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An inexpensive anthropometer, suitable for use in undergraduate projects, was constructed from aluminum rod and components designed from laboratory retort stands. Only modest workshop skills and widely available machine tools were required to produce the device, which could be used to take accurate and reproducible measurements of linear dimensions and the angles of orientation of body segments. Its use in student projects indicates the value of the angular measurements in investigating posture. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Pleural Cancer in humans is a frequently occuring tumor, Recently, clinical ltrials have suggested that chemotherapy and immunotherapy administered intrapleually may elicit responses in early-stage diseases. However, atradiological and pleural endoscopic evaluation, most of the patients are found to have a visceral pleural involvement that is generally refractory to therapy and leads to a poor prognosis. The goal of this study was to construct a nude mouse model of human parietal- and visceral-pleural cancer that could reflect the clinical picture for this disease. The model could then be useful for drug discovery for pleural cancer. A well-differentiated human lung adenocarcinoma was used as intact tissue for implantation. Ten mice underwent parietal-pleural implantation and ten mice visceral-pleural implantation via a novel thoracotomy procedure we have developed. Symptoms of tumor growth were determined from weight loss, repiratory distress, or debilitation. Actual tumor growth and spread were measured at autopsy. The mouse survival curves of each group were estimated by the Kaplan-Meier Method and the difference of the median survial timje was assessed by the Log-rank test. The slopes of mean-mouse weight curves were compared using a standard two-sample t-test. 100% take rate was achieved in constructing the pleural cancer models. Tumor growth was initially assessed by symptomatology and survival: the median survival time was, repectively, 27.9 days 31 days for visceral-pleural and parietal-pleural implanted groups (P<0.05). The comparison between the slopes of the mean weight curves of corresponding groups demonstrated that visceral-pleural implanted animals lost significantly more weight than the parietal-pleural implanted animals (P <.001). Both in the visceral- and pariental-pleural implanted groups, post-mortem analysis revealed that tumor grew in all mic demonstrating local and regional spread mimicking clinical features. However, mediastinal lymph node metastases were observed only in mice with visceral pleural implantation. Patient-like models of human parietal-pleural and visceral-pleural cancer were constructed in nude mice using histologically ilntact human specimens. Tumor symptoms, growth, and spread as well as survival indicated that the parietal-pleural and visceral-pleural models represent, respectively, early-and advanced-stage disease. The “Patient-like” nude mouse models of pleural cancer now allow a rational basis for futher studies of pleural cancer biology, pathophysiology, and therapeutics.  相似文献   

Abdominal obesity is closely associated with the presence of metabolic risk factors and elevated blood pressure in selected materials. This has, however, never been analyzed quantitatively in a non-selected cohort. Therefore, in a population-based study of 1462 Swedish women, four selected risk factors for non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) and cardiovascular disease (CVD), serum triglycerides, blood glucose and systolic blood pressure and also serum insulin in a subsample, were examined in relation to regional and overall obesity. This was performed by subdividing the age adjusted sample into quintiles of waist to hip circumference ratio (WHR) or body mass index (BMI) as indicators of abdominal distribution of body fat and overall obesity, respectively. The risk factors serum triglycerides, blood glucose, blood pressure and serum insulin were defined as being elevated when the value of the risk factor was higher than the mean plus one or two standard deviations of the total age-adjusted cohort. The percentage of women with elevated risk factors according to this definition was then calculated in each of these quintiles. Having a risk factor which was elevated according to the definition was significantly correlated to WHR and BMI (p<0.0001) independent of age. The presence of one or several of these elevated risk factors was clearly higher than expected in the fifth quintile of WHR, and to a lesser extent in the fifth quintile of BMI while this was not the case in the lower quintiles of WHR and BMI. When studying the combination of the WHR and BMI, the presence of risk factors higher than the mean plus two standard deviations increased gradually with WHR in all five quintiles of BMI. A significant association was observed between WHR and presence of risk factors independent of BMI (p<0.0001) but BMI did not remain significantly correlated to presence of risk factors when controlling for WHR (p=0.09). These results indicate that abdominal distribution of body fat in women independently of general obesity is closely associated with metabolic risk factors including elevated blood pressure, a metabolic syndrome with increased risk for cardiovascular disease and non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

