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Questions: What is the relative role of the bud bank, seed and various species traits in the regeneration of urban plant communities after severe disturbances? Do invasive and exotic species, highly abundant in disturbed communities, regenerate better than native species after disturbance? Methods: Hand tilling was applied to three urban plant communities with and without additional herbicide treatment to exclude regeneration from the bud bank. Plant traits were determined from the literature and databases. Species responses to the treatments were evaluated with RDA analyses in CANOCO. Linear models were applied to identify traits that could predict the responses of species to disturbance. Results: The bud bank played a key role in regeneration in the plots without herbicide. In the plots with herbicide treatment, the seed bank was important in re‐establishing vegetation after disturbance. Exclusion of the bud bank by using herbicide allowed the establishment of small annuals, whereas biennials and perennials were successful in plots where the bud bank was not inhibited by herbicide. Exotic species with a long residence time in the local flora were successful in plots where regeneration from the bud bank was excluded, whereas species with short residence times or that were invasive were suppressed by both types of disturbance. Conclusion: In response to various types of disturbance, species with different regeneration strategies (either seeds or bud bank) were promoted. Exotic species were suppressed primarily by disturbance, which suggests that factors other than just regenerative capability contributed to the high abundance of exotics in urban communities.  相似文献   

Invasions by alien plants significantly affect native biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. We conducted a 5-year field experiment to investigate potential effects of the annual invasive plant Impatiens glandulifera on both the native above-ground vegetation and the soil seed bank in a deciduous forest in Switzerland. Eight years after the establishment of I. glandulifera, we set up plots in patches invaded by the alien plant, in plots from which the invasive plant had been manually removed and in plots which were not yet colonized by the invasive plant. We examined plant species richness, diversity and plant species composition in the above-ground vegetation and soil seed bank in all plots one year and five years after the initiation of the experiment. The 36 plots (3 plot types × 6 replicates × 2 sites) were equally distributed over two forest sites. Neither the native above-ground vegetation nor the soil seed bank was influenced by the presence of I. glandulifera one year after the start of the field experiment. After five years, however, plant species richness of both the above-ground vegetation and the soil seed bank was reduced by 25% and 30%, respectively, in plots invaded by the alien plant compared to plots from which I. glandulifera had been removed or uninvaded plots. Furthermore, plots invaded by the alien plant had a lower total seedling density (reduction by 60%) and an altered plant species composition in the soil seed bank compared to control plots. Our field experiment indicates that negative effects of the annual invasive plant on the native above-ground vegetation and soil seed bank of deciduous forests become visible with a delay of several years.  相似文献   

Invasive plants, such as Phragmites australis, can profoundly affect channel environments of large rivers by stabilizing sediments and altering water flows. Invasive plant removal is considered necessary where restoration of dynamic channels is needed to provide critical habitat for species of conservation concern. However, these programs are widely reported to be inefficient. Post-control reinvasion is frequent, suggesting increased attention is needed to prevent seed regeneration. To develop more effective responses to this invader in the Central Platte River (Nebraska, USA), we investigated several aspects of Phragmites seed ecology potentially linked to post-control reinvasion, in comparison to other common species: extent of viable seed production, importance of water transport, and regeneration responses to hydrology. We observed that although Phragmites seed does not mature until very late in the ice-free season, populations produce significant amounts of viable seed (>50 % of filled seed). Most seed transported via water in the Platte River are invasive perennial species, although Phragmites abundances are much lower than species such as Lythrum salicaria, Cyperus esculentus and Phalaris arundinacea. Seed regeneration of Phragmites varies greatly depending on hydrology, especially timing of water level changes. Flood events coinciding with the beginning of seedling emergence reduced establishment by as much as 59 % compared to flood events that occurred a few weeks later. Results of these investigations suggest that prevention of seed set (i.e., by removal of flowering culms) should be a priority in vegetation stands not being treated annually. After seeds are in the seedbank, preventing reinvasion using prescribed flooding has a low chance of success given that Phragmites can regenerate in a wide variety of hydrologic microsites.  相似文献   

