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Prosorhynchoides aspinosus n. sp., a new species of digenean trematode, is described based on morphological, ultrastructural and molecular data from the freshwater fish, Xenentodon cancila Hamilton, 1822, of Tuikum and Tuirial river in Mizoram, Northeast India. It differs from its congeners in the absence of tegumental spines and the length of cirrus sac. These unique morphological characteristics were further supported by the ultrastructural data showing distinct knob-like protrusions in the tegument. Each knob-like protrusion is without cutting plates or spines and appears granulated at higher magnification. The molecular data analyses, along with the sequences of other Prosorhynchoides available in the Genbank, using internal transcribed spacer 2 and 28S rDNA revealed a gap of 4% K2P (Kimura 2 parameter) distance with its closest congener, P. karvei, confirming the novelty of the species, and thus, clearly differentiates the new species from all other valid Prosorhynchoides spp.  相似文献   

Two new species of bucephalids (Digenea: Bucephalidae) were found parasitizing freshwater fishes of Argentina. Prosorhynchoides cambapuntaensis sp. n. from Salminus maxillosus (Characidae) is characterised by the tegument covered with two kinds of spines, scale-like spines anteriorly and fine spines posteriorly; uterine loops reaching the vitelline arch in the pre-oral region; and the Laurer's canal short, opening dorsally immediately posterior to the ovary. Rhipidocotyle santanaensis sp. n. from Acestrorhynchus pantaneiro (Acestrorhynchidae) is characterised by the rhynchus with two lateral projections; the testes arranged in tandem or slightly diagonal; and the vitelline follicles forming an arch in the pre-oral region.  相似文献   

We surveyed 30 individuals of Tylosurus gavialoides (Castelnau) (Belonidae) collected from Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia, and describe three new species of Prosorhynchoides Dollfus, 1929 from them. The new species are morphologically distinct from existing Prosorhynchoides spp. and 28S and ITS-2 ribosomal DNA data further supports our morphological findings. We also conduct the first mitochondrial DNA analysis of species of Prosorhynchoides. The new species from T. gavialoides form a strongly supported clade on the basis of the two ribosomal markers, further supporting the emerging hypothesis that bucephaline clades are strongly associated with host groups. We have not observed any of the new species reported here in over 3500 surveyed individuals of other piscivorous fish in Australia, suggesting that these species are host-specific at least to belonids, if not to only T. gavialoides. Our findings support previous reports that suggest that belonids are exceptional hosts for bucephalids. We predict that further sampling of the numerous other belonid species present in Australian waters, for which nothing is known of the bucephalid fauna, will uncover further bucephalid richness.  相似文献   

Podvyaznaya I. 2011. An ultrastructural study of alimentary tract development in the cercariae of Prosorhynchoides borealis (Digenea, Bucephalidae). —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 92 : 170–178. The development of digestive system in Prosorhynchoides borealis cercariae was studied using transmission electron microscopy. The foregut and caecum primordia arise in early cercarial embryos as two adjoining cellular cords. The primordial pharynx appears as a cluster of myoblasts in the mid‐part of the foregut primordium whose proximal end abuts onto the ventral embryonic tegument. Later, a lumen develops within the gut primordia and their component cells form the embryonic cellular epithelium with an essentially similar structure in the foregut and caecal regions. Subsequently, the foregut epithelial cells merge to form a syncytium. This process proceeds asynchronously and the most proximal foregut area remains cellular for the longest time. The syncytial lining of the foregut establishes syncytial connections with secretory cytons differentiating in the surrounding parenchyma. These cytons produce secretory granules, which are transported through cytoplasmic connections to the foregut syncytium. Before cercariae reach maturity, their foregut epithelium becomes anucleate and continuous with the external tegument. By the end of cercarial development, numerous short lamellae appear on the luminal surface of the caecal epithelium. The caecal cells become involved in secretory activity as indicated by the presence of Golgi‐derived secretory bodies in their cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Sporocysts of Prosorhynchoides borealis were obtained from the marine bivalves Abra prismatica and studied using transmission electron microscopy. The sporocyst body consists of a mass of branching and intertwining hollow tubules that ramify through the host's digestive gland and gonads. This study investigated the ultrastructure of the sporocyst branches which comprise alternate distended areas (brood chambers) with a relatively thin body wall, narrower portions with a thicker body wall (constricted areas) and terminal regions. Pronounced differences between these areas were revealed in the structure of their tegument and body cavity lining, as well as in the cellular composition of the subtegumental layers. Body wall composition in distended areas was consistent with the specialization for cercarial nurture in the brood chambers. The structure of the constrictions suggested a dual role of nutrient absorption and physical separation of adjacent brood chambers. Two types of terminal region were identified, one specialized for the investigation and penetration of host tissues and the other, in which the germinal cells are formed, for cercarial production. The overall structure of the sporocyst branches helps explain why this linear modular system, i.e. brood chambers and constrictions continuously growing into the host tissue, enables the sporocyst's long-term existence and can continuously produce cercariae in numbers comparable with those produced by rediae and/or daughter sporocyst infrapopulations in other digeneans. The origin of the nuclei in the outer tegumental layer of some branching bucephalid sporocysts is also discussed.  相似文献   