New neurons are added to two bilateral clusters of neurons in crayfish brain throughout their lives. These interneurons are associated with the olfactory and accessory lobes, areas of the brain that receive primary olfactory information and higher order inputs from the visual and tactile receptor systems. The rate of cell proliferation in these four clusters, revealed by BrdU labeling, is sensitive to the living conditions of the animals: individuals isolated in small spaces (impoverished condition) exhibit a lower rate of cell proliferation in comparison to their siblings living together in larger areas (enriched condition), although both groups were fed to satiation. Reduction in the rate of proliferation can be measured 1 to 2 weeks after the animals are subjected to the impoverished condition. Counts of the labeled neurons that survive after 4 weeks of subjection to the two conditions show that fewer new neurons survive in the brains of animals that have lived for 2 weeks in the impoverished condition in comparison to their siblings living in the enriched conditions. Factors such as surface area, depth of water, and social interaction can all play a role in determining both the rate of new neuron production and the incorporation of the new neurons into the brain of freshwater crayfish. The results indicate a high degree of neuronal plasticity in the crayfish brain that is highly sensitive to the conditions under which the animals are kept. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 45: 215–226, 2000  相似文献   

The proximate composition, nutrient and trace elements of the planktonic algal “jellies” of Lake Oguta in Southern Nigeria, are provided as guides to their utilization and control, using flood (rainy) and dry season samples. These “jellies” are an unusual, macroscopic planktonic algal community in the lake, made up mostly of blue-green algae (Microcystis, Anabaena, Chroococcus) with some green algae (e. g. Spirogyra) and pennate diatoms (e.g. Navicula) rather epiphytic on the mucous jellies of the blue-green algae. Water content was high (98.2% mean, range 97.5-99.5%). Ash, protein and fat had values of 41.7 (39.0-46.2%), 16.9 (15.6-19.4%), and 2.0 (1.7-2.1%) respectively. Crude fibre and carbohydrates were high (25.8% and 12.4%). The levels of phosphorus and nitrogen were rather high, so were the major cations whose order of dominance (Ca > K > Mg > Na) differed from that of the lake water. Macronutrients increased in their concentrations during the rainy flood season while the reverse was the case with the micronutrients. Diagenesis of the endogenic minerals rather than anthropogenic factors are thought to be the reason for the seasonal changes in the ionic concentrations. Possible uses of the algal jellies are discussed as well as their control options.  相似文献   

The effects of sex, slaughter weight and carcass weight on carcass characteristics and meat quality traits were evaluated using 100 Segureña lambs. The management of all lambs was similar prior to slaughter at 19–25 kg. Slaughtered animals with a hot carcass weight below 20 kg were assigned to class B, and those greater than 22 kg to class C. Carcass weight had a significant influence on “non-carcass” components, dressing percentage, subjective carcass conformation, fat deposits, carcass fatness, bone and most carcass measurements. Sex had a significant effect on age at slaughter, “non-carcass” components, rib measurements, dressing percentage, fat deposits, and neck and shoulder percentage. As the weight increased, the carcass measurements also increased. Concurrently, while improving the conformation indices of the carcass, leg and dressing percentages, neither the commercial cuts of the animal nor tissue composition was significantly affected. Sex primarily affected the quantity of all types of fat deposits.  相似文献   

There exists a general consensus that prolonged grief disorder (PGD), or some variant of PGD, represents a distinct mental disorder worthy of diagnosis and treatment. Nevertheless, confusion remains over whether different names and proposed symptom criteria for this disorder identify the same or different diagnostic entities. This study aimed to determine whether PGD, complicated grief (CG), and persistent complex bereavement disorder (PCBD) as described by the DSM‐5 are substantively or merely semantically different diagnostic entities. Data were derived from the Yale Bereavement Study, a longitudinal community‐based study of bereaved individuals funded by the US National Institute of Mental Health, designed explicitly to evaluate diagnostic criteria for disordered grief. The results suggested that the difference between PGD and PCBD is only semantic. The level of agreement between the original PGD test, a new version of the PGD test proposed for ICD‐11 and the PCBD test was high (pairwise kappa coefficients = 0.80‐0.84). Their estimates of rate of disorder in this community sample were similarly low (~10%). Their levels of diagnostic specificity were comparably high (95.0‐98.3%). Their predictive validity was comparable. In contrast, the test for CG had only moderate agreement with those for PGD and PCBD; its estimate of rate of disorder was three‐fold higher (~30%); its diagnostic specificity was poorer, and it had no predictive validity. We conclude that PGD, PCBD and proposed ICD‐11, but not CG, symptom‐diagnostic tests identify a single diagnostic entity. Ultimately, brief symptom‐diagnostic tests, such as the one proposed here for ICD‐11, may have the greatest clinical utility.  相似文献   

