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Non-additive effects of multiple natural enemies on aphid populations   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The question of whether multiple natural enemies often interact to produce lower host mortality than single enemies acting alone has not yet been resolved. We compared the effects of four different combinations of natural enemies-parasitoids, predators, parasitoids plus predators, and no enemies-on caged aphid populations on marsh elder, Iva frutescens, in west-central Florida. Using starting densities of natural enemies commonly found in the field, we showed that parasitoid wasps reduced aphid population densities more than predatory ladybird beetles. The addition of predators to cages containing parasites reduced the ability of parasitoids to decrease aphid population densities. Because the experiments ran only over the course of one generation, such a reduction in the effectiveness of parasites is likely caused by interference of predators with parasitoid behavior. Parasitism in the cages containing both parasitoids and predators was reduced when compared to percent parasitism in parasitoid-only cages, but this could also be due to predation. Our experiments showed that ladybird beetles prey on parasitized aphids. Thus over the long-term, the effectiveness of parasites is impaired by the interference of predators on ovipositing parasitoids and by the predation of parasitized aphids. The effects of natural enemies in this system are clearly non-additive.  相似文献   

The mite Tetranychus evansi Baker & Pritchard (Tetranychidae) probably originated in South America. Because of its importance as a tomato pest in Africa, an extensive project has been conducted to detect potentially effective natural enemies in South America for the classical biological control of the pest in Africa. A search for the natural enemies of T. evansi was conducted in the Province of Tucumán, northwestern Argentina, in December 2004, and this report describes the results. One hundred predatory mites of the family Phytoseiidae referring to 11 species were collected on 11 examined species of solanaceous plants. The most abundant phytoseiid species collected were Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor) and Euseius concordis (Chant). Adults and immatures of those species, as well as of Neoseiulus idaeus Denmark & Muma, Phytoseiulus fragariae Denmark & Schicha and Proprioseiopsis cannaensis (Muma) were found in association with T. evansi, suggesting that they were developing on the pest. However, because of the possible biological differences between populations of a given species, biological studies evaluating T. evansi as a prey for those predators seem desirable.  相似文献   

Pest control mediated by organisms such as parasitoids is a valuable ecosystem service, particularly with regard to high costs, low effectiveness, and detrimental effects of some agrochemicals. This study examined infestation rates and abundance of pests and their natural enemies in organic and conventional almond orchards in California, differing in landscape context, understory plant cover, and plant species richness. Parasitoids of the commercially most important insect pest of almond, the Navel Orangeworm (NOW) were studied by rearing NOW in collected overwintering nuts. The indirect impact of vertebrate natural enemies of NOW were estimated by counting empty nut shells with feeding marks by wild birds and various mammals, found at the orchard floor. Mean nut infestation by NOW ranged from 0.8% to 37% per orchard and was reduced by parasitism rates, ranging from 0% to 22%, and vertebrate nut damage, ranging from 2% to 96% per orchard. The parasitoids were facilitated by a high proportion of natural habitat surrounding the orchards and high proportion of understory ground cover with vegetation. The vertebrate natural enemies were facilitated by a high proportion of natural habitat surrounding the orchards and plant species richness in the orchard understory. In conclusion, this study shows that pest control mediated by vertebrates and invertebrates promoted by near natural habitats can lower pest pressure by NOW larvae in overwintering almond. In case of the vertebrate nut damage this service might only be temporal and turn into a dis-service during and after harvest because the vertebrates continue to feed on the nuts and may also cause injuries to the trees.  相似文献   

Field surveys were conducted from 2004 to 2007 to determine the species composition and relative abundance of natural enemies associated with colonies of either the citrus red mite, Panonychus citri, or the two spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, in Valencian citrus orchards (eastern Spain). Fourteen species were recorded, six phytoseiid mites and eight insect predators. Two of them are reported for the first time on citrus in Spain and two more are first reports as predators associated with T. urticae. The community of predators associated with T. urticae and P. citri was almost identical, and the Morisita–Horn index of similarity between both natural enemy complexes was close to one, suggesting that predators forage on both pest species. Quantifying the presence of many known spider mites predators in Valencian citrus orchards is an important first step towards spider mite control. A challenge for future studies will be to establish conservation and/or augmentation management strategies for these predators, especially to improve T. urticae biological control.  相似文献   

