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Calorie restriction (CR) slows aging and consistently reduces circulating sex hormones in laboratory animals. However, nothing is known regarding the long‐term effects of CR with adequate nutrition on serum sex‐hormone concentration in lean healthy humans. In this study, we measured body composition, and serum total testosterone, total 17‐β‐estradiol, sex hormone–binding globulin (SHBG), and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA‐S) concentrations in 24 men (mean age 51.5 ± 13 years), who had been practicing CR with adequate nutrition for an average of 7.4 ± 4.5 years, in 24 age‐ and body fat–matched endurance runners (EX), and 24 age‐matched sedentary controls eating Western diets (WD). We found that both the CR and EX volunteers had significantly lower body fat than the WD volunteers (total body fat, 8.7 ± 4.2%; 10.5 ± 4.4%; 23.2 ± 6.1%, respectively; P = 0.0001). Serum total testosterone and the free androgen index were significantly lower, and SHBG was higher in the CR group than in the EX and WD groups (P ≤ 0.001). Serum 17β‐estradiol and the estradiol:SHBG ratio were both significantly lower in the CR and EX groups than in the WD group (P ≤ 0.005). Serum DHEA‐S concentrations were not different between the three groups. These findings demonstrate that, as in long‐lived CR rodents, long‐term severe CR reduces serum total and free testosterone and increases SHBG concentrations in humans, independently of adiposity. More studies are needed to understand the role of this CR‐mediated reduction in sex hormones in modulating the pathogenesis of age‐associated chronic diseases such as cancer and the aging process itself.  相似文献   

Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate available variables of a long‐term weight maintenance study to investigate possible factors predisposing to weight regain after a period of weight loss. Research Methods and Procedures: The Maastricht Weight Maintenance Study is an ongoing longitudinal study of healthy men and women (29 men and 62 women; 18 to 65 years of age; BMI = 30.2 ± 3.1 kg/m2). A variety of parameters were measured before and after a very‐low‐energy diet and after a follow‐up of at least 2 years. Results: Mean weight loss was 7.9 ± 3.6 kg, and percent weight regain was 113.8 ± 98.1%. Percent BMI regain was negatively associated with an increase in dietary restraint (r = ?0.47, p < 0.05). Percent weight regain was negatively correlated with baseline resting metabolic rate (r = ?0.38, p = 0.01) and baseline fat mass (r = ?0.24, p = 0.05) and positively correlated with the magnitude of change in body weight (BW) expressed as maximum amplitude of BW (r = 0.21, p < 0.05). In addition, amplitude of BW was positively correlated with the frequency of dieting (r = 0.57, p < 0.01). Discussion: The best predictors for weight maintenance after weight loss were an increase in dietary restraint during weight loss, a high baseline resting metabolic rate, a relatively high baseline fat mass favoring a fat‐free mass–sparing effect during weight loss, a rather stable BW, and a low frequency of dieting. Therefore, BW maintenance after BW loss seems to be a multifactorial issue, including mechanisms that regulate an individuals’ energy expenditure, body composition, and eating behavior in such a way that energy homeostasis is maintained.  相似文献   

Long‐term conservation of forested areas requires an estimate of nonnative species’ impact on a scale of centuries. However, long‐term changes in forest structure have not been included in previous succession studies, which have typically covered only 20–50 yr. To estimate persistence of nonnative plant species on a longer time scale, and to examine the development of spatial structure in their distributions, we selected thirty‐seven second‐growth forest sites in southeastern Ohio, USA, to form a chronosequence spanning 160 yr. At each site nonnative species were surveyed in 100 contiguous plots forming a 50‐m belt transect. Nineteen nonnative species were encountered, largely consisting of shade‐intolerant herbs typical of abandoned agricultural land. Nonnative species richness, abundance, and frequency declined through the chronosequence with most species dropping out after the first twenty years, although three persisted 120–140 yr. Most species appeared to be residual populations from the open‐habitat stage. Presence of Rosa multiflora and Polygonum hydropiper in stands older than their date of arrival in the region indicate their capacity to colonize long‐established forest. Distributions of four species showed dependence on micro‐environmental gradients. All four were positively autocorrelated at scales up to 2–8 m, but pattern did not vary among age classes. We conclude that pattern in nonnative species’ distributions arises very early, possibly in the open‐habitat stage. Most species encountered in these sites are not likely to become long‐term components of the forest community and do not require active management. Small‐gap disturbances have not allowed colonization of long‐established forest stands, nor released pre‐existing populations from competitive suppression. Management should focus on the small number of shade‐tolerant species able to persist in long‐established forest.  相似文献   

