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The bacterial and archaeal community structure was examined in two methanogenic anaerobic digestion processes degrading organic household waste at mesophilic (37 degrees C) and thermophilic (55 degrees C) temperatures. Analysis of bacterial clone libraries revealed a predominance of Bacteroidetes (34% of total clones) and Chloroflexi (27%) at the mesophilic temperature. In contrast, in the thermophilic clone library, the major group of clones were affiliated with Thermotogae (61%). Within the domain Archaea, the phyla Euryarchaeota and Crenarchaeota were both represented, the latter only at the mesophilic temperature. The dominating archaeons grouped with Methanospirillum and Methanosarcina species at the mesophilic and thermophilic temperature, respectively. Generally, there was a higher frequency of different sequences at the lower temperature, suggesting a higher diversity compared to the community present at the thermophilic temperature. Furthermore, it was not only the species richness that was affected by temperature, but also the phylogenetic distribution of the microbial populations.  相似文献   

A transgenic Bt cotton (Sukang-103) and its non-Bt cotton counterpart (Sumian-12) were investigated to evaluate the potential risk of transgenes on the soil ecosystem. The activities of urease, phosphatase, dehydrogenase, phenol oxidase, and protease in cotton rhizosphere were assayed during the vegetative, reproductive, and senescing stages of cotton growth and after harvest. A Biolog system was used to evaluate the functional diversity of microbial communities in soils after a complete cotton growth cycle. Enzymatic activities in soils amended with cotton biomass were also assayed. Results showed that there were few significant differences in enzyme activities between Bt and non-Bt cottons at any of the growth stages and after harvest; amendment with cotton biomass to soil enhanced soil enzyme activities, but there were no significant difference between Bt and non-Bt cotton; the richness of the microbial communities in rhizosphere soil did not differ between Bt and the non-Bt cotton, and close to that of control soil; the functional diversity of microbial communities were not different in rhizosphere soils between Bt and non-Bt cotton. All results suggested that there was no evidence to indicate any adverse effects of Bt cotton on the soil ecosystem in this study.  相似文献   

The bacterial and archaeal communities in rice field soils subjected to different fertilization regimes for 57 years were investigated in two different seasons, a non-planted, drained season (April) and a rice-growing, flooded season (August), by performing soil dehydrogenase assay, real-time PCR assay and pyrosequencing analysis. All fertilization regimes increased the soil dehydrogenase activity while the abundances of bacteria and archaea increased in the plots receiving inorganic fertilizers plus compost and not in those receiving inorganic fertilizers only. Rice-growing and flooding decreased the soil dehydrogenase activity while they increased the bacterial diversity in rice field soils. The bacterial communities were dominated by Chloroflexi, Proteobacteria, and Actinobacteria and the archaeal communities by Crenarchaeota at the phylum level. In principal coordinates analysis based on the weighted Fast UniFrac metric, the bacterial and archaeal communities were separated primarily by season, and generally distributed along with soil pH, the variation of which had been caused by long-term fertilization. Variations in the relative abundance according to the season or soil pH were observed for many bacterial and archaeal groups. In conclusion, the microbial activity, prokaryotic abundance and diversity, and prokaryotic community structure in the rice field soils were changed by season and long-term fertilization.  相似文献   

Methanotrophs in the rhizosphere of rice field ecosystems attenuate the emissions of CH4 into the atmosphere and thus play an important role for the global cycle of this greenhouse gas. Therefore, we measured the activity and composition of the methanotrophic community in the rhizosphere of rice microcosms. Methane oxidation was determined by measuring the CH4 flux in the presence and absence of difluoromethane as a specific inhibitor for methane oxidation. Methane oxidation started on day 24 and reached the maximum on day 32 after transplantation. The total methanotrophic community was analysed by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) and cloning/sequencing of the pmoA gene, which encodes a subunit of particulate methane monooxygenase. The metabolically active methanotrophic community was analysed by stable isotope probing of microbial phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA-SIP) using 13C-labelled CH4 directly added to the rhizospheric region. Rhizospheric soil and root samples were collected after exposure to 13CH4 for 8 and 18 days. Both T-RFLP/cloning and PLFA-SIP approaches showed that type I and type II methanotrophic populations changed over time with respect to activity and population size in the rhizospheric soil and on the rice roots. However, type I methanotrophs were more active than type II methanotrophs at both time points indicating they were of particular importance in the rhizosphere. PLFA-SIP showed that the active methanotrophic populations exhibit a pronounced spatial and temporal variation in rice microcosms.  相似文献   