Losses of grasslands have been largely attributed to widespread land-use changes, such as conversion to row-crop agriculture. The remaining tallgrass prairie faces further losses due to biological invasions by non-native plant species, often with resultant ecosystem degradation. Of critical concern for conservation, restoration of native grasslands has been met with little success following eradication of non-native plants. In addition to the direct and indirect effects of non-native invasive plants on beneficial soil microbes, management practices targeting invasive species may also negatively affect subsequent restoration efforts. To assess mechanisms limiting germination and survival of native species and to improve native species establishment, we established six replicate plots of each of the following four treatments: (1) inoculated with freshly collected prairie soil with native seeds; (2) inoculated with steam-pasteurized soil with native seeds; (3) noninoculated with native seeds; or (4) noninoculated/nonseeded control. Inoculation with whole soil did not improve seed germination; however, addition of whole soil significantly improved native species survival, compared to pasteurized soil or noninoculated treatments. Inoculation with whole soil significantly decreased reestablishment of non-native invasive Bothriochloa bladhii (Caucasian bluestem); at the end of the growing season, plots receiving whole soil consisted of approximately 30% B. bladhii cover, compared to approximately 80% in plots receiving no soil inoculum. Our results suggest invasion and eradication efforts negatively affect arbuscular mycorrhizal hyphal and spore abundances and soil aggregate stability, and inoculation with locally adapted soil microbial communities can improve metrics of restoration success, including plant species richness and diversity, while decreasing reinvasion by non-native species.  相似文献   

Aims In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in the impact of invasive alien plant species on the soil seed bank. Soil seed banks play an important role in determining the composition and dynamics of the vegetation through time. Therefore, an ability to form a persistent seed bank and/or a capacity to alter the structure of the seed bank of invaded communities could be important factors in determining the success of many alien plant species. In this study, we report on a detailed assessment of the characteristics of the seed bank community associated with the herbaceous plant invader, Gunnera tinctoria, a newly emerging and potentially globally significant invasive plant species. This species, native to South America, is invasive in a range of wet habitats in Europe, Australasia and the USA.Methods A comprehensive assessment of the seed bank of invaded and comparable uninvaded areas was made at two points in time (May and October), at three sites in western Ireland. The seedling emergence approach was used to assess the structure (diversity, dominance and abundance) of the soil seed bank. Differences between invaded and uninvaded seed bank communities were investigated at the spatial scales of site, plot and depth.Important findings Gunnera tinctoria formed a large persistent seed bank at the study sites. Approximately 30-000 seedlings per square metre emerged from soils collected from invaded areas, of which 30% were found in deep soil layers. Seedlings of this invader represented 53–86% of the total number of seedlings associated with invaded areas. Both the transient and the more persistent component of the seed bank of invaded communities were significantly less diverse and abundant than those of uninvaded areas, and were characterized by higher dominance, even when seedlings of the invader were not included in the analysis. The seed bank of invaded areas was largely composed of seeds of agricultural weeds in addition to those of the invader. These results suggest that G. tinctoria has the capacity to profoundly alter the seed bank of invaded communities. These results have direct relevance for the development of control and management strategies, for this and other comparable invasive species, which should account for both quantitative and qualitative alterations in the seed bank community. Our study also suggests that control measures that result in disturbance of areas colonized by G. tinctoria could promote the germination of undesirable weeds.  相似文献   

Abstract. Hawaiian ecosystems are prone to invasion by alien plant species. I compared the seed rain, seed bank, and vegetation of a native Hawaiian forest to examine the potential role that seed ecology plays in allowing alien species to invade native forest. Absolute cover of seed plants in the forest was 126 %, annual seed rain was 5 713 seeds m-2 yr-1, and the mean density of seedlings emerging from the seed bank averaged across four seasons was 1 020/m2. The endemic tree Metrosideros polymorpha was the most abundant species in the vegetation, seed rain and winter seed bank. Overall, native seed plants comprised 95 % of the relative cover in the vegetation and 99 % of the seeds in the seed rain, but alien species comprised 67 % of the seeds in the seed bank. Alien species tended to form persistent seed banks while native species formed transient or pseudo-persistent seed banks. Dominance of the seed bank by alien species with persistent seed banks suggests that aliens are favorably placed to increase in abundance in the vegetation if the forest is disturbed.  相似文献   

