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The study was designed to determine whether sex and fat calories altered hepatic prostaglandin (PG) F2 alpha status; a factor which may reflect susceptibility to cancer development. For 4 weeks, groups of 8 male and 8 female F344/N rats were fed diets with 9% of energy (en%) from linoleate and 15.5, 20, 30 or 40 en% fat. Females had greater hepatic stearate, arachidonate and PGF2 alpha whereas males had greater hepatic myristate, palmitate and oleate. Females also had greater plasma stearate levels. Greater hepatic arachidonate may have stimulated PG production in females. Hepatic oleate increased and hepatic palmitate decreased with increasing en% fat (p < 0.05). Hepatic stearate was greater and hepatic linoleate less when 40 en% fat was fed compared with other levels of dietary fat (p < 0.05). Plasma oleate was greater at 30 or 40 en% fat than at lower levels of fat, whereas plasma linoleate was less at 40 en% than at 15.5% en% fat. The ability of a 30 en% fat diet, containing equal proportions of linoleate and oleate, to suppress hepatic PG production may be related to the effects of dietary fat content and composition on plasma fatty acid profiles. Because suppressed PG production has been linked with suppression of cancer development, dietary recommendations to consume 30 en% fat with a P:M ratio of 1:1 may be cancer-protective.  相似文献   

F344/Slc and F344/JCL rats 2 years of age were histologically examined for the incidence and distribution of calcification. In the male rats of both strains, calcification was observed in the testis, lung, brain, kidney, heart, aorta, cornea, prostate and seminal vesicle respectively. In the female F344/JCL rats, calcification appeared in the kidney, lung, cornea, brain, stomach, ovary and heart. Among these of both sexes, the lung was one of the most affected organs for calcification. On the other hand, calcification in the kidney was more severe and frequent in the females than in the males, suggesting that the sex may be one of enhancing factors for calcification.  相似文献   

Chromosome 3 displayed the two largest yield QTLs in a previous study of 150 doubled haploid lines derived from a cross of Steptoe and Morex barley varieties. Low-copy number RFLP markers, detected using Southern analysis, are excellent tools for generating robust linkage maps as demonstrated by the Steptoe and Morex map produced by the North American Barley Genome Mapping Project (SM NABGMP). However, this technique can be cumbersome when applied to practically oriented plant breeding programs. In the present report, we demonstrate the conversion of RFLPs to more practically useful PCR-based markers that are co-dominant and allelic to the barley chromosome-3 RFLP markers from which they derive. We have used these sequence-tagged-site (STS) PCR markers to evaluate the putative yield QTL components of the Steptoe chromosome 3 in a Morex backcross population. Headshattering, plant lodging, and yield measurements are reported from five replicated field experiments conducted under diverse growing conditions in Montana. Our study detected significant effects for all three traits in a chromosomal region that evidently corresponds to the larger of the two previously reported chromosome-3 QTLs. However, we failed to detect any yield or other effects which might be coincidental to the second largest yield QTL. The genetic effects of the yield QTL identified in our first backcross breeding population show similar magnitude, environmental interactions, and association with lodging and headshattering QTLs observed in the SM NABGMP experiments. Our study elucidates complex environmental conditioning for headshattering and plant lodging which probably underlie the variable yield effects observed under different growing conditions.  相似文献   

As many mononuclear cells from Mycobacterium tuberculosis-infected lung tissues are not available for fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS) analysis and the tuberculin test is not feasible in a mouse tuberculosis model, we attempted to develop a rat tuberculosis model. We have previously reported that rat tuberculosis is associated with granulomas that lack central necrosis. In order to develop a better animal model of tuberculosis in immunocompromised humans (tuberculosis associated with HIV infection or tuberculosis of the elderly), we infected F344/N-rnu nude rats with M. tuberculosis via the airborne route. The animals developed pulmonary granulomas with central necrosis encapsulated by dense collagen fibres, closely resembling those of human tuberculosis. The nude rats died of disseminated tuberculosis by the 85th day after aerosol infection, while F344 wild-type rats did not. Interestingly, T-cells that were reactive with anti-CD4 antibody and anti-CD8 antibody, indicating the presence of remnant thymus, were observed in the infected lung tissues of the nude rats. Therefore, T-cell precursors may be present in nude rats. The nude rat tuberculosis model mimics tuberculosis in immunocompromised humans and may provide a suitable model for immunological studies in vivo.  相似文献   