刘雨芳  杨荷  阳菲  谢美琦 《昆虫学报》2019,62(7):857-867
【目的】探索生境高异质度对稻田捕食性天敌及水稻害虫的生态调节有效性,了解这种策略是否会引起其他植食性昆虫成为水稻重要害虫的风险。【方法】2017-2018年连续2年种植单季稻,在稻田边缘种植花生与大豆,构建高异质性边缘生境稻田(rice paddy with high heterogeneous marginal habitats, HHR),调查HHR稻田与简单低异质性边缘生境稻田(rice paddy with low heterogeneous marginal habitats, LHR)中捕食性天敌与水稻害虫功能团的发生规律与相关性,计算益害比。【结果】2017年在HHR稻田中采集到捕食性天敌40种,1 667头;在LHR稻田中采集到捕食性天敌30种,991头。2018年在HHR稻田中采集到捕食性天敌33种,1 384头;在LHR稻田中采集到捕食性天敌34种,1 031头。HHR与LHR两类稻田中获得的捕食性天敌群落重要值Pi≥0.01的物种相似度很高,优势种相似。2017年HHR稻田的捕食性天敌物种丰富度明显高于LHR稻田,这种差异主要由群落重要值Pi<0.01的种类引起。2018年两类稻田的捕食性天敌物种丰富度没有差异。单位样方面积内的捕食性天敌个体数量,HHR中明显高于LHR,这种差异在2017年的分蘖期与成熟期达显著水平(P<0.05),在2018年的开花期极显著(P<0.01)。2017年在HHR中采集到水稻害虫22种,637头;在LHR中采集到水稻害虫19种,743头;物种相似性系数0.88。2018年在HHR中采集到水稻害虫16种,1 011头;在LHR中采集到水稻害虫16种,2 014头;物种相似性系数0.75;主要害虫物种组成结构相同。水稻害虫数量发生的时间动态分析表明,在分蘖期,虽然HHR稻田中的水稻害虫数量明显高于LHR(P<0.05),但此期害虫的数量不多,发生较轻。在孕穗期、开花期与成熟期,HHR稻田中的水稻害虫数量明显低于LHR稻田,这种差异在2017年的成熟期与2018年的孕穗期极显著(P<0.01),在2018年的成熟期差异显著(P<0.05)。2017年HHR和LHR中个体数量益害比Npi值分别为2.62和1.33;2018年分别为1.37和0.51。【结论】具有高异质性边缘生境的稻田,能提高系统对捕食性天敌物种的涵养潜力,显著提高稻田捕食性天敌个体数量,提高益害比,具有更好的控制害虫的物质基础,促进捕食性天敌对水稻害虫的生态控制效能,不会引起其他植食性昆虫演变为水稻重要害虫风险,可为保护稻田生态系统天敌发挥生态效能提供可借鉴的策略与方法。  相似文献   

The ecology of a species strongly influences genetic variation and population structure. This interaction has important conservation implications because taxa with low dispersal capability and inability to use different habitats are more susceptible to anthropogenic stressors. Ocelots (Leopardus pardalis albescens) and bobcats (Lynx rufus texensis) are sympatric in Texas and northeastern Mexico; however, their ecology and conservation status are markedly different. We used 10 microsatellite loci and a 397-bp segment of the mitochondrial control region to examine how historical and ecological differences in these two species have influenced current patterns of genetic diversity in a landscape heavily altered by anthropogenic activities. Substantially higher genetic diversity (heterozygosity and haplotype diversity) and population connectivity was observed for bobcats in comparison to ocelots. The level of divergence among proximate ocelot populations (<30 km) was greater than between bobcat populations separated by >100 km. Ocelot populations in the US have never recovered from reductions experienced during the twentieth century, and their low genetic variation and substantial isolation are exacerbated by strong preference for dense native thornshrub and avoidance of open habitat. In contrast, despite continued legal harvesting and frequent road-related mortality, bobcats have maintained wide distribution, high abundance, and population connectivity. Our study illustrates that sympatric species with a similar niche can still have sufficient ecological differences to alter their response to anthropogenic change. Sensitive species, such as the ocelot, require additional conservation actions to sustain populations. Ecological differences among species occupying a similar guild are important to consider when developing conservation plans.  相似文献   

