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The characteristics of [3H]flunitrazepam binding to brain specific benzodiazepine receptors were determined at varying temperatures. The rates at which [3H]flunitrazepam associated with and dissociated from benzodiazepine receptors increased with increasing temperatures. The dissociation constant (KD) also increased with increases in temperature. The (KD) determined by Scatchard analyses of saturation isotherms showed a similar change with changes in temperature. The maximal binding capacity (Bmax) did not change with changes in temperature. The inhibitory constants of several benzodiazepines to inhibit [3H]flunitrazepam binding to brain were also higher at 37°C than at 0°C, suggesting that the binding affinity of all benzodiazepines to brain benzodiazepine receptors is lower at 37°C than at 0°C. Van't Hoff analysis of [3H]flunitrazepam binding to brain at different temperatures reveals two linear components to this relationship.  相似文献   

In both clinical and forensic toxicology, the analysis of hair for drugs is an important tool to determine drug use in the past or to verify abstinence from illegal drugs during extended periods. Melanin is proposed as one of the factors that influences drug incorporation to hair and we have characterized the binding of the drug flunitrazepam to melanin in vitro. The drug was 3H labeled and melanin granules from cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis, were used according to the suggested standard for melanin studies. We observed a rapid Langmuir-like binding followed by a slower diffusion-limited binding that may be interpreted as an initial surface binding followed by deeper bulk binding. From three concentrations of melanin, with a 60-min incubation time, a mean saturation value of 180 +/- 20 pmol/mg was calculated. The binding of a group of benzodiazepines and tranquilizers was compared to the binding of [3H]flunitrazepam by means of displacement experiments. These drugs showed binding characteristics similar to [3H]flunitrazepam except phenobarbital, which had a lower affinity to melanin. The method presented in this study allowed measurements with low melanin and drug concentrations and it has the strength of directly measuring the amount of drug bound to melanin, in contrast to previous indirect methods.  相似文献   

Endogenous substances which inhibited the binding of [3H]flunitrazepam ([3H]FNZ) to bovine synaptosomal membranes have been purified from the hot acetic acid extracts of the bovine brain. Three peaks of inhibitory activity were obtained by Sephadex G-10 gel chromatography. Two of the peaks (Peak 2, and Peak 3) which had lower molecular weights that that of peak 1 were identified as inosine and hypoxanthine by TLC methods. Another peak (Peak 1) was further purified to homogeneity using both cation and anion ion-exchange chromatography and the following two-step reversed-phase HPLC. The purified substance inhibited the [3H]FNZ binding dose-dependently and competitively but did not have an effect on the binding of the peripheral-type BZ ligand [3H]Ro 5-4864. It was also shown that the substance was heat-stable and resistant to proteolytic degradation (trypsin, -chymotrypsin, pronase). However, a significant loss of inhibitory activity to [3H]FNZ binding was observed after acid hydrolysis. Molecular weight estimates based on gel filtration methods were less than 500 dalton, and the maximal ultraviolet absorption peak was at 314 nm. These results suggest that this substance is a new endogenous ligand for the central BZ receptor and may play an important role in regulating the GABAergic tone in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Several dyes, representing different structural classes, inhibit [3H]flunitrazepam binding to brain specific receptors in the rat with 50% inhibition in the 1 to 100 M range. Crystal Violet and Methyl Violet 2B inhibited more potently in the forebrain than in the cerebellum. Congo Red yielded a Hill number near 2.3, probably reflecting positive cooperativity between interacting binding sites in benzodiazepine receptor complexes. Toluidine Blue 0 was the most potent of the dyes tested (IC50=1 M in cerebellum) and inhibited more potently in cerebellum than in forebrain.  相似文献   

