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Jeffrey C. Lewis Kurt J. Jenkins Patricia J. Happe David J. Manson Paul C. Griffin 《The Journal of wildlife management》2022,86(3):e22192
As a vital tool for the conservation of species at risk, translocations are also opportunities to identify factors that influence translocation success. We evaluated factors associated with post-release survival of 90 radio-tracked fishers (Pekania pennanti) translocated from central British Columbia, Canada, to the Olympic Peninsula of Washington, USA, from 2008 to 2011. We hypothesized that the survival of translocated fishers would be affected by the same factors that influence the survival of resident, native fishers (i.e., sex, age, season, body condition), and additional factors that were associated with the translocation process (e.g., duration of captivity, release date, yr of release). Fisher survival was most strongly influenced by translocation year (i.e., release-yr cohort), season, sex, and age class of fisher; whereas duration of captivity, standardized body mass, release date, and number of intact canines did not influence survival. Survival was lowest for fishers released in cohort 2 in 2009 and during the breeding season (Mar–Jun), and was greatest for juveniles and males. When combined across release-year cohorts, year 1 survival rates were greatest for juvenile males followed by juvenile females, adult females, and adult males. Sex and age-related differences in survival of translocated fishers were counter to those commonly reported for established fisher populations, where adult females often have the highest survival rates and juveniles the lowest. Predation (40%) and vehicle strikes (20%) were the most common causes of known mortality among the 24 recovered fishers for which cause of death was determined. We speculate that females face higher risks of mortality in translocated populations because their small size makes them more vulnerable to predation and because adult females in resident populations are less likely than males and juveniles to disperse. Our findings support designing translocations that favor releasing a preponderance of female fishers in recognition of their lower survival rates and to ensure adequate breeders are established in the population, and juvenile and young adult fishers to enhance survival of both sexes. Releases conducted over multiple years will minimize the impact of stochastic annual events that may adversely affect survival in any given year. Persistence, widespread distribution, and documented reproduction of fishers within our study area for ≥6 years following the last releases indicate that survival parameters we measured contributed toward successful population establishment over the short term. 相似文献
Janet E. Greenhorn Jeff Bowman Paul J. Wilson 《The Journal of wildlife management》2018,82(7):1403-1416
Jessica M. Krohner Paul M. Lukacs Robert Inman Joel D. Sauder Justin A. Gude Cory Mosby Jessica A. Coltrane Rebecca A. Mowry Joshua J. Millspaugh 《The Journal of wildlife management》2022,86(2):e22162
Monitoring rare and elusive carnivores is inherently challenging because they often occur at low densities and require more resources to effectively assess status and trend. The fisher (Pekania pennanti) is an elusive mesocarnivore endemic to North America; in its western populations it is classified as a species of greatest conservation need. During winter of 2018–2019, we deployed remotely triggered cameras in randomly selected, spatially balanced 7.5-km × 7.5-km grid cells across a broad study area in western Montana, Idaho, and eastern Washington, USA. As part of this large-scale, multi-state monitoring effort, we conducted an occupancy assessment of the Northern Rocky Mountain fisher population at a range-wide scale. We used non-spatial occupancy models to determine the current extent of fisher occurrence in the Northern Rocky Mountains and to provide baseline occupancy estimates across a broad study area and a refined sampling frame for future monitoring. We used a spatial occupancy model to determine patterns in fisher occurrence across their Northern Rocky Mountain range while explicitly correcting for spatially induced overdispersion. Additionally, we assessed factors that influenced fisher occurrence through covariate occupancy modeling that considered predicted fisher habitat, site-level environmental characteristics, and the influence of available harvest records (incidental and regulated). We detected fishers in 32 out of 318 (10%) of our surveyed cells, and estimated that overall, 160 (14%; 95% CI = 115–218) of 1,143 grid cells were occupied by fishers. Fisher occupancy was positively associated with our stratum that contained cells with a greater proportion of predicted fisher habitat and with proximity to nearest 2000–2015 harvest location. Fisher occupancy was weakly and positively associated with increased canopy cover. Our spatial model identified 2 areas with higher predicted occupancy: a large area across the Idaho Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forest, and a smaller area in the Cabinet Mountain Range crossing the northern border of Idaho and Montana. We used spatial occupancy results from our original sampling frame to create a biologically derived refined sampling frame for future monitoring. Within the bounds of our refined sampling frame, we estimated that 155 (22%; 95% CI = 110–209) of 700 grid cells were occupied by fishers. By incorporating our increasing understanding of fisher habitat with contemporary analytical techniques, we defined current range-wide occupancy of the Northern Rocky Mountain fisher population, identified core areas of fisher occurrence for future conservation efforts, and used our model results to create a refined sampling frame for future fisher monitoring in the Northern Rocky Mountains. 相似文献