The activity and distribution of methanotrophs in soil depend on the availability of CH4 and O2. Therefore, we investigated the activity and structure of the methanotrophic community in rice field soil under four factorial combinations of high and low CH4 and O2 concentrations. The methanotrophic population structure was resolved by denaturant gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) with different PCR primer sets targeting the 16S rRNA gene, and two functional genes coding for key enzymes in methanotrophs, i.e. the particulate methane monooxygenase (pmoA) and the methanol dehydrogenase (mxaF). Changes in the biomass of type I and II methanotrophic bacteria in the rice soil were determined by analysis of phospholipid-ester-linked fatty acid (PLFA) biomarkers. The relative contribution of type I and II methanotrophs to the measured methane oxidation activity was determined by labelling of soil samples with 14CH4 followed by analysis of [14C]-PLFAs. CH4 oxidation was repressed by high O2 (20.5%), and enhanced by low O2 (1%). Depending on the CH4 and O2 mixing ratios, different methanotrophic communities developed with a higher diversity at low than at high CH4 concentration as revealed by PCR-DGGE. However, a prevalence of type I or II populations was not detected. The [14C]-PLFA fingerprints, on the other hand, revealed that CH4 oxidation activity was dominated by type I methanotrophs in incubations with low CH4 mixing ratios (1000 p.p.m.v.) and during initiation of CH4 consumption regardless of O2 or CH4 mixing ratio. At high methane mixing ratios (10 000 p.p.m.v.), type I and II methanotrophs contributed equally to the measured CH4 metabolism. Collectively, type I methanotrophs responded fast and with pronounced shifts in population structure and dominated the activity under all four gas mixtures. Type II methanotrophs, on the other hand, although apparently more abundant, always present and showing a largely stable population structure, became active later and contributed to CH4 oxidation activity mainly under high CH4 mixing ratios.  相似文献   

A polyphasic approach has been developed to gain knowledge of suitable key indicators for the evaluation of environmental impact of genetically modified Bt 11 and Bt 176 corn lines on soil ecosystems. We assessed the effects of Bt corn (which constitutively expresses the insecticidal toxin from Bacillus thuringiensis, encoded by the truncated Cry1Ab gene) and non-Bt corn plants and their residues on rhizospheric and bulk soil eubacterial communities by means of denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analyses of 16S rRNA genes, on the nontarget mycorrhizal symbiont Glomus mosseae, and on soil respiration. Microcosm experiments showed differences in rhizospheric eubacterial communities associated with the three corn lines and a significantly lower level of mycorrhizal colonization in Bt 176 corn roots. In greenhouse experiments, differences between Bt and non-Bt corn plants were detected in rhizospheric eubacterial communities (both total and active), in culturable rhizospheric heterotrophic bacteria, and in mycorrhizal colonization. Plant residues of transgenic plants, plowed under at harvest and kept mixed with soil for up to 4 months, affected soil respiration, bacterial communities, and mycorrhizal establishment by indigenous endophytes. The multimodal approach utilized in our work may be applied in long-term field studies aimed at monitoring the real hazard of genetically modified crops and their residues on nontarget soil microbial communities.  相似文献   

赤红壤早稻田甲烷排放通量及其影响因素   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用封闭箱法对广东省赤红壤早稻田CH4排放通量进行了观测。结果表明,CH4排放有明显的季节变化规律,3个排放高峰分别出现在水稻分蘖末期、孕穗抽穗期和乳熟期,平均通量为5.7mg.m-2.h-1。在测定期内,CH4排放与5和10cm土壤温度呈显著正相关,与土壤Eh呈显著负相关,与土壤pH值、水层深浅相关不明显。  相似文献   