Disturbed natural areas frequently experience invasion by introduced plant species that can reduce native biodiversity. Biological control can suppress these introduced species, but without restoration another introduced species can invade. Integration of biological control with concurrent revegetation can both aid in weed reduction via interspecific plant competition and establish a restored native plant community. This 3‐year study investigated an integrated approach to controlling the introduced annual Mile‐a‐minute weed (Persicaria perfoliata [L.] H. Gross [Polygonaceae]) using the biocontrol weevil Rhinoncomimus latipes Korotyaev (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and restoration planting using a native seed mix. A fully factorial design tested weevils and seeding, separately and together, using insecticide to eliminate weevils. The weevils together with the native seed mix reduced P. perfoliata percent cover in 2009 and 2010, and peak seed cluster production in 2010, compared to the insecticide ? no seed control treatment. Persicaria perfoliata final dry biomass was reduced by 75% in 2010 and by 57% in 2011 in the weevils plus seed treatment compared to the control, with weevils having the greatest effect in 2010 and the seed treatment having the greatest impact in 2011. Results suggest an additive effect of biocontrol and seeding in suppressing P. perfoliata. Seeded treatments also developed the highest native plant species richness and diversity, comprised of spontaneous recolonization in addition to species from the seed mix. Results support the use of integrated management of this invasive weed, with suppression through biological control and native revegetation together helping prevent reinvasion while restoring native plant biodiversity.  相似文献   

Much of our current understanding of the impact of invasive species on plant communities is based on patterns occurring in the above-ground vegetation, while only few studies have examined changes in soil seed banks associated with plant invasions, despite their important role as determinants of vegetation dynamics. Here, we reviewed the literature on the impact of plant invasions on the seed bank and we provide a quantitative synthesis using a meta-analysis approach. Specifically, (1) we quantified the impact of 18 invasive alien plants on (i) species richness and (ii) density of the seed banks of invaded communities, based on 58 pair-wise invaded-uninvaded comparisons (cases); we identified (2) the invasive taxa that are responsible for the largest changes in the seed bank; and (3) the habitats where substantial changes occur. Our study showed three major findings: (1) species richness (68% of cases) and density (58% of cases) were significantly lower in native seed banks invaded by alien plants; (2) species richness and density of native and alien species were remarkably lower in seed banks invaded by large, perennial herbs compared to uninvaded sites; and (3) invaded seed banks were often associated with a larger richness and/or abundance of alien species. This study indicates a need for additional seed bank data in invasion ecology to characterize species-specific and habitat-specific impacts of plant invasions, and to determine whether changes in the seed banks of native and alien species are a symptom of environmental degradation prior to a plant invasion or whether they are its direct result. The findings of this study help improve our capacity to predict the long-term implications of plant invasions, including limitations in the recruitment of native species from the seed bank and the potential for secondary invasions by seeds of other alien species.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal by ants is an important ecological process that maintains the structure anddiversity of natural communities, however, it is vulnerable to biological invasions. Argentine ants are one of the worst invasive ant species and cause severe changes in ecosystem processes and native ant biodiversity declines in invaded sites. Here, we studied seed removal by ants combining observations and a cafeteria experiment with seeds of four myrmecochorous plant species (Centaurea sphaerocephala, Rosmarinus officinalis, Silybum marianum, and Ulex australis) in two sites (invaded and uninvaded) located in the Mediterranean Montado ecosystem and classified as High Nature Value farmland (HNV). Significant differences in daily seed removal rates were found between the two study sites. In uninvaded sites, several native ant species were attracted to the seeds, resulting in all seeds being removed rapidly. The majority of seed removal events were carried out by two key seed disperses Pheidole pallidula (71%) and Aphaenogaster iberica (26%) with a clear preference for diaspored with larger and heavier elaiosome (i.e., C. sphaerocephala, S. marianum). By contrast, while the Argentine ant showed some interest (68% of seeds were interacted with), no seed removal events were observed. The extirpation of the local ant fauna by the Argentine ant and its inability to ensure seed dispersal services may lead to the interference and eventually to the collapse of seed dispersal of the four studied myrmecochorous plants in the invaded site in the future. We argue that these discrete but severe consequences of an invasive species on a key ecological process may strongly affect the functioning of the Montado ecosystem.  相似文献   

