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The cytoplasmic components of broad bean (Vicia faba L.) root tip cells were studied light- and electronmicroscopically. Using a light microscope, differences were revealed between cells from the cortex and from the central cylinder. For electron microscope studies the cells near the boundary between the mentioned parts of the root tip were selected at a distance of about 2 mm from the initials. The orientation of objects during embedding made possible fairly accurate localization. No peculiar, strikingly osmiophillic bodies were seen, which could be identified without doubt as osmiophillic platelets. It follows that some of the current cytoplasmic components, perhaps more or less altered were described as osmiophillic platelets. After fixation with KMnO4, in which case the electronmicrographs are most instructive, the leucoplasts show several inclusions, mostly only partially limited against the matrix; it is not clear whether the true membrane is concerned here. The origin of intravacuolar membraneous formations is discussed.  相似文献   

Patterns of Distribution of Lateral Root Primordia   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
CHARLTON  W. A. 《Annals of botany》1983,51(4):417-427
The distribution of lateral root primordia has been examinedin Pistia stratiotes and Potentilla palustris, and re-examinedin Pontederia cordata. The major feature of the distributionpattern is a rather regular spacing along protoxylem-based ranks.There appears to be some correlation of activity between ranks,but simulations of patterns based on the data from Pontederiasuggest that the observed correlation is spurious. Pistia stratiotes, Pontederia cordata, Potentilla palustris, roots, lateral roots, pattern  相似文献   

Distribution of Lateral Root Primordia in Root Tips of Musa   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The distribution of lateral root primordia in the root tipsof four Musa landraces (Grande Naine, Pisang Berlin, Ngok Egomeand Yangambi Km5) grown in the field has been investigated toevaluate the range of genetic variation of lateral root initiation.In banana (Musa sp.), lateral roots are initiated in the roottip, 0.6–4 mm behind the root/cap junction and arise inseveral protoxylem-based longitudinal rows or ‘ranks’.Significant differences were observed among landraces for theposition of the most distal primordium, however the longitudinalspacing between successive primordia along the ranks was similarfor all landraces. All ranks were involved in lateral root initiation.The number of ranks also showed significant variations amonglandraces and was proportional to the stelar diameter. Hencethe density of lateral roots (roots cm-1) was affected by stelardiameter variations. Finally, root elongation in the root tipwas landrace-specific and not necessarily exponential, unlikesuggested in previous studies. It is concluded that lateralroot initiation in Musa is not involved in the genetic variationsof root architecture in the field. A dissection of root architectureinto components which may account for these variations is proposedin relation to the improvement of root system architecture.Copyright 1999 Annals of Botany Company Lateral root initiation, root architecture, Musa, banana.  相似文献   


Root architecture is basically controlled by auxin and cytokinin, which antagonize in the formation of lateral roots (LRs) along the primary root (PR) axis. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain the interaction between these two hormones, cytokinin being the hormone that inhibits LR formation. The analysis of the cytokinin effect on LR formation using LRs in several stages of development could indicate which steps of LR formation are more sensitive to cytokinin. The application of cytokinin to maize PRs showed that the inhibitory effect of cytokinin on LR formation was greater in the zones in which the initial events to form new LRs are taking place. In the presence of cytokinin, the PR is not able to produce new LRs in the initiation zone; this inhibitory effect is permanent as this zone did not recover the capability to form LRs after removing cytokinin. However, the LR density in zones with appreciable LR primordia when cytokinin was applied was only slightly inhibited when a high concentration was used. These results showed that LR formation is more sensitive to the inhibitory effect of cytokinin in the earliest stages of LR development. However, the elongation of a LR primordium to emerge and the subsequent elongation of the new LR were only slightly affected by cytokinin.