Abstract: Fishers (Martes pennanti) have recolonized eastern Ontario, Canada, but little is known about the survival of this harvested population. We estimated fisher survival and cause-specific mortality in Leeds and Grenville County, Ontario, from 2003–2005. The overall 2-year survival rate (95% CI) was 0.35 (0.21-0.56, n = 59). We attributed observed mortality rates mainly to natural causes (28.6%) and nuisance trapping (21.4%). Given reported recruitment rates, our estimated fisher mortality has likely led to population declines in the study area, especially during 2003. Thus, we do not recommend an increase in fisher harvest quotas in the study area at this time. 相似文献
Patricia J. Happe Kurt J. Jenkins Rebecca M. Mccaffery Jeffrey C. Lewis Kristine L. Pilgrim Michael K. Schwartz 《The Journal of wildlife management》2020,84(2):344-358
Monitoring population performance in the years following species reintroductions is key to assessing population restoration success and evaluating assumptions made in planning species restoration programs. From 2008–2010 we translocated 90 fishers (Pekania pennanti) from British Columbia, Canada, to Washington's Olympic Peninsula, USA, providing the opportunity to evaluate modeling assumptions used to identify the most suitable reintroduction areas in Washington and enhance understanding of fisher habitat associations in the late-successional forest ecosystems in the coastal Pacific Northwest. From 2013–2016, we deployed 788 motion-sensing cameras and hair (DNA)-snaring devices distributed among 263 24-km2 primary sampling units across the Olympic Peninsula. Our objectives were to determine whether occupancy patterns of the reestablishing population supported assumptions of the initial habitat assessment models, whether the population had expanded or shifted in distribution since the initial reintroductions, compare physical habitat attributes among land-management designations, and determine whether the founding fishers had successfully reproduced. We predicted that site occupancy by fishers would be associated with landscapes characterized by high proportional coverage of dense forest canopies and medium-sized and large trees, a diversity of stand structural classes, and area near the administrative boundary separating wilderness from more intensively managed forest lands. We detected fishers across designated wilderness, federal lands outside of wilderness, and other land designations in proportion to land availability on the Peninsula. We found negligible support for predictions that occupancy by fishers was associated with percent forest cover, tree-size class, or structural class diversity. Rather, occupancy was strongly associated with lands near the wilderness boundary on both sides. We speculate that the boundary between wilderness and more intensively managed forest lands provided fishers with the most suitable prey in proximity to contiguous expanses of low- to mid-elevation late-successional forests that provided optimal resting, denning, and security values. Occupancy patterns shifted toward the west and south along a precipitation gradient during the study, indicating that population distribution had not yet stabilized 5–8 years following translocation. Genetic results indicated that ≥2 generations of fishers have been produced on the Peninsula. Annual occupancy rates across the Peninsula (0.08–0.24) were lower than in other previously studied and established fisher populations, indicating that not all habitat was fully occupied or that initial estimates of the extent of habitat was overestimated. The strong selection fishers exhibited for wilderness edge and weak selection against extensive forested wilderness areas suggested that habitat managers should strive for maintaining a suitable interspersion of required forest structures and biotic habitat components, such as prey resource availability. © 2019 The Wildlife Society. 相似文献
Keith B. Aubry Catherine M. Raley Patrick G. Cunningham 《The Journal of wildlife management》2018,82(6):1273-1284
Angela K. Fuller Daniel W. Linden J. Andrew Royle 《The Journal of wildlife management》2016,80(5):794-802