Facilitating coexistence between people and wildlife is a major conservation challenge in East Africa. Some conservation models aim to balance the needs of people and wildlife, but the effectiveness of these models is rarely assessed. Using a case‐study approach, we assessed the ecological performance of a pastoral area in northern Tanzania (Manyara Ranch) and established a long‐term wildlife population monitoring program (carried out intermittently from 2003 to 2008 and regularly from 2011 to 2019) embedded in a distance sampling framework. By comparing density estimates of the road transect‐based long‐term monitoring to estimates derived from systematically distributed transects, we found that the bias associated with nonrandom placement of transects was nonsignificant. Overall, cattle and sheep and goat reached the greatest densities and several wildlife species occurred at densities similar (zebra, wildebeest, waterbuck, Kirk's dik‐dik) or possibly even greater (giraffe, eland, lesser kudu, Grant's gazelle, Thomson's gazelle) than in adjacent national parks in the same ecosystem. Generalized linear mixed models suggested that most wildlife species (8 out of 14) reached greatest densities during the dry season, that wildlife population densities either remained constant or increased over the 17‐year period, and that herbivorous livestock species remained constant, while domestic dog population decreased over time. Cross‐species correlations did not provide evidence for interference competition between grazing or mixed livestock species and wildlife species but indicate possible negative relationships between domestic dog and warthog populations. Overall, wildlife and livestock populations in Manyara Ranch appear to coexist over the 17‐year span. Most likely, this is facilitated by existing connectivity to adjacent protected areas, effective anti‐poaching efforts, spatio‐temporal grazing restrictions, favorable environmental conditions of the ranch, and spatial heterogeneity of surface water and habitats. This long‐term case study illustrates the potential of rangelands to simultaneously support wildlife conservation and human livelihood goals if livestock grazing is restricted in space, time, and numbers.  相似文献   

Questions: Have forest dynamics changed significantly in intact Amazon rainforests since the early 1980s? If so, what environmental drivers might potentially be responsible? Location: Central Amazonia, north of Manaus, Brazil. Methods: Within 20 1‐ha plots scattered over ~300 km2, all trees (≥10 cm diameter at breast height) were marked, identified, and measured five times between 1981 and 2003. We estimated stand‐level dynamics (mortality, recruitment, and growth) for each census interval and evaluated weather parameters over the study period. Results: We observed a widespread, significant increase in tree mortality across our plots. Tree recruitment also rose significantly over time but lagged behind mortality. Tree growth generally accelerated but varied considerably among census intervals, and was lowest when mortality was highest. Tree basal area rose 4% overall, but stem number exhibited no clear trend. In terms of climate variation, annual maximum and minimum temperatures increased significantly during our study. Rainfall anomalies were strongly and positively associated with ENSO events. Conclusions: The increasing forest dynamics, growth, and basal area observed are broadly consistent with the CO2 fertilization hypothesis. However, pronounced shorter‐term variability in stand dynamics might be associated with climatic vicissitudes. Tree mortality peaked, and tree recruitment and growth declined during atypically wet periods. Tree growth was fastest during dry periods, when reduced cloudiness might have increased available solar radiation. Inferences about causality are tenuous because tree data were collected only at multi‐year intervals. Mean temperatures and rainfall seasonality have both increased over time in central Amazonia, and these could potentially have long‐term effects on forest dynamics and carbon storage.  相似文献   

Aim To document long‐term rates of immigration, extinction and turnover in insular floras and evaluate the relative impacts of recent hurricane activity and climate change. Location Three archipelagos of small islands, in the Exuma Cays, Andros and Abacos, Bahamas. Methods I surveyed the floras of 194 vegetated islands in three archipelagos over several multi‐year periods, spanning up to 17 years. Changes in abundance (foliar cover) of persistent populations were measured on a subset of 14 islands in the Exuma Cays over a 9‐year period. Results Rates of plant turnover were generally low compared with other organisms, but varied among archipelagos and time periods. Turnover rates were usually higher in the second decade of this study, and extinction rates were often dramatically higher than immigration rates in the second decade, resulting in overall decreases in species richness. Turnover did not differ significantly among island types based on generalized location and surrounding water depths, and extinctions were not more likely to occur on more exposed islands. The abundance (foliar cover) of populations that did not go extinct decreased steadily over the second decade of this study, indicating, along with higher extinction rates, a generalized decline in these insular floras. Main conclusions Although some islands may have been at or near a state of dynamic equilibrium in the first decade of this study, average species richness declined in all three archipelagos during the second decade, when extinctions greatly outnumbered immigrations. Four major hurricanes affected the study archipelagos in the second decade of this study, although the available evidence suggests that the hurricanes were not directly responsible for the declines. Indirect effects of hurricanes such as increased herbivory and possible decreased nutrient availability, along with a long‐term (25 years) increase in temperature and decline in rainfall are likely contributing factors.  相似文献   

