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We evaluated the role of wild large mammals as dispersers of fleshy-fruited woody plants in woodland pastures of the Cantabrian range (N Spain). By searching for seeds in mammal scats across four localities, we addressed how extensive seed dispersal was in relation to the fleshy-fruited plant community, and applied a network approach to identify the relative role of mammal species in the seed dispersal process. We also tested the response of mammalian dispersers to forest availability at increasing spatial scales. Five carnivores and three ungulates dispersed seeds of eight fleshy-fruited trees and shrubs. Mammalian seed dispersal did not mirror community-wide fruit availability, as abundant fruiting trees were scarce whereas thorny shrubs were over-represented among dispersed species. The dispersal network was dominated by bramble (Rubus ulmifolius/fruticosus), the remaining plants being rarer and showing more restricted disperser coteries. Fox (Vulpes vulpes), badger (Meles meles), and wild boar (Sus scrofa) dispersed mostly bramble, whereas martens (Martes sp.) dispersed mostly wild rose (Rosa sp.). Ungulates occasionally dispersed holly (Ilex aquifolium) and hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna). The empirical network reflected a skewed distribution of interactions and some functional complementarity (as judged from the low levels of connectance and nestedness), but also some degree of specialization. Mammals overused uncovered microsites for seed deposition, and increased their disperser activity in those landscape sectors devoid of forest. Combined with previous findings on avian seed dispersal, this study suggest a strong functional complementarity coming from the low overlap in the main plant types that mammals and birds disperse – thorny shrubs and trees, respectively – and the differential patterns of seed deposition, with mammals mostly dispersing into deforested areas, and birds into forest-rich landscapes.  相似文献   

The role of terrestrial mammals as seed dispersers of fleshy-fruited plants has only rarely been investigated in temperate regions although recent studies underline the importance of these animals for long-distance seed dispersal. Here we examine the potential role of mammals as seed dispersers of wild cherry (Prunus avium L.) along a gradient of human land-use intensity. We placed camera traps at 21 wild cherry trees to identify the mammal species that visited the trees. We conducted feeding trials to test if the recorded species were legitimate seed dispersers or seed predators and to assess gut passage times. We tested the influence of human land-use intensity by quantifying habitat and landscape structure around the study trees at different spatial scales and analyzing its influence on visitation rates of tree visitors. Red fox (Vulpes vulpes), roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), wild boar (Sus scrofa), marten (Martes spp.) and badger (Meles meles) were identified as seed dispersers of wild cherry, of which wild boar was largely a seed predator. Habitat and landscape structure at local spatial scales (70 m, 500 m radius) had no effect on the total visitation rates of mammals. At larger spatial scales (1.0–10.0 km radius) total visitation rates increased with increasing proportion of extensively used farmland and seminatural habitat in the area. The proportion of forest had no influence on visitation rates. The results suggest that high proportions of extensively used farmland and seminatural habitat increase the visitation and seed dispersal rates of large mammals. Comparing gut passage times with home range sizes and daily travel distances suggests that these mammals have the potential to disperse seeds over long distances and can provide gene flow in fragmented agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal by vertebrate animals is important for the establishment of many fleshy-fruited plant species. Different frugivorous species can provide different seed dispersal services according to their specific dietary preferences as well as behaviour and body traits (e.g. body size and beak size of birds). Our aim was to study redundancies and complementarities in seed dispersal and germination between the two main native seed disperser birds and the introduced silver pheasant Lophura nycthemera in the temperate Patagonian forests. For this, we collected fresh droppings from the studied species and analyzed seed content. We conducted germination trials for four plant species common in bird droppings; two native species (Aristotelia chilensis and Rhaphithamnus spinosus) and two invasive non-native species (Rubus ulmifolius and Rosa rubiginosa). Both native frugivorous birds and the silver pheasant dispersed fruits of non- native fleshy-fruited plants, but their roles were non-redundant in terms of species dispersed and effect on seed germination. The silver pheasant dispersed a proportionally high number of non-native seeds, while native birds dispersed a high number of native seeds. In addition, the effect of gut treatment in seed germination differed between seed dispersers. Native birds promoted the germination for the two native plant species studied, while the silver pheasant promoted the germination of one non-native plant. This suggests that seed dispersal by the silver pheasant may contribute to the spread of some invasive fleshy-fruited plants in the ecosystems that otherwise would not be dispersed by any other bird. The understanding of redundancies and complementarities on seed dispersal and germination between native and introduced birds will allow improving the management of fleshy-fruited non-native plants.  相似文献   