Using long‐term mark–resighting data acquired over 27 years in continental France, we estimated demographic parameters and modelled the dynamics of a newly established population of Ospreys Pandion haliaetus using a life‐history model. We then performed prospective and retrospective analyses to estimate the sensitivity of the population growth rate to demographic parameters, and to quantify their contribution to the observed variation in abundance. The observed population growth rate was estimated at 1.150 (from one to 38 pairs in the period 1985–2011), and the stochastic population growth rate was estimated at 1.156. The number of fledglings per nest made the largest contribution to the variance of the observed population growth rate. Breeding productivity was stable across years. In contrast, the prospective analysis indicated that the sensitivity of the population growth rate was greatest for immigration and adult survival. Our results suggest that the increase of a new and recently established breeding population of Ospreys was mainly driven by local dynamics (high productivity and high proportion of breeding individuals), with no sign of density‐dependence except for juvenile survival. This probably reflects highly favourable conditions for breeding. Our results show that productivity can be a major driver in recovering raptor populations, and conservation work should aim to protect occupied nest‐sites and their surrounding habitat and to maintain highly favourable foraging areas in the vicinity of breeding sites. 相似文献
Fishers are mid-sized forest carnivores indigenous to North America that experienced sharp population declines from the early 1800s through to the mid-1900s. To evaluate levels of genetic variation within and subdivision among northern fisher populations 459 individuals were genotyped using 13 microsatellite loci. Genetic diversity was found to be slightly lower in re-introduced populations than in adjacent indigenous populations. Furthermore, fisher populations revealed much more genetic structuring than two closely related mustelids. Further investigation is needed to determine if fishers are more philopatric than martens and wolverines or if barriers to dispersal explain the levels of structure identified in this study. 相似文献
ABSTRACT To better understand distribution and density of fishers (Martes pennanti) in industrial forests of north-central British Columbia, Canada, we examined factors affecting the probability of a potential home range being occupied by 10 radiotagged resident fishers in the Sub-Boreal Spruce biogeoclimatic zone between 1996 and 2000. Percentage of a home range in wetlands and recently logged (within past 12 yr) best predicted likelihood of occupancy by each fisher. Probability of a home range area being occupied by a resident fisher decreased with increasing amounts of wetlands and recent logging present in the area. We estimated that a 5% increase in wetlands or recent logging decreased the relative probability of occupancy of a potential home range by 50%. The accelerated rate of timber harvest in forests affected by mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae) infestations may have substantial implications for the ability of the landscape of central British Columbia to support sustainable populations of fishers. 相似文献
Wildlife agencies typically attempt to manage carnivore numbers in localized game management units through hunting, and do not always consider the potential influences of immigration and emigration on the outcome of those hunting practices. However, such a closed population structure may not be an appropriate model for management of carnivore populations where immigration and emigration are important population parameters. The closed population hypothesis predicts that high hunting mortality will reduce numbers and densities of carnivores and that low hunting mortality will increase numbers and densities. By contrast, the open population hypothesis predicts that high hunting mortality may not reduce carnivore densities because of compensatory immigration, and low hunting mortality may not result in more carnivores because of compensatory emigration. Previous research supported the open population hypothesis with high immigration rates in a heavily hunted (hunting mortality rate=0.24) cougar population in northern Washington. We test the open population hypothesis and high emigration rates in a lightly hunted (hunting mortality rate=0.11) cougar population in central Washington by monitoring demography from 2002 to 2007. We used a dual sex survival/fecundity Leslie matrix to estimate closed population growth and annual census counts to estimate open population growth. The observed open population growth rate of 0.98 was lower than the closed survival/fecundity growth rates of 1.13 (deterministic) and 1.10 (stochastic), and suggests a 12–15% annual emigration rate. Our data support the open population hypothesis for lightly hunted populations of carnivores. Low hunting mortality did not result in increased numbers and densities of cougars, as commonly believed because of compensatory emigration. 相似文献
ERIN L. KOEN JEFF BOWMAN C. SCOTT FINDLAY LIGANG ZHENG 《The Journal of wildlife management》2007,71(5):1484-1493