Temperature is an important factor controlling CH(4) production in anoxic rice soils. Soil slurries, prepared from Italian rice field soil, were incubated anaerobically in the dark at six temperatures of between 10 to 37 degrees C or in a temperature gradient block covering the same temperature range at intervals of 1 degrees C. Methane production reached quasi-steady state after 60 to 90 days. Steady-state CH(4) production rates increased with temperature, with an apparent activation energy of 61 kJ mol(-1). Steady-state partial pressures of the methanogenic precursor H(2) also increased with increasing temperature from <0.5 to 3.5 Pa, so that the Gibbs free energy change of H(2) plus CO(2)-dependent methanogenesis was kept at -20 to -25 kJ mol of CH(4)(-1) over the whole temperature range. Steady-state concentrations of the methanogenic precursor acetate, on the other hand, increased with decreasing temperature from <5 to 50 microM. Simultaneously, the relative contribution of H(2) as methanogenic precursor decreased, as determined by the conversion of radioactive bicarbonate to (14)CH(4), so that the carbon and electron flow to CH(4) was increasingly dominated by acetate, indicating that psychrotolerant homoacetogenesis was important. The relative composition of the archaeal community was determined by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis of the 16S rRNA genes (16S rDNA). T-RFLP analysis differentiated the archaeal Methanobacteriaceae, Methanomicrobiaceae, Methanosaetaceae, Methanosarcinaceae, and Rice clusters I, III, IV, V, and VI, which were all present in the rice field soil incubated at different temperatures. The 16S rRNA genes of Rice cluster I and Methanosaetaceae were the most frequent methanogenic groups. The relative abundance of Rice cluster I decreased with temperature. The substrates used by this microbial cluster, and thus its function in the microbial community, are unknown. The relative abundance of acetoclastic methanogens, on the other hand, was consistent with their physiology and the acetate concentrations observed at the different temperatures, i.e., the high-acetate-requiring Methanosarcinaceae decreased and the more modest Methanosaetaceae increased with increasing temperature. Our results demonstrate that temperature not only affected the activity but also changed the structure and the function (carbon and electron flow) of a complex methanogenic system.  相似文献   

Soil temperatures in Italian rice fields typically range between about 15 and 30 degrees C. A change in the incubation temperature of anoxic methanogenic soil slurry from 30 degrees C to 15 degrees C typically resulted in a decrease in the CH4 production rate, a decrease in the steady-state H2 partial pressure, and a transient accumulation of acetate. Previous experiments have shown that these changes were due to an alteration of the carbon and electron flow in the methanogenic degradation pathway of organic matter caused by the temperature shift (K. J. Chin and R. Conrad, FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 18:85-102, 1995). To investigate how temperature affects the structure of the methanogenic archaeal community, total DNA was extracted from soil slurries incubated at 30 and 15 degrees C. The archaeal small-subunit (SSU) rRNA-encoding genes (rDNA) of these environmental DNA samples were amplified by PCR with an archaeal-specific primer system and used for the generation of clone libraries. Representative rDNA clones (n = 90) were characterized by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) and sequence analysis. T-RFLP analysis produced for the clones terminally labeled fragments with a characteristic length of mostly 185, 284, or 392 bp. Sequence analysis allowed determination of the phylogenetic affiliation of the individual clones with their characteristic T-RFLP fragment lengths and showed that the archaeal community of the anoxic rice soil slurry was dominated by members of the families Methanosarcinaceae (185 bp) and Methanosaetaceae (284 bp), the kingdom Crenarchaeota (185 or 284 bp), and a novel, deeply branching lineage of the (probably methanogenic) kingdom Euryarchaeota (392 bp) that has recently been detected on rice roots (R. Grosskopf, S. Stubner, and W. Liesack, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 64:4983-4989, 1998). The structure of the archaeal community changed when the temperature was shifted from 30 degrees C to 15 degrees C. Before the temperature shift, the clones (n = 30) retrieved from the community were dominated by Crenarchaeota (70%), "novel Euryarchaeota" (23%), and Methanosarcinacaeae (7%). Further incubation at 30 degrees C (n = 30 clones) resulted in a relative increase in members of the Methanosarcinaceae (77%), whereas further incubation at 15 degrees C (n = 30 clones) resulted in a much more diverse community consisting of 33% Methanosarcinaceae, 23% Crenarchaeota, 20% Methanosaetaceae, and 17% novel Euryarchaeota. The appearance of Methanosaetaceae at 15 degrees C was conspicuous. These results demonstrate that the structure of the archaeal community in anoxic rice field soil changed with time and incubation temperature.  相似文献   