Osteosclerosis was observed in the tibia and sternum in F344/DuCrj rats of both sexes at 6, 18 and 30 months of age. The lesion first seen was a proliferation of osteogenic tissues on the marrow surface of the cortical bone and bone trabeculae, resulting in replacement of the marrow cavity by lamellar bone. Most of the affected rats had associated degenerative osteoarthrosis and regressive changes of the growth plate. Osteosclerosis was considered to be an aging change, lesions were observed at 6 months and increased in frequency with age.  相似文献   

Loss of weight, often of unknown cause and culminating in death, commonly occurs in humans at advanced ages. Rats that live to old ages, such as the Fischer 344 (F344) strain, also exhibit a terminal loss in body weight. A presently held hypothesis is that the terminal weight loss in the F344 rat model is due to reduced food intake because of an alteration in hypothalamic function resulting in early satiation. We report findings on terminal weight loss and food intake in male F344 rats fed ad libitum (AL group) or a life-prolonging dietary regimen in which caloric intake was restricted (DR group). Rats in both dietary groups that did not exhibit a terminal weight loss died at younger ages than those exhibiting the loss. Terminal weight loss in the AL group was not associated with decreased food intake; indeed, half of the rats in this group had an increased food intake during the period of terminal weight loss. This finding is not in accord with the presently held hypothesis. In the DR group, terminal weight loss was associated with reduced food intake. Pathology (renal disease and neoplasms) did not explain the presence or absence of the association between reduced food intake and weight loss in either dietary group. The duration of the period of terminal weight loss was similar for the AL and DR groups. Apparently, restricting calories delays the occurrence but does not affect the duration of senescent terminal weight loss.  相似文献   

To identify novel genetic modifiers of type 2 diabetes (T2D), we performed quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis on F2 progeny of hypoinsulinemic diabetic Akita mice, heterozygous for the Ins2 gene Cys96Tyr mutation, and nondiabetic A/J mice. We generated 625 heterozygous (F2-Hetero) and 338 wild-type (F2-Wild) mice with regard to the Ins2 mutation in F2 intercross progeny. We measured quantitative traits, including plasma glucose and insulin concentrations during the intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test (IPGTT), and body weight (BW). We observed three significant QTLs in hypoinsulinemic hyperglycemic male F2-Hetero mice, designated Dbm1, Dbm3, and Dbm4 on Chromosomes 6, 14, and 15, respectively. They showed linkage to plasma glucose concentrations, with significant maximum logarithm of odds (LOD) scores of 4.12, 4.17, and 6.17, respectively, all exceeding threshold values by permutation tests. In normoinsulinemic normoglycemic male F2-Wild mice, Dbm1 on Chromosome 6 showed linkage to both plasma insulin concentrations and BW, and Dbm2 on Chromosome 11 showed linkage to plasma glucose concentrations only, with LOD scores of 4.52 and 6.32, and 5.78, respectively. Based on these results, we concluded that Dbm1, Dbm2, Dbm3, and Dbm4 represent four major modifier QTLs specifically affecting T2D-related traits and that these diabetic modifier QTLs are conditional on the heterozygous Ins2 gene mutation and sex to exert their modifier functions. Identification of the genes responsible for these QTLs would provide new drug development targets for human T2D. Electronic Supplementary Material Electronic Supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of resource populations affects the power of tests to detect associations between DNA markers and complex traits. Following a chicken interline cross (White Plymouth Rock background), we produced a multigenerational resource population based on 4 pedigreed generations. In this large sibship, 265 parents have been genotyped, and their 3317 progenies have been phenotyped for BW21, BW42, breast meat weight, fat pad weight, and egg production. We developed an approach to increase test power by imposing several ways of validation including the minimization of false-positive associations. Some of our detected associations were in agreement with QTLs previously reported in the literature. A large fraction of the 81 screened markers was found to be associated with quantitative traits. We examined 729 associations, of which 150 (21%) were significant, and of these, 54 are supported by the literature. These 54 associations were identified by 42 markers (some of which are linked to each other). This finding not only supports the results obtained in our resource population but may also give some indication about their general properties.  相似文献   

