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Broad-scale modification of natural ecosystems associated with urbanisation often leads to localised extinctions and reduced species richness. Despite this, habitats within the urban matrix are still capable of supporting biodiversity to varying degrees. As species have different responses to anthropogenic habitat modification, the species composition of urban areas can depend greatly on the habitat characteristics of the local and surrounding areas. The aim of this study was to compare the community composition of spiders in private gardens, urban parks, patches of remnant vegetation and continuous bushland sites, so as to identify habitat variables associated with variation in spider populations along and within the urban gradient and matrix. Overall spider abundances and richness were highest in remnant vegetation patches and were associated with increased vegetation cover at microhabitat and landscape-scales. While gardens were not as diverse as remnant patches, they did support a surprisingly high diversity of spiders. We also found that species composition differed significantly between gardens and other urban green spaces. Higher richness within gardens was also associated with greater vegetation cover, indicating the importance of private management decisions on local biodiversity. Differences in community composition between land-use types were driven by a small number of urban-tolerant species, and spider guilds showed different responses to habitat traits such as vegetation cover and human population densities. This study demonstrates that urban land-uses support unique spider communities and that maintaining vegetation cover within the urban matrix is essential in order to support diverse spider communities in cities.  相似文献   

Regenerating forests make up an increasingly large portion of tropical landscapes worldwide and regeneration dynamics may be influenced by leaf-cutting ants (LCA), which proliferate in disturbed areas and collect seeds for fungus culturing. Here, we investigate how LCA influences seed fate in human-modified areas of Caatinga dry forest. We evaluate the seed deposition and predation on Atta opaciceps nests, foraging habitat surrounding nest and control habitat away of nest influence of 15 colonies located along a forest cover gradient during the rainy and dry seasons. For each habitat, four 50-cm2 plots were established and all seeds on the soil surface were collected along 1 year. We recorded 13,628 seeds distributed among 47 species and 36.57% of the total seeds did not show any sign of predation. Nest mound habitats supported low-density and species-poor seed assemblages, which were taxonomically distinct from the control habitats. These effects only occurred in the rainy season. The proportion of undamaged seeds were similar across the habitats. While forest cover did not influence seed assemblage in terms of species richness or seed predation, it did interact with habitat type via increments in seed abundance as forest cover increased across the nests. Forest cover also affected seed composition, but only in the rainy season. These results indicate that LCA decrease seed deposition in areas under their influence, particularly on the nest mounds. As LCA profit from human disturbance in the Caatinga, their role as seed ‘sinks’ should be enhanced in disturbed Caatinga patches, particularly during the rainy season, when most of the plant recruitment occurs. Our findings reinforce the importance of LCA as drivers of forest dynamics and resilience in human-modified landscapes.  相似文献   

de Roa Zoppi  Evelyn 《Hydrobiologia》1994,292(1):429-435
A 14 year monitoring of species composition and abundance of cyclopoid copepods throughout the rainy and dry seasons in a flooded savanna at Mantecal, Apure State, Venezuela, is presented. Two characteristic habitats within these water bodies were selected: the open center of small ponds free of emergent vegetation and the surrounding flooded grassland. In total, 13 species were registered, all of which appeared in the flooded grassland and 11 of which occurred in the open water. Ten species were common for the two habitats during the dry season. The highest abundance was found in flooded grassland during the dry season. Eight species showed abundances greater than 1.0 individual per liter in flooded grassland during both seasons; 3 and 7 species were this abundant in the open water during rainy and dry seasons, respectively. Mesocyclops meridianus and Microcyclops varicans were the most abundant species in both habitats and seasons, while Thermocyclops decipiens was the dominant species during rainy season in open water. Principal component analysis indicates that the important species were positively correlated between them (sharing habitat and season).  相似文献   



