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Given the rapid pace of urbanization, mitigation translocations are increasingly being used to reduce human-wildlife conflicts, especially to move animals out of the path of land development. Burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia) are commonly subjected to translocations because of their association with flat, open lands that are attractive to development. But outcomes of burrowing owl translocations and the effects they have on their demographic parameters are seldom documented. From 2017–2019, we tracked the fates of 42 resident (non-translocated) burrowing owls and 43 translocated owls using very high frequency radio-telemetry across 4 release sites in southcentral Arizona, USA. Translocations were conducted by Wild At Heart (WAH), a non-profit raptor rehabilitation program, and owls were moved from areas with planned development activities to release sites that contained artificial burrows. Each year, WAH held translocated owls in groups of 6–10 owls with varying male to female ratios in aviaries prior to taking the owls to release sites where the owls stayed in soft-release tents for an acclimation period of 30 days before release. Resident owls were located at or near the 4 release sites. We used the joint live encounter and dead recovery model to evaluate differences in survival and fidelity probabilities between resident (non-translocated) and translocated burrowing owls and to assess factors that influenced these probabilities including sex, year, site, captivity duration, and the number of males in release cohorts for translocated owls. Annual survival was consistently lower for translocated owls (0.35, 95% CI = 0.10, 0.61 and 0.01, 95% CI = 0.00, 0.03 for 2017 and 2018, respectively) compared to resident owls (0.68, 95% CI = 0.45, 0.92 and 0.69, 95% CI = 0.47, 0.90 for 2017 and 2018, respectively). Annual fidelity was lower for translocated owls (0.05, 95% CI = 0.00, 0.15) compared to resident owls (0.79, 95% CI = 0.57, 1.00) in 2018, but fidelity did not differ significantly between translocated (0.54, 95% CI = 0.19, 0.89) and resident owls (0.62, 95% CI = 0.37, 0.87) in 2017. For translocated owls, the number of males in release cohorts negatively affected survival (βˆ $\hat{{\rm{\beta }}}$ = −0.74, 95% CI = −1.07, −0.40) and fidelity (βˆ $\hat{{\rm{\beta }}}$ = −0.73, 95% CI = −1.17, −0.29). Our results indicate the need for substantial changes to the current translocation methodology for burrowing owls in Arizona. Breeding season releases that included owl groups and multiple males within cohorts resulted in agonistic interactions, high mortality, and low fidelity. Translocations of this territorial species should be restricted to male-female pairs or single individuals. Earlier releases may allow owls time to become established on release sites prior to the breeding season, which could promote fidelity. We recommend these changes be implemented and evaluated along with an examination of other release methods.  相似文献   

Estimating range-wide population trends of western burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia) requires standardized survey protocols that correct for detection bias in environments that support large owl populations. High concentrations of owls exist in irrigated agroecosystems within the southwest United States, yet little is known about the factors that affect detection bias during owl surveys in these systems. I used closed-population capture-recapture models to evaluate 4 factors that could affect the probability of a surveyor detecting an owl activity center (i.e., nest burrow) during visual surveys where owls are the focal object and analyzed the relationship (linear or curvilinear) between specific factors and detection probability. I recorded 1,199 detections of owls from 132 capture-recapture surveys within 12 sites of the Imperial Valley agroecosystem in California, USA between 16 April and 20 May 2006. I also conducted 96 time budget surveys throughout the day and used mixed linear models to evaluate the effect of each factor on probability of an owl activity center being available for detection (i.e., ≥1 owls above ground) during surveys. Model selection results indicated that detection probability was influenced by ambient air temperature interacting with wind speed. Detection probability followed a curvilinear relationship that resembled bell-shaped curve along a temperature gradient, with the maximum detection probability shifting as a function of wind speed. At low temperatures, detection probability declined with increased wind speed, but this relationship was reversed at high temperatures, producing a 3-dimensional pattern in detection probability characterized by a saddle-shaped hyperbolic paraboloid response surface. The probability of an activity center being available for detection declined curvilinearly with increased temperature and explained 51% of the variation in detection probability. Given the broad range of detection probabilities, correcting visual survey counts for detection bias is necessary for comparing population estimates among regions and through time. Survey designs intended to estimate abundance of owls in southwest agroecosystems should incorporate methods to estimate and correct for variation in detection probability that include measurements of ambient temperature and wind speed for use as covariates. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Unbiased estimates of burrowing owl populations (Athene cunicularia) are essential to achieving diverse management and conservation objectives. We conducted visibility trials and developed logistic regression models to identify and correct for visibility bias associated with single, vehicle-based, visual survey occasions of breeding male owls during daylight hours in an agricultural landscape in California between 30 April and 2 May 2007. Visibility was predicted best by a second-degree polynomial function of time of day and 7 categorical perch types. Probability of being visible was highest in the afternoon, and individuals that flushed, flew, or perched on hay bales were highly visible (>0.85). Visibility was lowest in agricultural fields (<0.46) and nonagricultural vegetation (<0.77). We used the results from this model to compute unbiased maximum likelihood estimates of visibility bias, and combined these with estimated probabilities of availability bias to validate our model by correcting for visibility and availability biases in 4 independent datasets collected during morning hours. Correcting for both biases produced reliable estimates of abundance in all 4 independent validation datasets. We recommend that estimates of burrowing owl abundance from surveys in the southwest United States correct for both visibility and availability biases. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