Propetamphos [(E)-l-methylethyl 3[[(ethylamino)methoxyphosphinothioyl]oxy]-2-bu-tenoate], the active ingredient in Safrotin,® is an organophosphate developed by Sandoz, Ltd.® (Switzerland) as an insecticide (1). Although metabolism of propetamphos has been previously investigated (2,3), there is no pharmacokinetic data available in the literature. The current studies were undertaken to investigate the pharmacokinetics of propetamphos following intravenous administration in male and female Fischer 344 (F344) rats. Rats were dosed via an indwelling jugular cannula at a dose of 12 mg/kg (one-tenth the oral LD-50). Blood samples were withdrawn via the cannula at predetermined timepoints to quantitate plasma concentrations of propetamphos over time. Propetamphos is highly bound to plasma proteins (free fraction = 0.06). Free propetamphos concentration in plasma vs. time data were analyzed by noncompartmental methods. The terminal elimination rate constant, λ, was significantly different for males versus females (0.015 min?1 for males and 0.037 min?1 for females, p = 0.001). Plasma was cleared of unbound propetamphos at rates of 0.559 ± 0.069 and 0.828 ± 0.181 L/min/kg for males and females (mean ± standard error). Mean residence times (MRTs) for propetamphos in the body for males and females were 28.3 ± 5.7 and 14.4 ± 3.5 min, and the volume of distribution at steady state (Vss) was 14.7 ± 2.6 and 12.3 ± 4.5 L/kg. The differences in these parameters, clearance (CI), MRT, and Vss, were not statistically significant at the p < 0.05 level for males versus females, but MRT was nearly significantly different (p = 0.08). Because of the rapid elimination of propetamphos from plasma following intravenous administration, it is unlikely that propetamphos would bioaccumulate in environmentally exposed animals. Although the pharmacokinetic parameters were not statistically different for males and females in these studies, there was a clear clinical difference in their susceptibility to propetamphos toxicity. Female rats presented with overt signs of organophosphate intoxication, whereas males were only slightly effected. The observed gender-related clinical difference in susceptibility to toxicity suggests that there may be a difference in the extent of elimination due to activation versus detoxication of propetamphos in males and females. Another possible explanation for the clinical difference in propetamphos toxicity is that inhibition of acetyl-cholinesterase by the activated, oxygenated form of propetamphos (propetamphos oxon) may be greater in females than in males.  相似文献   

Increased deimination and peptidyl arginine deiminase type 2 (PAD2) expression has been observed in age-related neurodegenerative diseases without discrimination between their aging and disease component. Here, we describe reduced levels of deimination commensurate with reduced protein, mRNA and activity of peptidylarginine deiminase type 2 in the retina, optic nerve and plasma of aged rats when compared to young rats. The decrease was significant in the ganglion cell layer, inner plexiform layer and inner nuclear layer. Because our observations suggest reduced deimination is a consequence of aging, we conclude that increased deimination must be a consequence of disease. Our findings are important to understand late-onset and progressive diseases such as glaucoma, pseudoexfoliation syndrome, age-related macular degeneration and Oguchi's disease.  相似文献   

Hester SD  Benavides GB  Sartor M  Yoon L  Wolf DC  Morgan KT 《Gene》2002,285(1-2):301-310
The nasal epithelium is an important target site for chemically-induced toxicity and carcinogenicity in rodents. Gene expression profiles were determined in order to provide normal baseline data for nasal transitional/respiratory epithelium from healthy rats. Cells lining the rat nasal passages were collected and gene expression analysis was performed using Clontech cDNA Rat Atlas 1.2 arrays (1185 genes). The percentages of genes within specific average expression ranges were 4.2% at 45,000-1000, 14.8% at 1000-200, 25.0% at 200-68, and 56.0% below 68. Nine out of a subset of ten genes were confirmed for relative signal intensity using quantitative real-time RT-PCR. The most highly expressed genes included those involved in phase I (e.g. cytochrome P450s) and phase II (e.g. glutathione S-transferases) xenobiotic metabolism, bioenergetics (e.g. cytochrome oxidase), osmotic balance (e.g. Na(+)/K(+) ATPase) and epithelial ionic homeostasis (e.g. ion channels). Such baseline data will contribute to further understanding the normal physiology of these cells and facilitate the interpretation of responses by the nasal epithelial cells to xenobiotic treatment or disease.  相似文献   