Bumble bees and other wild bees are important pollinators of wild flowers and several cultivated crop plants, and have declined in diversity and abundance during the last decades. The main cause of the decline is believed to be habitat destruction and fragmentation associated with urbanization and agricultural intensification. Urbanization is a process that involves dramatic and persistent changes of the landscape, increasing the amount of built-up areas while decreasing the amount of green areas. However, urban green areas can also provide suitable alternative habitats for wild bees.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We studied bumble bees in allotment gardens, i.e. intensively managed flower rich green areas, along a gradient of urbanization from the inner city of Stockholm towards more rural (periurban) areas. Keeping habitat quality similar along the urbanization gradient allowed us to separate the effect of landscape change (e.g. proportion impervious surface) from variation in habitat quality. Bumble bee diversity (after rarefaction to 25 individuals) decreased with increasing urbanization, from around eight species on sites in more rural areas to between five and six species in urban allotment gardens. Bumble bee abundance and species composition were most affected by qualities related to the management of the allotment areas, such as local flower abundance. The variability in bumble bee visits between allotment gardens was higher in an urban than in a periurban context, particularly among small and long-tongued bumble bee species.


Our results suggest that allotment gardens and other urban green areas can serve as important alternatives to natural habitats for many bumble bee species, but that the surrounding urban landscape influences how many species that will be present. The higher variability in abundance of certain species in the most urban areas may indicate a weaker reliability of the ecosystem service pollination in areas strongly influenced by human activity.  相似文献   

Factors affecting the distribution of small mammals in an urban area   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We investigated the distribution of a range of small mammal species in five urban habitats in north‐west Bristol: residential gardens, woodlands, allotment gardens, scrub and a cemetery. Wood mouse Apodemus sylvaticus abundance in residential gardens was negatively related to the abundance of cats and the distance to the nearest patch of natural or seminatural vegetation. These results suggest that urban small mammal populations may be limited by predation and habitat fragmentation, although the effects of the latter may be offset by the availability of good quality gardens.  相似文献   

A mismatch of resource availability in certain periods can lead to spillover of insects between habitats, resulting in temporal differences in insect diversity. Urban gardens are important anthropogenic habitats but it is unknown whether, when and why spillover of beneficial insects occurs between gardens and agricultural habitats. We used trap nests for Hymenoptera to monthly monitor bee and wasp abundance and species richness in 12 gardens and 12 rapeseed fields. Half of the gardens and rapeseed fields were located in the urban–rural interface and bordered each other (a garden paired with a rapeseed field) and the other half were isolated in the rural landscape (isolated rapeseed fields) and in the urban city centre (isolated gardens). In general, gardens in the urban–rural interface comprised the highest richness of bees and wasps. The abundance of bees but not of wasps was highest in paired habitats and peaked at full rapeseed blooming, indicating that mass-flowering rapeseed offers foraging resources for bees nesting in adjacent gardens. Thus, bees nest and increase their populations in both areas, benefiting from the mass-flowering resource in the agricultural habitat as well as the nesting resources from gardens, suggesting spillover of bees but not of wasps between paired gardens and rapeseed fields. Our study highlights the value of gardens in the urban–rural interface for the biodiversity of functionally important insects. Implementing urban gardening and small-scale agriculture in cities and suburban habitats can promote local pollinator populations and benefit adjacent croplands.  相似文献   

This study examined invertebrate floral visitor responses to floral richness, floral abundance, and distance between floral patches within a newly planted pollinator restoration habitat in an arid ecosystem in central Arizona, United States. We created a pollinator habitat experiment consisting of a large central garden (11‐m diameter) surrounded by concentric rings of smaller habitat patches (1‐m diameter), separated from one another by 1, 8, 13, and 21 m, respectively, and including four flowering species. We observed plant and visitor interactions via structured 10‐minute flower visitation observations over a 3‐month period. Key findings included: (1) each plant species interacted with a variety of flower visitors, but flower visitor groups differed only marginally among the plant species; (2) floral patches outside the central garden exhibited reduced quantities of floral structures; and (3) number of floral structures per patch, but not isolation of floral patches within the habitat, affected the number of visitors and visitor taxa richness. For practitioners and land managers looking to restore pollination systems in arid ecosystems with low establishment via seeding, the results of this study suggest that installing species‐rich and florally abundant patches of flowering plant species within a habitat could efficiently support plant‐pollinator interactions.  相似文献   