Two new species of Cardicola (Digenea: Sanguinicolidae) are described from the heart of drums (Perciformes: Sciaenidae) in and off Mississippi and Louisiana. Cardicola palmeri n. sp. infects the black drum, Pogonias cromis, and, in mature individuals, is distinguished from its congeners by the combination of a body 1.9-2.9 times longer than wide, an esophagus 44-52% of the body length, posterior ceca 1.0-1.8 times longer than the anterior ones, a gland encircling the seminal vesicle that is 30-37% of maximum body width in diameter, and a sinistral and nearly medial male pore. Cardicola currani n. sp. infects the red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus, and is distinguished from its congeners by the combination of posterior ceca 1.8-4.2 times longer than anterior ones, a male pore located well posterior to the ootype, a female pore and transverse metraterm located just anterior to the level of the ootype, and a medial and posttesticular ovary located at the level of the terminal ends of the posterior ceca. No adult blood fluke had been described previously from the northern Gulf of Mexico west of Florida. Each of the 2 flukes infected only 1 host species despite the hosts being sympatric.  相似文献   

Primitive epithelium and outer tegumental layer formation during early cercarial development was studied in Prosorhynchoides borealis using electron microscopy. It demonstrated that germinal cells freely floating in the sporocyst body cavity divide to give rise to naked cell aggregates. These early embryos are highly irregular in outline and are composed of blastomeres differing in size and structure. In embryos consisting of about 12-14 cells a few (possibly only two) superficial macromeres become concave and produce thin extensions which envelop the embryonic mass before fusing to form a syncytial primitive epithelium. This primitive epithelium forms syncytial connections with underlying embryonic cells. Primordial tegumental cells become apparent in late germinal balls below the primitive epithelium. These cells expand and fuse to give rise to an embryonic nucleated tegument. The embryonic tegument is connected to peripheral embryonic cells by thin cytoplasmic bridges until the basement lamina is formed. Subsequently, the primitive epithelium is shed by the embryos and the nuclei in the embryonic tegument undergo pyknotic degeneration. These results are analysed and compared with data from studies on other trematode species and it is concluded that the primitive epithelium is derived from the embryo in at least the majority of digeneans.  相似文献   

A new bothid flounder, Engyprosopon marquisensis, is described from 11 specimens collected in deep waters (108–408 m) off the Marquesas Islands (French Polynesia) during the French exploratory cruise MUSORSTOM 9 in 1997. Engyprosopon marquisensis is similar to E. bellonaensis from the Chesterfield Islands and Bellona Plateau in the Coral Sea and E. vanuatuensis from off Vanuatsu Island, but is easily distinguished from E. bellonaensis by the following combination of characters: narrow interorbital space in both sexes, small mouth, short caudal fin, large number of vertebrae, and fewer gill rakers. It differs from E. vanuatuensis by many scales in the lateral line, small eyes, short ocular-side upper jaw, and short blind-side lower jaw. Engyprosopon marquisensis is the deepest occurring (408 m) species of the genus, and constitutes the second species of this genus with an eastern distribution.  相似文献   

Changes in the carbonate chemistry of coral reef waters are driven by carbon fluxes from two sources: concentrations of CO2 in the atmospheric and source water, and the primary production/respiration and calcification/dissolution of the benthic community. Recent model analyses have shown that, depending on the composition of the reef community, the air‐sea flux of CO2 driven by benthic community processes can exceed that due to increases in atmospheric CO2 (ocean acidification). We field test this model and examine the role of three key members of benthic reef communities in modifying the chemistry of the ocean source water: corals, macroalgae, and sand. Building on data from previous carbon flux studies along a reef‐flat transect in Moorea (French Polynesia), we illustrate that the drawdown of total dissolved inorganic carbon (CT) due to photosynthesis and calcification of reef communities can exceed the draw down of total alkalinity (AT) due to calcification of corals and calcifying algae, leading to a net increase in aragonite saturation state (Ωa). We use the model to test how changes in atmospheric CO2 forcing and benthic community structure affect the overall calcification rates on the reef flat. Results show that between the preindustrial period and 1992, ocean acidification caused reef flat calcification rates to decline by an estimated 15%, but loss of coral cover caused calcification rates to decline by at least three times that amount. The results also show that the upstream–downstream patterns of carbonate chemistry were affected by the spatial patterns of benthic community structure. Changes in the ratio of photosynthesis to calcification can thus partially compensate for ocean acidification, at least on shallow reef flats. With no change in benthic community structure, however, ocean acidification depressed net calcification of the reef flat consistent with findings of previous studies.  相似文献   

