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社会性昆虫级型和行为分化机制研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张慧  刘倩  黄晓磊 《生物多样性》2021,29(4):507-4231
社会性的出现是生物演化过程中的重要革新, 理解社会性的演化和调控机制具有重要的理论和实际意义。社会性昆虫的个体间有着明显的级型分化和劳动分工, 这有利于它们适应复杂的环境变化。理解社会性昆虫如何产生不同的形态、行为和生活史特性, 一直是进化和发育生物学的重要目标。随着测序技术的不断更新及生物信息学的快速发展, 已经有众多关于社会性昆虫级型和行为分化机制的研究报道。本文通过整理社会性昆虫研究的已有成果, 从环境因素、生理调控和分子机制等方面对社会性昆虫级型和行为分化机制相关研究进展进行了综述, 并对未来的研究方向做出了展望。根据现有证据, 社会性昆虫所生活的生物环境(食物营养、信息素、表皮碳氢化合物)和非生物环境(温度、气候等)均能直接或间接影响社会性昆虫级型和行为的分化; 保幼激素、蜕皮激素、类胰岛素及生物胺等内分泌激素和神经激素对社会性昆虫的级型和行为分化也有重要的调控作用; 此外, 遗传因素、新基因等DNA序列或基因组结构上的变化以及表观遗传修饰、基因的差异表达等基因调控机制均能不同程度地影响社会性昆虫的行为分化。本文建议加强昆虫纲其他社会性类群如半翅目蚜虫和缨翅目蓟马等的社会性行为及其演化机制的研究, 以加深对社会性昆虫起源及其行为演化的理解和认识。  相似文献   

贺丽清  奚耕思 《昆虫知识》2006,43(1):130-134
品级分化是社会性昆虫的主要特征之一,包括雌性分化为生殖个体和非生殖个体,这一分化过程是受基因调控的。目前对社会性昆虫品级分化相关基因表达研究的报道较多,但是对这一分化的调控机制并不十分清楚,对这些基因的来源还存在争议。文章对社会性昆虫品级分化相关基因的研究概况作一综述,以期对以后相关方面的深入研究有所帮助。  相似文献   

The broad limits of mature colony size in social insect species are likely to be set by ecological factors. However, any change in colony size has a number of important social consequences. The most fundamental is a change in the expected reproductive potential of workers. If colony size rises, workers experience a fall in their chances of becoming replacement reproductives and, it is shown, increasing selection for mutual inhibition of one another's reproduction (worker policing). As workers’ reproductive potential falls, the degree of dimorphism between reproductive and worker castes (morphological skew) can rise. This helps explain why small societies have low morphological skew and tend to be simple in organization, whereas large societies have high morphological skew and tend to be complex. The social consequences of change in colony size may also alter colony size itself in a process of positive feedback. For these reasons, small societies should be characterized by intense, direct conflict over reproduction and caste determination. By contrast, conflict in large societies should predominantly be over brood composition, and members of these societies should be relatively compliant to manipulation of their caste. Colony size therefore deserves fuller recognition as a key determinant, along with kin structure, of social complexity, the reproductive potential of helpers, the degree of caste differentiation, and the nature of within-group conflict.  相似文献   

Abstract Termite workers and soldiers differ markedly in their morphology and behaviour. We sought evidence for genetic influences on caste determination in the giant northern termite, Mastotermes darwiniensis , by investigating if workers and soldiers from the same colony differed genetically. The genotypes of 795 termites from 11 distinct colonies were assayed at six polymorphic microsatellite loci. We found that the multilocus genotypes of workers and soldiers from 8 of the 11 colonies did not differ significantly. Thus, the majority of the data provided no evidence for a genetic association with caste in workers and soldiers of M. darwiniensis . However, the genotype frequencies of workers and soldiers from three colonies differed, suggesting that genotype is occasionally associated with caste in this species. The genetic differentiation of castes within these colonies could reflect differences in the propensities of termites with distinct genotypes to develop into particular castes and provide a selective advantage to colonies headed by multiple reproductives.  相似文献   

