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Six glycosyltransferases (mannosyl-, glucosyl-, N-acetyl-glucosaminyl-, galactosyl-, sialyl- and fucosyltransferases) are studied and characterized for their optimal conditions and their relations with interfering reactions (glycosyl-nucleotide pyrophosphatases, glycosidases and proteinases) in chondrocytes from osteoarthritic and normal human articular cartilage. Osteoarthritis induces increased activities for five glycosyl-transferases. The observed modifications are not explained by alterations in physico-chemical parameters of the enzymes or by intervention of glycosyl-nucleotide pyrophosphatases, glycosidases or proteolytic enzymes.  相似文献   

Non-collagenous proteins from the articular cartilage of normal subjects and patients with degenerative joint disease were extracted sequentially. Proteoglycans and the other glycoproteins were more extractable from the osteoarthritic cartilage at lower ionic strength than those from the normal cartilage. A 50-kD protein which seems specific to osteoarthritic cartilage was identified. Three different populations of proteoglycans were purified from normal and only two from osteoarthritic cartilage. Moreover, greater amounts of albumin and fibronectin were found in the pathological cartilage. No differences were observed between link proteins from normal and osteoarthritic cartilage, nor in their molecular weight or the amounts extracted.  相似文献   

Chondrocyte cultures were developed from the cell outgrowths of explanted human nonarthritic and osteoarthritic human cartilage. Two significant differences in sulfated proteoglycan synthesis were demonstrated between the chondrocytes obtained in this manner. With 35SO4 to measure newly synthesized proteoglycan, we found that chondrocytes derived from osteoarthritic cartilage secreted significantly less (P less than 0.05) high density proteoglycan into the culture medium than did chondrocytes from nonarthritic cartilage after 20 hr of radiolabeling. This reduced amount of high density proteoglycan was sustained when chondrocytes were maintained in unlabeled culture medium ("chase" medium). In addition, the osteoarthritic chondrocytes secreted an increased amount of low density proteoglycan when compared with their nonarthritic counterparts. The elution profile of secreted high density proteoglycan isolated from the osteoarthritic chondrocyte culture medium was assessed by gel filtration on Sepharose CL-2B and revealed the presence of two proteoglycan subpopulations (Kav, 0.25, 0.58), whereas only one proteoglycan series (Kav, 0.37) was seen in the high density fraction of nonarthritic chondrocyte culture medium. Similar gel filtration profiles were also obtained when chondrocytes were maintained in chase medium. The results of this study demonstrated that stable differences in proteoglycan synthesis, but not in intracellular processing, exist between nonarthritic and osteoarthritic chondrocytes. The findings are noteworthy in that these differences were not previously apparent when organ-cultured cartilage was used to assess putative alterations in proteoglycans between the two groups.  相似文献   

Tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs) inhibit the extracellular matrix (ECM) metalloproteinases (MMPs). To determine the source of TIMPs in synovial fluids of patients with osteoarthritis (OA), the ability of chondrocytes to express TIMP-2 and its regulation by agents found in inflammed joints was investigated. The constitutive TIMP-2 mRNA expression was demonstrated in chondrocytes from normal bovine, human OA and normal cartilage. The cross-hybridization of human and bovine TIMP-2 suggested its evolutionary conservation. Serum, IL-1, IL-6 and TGF-β were unable to augment considerably the basal expression of TIMP-2 mRNA. TIMP-1 RNA expression in chondrocytes from human OA cartilage was elevated compared to non-OA chondrocytes, while TIMP-2 mRNA levels were similar in both. IL-1β, IL-6 and TGF-β did not affect TIMP-2 expression but TGF-β induced TIMP-1 mRNA in human OA chondrocytes. TIMP-2 and TIMP-1 are therefore differentially regulated in chondrocytes and the basal TIMP-2 levels may be needed for the cartilage ECM integrity. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Mechanical stimulation is critically important for the maintenance of normal articular cartilage integrity. Molecular events regulating responses of chondrocytes to mechanical forces are beginning to be defined. Chondrocytes from normal human knee joint articular cartilage show increased levels of aggrecan mRNA following 0.33 Hz mechanical stimulation whilst at the same time relative levels of MMP3 mRNA are decreased. This anabolic response, associated with membrane hyperpolarisation, is activated via an integrin-dependent interleukin (IL)-4 autocrine/paracrine loop. Work in our laboratory suggests that this chondroprotective response may be aberrant in osteoarthritis (OA). Chondrocytes from OA cartilage show no changes in aggrecan or MMP3 mRNA following 0.33 Hz mechanical stimulation. alpha5beta1 integrin is the mechanoreceptor in both normal and OA chondrocytes but downstream signalling pathways differ. OA chondrocytes show membrane depolarisation following 0.33 Hz mechanical stimulation consequent to activation of an IL1beta autocrine/paracrine loop. IL4 signalling in OA chondrocytes is preferentially through the type I (IL4alpha/cgamma) receptor rather than via the type II (IL4alpha/IL13R) receptor. Altered mechanotransduction and signalling in OA may contribute to changes in chondrocyte behaviour leading to increased cartilage breakdown and disease progression.  相似文献   