Abstract The expansion of urban areas and adjacent farming land into natural landscapes modifies habitats and produces small isolated pockets of native vegetation. This fragmentation of the natural habitat subdivides animal communities, reduces population sizes and increases vulnerability to extinction. In this paper we investigate whether fragmentation decreases lizard species richness, composition, overall abundance and abundance at the species level. Urban remnants consisting of five small (< 10 ha) and four large (> 10 ha) fragments of natural bushland were paired with continuous bushland areas located near Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. These remnants were surveyed six times, using pitfall traps, from November 2001 to March 2002. Lizard species richness and abundance were not significantly influenced by habitat fragmentation or fragment size. Egernia whitii was the only lizard species significantly influenced by fragment size, and was only present in large fragments and continuous bush. Vegetation type and structure as well as environmental variables (geology and aspect) influenced the structure of reptile communities. Lizard species that were able to use a number of different habitat types were found to persist at most sites, irrespective of fragment size. Edge environment did not significantly influence lizard species richness or abundance in remnant areas. Lizard species richness was significantly lower in sites that had a high ratio of exotic to native plant species. Therefore, if remnants continue to be invaded by exotic plants, lizard species that require native plant communities will become increasingly vulnerable to local extinction. Our results suggest that lizard species requiring specialized habitats, such as E. whitii, may persist in large urban remnants rather than small urban remnants because large reserves are more likely to encompass rare habitats, such as rocky outcrops. Habitat heterogeneity, rather than size, may be the key to their persistence.  相似文献   

The habitat selection and the factors influencing the distribution of the House Sparrow Passer domesticus in the municipality of Valencia (76 km2) were studied during the winter and breeding season. House Sparrows positively selected urban parks and gardens, patches of derelict land and horticultural fields; they avoided the built-up habitat and the orange groves. In the urban landscape, the abundance of sparrows peaked in areas providing intermediate cover of the built-up habitat; it was positively driven by the amount of park land per unit area, and negatively by the size of urban parks. Our results suggest that the conservation and habitat enhancement of even the smallest parks and gardens are likely key factors in addressing the decline of the House Sparrow in many cities.  相似文献   

Urban malaria cases are becoming common in Africa as more people move into cities and industrialization proceeds. While many species of Anopheles mosquitoes vector malaria in rural areas, only a few are found within cities. The success of anthropophilic species in cities, such as members of the An. gambiae complex, may be explained by limitations on colonization by predator species in urban environments. Habitats that are temporal or structurally simple have lower predator survivorship in a variety of ecosystems, but these have not been investigated previously in an urban area. Areas within and around the Kenyan coastal town of Malindi were previously sampled for the presence of standing water using a geographic sampling strategy with probability proportional to size sampling of planned well-drained, unplanned poorly-drained, planned poorly-drained, unplanned well-drained, and peri-urban locations. Standing aquatic habitats in these areas were reassessed. During monthly sampling, presence/absence of mosquitoes and predator taxa were noted, as were ecological habitat variables: structural complexity and presence of water. Lambda statistics were calculated to associate predator guilds, habitat types, location variables, and ecological variables. All predator guilds found in habitats were strongly associated with habitat type, as were the structural complexity and temporal nature of the habitats. Types of habitat were heterogeneously distributed throughout Malindi, with swimming pools as a common habitat type in planned urban areas and tire track pools a common habitat type in peri-urban areas of Malindi. Predator colonization of aquatic habitats in Malindi was strongly influenced by habitat type, and not associated with location characteristics. Ecological variables were affected by the type of habitats, which are co-associated with planning and drainage in Malindi. While habitat types are distributed heterogeneously within Malindi, habitats with low predation pressure are available for mosquito colonization in both urban and peri-urban areas. The temporal, peri-urban tire track pools and the structural simplicity of urban swimming pools may discourage predator colonization, thereby increasing the probability of malaria vectors in these areas of Malindi. Future studies should evaluate habitats for use in malaria surveillance and experimentally test the effects of structural complexity and temporal nature of urban habitats on the densities of mosquito larvae and their aquatic predators.  相似文献   

