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烟草叶绿体NAD(P)H脱氢酶在抵御高温胁迫中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经42℃高温处理48 h以上, 烟草(Nicotiana tabacum L.)ndhC-ndhK-ndhJ基因缺失突变体(ΔndhCKJ)植株较其野生型(WT)先出现茎部褐变、叶片萎蔫等氧化伤害症状. 作用光关闭后的叶绿素荧光动力学表明, WT植株中NAD(P)H脱氢酶(NDH)介导的PSI循环电子传递和叶绿体呼吸在高温胁迫时被促进了. 用甲基紫精(MV)处理叶圆片的结果显示, ΔndhCKJ光合机构更易受到光氧化伤害, 甚至首先发生叶绿素漂白. P700氧化还原分析表明, NDH介导的循环电子传递途径可能通过与MV竞争电子而减少活性氧(ROS)的积累. 将叶圆片于42℃处理6 h后, ΔndhCKJ光化学反应活性的下降比WT更显著, 与此一致, 可溶性Rubisco活化酶含量显著低于WT, 且电子传递链还原程度和非光化学能量耗散水平均显著高于WT. 叶绿素毫秒延迟发光慢相的测定结果显示NDH介导的循环电子传递有助于跨膜质子梯度(ΔpH)的形成, 但其耗用在DndhCKJ中受到严重抑制. 根据以上结果推测, NDH介导的循环电子传递在高温胁迫下运转加快, 并将过剩的电子分流至叶绿体呼吸途径, 此外, NDH途径提供的DpH可能在一定程度上有利于维持CO2同化的进行, 从而能够减轻光氧化胁迫的伤害.  相似文献   

An Arabidopsis thaliana mutant, crr7 (chlororespiratory reduction), was isolated using chlorophyll fluorescence imaging to detect reduced activity in NAD(P)H dehydrogenase (NDH). The chloroplast NDH complex is considered to have originated from cyanobacteria in which the NDH complex is involved in respiration, photosystem I (PSI) cyclic electron transport and CO2 uptake. In higher plants the NDH complex functions in PSI cyclic electron transport within the chloroplast. Despite exhaustive biochemical approaches, the entire subunit composition of the NDH complex is unclear in both cyanobacteria and chloroplasts. In crr7 accumulation of the NDH complex was specifically impaired. In vivo analysis of electron transport supported the specific loss of the NDH complex in crr7. CRR7 (At5g39210) encodes a protein of 156 amino acids, including a putative plastid target signal, and does not contain any known motifs. In contrast to CRR2 and CRR4, involved in the expression of chloroplast ndh genes, CRR7 is conserved in cyanobacterial genomes. Although CRR7 did not contain any transmembrane domains, it localized to the membrane fraction of the chloroplast. CRR7 was unstable in the crr2-2 mutant background, in which the expression of ndhB was impaired. These results strongly suggest that CRR7 is a novel subunit of the chloroplast NDH complex.  相似文献   

Chloroplast NAD(P)H dehydrogenase (NDH) is a homolog of the bacterial NADH dehydrogenase NDH-1 and is involved in cyclic electron transport around photosystem I. In higher plants, 14 subunits of the NDH complex have been identified. The subunit that contains the electron donor-binding site or an electron donor to NDH has not been determined. Arabidopsis crr1 (chlororespiratory reduction 1) mutants were isolated by chlorophyll fluorescence imaging on the basis of their lack of NDH activity. CRR1 is homologous to dihydrodipicolinate reductase (DHPR), which functions in a lysine biosynthesis pathway. However, the dihydrodipicolinate-binding motif was not conserved in CRR1, and the crr1 defect was specific to accumulation of the NDH complex, implying that CRR1 is not involved in lysine biosynthesis in Arabidopsis. Similarly to other nuclear-encoded genes for NDH subunits, CRR1 was expressed only in photosynthetic tissue. CRR1 contained a NAD(P)H-binding motif and was a candidate electron donor-binding subunit of the NDH complex. However, CRR1 was detected in the stroma but not in the thylakoid membranes, where the NDH complex is localized. Furthermore, CRR1 was stable in crr2-2 lacking the NDH complex. These results suggest that CRR1 is involved in biogenesis or stabilization of the NDH complex, possibly via the reduction of an unknown substrate.  相似文献   