The incidence of a bacterium “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” was assessed in a Florida population of Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri. The bacterium is the presumed causal agent of Asiatic huanglongbing, a serious citrus disease. Adult D. citri were periodically collected between May 2010 and September 2012 in a block of diseased trees located in east‐central Florida. The psyllids were individually subjected to molecular analyses (quantitative polymerase chain reaction assays using HLBaspr primers) to determine whether the bacterium was present and, if so, the population level of the pathogen based on qPCR cycle threshold (CT) values. Significantly greater percentages of females tested positive for the pathogen than males, but there were no significant differences between females and males with respect to population levels of the pathogen within the psyllids. No significant differences were found among the three D. citri colour morphs with respect to percentages of adults testing positive for the pathogen. Among 47 sample dates, a mean of 17.5% of adults per sample date tested positive (CT < 36) for the pathogen with a mean CT value of 31.1. The incidence of the pathogen was generally higher during late fall or early winter and often lower during mid‐ to late summer. There was a significant negative correlation between percentages of D. citri testing positive and air temperature. Increases in the incidence of the pathogen may not necessarily correspond to increases in transmission, as a number of factors both internal and external to D. citri can influence transmission. Transmission rates may be highest during periods when D. citri infestation levels are large, a high percentage of adults carry a high population of the pathogen in their salivary glands, and citrus flush is abundant.  相似文献   

Objective: To examine the concept of the “good enough” body size acceptability across a wide range of ages and weight status. Research Methods and Procedures: Subjects were 303 children, 427 adolescents, 261 young adults, and 326 middle‐age adults who selected acceptable body sizes from an array of drawings representing their own age and gender. They also selected body sizes representing their own actual and ideal size. Results: A large majority (87%) of subjects considered their own body size socially acceptable. This finding applied to both genders in all age groups and to underweight, normal weight, and overweight subjects. Even among obese subjects, 48% considered their own body size socially acceptable. For the large percentage of subjects who reported a discrepancy between their actual and ideal body sizes, most considered their own body size acceptable. This finding also applied to both genders in all age groups and to underweight, normal weight, and overweight subjects. Discussion: Most male and female subjects across a wide range of ages and status considered their own body size to be within the range of socially acceptable body sizes even though, for many, it did not match their ideal. The implications of expanding body size research to include the conceptual framework of body size acceptability is discussed in terms of contributing to a paradigm of positive psychology.  相似文献   

The proof of efficacy of phytopreparations and the determination of their mode of action are permanent challenges for an evidence-based phytotherapy. The technology platform of genomics, proteomics and metabolomics ("-omic-" technologies) are high-throughput technologies. They increase substantially the number of proteins/genes that can be detected simultaneously and have the potential to relate complex mixtures to complex effects in the form of gene/protein expression profiles. Provided that phytopreparation-specific signatures in the form of gene/protein expression profiles can be developed, these technologies will be useful for the chemical and pharmacological standardization and the proof of the toxicological potential of a plant extract. Over a long-term perspective they may economize the proof of efficacy, the determination of the mode of action of phytomedicines and allow to investigate herbal extracts without prominent active principle(s). The application of this genomics revealed already that gene expression profiles induced by single drugs and the ones induced by the combination of the same drugs can be entirely different. These results make the information of the mode of action of isolated "active principles/lead substances" of phytopreparations questionable. The application of the "-omic-" technologies may lead to a change of paradigms towards the application of complex mixtures in medicine and open the new field of phytogenomics, -proteomics and -metabolomics.  相似文献   

Concentrations of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) in central (C) samples obtained by transfemorally catheterizing the inferior petrosal sinus of female bonnet monkeys were compared with those in peripheral (P) samples obtained simultaneously from the saphenous veins of two intact and two oophorectomized bonnet monkeys, before, during, and after luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) stimulation. Significant differences between central and peripheral gonadotropin concentrations were detected intermittently in the resting state, and tended to be magnified by LHRH administration. In one animal in which LHRH was fortuitously administered during the course of a spontaneous LH surge, a C/P ratio for LH of 12.71, the maximum observed, was obtained. Spectral analysis exhibited periodicity for LH and, to a lesser extent, for FSH in the oophorectomized, but not in the intact, animals.  相似文献   