Caste polymorphism, defined as the presence within a colony of two or more morphologically differentiated individuals of the same sex, is an important character of highly eusocial insects both in the Hymenoptera (ants, bees and wasps) and in the Isoptera (termites), the only two groups in the animal kingdom where highly eusocial species occur. Frequently, caste polymorphism extends beyond mere variations in size (although the extent of variations in size can be in the extreme) and is accompanied by allometric variations in certain body parts. How such polymorphism has evolved and why, in its extreme form, it is essentially restricted to the social insects are questions of obvious interest but without satisfactory answers at the present time. I present a hypothesis entitled ‘genetic release followed by diversifying evolution’, that provides potential answers to these questions. I argue that genetic release followed by diversifying evolution is made possible under a number of circumstances. One of them I propose is when some individuals in a species begin to rely on the indirect component of inclusive fitness while others continue to rely largely on the direct component, as workers and queens in social insects are expected to do. Thus when queens begin to rely on workers for most of the foraging, nest building and brood care, and workers begin to rely increasingly on queens to lay eggs—when queen traits and worker traits do not have to be expressed in the same individual—I postulate the relaxation of stabilizing selection and new spurts of directional selection on both queen-trait genes and worker-trait genes (in contrasting directions) leading to caste polymorphism.  相似文献   

Organisms must make important decisions on how to allocate resources to reproduction. We investigated allocation decisions in the social wasp Vespula maculifrons to understand how social insects make reproductive choices. We first determined how annual colonies apportioned resources to growth and reproduction by analysing developing brood. In contrast to expectations, colonies invested in both growth (workers) and reproduction (males) simultaneously. In addition, colonies showed evidence of producing males in pulses and reversing their reproductive choices by decreasing investment in males late in the season. This reversal is consistent with theory suggesting that colonies decrease production in males if fitness of late emerging males is low. To further investigate reproductive decisions within colonies, we determined if the male mates of multiply-mated queens varied in their reproductive success over time. Sperm use by queens did vary over time suggesting that male success may depend on sperm clumping within the female reproductive tract. Finally, we tested if colony sex ratio conformed to expectations under kin selection theory that nestmate relatedness would positively correlate with investment in new queens if workers controlled sex allocation. Surprisingly, the proportion of queens produced by colonies was negatively correlated with nestmate relatedness, suggesting that allocation may be shaped by advantages arising from increased genetic diversity resulting from multiple mating by queens. Overall, our study suggests that the reproductive decisions of colonies are flexible and may depend both on environmental cues arising from energetic needs of the colony and genetic cues arising from mating behaviours of queens.  相似文献   

Caste polyphenism in social insects provides us with excellent opportunities to examine the plasticity and robustness underlying developmental pathways. Several ant species have evolved unusual castes showing intermediate morphologies between alate queens and wingless workers. In some low-temperature habitats, the ant Myrmecina nipponica produces such intermediate reproductives (i.e. ergatoids), which can mate and store sperm but cannot fly. To gain insight into the developmental and evolutionary aspects associated with ergatoid production, we conducted morphological and histological examinations of the post-embryonic development of compound eyes, gonads and wings during the process of caste differentiation. In compound eyes, both the queen-worker and ergatoid-worker differences were already recognized at the third larval instar. In gonads, queen-worker differentiation began at the larval stage, and ergatoid-worker differentiation began between the prepupal and pupal stages. Wing development in ergatoids was generally similar to that in workers throughout post-embryonic development. Our results showed that the developmental rate and timing of differentiation in body parts differed among castes and among body parts. These differences suggest that the rearrangement of modular body parts by heterochronic developmental regulation is responsible for the origination of novel castes, which are considered to be adaptations to specific ecological niches.  相似文献   

Variation in gene expression leads to phenotypic diversity and plays a central role in caste differentiation of eusocial insect species. In social Hymenoptera, females with the same genetic background can develop into queens or workers, which are characterized by divergent morphologies, behaviours and lifespan. Moreover, many social insects exhibit behaviourally distinct worker castes, such as brood‐tenders and foragers. Researchers have just started to explore which genes are differentially expressed to achieve this remarkable phenotypic plasticity. Although the queen is normally the only reproductive individual in the nest, following her removal, young brood‐tending workers often develop ovaries and start to reproduce. Here, we make use of this ability in the ant Temnothorax longispinosus and compare gene expression patterns in the queens and three worker castes along a reproductive gradient. We found the largest expression differences between the queen and the worker castes (~2500 genes) and the smallest differences between infertile brood‐tenders and foragers (~300 genes). The expression profile of fertile workers is more worker‐like, but to a certain extent intermediate between the queen and the infertile worker castes. In contrast to the queen, a high number of differentially expressed genes in the worker castes are of unknown function, pointing to the derived status of hymenopteran workers within insects.  相似文献   