Frugivory and seed dispersal have been poorly studied in Neotropical freshwater fishes. We studied frugivory and seed dispersal by the piraputanga fish (Brycon hilarii, Characidae) in the Formoso River, Bonito, western Brazil. We examined the stomach contents of 87 fish and found the diet of piraputanga consisted of 24% animal prey (arthropods, snails, and vertebrates), 31% seeds/fruits and 45% other plant material (algae/macrophytes/leaves/flowers). The piraputangas fed on 12 fruit species, and were considered as seed dispersers of eight species. Fruits with soft seeds larger than 10 mm were triturated, but all species with small seeds (e.g. Ficus, Psidium) and one species with large hard seed (Chrysophyllum gonocarpum) were dispersed. Piraputangas eat more fruits in the dry season just before the migration, but not during the spawning season. Fish length had a positive relation with the presence of fruits in their guts. The gallery forest of the Formoso River apparently does not have any plant species that depend exclusively on B. hilarii for seed dispersal because all fruit species are also dispersed by birds and mammals. Based on seed size and husk hardness of the riparian plant community of Formoso River, however, the piraputangas may potentially disperse at least 50% of the riparian fleshy fruit species and may be particularly important for long-distance dispersal. Therefore, overfishing or other anthropogenic disturbances to the populations of piraputanga may have negative consequences for the riparian forests in this region.  相似文献   

The separate contributions of different vectors to net seed dispersal curves of diplochorous systems have rarely been characterised. In Australia, myrmecochory is a common seed dispersal syndrome and in the majority of such systems, seeds are initially dispersed ballistically. We measured ballistic and myrmecochorous seed dispersal distances in relation to canopies of Adriana quadripartita (Euphorbiaceae) and used a simulation model to estimate the net dispersal curve. We also compared seed removal rates and ant abundances under, and outside, plant canopies to examine how foraging patterns by ants may affect net dispersal.Overall ant abundance did not show a significant numerical response to seedfall; however, the abundance of the main seed dispersing ant, Rhytidoponera ‘metallica’ did. Despite this, seed removal rates did not differ significantly between canopy and open locations. Rhytidoponera ‘metallica’ account for 93% of observed seed dispersal events. On average, the ants dispersed seeds 1.54 m and in doing so, moved seed a mean radial distance of 0.76 m away from canopy edges. This contribution to net dispersal distance by ants is considerable since ballistic dispersal moved seeds a median distance of 7.5 cm. Our simulation model indicated that the combination of ballistic and ant seed dispersal is expected to result in seeds being transported a median net radial dispersal distance of 1.05 m from the canopy edge.Thus in this system, an important function of diplochory may simply be to move a higher proportion of seeds from under the canopy of parent plants than is possible by ballistic dispersal alone. This ‘dispersal-for-distance’ may result in reduced parent–offspring competition or may increase the probability that seeds reach rare safe sites for germination and recruitment.  相似文献   

