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Three divalent cation binding sites in the integrin β I domain have been shown to regulate ligand binding and adhesion. However, the degree of ligand binding and adhesion varies among integrins. The αLβ2 and α4β7 integrins show an increase in ligand binding affinity and adhesion when one of their ADMIDAS (adjacent to MIDAS, or the metal ion-dependent adhesion site) residues is mutated. By contrast, the α2β1, α5β1, and αIIbβ3 integrins show a decrease in binding affinity and adhesion when their ADMIDAS is mutated. Our study here indicated that integrin αVβ3 had lower affinity when the ADMIDAS was mutated. By comparing the primary sequences of these integrin subunits, we propose that one residue associated with the MIDAS (β3 Ala(252)) may account for these differences. In the β1 integrin subunit, the corresponding residue is also Ala, whereas in both β2 and β7 integrin subunits, it is Asp. We mutated the β3 residue Ala(252) to Asp and combined this mutant with mutations of one or two ADMIDAS residues. The mutant A252D showed reduced ligand binding affinity and adhesion. The ligand binding affinity and adhesion were increased when this A252D mutant was paired with mutations of one ADMIDAS residue. But when paired with mutations of two ADMIDAS residues the mutant nearly abolished ligand-binding ability, which was restored by the activating glycosylation mutation. Our study suggests that the variation of this residue contributes to the different ligand binding affinities and adhesion abilities among different integrin families.  相似文献   

Raborn J  Wang W  Luo BH 《Biochemistry》2011,50(12):2084-2091
The ability of αIIbβ3 to bind ligands and undergo outside-in signaling is regulated by three divalent cation binding sites in the β I domain. Specifically, the metal ion-dependent adhesion site (MIDAS) and the synergistic metal binding site (SyMBS) are thought to be required for ligand binding due to their synergy between Ca(2+) and Mg(2+). The adjacent to MIDAS (ADMIDAS) is an important ligand binding regulatory site that also acts as a critical link between the β I and hybrid domains for signaling. Mutations in this site have provided conflicting results for ligand binding and adhesion in different integrins. We have mutated the β3 SyMBS and ADMIDAS. The SyMBS mutant abolished ligand binding and outside-in signaling, but when an activating glycosylation mutation in the αIIb Calf 2 domain was introduced, the ligand binding affinity and signaling were restored. Thus, the SyMBS is important but not absolutely required for integrin bidirectional signaling. The ADMIDAS mutants showed reduced ligand binding affinity and abolished outside-in signaling, and the activating glycosylation mutation could fully restore integrin signaling of the ADMIDAS mutant. We propose that the ADMIDAS ion stabilizes the low-affinity state when the integrin headpiece is in the closed conformation, whereas it stabilizes the high-affinity state when the headpiece is in the open conformation with the swung-out hybrid domain.  相似文献   

A set of seven peptides constituting the various loops and most of the surface areas of α-bungarotoxin (BgTX) was synthesized. In appropriate peptides, the cyclical (by a disulfide bond) monomers were prepared. In all cases, the peptides were purified and characterized. The ability of these peptides to bindTorpedo californica acetylcholine receptor (AChR) was studied by radiometric adsorbent titrations. Three regions, represented by peptides 1–16, 26–41, and 45–59, were able to bind125I-labeled AChR and, conversely,125I-labeled peptides were bound by AChR. In these regions, residues Ile-1, Val-2, Trp-28 and/or Lys-38, and one or all of the three residues Ala-45, Ala-46, and Thr-47, are essential contact residues in the binding of BgTX to receptor. Other synthetic regions of BgTX showed little or no AChR-binding activity. The specificity of AChR binding to peptides 1–16, 26–41, and 45–59 was confirmed by inhibition with unlabeled BgTX. It is concluded that BgTX has three main AChR-binding regions (loop I with N-terminal extension and loops II and III extended toward the N-terminal by residues 45–47).  相似文献   

Since vitamin E deficiency is associated with increased susceptibility of erythrocytes to hemolysis, we investigated the presence of tocopherol binding sites in human red blood cells. Erythrocytes were found to have specific binding sites for d-α-[3H]tocopherol with properties of receptors. Kinetic studies of binding demonstrated two binding sites: one with high affinity (equilibrium association constant Ka = 2.6·107 M?1), low capacity (7600 sites/cell) and the second with low affinity (Ka = 1.24·106 M?1), high capacity (150000 sites/cell). These sites are at least partly protein in nature.  相似文献   