After incubation at 42°C for more than 48 h, brown damages occurred on the stems of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) ndhC-ndhK-ndhJ deletion mutant (ΔndhCKJ), followed by wilt of the leaves, while less the phenotype was found in its wild type (WT). Analysis of the kinetics of post-illumination rise in chlorophyll fluorescence indicated that the PSI cyclic electron flow and the chlororespiration mediated by NAD(P)H dehydrogenase (NDH) was significantly enhanced in WT under the high temperature. After leaf disks were treated with methyl viologen (MV), photosynthetic apparatus of ΔndhCKJ exhibited more severe photo-oxidative damage, even bleaching of chlorophyll. Analysis of P700 oxidation and reduction showed that the NDH mediated cyclic electron flow probably functioned as an electron competitor with Mehler reaction, to reduce the accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). When leaf disks were heat stressed at 42°C for 6 h, the photochemical activity declined more markedly in ΔndhCKJ than in WT, accompanied with more evident decrease in the amount of soluble Rubisco activase. In addition, the slow phase of millisecond-delayed light emission (ms-DLE) of chlorophyll fluorescence indicated that NDH was involved in the building-up of transthylakoid proton gradient (ΔpH), while the consumption of ΔpH was highly inhibited in ΔndhCKJ after heat stress. Based on the results, we supposed that the cyclic electron flow mediated by NDH could be stimulated under the heat stressed conditions, to divert excess electrons via chlororespiration pathway, and sustain CO2 assimilation by providing extra ΔpH, thus reducing the photooxidative damage.  相似文献   

The environmental temperature is one of the mainfactors affecting plant growth and development. Insummer, plants are frequently influenced by hightemperature. In recent years, global temperature wasremarkably elevated accompanied with the climaticchanges,…  相似文献   

Chloroplastic NAD(P)H dehydrogenase (NDH) plays a role in cyclic electron flow around photosystem I to produce ATP, especially in adaptation to environmental changes. Although the NDH complex contains 11 subunits that are homologous to NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex I; EC, recent genetic and biological studies have indicated that NDH also comprises unique subunits. We describe here an in silico approach based on co-expression analysis and phylogenetic profiling that was used to identify 65 genes as potential candidates for NDH subunits. Characterization of 21 Arabidopsis T-DNA insertion mutants among these ndh gene candidates indicated that three novel ndf (NDH-dependent cyclic electron flow) mutants ( ndf1 , ndf2 and ndf4 ) had impaired NDH activity as determined by measurement of chlorophyll fluorescence. The amount of NdhH subunit was greatly decreased in these mutants, suggesting that the loss of NDH activity was caused by a defect in accumulation of the NDH complex. In addition, NDF1, NDF2 and NDF4 proteins co-migrated with the NdhH subunit, as shown by blue native electrophoresis. These results strongly suggest that NDF proteins are novel subunits of the NDH complex. Further analysis revealed that the NDF1 and NDF2 proteins were unstable in the mutants lacking hydrophobic subunits of the NDH complex, but were stable in mutants lacking the hydrophilic subunits, suggesting that NDF1 and NDF2 interact with a hydrophobic sub-complex. NDF4 protein was predicted to possess a redox-active iron–sulfur cluster domain that may be involved in the electron transfer.  相似文献   

The respiratory chain of plant mitochondria differs from that in mammalian mitochondria by containing several rotenone-insensitive NAD(P)H dehydrogenases. Two of these are located on the outer, cytosolic surface of the inner membrane. One is specific for NADH, the other for NADPH. Only the latter is inhibited by diphenyleneiodonium (DPI). Both of these enzymes are normally dependent upon Ca2+ for activity and this constitutes a potentially important mechanism by which the cell can regulate the oxidation of cytosolic NAD(P)H via the concentration of free Ca2+. This and other potential regulatory mechanisms such as the substrate concentration and polyamines are discussed.  相似文献   

The role of NAD(P)H dehydrogenase (NDH)-dependent cyclic electron flow around photosystem I in photosynthetic regulation and plant growth at several temperatures was examined in rice (Oryza sativa) that is defective in CHLORORESPIRATORY REDUCTION 6 (CRR6), which is required for accumulation of sub-complex A of the chloroplast NDH complex (crr6). NdhK was not detected by Western blot analysis in crr6 mutants, resulting in lack of a transient post-illumination increase in chlorophyll fluorescence, and confirming that crr6 mutants lack NDH activity. When plants were grown at 28 or 35°C, all examined photosynthetic parameters, including the CO(2) assimilation rate and the electron transport rate around photosystems I and II, at each growth temperature at light intensities above growth light (i.e. 800 μmol photons m(-2) sec(-1)), were similar between crr6 mutants and control plants. However, when plants were grown at 20°C, all the examined photosynthetic parameters were significantly lower in crr6 mutants than control plants, and this effect on photosynthesis caused a corresponding reduction in plant biomass. The F(v)/F(m) ratio was only slightly lower in crr6 mutants than in control plants after short-term strong light treatment at 20°C. However, after long-term acclimation to the low temperature, impairment of cyclic electron flow suppressed non-photochemical quenching and promoted reduction of the plastoquinone pool in crr6 mutants. Taken together, our experiments show that NDH-dependent cyclic electron flow plays a significant physiological role in rice during photosynthesis and plant growth at low temperature.  相似文献   