Waterlogging causes germination failure in pea (Pisum sativum L.). Three genotypes (BARI Motorshuti‐3, Natore local‐2 [NL‐2], and Kaspa) contrasting in ability to germinate in waterlogged soil were exposed to different durations of waterlogging. Whole genome RNAseq was employed to capture differentially expressing genes. The ability to germinate in waterlogged soil was associated with testa colour and testa membrane integrity as confirmed by electrical conductivity measurements. Genotypes Kaspa and NL‐2 displayed different mechanisms of tolerance. In Kaspa, an energy conserving strategy was indicated by a strong upregulation of tyrosine protein kinsase and down regulation of linoleate 9S‐lipoxygenase 5, a fat metabolism gene. In contrast, a faster energy utilization strategy was suggested in NL‐2 by the marked upregulation of a subtilase family protein and peroxisomal adenine nucleotide carrier 2, a fat metabolizing gene. Waterlogging susceptibility in germinating seeds of genotype BARI Motorshuti‐3 was linked to upregulation of a kunitz‐type trypsin/protease inhibitor that blocks protein metabolism and may lead to excessive lipid metabolism and the membrane leakage associated with waterlogging damage. Pathway analyses based on gene ontologies showed seed storage protein metabolism as upregulated in tolerant genotypes and downregulated in the sensitive genotype. Understanding the tolerance mechanism provides a platform to breed for adaptation to waterlogging stress at germination in pea.  相似文献   

In Tenkere, Sierra Leone, a community of wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) spent long hours eating the fruits and flowers of the Kapok (Ceiba pentandra) tree. The branches of this species are covered in sharp thorns which make movement in their high canopies problematic for the chimpanzees. In an apparent attempt to increase their mobility and to ease the discomfort of lengthy bouts of eating in these trees, some of the Tenkere chimpanzees have been observed using stick tools as foot (“stepping-sticks”) and body (“seat-sticks”) protection against the painful thorns. This form of tool-using is culturally unique to the Tenkere chimpanzees, as at other sites where these apes have been observed eating parts of kapok trees, there are no published records of this tool technology. In three of the stepping-stick tool use incidents, the chimpanzee used the tool(s), held between their greater and lesser toes, in locomotion. This form of tool use is the first recorded case of habitually used tools that can be justifiably categorized as being “worn” by any known wild population of Pan troglodytes. Am J Primatol 41:45–52, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The “strip-coating” technic offers some improvement of the published methods for the autographic detection of Tadio-elements in sections by stripping films. Reproducible results are easily obtained with Ilford Half Tone Stripping Plate Emulsion. The method does not lend itself readily to the preparation of the large number of slides usually required for biological research.  相似文献   

Regeneration in medicine is a concept that has roots dating back to the earliest known records of medical interventions. Unfortunately, its elusive promise has still yet to become a reality. In the field of plastic surgery, we use the common tools of the surgeon grounded in basic operative principles to achieve the present day equivalent of regenerative medicine. These reconstructive efforts involve a broad range of clinical deformities, both congenital and acquired. Outlined in this review are comments on clinical conditions and the current limitations to reconstruct these clinical entities in the effort to practice regenerative medicine. Cleft lip, microtia, breast reconstruction, and burn reconstruction have been selected as examples to demonstrate the incredible spectrum and diverse challenges that plastic surgeons attempt to reconstruct. However, on a molecular level, these vastly different clinical scenarios can be unified with basic understanding of development, alloplastic integration, wound healing, cell–cell, and cell‐matrix interactions. The themes of current and future molecular efforts involve coalescing approaches to recapitulate normal development in clinical scenarios when reconstruction is needed. It will be a better understanding of stem cells, scaffolding, and signaling with extracellular matrix interactions that will make this future possible. Eventually, reconstructive challenge will utilize more than the current instruments of surgical steel but engage complex interventions at the molecular level to sculpt true regeneration. Immense amounts of research are still needed but there is promise in the exploding fields of tissue engineering and stem cell biology that hint at great opportunities to improve the lives of our patients. Birth Defects Research (Part C) 84:322–334, 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Timed-sequence studies have shown that reticulate scales on the ventral footpads of birds do not undergo “epidermal placode” formation during their morphogenesis, but arise as symmetrical evaluations similar to the scales of snakes and lizards. Unlike the scutellate scales on the dorsal surface of the foot, in which the formation of an “epidermal placode” and its subsequent morphogenesis result in distinct outer and inner epidermal surfaces, the reticulate scales elaborate only one type of epidermal surface.  相似文献   

Population dynamics, economy, and human demography started with Malthus, the idea that population growth is limited by resources and “positive checks” occur when population growth overshoots the available resources. In fact, historical evidence indicates that long‐term climate changes have destabilized civilizations and caused population collapses via food shortages, diseases, and wars. One of the worst population collapses of human societies occurred during the early fourteenth century in northern Europe; the “Great Famine” was the consequence of the dramatic effects of climate deterioration on human population growth. Thus, part of my motivation was to demonstrate that simple theoretical‐based models can be helpful in understanding the causes of population change in preindustrial societies. Here, the results suggest that a logistic model with temperature as a “lateral” perturbation effect is the key element for explaining the population collapse exhibited by the European population during the “Great Famine”.  相似文献   

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