Mechanical, biological, and chemical attempts to control invasive plants can be expensive, ecologically damaging, and frequently unsuccessful. This study proposes using the intrinsic biological attributes of the threatened plant community by artificially increasing the density of competitive native species to selectively suppress the growth of the invasive. Evidence from agricultural weed control suggests that oversowing infested areas with species with biological traits similar to those of the invasive species not only reduces productivity of the invasive species but also may eliminate environmental damage associated with standard control techniques. Annual bastard cabbage (Rapistrum rugosum), a Eurasian exotic, is an invader of native plant communities in the continental United States. Control with herbicides has been problematic due to high mortality of adjacent native species and subsequent perpetuation of a disturbed state that facilitates further regeneration of R. rugosum from the seed bank. In a randomized field experiment, sowing native Indian blanket (Gaillardia pulchella) over established seedling colonies of R. rugosum resulted in significant reduction of R. rugosum productivity (F= 3.43; p < 0.05). The highest sowing rate of G. pulchella resulted in a 72% reduction in aboveground productivity of R. rugosum that translated to an estimated 83% decrease in seed set, without significant suppression of adjacent native species. It is proposed that enriching threatened or infested plant communities with selected native species with matching phenologies and competitive characteristics has advantages over conventional control methods in that (1) it reduces the threat to nontarget organisms; (2) once installed, the species could self‐regenerate; and (3) it does not perpetuate a disturbed (early‐successional) state that might aggravate the problem. This may serve as an alternative technique to protect and restore native plant communities.  相似文献   

The ability of plant communities to recover after non-native species invasion will depend upon the nature of their soil seed bank and seed rain characteristics. This study assessed changes in the soil seed bank and seed rain associated with the invasion of the non-native shrub Cytisus scoparius in subalpine vegetation. Soil seed bank and seed rain composition, density and richness were investigated at three areas of different stages of invasion: (i) recent (8–10 years), (ii) mature (15–16 years) and (iii) long-term (25 years). There were few changes in seed bank composition or richness regardless of invasion stage. By contrast, the seed rain composition, richness and density was substantially different within long-invaded areas. Very few seeds were able to colonise the dense barrier characteristic of larger, more mature C. scoparius stands. Some prominent herbs from the native vegetation were under-represented or absent from the seed bank, both in invaded and uninvaded areas. Laboratory germination experiments demonstrated that most native species germinate easily, which may imply a transient seed bank, rather than a persistent one. The majority of herbaceous and shrub species were capable of resprouting vegetatively. Therefore, regeneration appeared more reliant on the bud and tuber bank than a persistent soil seed bank. The dominance of graminoid species and C. scoparius rather than other herbaceous, shrub or tree species suggests that the regenerating vegetation will be dominated by grass species and/or C. scoparius. Hence, in areas where long-invaded C.␣scoparius stands are present the recovery of native subalpine vegetation maybe difficult. Recovery may only be possible through wind dispersal from the surrounding intact vegetation or through actively reseeding the area. This study highlights the importance of early intervention in invasive species management.  相似文献   