Using isolated chloroplasts or purified thylakoids from photoautotrophically grown cells of the chromophytic alga Pleurochloris meiringensis (Xanthophyceae) we were able to demonstrate a membrane bound NAD(P)H dehydrogenase activity. NAD(P)H oxidation was detectable with menadione, coenzyme Q0, decylplastoquinone and decylubiquinone as acceptors in an in vitro assay. K m-values for both pyridine nucleotides were in the molar range (K m[NADH]=9.8 M, K m[NADPH]=3.2 M calculated according to Lineweaver-Burk). NADH oxidation was optimal at pH 9 while pH dependence of NADPH oxidation showed a main peak at 9.8 and a smaller optimum at pH 7.5–8. NADH oxidation could be completely inhibited with rotenone, an inhibitor of mitochondrial complex I dehydrogenase, while NADPH oxidation revealed the typical inhibition pattern upon addition of oxidized pyridine nucleotides reported for ferredoxin: NADP+ reductase. Partly-denaturing gel electrophoresis followed by NAD(P)H dehydrogenase activity staining showed that NADPH and NADH oxidizing proteins had different electrophoretic mobilities. As revealed by denaturing electrophoresis, the NADH oxidizing enzyme had one main subunit of 22 kDa and two further polypeptides of 29 and 44 kDa, whereas separation of the NADPH depending protein yielded five bands of different molecular weight. Measurement of oxygen consumption due to PS I mediated methylviologen reduction upon complete inhibition of PS II showed that the NAD(P)H dehydrogenase is able to catalyze an input of electrons from NADH to the photosynthetic electron transport chain in case of an oxidized plastoquinone-pool. We suggest ferredoxin: NADP+ reductase to be the main NADPH oxidizing activity while a thylakoidal NAD(P)H: plastoquinone oxidoreductase involved in the chlororespiratory pathway in the dark acts mainly as an NADH oxidizing enzyme.Abbreviations Coenzyme Q0-2,3-dimethoxy-5-methyl-1,4-benzoquinone - FNR ferredoxin: NADP+ reductase - MD menadione - MV methylviologen - NDH NAD(P)H dehydrogenase - PQ plastoquinone - PQ10 decylplastoquinone - SDH succinate dehydrogenase - UQ10 decylubiquinone (2,3-dimethoxy-5-methyl-6-decyl-1,4-benzoquinone)  相似文献   

Cyclic electron transport and NADH and/or NADPH (NAD(P)H)-oxidizing activities were investigated in Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 grown under various stressed conditions and in ndhB-less (M55) and ycf33-deletion mutants. Activity staining and inhibitor data suggested that the ferredoxin-quinone reductase (FQR) route is the main pathway in ycf33-deletion and high-light (300 μE m?2 s?1)-grown cells as well as in M55 cells. The FQR route was highly sensitive to HgCl2, but not to diphenyleneiodonium (DPI). On the other hand, cells grown under low CO2 (0.03%) or normal (100 μE m?2 s?1, 3% CO2) conditions were found perhaps to use the complex I-type NAD(P)H dehydrogenase route, which was found to be highly sensitive to DPI but not to HgCl2. In high-salt (0.55 M NaCl)-grown cells, the amount of ferredoxin-NADP+ oxidoreductase (FNR) increased, and the main cyclic electron flow was perhaps the FNR route. Both DPI and HgCl2 were strong inhibitors of the FNR route.  相似文献   

The chloroplast NAD(P)H dehydrogenase (NDH) complex, which reducesplastoquinones in thylakoid membranes, is involved in PSI cyclicelectron flow and chlororespiration. In addition to land plants,the NDH complex is conserved in cyanobacteria. In this study,we identified a novel NDH-related gene of Arabidopsis, NDH-dependentcyclic electron flow 5 (NDF5, At1g55370). Post-illuminationincreases in chlorophyll fluorescence were absent in ndf5 mutantplants, which indicated that NDF5 is essential for NDH activity.Sequence analysis did not reveal any known functional motifsin NDF5, but there was some homology in amino acid sequencebetween NDF5 and NDF2, a known NDH subunit. NDF5 and NDF2 homologswere present in higher plants, but not cyanobacteria. A singlehomolog, which had similarity to both NDF5 and NDF2, was identifiedin the moss Physcomitrella patens. Immunoblot analysis showedthat NDF5 localizes to membrane fractions of chloroplasts. Thestability of NdhH, a subunit of the NDH complex, as well asNDF5 and NDF2, was decreased in ndf5, ndf2 and double ndf2/ndf5mutants, resulting in a loss of NDH activity in these mutants.These results indicated that both NDF5 and NDF2 have essentialfunctions in the stabilization of the NDH complex. We proposethat NDF5 and NDF2 were acquired by land plants during evolution,and that in higher plants both NDF5 and NDF2 are critical toregulate NDH activity and each other's protein stability, aswell as the stability of additional NDH subunits.  相似文献   

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