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Homology is perhaps the most central concept of phylogenetic biology. Molecular systematists have traditionally paid due attention to the homology statements that are implied by their alignments of orthologous sequences, but some authors have suggested that manual gene-by-gene curation is not sustainable in the phylogenomics era. Here, we show that there are multiple ways to efficiently screen for and detect homology errors in phylogenomic data sets. Application of these screening approaches to two phylogenomic data sets, one for birds and another for mammals, shows that these data are replete with homology errors including alignments of different exons to each other, alignments of exons to introns, and alignments of paralogues to each other. The extent of these homology errors weakens the conclusions of studies based on these data sets. Despite advances in automated phylogenomic pipelines, we contend that much of the long, difficult, and sometimes tedious work of systematics is still required to guard against pervasive homology errors. This conclusion is underscored by recent studies that show that just a few outlier genes can impact phylogenetic results at short, tightly spaced internodes that are deep in the Tree of Life. The view that widespread DNA sequence alignment errors are not a major concern for rigorous systematic research is not tenable. If a primary goal of phylogenomics is to resolve the most challenging phylogenetic problems with the abundant data that are now available, researchers must employ effective procedures to screen for and correct homology errors prior to performing downstream phylogenetic analyses.  相似文献   

Wool is composed primarily of proteins belonging to the keratin family. These include the keratins and keratin‐associated proteins (KAPs) that are responsible for the structural and mechanical properties of wool fibre. Although all human keratin and KAP genes have been annotated, many of their ovine counterparts remain unknown and even less is known about their genomic organisation. The aim of this study was to use a combinatory approach including comprehensive cDNA and de novo genomic sequencing to identify ovine keratin and KAP genes and their genomic organisation and to validate the keratins and KAPs involved in wool production using ovine expressed sequence tag (EST) libraries and proteomics. The number of genes and their genomic organisation are generally conserved between sheep, cattle and human, despite some unique features in the sheep. Validation by protein mass spectrometry identified multiple keratins (types I and II), epithelial keratins and KAPs. However, 15 EST‐derived genes, including one type II keratin and 14 KAPs, were identified in the sheep genome that were not present in the NCBI gene set, providing a significant increase in the number of keratin genes mapped on the sheep genome.  相似文献   

Twenty-one randomly selected clones from a turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) pituitary complementary DNA (cDNA) library were sequenced to develop expressed sequence tags (ESTs) for this economically important avian species whose genome is among the least understood. Primers specific for the ESTs were used to produce amplicons from the genomic DNA of turkey, chicken (Gallus gallus), guinea fowl (Numidia meleagris), pigeon (Columba domestica), and quail (Corturnix japonica). The amplicons were sequenced and analyzed for sequence variation within- and similarity among-species and with GenBank database sequences. The proportion of shared bases between the turkey sequence and the consensus sequence from each of the other species ranged from 72% to 93% between turkey and pigeon and quail and between turkey and chicken, respectively. The total number of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) observed ranged from 3 in quail to 18 in chicken out of 4898 and 5265 bases analyzed, respectively. The most frequent nucleotide variation observed was a C-->T transition. Linkage analysis of one such SNP in the backcross progeny of the East Lansing reference DNA panel, localized TUS0005, the chicken sequence derived from primers specific for turkey TUT2E EST, to chromosome 4. The ESTs reported, as well as the SNPs may provide a useful resource for ongoing efforts to develop high utility genome maps for the turkey and chicken. The primers described can also be used as a tool in future investigations directed at further understanding the biology of the guinea fowl, pigeon and quail and their relatedness to the turkey.  相似文献   

Interest in bay scallop conservation has resulted in organized stock enhancement efforts and increased attention to fisheries management issues. Genetic markers can facilitate the monitoring of enhancement efforts, characterization of wild populations, and optimize hatchery practices. We have identified eight polymorphic simple sequence repeat markers including one dinucleotide, six trinucleotide and one compound dinucleotide repeats, in expressed sequence tags generated from multiple bay scallop cDNA libraries. The numbers of alleles range from two to five. The expected and observed heterozygosities range from 0.093 to 0.720 and 0.095 to 0.600, respectively.  相似文献   