Urban expansion threatens global biodiversity through the destruction of natural and semi-natural habitats and increased levels of disturbance. Whilst woodlands in urban areas may reduce the impact of urbanisation on biodiversity, they are often subject to under or over-management and consist of small, fragmented patches which may be isolated. Effective management strategies for urban woodland require an understanding of the ecology and habitat requirements of all relevant taxa. Yet, little is known of how invertebrate, and in particular moth, assemblages utilise urban woodland despite being commonly found within the urban landscape. Here we show that the abundance, species richness, and species diversity of moth assemblages found within urban woodlands are determined by woodland vegetation character, patch configuration and the surrounding landscape. In general, mature broadleaved woodlands supported the highest abundance and diversity of moths. Large compact woodlands with proportionally less edge exposed to the surrounding matrix were associated with higher moth abundance than small complex woodlands. Woodland vegetation characteristics were more important than the surrounding landscape, suggesting that management at a local scale to ensure provision of good quality habitat may be relatively more important for moth populations than improving habitat connectivity across the urban matrix. Our results show that the planting of broadleaved woodlands, retaining mature trees and minimising woodland fragmentation will be beneficial for moth assemblages.  相似文献   

Urbanization has destroyed and fragmented previously large areas of habitat. Small remnants that still exist in numerous cities will be unable to sustain many viable wild plant populations if they do not expand into the surrounding urban matrix. Residential gardens form a significant component of urban green space in many cities and therefore could play a role in redressing this problem. Our ecological and social scientific study examined factors influencing the dispersal and regeneration of 12 bird-dispersed native woody species from Riccarton Bush, a 7.8 ha urban forest remnant, into surrounding residential properties in Christchurch, New Zealand. Over 125 years, the reported number of native vascular plant species in the Bush has declined by a third. Some species, particularly Dacrycarpus dacrydioides, the dominant woody species in the Bush, are being dispersed by birds and establishing in residential gardens predominantly within 250 m of the forest margin. These juveniles are not reaching maturity as most gardeners tend to remove all non-planted woody species. This suggests natural potential for regeneration exists but is insufficient without active human intervention. Our survey results show people are supportive of native plants in general but lack knowledge of the species. They are willing to plant locally appropriate woody species if provided with plants, information, and, most importantly, control over the location of plantings. Residential gardens consequently have the potential to play a major role in the conservation of urban biodiversity especially for species suited to the functions and size of gardens.  相似文献   

Some factors influence the distribution of abundance of floral visitors, especially the amount and quality of the floral resources available, the size of the area occupied by the visitor, habitat heterogeneity, and the impact caused by natural enemies and introduced species. The objective of this research was to evaluate the distribution of abundance of the foraging activity of native floral visitors and Apis mellifera L. in the most abundant and attractive food sources in a secondary forest fragment with features of Cerrado-Atlantic Forest. Some plant species were selected and the frequency of foraging made by floral visitors was recorded. A high abundance of visits in flowers was performed by A. mellifera. Two factors may have influenced this result: (1) the occupation of the forest fragment predominantly by vines and shrubs at the expenses of vegetation with arboreal characteristics that favored the encounter of the flowering plants by A. mellifera; (2) rational beekeeping of A. mellifera, causing the number of natural swarms which originate annually from colonies of commercial apiaries and colonies previously established in the environment to be very high, thus leading to an increase in the population size of this bee species in the study site. The frequent occurrence of human-induced fire and deforestation within the forest fragment may have reduced the population size of the bee species, including A. mellifera. As the populations of A. mellifera have the capacity to quickly occupy the environment, this species possibly became dominant after successive disturbances made in the forest fragment.  相似文献   