The in vivo binding of [3H]flunitrazepam [( 3H]Fln) was characterized in seven regions of the mouse brain. The binding showed saturability and linear Scatchard plots. Hill coefficients were close to unity. Data fitting to a hyperbola by least squares yielded consistent Kd values for all regions studied (0.36-0.6 pmol/mg protein). Bmax values ranged from 0.14 to 0.89 pmol/mg protein, a sixfold regional variation. The order of binding is as follows: cortex greater than hippocampus greater than midbrain = thalamus/hypothalamus greater than striatum much greater than cerebellum greater than brainstem, consistent with that obtained by in vitro binding. The in vivo receptor density and affinity are apparently lower in comparison with in vitro parameters. This is consistent with the observation that the Kd increases and Bmax decreases in vitro when the incubation temperature is increased from 0 degrees C. Non-specific binding has been estimated by displacement of in vivo binding by unlabelled ligand in vitro as well as by pretreatment with unlabelled ligand. The two alternative methods were compared and evaluated. It is concluded that the displacement method provides more reliable estimates of the nonspecific binding. Diazepam-sensitive mice did not differ from the control mice in the in vivo [3H]Fln binding. However, mice pretreated with diazepam 1 or 2 days before have binding reduced by 70 or 30%, respectively. The reduced binding may be explained by receptor occupancy by residual oxazepam. However, the low concentration of the residual oxazepam is an unlikely cause of the phenomenon of "acute tolerance" observed in these mice.  相似文献   

Competition between cold phenytoin and [3H]phenytoin binding was observed in normal human brain. Binding was observed in all areas examined. The highest number of sites was in the amygdala (a total of 717.71 fmol/mg protein) and the lowest in the Brodman area (BA) 4 of the motor cortex (153.91 fmol/mg protein) and cerebellar cortex (154.4 fmol/mg protein). In three areas, amygdala, cortex area BA 38 (inferior parietal lobe), and cortex area BA 8 (premotor cortex), two sets of binding sites were observed. In these areas the Kd for the higher affinity sites ranged from 35 to 116 nM, and for the lower affinity site, from 328 to 866 nM. In the four areas where only one binding site was observed the KdS ranged from 164 to 311 nM and the Scatchard plot was linear.  相似文献   

Rat brain membranes were treated with different protein modifying reagents, all of which were able to reduce [3H]tryptamine binding. However, inactivation by N-ethylmaleimide and iodoacetamide only was counteracted by coincubation with tryptamine. Thus, the [3H]tryptamine binding molecule is a membrane protein with an essential sulfhydryl group at the binding site. After incubation of digitonin-solubilized membranes with seven different lectins, no precipitation of [3H]tryptamine binding sites was observed. On concanavalin A and wheat germ agglutinin affinity chromatography, no [3H]tryptamine binding activity was found to be specifically bound. Therefore, the [3H]tryptamine binding protein appears to be devoid of lectin binding carbohydrate residues.  相似文献   

In vivo benzodiazepine receptor binding has generally been studied by "ex vivo" techniques. In this investigation, we identify the conditions where [3H]-Ro 15-1788 labels benzodiazepine receptors by true "in vivo" binding, i.e. where workable specific to nonspecific ratios are obtained in intact tissues without homogenization or washing. [3H]-Flunitrazepam and [3H]-clonazepam did not exhibit useful in vivo receptor binding.  相似文献   

《Life sciences》1995,57(5):PL63-PL69
Changes in benzodiazepine binding sites labeled by [3H]flunitrazepam (FNZ) in twenty discrete brain regions of rats made tolerant to and dependent upon pentobarbital were examined. Animals were rendered tolerant by intracerebroventricular (i.c.v) infusion with pentobarbital (300 μg/ 10 μ1/ hr for six days) through pre-implanted cannulae connected to osmotic mini-pumps. The pentobarbital dependence was assessed 24 hr after abrupt withdrawal from pentobarbital. In the tolerant rats, a significant increase in [3H]FNZ binding sites was found in layer IV of frontal cortex and the molecular layer of olfactory bulb. [3H]FNZ binding sites in the pentobarbital dependent rats were significantly increased in layers I-III and V-VI of frontal cortex, caudate-putamen, olfactory tubercle, globus pallidus and ventral pallidum, in addition to those observed in the tolerant group. There was, however, no significant difference in the hippocampus and several regions in the hindbrain in either pentobarbital-treated group. Taken together with characteristics of subtypes of benzodiazepine receptors and changes in GABA-benzodiazepine receptor complexes elucidated in our previous studies, these findings suggest that both types of benzodiazepine receptors are involved in the development of pentobarbital intoxication mediated by GABAA receptors.  相似文献   

