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Measures of energy expenditure can be used to inform animal conservation and management, but methods for measuring the energy expenditure of free‐ranging animals have a variety of limitations. Advancements in biologging technologies have enabled the use of dynamic body acceleration derived from accelerometers as a proxy for energy expenditure. Although dynamic body acceleration has been shown to strongly correlate with oxygen consumption in captive animals, it has been validated in only a few studies on free‐ranging animals. Here, we use relationships between oxygen consumption and overall dynamic body acceleration in resting and walking polar bears Ursus maritimus and published values for the costs of swimming in polar bears to estimate the total energy expenditure of 6 free‐ranging polar bears that were primarily using the sea ice of the Beaufort Sea. Energetic models based on accelerometry were compared to models of energy expenditure on the same individuals derived from doubly labeled water methods. Accelerometer‐based estimates of energy expenditure on average predicted total energy expenditure to be 30% less than estimates derived from doubly labeled water. Nevertheless, accelerometer‐based measures of energy expenditure strongly correlated (r2 = 0.70) with measures derived from doubly labeled water. Our findings highlight the strengths and limitations in dynamic body acceleration as a measure of total energy expenditure while also further supporting its use as a proxy for instantaneous, detailed energy expenditure in free‐ranging animals.  相似文献   

Development of efficient techniques for monitoring wildlife is a priority in the Arctic, where the impacts of climate change are acute and remoteness and logistical constraints hinder access. We evaluated high resolution satellite imagery as a tool to track the distribution and abundance of polar bears. We examined satellite images of a small island in Foxe Basin, Canada, occupied by a high density of bears during the summer ice-free season. Bears were distinguished from other light-colored spots by comparing images collected on different dates. A sample of ground-truthed points demonstrated that we accurately classified bears. Independent observers reviewed images and a population estimate was obtained using mark–recapture models. This estimate (: 94; 95% Confidence Interval: 92–105) was remarkably similar to an abundance estimate derived from a line transect aerial survey conducted a few days earlier (: 102; 95% CI: 69–152). Our findings suggest that satellite imagery is a promising tool for monitoring polar bears on land, with implications for use with other Arctic wildlife. Large scale applications may require development of automated detection processes to expedite review and analysis. Future research should assess the utility of multi-spectral imagery and examine sites with different environmental characteristics.  相似文献   

Infrared (IR) thermal imaging has become an increasingly popular tool to measure body temperature of animals. The high-resolution data it provides with short lag and minimum disturbance makes it an appealing tool when studying reptile thermal ecology. However, due to the common phenomenon of regional heterothermy and surface-to-core temperature gradients, it is essential to select the appropriate body part to measure and provide calibrations to accurately infer internal body temperatures. This work follows from a previous study on lacertid lizards to assess the reliability of thermography-measured body temperatures, from several body locations, as a proxy for internal body temperature in lizards. This study focuses on the Moorish gecko, Tarentola mauritanica, due to its distant phylogenetic relationship and its different ecology and morphology from the previously tested species. A total of 60 adult geckos of both sexes and of a range of sizes were tested in thermal gradients and subjected to a sequence of randomly assorted treatments of heating and cooling. The temperatures of the animals were periodically measured with a thermal camera at six different body parts and, immediately after, the cloacal temperature was then measured with a thermocouple probe. Body parts’ temperatures, obtained thermographically, were regressed against cloacal temperature using OLS regression and the pairwise correlations were tested using Spearman coefficients. Relationships among all body parts and between all body parts and the cloaca were strong in all cases (R2 > 0.87, Spearman Correlation > 0.95). The observed pattern was very similar to those previously obtained from lacertid lizards. Ultimately, the eye proved to provide the best overall proxy for internal temperature, when accounting for both the slope and intercept of the regression. Hence, this study provides further support for the establishment of the eye as the standard location to infer internal body temperatures of lizards through thermography.  相似文献   

Recent reductions in thickness and extent have increased drift rates of Arctic sea ice. Increased ice drift could significantly affect the movements and the energy balance of polar bears (Ursus maritimus) which forage, nearly exclusively, on this substrate. We used radio‐tracking and ice drift data to quantify the influence of increased drift on bear movements, and we modeled the consequences for energy demands of adult females in the Beaufort and Chukchi seas during two periods with different sea ice characteristics. Westward and northward drift of the sea ice used by polar bears in both regions increased between 1987–1998 and 1999–2013. To remain within their home ranges, polar bears responded to the higher westward ice drift with greater eastward movements, while their movements north in the spring and south in fall were frequently aided by ice motion. To compensate for more rapid westward ice drift in recent years, polar bears covered greater daily distances either by increasing their time spent active (7.6%–9.6%) or by increasing their travel speed (8.5%–8.9%). This increased their calculated annual energy expenditure by 1.8%–3.6% (depending on region and reproductive status), a cost that could be met by capturing an additional 1–3 seals/year. Polar bears selected similar habitats in both periods, indicating that faster drift did not alter habitat preferences. Compounding reduced foraging opportunities that result from habitat loss; changes in ice drift, and associated activity increases, likely exacerbate the physiological stress experienced by polar bears in a warming Arctic.  相似文献   

