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Abstract: An enzymatic assay for choline acetyltrans-ferase was developed by measuring acetyl-coenzyme A (acetyl-CoA) formed from CoASH and acetylcholine (ACh). This method is extremely sensitive and may be applied to the analysis of microgram to nanogram crude samples. The method is, however, not useful when choline acetyltransferase is present in very low concentrations. The basis of this method is to amplify a small amount of synthesized acetyl-CoA in the assay mixture by using an enzymatic amplification reaction, CoA cycling. This amplification mechanism made it possible to perform microassays (13 nl-2.2 μl of assay volume) of freeze-dried sections prepared from cerebral cortex, striatum, and hippocampus of mice and single cell bodies isolated from freeze-dried sections of rabbit spinal cords. These samples were weighed and added directly to the reaction mixture. The activities of the above cerebral regions, assayed with 1,500–2,000-fold amplification, corresponded well to the results previously reported by other workers. The average activity of single anterior horn cells, determined with 64,000–420,000-fold amplification, was 40-fold higher than that of rabbit cerebral cortex, and the specific activities on a dry weight basis were widely distributed among individual neurons. No activity was detected in the noncholinergic dorsal root ganglion cells or in cerebellar cortex.  相似文献   

Due to the high potential of the extrusion technique for pretreatment of lignocellulosic substrates, several attempts have been conducted in previous studies to further increase the subsequent sugar yield from extrusion pretreatment. Examples include application of chemicals along with extrusion, such as alkali-extrusion and ethylene glycol-extrusion, or before extrusion, such as hot water extraction. In this study, a new sequential technique has been developed for pretreatment of corn stover (CS), which utilizes an initial extrusion pretreatment (155?rpm screw speed and temperatures of 90°C, 180°C and 180°C corresponding to feed, barrel and die zones, respectively at a reaction time of 45?C90?s) followed by pretreatment with polyethylene glycol 6,000 (PEG). In order to fully characterize the response for sugar yield over the range of surfactant treatment conditions assessed, response surface methodology was used. Treatment temperature, incubation time and PEG concentration were varied between 45?C55°C, 1?C4?h, 0.15?C0.6?g PEG/g glucan, respectively. Statistical analysis was conducted by fitting the glucose and xylose yields to a quadratic polynomial model. PEG concentration and temperature were found to be the most significant factors in surfactant pretreatment. The optimum condition resulted in 25.4% and 10.3% increase in glucose and xylose yield, respectively. Using the combination of 10.8?FPU/g glucan of Ctec2 and 0.3?g PEG/g glucan, the glucose yield of extruded CS reached 98%. A yield was 64% resulted from application of similar amounts of Ctec and Htec. Decreased adsorption of enzyme to the lignocellulosic substrate as well as increased enzyme activity and reaction velocity indicated by kinetic parameter evaluation and nitrogen combustion analysis suggested an increased solubilization of cellulase in the presence of PEG. We propose that a non-productive adsorption of enzymes occur during hydrolysis not only due to lignin but also due to crystalline cellulose. Comparison of enzyme adsorptions and increase in sugar yields between Avicel and CS suggests the presence of other potential mechanisms of action for PEG in addition to increase of enzyme solubilization.  相似文献   

Abstract: An existing method for measuring acetylcholine (ACh) and choline (Ch) is shown to be useful formeasuring the turnover rate of ACh in mouse brain. Methl-[3H]Ch is injected into mice. They are killed atdifferent times by microwave irradiation and Ch and AChextracted and separated by reverse-phase HPLC. Ch andACh are converted to hydrogen peroxide by a post-column enzyme reaction. Hydrogen peroxide, which isdirectly related to the tissue content of Ch or ACh, isdetermined electrochemically. The fractions that corre-spond to the detector response for Ch and ACh are col-lected for the measurement of radioactivity. In this wayspecific radioactivities of endogenous Ch and ACh areestimated in the same sample. We used the specific ra-dioactivity values determined by this procedure to esti-mate the turnover of ACh for striatum, cerebral cortex, and hippocampus of the mouse.  相似文献   

An optimal way to design an enzymatic process for the production of betalactam antibiotics based on thermodynamic and kinetic studies is described. The study was performed on model reactions involving synthesis of cephalosporin-acids (cephalotin, cefazolin, cefoxitin) using immobilised cephalosporin-acid synthetase from Escherichia coli as biocatalyst, and aminocephalosporins (cephalexin) using immobilised cells of Xanthomonas rubrilineans containing the aminocephalosporin synthetase. The possibility of direct synthesis of cephalotin and cefoxitin was shown, the main equilibrium parameters were determined and the operation conditions were evaluated. The maximum key amino acid conversion to product of approximately 90% for cefoxitin and cephalotin was achieved using initial concentrations of the corresponding key amino acids of 0.05 &#117 M and, respectively, 2-fold and 4-fold molar excess of the carboxylic acids. Cefazolin and cephalexin production by enzymatic synthesis with using of corresponding biocatalyst with a mechanism of action involving the acylenzyme intermediate was shown possible. The kinetic parameters of the process were estimated and the relationship between the maximum antibiotic yield and the initial concentrations of the substrate and nucleophile in the kinetically controlled synthesis was determined. The technologies for cefazolin and cephalexin enzymatic synthesis were designed and the cefazolin technology was optimised. Maximum yields of cefazolin and cephalexin of more than 90% were predicted by the kinetic model using 4-6-fold molar excess of the acylating agents and maximum yields of approximately 85% were achieved in experiments.  相似文献   

A novel method is proposed to produce hypoallergenic wheat flour suitable for patients allergic to wheat. Wheat flour was mixed with a cellulase solution, and the mixture was incubated at 50°C for 1 h to hydrolyze the carbohydrate allergens. The hydrolysate was further incubated with actinase at 40°C for 1 h while gently stirring to decompose the proteinaceous allergens. The product was evaluated for its allergenicity by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, the results of which suggested negative allergenicity in most cases. The product changed to a batter state that was difficult to process by the usual methods. Gelatinization of the starch in the product and the addition of a surfactant were beneficial for food processing.  相似文献   

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