Evidence has accumulated over several decades to prove the kin selection theory of evolution of social insects, however, proximate mechanisms of social behavior, and/or caste differentiation remain obscure. Genes that regulate these mechanisms are apparently selected through kin selection, and organisms have consequently acquired sociality. Here, I will discuss several studies that were performed recently by Matsumoto Laboratory, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, in various social insects, such as termites and ants, in order to reveal the regulatory mechanisms of social behavior and the evolutionary processes of sociality. First, I will review the foraging behavior of the black marching termite Hospitalitermes medioflavus, where well-organized task allocation among castes is apparent. This suggests that regulation of postembryonic development is important in social behavior. Next, I will summarize recent progress in identifying caste-specific gene expression in the damp-wood termite Hodotermopsis sjostedti. This constitutes the basis for molecular mechanisms of caste differentiation, and moreover, the genes identified might be good markers for social evolution. Finally, the mechanism underlying winglessness in ant workers is reviewed. Apoptotic cell death was detected at the stage of pupation in wingless worker castes. Furthermore, the areas of study recently designated as sociogenomics and ecological developmental biology are discussed.  相似文献   

王雪丽  李珊  吕向阳  邹振 《昆虫学报》2022,65(4):512-521
吸血昆虫是可以传播病原微生物的一类节肢动物,包括蚊虫、白蛉、蠓、猎蝽、跳蚤等。由于其特殊的吸血习性,它们成为了疟疾、登革热、丝虫病、锥虫病等急性传染性疾病的媒介载体。虫媒疾病具有传播速度快、扩散面积广和危害重等特点,不仅严重危害人类健康,还容易造成巨大的经济损失。由于针对虫媒传染病的药物匮乏以及虫媒病原对化学药物抗性的不断增加,阻断吸血昆虫的生殖成为控制虫媒疾病传播的有效措施。保幼激素(juvenile hormone, JH)和20-羟基蜕皮激素(20-hydroxyecdysone, 20E)在昆虫生殖过程中扮演着重要的角色。JH与胞内受体复合物Met/Tai结合后调控JH/Met靶基因表达,进而促进卵黄发生过程,为昆虫之后的吸血及产卵提供了必要条件;20E胞内受体为EcR/USP组成的异源二聚体,两者结合后激活下游基因表达,诱导卵黄原蛋白(vitellogenin, Vg)合成,为发育的卵巢提供营养。营养信号通路(胰岛素信号通路以及氨基酸介导的雷帕霉素靶蛋白信号通路)同样可以激活Vg合成,促进昆虫生殖;此外,营养信号通路与JH和20E之间可以相互作用共同调控吸血昆虫发育和繁殖。碳水化合物代谢以及脂代谢等能量代谢过程是昆虫生殖过程中主要能量来源,可以满足吸血昆虫生殖发育不同阶段极高的能量需求。研究表明,JH和20E信号通路在能量代谢过程中起着重要的调控作用;微小RNA在蚊虫这一类吸血昆虫中被证明与肠道微生物稳态、血液消化以及脂代谢等生理学过程密切相关,进一步影响了蚊虫卵巢发育。近年来,随着分子生物学及测序技术的革新,吸血昆虫生殖调控机制的研究不断取得新的进展。本文主要阐述了吸血昆虫生殖调控的分子机制研究进展,以期为通过调控吸血昆虫生殖的方法以阻断病原传播提供重要线索。  相似文献   

Ant colonies are commonly thought to have a stable and simple family structure, with one or a few egg-laying queens and their worker daughters. However, recent genetic studies reveal that the identity of breeding queens can vary over time within colonies. In several species, some queens are apparently specialized to enter established colonies instead of initiating a new colony on their own. The previously overlooked occurrence of queen turnover within colonies has important consequences not only on the genetic structure and nature of kin conflict within colonies, but also on the evolution of social parasitism.  相似文献   