Polar bears are heavily dependent on sea ice for hunting sufficient prey to meet their energetic needs. When the bears are left fasting, it may cause a rise in the levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol is the major corticosteroid hormone in most mammals, including polar bears. Production and regulation of this stress hormone are vital for the body as it is part of a myriad of processes, including in relation to metabolism, growth, development, reproduction, and immune function. In the present study, we examined the correlation between East Greenland polar bear hair cortisol concentration (HCC), a matrix that reflects longer-term hormone levels, and the fluctuations of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index, a large-scale climate phenomenon applied as a proxy for sea ice extent in the Greenland Sea along the coast of East Greenland. In doing so, a significant positive correlation (r = 0.88; p = 0.0004) was found between polar bear hair cortisol and the NAO, explaining 77 % of the variation in HCC observed between years over the period 1989–2009. This result indicates that interannual fluctuations in climate and ice cover have a substantial influence on longer-term cortisol levels in East Greenland polar bears. Further research into the implications and consequences inherent in this correlation are recommended, preferably across multiple polar bear populations.  相似文献   

Remote sensing can be a valuable alternative or complement to traditional techniques for monitoring wildlife populations, but often entails operational bottlenecks at the image analysis stage. For example, photographic aerial surveys have several advantages over surveys employing airborne observers or other more intrusive monitoring techniques, but produce onerous amounts of imagery for manual analysis when conducted across vast areas, such as the Arctic. Deep learning algorithms, chiefly convolutional neural networks (CNNs), have shown promise for automatically detecting wildlife in large and/or complex image sets. But for sparsely distributed species, such as polar bears (Ursus maritimus), there may not be sufficient known instances of the animals in an image set to train a CNN. We investigated the feasibility of instead providing ‘synthesized’ training data to a CNN to detect polar bears throughout large volumes of aerial imagery from a survey of the Baffin Bay subpopulation. We harvested 534 miscellaneous images of polar bears from the Web that we edited to more closely resemble 21 known images of bears from the aerial survey that were solely used for validation. We combined the Web images of polar bears with 6292 random background images from the aerial survey to train a CNN (ResNet-50), which subsequently correctly classified 20/21 (95%) bear images from the survey and 1172/1179 (99.4%) random background validation images. Given that even a small background misclassification rate could produce multitudinous false positives over many thousands of photos, we describe a potential workflow to efficiently screen out erroneous detections. We also discuss potential avenues to improve CNN accuracy, and the broader applicability of our approach to other image-based wildlife monitoring scenarios. Our results demonstrate the feasibility of using miscellaneously sourced images of animals to train deep neural networks for specific wildlife detection tasks.  相似文献   

Climate change is predicted to expand the ice-free season in western Hudson Bay and when it grows to 180 days, 28–48% of adult male polar bears are projected to starve unless nutritional deficits can be offset by foods consumed on land. We updated a dynamic energy budget model developed by Molnar et al. to allow influx of additional energy from novel terrestrial foods (lesser snow geese, eggs, caribou) that polar bears currently consume as part of a mixed diet while on land. We calculated the units of each prey, alone and in combination, needed to alleviate these lethal energy deficits under conditions of resting or limited movement (2 km d-1) prior to starvation. We further considered the total energy available from each sex and age class of each animal prey over the period they would overlap land-bound polar bears and calculated the maximum number of starving adult males that could be sustained on each food during the ice-free season. Our results suggest that the net energy from land-based food, after subtracting costs of limited movement to obtain it, could eliminate all projected nutritional deficits of starving adult male polar bears and likely other demographic groups as well. The hunting tactics employed, success rates as well as behavior and abundance of each prey will determine the realized energetic values for individual polar bears. Although climate change may cause a phenological mismatch between polar bears and their historical ice-based prey, it may simultaneously yield a new match with certain land-based foods. If polar bears can transition their foraging behavior to effectively exploit these resources, predictions for starvation-related mortality may be overestimated for western Hudson Bay. We also discuss potential complications with stable-carbon isotope studies to evaluate utilization of land-based foods by polar bears including metabolic effects of capture-related stress and consuming a mixed diet.  相似文献   