Invasive plants can impact biodiversity and ecosystem functioning by displacing native plants and crop species due to competition for space, nutrients, water and light. The presence of co-flowering invasives has also been shown to affect some native plants through the reduction in pollinator visitation or through the deposition of heterospecific pollen on the native’s stigmas leading to stigma clogging. We examined the impact of the invasive plant Solanum elaeagnifolium Cavanilles (silver-leafed nightshade), native to South and Central America and South-western parts of North America, on the seed set of the native Glaucium flavum Crantz (yellow-horned poppy) on Lesvos Island, Greece. To do this we measured seed set and visitation rates to G. flavum before and after the placement of potted individuals of the invasive near the native plants. In addition, we hand-crossed G. flavum flowers with super-optimal amounts of conspecific pollen, bagged flowers to measure the rate of spontaneous selfing, and applied self-pollen to measure self-compatibility of G. flavum. The hand-selfing treatment resulted in very low seed set, which indicates that G. flavum is to a large degree self-incompatible and highlights the plant’s need for insect-mediated outcrossing. We show that the presence of the invasive significantly enhanced pollen limitation, although the overall visitation rates were not reduced and that this increase is due to a reduction in honeybee visitation in the presence of the invasive resulting in reduced pollination.  相似文献   

While it is widely accepted that disturbance often promotes the process of plant invasion, few data are available on specific relationships between different types of disturbance and success of plant invaders. Nor is much known about variation in invader behaviour in response to changing composition of the dominant native species in the recipient habitats. In the middle Main valley near Würzburg (Germany), two invasive Brassicaceae forbs, Bunias orientalis and Rorippa austriaca, are frequently associated with a small number of dominant native species in the herbaceous vegetation of productive, disturbed sites. Variation in the relative dominance of these species suggests high variability between sites in the factors influencing the local invasion process. In our study, we examined variation in regeneration mode, type and frequency of disturbance, and native species composition, and considered life history differences between the two invasive species as factors contributing to the distinct dominance patterns. These factors were tested in a controlled field experiment in which individuals of the two invasive species and four native species were grown in mixed stands for almost 3 years. The development of the plants was monitored by cover values and all plants were harvested at the end of the study. All factors investigated contributed considerably to the development of distinct dominance patterns in the species mixtures. Relative to the natives, both invasive species were promoted by regeneration from vegetative fragments as compared to development from sexual offspring. While both invasive species were generally promoted by disturbance relative to the natives, they differed in their response to distinct types of disturbance, and these differences were strongly affected by species composition. Our results indicate that invasion success of R. austriaca may depend more on soil disturbance, soil transport and deposition, while B. orientalis is expected to particularly expand at mown sites that do not have dense cover by meadow grasses. Whether the native resident vegetation is mainly composed of successional competitors that suffer from disturbance or of ruderal competitors that compete early and strongly with the invasive species may be of critical importance for invasion by the two species.  相似文献   

Nico Eisenhauer  Stefan Scheu 《Oikos》2008,117(7):1026-1036
Invasions of natural communities by non‐indigenous species threaten native biodiversity and are currently rated as one of the most important global‐scale environmental problems. The mechanisms that make communities resistant to invasions and drive the establishment success of seedlings are essential both for management and for understanding community assembly and structure. Especially in grasslands, anecic earthworms are known to function as ecosystem engineers, however, their direct effects on plant community composition and on the invasibility of plant communities via plant seed burial, ingestion and digestion are poorly understood. In a greenhouse experiment we investigated the impact of Lumbricus terrestris, plant functional group identity and seed size of plant invader species and plant functional group of the established plant community on the number and biomass of plant invaders. We set up 120 microcosms comprising four plant community treatments, two earthworm treatments and three plant invader treatments containing three seed size classes. Earthworm performance was influenced by an interaction between plant functional group identity of the established plant community and that of invader species. The established plant community and invader seed size affected the number of invader plants significantly, while invader biomass was only affected by the established community. Since earthworm effects on the number and biomass of invader plants varied with seed size and plant functional group identity they probably play a key role in seedling establishment and plant community composition. Seeds and germinating seedlings in earthworm burrows may significantly contribute to earthworm nutrition, but this deserves further attention. Lumbricus terrestris likely behaves like a ‘farmer’ by collecting plant seeds which cannot directly be swallowed or digested. Presumably, these seeds are left in middens and become eatable after partial microbial decay. Increased earthworm numbers in more diverse plant communities likely contribute to the positive relationship between plant species diversity and resistance against invaders.  相似文献   