采矿和冶炼等活动会导致土壤中砷的累积,给农产品质量安全和土壤微生物带来不利影响。本文研究了外源砷进入黄壤(YS)和紫色砂页岩发育土壤(RS)后有效砷含量随时间的变化,并采用MiSeq高通量测序研究土壤中细菌和古菌在未加砷和外源砷胁迫1、30、360 d后的群落变化,探讨砷胁迫下土壤细菌和古菌的适应机制。结果表明: 外源砷进入土壤后,土壤有效砷含量随时间推移逐渐降低,并显著影响土壤细菌和古菌的群落组成。土壤细菌的优势菌群丰度变化显著;而古菌中仅丰度较低的菌群发生显著改变,优势菌群丰度变化较小,推测古菌群落具有高耐砷性和稳定性。与砷胁迫时间相比,土壤砷的有效性对细菌和古菌群落结构的影响更大。研究结果可为砷污染农田的安全利用及微生物修复等提供参考。  相似文献   

Methanotrophic and nitrifying bacteria are both able to oxidize CH4 as well as NH4+. To date it is not possible to estimate the relative contribution of methanotrophs to nitrification and that of nitrifiers to CH4 oxidation and thus to assess their roles in N and C cycling in soils and sediments. This study presents new options for discrimination between the activities of methanotrophs and nitrifiers, based on the competitive inhibitor CH3F and on recovery after inhibition with C2H2. By using rice plant soil as a model system, it was possible to selectively inactivate methanotrophs in soil slurries at a CH4/CH3F/NH4+ molar ratio of 0.1:1:18. This ratio of CH3F to NH4+ did not affect ammonia oxidation, but methane oxidation was inhibited completely. By using the same model system, it could be shown that after 24 h of exposure to C2H2 (1,000 parts per million volume), methanotrophs recovered within 24 h while nitrifiers stayed inactive for at least 3 days. This gave an "assay window" of 48 h when only methanotrophs were active. Applying both assays to model microcosms planted with rice plants demonstrated a major contribution of methanotrophs to nitrification in the rhizosphere, while the contribution of nitrifiers to CH4 oxidation was insignificant.  相似文献   

Culturable bacterial communities on rice plants were investigated from 2001 to 2003. In total, 1,394 bacterial isolates were obtained from the uppermost leaf sheaths at 1 month before heading time and from leaf sheaths and panicles at heading time. The average culturable bacterial population on the leaf sheaths was larger at heading time than at 1 month previously. Furthermore, the population was significantly larger on panicles than on leaf sheaths, suggesting that the bacterial population is influenced by the organs of rice plants. Larger proportions of bacteria were obtained from the macerates of leaf sheaths after washing with phosphate buffer, and most culturable bacteria were verified to inhabit the inside or inner surface, rather than the outer surface, of the tissues. Verification of the bacterial composition based on 16S rRNA gene sequences revealed that genera of Sphingomonas, Microbacterium, Methylobacterium, and Acidovorax tended to be dominant colonizers on leaf sheaths, whereas Pseudomonas and Pantoea were isolated mainly from the panicles, indicating that leaf sheaths and panicles harbor distinct communities. Furthermore, the richness of bacterial genera was less on both leaf sheaths and panicles at heading time compared with that observed 1 month before heading time. Phylogenetic analyses using bacterial isolates belonging to the four dominant genera inhabiting leaf sheaths at heading time revealed that particular bacterial groups in each genus colonized the leaf sheaths.  相似文献   