Conservation research has historically been aimed at preserving high value natural habitats, but urbanization and its associated impacts have prompted broader mandates that include the preservation and promotion of biodiversity in cities. Current efforts within urban landscapes aim to support biodiversity and diverse ecosystem services such as storm water management, sustainable food production, and toxin remediation. Arthropod natural enemies provide biocontrol services important for the ecosystem management of urban greenspaces. Establishing habitat for these and other beneficial arthropods is a growing area of urban conservation. Habitat design, resource inputs, management, and abiotic conditions shape the value of greenspace habitats for arthropods. In general, larger patches with diverse plant communities support a greater abundance and diversity of natural enemies and biocontrol services, yet opposing patterns or no effects have also been documented. The surrounding landscape is likely a contributor to this variation in natural enemy response to patch-scale habitat design and management. Looking across rural–urban landscape gradients, natural enemy communities shift toward dominance by habitat generalists and disturbance tolerant species in urban areas compared to rural or natural communities. These changes have been linked to variation in habitat fragmentation, plant productivity and management intensity. In landscape-scale studies focusing solely within cities, variables such as impervious surface area and greenspace connectivity affect the community assembly of natural enemies within a patch. Given these findings, a greater mechanistic understanding of how both the composition and spatial context of urban greenspaces influence natural enemy biodiversity–biocontrol relationships is needed to advance conservation planning and implementation.  相似文献   

Expansion of human activities in the Sudanian savannah is changing natural habitats together with their animal communities. The abundance and diversity of small mammal communities were investigated in human‐influenced savannahs in close proximity to Niokolo Koba National Park (NKNP) in south‐eastern Senegal and compared with those from NKNP. Two localities were sampled in natural and two in human‐influenced areas during two dry and two rainy seasons. Total sampling effort was 5400 trap‐nights. Ninety‐eight individuals of eleven species were captured outside NKNP, while only 28 individuals of five rodent species were caught inside the park (all of which were found also outside NKNP). The most abundant species outside NKNP was Mastomys erythroleucus, while inside NKNP it was Praomys daltoni. Both relative abundance and diversity were significantly higher in human‐influenced landscape than in natural savannahs of NKNP. The difference in species richness may be linked with lower population densities of certain species in NKNP and the effect of traditional agriculture, which may support the presence of species typical for deforested landscape. Furthermore, food availability, and predator abundances are discussed as possible reasons for the higher rodent abundances outside NKNP.  相似文献   

Semiarid scrubland communities are highly dynamic in terms of their species composition, abundance, and functioning, given the drastic changes in climate among seasons. Spatiotemporal patterns of saprophagous Copestylum (Diptera: Syrphidae) communities in different cactus species richness have not yet been studied, although seasonal changes and plant species richness have been shown to strongly impact the diversity and distribution of many insect communities in scrublands. We analyzed the impact of seasonality and of habitat type (disturbed and undisturbed) on Copestylum communities reared from cactus species at the Barranca de Metztitlán Biosphere Reserve, in central Mexico, by comparing their community structure between seasons and habitats, and assessing the contribution of diversity components for the total diversity of this genus. We also measured patterns of temporal niche overlap among hoverfly species considering their breeding medium. Seasonal variation influenced Copestylum community composition most significantly. Species richness and abundance of Copestylum were higher in the rainy season. Additive partitioning of diversity showed that the main component for species richness is beta diversity between seasons. We detected high niche overlap during the dry season and low overlap during the rainy season. This study provides evidence of temporal shifts in xeric hoverfly communities and suggests that the Copestylum species partition resources over time.  相似文献   

We evaluated the pollination syndromes of plant species occurring in revegetated patches of riparian Atlantic Forest in order to evaluate the success of restoration process. Between March 2013 and January 2014, the floral traits of all of the flowering plants found in, among four restoration sites of different ages and one reference site, were recorded and used to characterize pollination syndromes. Richness, abundance, and composition of pollination syndromes were related to season, age and width of the forest fragment, species richness and abundance of sampled plants, and also to the quality of the surrounding matrix. There were differences in the composition of syndromes among sampling units and among seasons. Richness and abundance of pollination syndromes varied among climatic periods, the highest values occurred at the end of the dry season and the start of the rainy season. Older, wider, and areas with more plants had higher values of richness and abundance of syndromes. The quality of the surrounding matrix influences only the richness of syndromes. It was concluded that floral traits are good indicators of ecological restoration of riparian forests and that the surrounding matrix contributes to the greater richness of syndromes. However, when planning for active restoration, attention should be given to the proper choice of plant species on the basis of pollination syndromes that should attract pollinators.  相似文献   