The movement of cells and cell fragments in an electric field provided a means for determining the nature of cellular surface charges. We found that changes in ionic strength and particularly changes in Ca2+ and H+ in the bathing medium cause changes in the surface charges on the root cap cells in the absence of red light. Red light-induced charge changes are demonstrable only on root cap cells and are reversible with far red light. By osmotically separating the membrane from the wall, we demonstrated that both light-induced and ionically mediated charge changes are associated with the cell membrane and not the cell wall.  相似文献   

Distribution of Lateral Root Primordia in Root Tips of Musa acuminata Colla   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
CHARLTON  W. A. 《Annals of botany》1982,49(4):509-520
The distribution of lateral root primordia in Musa acuminatashows discrete elements of pattern, a major element of whichis the rather regular spacing of laterals along protoxylem-basedranks. There is some co-ordination of positions of lateralsin different ranks. Laterals are apparently not initiated ina single acropetal sequence within the root tip as a whole althoughthey are initiated in acropetal sequence within each rank. Musa acuminata, banana, roots, lateral roots  相似文献   

By using fluorescein-labeled antibodies, we found that most of the newly formed invertase molecules at the surface of a Saccharomyces cell surround the developing bud.  相似文献   

转P_(rd29A)-ipt基因对烟草根及侧芽生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用异戊烯基转移酶(isopentenyl-transferases,ipt)基因转化植物,可明显提高抗逆性和抗病性,延缓叶片衰老。逆境胁迫常会对植物造成很大的伤害,拟南芥的Prd29A启动子受干旱、盐及冷胁迫诱导。构建了Prd29A-ipt植物表达载体,通过农杆菌介导转化普通烟草,获得了能够正常生长的转基因植株。通过表型观察发现,转Prd29A-ipt烟草具有一定的组成型表达,降低了烟草的顶端优势,促进了烟草侧芽的生长,同时,对根的伸长有一定的抑制作用。  相似文献   

Myosin motor proteins are thought to carry out important functions in the establishment and maintenance of cell polarity by moving cellular components such as organelles, vesicles, or protein complexes along the actin cytoskeleton. In Arabidopsis thaliana, disruption of the myosin XIK gene leads to reduced elongation of the highly polar root hairs, suggesting that the encoded motor protein is involved in this cell growth. Detailed live-cell observations in this study revealed that xik root hairs elongated more slowly and stopped growth sooner than those in wild type. Overall cellular organization including the actin cytoskeleton appeared normal, but actin filament dynamics were reduced in the mutant. Accumulation of RabA4b-containing vesicles, on the other hand, was not significantly different from wild type. A functional YFP-XIK fusion protein that could complement the mutant phenotype accumulated at the tip of growing root hairs in an actin-dependent manner. The distribution of YFP-XIK at the tip, however, did not match that of the ER or several tip-enriched markers including CFP-RabA4b. We conclude that the myosin XIK is required for normal actin dynamics and plays a role in the subapical region of growing root hairs to facilitate optimal growth.  相似文献   

Streptomycetes are important members of soil microbial communities and are particularly active in the degradation of recalcitrant macromolecules and have been implicated in biological control of plant disease. Using a streptomycetes-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) methodology coupled with band excision and sequence analysis, we examined the effect of grape marc compost amendment to soil on cucumber plant–associated streptomycetes community composition. We observed that both compost amendment and proximity to the root surface influenced the streptomycetes community composition. A strong root selection for a soil-derived Streptomycete, most closely related to Streptomyces thermotolerans, S. iakyrus, and S. thermocarboxydus, was independent of compost amendment rate. However, while the impact of compost amendment was mitigated with increasing proximity to the root, high levels of compost amendment resulted in the detection of compost-derived species on the root surface. Conversely, in rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere soils, the community composition of streptomycetes was affected strongly even by modest compost amendment. The application of a streptomycetes-specific PCR primer set combined with DGGE analysis provided a rapid means of examining the distribution and ecology of streptomycetes in soils and plant-associated environments.  相似文献   

It has been previously demonstrated by our group that our specifically designed synchronization modulation electric field can dynamically entrain the Na/K ATPase molecules, effectively accelerating the pumping action of these molecules. The ATPase molecules are first synchronized by the field, and subsequently their pumping rates are gradually modulated in a stepwise pattern to progressively higher and higher levels. Here, we present results obtained on application of the field to intact twitch skeletal muscle fibers. The ionic concentration gradient across the cell membrane was monitored, with the membrane potential extrapolated using a slow fluorescent probe with a confocal microimaging technique. The applied synchronization-modulation electric field is able to slowly but consistently increase the ionic concentration gradient across the membrane and, hence, hyperpolarize the membrane potential. All of these results were fully eliminated if ouabain was applied to the bathing solution, indicating a correlation with the action of the Na/K pump molecules. These results in combination with our previous results into the entrainment of the pump molecules show that the synchronization-modulation electric field-induced activation of the Na/K pump functions can effectively increase the ionic concentration gradient and the membrane potential.  相似文献   