抑制差减杂交技术广泛应用于植物抗病虫(真菌、细菌和线虫)机理研究。本文在归纳出植物抗病虫SSH文库中ESTs的总体情况之基础上,重点分析了表达频率高的抗病、防御和信号转导基因,并展望了SSH的发展前景,有利于认识植物抗病虫分子机理的普遍规律和推广应用该技术。  相似文献   

Numerous mapping studies of complex traits in the pig have resulted in quantitative trait loci (QTL) intervals of 10-20 cM. To improve the chances to identify the genes located in such intervals, increased expressed sequence tags (EST)-based marker density, coupled with comparative mapping with species whose genomes have been sequenced such as human and mouse, is the most efficient tool. In this study, we mapped 443 porcine EST with a radiation hybrid (RH) panel (384 had LOD > 6.0) and a somatic cell hybrid panel. Requiring no discrepancy between two-point and multipoint RH data allowed robust assignment of 309 EST, of which most were located on porcine chromosomes (SSC) 1, 4, 7, 8 and X. Moreover, we built framework maps for two chromosomes, SSC1 and SSC7, with mapped QTL in regions with known rearrangement between pig and human genomes. Using the Blast tool, we found orthologies between 407 of the 443 pig cDNA sequences and human genes, or to existing pig genes. Our porcine/human comparative mapping results reveal possible new homologies for SSC1, SSC3, SSC5, SSC6, SSC12 and SSC14 and add markers in synteny breakpoints for chromosome 7.  相似文献   

Comparative analysis of expressed sequence tags is becoming an important tool in molecular ecology for comparing gene expression in organisms grown in certain environments. Additionally, expressed sequence tag database information can be used for the construction of DNA microarrays and for the detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms. For such applications, we present phorest , a web‐based tool for managing, analysing and comparing various collections of expressed sequence tags. It is written in PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) and runs on UNIX, Microsoft Windows and Macintosh (Mac OS X) platforms.  相似文献   

Genomic resources and microarrays for the common carp Cyprinus carpio L.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The common carp is an important fish species satisfying ornamental, food and recreational fisheries' needs worldwide, but in common with other cyprinid fishes, it is particularly renowned for its environmental tolerance. Investigating the mechanistic basis of growth, disease and environmental tolerance is greatly enhanced by access to a comprehensive list of gene sequences and post-genomic technologies. The current status of genomic resources is described for this species including 40 k cDNA clone collections, their associated expressed sequence tags (ESTs) and a developing series of 13 k–26 k cDNA microarrays fabricated from amplicons. The arrays have been directed at questions of response to environmental stress (cold and hypoxia), viral and bacterial disease and ectoparasite infection. Consequently, clones from a wide range of tissues were prepared. The authors discuss how these resources were generated and their application. Evidence is presented supporting that the carp microarray may also be useful as a heterologous set of probes in studies of other fish species.  相似文献   

In order to isolate and identify the developmentally regulated genes during fruiting body development, cDNA libraries were constructed from eight developmental stages of the Oyster mushroom, Pleurotus ostreatus. From these libraries, 11 761 expressed sequence tags (PoESTs) were generated. Of these, 4060 different genes (PoUnigenes) were identified, representing 34.5% of the entire genome. Redundancy analysis of ESTs during the developmental stages identified eight, 13 and two genes that were specifically expressed in mycelia, fruiting body and basidiospore, respectively. RT-PCR was used to confirm the specific expression of nine genes which showed specific redundancy in fruiting body stages, four genes of which were expressed specifically in fruiting body stages as expected in redundancy analysis, and other genes were expressed abundantly in fruiting body stages. The EST database of P. ostreatus generated during this study provides a genetic and biochemical basis for future studies of the developmental stages of basidiomycetes.  相似文献   