The high urbanization rate of Istanbul in response to rapid population decreased the size and amount of green spaces. Thereby, every green space types are of vital importance in terms of conservation of urban biodiversity. In this study, it was aimed to compare woody species composition of main green space types consist of artificial and natural sites. Botanical gardens had the highest diversity followed by gardens. Residential areas showed to be important in terms of shrub (52%) and evergreen species (58%), which are mostly exotics (71%). The ratio of the invasive plants in the composition was higher in parks, which contain highway greenings and public gardens. Since the most tree species used in public green areas of Istanbul were mostly same with the species used in European cities, all of the green space categories having varied composition must be considered as interconnected habitat patches in urban planning.  相似文献   

1. The flower visitor community consists not only of pollinators but also of non‐pollinators, such as florivores, thieves and predators that attack flower visitors. Although there is increasing evidence that early‐season foliar herbivory influences pollinator visitation through changes in floral traits, few studies have explored indirect effects of foliar herbivory on community structure of the flower visitors. We examined how early‐season foliar herbivory influences the flower visitor community established in late season. 2. We conducted an inoculation experiment using a lacebug (Corythucha marmorata), which is a predominantly herbivorous insect attacking leaves of tall goldenrod (Solidago altissima) in Japan. 3. Flower abundance significantly decreased when damaged by the lacebug. The numbers of pollinators, florivores and thieves were positively correlated with flower abundance, whereas predators were not. In response to flower abundance, florivores decreased on damaged plants. On the other hand, thieves increased on damaged plants, and pollinators and predators did not differ between damaged and undamaged plants. 4. When effects of flower abundance were excluded, foliar herbivory still influenced florivores negatively and thieves positively. This implies that factors besides flower abundance may have affected the numbers of florivores and thieves. 5. Community composition of flower visitors on damaged plants significantly differed from undamaged plants, although overall abundance, taxonomic richness and taxonomic evenness were unaffected by foliar herbivory in the early season. It is important to recognise that only evaluating species diversity and overall abundance may fail to detect the significant consequence of early‐season herbivory on the flower visitor community.  相似文献   

1. Urbanisation and agricultural intensification cause the replacement of natural ecosystems but might also create novel habitats in urban and rural ecosystems promoting some insect communities by providing food and nesting resources. 2. This study investigated how host–natural enemy communities change in urban and rural landscapes and their transitional zone, the urban–rural interface, by using trap nests for cavity‐nesting Hymenoptera in gardens and rapeseed fields that were either isolated or paired in the urban–rural interface. 3. Host dynamics were important for natural enemy occurrence, species richness and parasitism rates, and landscape effects were evident for natural enemy variables except for the richness of bee natural enemies. The number of parasitised brood cells was at its highest in the urban–rural interface, but the highest parasitism rates of bees were observed in isolated gardens. Parasitism rates of bees were negatively affected by host abundance, while parasitism rates of wasps were positively affected. 4. Higher specialisation and lower connectivity of host–natural enemy interactions were found in paired habitats than in isolated habitats. This indicates that paired habitats comprise more specific natural enemies and vulnerable interactions, while isolated habitats comprise more generalist natural enemies, and thus interactions appear more stable. 5. These results confirm that host dynamics play an essential role in the abundance and richness of natural enemies and drive parasitism. However, high habitat heterogeneity found in the urban–rural interface can also have an effect on host–natural enemy communities. This highlights that the provisioning of resources in the urban–rural interface can benefit insect communities in these areas.  相似文献   

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