In Nigeria, reproduction is highly valued, with many people desiring to produce a child ‘in their own image and likeness’. Previously, aspiring parents often resorted to adoption. Today, the availability of assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) has provided options other than adoption for those desiring to procreate. Through ARTs, aspirations for a family may be attained through an exchange of reproductive goods and services, and not necessarily through traditional heterosexual relationships. ARTs have altered the perception of parenthood as it exists in Nigeria, and courts face a difficult task in defining parenthood within Nigerian jurisprudence, as they can only adjudicate based on extant law. Although ARTs provide greater individual choices for fulfilling the desire to procreate, they raise a number of ethical and legal issues that evolving legal systems, such as that in Nigeria, are ill-equipped to manage. This paper describes the traditional assignment of parenthood under indigenous laws and other sources of law within the Nigerian jurisprudence. We carried out an in-depth study of the Nigerian legislative framework and found that there are no laws directly regulating parenthood, procreation and ARTs in Nigeria. We also found that the extant laws are only tangentially related and do not answer the relevant questions sufficiently well, especially concerning succession, nationality and assignment of responsibility in collaborative reproduction. We conclude by highlighting the need for and recommending a regulatory framework on ARTs with a particular focus on providing a definition for parenthood achieved through ARTs in Nigeria.  相似文献   

Social species show considerable variation in the extent to which dominant females suppress subordinate reproduction. Much of this variation may be influenced by the cost of active suppression to dominants, who may be selected to balance the need to maximize the resources available for their own offspring against the costs of interfering with subordinate reproduction. To date, the cost of reproductive suppression has received little attention, despite its potential to influence the outcome of conflict over the distribution of reproduction in social species. Here, we investigate possible costs of reproductive suppression in banded mongooses, where dominant females evict subordinates from their groups, thereby inducing subordinate abortion. We show that evicting subordinate females is associated with substantial costs to dominant females: pups born to females who evicted subordinates while pregnant were lighter than those born after undisturbed gestations; pups whose dependent period was disrupted by an eviction attained a lower weight at independence; and the proportion of a litter that survived to independence was reduced if there was an eviction during the dependent period. To our knowledge, this is the first empirical study indicating a possible cost to dominants in attempting to suppress subordinate breeding, and we argue that much of the variation in reproductive skew both within and between social species may be influenced by adaptive variation in the effort invested in suppression by dominants.  相似文献   

Many organisms exhibit phenotypic plasticity; producing alternate phenotypes depending on the environment. Individuals can be plastic (intragenerational or direct plasticity), wherein individuals of the same genotype produce different phenotypes in response to the environments they experience. Alternatively, an individual's phenotype may be under the control of its parents, usually the mother (transgenerational or indirect plasticity), so that mother's genotype determines the phenotype produced by a given genotype of her offspring. Under what conditions does plasticity evolve to have intragenerational as opposed to transgenerational genetic control? To explore this question, we present a population genetic model for the evolution of transgenerational and intragenerational plasticity. We hypothesize that the capacity for plasticity incurs a fitness cost, which is borne either by the individual developing the plastic phenotype or by its mother. We also hypothesize that individuals are imperfect predictors of future environments and their capacity for plasticity can lead them occasionally to make a low‐fitness phenotype for a particular environment. When the cost, benefit and error parameters are equal, we show that there is no evolutionary advantage to intragenerational over transgenerational plasticity, although the rate of evolution of transgenerational plasticity is half the rate for intragenerational plasticity, as predicted by theory on indirect genetic effects. We find that transgenerational plasticity evolves when mothers are better predictors of future environments than offspring or when the fitness cost of the capacity for plasticity is more readily borne by a mother than by her developing offspring. We discuss different natural systems with either direct intragenerational plasticity or indirect transgenerational plasticity and find a pattern qualitatively in accord with the predictions of our model.  相似文献   