We analyzed the population dynamics of a burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia) colony at Mineta San Jose International Airport in San Jose, California, USA from 1990–2007. This colony was managed by using artificial burrows to reduce the occurrence of nesting owls along runways and within major airport improvement projects during the study period. We estimated annual reproduction in natural and artificial burrows and age-specific survival rates with mark–recapture techniques, and we estimated the relative contribution of these vital rates to population dynamics using a life table response experiment. The breeding colony showed 2 distinct periods of change: high population growth from 7 nesting pairs in 1991 to 40 pairs in 2002 and population decline to 17 pairs in 2007. Reproduction was highly variable: annual nesting success (pairs that raised ≥1 young) averaged 79% and ranged from 36% to 100%, whereas fecundity averaged 3.36 juveniles/pair and ranged from 1.43 juveniles/pair to 4.54 juveniles/pair. We estimated annual adult survival at 0.710 during the period of colony increase from 1996 to 2001 and 0.465 during decline from 2002 to 2007, but there was no change in annual survival of juveniles between the 2 time periods. Long-term population growth rate (λ) estimated from average vital rates was λa = 1.072 with λi = 1.288 during colony increase and λd = 0.921 (Δλ = 0.368) during decline. A life table response experiment showed that change in adult survival rate during increasing and declining phases explained more than twice the variation in growth rate than other vital rates. Our findings suggest that management and conservation of declining burrowing owl populations should address factors that influence adult survival. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Identifying environmental parameters that influence probability of nest predation is important for developing and implementing effective management strategies for species of conservation concern. We estimated daily nest survival for a migratory population of burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia) breeding in black-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) colonies in Wyoming, USA. We compared estimates based on 3 common approaches: apparent nesting success, Mayfield estimates, and a model-based logistic-exposure approach. We also examined whether 8 intrinsic and extrinsic factors affected daily nest survival in burrowing owls. Positive biases in apparent nest survival were low (3–6%), probably because prior knowledge of nest locations and colonial behavior among nesting pairs facilitated discovery of most nests early in the nesting cycle. Daily nest survival increased as the breeding season progressed, was negatively correlated with ambient temperature, was positively correlated with nest-burrow tunnel length, and decreased as the nesting cycle progressed. Environmental features were similar between failed and successful nests based on 95% confidence intervals, but the seasonal midpoint was earlier for failed nests (31 May) compared to successful nests (15 Jun). The large annual variation in nest survival (a 15.3% increase between 2003 and 2004) accentuates the importance of multiyear studies when estimating reproductive parameters and when examining the factors that affect those parameters. Failure to locate and monitor nests throughout the breeding season may yield biased estimates of nesting success in burrowing owls (and possibly other species), and some of the variation in nesting success among years and across study sites may be explained by annual and spatial variation in ambient temperature. Any management actions that result in fewer prairie dogs, shorter burrow lengths, or earlier nesting may adversely affect reproductive success of burrowing owls.  相似文献   