The roots of light-grown pea seedlings (Pisum sativum L. cv.Alaska) were excised at 250, 500 or 1500 µm from the body/capjuncture. Tips were sampled for 7 d after excision to monitorthe polarity and structure of the regeneration response. Inroots excised at 250 µm a new single apex regeneratedwithout swelling or any sign of repair. The new root cap appearedidentical to the control. After the 500 µm excision tworesponses occurred. In 45% of the roots examined, a single newapex regenerated, in 55% two or three new apices regeneratedto form a dichotomized or trichotomized root in the same longitudinalaxis as the primary root. In roots excised at 1500 µm,one, two or three lateral roots formed adjacent to the xylemat right angles to the primary root axis. In most instancesthe new roots developed triarch xylem. The discussion concentrateson the relationship of the differentiation state of the vascularcylinder and the pericycle, at the excision site, to the regenerationresponse. Root regeneration, Pisum sativum, Pericycle, Root apex  相似文献   

Root Density and Water Potential Gradients near the Plant Root   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
The models of Gardner (1960) and Cowan (1965) for water transferto the plant root are used to estimate the differences in waterpotential between the root and the bulk soil for a wide rangeof root densities and water extraction rates at a series ofmatric potentials for a Yolo light clay. For root densities and extraction rates reported both in theliterature and in this paper there is good evidence to suggestthat the large potential gradients originally predicted by Gardnerand Cowan are restricted to situations involving very low rootdensities and high extraction rates in relatively dry soil.  相似文献   

Authors tried to induce G-bands of chromosomes of root-tips in maize (Zey mays L.. everty Sturt) with a variety of technological modifications. The following techniques were found to be more satisfactory: primary root-tips were treated with an aqueous actinomycin D(AMD) solution (70 μg/ml) at room temperature; air dry slides of chromosomes in maize made the chromosomes spread well and plasma off; and then the preparations of the chromosomes were treated with modified methods of Seabright[7] and Utakoji[8] and the technique of aceto-orcin stain. The G-bands of chromosomes of corn were induced with the three methods above. They were shown in Plate 1, 2, 3 and 4 which are similar to the G-bands of chromosomes in human and mammal, and these bands are more consistent in each chromosomes.  相似文献   

Cells of onion and garlic root tips were examined under the electron and phase contrast microscopes after fixation in KMnO4. Special attention was focused on the distribution and behavior of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) during the several phases of mitosis. Slender profiles, recognized as sections through thin lamellar units of the ER (most prominent in KMnO4-fixed material), are distributed more or less uniformly in the cytoplasm of interphase cells and show occasional continuity with the nuclear envelope. In late prophase the nuclear envelope breaks down and its remnants plus cytoplasmic elements of the ER, which are morphologically identical, surround the spindle in a zone from which mitochondria, etc., are excluded. During metaphase these ER elements persist and concentrate as two separate systems in the polar caps or zones of the spindle. At about this same time they begin to proliferate and to invade the ends of the spindle. The invading lamellar units form drape-like partitions between the anaphase chromosomes. In late anaphase, their advancing margins reach the middle zone of the spindle and begin to fray out. Finally, in telophase, while elements of the ER in the poles of the spindle coalesce around the chromosomes to form the new envelope, the advancing edges of those in the middle zone reticulate at the level of the equator to form a close lattice of tubular elements. Within this, which is identified as the phragmoplast, the earliest signs of the cell plate appear in the form of small vesicles. These subsequently grow and fuse to complete the separation of the two protoplasts. Other morphological units apparently participating in mitosis are described. Speculation is provided on the equal division or not of the nuclear envelope and the contribution the envelope fragments make to the ER of the new cell.  相似文献   

生长素信号调控植物生长发育的各个方面。该文综述了生长素信号在植物根尖的研究进展概况,从生长素在根尖的运输与分布、生长素信号对根尖细胞命运的影响及静止中心细胞的生长素信号研究三个方面进行了阐述,并对未来该领域的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

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