Tylosurus pacificus (Steindachner, 1876) is confirmed to have full species rank based on: 1) sympatry with T. acus melanotus at Isla Gorgona and in Panamá; 2) level of morphological differentiation in numbers of vertebrae, dorsal and anal fin rays; and 3) level of mtDNA differentiation. The eastern Pacific agujon needlefish is found from the Gulf of California, Mexico, to Peru, including the Galápagos Islands.  相似文献   

The bucephalid digenean Prosorhynchoides gracilescens (Rudolphi, 1819) is a common intestinal parasite of the angler fish Lophius piscatorius in European marine waters. Detailed studies of new material collected off the coasts of both Marseilles and Corsica in the western Mediterranean, and comparison with museum material from the northern North-East Atlantic, indicated that the accepted concept of this species comprises two distinct taxa. The Mediterranean form occurs in relatively small numbers and has small eggs, a large rhynchus and a vitelline distribution that finishes well short of the rhynchus, whereas the NE Atlantic form, which comprises the majority of records, occurs often in large numbers, has larger eggs, a relatively smaller rhynchus and a vitelline distribution that tends to reach the rhynchus. Since the type-material is from the Mediterranean and resembles the Mediterranean form, there was little option but to consider the latter as P. gracilescens (sensu stricto) and to describe the NE Atlantic form as a new species, for which the name P. borealis n. sp. is coined to reflect its northerly distribution. Both species are described and figured in detail, and a table and illustration of the diagnostic features are presented. In addition, some discussion is included on the distribution of these two species and whether P. gracilescens (s. str.) might be a relict species, and on non-European records of P. gracilescens (sensu lato).  相似文献   

Eugenia argyrophylla andE. morii from Saül in Central French Guiana are described and illustrated.  相似文献   

The bucephalid digenean Prosorhynchoides gracilescens (Rudolphi, 1819) is a common intestinal parasite of the angler fish Lophius piscatorius in European marine waters. Detailed studies of new material collected off the coasts of both Marseilles and Corsica in the western Mediterranean, and comparison with museum material from the northern North-East Atlantic, indicated that the accepted concept of this species comprises two distinct taxa. The Mediterranean form occurs in relatively small numbers and has small eggs, a large rhynchus and a vitelline distribution that finishes well short of the rhynchus, whereas the NE Atlantic form, which comprises the majority of records, occurs often in large numbers, has larger eggs, a relatively smaller rhynchus and a vitelline distribution that tends to reach the rhynchus. Since the type-material is from the Mediterranean and resembles the Mediterranean form, there was little option but to consider the latter as P. gracilescens (sensu stricto) and to describe the NE Atlantic form as a new species, for which the name P. borealis n. sp. is coined to reflect its northerly distribution. Both species are described and figured in detail, and a table and illustration of the diagnostic features are presented. In addition, some discussion is included on the distribution of these two species and whether P. gracilescens (s. str.) might be a relict species, and on non-European records of P. gracilescens (sensu lato).  相似文献   

Eight species of the trematode family Bucephalidae Poche, 1907 are reported from teleost fishes in Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia. Heterobucephalopsis yongi n. sp. is described from Gymnothorax eurostus (Muraenidae); the new form is distinguished from its congeners in the possession of a tiny cirrus-sac relative to body length, the length of the caecum, the position of the mouth and pharynx, and the position of the testes and ovary. Two known species of Dollfustrema Eckmann, 1934, D. durum Nolan, Curran, Miller, Cutmore, Cantacessi & Cribb, 2015 and D. gibsoni Nolan & Cribb, 2010, are reported from Gymnothorax pseudothyrsoideus (Bleeker) (Muraenidae); although both species were described from Australian waters, this represents the first reports from Moreton Bay and G. pseudothyrsoideus. Four species of Prosorhynchus Odhner, 1905 are reported, including one new, P. brayi n. sp., which is described from Epinephelus coioides (Hamilton) (Serranidae); P. brayi n. sp. is distinguished from its congeners in the possession of vitelline follicles in a confluent arc distinctly posterior to a conical rhynchus, uterine coils that do not extend anterior to the vitelline arc, contiguous testes, a cirrus-sac that reaches anteriorly to at least the level of the posterior testis and a short excretory vesicle. Three known species of Prosorhynchus are reported from Australia, for the first time: P. luzonicus Velasquez, 1959 and P. maternus Bray & Justine, 2006 from E. coioides and Prosorhynchus platycephali (Yamaguti, 1934) Srivastava, 1938 from Ambiserrula jugosa (McCulloch) and Inegocia japonica (Cuvier) (Platycephalidae). Skrjabiniella Issaitschikow, 1928 is re-recognised for new specimens of Skrjabiniella uniporus (Ozaki, 1924) n. comb. collected from Conger cinereus Rüppell (Congridae); three additional species of Prosorhynchus are considered members of this genus, two of which are synonymised with S. uniporus.  相似文献   

