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Oncolytic viruses (OVs) are immunotherapeutics capable of directly killing cancer cells and with potent immunostimulatory properties. OVs exert their antitumor effect, at least partially, by activating the antitumor immune response, of which NK cells are an important component. However, if on the one hand increasing evidence revealed that NK cells are important mediators of oncolytic virotherapy, on the other hand, NK cells have evolved to fight viral infections, and therefore they can have a detrimental effect for the efficacy of OVs. In this review, we will discuss the dichotomy between the antitumor and antiviral functions of NK cells related to oncolytic virotherapy. We will also review NK cell-based and OV-based therapies, engineered OVs aimed at enhancing immune stimulation, and combination therapies involving OVs and NK cells currently used in cancer immunotherapy.  相似文献   

Oncolytic viruses infect, replicate in, and kill cancer cells selectively without harming normal cells. The rapidly expanding clinical development of oncolytic virotherapy is an exciting interdisciplinary field that provides insights into virology, oncology, and immunotherapy. Recent years have seen greater focus on rational design of cancer-selective viruses together with strategies to exploit their immunostimulatory capabilities, ultimately to develop powerful oncolytic cancer vaccines. However, despite great interest in the field, many important experiments are still conducted under optimum conditions in vitro, with many nutrients present in excess and with cellular stress kept to a minimum. Whilst this provides a convenient platform for cell culture, it bears little relation to the typical conditions found within a tumour in vivo, where cells are often subject to a range of metabolic and environmental stresses. Viral infection and cancer will both lead to production of metabolites that are also not present in media in vitro. Understanding how oncolytic viruses interact with cells exposed to more representative metabolic conditions in vitro represents an under-explored area of study that could provide valuable insight into the intelligent design of superior oncolytic viruses and help bridge the gap between bench and bedside. This review summarises the major metabolic pathways altered in cancer cells, during viral infection and highlights possible targets for future studies.  相似文献   

The study of measles virus (MeV) as a cancer immunotherapeutic was prompted by clinical observations of leukemia and lymphoma regressions in patients following measles virus infection in the 1970s and 1980s. Since then, numerous preclinical studies have confirmed the oncolytic activity of MeV vaccine strains as well as their potential to promote long-lasting tumor-specific immune responses. Early clinical data indicate that some of these effects may translate to the treatment of cancer patients. In this review, we provide a structured summary of current evidence for the anti-tumor immune activity of oncolytic MeV. We start with an overview of MeV oncolysis and MeV-induced immunogenic cell death. Next, we relate findings on MeV-mediated activation of antigen-presenting cells, T cell priming and effector mechanisms to the cancer immunity cycle. We discuss additional factors in the tumor microenvironment which are modulated by MeV treatment as well as the role of anti-viral immunity. Based on these findings, we highlight avenues for rational enhancement of oncolytic MeV immunotherapy by vector engineering. We further point to advantages and drawbacks of experimental models and propose areas warranting promising research. Lastly, we review the available immunomonitoring data from several Phase I clinical trials. While this review presents data for MeV, the concepts and principles introduced herein apply to other oncolytic viruses, providing a framework to assess novel cancer immunotherapies.  相似文献   

Replicating oncolytic viruses are able to infect and lyse cancer cells and spread through the tumor, while leaving normal cells largely unharmed. This makes them potentially useful in cancer therapy, and a variety of viruses have shown promising results in clinical trials. Nevertheless, consistent success remains elusive and the correlates of success have been the subject of investigation, both from an experimental and a mathematical point of view. Mathematical modeling of oncolytic virus therapy is often limited by the fact that the predicted dynamics depend strongly on particular mathematical terms in the model, the nature of which remains uncertain. We aim to address this issue in the context of ODE modeling, by formulating a general computational framework that is independent of particular mathematical expressions. By analyzing this framework, we find some new insights into the conditions for successful virus therapy. We find that depending on our assumptions about the virus spread, there can be two distinct types of dynamics. In models of the first type (the “fast spread” models), we predict that the viruses can eliminate the tumor if the viral replication rate is sufficiently high. The second type of models is characterized by a suboptimal spread (the “slow spread” models). For such models, the simulated treatment may fail, even for very high viral replication rates. Our methodology can be used to study the dynamics of many biological systems, and thus has implications beyond the study of virus therapy of cancers.  相似文献   