Monitoring wildlife populations often involves intensive survey efforts to attain reliable estimates of population size. Such efforts can increase disturbance to animals, alter detection, and bias population estimates. Burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia) are declining across western North America, and information on the relative effects of potential survey methods on owl behaviors is needed. We designed a field experiment to compare burrowing owl flight distances, times displaced, and probabilities of being displaced between 4 potential population survey methods (single walking surveyor, single vehicle stop, single vehicle stop with 2 surveyors, and double vehicle stop with 2 surveyors), and an experimental control in the agricultural matrix of Imperial Valley, California. Between 25 April and 1 May 2008, we randomly applied survey methods to 395 adult male owls during daylight hours (0700 hours through 1900 hours). All survey methods increased odds of displacing owls from perches. Survey methods with observers outside the vehicle were 3 times more likely to displace an owl than a single vehicle stop where observers remained inside the vehicle. Owls were displaced farther distances by all survey methods compared to control trials, but distances and time displaced did not differ among survey methods. We recommend that surveys for counting owls during the breeding season in agroecystems like the Imperial Valley where high densities of owls nest primarily along the borders of fields be conducted using single vehicle stops with or without 2 surveyors, depending on conditions for locating owls from roads. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT We tested how repeated use of an infrared video probe influenced burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia) reproduction and recruitment. In 2001, we randomly assigned occupied burrows in Washington State, USA, to one of 2 groups: 1) inspected throughout the breeding season with an infrared video probe (n = 38), or 2) never inspected with a probe (n = 41). We did not detect differences between the 2 groups in nesting success, number of fledglings per nest, natal recruitment, or likelihood of adults returning to the same burrow the following year (2002) or to the study area in a subsequent year (2002–2005).  相似文献   

Abstract: We studied the behavioral effects of necklace-style radiotransmitters on breeding male western burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia hypugaea) in 2 areas of northwestern Texas, USA, in 2004 and 2005. We tested the hypothesis that transmittered owls would spend time interacting with their necklaces and as a result spend less time in vigilance and resting activities than would nontransmittered owls. Nontransmittered owls (n = 6) spent significantly more time being vigilant (P = 0.007) than did transmittered owls (n = 3) in 2004, who spent significant amounts of time interacting with their necklaces. In 2005, behaviors of transmittered owls (n = 8) were significantly different (P < 0.001) from control individuals (n = 4), but behaviors did not vary consistently by treatment period (prenecklace vs. necklace vs. postnecklace periods). Behavioral activity budgets varied considerably among individuals. Although the owls spent a significant amount of time interacting with their necklaces, they appeared to habituate to the presence of the transmitters within a relatively short period (<1week), and necklaces did not affect survivorship or fitness in the short-term.  相似文献   

Abstract: We estimated wind turbines in the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area (APWRA), California, USA, kill >100 burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia hypugaea) annually, or about the same number likely nesting in the APWRA. Turbine-caused mortality was up to 12 times greater in areas of rodent control, where flights close to the rotor plane were disproportionately more common and fatalities twice as frequent as expected. Mortality was highest during January through March. Burrowing owls flew within 50 m of turbines about 10 times longer than expected, and they flew close to wind turbines disproportionately longer within the sparsest turbine fields, by turbines on tubular towers, at the edges of gaps in the turbine row, in canyons, and at lower elevations. They perched, flew close to operating turbine blades, and collided disproportionately more often at turbines with the most cattle dung within 20 m, with the highest densities of ground squirrel (Spermophilus beecheyi) burrow systems within 15 m, and with burrowing owl burrows located within 90 m of turbines. A model of relative collision threat predicted 29% of the 4,074 turbines in our sample to be more dangerous, and these killed 71% of the burrowing owls in our sample. This model can help select the most dangerous turbines for shutdown or relocation. All turbines in the APWRA could be shut down and blades locked during winter, when 35% of the burrowing owls were killed but only 14% of the annual electricity was generated. Terminating rodent control and installing flight diverters at the ends of turbine rows might also reduce burrowing owl mortality, as might replacing turbines with new-generation turbines mounted on taller towers.  相似文献   