The following species of Rhipidocotyle are described: R. minima (Wagener, 1852) from Chelidonichthys gurnardus, C. lastoviza and Aspitrigla cuculus at various localities off the British Isles; R. nicolli n. sp. from A. cuculus off Plymouth, SW England; R. triglae (van Beneden, 1870) from C. lucernus in the Gulf of Marseilles, western Mediterranean; and R. viperae (van Beneden, 1870) from Echiichthys vipera at various localities off the British Isles. The distinguishing features of the species are discussed in detail. A list of the bucephalid species reported from the Mediterranean Sea is appended.  相似文献   

John J. Pipoly 《Brittonia》1999,51(2):128-133
Herbarium studies leading to a treatment of the Myrsinaceae for the Flora of Central French Guiana resulted in the discovery of two heretofore undescribed species,Cybianthus prevostiae andStylogyne incognita. The species are described and illustrated, and hypotheses regarding phylogenetic relationships with their respective congeners are provided.Cybianthus prevostiae is unusual among members ofCybianthus subgen.Weigeltia owing to its monoaxial habit and ellipsoid pistil, and deeply cupuliform calyx.Stylogyne incognita, a taxon often confused withS. micrantha, is most closely related toS. sordida but is separated from it by the corymbose inflorescence, entire leaves, longer petioles, and membranaceous perianth.  相似文献   

Underwater effects on coral reefs of the six hurricanes which ravaged French Polynesia between December 82 and April 83 were observed by SCUBA diving around high islands and atolls during September and October 1983. Special attention was paid to Tikehau atoll reef formations (Tuamotu archipelago) where quantitative studies on scleractinians, cryptofauna and fishes were conducted in 1982 immediatly prior to the hurricanes. On outer reef slopes coral destruction, varying from 50 to 100%, was a function of depth. Upper slope coral communities composed of small colonies well adapted to high energy level environments, suffered less than deeper formations. However, there is a narrow erosional trough in this zone at a depth of 6 m that was probably the result of storm-wave action (plunge point). Coral destruction was spectacular at depths greater than 12 m: 60 to 80% between 12 m and 30 m and 100% beyond 35 m, whereas earlier living coral coverage ranged from 60 to 75% in these zones. The outer slope was transformed into a scree zone covered with coarse sand and dead coral rubble. Dives on different sites around steep outer slopes (>45°) of the atolls and more gentle slopes (<25°) of some parts of the high islands permitted the formulation of an explanatory hypothesis: direct coral destruction by hurricane-induced waves occurred between the surface and 18–20 m; on low-angle slopes broken colonies were thrown up on reef flats and beaches; on steep slopes avalanches destroyed much of the living corals and left scree slopes of rubble and sand.  相似文献   

A new shallow water scleractinian coral species, Echinophyllia tarae sp. n., is described from the Gambier Islands, French Polynesia. It is characterized by an encrusting corallum, a few large and highly variable corallites with protruding walls, and distinctive costosepta. This coral was observed in muddy environments where several colonies showed partial mortality and re-growth. The new species has morphological affinities with both Echinophyllia echinata and with Echinomorpha nishihirai, from which it can be distinguished on the basis of the diameter and the protrusion of the largest corallite, the thickness of the septa, and the development of the size of the crown of paliform lobes.  相似文献   

The export of carbon and carbonate from coral reefs was investigated through a multidisciplinary investigation of the hydrological, geochemical, sedimentological and biological features of Tiahura reef on the northwestern coast of Moorea Island (French Polynesia). The hydrology of the fore-reef is characterised by prevailing longshore western currents and a strong thermocline. As revealed by turbidity structures (benthic and intermediate nepheloid layers) and by the amount of particles collected by near-bottom sediment traps, horizontal and downslope advections of particles dominate over offshore vertical transport. The exported material is rich in carbonate (ca. 80%) and poor in organic matter (ca. 4%). Sedimentation rates at 430 m depth, i.e. definitive export, reached 209.6 mg m-2 d-1 (dry weight). Estimates of carbon and carbonates export for Tiahura reef also reported here represent respectively 47% and 21% of the organic and inorganic carbon produced within the reef.  相似文献   

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