The use of oncolytic viruses forms an appealing approach for cancer treatment. On the one hand the viruses replicate in, and kill, tumor cells, leading to their intra-tumoral amplification. On the other hand the viral infection will activate virus-directed immune responses, and may trigger immune responses directed against tumor cells and tumor antigens. To date, a wide variety of oncolytic viruses is being developed for use in cancer treatment. While the development of oncolytic viruses has often been initiated by researchers in academia and other public institutions, a large majority of the final product development and the testing of these products in clinical trials is industry led. As a consequence relatively few pre-clinical and clinical studies evaluated different oncolytic viruses in competitive side-by-side preclinical or clinical studies. In this review we will summarize the steps and considerations essential in the development and characterization of oncolytic viruses, and describe our multidisciplinary academic consortium, which involves a dozen departments in three different Dutch universities, collaborating in the development of oncolytic viruses. This consortium has the ambition to develop a small series of oncolytic viruses and to evaluate these in various cancers.  相似文献   

Autophagy has been intensively studied in herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), a human alphaherpesvirus. The HSV-1 genome encodes a well-known neurovirulence protein called ICP34.5. When the gene encoding this protein is deleted from the genome, the virus is markedly less virulent when injected into the brains of animal models. Subsequent characterization of ICP34.5 established that the neurovirulence protein interacts with BECN1, thereby inhibiting autophagy and facilitating viral replication in the brain. However, an ortholog of the ICP34.5 gene is lacking in the genomes of other closely related alphaherpesviruses, such as varicella-zoster virus (VZV). Further, autophagosomes are easily identified in the exanthem (rash) that is the hallmark of both VZV diseases—varicella and herpes zoster. Inhibition of autophagy leads to diminished VZV titers. Finally, no block is detected in studies of autophagic flux following VZV infection. Thus autophagy appears to be proviral during VZV infection while antiviral during HSV-1 infection. Because divergence to this degree is extremely unusual for 2 closely related herpesviruses, we postulate that VZV has accommodated its infectious cycle to benefit from autophagic flux, whereas HSV-1 has captured cellular immunomodulatory genes to inhibit autophagy.  相似文献   

Interferon (IFN)-γ is the uppermost cytokine implicated in anti-tumor immunity. With its cytostatic, pro-apoptotic and immune-provoking effects, IFN-γ plays a central role in the recognition and elimination of transformed cells. Considering well-characterized anti-tumor effects of this cytokine, many clinical trials and immunotherapy approaches have been designed to reinforce IFN-γ-mediated immunity for different types of cancer. However, the outcomes were not satisfactory and leaded to questioning of alternative actions of IFN-γ. Many regulatory pathways can be induced by IFN-γ to protect the normal tissues from collateral damage and to facilitate the re-establishment of homeostasis. Nevertheless, malignant cells can take the advantage of IFN-γ as an inducer of mediators inhibiting anti-tumor immune reactions. In addition, under the influence of tumor-derived factors, certain types of immune cells are also licensed by IFN-γ to perform regulatory actions. This review focuses on the immune modulatory functions of IFN-γ in cancer as an alternative story to be told.  相似文献   

Cancer immunotherapy is a new therapeutic strategy for cancer treatment that targets tumors by improving or restoring immune system function. Therapies targeting immune checkpoint molecules have exerted potent anti-tumor effects and prolonged the overall survival rate of patients. However, only a small number of patients benefit from the treatment. Oncolytic viruses exert anti-tumor effects by regulating the tumor microenvironment and affecting multiple steps of tumor immune circulation. In this study, we engineered two oncolytic viruses that express mouse anti-PD-1 antibody (VT1093M) or mouse IL-12 (VT1092M). We found that both oncolytic viruses showed significant anti-tumor effects in a murine CT26 colon adenocarcinoma model. Importantly, the intratumoral combined injection with VT1092M and VT1093M inhibited growth of the primary tumor, prevented growth of the contralateral untreated tumor, produced a vaccine-like response, activated antigen-specific T cell responses and prolonged the overall survival rate of mice. These results indicate that combination therapy with the engineered oncolytic virus may represent a potent immunotherapy strategy for cancer patients, especially those resistant to PD-1/PD-L1 blockade therapy.  相似文献   