The object of this paper is to review briefly the studies on the interactions of erythroid and non-erythroid spectrins with lipids in model and natural membranes. An important progress on the identification of lipid-binding sites has recently been made although many questions remain still unanswered. In particular, our understanding of the physiological role of such interactions is still limited. Another important issue is the occurrence of spectrins in membrane rafts, how they are attached to the raft and what is their function in rafts.  相似文献   

The evidence for direct muscle relaxant effects of benzodiazepines is controversial. We now show that a crude membrane preparation of rat diaphragm possesses binding sites for [3H]flunitrazepam (FNZ). Scatchard analysis gave a binding site density of 1689 +/- 143 fmol/mg protein (Kd = 25.6 +/- 2.6 nM). These sites are of the "peripheral" type since clonazepam fails to displace [3H]FNZ as effectively as R05-4864 (IC50 values: 7.5 x 10(-6) M and 8 x 10(-9) M, respectively). Diazepam is almost as effective as R05-4864 and potently displaces [3H]FNZ binding (IC50 = 3 x 10(-8) M). We propose that the previously described effects of diazepam on rat diaphragm are mediated through high-affinity binding sites.  相似文献   

Summary A number of kinetic incompatibilities with classical carrier theory, previously noted in the behavior of the monosaccharide transport system in human erythrocytes, are accommodated by a revised picture of the arrangement of the sugar-recognizing entities in the cell membranes. The new schema, an extension from that recently proposed by Naftalin (Biochim. Biophys. Acta 211:65, 1970), replaces the mobile carriers with binding sites fixed in a two-column matrix (bilayer). These sites are in a state of equilibrium between a more interfacially disposed conformation and a more introverted state not in direct contact with the adjacent aqueous pool (cell interior or outside medium); adsorbed sugars may migrate between the two layers only when the apposed sites are both in the introverted orientation. Occupation of the sites by any given sugar characteristically shifts the position of the introversion-extroversion equilibrium. Computer simulation of this model, under certain restricting conditions, shows reasonable correspondence with observations on the biological system which have been difficult to bring into accord with mobile-carrier theory, particularly the dissonance in the apparent binding characteristics given by several accepted experimental approaches. Moreover, the single introversiveness characteristic distinguishing the several substrates may alone serve (in place of differing binding affinities and inter-site transition probabilities) as the basis for the sugars' comparative saturation characteristics, and for their patterns of mutual competitive or accelerative interplay.  相似文献   



Sex and Gender Medicine is a novel discipline that provides equitable medical care for society and improves outcomes for both male and female patients. The integration of sex- and gender-specific knowledge into medical curricula is limited due to adequate learning material, systematic teacher training and an innovative communication strategy. We aimed at initiating an e-learning and knowledge-sharing platform for Sex and Gender Medicine, the eGender platform (http://egender.charite.de), to ensure that future doctors and health professionals will have adequate knowledge and communication skills on sex and gender differences in order to make informed decisions for their patients.


The web-based eGender knowledge-sharing platform was designed to support the blended learning pedagogical teaching concept and follows the didactic concept of constructivism. Learning materials developed by Sex and Gender Medicine experts of seven universities have been used as the basis for the new learning tools. The content of these tools is patient-centered and provides add-on information on gender-sensitive aspects of diseases. The structural part of eGender was designed and developed using the open source e-learning platform Moodle. The eGender platform comprises an English and a German version of e-learning modules: one focusing on basic knowledge and seven on specific medical disciplines. Each module consists of several courses corresponding to a disease or symptom complex. Self-organized learning has to be managed by using different learning tools, e.g., texts and audiovisual material, tools for online communication and collaborative work.


More than 90 users from Europe registered for the eGender Medicine learning modules. The most frequently accessed module was “Gender Medicine—Basics” and the users favored discussion forums. These e-learning modules fulfill the quality criteria for higher education and are used within the elective Master Module “Gender Medicine—Basics” implemented into the accredited Master of Public Health at Charité—Berlin.


The eGender platform is a flexible and user-friendly electronical knowledge-sharing platform providing evidence-based high-quality learning material used by a growing number of registered users. The eGender Medicine learning modules could be key in the reform of medical curricula to integrate Sex and Gender Medicine into the education of health professionals.