Open-flow respirometry is a common method to measure oxygen-uptake as a proxy of energy expenditure of organisms in real-time. Although most often used in the laboratory it has seen increasing application under field conditions. Air is drawn or pushed through a metabolic chamber or the nest with the animal, and the O2 depletion and/or CO2 accumulation in the air is analysed to calculate metabolic rate and energy expenditure. Under field conditions, animals are often measured within the microclimate of their nest and in contrast to laboratory work, the temperature of the air entering the nest cannot be controlled. Thus, the aim of our study was to determine the explanatory power of respirometry in a set-up mimicking field conditions. We measured O2 consumption of 14 laboratory mice (Mus musculus) using three different flow rates [50 L*h−1 (834 mL*min−1), 60 L*h−1 (1000 mL*min−1) and 70 L*h−1 (1167 mL*min−1)] and two different temperatures of the inflowing air; either the same as the temperature inside the metabolic chamber (no temperature differential; 20 °C), or cooler (temperature differential of 10 °C). Our results show that the energy expenditure of the mice did not change significantly in relation to a cooler airflow, nor was it affected by different flow rates, despite a slight, but significant decrease of about 1.5 °C in chamber temperature with the cooler airflow. Our study emphasises the validity of the results obtained by open-flow respirometry when investigating energy budgets and physiological responses of animals to ambient conditions. Nevertheless, subtle changes in chamber temperature in response to changes in the temperature and flow rate of the air pulled or pushed through the system were detectable. Thus, constant airflow during open-flow respirometry and consequent changes in nest/chamber temperature should be measured.  相似文献   

Many wildlife species are live captured, sampled, and released; for polar bears (Ursus maritimus) capture often requires chemical immobilization via helicopter darting. Polar bears reduce their activity for approximately 4 days after capture, likely reflecting stress recovery. To better understand this stress, we quantified polar bear activity (via collar-mounted accelerometers) and body temperature (via loggers in the body core [Tabd] and periphery [Tper]) during 2–6 months of natural behavior, and during helicopter recapture and immobilization. Recapture induced bouts of peak activity higher than those that occurred during natural behavior for 2 of 5 bears, greater peak Tper for 3 of 6 bears, and greater peak Tabd for 1 of 6 bears. High body temperature (>39.0°C) occurred in Tper for 3 of 6 individuals during recapture and 6 of 6 individuals during natural behavior, and in Tabd for 2 of 6 individuals during recapture and 3 of 6 individuals during natural behavior. Measurements of Tabd and Tper correlated with rectal temperatures measured after immobilization, supporting the use of rectal temperatures for monitoring bear response to capture. Using a larger dataset (n = 66 captures), modeling of blood biochemistry revealed that maximum ambient temperature during recapture was associated with a stress leukogram (7–26% decline in percent lymphocytes, 12–21% increase in percent neutrophils) and maximum duration of helicopter operations had a similar but smaller effect. We conclude that polar bear activity and body temperature during helicopter capture are similar to that which occurs during the most intense events of natural behavior; high body temperature, especially in warm capture conditions, is a key concern; additional study of stress leukograms in polar bears is needed; and additional data collection regarding capture operations would be useful.  相似文献   

River floodplains are composed of a shifting mosaic of aquatic and terrestrial habitats. Each habitat type exhibits distinct environmental and ecological properties. Temperature is a key property driving ecological processes and controlling the composition and distribution of biota. However, given the size and complexity of floodplains, ground surveys based on point measurements are spatially limited. In this study, we applied thermal infrared (IR) imagery to quantify surface temperature patterns at 12–15 min intervals over 24 h cycles in two near-natural Alpine river floodplains (Roseg, Tagliamento). Furthermore, vertical temperature distribution was measured at 3–5 min intervals in unsaturated gravel sediment deposits (at 1 cm distances; 0–29 cm depth). Each habitat type exhibited a distinct thermal signature creating a complex thermal mosaic. The diel temperature pulse and maximum daily temperature were the main thermal components that differentiated habitat types. In both floodplains, exposed gravel sediments exhibited the highest diel pulse (up to 23°C), whereas in aquatic habitats the pulse was as low as 11°C (main channel in the Roseg floodplain). In the unsaturated gravel sediment deposits, the maximum diel kinetic temperature pulse ranged from 40.4°C (sediment surface) to 2.7°C (29 cm sediment depth). Vertically, the spatiotemporal variation of temperature was about as high as horizontally across the entire floodplain surface. This study emphasized that remotely sensed thermal IR imagery provides a powerful non-invasive method to quantitatively assess thermal heterogeneity of complex aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems at a resolution required to understand ecosystem processes and the distribution of biota.  相似文献   