D Butlen 《FEBS letters》1984,169(2):138-142
Binding of [3H]PK 11195, an isoquinoline carboxamide derivative, was measured in microdissected tubule segments of rat nephron. High specific binding capacities (1.1-1.8 fmol X mm-1) were found in the thick ascending limb of the Henle's loop and in the collecting tubule, whereas specific binding could not be detected in the proximal tubule. In the medullary collecting tubule, the association and dissociation rate constants at 4 degrees C were k1 = 3.0 X 10(6) M-1 X min-1 and k-1 = 0.021 min -1; the ratio k-1/k1 = 7.0 nM was in agreement with the estimated equilibrium dissociation constant (Kd = 2.4 nM). [3H]PK 11195 binding sites from medullary ascending limb and medullary collecting tubule revealed the following sequence of specificity: PK 11195 = Ro 5-4864 much greater than clonazepam, indicating that tubule binding sites might be the peripheral benzodiazepine receptors of the rat kidney.  相似文献   

Rat hippocampus membranes were treated with several protein modifying reagents (iodoacetamide, N-ethylmaleimide, tetranitromethane and N-acetylimidazole). The effects of these treatments on the binding sites of cyclopyrrolones ([3H] suriclone), a new chemical family of minor tranquilizers, and benzodiazepines ([3H] flunitrazepam) were investigated. Here we show that both ligands are similarly sensitive to cysteine alkylation: [3H] suriclone and [3H] flunitrazepam binding are reduced by iodoacetamide and slightly increased by N-ethylmaleimide. On the contrary they are clearly differenciated by tyrosine modification: [3H] suriclone binding is not changed whereas [3H] flunitrazepam binding is increased by tetranitromethane and decreased by N-acetylimidazole. Our present findings and published evidence suggest cyclopyrrolones and benzodiazepines bind to distinct sites or to different allosteric forms of the benzodiazepine receptor.  相似文献   

The effects of chronic pentobarbital (PB) treatment on the binding characteristics of [3H]flunitrazepam (FLU) in rat brain were examined. Saline or sodium PB (500 g/10l/hr) was infused into the lateral cerebral ventricles of rats for 6 days using osmotic pumps. Immediately before withdrawal, there were no significant differences in [3H]FLU binding constants (KD and Bmax) between saline and PB groups. However, 24 hr withdrawal caused an increase in Bmax with no changes in KD. The enhancement of [3H]FLU binding by in vitro addition of chloride ions and PB was not affected after the PB infusion. The PB enhancement of [3H]FLU binding was inhibited by the convulsant, picrotoxicin. PB withdrawal did not cause significant differences in the binding constants of [3H]Ro 15-1788, a benzodiazepine (BZ) antagonist, between the saline and PB groups. Pretreatment of membranes with 0.02 mM of 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)-dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonate (CHAPS), a zwitterionic detergent, caused decreases in both KD and Bmax in FLU binding in PB-withdrawal membrane, but not in the saline-treated membrane. The enhancement of [3H]FLU binding by chloride ions and PB was not affected by the CHAPS treatment. These results suggest that the change in BZ receptors induced by PB withdrawal is functionally linked to the GABA-BZ-barbiturate receptor complex and that PB withdrawal induces some conformational changes in BZ receptors.  相似文献   