The numerous remarkable traits characterizing the ecology and behavior of callitrichids have inspired considerable research and discussion of the flexible mating system (cases of monogamy, polygyny, and polyandry), cooperative breeding, reproductive inhibition by dominant females, rapid reproductive rate, significance of dietary differences (gum feeding, frugivory, and insectivory), and demographics and social characteristics of the four genera, Cebuella, Callithrix, Saguinus, and Leontopithecus. The majority of functional explanations evaluate costs, benefits, and alternative strategies but do not address the critical selective forces that led to the behaviors in the first place. In this paper, it is argued that Callithrix and Saguinus evolved to occupy a small insectivore/frugivore niche in secondary growth forest patches (gaps arising from tree falls), and other successional forests and edge habitats; that Cebuella evolved to occupy a gum-feeding/insectivore niche in inundated forest; and that Leontopithecus is above all a small animal predator/frugivore and a mature forest genus. The keys to explanations concerning the evolution of the social and reproductive systems of these animals lie in an understanding of the resource base in these different habitats. Finally, it should be remembered that studies of callitrichids have in the main part been carried out in habitats highly altered by human activities (especially the Brazilian Atlantic forest, home to marmosets and lion tamarins) and are not the environments in which their social and breeding behavior evolved. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Although central to understanding life‐history evolution, the relationship between lifetime reproductive success and longevity remains uncertain in many organisms. In social insects, no studies have reported estimates of queens’ lifetime reproductive success and longevity within populations, despite the importance of understanding how sociality and associated within‐group conflict affect life‐history traits. To address this issue, we studied two samples of colonies of the annual bumblebee, Bombus terrestris audax, reared from wild‐caught queens from a single population. In both samples, queens’ lifetime reproductive success, measured as either queens’ inclusive fitness or as total biomass of queen‐produced sexuals (new queens and males), was significantly positively associated with queen longevity, measured from the day the first worker was produced. We suggest that a positive relationship between reproductive success and longevity was inherited from nonsocial ancestors showing parental care and maintained, at least in part, because the presence of workers buffers queens against extrinsic mortality.  相似文献   

The evolution of cooperation requires benefits of group living to exceed costs. Hence, some components of fitness are expected to increase with increasing group size, whereas others may decrease because of competition among group members. The social spiders provide an excellent system to investigate the costs and benefits of group living: they occur in groups of various sizes and individuals are relatively short-lived, therefore life history traits and Lifetime Reproductive Success (LRS) can be estimated as a function of group size. Sociality in spiders has originated repeatedly in phylogenetically distant families and appears to be accompanied by a transition to a system of continuous intra-colony mating and extreme inbreeding. The benefits of group living in such systems should therefore be substantial. We investigated the effect of group size on fitness components of reproduction and survival in the social spider Stegodyphus dumicola in two populations in Namibia. In both populations, the major benefit of group living was improved survival of colonies and late-instar juveniles with increasing colony size. By contrast, female fecundity, female body size and early juvenile survival decreased with increasing group size. Mean individual fitness, estimated as LRS and calculated from five components of reproduction and survival, was maximized for intermediate- to large-sized colonies. Group living in these spiders thus entails a net reproductive cost, presumably because of an increase in intra-colony competition with group size. This cost is traded off against survival benefits at the colony level, which appear to be the major factor favouring group living. In the field, many colonies occur at smaller size than expected from the fitness curve, suggesting ecological or life history constraints on colony persistence which results in a transient population of relatively small colonies.  相似文献   

We used the facultatively social sweat bee Megalopta genalis (Halictidae) to test whether body size is associated with social caste. Behavioral observations showed that non-reproductive foragers were significantly smaller than reproductive nest mate queens, and foragers were also smaller than presumed pre-dispersal reproductives. Moreover, among females from field-collected nests without behavioral observations, relative body size correlated with relative ovary size. Reproductive status is not a direct result of body size, as body size was not significantly associated with either ovary size or fecundity among both solitary and social reproductives. Reproductive status is apparently an outcome of social competition for reproductive dominance, and status is influenced by size relative to nest mates. Our study is the first to demonstrate an association of body size with caste expression in a facultatively social species with relatively weak seasonal constraints on independent nesting. Larvae of a parasitic fly (Fiebrigella sp., Chloropidae) consume pollen provisions stored in nest cells of M. genalis and M. ecuadoria. We tested whether fly parasitism of M. genalis reduces body size. Parasitized females are significantly smaller as adults than their unparasitized nestmates. This reduction is of a similar magnitude to the size differences between castes, and has the potential to shape host reproductive options by influencing competition with nest mates. We present data on the prevalence of parasitism from four collections of M. genalis and two collections of M. ecuadoria from Barro Colorado Island, Panama, and La Selva, Costa Rica.  相似文献   

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