Lysosomal enzymes were detected in a highly purified preparation of frog erythrocytes. Pretreatment of intact erythrocytes with lysosomotropic drugs reduced the number of soluble β-receptors in isoproterenol-treated cells, whereas the level of membrane-bound receptors in these cells was unaffected. Subcellular fractionation by Percoll gradient centrifugation revealed that one species of lysosomes (density: 1.15 g/ml), contained a fraction of membrane-bound β-adrenergic receptors. This fraction of membrane-bound receptors was markedly increased when desensitized cells were pretreated with chloroquine. Thus the internalized receptors appear to be delivered to lysosomes and released from the endocytic vesicles by the lysosomal enzymes.  相似文献   

Bleomycin (blm) solutions containing the nickel(II) ion have been investigated through 1H nmr, ligand field and circular dichroism spectroscopies. It has been found the blm binds the metal ion in a pH dependent fashion. The spectral data are consistent with the presence of at least two species. It is suggested that in the low pH region blm binds to nickel(II) through the β-aminoalanino residue, whereas in the high pH region, the 4-amino-pyrimidine, imidazole, and amido group of β-hydroxy-histidine are also involved in coordination.  相似文献   

In vitro models of the human colon have been used extensively in understanding the human gut microbiome (GM) and evaluating how internal and external factors affect the residing bacterial populations. Such models have been shown to be highly predictive of in vivo outcomes and have a number of advantages over animal models. The complexity required by in vitro models to closely mimic the physiology of the colon poses practical limits on their scalability. The scalable Mini Gut (MiGut) platform presented in this paper allows considerable expansion of model replicates and enables complex study design, without compromising on in vivo reflectiveness as is often the case with other model systems. MiGut has been benchmarked against a validated gut model in a demanding 9-week study. MiGut showed excellent repeatability between model replicates and results were consistent with those of the benchmark system. The novel technology presented in this paper makes it conceivable that tens of models could be run simultaneously, allowing complex microbiome-xenobiotic interactions to be explored in far greater detail, with minimal added resources or complexity. This platform expands the capacity to generate clinically relevant data to support our understanding of the cause-effect relationships that govern the GM.  相似文献   

Bacteria survive metal stress by several mechanisms and metal binding is one such mechanism which has been screened in the present study to investigate the survival strategies of metal resistant bacteria. The production of siderophores, a metal chelating agent, was detected by chrome azurol S agar assay. The changes in cell wall studied by analysing the peptidoglycan and teichoic acid content indicated an increase in the cell wall content. Evaluation of morphological and physiological alterations like cell size, granularity analysed by SEM and flow cytometry analysis revealed an increase in cell size and granularity respectively. The transformation of phosphates monitored by 31P NMR analysis indicated the presence of inorganic phosphate. Based on the cell wall changes and the 31P NMR analysis, the surface charge of the organism was studied by zeta potential which displayed a difference at pH7.  相似文献   

Spectroscopic (IR, UV, CD and fluorescence) and thermal denaturation studies of native calf thymus DNA, DNAMgATP2− and DNAMg2+ have been carried out in aqueous KBr medium (introduced by the present authors as a very effective solvent for DNA). The IR data recorded for the systems indicate that MgATP2− binds to the N7 and C6O of the guanine residue of DNA forming a five-membered chelate ring. The data also suggest that despite binding to the guanine bases, Mg2+ binds more strongly to the phosphate moiety of DNA. Solution CD spectra of DNA, DNAMgATP2− and DNAMg2+ indicate that in each case DNA exists in the B conformation. Thin-film CD studies reveal that irrespective of the relative humidity conditions, pure DNA as well as that after interaction with Mg2+ show a structural transition B → C, conformationally, although belonging to the B family. A similar study shows that DNA on interaction with MgATP2− assumes a more packed conformation (B)n giving rise to a ψ spectrum. Steady-state as well as dynamic fluorimetric studies clearly indicate that MgATP2− does not intercalate between CGGC base pairs. The thermal denaturation studies support the IR data with respect to the metal binding sites and the mode of binding in both cases.  相似文献   

The mechanism for photosynthetic O2 evolution by photosystem II is currently a topic of intense debate. Important questions remain as to what is the nature of the binding sites for the substrate water and how does the O–O bond form. Recent measurements of the 18O exchange between the solvent water and the photogenerated O2 as a function of the S-state cycle have provided some surprising insights to these questions (W. Hillier, T. Wydrzynski, Biochemistry 39 (2000) 4399–4405). The results show that one substrate water molecule is bound at the beginning of the catalytic sequence, in the S0 state, while the second substrate water molecule binds in the S3 state or possibly earlier. It may be that the second substrate water molecule only enters the catalytic sequence following the formation of the S3 state. Most importantly, comparison of the observed exchange rates with oxygen ligand exchange in various metal complexes reveal that the two substrate water molecules are most likely bound to separate MnIII ions, which do not undergo metal-centered oxidations through to the S3 state. The implication of this analysis is that in the S1 state, all four Mn ions are in the +3 oxidation state. This minireview summarizes the arguments for this proposal.  相似文献   

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