Most tropical plants produce fleshy fruits that are dispersed primarily by vertebrate frugivores. Behavioral disparities among vertebrate seed dispersers could influence patterns of seed distribution and thus forest structure. This study investigated the relative importance of arboreal seed dispersers and seed predators on the initial stage of forest organization–seed deposition. We asked the following questions: (1) To what degree do arboreal seed dispersers influence the species richness and abundance of the seed rain? and (2) Based on the plant species and strata of the forest for which they provide dispersal services, do arboreal seed dispersers represent similar or distinct functional groups? To answer these questions, seed rain was sampled for 12 months in the Dja Reserve, Cameroon. Seed traps representing five percent of the crown area were erected below the canopies of 90 trees belonging to nine focal tree species: 3 dispersed by monkeys, 3 dispersed by large frugivorous birds, and 3 wind‐dispersed species. Seeds disseminated by arboreal seed dispersers accounted for ca 12 percent of the seeds and 68 percent of the seed species identified in seed traps. Monkeys dispersed more than twice the number of seed species than large frugivorous birds, but birds dispersed more individual seeds. We identified two distinct functional dispersal groups, one composed of large frugivorous birds and one composed of monkeys, drop dispersers, and seed predators. These groups dispersed plants found in different canopy strata and exhibited low overlap in the seed species they disseminated. We conclude it is unlikely that seed dispersal services provided by monkeys could be compensated for by frugivorous birds in the event of their extirpation from Afrotropical forests.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal by avian frugivores is one of the key processes influencing plant spatial patterns, but may fail if there is disruption of plant–frugivore mutualisms, such as decline in abundance of dispersers, fragmentation of habitat, or isolation of individual trees. We used simulation model experiments to examine the interaction between frugivore density and behaviour and the spatial arrangement of fruiting plants and its effect on seed dispersal kernels. We focussed on two New Zealand canopy tree species that produce large fruits and are dispersed predominantly by one avian frugivore (Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae). Although the mean seed dispersal distance decreased when trees became more aggregated, there were more frugivore flights between tree clusters, consequently stretching the tails of the dispersal kernels. Conversely, when trees were less aggregated in the landscape, mean dispersal distances increased because seeds were deposited over larger areas, but the kernels had shorter tails. While there were no statistically meaningful changes in kernel parameters when frugivore density changed, decreases in density did cause a proportional reduction in the total number of dispersed seeds. However, birds were forced to move further when fruit availability and fruit ripening were low. Sensitivity analysis showed that dispersal kernels were primarily influenced by the model parameters relating to disperser behaviour, especially those determining attractiveness based on distance to candidate fruiting trees. Our results suggest that the spatial arrangement of plants plays an important role in seed dispersal processes – although tree aggregation curbed the mean seed dispersal distance, it was accompanied by occasional long distance events, and tree dispersion caused an increase in mean dispersal distance, both potentially increasing the probability of seeds finding suitable habitats for germination and growth. Even though low frugivore densities did not cause dispersal failure, there were negative effects on the quantity of seed dispersal because fewer seeds were dispersed.  相似文献   

Pre-dispersal seed predation by granivorous birds has potential to limit fruit removal and subsequent seed dispersal by legitimate avian seed dispersers in bird-dispersed plants, especially when the birds form flocks. We monitored pre-dispersal seed predation by the Japanese grosbeak, Eophona personata, of two bird-dispersed hackberry species (Cannabaceae), Celtis biondii (four trees) and Celtis sinensis (10 trees), for 3 years (2005, 2007 and 2008) in a fragmented forest in temperate Japan. Throughout the 3 years, predation was more intense on C. biondii, which, as a consequence, lost a larger part of its fruit crop. Grosbeaks preferred C. biondii seeds that had a comparatively lower energy content and lower hardness than C. sinensis, suggesting an association between seed hardness and selective foraging by grosbeaks. In C. biondii, intensive predation markedly reduced fruit duration and strongly limited fruit removal by seed dispersers, especially in 2007 and 2008. In C. sinensis, seed dispersers consumed fruits throughout the fruiting seasons in all 3 years. In C. biondii, variation in the timing of grosbeak migration among years was associated with annual variation in this bird's effects on fruit removal. Our results demonstrate that seed predation by flocks of granivorous birds can dramatically disrupt seed dispersal in fleshy-fruited plants and suggest the importance of understanding their flocking behaviour.  相似文献   

In the tropical forests of SE Asia, only a few studies have dealt with the role animal dispersal plays in early forest succession and rehabilitation, and a comparison of bird and bat dispersal is even rarer. We investigated seed dispersal by birds and bats in a successional area in the lowland dipterocarp forest of the Subic Watershed Forest Reserve (SWFR) in Luzon Island, Philippines. Using pairs of day and night traps, we collected seeds during 3 mo of wet season and 3 mo of dry season in a 1.2-ha study site. Bird-dispersed seeds predominated over those dispersed by bats in terms of both seed abundance and number of seed species. The most abundant endozoochorous seed species were significantly biased toward either bird or bat dispersal. Birds and bats appeared to compete more strongly for fruit resources during the dry season than during the wet season, and bats responded more to changes in the seasons than birds did. GLM analyses showed that the factor that had the strongest influence on overall seed distribution was the number of fleshy-fruited trees surrounding the traps, and that the distribution pattern of day-dispersed seeds was affected by more physical factors (number of trees, size of trees, presence of fleshy-fruited and conspecific trees) in the study site than the pattern of night-dispersed seeds were. Given that birds are the more important dispersers in the study site, restoration efforts in SWFR might benefit by focusing on attracting these dispersers into its degraded habitats.  相似文献   