  • 1 The relative importance of the resource concentration hypothesis and the enemies hypothesis was investigated for the turnip root fly Delia floralis in a cabbage–red clover intercropping system compared with a cabbage monoculture.
  • 2 Delia floralis egg densities were measured as well as the activity‐densities of generalist predators in a field experiment during two growing seasons. In the second year, a study of egg predation with artificially placed eggs was conducted, in addition to a predator exclusion experiment, to estimate total predation during the season. Parasitization rates were estimated from samples of pupae.
  • 3 Delia floralis oviposition was greater in the monoculture during both years. The predator activity‐densities differed between treatments and study years. The known natural enemies of Delia spp., Bembidion spp. and Aleochara bipustulata showed a strong response to a cultivation system with higher activity‐densities in the monoculture. The response, however, appeared to be caused primarily by habitat preferences and not by D. floralis egg densities.
  • 4 The reduction in the number of D. floralis pupae in the intercropping may be explained by a disruption in oviposition behaviour caused by the presence of clover because neither predation, nor parasitization rates differed between cultivation systems.

Temporal dynamics of insect communities in terrestrial habitat fragments have been rarely studied. Here it was tested whether immigration, extinction, and turnover of butterfly species change with area and isolation of 31 calcareous grasslands. The area ranged from 0.03 to 5.14 ha, the isolation index from 2,100 to 86,000 (edge-to-edge distance 55–1,894 m). In both study years (1996, 2000), the total number of individuals (16,466, 15,101) and species (60, 54) sampled across all sites were similar and number of species increased with area in both years indicating an equilibrium. Rates of extinction (38% for habitat specialists vs. 20% for generalists) and turnover (51% vs. 35%) were higher, and rates of immigration (11% vs. 30%) were lower for habitat specialists than for generalists. Extinction and turnover rates decreased with increasing fragment size for both specialist (n =25 species) and generalist (n =36) butterflies, but specialists showed a significantly steeper decrease with increasing fragment size than generalists. Immigration rates increased with area. As a result, species number of habitat specialists declined in small habitats but not in large habitats between 1996 and 2000. No significant impact of habitat isolation on the butterfly community was found. The data suggest that large habitat fragments are of special importance for the conservation of the specialized, most endangered butterfly species. Habitat isolation appears to be less important, as butterflies can cope with the habitat mosaic in our study region.Due to an error in the citation line, this revised PDF (published in December 2003) deviates from the printed version, and is the correct and authoritative version of the paper.  相似文献   

James  William F.  Barko  John W.  Eakin  Harry L. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,455(1-3):55-60
Using flow-through microcosms, we examined phosphorus (P) recycling by zebra mussels under conditions of nearly constant food resource supply and varying zebra mussel population densities (600–5200 ind./m2). At all density levels, zebra mussels filtered substantial algae, measured as chlorophyll biomass. Because chlorophyll biomass inputs were low throughout the study, zebra mussel biomass-specific rates of chlorophyll filtration declined with increasing density, suggesting food resource limitation at the higher densities. We observed net total P export and high zebra mussel biomass-specific rates of P recycling over time in microcosms at high zebra mussel densities. In systems with a low zebra mussel density, net total P export did not occur over time. Our results suggest the occurrence of P remineralization by zebra mussels and net loss associated with emaciation during periods of temporary starvation. These findings have implications for P dynamics since zebra mussels can be subjected to periods of starvation over seasonal and annual time scales.  相似文献   

In Morocco we tested the consistency between an a priori habitat classification based on topography, hydrology, vegetation structure and composition, and an a posteriori classification based on arthropod assemblages, in a plain supporting wild endangered Houbara Bustards. According to vegetation structure, we defined seven a priori habitats that differed significantly in perennial cover and height. A multivariate multiple regression analysis showed a significant relationship between arthropod assemblages and vegetation structure. Canonical Analyses of Principal Coordinates, conducted simultaneously on direct searches of arthropods and trapping data, showed significant differences between assemblages in both cases, and produced two similar constrained ordinations of six a posteriori habitats: esparto grass (Stipa tenacissima), temporarily flooded areas, fields, “reg” with short perennials, “reg” with tall perennials and wadis. The two sampling methods reflected a dominance of ants and beetles. Arthropod biomasses increased significantly in spring and then decreased significantly in summer for beetles, and in autumn for ants. No strong differences appeared between habitats within seasons, especially in spring, indicating a uniform distribution of food resources during the Houbara breeding season. The “reg” with short perennials had the highest ant biomass in summer. This “reg” and fields also supported the highest arthropod biomass in autumn. Variation in arthropod biomass was a pertinent factor that should be integrated into Houbara habitat selection studies. The definition of habitat availability based on easily identifiable landscape units, combined with empirical tests on arthropod communities provided an accurate classification for habitat selection studies and conservation planning.  相似文献   