The polar bear (Ursus maritimus) in most zoos attracts high levels of public attention and can play an important role in conservation education. Polar bears in the wild are typically solitary; bears in captivity often house socially. This study reported behavioral evidence on how bears manage this situation and whether proximity leads to aggression. The study recorded location and behavior once per minute for 106 hr for 2 female polar bears at the Philadelphia Zoo; the samples represented all times of day bears spent in the enclosure (off-exhibit time spent in separate, indoor dens). When changing locations, 1 bear more frequently moved away from the other, effecting a net increase in interindividual distance. When either bear moved into an adjacent zone, 1 typically moved away. The bears occupied the same enclosure zone for a low proportion of time; proximity did not routinely lead to overt aggression. These data indicate polar bears make behavioral decisions, minimizing aggression, to manage social distance and that enclosure designers for solitary species—to facilitate social avoidance—should consider using topographical complexity and multiple pathways throughout.  相似文献   

The polar bear (Ursus maritimus) in most zoos attracts high levels of public attention and can play an important role in conservation education. Polar bears in the wild are typically solitary; bears in captivity often house socially. This study reported behavioral evidence on how bears manage this situation and whether proximity leads to aggression. The study recorded location and behavior once per minute for 106 hr for 2 female polar bears at the Philadelphia Zoo; the samples represented all times of day bears spent in the enclosure (off-exhibit time spent in separate, indoor dens). When changing locations, 1 bear more frequently moved away from the other, effecting a net increase in interindividual distance. When either bear moved into an adjacent zone, 1 typically moved away. The bears occupied the same enclosure zone for a low proportion of time; proximity did not routinely lead to overt aggression. These data indicate polar bears make behavioral decisions, minimizing aggression, to manage social distance and that enclosure designers for solitary species—to facilitate social avoidance—should consider using topographical complexity and multiple pathways throughout.  相似文献   

Phenotypic selection is widely accepted as the primary cause of adaptive evolution in natural populations, but selection on complex functional properties linking physiology, behavior, and morphology has been rarely quantified. In ectotherms, correlational selection on thermal physiology, thermoregulatory behavior, and energy metabolism is of special interest because of their potential coadaptation. We quantified phenotypic selection on thermal sensitivity of locomotor performance (sprint speed), thermal preferences, and resting metabolic rate in captive populations of an ectothermic vertebrate, the common lizard, Zootoca vivipara. No correlational selection between thermal sensitivity of performance, thermoregulatory behavior, and energy metabolism was found. A combination of high body mass and resting metabolic rate was positively correlated with survival and negatively correlated with fecundity. Thus, different mechanisms underlie selection on metabolism in lizards with small body mass than in lizards with high body mass. In addition, lizards that selected the near average preferred body temperature grew faster that their congeners. This is one of the few studies that quantifies significant correlational selection on a proxy of energy expenditure and stabilizing selection on thermoregulatory behavior.  相似文献   

Recent advances in the measurement and theory of “hydration” interactions between biomolecules provide a basis on which to formulate mechanisms of biomolecular recognition. In this paper we have developed a mathematical formalism for analyzing specificity encoded in dynamic distributions of surface polar groups, a formalism that incorporates newly recognized properties of directly measured “hydration” forces. As expected, attraction between surfaces requires complementary patterns of surface polar groups. In contrast to usual expectations, thermal motion can create these complementary surface configurations. We have demonstrated that assembly can occur with an increase in conformational entropy of polar residues. Elevated temperature then facilitates recognition rather than hinders it. This mechanism might underlie some temperature-favored assembly reactions common in biological systems that are usually associated with the “hydrophobic effect” only. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

1. Indirect calorimetry was used to determine metabolic rates in subadult polar bears at rest after human-controlled disturbance and at four rates of locomotion. 2. Disturbance factors that do not result in locomotion would only have a significant effect on energy expenditure if they occurred over an extended period of time. 3. Human disturbance resulting in locomotion would have a relatively high energetic cost to individual animals. 4. Polar bears may require a relatively high energetic output to initiate walking.  相似文献   