Mutualistic interactions form the basis for many ecological processes and are often analyzed within the framework of ecological networks. These interactions can be sampled with a range of methods and first analyses of pollination networks sampled with different methods showed differences in common network metrics. However, it is yet unknown if metrics of seed dispersal networks are similarly affected by the sampling method and if different methods detect a complementary set of frugivores. This is necessary to better understand the (dis-)advantages of each method and to identify the role of each frugivore for the seed dispersal process. Here, we compare seed removal networks based on the observation of 2189 frugivore visits on ten focal plant species with seed deposition networks constructed by DNA barcoding of plant seeds in 3094 frugivore scats. We were interested in whether both methods identify the same disperser species and if species-level network metrics of plant species were correlated between network types. Both methods identified the same avian super-generalist frugivores, which accounted for the highest number of dispersed seeds. However, only with DNA barcoding, we detected elusive but frequent mammalian seed dispersers. The overall networks created by both methods were congruent but the plant species' degree, their interaction frequency and their specialization index (d′) differed. Our study suggests that DNA barcoding of defecated and regurgitated seeds can be used to construct quantitative seed deposition networks similar to those constructed by focal observations. To improve the overall completeness of seed dispersal networks it might be useful to combine both methods to detect interactions by both birds and mammals. Most importantly, the DNA barcoding method provides information on the post-dispersal stage and thus on the qualitative contribution of each frugivore for the plant community thereby linking species interactions to regeneration dynamics of fleshy-fruited plant species.  相似文献   

We examined assemblages of trees and two major groups of vertebrate seed dispersers, birds and primates, in Ugandan protected areas to evaluate the roles of dispersal limitation and species sorting in community assembly. We conducted partial Mantel tests to investigate relationships between community similarity, environmental distance and geographic distance. Results showed that environmental factors, specifically temperature and rainfall, significantly and more strongly structured tree assemblages than geographic distance. Analysis of tree dispersal modes revealed wind‐dispersed tree guilds were significantly dispersal limited but trees dispersed by animals were not. For assemblages of vertebrate seed dispersers, dispersal limitation significantly and more strongly structured assemblages of primates than species sorting whereas environmental factors significantly and more strongly structured assemblages of birds than dispersal limitation. We therefore examined whether trees dispersed by primates were more dispersal limited than trees dispersed by birds. We found consistent trends that primate fruit trees were more dispersal limited than bird fruit trees using three definitions of dispersal syndromes based on fruit color. Our results suggest that the dispersal abilities of primary consumers may affect the distribution of primary producers at large spatial scales.  相似文献   

The role of frugivorous birds in dispersal of the seeds of fleshy-fruited plants is well understood, but other groups of birds like granivores and omnivores can also act as vectors, especially in the process of non-standard dispersal. In this study we examined the role of two widely distributed birds (the Eurasian Blackbird, Turdus merula, and the Black Redstart, Phoenicurus ochruros) in seed dispersal. We analyzed the content of 279 droppings of the Black Redstart collected between July and October and 85 droppings of the Eurasian Blackbird collected during January. In total we found 366 seeds, representing 11 plant taxa, in the faecal samples; 93% of the seeds belonged to fleshy-fruited species. The most numerous were two native taxa, Sambucus racemosa/nigra, in summer and autumn, Crataegus monogyna in winter, and one alien species Morus alba, which is dispersed in summer. We also found seeds of four dry-fruited species; the most interesting of which was the presence of anemochorous seeds of Solidago gigantea (a highly invasive alien species). The seeds were found only in droppings of the Eurasian Blackbird. Considering the obtained results the need for further studies on bird-plant interactions should be a priority.  相似文献   

We investigated the spatial pattern of tree recruitment 15 years after clear-cutting in two logged strips in the Peruvian Amazon, focusing on differences between seed dispersal modes and cohorts, and relating these to spatial patterns of seed dispersal in the years immediately following clearing. Most trees that recruited in logged strips belonged to taxa dispersed by birds or nonvolant mammals, with smaller numbers dispersed by bats or wind. Seed dispersal patterns differed, with few mammal-dispersed seeds reaching strips, bird-dispersed seeds more abundant near the forest edge than strip centers, and bat- and wind-dispersed seeds more evenly distributed. However, this pattern was not reflected in the tree recruits, except in the deferment cut half of strip 2. Different dispersal modes were differentially represented in different cohorts; for example, in strip 1 bird-dispersed trees predominated in early cohorts, while trees dispersed by nonvolant mammals predominated in later cohorts. Our finding that trees dispersed by mammals (which disperse the majority of commercial trees in Amazonia) successfully regenerate from seed in the interior of logged strips highlights the value of maintaining these animals in forest management systems.  相似文献   