溶瘤病毒(Oncolytic virus,OV)是可以靶向感染并杀伤肿瘤细胞的一类病毒,其中溶瘤I型单纯疱疹病毒(Oncolytic herpes simplex virus type 1,OHSV-1)是目前研究最多的溶瘤病毒之一,可通过多种策略进行构建,已有多种OHSV-1进入临床试验,大量结果显示其具有较好的安全性和有效性。本文主要介绍OHSV-1的分子生物学特性与优势、主要的开发及靶向性策略、各类OHSV-1的研究进展以及目前存在的问题等。  相似文献   

Cancer immunotherapy using tumor-selective, oncolytic viruses is an emerging therapeutic option for solid and hematologic malignancies. A considerable variety of viruses ranging from small picornaviruses to large poxviruses are currently being investigated as potential candidates. In the early days of virotherapy, non-engineered wild-type or vaccine-strain viruses were employed. However, these viruses often did not fully satisfy the major criteria of safety and efficacy. Since the advent of reverse genetics systems for manipulating various classes of viruses, the field has shifted to developing genetically engineered viruses with an improved therapeutic index. In this review, we will summarize the concepts and strategies of multi-level genetic engineering of oncolytic measles virus, a prime candidate for cancer immunovirotherapy. Furthermore, we will provide a brief overview of measles virus-based multimodal combination therapies for improved tumor control and clinical efficacy.  相似文献   

Recent developments in tumour treatment had focused on virotherapies that were currently revolutionising new innovated treatment pathways. This study focused on the fabrication of oncolytic adenoviral vector (Ad) nanosphere that self-targeted at lung tumour cells (A549), utilising the immune response for upper respiratory tract infection, caused by the Ad infection. This system was dependent upon T-cell immune response, surface charge and blood metabolism. Oncolytic Ad attacked lung A549 tumour cells by incorporated its own DNA to replace A549's, the triggered immune response generated T-cells also further attack A549. Direct Ad injection was demonstrated to be lethal and prohibited in vivo. In this research a multifunctional principal using polyprotein surface precipitation technique (PSP) whist maintaining biological controls for self-assembly polyprotein Ad nanosphere both biocompatible and reproducible, was demonstrated as a result of the enhanced transfection efficiency and a successful multifunctional drug delivery system for virotherapy.  相似文献   

Recent advances in cancer immunotherapy have renewed interest in oncolytic viruses (OVs) as a synergistic platform for the development of novel antitumor strategies. Cancer cells adopt multiple mechanisms to evade and suppress antitumor immune responses, essentially establishing a non-immunogenic (‘cold’) tumor microenvironment (TME), with poor T-cell infiltration and low mutational burden. Limitations to the efficacy of immunotherapy still exist, especially for a variety of solid tumors, where new approaches are necessary to overcome physical barriers in the TME and to mitigate adverse effects associated with current immunotherapeutics. OVs offer an attractive alternative by inducing direct oncolysis, immunogenic cell death, and immune stimulation. These multimodal mechanisms make OVs well suited to reprogram non-immunogenic tumors and TME into inflamed, immunogenic (‘hot’) tumors; enhanced release of tumor antigens by dying cancer cells is expected to augment T-cell infiltration, thereby eliciting potent antitumor immunity. Advances in virus engineering and understanding of tumor biology have allowed the optimization of OV-tumor selectivity, oncolytic potency, and immune stimulation. However, OV antitumor activity is likely to achieve its greatest potential as part of combinatorial strategies with other immune or cancer therapeutics.  相似文献   