As climate change advances the date of spring breakup in Hudson Bay, polar bears are coming ashore earlier. Since they would have lost some of their opportunities to hunt ringed seals from a sea ice platform, they may be deficient in energy. Subadult polar bears appear to come ashore before more mature individuals and the earliest subadults are beginning to overlap the nesting period of the large colony of snow geese also occupying the Cape Churchill Peninsula. The eggs these bears are known to eat could make up some of their energy shortfall. The earlier these eggs are consumed during the snow goose nesting period, the greater would be the energy that is available. Recent studies have shown that the annual survival rate for subadult bears declined in contrast to that of prime aged individuals. If this reduction in survival is related to an increasing energy deficit, as suggested by some, the consumption of goose eggs may reverse the trend and help stabilize the population, at least for some period of time. The total number of polar bears that could benefit from this resource will depend on the increasing temporal overlap with the nesting period and on the foraging behaviors of individuals eating the eggs. It is likely that other food sources will also have to play a role if the polar bears are to persist.  相似文献   

1. Time and energy are key currencies in animal ecology, and judicious management of these is a primary focus for natural selection. At present, however, there are only two main methods for estimation of rate of energy expenditure in the field, heart rate and doubly labelled water, both of which have been used with success; but both also have their limitations. 2. The deployment of data loggers that measure acceleration is emerging as a powerful tool for quantifying the behaviour of free-living animals. Given that animal movement requires the use of energy, the accelerometry technique potentially has application in the quantification of rate of energy expenditure during activity. 3. In the present study, we test the hypothesis that acceleration can serve as a proxy for rate of energy expenditure in free-living animals. We measured rate of energy expenditure as rates of O2 consumption (VO2) and CO2 production (VCO2) in great cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo) at rest and during pedestrian exercise. VO2 and VCO2 were then related to overall dynamic body acceleration (ODBA) measured with an externally attached three-axis accelerometer. 4. Both VO2 and VCO2 were significantly positively associated with ODBA in great cormorants. This suggests that accelerometric measurements of ODBA can be used to estimate VO2 and VCO2 and, with some additional assumptions regarding metabolic substrate use and the energy equivalence of O2 and CO2, that ODBA can be used to estimate the activity specific rate of energy expenditure of free-living cormorants. 5. To verify that the approach identifies expected trends in from situations with variable power requirements, we measured ODBA in free-living imperial cormorants (Phalacrocorax atriceps) during foraging trips. We compared ODBA during return and outward foraging flights, when birds are expected to be laden and not laden with captured fish, respectively. We also examined changes in ODBA during the descent phase of diving, when power requirements are predicted to decrease with depth due to changes in buoyancy associated with compression of plumage and respiratory air. 6. In free-living imperial cormorants, ODBA, and hence estimated VO2, was higher during the return flight of a foraging bout, and decreased with depth during the descent phase of a dive, supporting the use of accelerometry for the determination of activity-specific rate of energy expenditure.  相似文献   

Variations in individual body mass and composition have long been a key focus in the health sciences, particularly now that overweight and obesity are considered as public health problems. We study a mathematical model that describes body mass variations which are determined by the energy balance between caloric intake and total energy expenditure. To calculate the change in caloric intake and energy expenditure over time, we proposed a relationship for each of these quantities, and we used measured values that are reported in the literature for the initial conditions. To account for small variations in the daily energy balance of an individual, we include social interactions as the multiplication of two terms: social proximity and social influence. We observe that social interactions have a considerable effect when the body mass of an individual is quite constant and social interactions take random values. However, when an individual''s mass value changes (either increases or decreases), social interactions do not have a notable effect. In our simulation, we tested two different models that describe the body mass composition, and it resulted that one fits better the data.  相似文献   

We estimated demographic parameters and current harvest risks for a population of polar bears (Ursus maritimus Phipps) inhabiting northern Smith Sound and Kane Basin, Canada and Greenland. Our demographic analysis included a detailed assessment of age- and sex-specific survival and recruitment from 141 marked polar bears, using information contained within the standing age distribution of captures and mark-recapture analysis. Total survival rates for females were: 0.374 ± 0.180 (cubs), 0.686 ± 0.157 (ages 1–4), and 0.967 ± 0.043 (ages 5+). Mean litter size was 1.67 ± 0.08 cubs. Females did not reproduce until at least age 6, which is late compared to other populations of polar bears. The model-averaged, mark–recapture estimate of mean abundance (±1 SE) for years 1994–1997 was 164 ± 35 bears. We incorporated demographic parameters and their variances into a harvest risk analysis (i.e., a stochastic, harvested population viability analysis, PVA). Results suggest that polar bears in the region were severely over-harvested during the mark–recapture interval (1992–1997). The current status of the population is unknown.  相似文献   

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