Increased or fluctuating resources may facilitate opportunities for invasive exotic plants to dominate. This hypothesis does not, however, explain how invasive species succeed in regions characterized by low resource conditions or how these species persist in the lulls between high resource periods. We compare the growth of three co-occurring C4 perennial bunchgrasses under low resource conditions: an exotic grass, Eragrostis curvula (African lovegrass) and two native grasses, Themeda triandra and Eragrostis sororia. We grew each species over 12?weeks under low nutrients and three low water regimes differentiated by timing: continuous, pulsed, and mixed treatments (switched from continuous to pulsed and back to continuous). Over time, we measured germination rates, time to germination (first and second generations), height, root biomass, vegetative biomass, and reproductive biomass. Contrary to our expectations that the pulsed watering regime would favor the invader, water-supply treatments had little significant effect on plant growth. We did find inherent advantages in a suite of early colonization traits that likely favor African lovegrass over the natives including faster germination speed, earlier flowering times, faster growth rates and from 2?weeks onward it was taller. African lovegrass also showed similar growth allocation strategies to the native grasses in terms of biomass levels belowground, but produced more vegetative biomass than kangaroo grass. Overall our results suggest that even under low resource conditions invasive plant species like African lovegrass can grow similarly to native grasses, and for some key colonization traits, like germination rate, perform better than natives.  相似文献   

The spread of exotic, invasive species is a global phenomenon that is recognized as a major source of environmental change. Although many studies have addressed the effects of exotic plants on the communities they invade, few have quantified the effects of invader removal on plant communities, or considered the degree to which different plant groups vary in response to invasion and invader removal. We evaluated the effects of an exotic succulent, iceplant (Carpobrotus edulis), on a coastal dune plant community in northern California, as well as the community responses to its removal. To assess possible mechanisms by which iceplant affects other plants, we also evaluated its above- and belowground influences on the germination and growth of a dominant exotic annual grass, Bromus diandrus. We found that iceplant invasion was associated with reduced native plant cover as well as increased cover and density of some exotic plants—especially exotic annual grasses. However, iceplant removal did not necessarily lead to a reversal of these effects: removal increased the cover and density of both native and exotic species. We also found that B. diandrus grown in iceplant patches, or in soil where iceplant had been removed, had poorer germination and growth than B. diandrus grown in soil not influenced by iceplant. This suggests that the influence of iceplant on this dune plant community occurs, at least in part, due to belowground effects, and that these effects remain after iceplant has been removed. Our study demonstrates the importance of considering how exotic invasive plants affect not only native species, but also co-occurring exotic taxa. It also shows that combining observational studies with removal experiments can lead to important insights into the influence of invaders and the mechanisms of their effects.  相似文献   

Seed predation can structure plant communities by imposing strong population controls on some species but not others. In this context, studies from various ecosystems report that native granivores selectively forage for seeds from native species over seeds from exotic invaders, which could disproportionately favor the establishment of invaders and facilitate their dominance in communities. However, few studies have connected selective foraging for native seeds to differential patterns of establishment among native and invasive species. Thus, the extent to which preferential foraging for native seeds favors the establishment of invasive plants is unclear. Here, we used experimental seed additions and exclosure treatments at five field sites distributed across?≈?80,000 km2 of the Great Basin Desert, USA to compare the effects of rodent foraging on the establishment of less-preferred cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum—an annual species native to Eurasia that is exotic and highly invasive across the Great Basin) and four species of more-preferred native grasses that commonly co-occur with cheatgrass. Rodent foraging reduced the establishment of each native species by at least 80% but had no effect on the establishment of cheatgrass, and this finding was consistent across study sites. Our results suggest that selective foraging for native species may favor the establishment of cheatgrass over native grasses, potentially exacerbating one of the most extensive plant invasions in North America.  相似文献   