采用传统培养与PCR-DGGE相结合的方法研究了黄河流域棉区4个省份种植的转Bt基因棉在4个生长时期(播种后第30天、第60天、第90天和第120天)的根际土壤微生物数量及细菌多样性.结果表明:同一省份同一生长时期转Bt基因棉根际土壤微生物数量与常规棉相比均无显著差异,其数量主要受不同生长时期影响,而不同省份间主要受地域条件的影响.4个省份转Bt基因棉根际土壤细菌多样性较丰富,同一省份同一生长时期内转Bt基因棉与常规棉根际土壤细菌多样性指数、均匀度和丰富度均无显著差异.不同省份间细菌多样性主要因地域条件而有所不同,但差异较小.  相似文献   

In this study, microcosms were used to investigate the influence of temperature (4 and 28 degrees C) and water content (45% and 90% WHC) on microbial communities and activities in carbon-rich fen soil. Bacterial, archaeal and denitrifier community composition was assessed during incubation of microcosms for 12 weeks using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) profiling of 16S rRNA and nitrous oxide reductase (nosZ) genes. In addition, microbial and denitrifier abundance, potential denitrification activity and production of greenhouse gases were measured. No detectable changes were observed in prokaryote or denitrifier abundance. In general, cumulatively after 12 weeks more carbon was respired at the higher temperature (3.7 mg CO(2) g(-1) soil), irrespective of the water content, whereas nitrous oxide production was greater under wet conditions (98-336 microg N(2)O g(-1) soil). After an initial lag phase, methane emissions (963 microg CH(4) g(-1) soil) were observed only under warm and wet conditions. T-RFLP analyses of bacterial 16S rRNA and nosZ genes revealed small or undetectable community changes in response to temperature and water content, suggesting that bacterial and denitrifying microbial communities are stable and do not respond significantly to seasonal changes in soil conditions. In contrast, archaeal microbial community structure was more dynamic and was strongly influenced by temperature.  相似文献   

Jia  Zhongjun  Cai  Zucong  Xu  Hua  Li  Xiaoping 《Plant and Soil》2001,230(2):211-221
To understand the integrated effects of rice plants (variety Wuyugeng 2) on CH4 emission during the typical rice growth stage, the production, oxidation and emission of methane related to rice plants were investigated simultaneously through laboratory and greenhouse experiments. CH4 emission was significantly higher from the rice planted treatment than from the unplanted treatment. In the rice planted treatment, CH4 emission was higher at tillering stage than at panicle initiation stage. An average of 36.3% and 54.7% of CH4 produced was oxidized in the rhizosphere at rice tillering stage and panicle initiation stage, respectively, measured by using methyl fluoride (MF) technique. In the meantime, CH4 production in the planted treatments incubated under O2-free N2 condition was reduced by 44.9 and 22.3%, respectively, compared to unplanted treatment. On the contrary, the presence of rice plants strongly stimulated CH4 production by approximately 72.3% at rice ripening stage. CH4 emission through rice plants averaged 95% at the tillering stage and 89% at the panicle initiation stage. Based on these results, conclusions are drawn that higher CH4 emission from the planted treatment than from unplanted treatment could be attributed to the function of rice plants for transporting CH4 from belowground to the atmosphere at tillering and panicle initiation stage, and that a higher CH4 emission at tillering stage than at panicle initiation stage is due to the lower rhizospheric CH4 oxidation and more effective transport mediated by rice plants.  相似文献   

When metals were added in a pulse mode to methylotrophic-methanogenic biomass, three methane production rate phases were recognized. Increased concentrations of Ni and Co accelerated the initial exponential and final arithmetic increases in the methane production rate and reduced the temporary decrease in the rate. When Ni and Co were added continuously, the temporary decrease phase was eliminated and the exponential production rate increased. We hypothesize that the temporary decrease in the methane production rate and the final arithmetic increase in the methane production rate were due to micronutrient limitations and that the precipitation-dissolution kinetics of metal sulfides may play a key role in the biovailability of these compounds.  相似文献   

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