Western chokecherry (Prunus virginiana var. demissa, Rosaceae) is dispersed by frugivorous birds and carnivores, but it has large seeds that are potentially attractive to rodents that could act as seed predators and dispersers. Here, we quantify the benefits of primary dispersal by birds and secondary dispersal by scatter-hoarding rodents. In the fall, avian frugivores (mostly American robins, Turdus migratorius, and cedar waxwings, Bombycilla cedrorum) consumed 87% of the fruit crop and dispersed 67% of the fruit crop away from parent plants. Rodents removed 89% of seeds that simulated bird-dispersed seed rain from transects in riparian zones and 58% from transects in upland habitats. Rodents scatter-hoarded 91.6% of the seeds they removed, burying most in small caches (two to eight seeds) 8?C25?mm deep. About 39% of the seeds in spring caches produced seedlings. Inside rodent-proof exclosures, 52.1% of seeds buried to simulate rodent caches produced seedlings, 29.7% of which were still alive after 1?year. In contrast, only 3.8% of seeds placed on the soil surface, simulating dispersal by avian frugivores, produced seedlings. Seed dispersal by frugivorous birds likely contributes to colonization of unoccupied habitat through long-range dispersal and to escape from distance-dependent seed mortality near the parent plant. Despite seed losses, rodents offer short-range seed dispersal and bury seeds in more favorable sites for germination, improving seedling emergence and establishment. The combined mechanisms of seed dispersal significantly enhanced chokecherry seedling recruitment by providing more dispersal-related benefits than either frugivorous bird or scatter-hoarding rodents could provide alone.  相似文献   

The seed dispersal patterns of bird-dispersed trees often show substantial seasonal and annual variation due to temporal changes in frugivorous bird and bird-dispersed fruit distributions. Elucidating such variation and how it affects plant regeneration is important for understanding the evolution and seed dispersal maintenance strategies of these plants. In this study, we investigated the seed dispersal quantity and distance of a bird-dispersed plant, Swida controversa, for 2 years and detected large seasonal variations in dispersal pattern. Early in the fruiting season, short seed dispersal distance and large amounts of fruit consumption by birds (seed dispersal quantity) were observed. In contrast, late in the fruiting season, a long seed dispersal distance and small seed dispersal quantity were observed. This relationship between seed dispersal distance and quantity may help to maintain constant seed dispersal effectiveness during the long S. controversa fruiting season. Annual variation was also detected for both seed dispersal quantity and distance. More effective seed dispersal was achieved in the masting year, because both seed dispersal quantity and distance were greater than that in the non-masting year. These seed dispersal dynamics may contribute to the evolution and maintenance of S. controversa masting behavior. Thus, we identified substantial temporal variation on both seasonal and annual scales in the seed dispersal pattern of a bird-dispersed plant. The temporal variation in seed dispersal pattern revealed in this study probably plays a substantial role in the life history and population dynamics of S. controversa.  相似文献   

Aloe marlothii flowers during dry winter months (July–September) and produces large numbers of wind dispersed seeds. Fire disturbance in a population of several thousand A. marlothii plants at Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve, Gauteng, permitted a series of seed dispersal experiments to be conducted. Germination trials indicated that seedling emergence decreased with increased distance from a well defined aloe stand and burn area margin, with seeds dispersed up to 25 m. Flowering frequency and total seed production were positively correlated with plant height, with seed production estimated to range from 26,000 to 375,000 seeds/plant. Although a large number of seeds are produced by flowering plants the survival rate of seeds did not extend beyond the following flowering season.  相似文献   

The role of primates in seed dispersal is well recognized. Macaques (Macaca spp.) are major primate seed dispersers in Asia, and recent studies have revealed their role as seed dispersal agents in this region. Here, we review present knowledge of the traits that define the role of macaques as seed dispersers. The size of seeds in fruit influences whether macaques swallow (0.5–17.1 mm; median: 3.0), spit (1–37 mm; median: 7.6), or drop (8.2–57.7 mm; median: 20.5) them. Dispersal distances via defecation are several hundreds of meters (median: 259 m, range: 0–1300 m), shorter than those achieved by some mammals and birds in tropical and temperate regions. However, macaques disperse seeds by defecation at comparable distances to omnivorous carnivores, and further than passerines. Seed dispersal distance by spitting is much shorter (median: 20 m, range: 0–405 m) than by defecation. Among Asian primates, seed dispersal distances resulting from macaque defecation are shorter than those for gibbons and longer than those for langurs. The effects of seed ingestion on the percentage and speed of germination vary among both plant and macaque species. The degree of frugivory, fruit/seed handling methods, seed dispersal distance, microhabitats of dispersed seeds, and effects of dispersal on seed germination vary seasonally and interannually, and long-term studies of the ecological role of macaques are needed. Researchers have begun to assess the effectiveness of seed dispersal by macaques, secondary dispersal of seeds originally dispersed by macaques, and the effects of provisioning on seed dispersal. Future studies should also test the effects of social factors (such as age and rank), which have received little attention in studies of seed dispersal.  相似文献   