Invasive species alter ecosystem structure, impact biodiversity, and have significant economic costs. In Oregon's Willamette Valley, invasive grasses Arrhenatherum elatius and Schedonorus arundinaceus alter the dynamics of the phenologically paired interaction between an endangered butterfly, Icaricia icarioides fenderi (Fender's blue), and its larval host plant, Lupinus oreganus (Kincaid's lupine). To test methods to restore this interaction, we established a 3‐year experiment where a post‐emergent grass‐specific herbicide, fluazifop‐p‐butyl, was applied to Fender's blue habitat. Plant community data were recorded throughout the growing season at eight paired plots for 1 year prior to treatment and 3 years during treatment. We asked whether annual application of herbicide could reduce the height of invasive grasses to levels at or beneath the height of Kincaid's lupine racemes throughout the Fender's blue flight season. We hypothesized that native forb species, which are critical nectar sources for Fender's blue, would increase in cover and frequency following the release from competitive dominance of invasive grasses. Grass‐specific herbicide reduced grass height during the flight season of Fender's blue, but with several costs. We found no change in nectar and a suppression of lupine growth in plots in response to experimental herbicide treatment. Each study site had multiple secondary invaders; the long‐term impact of these new invaders is unknown. We suggest that herbicide application results in a net negative effect in the context of Fender's blue habitat restoration. That is, the costs to primary resources for Fender's blue and the influx of secondary invaders may be as problematic as the primary invasion by non‐native grasses.  相似文献   

Invasive plants can reduce plant diversity and abundance in native grassland communities; however, the effect on the native seed bank is less clear. The objective of this study was to assess the effects of invasion by the exotic grass old world bluestem (OWB; Bothriochloa spp.) on native aboveground plant species composition and seed bank diversity and abundance (i.e., cover, density). In this central Great Plains grassland, OWB invasion had differential effects on native diversity and abundance of both aboveground and seed bank plant communities. Native plant species diversity and cover showed a steep decline as OWB cover increased. No change in native seed density or richness was observed in response to OWB invasion, however, OWB seed density increased with increasing invasion, thus increasing total seed density. Our results indicate that as OWB invasion increases, the native plant community decreases in diversity and abundance. Although, no effect on native seed bank diversity and density was observed in this study, as native seeds are lost through a loss of native species in the plant communities, native seed bank diversity and density is expected to decline.  相似文献   

To answer the long‐standing question if we can predict plant invader success based on characteristics of the environment (invasibility) or the invasive species (invasiveness), or the combination of both, there is a need for detailed observational studies in which habitat properties, non‐native plant traits, and the resulting invader success are locally measured. In this study, we assess the interaction of gradients in the environmental and trait space on non‐native species fitness, expressed as seed production, for a set of 10 invasive and noninvasive non‐native species along a wide range of invaded sites in Flanders. In our multidimensional approach, most of the single environmental gradients (temperature, light availability, native plant species diversity, and soil fertility) and sets of non‐native plant traits (plant size, photosynthesis, and foliar chemical attributes) related positively with invader seed production. Yet correlation with seed production was much stronger when several environmental gradients were assessed in interaction, and even more so when we combined plant traits and habitat properties. The latter increased explanatory power of the models on average by 25% for invasive and by 7% for noninvasive species. Additionally, we report a 70‐fold higher seed production in invasive than in noninvasive species and fundamentally different correlations of seed production with plant traits and habitat properties in noninvasive versus invasive species. We conclude that locally measured traits and properties deserve much more attention than they currently get in invasion literature and thus encourage further studies combining this level of detail with the generality of a multiregion and multispecies approach across different stages of invasion.  相似文献   

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