Binding of the alpha-adrenergic agonist [3H]clonidine and the alpha-adrenergic antagonist [3H]WB-4101 exhibited multiple binding site characteristics in both rat frontal cortex and cerebellum. Kinetic analysis of the dissociation of both radioligands in rat frontal cortex suggests two high affinity sites for each ligand. Competition of various noradrenergic agonists and antagonists for [3H]WB-4101 binding yielded shallow competition curves, with Hill coefficients ranging from 0.45 to 0.7. This further suggests multiplicity in [3H]WB-4101 binding. In the rat cerebellum, competition of various noradrenergic drugs for [3H]clonidine binding yielded biphasic competition curves. Furthermore Scatchard analysis of [3H]clonidine binding in rat cerebellum showed two high affinity sites with KD = 0.5 nM and 1.9 nM, respectively. Competition of various noradrenergic drugs for [3H]WB-4101 binding in the rat cerebellum yielded biphasic competition curves. Lesioning of the dorsal bundle with 6-hydroxydopamine did not significantly affect the binding of either [3H]clonidine or [3H]WB-4101. These findings for both [3H]clonidine and [3H]WB-4101 binding in rat frontal cortex and cerebellum can be explained by the existence of postsynaptic binding sites for both 3H ligands.  相似文献   

《Life sciences》1995,57(21):PL333-PL337
The receptor binding specificity and neuroanatomical distribution of [3H]NE-100 (N, N- dipropyl-2- [4- methoxy-3- (2- phenylethoxy) phenyl] ethylamine monohydrochloride)-labeled sigma receptor in guinea pig brain were examined using quantitative autoradiography. NE-100 potently inhibited [3H]NE-100 binding to slide-mounted sections of guinea pig brain with the IC50 value of 1.09 nM, therefore, NE-100 apparently has high affinity binding sites. Competition studies, under conditions similar to those used to visualize the receptor, yielded the following rank order of potency: NE-100 > haloperidol > DuP734 > (+)pentazocine ⪢ (−)pentazocine. Non-sigma ligands such as phencyclidine (PCP), MK-801 and (−)sulpiride had negligible affinities for [3H]NE-100 binding sites. High densities of [3H]NE-100 binding sites displaceable by haloperidol were present in the granule layer of the cerebellum, the cingulate cortex, the CA3 region of the hippocampus, the hypothalamus and the pons. The distribution of [3H]NE-100 binding sites was consistent with that of [3H](+)pentazocine, a sigma1 ligand. These sigma sites may possibly be related to various aspects of schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Two models of perturbed cerebellar ontogenesis were obtained by a single administration of methylazoxymethanol (MAM), a potent antimitotic agent, to mouse pups either on the day of birth (MAM0 mice) or at postnatal day 5 (MAM5 mice). The alterations of the cerebellar GABAergic system were studied by measuring glutamic acid decarboxylase activity, [3H]muscimol binding sites, which are known to be concentrated in the GABAA receptors in the internal granular layer, and [3H]flunitrazepam binding sites, which are more abundant in the molecular layer. The primary target of the antimitotic agent are the precursors of the glutamatergic and GABAceptive granule cells. In both models GABAergic structures, as revealed by GAD activity measurements, appear to be relatively spared, and recovery of granule cell numbers occurs during development in MAM5 mice. In MAM treated mice the number of [3H]muscimol binding sites (on a per cerebellum basis) decrease as the number of granule cells decrease, although some recovery occurred in MAM5 mice, but not in MAM0 mice. In MAM5 mice, [3H]flunitrazepam binding sites (on a per cerebellum basis) were relatively unaffected, while they were decreased significantly, but to a lesser extent than [3H]muscimol binding sites, in MAM0 animals. The more significant reduction of granule cell numbers and the cytoarchitectural disruption resultant from the more precocious application of the antimitotic appear responsible for the significant alteration and lack of recovery in MAM0 mice.  相似文献   

1. The autoradiographic distribution of kappa opioid receptor binding sites in human brain was examined using two radiolabeled probes, namely [3H]U69,593 and [3H]bremazocine. 2. [3H]U69,593 binding was performed in the absence of blockers for other sites, while [3H]bremazocine binding was investigated in the presence of saturating concentrations of mu and delta blockers to ensure selective labeling of kappa opioid receptors. 3. Our results show that the autoradiographic distribution of [3H]U69,593 and [3H]bremazocine (plus blockers) binding sites is identical, with high densities of sites found in deep cortical layers and claustrum. 4. This indicates that [3H]U69,593 is a highly selective ligand of the kappa opioid receptor type.  相似文献   