Osteoarthritis (OA) is characterized by irreversible destruction of the articular cartilage. OA affects more than 100 million individuals worldwide and has a major impact on patients' quality of life. The lack of effective therapy that prevents, inhibits or reverses the progress of OA often leaves only the option of surgical interventions. Thus, identification of the factors that contribute to OA pathogenesis is necessary for better understanding of OA pathobiology and discovery of effective therapies. Recent proteomic studies have been conducted to identify pathological mediators and biomarkers of OA, which have pinpointed novel pathways involved in cartilage degeneration. This article summarizes the recent findings, compares major techniques used in OA proteomics and discusses key proteins in OA and their potential use as therapeutic targets.  相似文献   

Osteoarthritis (OA) is characterized by irreversible destruction of the articular cartilage. OA affects more than 100 million individuals worldwide and has a major impact on patients’ quality of life. The lack of effective therapy that prevents, inhibits or reverses the progress of OA often leaves only the option of surgical interventions. Thus, identification of the factors that contribute to OA pathogenesis is necessary for better understanding of OA pathobiology and discovery of effective therapies. Recent proteomic studies have been conducted to identify pathological mediators and biomarkers of OA, which have pinpointed novel pathways involved in cartilage degeneration. This article summarizes the recent findings, compares major techniques used in OA proteomics and discusses key proteins in OA and their potential use as therapeutic targets.  相似文献   

Proteoglycans from osteoarthritic cartilage were compared with those from normal articular cartilage. Normal proteoglycan aggregates are larger in size and more homogeneous than those in osteoarthritis. Proteoglycan monomers from both sources gave two peaks on controlled pore glass-bead chromatography. Although the retarded material from normal cartilage showed an affinity for hyaluronate, the same material from osteoarthritic cartilage did not. The hyaluronate-binding capacity of the material which is partly in the void volume and partly retarded was similar in both types of cartilage. These results suggest that in osteoarthritic cartilage the proteoglycan aggregates are smaller and more heterogeneous and that the chondroitin sulphate side chains are shorter. They also indicate that there are two populations of proteoglycan, one with its hyaluronate-binding-protein region of core protein intact and the other either possessing an inactive binding region or totally lacking it.  相似文献   

Chondrocyte metalloproteinases appear to play a major role in the development of osteoarthritis. The intracellular post-traductional mechanisms regulating collagenase and proteoglycanase are not known. Calmodulin antagonists including phenothiazine and sulfonamide derivatives significantly increased proteoglycanase activity and decreased collagenase activity. H-7, a specific inhibitor of protein kinase C, had no effect on the two metalloproteinase activities, and calmodulin was ineffective in in vitro assays upon metalloproteinase activities. We postulate that collagenase and proteoglycanase activities are controlled by calmodulin-dependent regulation.  相似文献   

The mechanical environment of the chondrocyte is an important factor that influences the maintenance of the articular cartilage extracellular matrix. Previous studies have utilized theoretical models of chondrocytes within articular cartilage to predict the stress-strain and fluid flow environments around the cell, but little is currently known regarding the cellular properties which are required for implementation of these models. The objectives of this study were to characterize the mechanical behavior of primary human chondrocytes and to determine the Young's modulus of chondrocytes from non-osteoarthritic ('normal') and osteoarthritic cartilage. A second goal was to quantify changes in the volume of isolated chondrocytes in response to mechanical deformation. The micropipette aspiration technique was used to measure the deformation of a single chondrocyte into a glass micropipette in response to a prescribed pressure. The results of this study indicate that the human chondrocyte behaves as a viscoelastic solid. No differences were found between the Young's moduli of normal (0.65+/-0.63 kPa, n = 44) and osteoarthritic chondrocytes (0.67+/-0.86 kPa, n = 69, p = 0.93). A significant difference in cell volume was observed immediately and 600 s after complete aspiration of the cell into the pipette (p < 0.001), and the magnitude of this volume change between normal (11+/-11%, n = 40) and osteoarthritic (20+/-11%, n = 41) chondroctyes was significantly different at both time points (p < 0.002). This finding suggests that chondrocytes from osteoarthritic cartilage may have altered volume regulation capabilities in response to mechanical deformation. The mechanical and volumetric properties determined in this study will be of use in analytical and finite element models of chondrocyte-matrix interactions in order to better predict the mechanical environment of the cell in vivo.  相似文献   