Analyses of how organisms are likely to respond to a changing climate have focused largely on the direct effects of warming temperatures, though changes in other variables may also be important, particularly the amount and timing of precipitation. Here, we develop a network of eight growth‐increment width chronologies for freshwater mussel species in the Pacific Northwest, United States and integrate them with tree‐ring data to evaluate how terrestrial and aquatic indicators respond to hydroclimatic variability, including river discharge and precipitation. Annual discharge averaged across water years (October 1–September 30) was highly synchronous among river systems and imparted a coherent pattern among mussel chronologies. The leading principal component of the five longest mussel chronologies (1982–2003; PC1mussel) accounted for 47% of the dataset variability and negatively correlated with the leading principal component of river discharge (PC1discharge; r = ?0.88; P < 0.0001). PC1mussel and PC1discharge were closely linked to regional wintertime precipitation patterns across the Pacific Northwest, the season in which the vast majority of annual precipitation arrives. Mussel growth was also indirectly related to tree radial growth, though the nature of the relationships varied across the landscape. Negative correlations occurred in forests where tree growth tends to be limited by drought while positive correlations occurred in forests where tree growth tends to be limited by deep or lingering snowpack. Overall, this diverse assemblage of chronologies illustrates the importance of winter precipitation to terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems and suggests that a complexity of climate responses must be considered when estimating the biological impacts of climate variability and change.  相似文献   

Age‐related increased adiposity is an important contributory factor in the development of insulin resistance (IR) and is associated with metabolic defects. Caloric restriction (CR) is known to induce weight loss and to decrease adiposity while preventing metabolic risk factors. Here, we show that moderate 20% CR delays early deleterious effects of aging on white and brown adipose tissue (WAT and BAT, respectively) function and improves peripheral IR. To elucidate the role of CR in delaying early signs of aging, young (3 months), middle‐aged (12 months), and old (20 months) mice fed al libitum and middle‐aged and old mice subjected to early‐onset CR were used. We show that impaired plasticity of subcutaneous WAT (scWAT) contributes to IR, which is already evident in middle‐aged mice. Moreover, alteration of thyroid axis status with age is an important factor contributing to BAT dysfunction in middle‐aged animals. Both defects in WAT and BAT/beige cells are ameliorated by CR. Accordingly, CR attenuated the age‐related decline in scWAT function and decreased the extent of fibro‐inflammation. Furthermore, CR promoted scWAT browning. In brief, our study identifies the contribution of scWAT impairment to age‐associated metabolic dysfunction and identifies browning in response to food restriction, as a potential therapeutic strategy to prevent the adverse metabolic effects in middle‐aged animals.  相似文献   

Petzold M  Sonesson C  Bergman E  Kieler H 《Biometrics》2004,60(4):1025-1033
A new methodology for online detection of intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is proposed where traditional methods for statistical surveillance are applied. Here, deficient growth rate is used to detect IUGR instead of the common surrogate measure "small for gestational age" (SGA). Fetal growth is estimated by repeated measurements of symphysis-fundus (SF) height. At each time point the new method, based on the Shiryaev-Roberts method, is used to evaluate the growth in SF height. We use Swedish data to model a normal growth pattern, which is used to evaluate the capability of the new method to detect IUGR in comparison with a method used in practice today. Results from simulations indicate that the new method performs considerably better than the method used today. We also illustrate the effect of some important factors which influence the detection ability and illuminate the tendency of the method used today to misclassify SGA cases as IUGR.  相似文献   

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is upregulated in tumour microenvironments and may contribute to effects on metastatic cancer cells. This study demonstrates that treatment of lung carcinoma and melanoma cells with H2O2 for 14 days results in an induction of anoikis resistance and growth in an anchorage‐independent condition. H2O2 exposure increased the Cav‐1 (caveolin‐1) level through an increase of Cav‐1 mRNA with minimal effect on protein degradation. Upregulation of Cav‐1 induced anoikis resistance and facilitated growth in a detached manner. The findings show a novel role of hydrogen peroxide in the regulation of metastatic potential of cancer cells.  相似文献   

The oocyte is a complex cell that executes many crucial and unique functions at the start of each life. These functions are fulfilled by a unique collection of macromolecules and other factors, all of which collectively support meiosis, oocyte activation, and embryo development. This review focuses on the effects of oocyte components on developmental processes that occur after the initial stages of embryogenesis. These include long‐term effects on genome function, metabolism, lineage allocation, postnatal progeny health, and even subsequent generations. Factors that regulate chromatin structure, genome programming, and mitochondrial function are elements that contribute to these oocyte functions.  相似文献   

The changes in the fish assemblage of the Capivara Reservoir, Brazil, were assessed over a 20 year period. Of 50 native fishes present in the initial samples, 27 were no longer present in the final samples, but there had been an addition of 11 invasive fishes, suggesting the occurrence of substantial shifts in fish diversity and abundance.  相似文献   

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