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M13 procoat protein was one of the first model proteins used to study bacterial membrane protein insertion. It contains a signal peptide of 23 amino acid residues and is not membrane targeted by the signal recognition particle. The translocation of its periplasmic domain is independent of the preprotein translocase (SecAYEG) but requires electrochemical membrane potential and the membrane insertase YidC of Escherichia coli. We show here that YidC is sufficient for efficient membrane insertion of the purified M13 procoat protein into energized YidC proteoliposomes. When no membrane potential is applied, the insertion is substantially reduced. Only in the presence of YidC, membrane insertion occurs if bilayer integrity is preserved and membrane potential is stable for more than 20 min. A mutant of the M13 procoat protein, H5EE, with two additional negatively charged residues in the periplasmic domain inserted into YidC proteoliposomes and SecYEG proteoliposomes with equal efficiencies. We conclude that the protein can use both the YidC-only pathway and the Sec pathway. This poses the questions of how procoat H5EE is inserted in vivo and how insertion pathways are selected in the cell.  相似文献   

Recent studies identified YidC as a novel membrane factor that may play a key role in membrane insertion of inner membrane proteins (IMPs), both in conjunction with the Sec-translocase and as a separate entity. Here, we show that the type II IMP FtsQ requires both the translocase and, to a lesser extent, YidC in vivo. Using photo-crosslinking we demonstrate that the transmembrane (TM) domain of the nascent IMP FtsQ inserts into the membrane close to SecY and lipids, and moves to a combined YidC/lipid environment upon elongation. These data are consistent with a crucial role for YidC in the lateral transfer of TM domains from the Sec translocase into the lipid bilayer.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli YidC protein belongs to the Oxa1 family of membrane proteins that facilitate the insertion of membrane proteins. Depletion of YidC in E. coli leads to a specific defect in the functional assembly of major energy transducing complexes such as the F1F0 ATPase and cytochrome bo3 oxidase. Here we report on the in vitro reconstitution of the membrane insertion of the CyoA subunit of cytochrome bo3 oxidase. Efficient insertion of in vitro synthesized pre-CyoA into proteoliposomes requires YidC, SecYEG, and SecA and occurs independently of the proton motive force. These data demonstrate that pre-CyoA is a substrate of a novel pathway that involves both SecYEG and YidC.  相似文献   

The inner membrane protein YidC is associated with the preprotein translocase of Escherichia coli and contacts transmembrane segments of nascent inner membrane proteins during membrane insertion. YidC was purified to homogeneity and co-reconstituted with the SecYEG complex. YidC had no effect on the SecA/SecYEG-mediated translocation of the secretory protein proOmpA; however, using a crosslinking approach, the transmembrane segment of nascent FtsQ was found to gain access to YidC via SecY. These data indicate the functional reconstitution of the initial stages of YidC-dependent membrane protein insertion via the SecYEG complex.  相似文献   

The ftsQ gene is one of several genes thought to be specifically required for septum formation in Escherichia coli. Published work on the cell division behavior of ftsQ temperature-sensitive mutants suggested that the FtsQ product is required throughout the whole process of septum formation. Here we provide additional support for this hypothesis based on microscopic observations of the cell division defects resulting from insertional and temperature-sensitive mutations in the ftsQ gene, and constitutive overexpression of its gene product. On the basis of the published, predicted amino acid sequence of the FtsQ protein and our analysis of fusion proteins of the FtsQ protein to bacterial alkaline phosphatase, we conclude that FtsQ is a simple cytoplasmic membrane protein with a approximately 25-amino-acid cytoplasmic domain and a approximately 225-amino-acid periplasmic domain. We estimate that the FtsQ protein is present at about 22 copies per cell.  相似文献   

The mechanosensitive channel MscL in the inner membrane of Escherichia coli is a homopentameric complex involved in homeostasis when cells are exposed to hypoosmotic conditions. The E. coli MscL protein is synthesized as a polypeptide of 136 amino acid residues and uses the bacterial signal recognition particle for membrane targeting. The protein is inserted into the membrane independently of the Sec translocon but requires YidC. Depletion of YidC inhibits translocation of the protein across the membrane. Insertion of MscL occurs primarily in a proton motive force-independent manner. The hydrophilic loop region of MscL has 29 residues that include 5 charged residues. Altering the charges in the periplasmic loop of MscL affects the requirements for membrane insertion. The introduction of one, two or three negatively charged amino acids makes the insertion dependent on the electrochemical membrane potential and gradually dependent on the Sec translocon, whereas the addition of five negatively charged residues as well as the addition of three positively charged residues inhibits membrane insertion of MscL. However, we find that the mutant with three uncharged residues requires both the SecYEG complex and YidC but not SecA for membrane insertion. In vivo cross-linking data showed that the newly synthesized MscL interacts with YidC and with SecY. Therefore, the MscL mutants use a membrane insertion mechanism that involves SecYEG and YidC simultaneously.  相似文献   

