherent in lead training in foals. While some conflict behaviors were shown in all treatment groups, most were exhibited on training day 2. This was reflected in the analysis of composite behaviors performed, with training days 1 and 2 being different (p < 0.001) from training day 3, and training days 1–3 being different (p < 0.001) from training days 4–10. These changes indicate that learning occurred in all treatment groups.

The foals used in this study were sired by five different stallions. While the foals sired by stallion 2 (WB) performed significantly (p < 0.001) more correct responses, those foals sired by WB stallions were significantly (p < 0.001) less likely to perform correct responses when compared with those foals of TB or WB x TB breeding. Colts were significantly (p < 0.001) more likely to perform correct responses than were fillies.  相似文献   

In the developing chick wing, the use of antisense oligodeoxynucleotides to transiently knock down the expression of the gap junction protein, connexin43 (Cx43), results in limb patterning defects, including deletion of the anterior digits. To understand more about how such defects arise, the effects of transient Cx43 knockdown on the expression patterns of several genes known to play pivotal roles in limb formation were examined. Sonic hedgehog (Shh), which is normally expressed in the zone of polarizing activity (ZPA) and is required to maintain both the ZPA and the apical ectodermal ridge (AER), was found to be downregulated in treated limbs within 30 h. Bone morphogenetic protein-2 (Bmp-2), a gene downstream of Shh, was similarly downregulated. Fibroblast growth factor-8 expression, however, was unaltered 30 h after treatment but was greatly reduced at 48 h post-treatment, when the AER begins to regress. Expressions of Bmp-4 and Muscle segment homeobox-like gene (Msx-1) were not affected at any of the time points examined. Cx43 expression is therefore involved in some, but not all patterning cascades, and appears to play a role in the regulation of ZPA activity.  相似文献   

Species composition and distribution of large intestinal ciliates were investigated in the feces from 15 Turk rahvan horses, living in the vicinity of Izmir, Turkey. Twenty-two ciliate genera consisting of 36 species were identified. This is the first report on intestinal ciliates in Turk rahvan horses and no previously unknown species were observed. The mean number of ciliates was 14.2 ± 13.9 × 104 cells ml−1 of feces and the mean number of ciliate species per host was 9.9 ± 7.1. No ciliates were observed in 2 horses. Bundleia and Blepharocorys were considered to be the major genera since these ciliates were constantly found in high proportions. In contrast, Paraisotricha, Didesmis and Gassovskiella were only observed at low frequencies. The ciliates found in this survey had almost the same characteristics as those described in previous reports, suggesting that there was no significant geographic variation in the intestinal ciliate fauna of equids.  相似文献   

To elucidate the compositional change of ligaments with aging, the authors investigated both age-related changes of elements and relationships among elements in the round ligaments of the uterus (round ligaments) by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry. The bilateral round ligaments were resected from 20 cadavers and also from the uteri removed surgically from 11 patients bearing uterine myoma or cancer. Thirty-one subjects ranged in age from 34 to 92 yr. It was found that both S and Mg decreased gradually in the round ligaments with aging, but Ca, P, Zn, Fe, and Al did not change significantly with aging. Regarding the relationships among elements, very significant direct correlations were found among the contents of Ca, P, S, and Mg in the round ligaments, whereas significant inverse correlations were found between the contents of Zn and elements, such as Ca, P, S, and Mg. It should be noted that there was an extremely significant direct correlation between Ca and P contents in the round ligaments.  相似文献   

目的:研究外侧副韧带重建手术结合关节镜检查治疗慢性踝关节外侧不稳的临床疗效。方法:选取2012年7月-2014年7月我院收治的慢性踝关节外侧不稳患者60例,随机分为研究组和对照组,每组30例。对照组患者给予保守治疗,研究组患者采取踝关节镜探查清理联合腓骨短肌腱外侧韧带重建手术进行治疗。应用美国足踝外科裸-后足功能评分系统(AOFAS)评价两组患者治疗前后的踝关节功能评分,并比较两组的优良率、复发率以及并发症的发生率。结果:两组治疗前的AOFAS功能评分比较无统计学差异(P0.05),两组治疗后的AOFAS功能评分均较治疗前显著升高,且研究组显著高于对照组,差异具体统计学意义(P0.05)。研究组的优良率为96.7%(29/30),显著高于对照组的73.3%(22/30);研究组的复发率为0.0%(0/30),显著低于对照组的13.3%(4/30);研究组并发症的发生率为3.3%(1/30),显著低于对照组的20.0%(6/30),两组比较差异均具有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:外侧副韧带重建手术结合关节镜检查治疗慢性踝关节外侧不稳具有较好的临床疗效,且复发率较低,并发症较少。  相似文献   

To elucidate compositional changes of ligaments with aging, the authors investigated age-related changes of elements in the posterior longitudinal ligaments (PLLs) by inductively coupled plasma—atomic emission spectrometry. After the ordinary dissection, PLLs were resected from the subjects ranging in age from 65 to 95 yr. The PLLs of the cervical spine were resected between the fourth and fifth cervical vertebrae, the PLLs of the thoracic spine between the fifth and seventh thoracic vertebrae, and the PLLs of the lumbar spine between the second and third lumbar vertebrae. Calcium and magnesium increased progressively with aging in the PLLs of the cervical spine, but they did not increase with aging in the PLLs of the thoracic and lumbar spine. In contrast, iron decreased gradually with aging in the PLLs of the cervical spine. Regarding the relationships among elements, significant correlations were found among the contents of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and sodium in the PLLs of the cervical spine.  相似文献   

An experimental technique for quantifying load-sharing in cadaveric spines is used to test the hypothesis that degenerative changes in human apophyseal joints are directly related to high levels of compressive load-bearing by these joints. About 36 cadaveric thoraco-lumbar motion segments aged 64-92 years were subjected to a compressive load of 1.5 kN. The distribution of compressive stress was measured in the intervertebral discs using a miniature pressure transducer, and stress measurements were summed over area to give the compressive force resisted by the disc. This was subtracted from the applied 1.5 kN to indicate compressive load-bearing by the apophyseal joints. The cartilage of each apophyseal joint surface was then graded for degree of degeneration. After maceration, each joint surface was scored for degenerative joint disease (DJD) affecting the bone. Results demonstrated that the apophyseal joints resisted 5-96% (mean 45%) of the applied compressive force. A significant positive correlation was demonstrated between age and cartilage degeneration, age and DJD bone score, apophyseal joint load-bearing and bone score, and cartilage score and load-bearing. The latter correlation was strongest for load-bearing above 50%. Ordinal regression showed that the variables describing bone DJD (marginal osteophytes, pitting, bony contour change, and eburnation) were significantly correlated with degree of cartilage degeneration. It is concluded that in elderly individuals apophyseal joint load-bearing above a threshold of 50% is associated with severe degenerative changes in cartilage and bone, and that markers of DJD observed palaeopathologically may be used as predictors of such loadingin life.  相似文献   

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