[3H]U69,593 and [3H]ethylketazocine (mu + delta suppressed) binding was measured in homogenates of guinea-pig brain. Both ligands bind with high affinity to a single class of opioid sites. The relative equilibrium dissociation constant (KD) for [3H]U69,593 is 1.15 nM, while [3H]ethylketazocine has a KD value of 0.33 nM. Their respective maximum binding capacities are 4.49 and 4.48 pmol/g of wet tissue. Various mu-selective, delta-selective, kappa-selective, and nonselective opioids were tested in competition studies against the binding of [3H]U69,593 or [3H]ethylketazocine (in the presence of mu- and delta-blockers) to measure their relative affinity. [D-Ala2, MePhe4,Gly5-ol]enkephalin (mu-selective) has low affinity (600-3000 nM) and [D-Pen2,D-Pen5]enkephalin and [D-Ser2, Leu5, Thr6]enkephalin (delta-selective) have very low affinities (greater than 20,000 nM) at the sites labelled with [3H]U69,593 or [3H]ethylketazocine. On the other hand, unlabelled U69,593, U50,488H, and tifluadom (all three kappa-selective substances) display high affinity (1-5 nM) at those sites. Nonselective opioids, such as bremazocine, levorphanol, and ethylketazocine show similar affinities at the sites labelled with [3H]U69,593 and at the sites labelled with [3H]ethylketazocine. These data indicate that [3H]U69,593 is a selective high-affinity ligand for the same sites that are labelled with [3H]ethylketazocine (in the presence of mu- and delta-blockers) and that these are kappa-sites.  相似文献   

[3H]Spiperone ([3H]SPI) binding sites in rat or bovine striata have been solubilized using CHAPS or digitonin detergents. Solubilized sites retained the binding characteristics of those in native membrane preparations. The same solubilized material, however, did not bind [3H]tyramine ([3H]PTA), thus indicating that [3H]PTA binding sites and DA receptors are different chemico-physical entities. In membrane preparations or crude synaptosomes obtained from the c.striatum of neonatally-rendered hypothyroid rats, when central DA-pathways are impaired, both [3H]PTA binding and [3H]DA uptake processes were markedly decreased, with no effect on [3H]mazindol ([3H]MAZ) binding, compared to euthyroids. Reserpine, a well-known inhibitor of DA-uptake into a variety of secretory vesicles, and a potent in vivo andin vitro inhibitor of [3H]PTA binding, did not affect the [3H]MAZ binding process. This further supported the suggestion that while [3H]PTA binding sites are almost totally associated with the vesicular transporter for DA, [3H]MAZ does label a site involved in the DA-translocation across the neuronal membrane. The latter process seems to be rather insensitive to thyroid hypofunction, when however the intracellular storage of DA might be consistently impaired. In conclusion, PTA might be well exploited as a marker of the DA vesicular transporter through its molecular characterization, whenever possible.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Paola S. Timiras  相似文献   

The CNS of the cockroach Periplaneta americana contains saturable, specific binding sites for [3H]GABA, [3H]flunitrazepam and [35S]TBPS. The [3H]GABA binding site exhibits a pharmacological profile distinct from that reported for mammalian GABAA and GABAB receptors. The most potent inhibitors of [3H]GABA binding were GABA and muscimol, whereas isoguvacine, thiomuscimol and 3-aminopropane sulphonic acid were less effective. Bicuculline methiodide and baclofen were ineffective. Binding of [35S]TBPS was partially inhibited by 1.0 × 10−6 M GABA, whilst binding of [3H]flunitrazepam was enhanced by 1.0 × 10−7 M GABA. The pharmacological profile of the [3H]flunitrazepam binding site showed some similarities with the peripheral benzodiazepine binding sites of vertebrates, with Ro-5-4864 being a far more effective inhibitor of binding than clonazepam. Thus a class of GABA receptors with pharmacological properties distinct from mammalian GABA receptor subtypes is present in insect CNS.  相似文献   

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