Howard EM  Roepe PD 《Biochemistry》2003,42(12):3544-3555
Human multidrug resistance (hu MDR 1) cDNA was fused to a P. shermanii transcarboxylase biotin acceptor domain (TCBD), and the fusion protein was heterologously overexpressed at high yield in K(+)-uptake deficient Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast strain 9.3, purified by avidin-biotin chromatography, and reconstituted into proteoliposomes (PLs) formed with Escherichia coli lipid. As measured by pH- dependent ATPase activity, purified, reconstituted, biotinylated MDR-TCBD protein is fully functional. Dodecyl maltoside proved to be the most effective detergent for the membrane solubilization of MDR-TCBD, and various salts were found to significantly affect reconstitution into PLs. After extensive analysis, we find that purified reconstituted MDR-TCBD protein does not catalyze measurable H(+) pumping in the presence of ATP. In the presence of physiologic [ATP], K(+)/Na(+) diffusion potentials monitored by either anionic oxonol or cationic carbocyanine are easily established upon addition of valinomycin to either control or MDR-TCBD PLs. However, in the absence of ATP, although control PLs still maintain easily measurable K(+)/Na(+) diffusion potentials upon addition of valinomycin, MDR-TCBD PLs do not. Dissipation of potential by MDR-TCBD is clearly [ATP] dependent and also appears to be Cl(-) dependent, since replacing Cl(-) with equimolar glutamate restores the ability of MDR-TCBD PLs to form a membrane potential in the absence of physiologic [ATP]. The data are difficult to reconcile with models that might propose ATP-catalyzed "pumping" of the fluorescent probes we use and are more consistent with electrically passive anion transport via MDR-TCBD protein, but only at low [ATP]. These observations may help to resolve the confusing array of data related to putative ion transport by hu MDR 1 protein.  相似文献   

1. Cytochrome oxidase was incorporated into preformed liposomes containing phosphatidylserine. When confronted with a mixture of liposomes, some containing phosphatidylserine and some without it, the enzyme was incorporated only into the phosphatidylserine-containing liposomes. 2. The hydrophobic proteins of the oligomycin-sensitive ATPase incubated in the presence of a mixture of liposomes with and without cytochrome oxidase were preferentially incorporated into cytochrome oxidase-containing liposomes. This selectivity was abolished by either cytochrome c or ascorbate. 3. Cytochrome oxidase incubated in the presence of a mixture of liposomes with and without the hydrophobic proteins of the ATPase was preferentially incorporated into liposomes that did not contain the hydrophobic proteins. 4. Cytochrome oxidase and the oligomycin-sensitive ATPase were preferentially incorporated into pure liposomes over bacteriorhodopsin-containing vesicles. 5. Reduced coenzyme Q (QH2)-cytochrome c reductase was incorporated randomly when incubated in the presence of a mixture of pure liposomes and liposomes containing the hydrophobic proteins of the ATPase complex. 6. The significance of the incorporation procedure as a model for membrane biogenesis is discussed.  相似文献   

POTRA (for polypeptide-transport-associated domain) is a novel domain identified in proteins of the ShlB, Toc75, D15 and FtsQ/DivIB families. In most cases, the POTRA domain is associated with a beta-barrel outer membrane domain and its function has been experimentally related to polypeptide transport in Toc75 (Tic-Toc protein import system in chloroplast) and ShlB families. In addition to potential key roles in protein transport across the outer membrane and in bacterial septation, the POTRA domain has attractive features for vaccine development in diseases such as cholera, meningitis, gonorrhoea and syphilis.  相似文献   