Abstract: Fishers (Martes pennanti) were almost extirpated in Ontario, Canada, south of the French and Mattawa rivers by the 1940s but have recolonized much of their former range over the past several decades. We assessed the effect of the current harvest quota on a fisher population in eastern Ontario by estimating home range size and population density from a sample of radiocollared animals. Mean (± SD) adult home ranges (based on annual 95% min. convex polygons) were consistently smaller than those reported in the literature (M: 11 ± 4.4 km2; F: 2.1 ± 0.8 km2), with up to 71% overlap of adjacent intrasexual home ranges. This yielded an estimated adult fisher population density of 32.7/100 km2 of suitable habitat, as defined by the habitat composition within observed home ranges. We further estimated that between 2003 and 2005, trappers harvested 17.8-42.3% of the pretrapping population. These results suggest that although current fisher population density is high in our study area compared to reported densities in other areas, harvest rate is also high and an increase in quota is unwarranted. 相似文献
Mitchell A. Parsons Jeffrey C. Lewis Beth Gardner Tara Chestnut Jason I. Ransom David O. Werntz Laura R. Prugh 《The Journal of wildlife management》2019,83(5):1172-1184
Habitat quality and quantity are key factors in evaluating the potential for success of a wildlife translocation. However, because of the difficulty or cost of evaluating these factors, habitat assessments may not include valuable information on important habitat attributes including the abundance and distribution of prey, predators, and competitors. Fishers (Pekania pennanti) are one of the most commonly reintroduced carnivores in North America, and they are a species of conservation concern in their western range. We examined the relative importance of landscape features and species interactions in determining habitat use of a reintroduced population of fishers in the southern Cascade Mountains, Washington, USA. We used detections of prey and predators at 134 remote camera stations, remotely sensed forest structure data, and telemetry locations of fishers in a resource selection function to assess the relative importance of prey, predators, and forest structure in fisher habitat selection. Fishers selected habitats based on forest conditions and activity levels of snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus), whereas bobcat (Lynx rufus) and coyote (Canis latrans) activity levels did not directly affect habitat selection. The probability of fisher use increased in older stands, close to recently disturbed stands, and in areas with intermediate levels of hare activity. Bobcat and hare activity levels were positively correlated, and fishers avoided areas with the greatest hare activity, suggesting that fishers may experience a food-safety tradeoff in the study area. Temporal activity patterns in photo detections indicate that fishers may mediate this danger by avoiding bobcats temporally. Our findings suggest that fishers in Washington prefer habitat mosaics of old and recently disturbed stands where they have greater access to resting structures and hares. Management that maintains mosaics of young and old forest across large landscapes is likely to support fisher recovery. Future reintroduction efforts would benefit from an assessment of prey and predator abundance in proposed reintroduction areas before project initiation. © 2019 The Wildlife Society. 相似文献
Philip Bertrand Jeff Bowman Rodney J. Dyer Micheline Manseau Paul J. Wilson 《Molecular ecology》2017,26(15):3898-3912
Sex‐specific genetic structure is a commonly observed pattern among vertebrate species. Facing differential selective pressures, individuals may adopt sex‐specific life history traits that ultimately shape genetic variation among populations. Although differential dispersal dynamics are commonly detected in the literature, few studies have used genetic structure to investigate sex‐specific functional connectivity. The recent use of graph theoretic approaches in landscape genetics has demonstrated network capacities to describe complex system behaviours where network topology represents genetic interaction among subunits. Here, we partition the overall genetic structure into sex‐specific graphs, revealing different male and female dispersal dynamics of a fisher (Pekania [Martes] pennanti) metapopulation in southern Ontario. Our analyses based on network topologies supported the hypothesis of male‐biased dispersal. Furthermore, we demonstrated that the effect of the landscape, identified at the population level, could be partitioned among sex‐specific strata. We found that female connectivity was negatively correlated with snow depth, whereas connectivity among males was not. Our findings underscore the potential of conducting sex‐specific analysis by identifying landscape elements or configuration that differentially promotes or impedes functional connectivity between sexes, revealing processes that may otherwise remain cryptic. We propose that the sex‐specific graph approach would be applicable to other vagile species where differential sex‐specific processes are expected to occur. 相似文献