Agrin is a heparan sulfate proteoglycan that is best known for its crucial involvement in the organization and maintenance of postsynaptic structures at the neuromuscular junction. Consistent with this role, mice deficient of agrin die at birth due to respiratory failure. Here we examined the early postnatal development of agrin-deficient mice in which perinatal death was prevented by transgenic expression of neural agrin in motor neurons. Such transgenic, agrin-deficient mice were born at Mendelian ratio but exhibited severe postnatal growth retardation. Growth plate morpholgy was markedly altered in these mice, with changes being most prominent in the hypertrophic zone. Compression of this zone was not caused by reduced viability of hypertrophic chondrocytes, as no differences in the apoptosis rates could be observed. Furthermore, deposition of the major cartilage matrix components collagen type II and aggrecan was slightly reduced in these mice. Consistent with a role for agrin in skeletal development, we show for the first time that agrin is highly expressed by chondrocytes and localizes to the growth plate in wild-type mice. Our data show that agrin is expressed in cartilage and that it plays a critical role in normal skeletal growth.  相似文献   

Osteoarthritis (OA) is characterized by degenerative changes within joints that involved quantitative and/or qualitative alterations of cartilage and synovial fluid lubricin, a mucinous glycoprotein secreted by synovial fibroblasts and chondrocytes. Modern therapeutic methods, including tissue-engineering techniques, have been used to treat mechanical damage of the articular cartilage but to date there is no specific and effective treatment. This study aimed at investigating lubricin immunohistochemical expression in cartilage explant from normal and OA patients and in cartilage constructions formed by Poly (ethylene glycol) (PEG) based hydrogels (PEG-DA) encapsulated OA chondrocytes. The expression levels of lubricin were studied by immunohistochemistry: i) in tissue explanted from OA and normal human cartilage; ii) in chondrocytes encapsulated in hydrogel PEGDA from OA and normal human cartilage. Moreover, immunocytochemical and western blot analysis were performed in monolayer cells from OA and normal cartilage. The results showed an increased expression of lubricin in explanted tissue and in monolayer cells from normal cartilage, and a decreased expression of lubricin in OA cartilage. The chondrocytes from OA cartilage after 5 weeks of culture in hydrogels (PEGDA) showed an increased expression of lubricin compared with the control cartilage. The present study demonstrated that OA chondrocytes encapsulated in PEGDA, grown in the scaffold and were able to restore lubricin biosynthesis. Thus our results suggest the possibility of applying autologous cell transplantation in conjunction with scaffold materials for repairing cartilage lesions in patients with OA to reduce at least the progression of the disease.  相似文献   

Osteoarthritis (OA) is characterized by cartilage degradation. The chondrocyte is the only cell type present in mature cartilage, and it is important in the control of cartilage integrity. The aim of this study was to analyze, by a proteomic approach, the changes that are characteristic of OA chondrocytes, and to identify new OA-related proteins. Chondrocytes were isolated from the cartilage of ten OA patients undergoing joint replacement and ten donors with no history of joint disease. Whole-cell proteins were resolved by 2-DE and stained with SYPRO Ruby. Protein expression patterns of 2-DE gels from OA and normal chondrocyte proteins were analyzed with PDQuest 7.3.1 software. OA-related proteins were identified by MALDI-TOF or MALDI-TOF/TOF MS. The results were validated for ANXA1, GSTO1, GRP78, and HSP90beta in cells by Western blotting and in tissue cartilage by immunohistochemistry. Results showed an average of 700 protein spots that were present in the 2-DE gels. Compared to normal chondrocytes, 19 protein spots were found to be significantly increased in OA cells (ratio OA:N> or =2.0, p<0.05), whereas nine were decreased in OA chondrocytes (ratio OA:N< or =0.5, p<0.05). Three stress response proteins were increased (HSP90beta, GRP78, and GRP94) and three proteins involved in glycolysis were decreased (enolase, glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase, and fructose biphosphate aldolase). Functionally, almost all proteins could be classified as proteins involved in cellular metabolism (33%), structure (21%), or protein targeting (21%).  相似文献   

The genetic type of collagen was examined in both fresh and 2 to 4 month in vitro cultured human normal and osteoarthritic articular cartilage. Disc electrophoresis indicated that all cartilage samples examined contained only type II collagen, however CM cellulose chromatography revealed chromatographic differences between the normal and pathological tissues.  相似文献   

We have previously described several receptors on the chondrocyte membrane. In an attempt to further characterize the coupling mechanisms of serotoninergic receptors, here we examined the involvement of serotonin in the phospholipase A2 activity. Serotonin dose-dependently stimulated phospholipase A2. This activation enhanced collagenase type II activity and had no effect on proteoglycanase activity.  相似文献   

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