Yi L  Jiang F  Chen M  Cain B  Bolhuis A  Dalbey RE 《Biochemistry》2003,42(35):10537-10544
YidC was previously discovered to play a critical role for the insertion of the Sec-independent M13 procoat and Pf3 coat phage proteins into the Escherichia coli inner membrane. To determine whether there is an absolute requirement of YidC for membrane protein insertion of any endogenous E. coli proteins, we investigated a few representative membrane proteins. We found that membrane subunits of the F(0) sector of the F(1)F(0)ATP synthase and the SecE protein of the SecYEG translocase are highly dependent on YidC for membrane insertion, based on protease mapping and immunoblot analysis. We found that the SecE dependency on YidC for membrane insertion does not contradict the observation that depletion of YidC does not block SecYEG-dependent protein export at 37 degrees C. YidC depletion does not decrease the SecE level low enough to block export at 37 degrees C. In contrast, we found that protein export of OmpA is severely blocked at 25 degrees C when YidC is depleted, which may be due to the decreased SecE level, as a 50% decrease in the SecE levels drastically affects protein export at the cold temperature [Schatz, P. J., Bieker, K. L., Ottemann, K. M., Silhavy, T. J., and Beckwith, J. (1991) EMBO J. 10, 1749-57]. These studies reported here establish that physiological substrates of YidC include subunits of the ATP synthase and the SecYEG translocase, demonstrating that YidC plays a vital role for insertion of endogenous membrane proteins in bacteria.  相似文献   

Pyrene fluorescence quenching by plastoquinone was used to estimate the rate of plastoquinone lateral diffusion in soybean phosphatidylcholine proteoliposomes containing the following integral membrane proteins: gramicidin D, spinach cytochrome bf complex, spinach cytochrome f, reaction centers from Rhodobacter sphaeroides, beef heart mitochondrial cytochrome bc1, and beef heart mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase. The measured plastoquinone lateral diffusion coefficient varied between 1 and 3 · 10-7 cm2 s-1 in control liposomes that lacked protein. When proteins were added, these values decreased: a 10-fold decrease was observed when 16-26% of the membrane surface area was occupied by protein for all the proteins but gramicidin. The larger protein complexes (cytochrome bf, Rhodobacter sphaeroides reaction centers, cytochrome bc1, and cytochrome oxidase), whose hydrophobic volumes were 15-20 times as large as that of cytochrome f and the gramicidin transmembrane dimer, were 15-20 times as effective in decreasing the lateral-diffusion coefficient over the range of concentrations studied. These proteins had a much stronger effect than that observed for bacteriorhodopsin in fluorescence photobleaching recovery measurements. The effect of high-protein concentrations in gramicidin proteoliposomes was in close agreement with fluorescence photobleaching measurements. The results are compared with the predictions of several theoretical models of lateral mobility as a function of integral membrane concentration.  相似文献   

Liposomes prepared by sonication of asolectin were fractionated by glycerol density gradient centrifugation, and the small liposomes contained in the upper region of the gradients were used for reconstitution of purified, radiolabeled Neurospora plasma membrane H+-ATPase molecules by our previously published procedures. The reconstituted liposomes were then subjected to two additional rounds of glycerol density gradient centrifugation, which separate the H+-ATPase-bearing proteoliposomes from ATPase-free liposomes by virtue of their greater density. The isolated H+-ATPase-bearing proteoliposomes in two such preparations exhibited a specific H+-ATPase activity of about 11 mumol of Pi liberated/mg of protein/min, which was approximately doubled in the presence of nigericin plus K+, indicating that a large percentage of the H+-ATPase molecules in both preparations were capable of generating a transmembrane protonic potential difference sufficient to impede further proton translocation. Importantly, quantitation of the number of 105,000-dalton ATPase monomers and liposomes in the same preparations by radioactivity determination and counting of negatively stained images in the electron microscope indicated ATPase monomer to liposome ratios of 0.97 and 1.06. Because every liposome in the preparations must have had at least one ATPase monomer, these ratios indicate that very few of the liposomes had more than one, and simple calculations show that the great majority of active ATPase molecules in the preparations must have been present as proton-translocating monomers. The results thus clearly demonstrate that 105,000-dalton monomers of the Neurospora plasma membrane H+-ATPase can catalyze efficient ATP hydrolysis-driven proton translocation.  相似文献   

L-Leucine is cotransported with H+ in the plasma membrane of Chang liver cells (Mitsumoto, Y. et al. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 4549). The leucine transport system was solubilized from the plasma membrane of the cells with ocytl glucoside and reconstituted in proteoliposomes prepared by a rapid dilution of a mixture of the solubilized proteins, octyl glucoside and liposomes. The proteoliposomes exhibited H(+)-gradient and electrical potential-stimulated leucine uptake. The H(+)-gradient-stimulated leucine uptake could be completely inhibited by carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoro-methoxyphenylhydrazone (FCCP) and 2-aminobicyclo[2,2,1]heptane-2-carboxylic acid (BCH). The stimulatory effect of H+ gradient on leucine uptake was shown to be mainly due to decrease of the Km, but not to change of the Vmax, of the transport kinetics. These results suggest that the leucine-H+ cotransporter is solubilized and reconstituted into proteoliposomes.  相似文献   