The shape of the mandible was compared by morphometric methods to ascertain the genetic differences between two substrains of F344 rats, F344/DuCrlCrlj and F344/NSlc. Since these two substrains are clearly different in survival and the incidence of age associated disorders; thus, some genetic differences are suggested to be present between them. Although previous microsatellite analysis did not detect any differences between the two F344 substrains, the present study clearly detected interesting differences in the mandible morphology. At 2 months of age, the F344/Du mandible was characterized by a larger size, especially in length, than the F344/N mandible. The shape of the mandible seemed to be more variable in F344/N. This clear substrain difference suggests the importance of the substrain recognition in F344 rats, especially in experimental usage.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the mandible bone were compared through DXA methods between two major substrains of F344 rats, F344/DuCrlCrlj and F344/NSlc at around 60 days of age. Since these two substrains are clearly different in survival and mandible morphology, some genetic differences are supposed to exist. In contrast to a previous microsatellite analysis, clear and significant differences were detected in the body and mandible weights, the mandible bone mineral contents (BMC), bone area (AREA), bone mineral density (BMD) and bone mineral ratio (BMR), between F344/DuCrlCrlj and F344/NSlc, with the mandible molar teeth intact in the bone. Thus, care is needed in the experimental use of these substrains, as results may differ between them. The newly proposed parameter, BMR, may especially contribute to the comparison of bone characteristics among species.  相似文献   

Chilling requirement (CR) for floral bud dormancy release is one of the major limiting factors for geographical adaptation of fruiting trees. Using a whole genome sequencing approach (Illumina platform), we explored polymorphism underlying phenotypic differences among individuals in a peach F2 cross segregating for chilling requirement and bloom date. Allelic configuration of individuals, which represented phenotypic extremes in the cross (300 vs. 1,100 chill hours) allowed reconstruction of low- and high-chill haplotypes within three most significant quantitative trait locus (QTL) intervals on the Prunus G1, G4, and G7. We detected single nucleotide polymorphic sites (SNPs), small deletions and insertions (DIPs), and large structural variants (SVs) associated with low-chill haplotypes and created a prioritized list of candidate genes based on functionally characterized homologs from Arabidopsis thaliana. Two dormancy associated genes PpeDAM5 and PpeDAM6 are the strongest candidate genes for the major QTL signal at the lower end of G1. Also, key functional genes involved in the Polycomb repressive mechanism, cell cycle progression, and hormone regulation were evident as strong candidate genes underlying QTL intervals in this peach cross.  相似文献   

Quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis was carried out with 167 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of barley derived from a cross between Tadmor and Er/Apm to identify the genomic regions controlling traits related to plant water status and osmotic adjustment (OA). The experiment was conducted in a growth chamber using a random incomplete block design (nine blocks). Relative water content (RWC) and leaf osmotic potential (ψπ) were measured at 100% and 14% of the field capacity on 105 RILs in each block. In addition, the water-soluble carbohydrate concentration (WSC) was measured in the four first-blocks. The leaf osmotic potential at full turgor (ψπ100), the water-soluble carbohydrate concentration at full turgor (WSC100), and also OA, the accumulation of water-soluble carbohydrates (dWSC100), the contribution of a change in water content to OA (CWC) and of the net solute accumulation to OA (SA) have also been calculated. In a previous paper (Teulat et al. 1998), 12 QTLs were identified for RWC, ψπ, ψπ100 and OA with adjusted means (block effects and pot-within-block effects fixed) with an incomplete genetic map. In the present paper, a more-saturated and improved map is described. A new QTL analysis as been performed with adjusted means. The new QTLs identified for previous evaluated traits, as well as the QTLs for the new traits, are presented. Eight additional regions (22 QTLs) were identified which increased to 13 the total number of chromosomal regions (32 QTLs) controlling traits related to plant water status and/or osmotic adjustment in this barley genetic background. The results emphasise the value of the experimental design employed for the evaluation of traits difficult to assess in genetic studies. The putative target regions for drought-tolerance improvement are discussed combining arguments on the consistency of QTLs and, when possible, the physiological value of QTLs (trait relevance, syntenic relationships and clustering of QTLs). Received: 8 March 2000 / Accepted: 18 October 2000  相似文献   

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