It has been known for a few decades that European rabbits consume seeds and fleshy fruits of native woody plants, but relevant factors in the endozoochory processes such as seed predation (chewing and digestion), sexual differentiation, or the temporal pattern of seed recovery have been little evaluated until now. In this study, we examined seed dispersal of three Mediterranean shrub species by wild rabbits through monitoring of seed retrieval and germination after gut passage. Twelve adult wild rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus; six males and six females) of similar size and age were fed seeds of three shrub species with fleshy fruits (Crataegus monogyna, Myrtus communis and Pistacia lentiscus). After ingestion of fruits, seeds were retrieved from dung every 12 h for a day and a half. The viability and germination of retrieved seeds were tested along with that of uneaten seeds. Between 5% and 76% of ingested seeds were retrieved from dung, with significant differences between species and sex. Most M. communis seeds were retrieved with 12–24 h after ingestion; almost all C. monogyna seeds were recovered with 0–12 h after ingestion; no seeds of P. lentiscus were recovered. Only in the case of M. communis seed was the recovery rate greater in female than in male. Passage through the rabbit gut significantly increased seed germination in M. communis, and decreased it in C. monogyna. In conclusion, wild rabbits acted in this study as predators of C. monogyna and P. lentiscus seeds and potential dispersers of M. communis seeds.  相似文献   

The seeds of many tree species are dispersed more than once, and this secondary seed dispersal is believed to enhance seedling recruitment. However, the effectiveness of secondary seed dispersal has rarely been assessed because it is difficult to track seeds until they die or germinate. We describe a new technique that uses thread tags attached to radio transmitters (telemetric thread tags) to track long-distance multistep seed dispersal by scatter-hoarding rodents. These telemetric thread tags can be turned off with a magnet and are reactivated when the seed moves. This method allows for seed tracking with minimal cache disturbance or distance bias, over long time spans, multiple seed movements, and with few effects on animal behavior. We used telemetric thread tags to track seed dispersal of the palm tree Astrocaryum standleyanum in a Neotropical forest, and achieved near-complete recovery of dispersed seeds tracked over distances as far as 241?m. We were also able to record the recovery time and fate of cached seeds without disturbing caches. Neither the removal rate nor the dispersal distance differed between seeds with telemetric thread tags and thread-tagged seeds. We conclude that telemetric thread tags can be used to document secondary seed dispersal by scatter-hoarding animals with unprecedented efficacy and precision. Given the size of these tags relative to the size of seeds and their dispersers, this method is applicable to the majority of tree species that are secondarily dispersed by scatter-hoarding mammals.  相似文献   

Although neighboring plants can influence animal-seed dispersal interactions, little is known about the effect of neighboring seeds and the influence of habitat on seed dispersal by ants. Here we investigated the influence of neighboring seeds on seed removal in two coexisting myrmecochorous species (Epimedium pubescens and Helleborus thibetanus) from temperate deciduous forests of Qinling Mountains, central China, by examining (1) the potential role of ants and rodents and (2) whether the neighboring seed effect differed between forest edge and interior. We found that, presence of the higher-ESMR (elaiosome: seed mass ratio) E. pubescens did not significantly affect seed removal of the lower-ESMR H. thibetanus. By contrast, the presence of H. thibetanus decreased the seed removal rates of E. pubescens, with only a significant effect in rodent exclusion (ant alone) rather than in both ant exclusion (rodent alone) and full access (rodent + ant). Moreover, we found that those effects were not significantly different between the forest edge and the interior, which may be attributed to a similar pattern of overall seed-dispersing ant abundance in the two habitats. This suggested that neighboring seeds could influence seed removal of the focal plant depending on the absence of rodents; when rodents were present, the interaction of rodents and ants rendered no influence of neighboring seeds on seed removal. Our results show that the neighborhood effect was regulated by both dispersers and predators, and this effect was not context-dependent at a small spatial scale. This study highlights the importance to understand the effect of shared seed-removing animals and habitat context to assess the neighboring seed effect on plant-animal interactions.  相似文献   

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