Herrmann JM  Neupert W 《IUBMB life》2003,55(4-5):219-225
The inner membrane of mitochondria harbours a large number of polypeptides, many of which have evolved from proteins of the prokaryotic progenitors of mitochondria. The sorting routes on which these proteins are integrated into the mitochondrial inner membrane reflect their phylogenetic origin: Proteins of eukaryotic descent typically reach their destination following arrest of import at the level of the inner membrane. In contrast, many proteins inherited from the prokaryotic progenitor cell are inserted into the inner membrane in an export step following translocation into the matrix. Recently, three different insertion pathways from the matrix into the inner membrane were identified which show considerable parallels to the protein insertion processes in bacteria and chloroplasts. Two of these pathways depend on the related inner membrane proteins Oxa1 and Cox18. A third route is less well defined and depends on the membrane-associated matrix protein Mba1.  相似文献   

Mandon EC  Gilmore R 《Cell》2007,128(6):1031-1032
Many membrane proteins are inserted into cellular membranes via a carboxy-terminal tail-anchor segment, but the mechanism of insertion is poorly understood. In this issue of Cell, Stefanovic and Hegde (2007) report the identification and initial characterization of a soluble ATP-dependent receptor for the insertion of newly synthesized tail-anchored membrane proteins.  相似文献   

The membrane insertion of colicins.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Pore-forming toxins, such as colicin A, are water-soluble proteins that insert into lipid bilayers. The water-soluble structure of Colicin A is known at a high resolution and this review describes the kinetic and structural steps involved in its soluble-to-membrane bound transformation.  相似文献   

Protein insertion into the bacterial inner membrane is facilitated by SecYEG or YidC. Although SecYEG most likely constitutes the major integration site, small membrane proteins have been shown to integrate via YidC. We show that YidC can also integrate multispanning membrane proteins such as mannitol permease or TatC, which had been considered to be exclusively integrated by SecYEG. Only SecA-dependent multispanning membrane proteins strictly require SecYEG for integration, which suggests that SecA can only interact with the SecYEG translocon, but not with the YidC insertase. Targeting of multispanning membrane proteins to YidC is mediated by signal recognition particle (SRP), and we show by site-directed cross-linking that the C-terminus of YidC is in contact with SRP, the SRP receptor, and ribosomal proteins. These findings indicate that SRP recognizes membrane proteins independent of the downstream integration site and that many membrane proteins can probably use either SecYEG or YidC for integration. Because protein synthesis is much slower than protein transport, the use of YidC as an additional integration site for multispanning membrane proteins may prevent a situation in which the majority of SecYEG complexes are occupied by translating ribosomes during cotranslational insertion, impeding the translocation of secretory proteins.  相似文献   

《Plant science》1988,54(3):177-184
A member fraction from corn roots which contains a vanadate-sensitive ATPase activity has been prepared. The specific activity at 38°C is between 3 and mol 12 μmol · min−1 · mg−1, depending on the age of roots. Addition of ATP promotes a very rapid quenching of the fluorescence of 9-amino-6-chloro-3-methoxy-acridin (ACMA). Proton pumping exhibits a delayed sensitivity to vanadate but is strongly and instantaneously inhibited by the new inhibitor SW 26. Both proton pumping, measured by the initial quenching rate, and ATP hydrolysis show maximum activities at ATP concentrations in the millimolar range, but the apparent Km-value for hydrolysis is higher than that observed for proton pumping. This is interpreted as being due to the presence of two populations of ATPases, one of them hydrolyzing ATP without creating a pH-gradient. The vanadate-sensitive ATP hydrolysis and H+-pumping activity may be solubilized with lysolecithin and reconstituted into liposomes either by a freeze-thawing-sonication or an octylglucoside dilution procedure. Both methods yield proteoliposomes exhibiting very effecient proton pumping, which is more sensitive to vanadate (I50 = 2 μM) or to SW 26 (I50 = 0.5 μM) than that of the original membrane fractions.  相似文献   

Tail-anchored membrane protein insertion into the endoplasmic reticulum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Membrane proteins are inserted into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) by two highly conserved parallel pathways. The well-studied co-translational pathway uses signal recognition particle (SRP) and its receptor for targeting and the SEC61 translocon for membrane integration. A recently discovered post-translational pathway uses an entirely different set of factors involving transmembrane domain (TMD)-selective cytosolic chaperones and an accompanying receptor at the ER. Elucidation of the structural and mechanistic basis of this post-translational membrane protein insertion pathway highlights general principles shared between the two pathways and key distinctions unique to each.  相似文献   

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