Chemoresistance and side effects are considered as the major obstacles in cisplatin-based chemotherapy of various human malignant tumors. Conjugation with cancer-specific apoptotic stimuli TRAIL or typical viro-agent ONYX-015 has been extensively investigated to enhance the antitumor activity of cisplatin. In this study, we presented a novel chemo-gene-virotherapeutic strategy to further improve the toxic effects in cancer cells and reduce the damage in normal cells. Here, an oncolytic adenoviral vector (ZD55), with a deletion of E1B 55-kDa gene, was employed to express the therapeutic TRAIL gene by constructing a recombinant virus ZD55-TRAIL. Exogenous gene delivery efficacy was determined by both in vitro and in vivo experiments and enhanced cytotoxicity of combined treatment of ZD55-TRAIL with cisplatin was evaluated in several cancer cell lines. Moreover, negative effects on normal cells have been tested in both L-02 and MRC-5 cell lines by MTT assay and apoptotic cell staining. According to our observation, combination of ZD55-TRAIL with cisplatin exhibited an apparent synergistic cytotoxicity in cancer cells, yet significantly abolished the negative toxicity in normal cells by reducing the dosage. Thus, a novel chemo-gene-virotherapeutic strategy for cancer therapy was proposed.  相似文献   

Interferons are multifunctional cytokines not expressed in the skin under normal physiological conditions. However, they are overexpressed in serum and skin lesions of patients with psoriasis and play an important role in the pathogenesis of the disease. Interferons act directly on skin resident cells and recruit and modulate inflammatory cells, thereby exacerbating psoriatic inflammation. They upregulate the expression of relevant cytokines and chemokines, facilitate excessive proliferation of keratinocytes, and enhance the formation of poorly differentiated dermal microvessels. In this review, we summarized the pathogenic effect of interferons on psoriasis and also discussed the therapeutic strategies targeting interferons.  相似文献   

The type I interferon (IFN) family includes IFN-, IFN-β, IFN-, and IFN-τ. These molecules are clustered according to sequence homologies, use of the same cell surface receptor, and similar functions. IFN- and IFN-β have a globular structure composed of five a-helices. Their receptors, IFNAR1 and IFNAR2, belong to the class II cytokine receptor family for a-helical cytokines. Information about structure-function relationships between these and other IFNs is being provided by comparative sequence analysis, reference to a prototypic three-dimensional structure, analysis with monoclonal antibodies, construction of hybrid molecules and site directed mutagenesis. While much remains to be done, it should someday be possible to understand differences among IFNs in terms of how they interact with their corresponding receptors. Our recently identified IFN-like molecule, limitin, has weak sequence homology to IFN-, IFN-β, and IFN-ω and displays its biological functions through the same IFN-/β receptors. While limitin has antiproliferative, immunomodulatory, and antiviral effects like IFN- and IFN-β, it is unique in lacking influence on myeloid and erythroid progenitors. Further analysis of this functionally unique cytokine should be informative about complex IFN–receptor interactions. Furthermore, a human homologue or synthetic variant might be superior for clinical applications as an IFN without myelosuppressive properties.  相似文献   

Tumours employ a variety of immune-evasion and suppression mechanisms to impair development of functional tumor-specific T cells and subvert T cell-mediated immunity in the tumour microenvironment. Adoptive T cell therapy (ACT) aims to overcome these barriers and overwhelm tumor defenses with a bolus of T cells that were selectively expanded ex vivo. Although this strategy has been effective in liquid tumors and melanomas, many tumors appear to be resistant to ACT. Several factors are thought to play into this resistance, including poor engraftment and persistence of transferred cells, tumour cell heterogeneity and antigen loss, poor immune cell recruitment and infiltration into the tumour, and susceptibility to local immunosuppression in the tumor microenvironment. Oncolytic viruses (OV) have been identified as powerful stimulators of the anti-tumour immune response. As such, OVs are inherently well-positioned to act in synergy with ACT to bolster the anti-tumour T cell response. Further, OV vaccines, wherein tumour-associated antigens are encoded into the viral backbone, have proven to be remarkable in boosting antigen-specific T cell response. Pre-clinical studies have revealed remarkable therapeutic outcomes when OV vaccines are paired with ACT. In this scenario, OV vaccines are thought to function in a “push and pull” manner, where push refers to expanding T cells in the periphery and pull refers to recruiting those cells into the tumour that has been rendered amenable to T cell attack by the actions of the OV. In this review, we discuss barriers that limit eradication of tumors by T cells, highlight attributes of OVs that break down these barriers and present strategies for rational combinations of ACT with OV vaccines.  相似文献   

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