Translocation is a vital tool in conservation and recovery programs, and knowledge of factors that determine demographic rates of translocated organisms is important for assessing the efficacy of translocations. Greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) have been the subject of recent translocation efforts because of their declining range and their usefulness as an umbrella species for conservation. Using a long-term data set on sage-grouse in central Washington, USA, we compared movement and demographic rates of translocated and resident birds. Because newly translocated birds experience physiological stress during translocation and are released in unfamiliar habitat, we hypothesized their demographic rates would differ from residents. We analyzed 18 years of radio-tracking data acquired from resident, newly translocated (<1 yr post-translocation; T1), and previously translocated (>1 yr post-translocation; T2) sage-grouse between 1989 and 2017 to estimate movement rates, survival, and productivity. Newly translocated sage-grouse exhibited farther daily movements (0.58 km/day) and smaller 95% home ranges (89 km2) than residents and previously translocated birds. Daily movements and sex influenced survival, but survival did not differ according to residency status. Furthermore, birds that survived to a second year after translocation exhibited shorter daily movements compared to their first year ( = −0.727 ± 0.157 [SE]), which corresponded with increased survival the second year (T1 = 0.526, T2 = 0.610). This decrease in movements and increase in survival the second year was not apparent in the control group of resident birds, indicating a possible behavioral link to survival of newly translocated sage-grouse. Most productivity metrics were similar for translocated and resident birds, except for nest propensity (i.e., nest initiation rate), which was lower for newly translocated birds (35%) compared to residents and previously translocated birds. Our results reveal that translocated sage-grouse exhibit temporary differences in some demographic parameters in their first year, which later align with those of resident birds in subsequent years. Similarities in adult and nest survival according to residency status further suggest that translocation may prove to be a viable tool for restoring and conserving this species. Continued declines in sage-grouse populations in Washington, however, indicate that habitat conversion and fragmentation may be reducing demographic rates of residents and translocated birds, which warrants further study. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Abstract: Concern over the decline of grassland birds has spurred efforts to increase understanding of grassland bird-habitat relationships. Previous studies have suggested that black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) provide important habitat for shortgrass prairie avifauna, such as mountain plover (Charadrius montanus) and western burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia hypugaea), although such studies are lacking in Colorado (USA). We used methods to estimate occupancy (ψ) of mountain plover and burrowing owl on prairie dog colonies and other shortgrass prairie habitats in eastern Colorado. Mountain plover occupancy was higher on prairie dog colonies (ψ = 0.50, 95% CI = 0.36–0.64) than on grassland (ψ = 0.07, 95% CI = 0.03–0.15) and dryland agriculture (ψ = 0.13, 95% CI = 0.07–0.23). Burrowing owl occupancy was higher on active prairie dog colonies (ψ = 0.80, 95% CI = 0.66–0.89) compared with inactive colonies (ψ = 0.23, 95% CI = 0.07–0.53), which in turn was much higher than on grassland (ψ = 0.01, 95% CI = 0.00–0.07) and dryland agriculture (ψ = 0.00, 95% CI ψ 0.00–0.00). Mountain plover occupancy also was positively correlated with increasing amounts of prairie dog colony in the landscape. Burrowing owl occupancy was negatively correlated with increasing amounts of prairie dog colony in the surrounding landscape. Our results suggest that actions to conserve mountain plovers and burrowing owls should incorporate land management to benefit prairie dogs. Because managing for specific colony attributes is difficult, alternative management that promotes heterogeneity may ensure that suitable habitat is available for the guild of grassland inhabitants.  相似文献   