The fungal kingdom comprises a hyperdiverse clade of heterotrophic eukaryotes characterized by the presence of a chitinous cell wall, the loss of phagotrophic capabilities and cell organizations that range from completely unicellular monopolar organisms to highly complex syncitial filaments that may form macroscopic structures. Fungi emerged as a ‘Third Kingdom’, embracing organisms that were outside the classical dichotomy of animals versus vegetals. The taxonomy of this group has a turbulent history that is only now starting to be settled with the advent of genomics and phylogenomics. We here review the current status of the phylogeny and taxonomy of fungi, providing an overview of the main defined groups. Based on current knowledge, nine phylum‐level clades can be defined: Opisthosporidia, Chytridiomycota, Neocallimastigomycota, Blastocladiomycota, Zoopagomycota, Mucoromycota, Glomeromycota, Basidiomycota and Ascomycota. For each group, we discuss their main traits and their diversity, focusing on the evolutionary relationships among the main fungal clades. We also explore the diversity and phylogeny of several groups of uncertain affinities and the main phylogenetic and taxonomical controversies and hypotheses in the field.  相似文献   

More than 190 plastid genomes have been completely sequenced during the past two decades due to advances in DNA sequencing technologies.Based on this unprecedented abundance of data,extensive genomic changes have been revealed in the plastid genomes.Inversion is the most common mechanism that leads to gene order changes.Several inversion events have been recognized as informative phylogenetic markers,such as a 30-kb inversion found in all living vascular plants minus lycopsids and two short inversions putat...  相似文献   

In order to improve the map resolution and to locate more genes on the porcine radiation hybrid map, expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were isolated from a 28-day-old normal pig embryo cDNA library. The ESTs were sequenced from the 5'-end and similarities were checked with sequences registered in the NCBI DNA database (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/). The ESTs sequences which have high identity scores (>80%) against human genes or ESTs were further sequenced from the 3' untranslated region. The ESTs which were sequenced successfully were used to design primers for PCR analysis of the radiation hybrid panel. Eleven ESTs were physically mapped to porcine chromosomes 2, 4, 8, 10, 13, 14 and X. The localizations are in agreement with the comparative mapping data between human and pig. The results will provide unique information to the comparative map of human and pig.  相似文献   

Abstract More than 190 plastid genomes have been completely sequenced during the past two decades due to advances in DNA sequencing technologies. Based on this unprecedented abundance of data, extensive genomic changes have been revealed in the plastid genomes. Inversion is the most common mechanism that leads to gene order changes. Several inversion events have been recognized as informative phylogenetic markers, such as a 30‐kb inversion found in all living vascular plants minus lycopsids and two short inversions putatively shared by all ferns. Gene loss is a common event throughout plastid genome evolution. Many genes were independently lost or transferred to the nuclear genome in multiple plant lineages. The trnR‐CCG gene was lost in some clades of lycophytes, ferns, and seed plants, and all the ndh genes were absent in parasitic plants, gnetophytes, Pinaceae, and the Taiwan moth orchid. Certain parasitic plants have, in particular, lost plastid genes related to photosynthesis because of the relaxation of functional constraint. The dramatic growth of plastid genome sequences has also promoted the use of whole plastid sequences and genomic features to solve phylogenetic problems. Chloroplast phylogenomics has provided additional evidence for deep‐level phylogenetic relationships as well as increased phylogenetic resolutions at low taxonomic levels. However, chloroplast phylogenomics is still in its infant stage and rigorous analysis methodology has yet to be developed.  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: The redundancies in expressed sequence tags (ESTs) in the National Center for Biotechnology Information sequence database were used to identify and develop polymorphic simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers for pepper (Capsicum annuum). ? Methods and Results: Sixty-eight polymorphic SSR loci were identified in the contigs (containing redundant ESTs) generated by assembling 118060 pepper ESTs from the public sequence database. Thirty-three SSR markers exhibited polymorphism among 31 pepper varieties, with alleles per SSR marker ranging from two to six. The mean observed and expected heterozygosity were 0.28 and 0.39, respectively. There were 18 SSR markers with a motif repeat number of less than five, accounting for 55% of the total. ? Conclusions: We demonstrated the value of mining the redundant sequences in public sequence databases for the development of polymorphic SSR markers, which can be used for marker-assisted breeding in pepper.  相似文献   

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