Animals sharing a common habitat can indirectly receive information about their environment by observing information exchanges between other animals, a process known as eavesdropping. Animals that use an auditory alarm calling system are an important indirect information source for eavesdropping individuals in their environments. We investigated whether Western burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia hypugaea) nesting on black‐tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) colonies responded to broadcasts of prairie dog alarm calls. Western burrowing owls are closely associated with black‐tailed prairie dogs in Colorado and neighboring states on the Great Plains of the United States. Prairie dog burrows in active colonies can serve as nesting sites for Western burrowing owls, and prairie dogs may act as an alternative prey source for predators, potentially decreasing the burrowing owls' risk of predation through the dilution effect. Burrowing owls nesting on prairie dog colonies may also eavesdrop on prairie dog alarm calls, enhancing their survival and nesting success on prairie dog colonies. We performed broadcast experiments with three different sounds: a prairie dog alarm call, a biological control (cattle mooing), and a non‐biological control (an airplane engine), and characterized burrowing owl responses as either alert or relaxed. For each sound stimulus, we recorded the time to first alert response to broadcast sounds (latency) and also how frequently the target burrowing owl exhibited an alert response within the first ten seconds of the broadcast (intensity). Burrowing owls reacted more quickly to the prairie dog alarm than to the biological control. They significantly increased the intensity of alert behaviors in response to broadcasts of the alarm, but did not show an increased reaction to either the biological or the non‐biological control. Our results suggest that burrowing owls nesting on prairie dog colonies eavesdrop on, and increase their alert behaviors in response to, prairie dog alarm calls.  相似文献   

In an environment fluctuating in a predicatable manner with wide among-year variation in offspring mortality, fitness is largely influenced by the timing of reproductive investment. In vole-eating nocturnal Tengmalm's owls (Aegolius funereus), within-cycle variation in 1st-year survival of owlets is 3-fold as estimated by the recruitment probability of an offspring. It increases from the peak through the low to the increase phase of the vole cycle. We recorded prey delivery rates of males during a 3-year vole cycle using 4 h continuous recording at night. Males brought significantly more prey items per offspring in a low-vole year than in the increase and peak vole years. In the early night (10 p.m.–12 p.m.), males fed their families equally in the increase and peak vole years, whereas in the late night (0.01–2.00 a.m.) males reduced their feeding rate in the peak year but not in other years. Both prey number and prey mass per offspring were larger in the low and increase vole years than in the peak year, though in the peak phase food is most abundant. We suggest that feeding effort of site-tenacious, long-lived (mean lifespan 3.5 years) male owls culminates in the increase rather than in the peak phase of the vole cycle, because offspring survive better in the former phase.  相似文献   

Abstract: Identifying causes of declines and evaluating effects of management practices on persistence of local populations of burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia) requires accurate estimates of abundance and population trends. Moreover, regulatory agencies in the United States and Canada typically require surveys to detect nest burrows prior to approving developments or other activities in areas that are potentially suitable for nesting burrowing owls. In general, guidelines on timing of surveys have been lacking and surveys have been conducted at different times of day and in different stages of the nesting cycle. We used logistic regression to evaluate 7 factors that could potentially affect probability of a surveyor detecting a burrowing owl nest. We conducted 1,444 detection trials at 323 burrowing owl nests within 3 study areas in Washington and Wyoming, USA, between February and August 2000–2002. Detection probability was highest during the nestling period and increased with ambient temperature. The other 5 factors that we examined (i.e., study area, time of day, timing within the breeding season, wind speed, % cloud cover) interacted with another factor to influence detection probability. Use of call-broadcast surveys increased detection probability, even during daylight hours when we detected >95% of owls visually. Optimal timing of surveys will vary due to differences in breeding phenology and differences in nesting behavior across populations. Nevertheless, we recommend ≥3 surveys per year: one that coincides with the laying and incubation period, another that coincides with the early nestling period, and a third that coincides with the late nestling period. In northern latitudes, surveys can be conducted throughout the day. (JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT 72(3):688–696; 2008)  相似文献   

Abstract In this study, we show that the house mouse (Mus musculus) is the most abundant small mammal in the National Reserve of Lachay in central Peru, and that its large population fluctuations are independent of seasonality. Also, we found that M. musculus is the main small mammal prey of burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia) in Lachay, and that owls respond functionally to mouse abundance. In addition, vegetation cover seems to have a strong effect on small mammal predation by burrowing owls, and possibly other predators such as eagles and foxes. We propose the hypothesis that burrowing owls in arid environments can survive several months eating only arthropods, but that their reproduction is synchronized with a highly nutritious diet, provided by small mammal consumption. The principal prediction of this alternative prey hypothesis is now supported by our data from a tropical ecosystem.  相似文献   

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