This study aimed to address the effect of temperature on the consumption and development rates of Aphidecta obliterata and to compare the responses of Ap. obliterata (specialist) with that of Adalia bipunctata (generalist) to prey limitation. Temperature had a significant and positive effect on the time to egg hatch of Ap. obliterata . The duration of the larval instars was not affected by prey species at 15°C but was significantly shorter, 12.1 days at 20°C compared with 21.1 days at 15°C. The proportion of time spent in each instar, however, was not affected by temperature or prey species, but the duration of the pupal stage was significantly affected by temperature. The average daily consumption of prey aphids increased with instar and was significantly influenced by temperature. There was a significant difference in the length of the pupal stage between coccinellid species but not that of the larval stage. The duration of the larval period increased under conditions of prey shortage. The pupal period of Ap. obliterata was significantly affected by the food regime but not that of Ad. bipunctata . There was a significant interaction between species and food supply on the length of the pupal stage and the larval stage and the final fresh weight achieved by the newly emerged adults. Male adults weighed significantly less than the females in all regimes. Larvae of Ap. obliterata and Ad. bipunctata did not consume any of the alternative prey (Collembola or Psocoptera) provided. There was no significant difference in the consumption of prey between the two coccinellid species. The results suggest that both of these coccinellids are well adapted to low-density-specific prey. There were no obvious differences between the two, which would tend to favour either species in an environment of limited prey.  相似文献   

Wildflower plantings can support local abundance of natural enemies, but their influence on biological control of pests in adjacent crop fields is less well documented. To test whether biological control is enhanced by these plantings, we established native, perennial wildflowers in areas adjacent to highbush blueberry fields. Once wildflowers were established we found greater abundance of natural enemies in the fields adjacent to wildflower plantings compared with those adjacent to unenhanced control field perimeters. Predaceous arthropods, including spiders, hoverflies, and lady beetles, were among the most common natural enemies observed and collected in the blueberry fields. Using corn earworm eggs, Helicoverpa zea (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), as sentinel prey, we found a similar pattern of biological control, with higher biological control services index values in fields adjacent to the wildflower plantings than in the unenhanced control fields. Our results provide evidence for the ability of wildflower plantings to support natural enemy populations in agricultural landscapes, and to potentially provide local enhancement of biological control in adjacent crops.  相似文献   

Boreal forests are facing profound changes in their growth environment, including warming‐induced water deficits, extended growing seasons, accelerated snowmelt, and permafrost thaw. The influence of warming on trees varies regionally, but in most boreal forests studied to date, tree growth has been found to be negatively affected by increasing temperatures. Here, we used a network of Pinus sylvestris tree‐ring collections spanning a wide climate gradient the southern end of the boreal forest in Asia to assess their response to climate change for the period 1958–2014. Contrary to findings in other boreal regions, we found that previously negative effects of temperature on tree growth turned positive in the northern portion of the study network after the onset of rapid warming. Trees in the drier portion did not show this reversal in their climatic response during the period of rapid warming. Abundant water availability during the growing season, particularly in the early to mid‐growing season (May–July), is key to the reversal of tree sensitivity to climate. Advancement in the onset of growth appears to allow trees to take advantage of snowmelt water, such that tree growth increases with increasing temperatures during the rapidly warming period. The region's monsoonal climate delivers limited precipitation during the early growing season, and thus snowmelt likely covers the water deficit so trees are less stressed from the onset of earlier growth. Our results indicate that the growth response of P. sylvestris to increasing temperatures strongly related to increased early season water availability. Hence, boreal forests with sufficient water available during crucial parts of the growing season might be more able to withstand or even increase growth during periods of rising temperatures. We suspect that other regions of the boreal forest may be affected by similar dynamics.  相似文献   

Tropical agroecosystems cover an increasingly large proportion of the Earth’s terrestrial surface. Yet, relatively little is known about the factors that influence their avifauna, especially in areas of high human population density. The potential of tropical farmland for sustaining bird biodiversity, including forest birds, can be influenced by habitat structure and the distance from the nearest forest. We investigated the effect of these two factors on the bird community in the farmland near Kakamega Forest, Kenya. Using point counts, we assessed the number of bird species and individuals on 56 study plots in distances up to about 2,100 m from the forest. We observed a total of 96 bird species in the farmland, 22 of which were forest, 58 shrub-land, and 16 open-country species. High vertical vegetation heterogeneity and a large number of woody plant individuals were related to high species richness of forest and shrub-land birds, whereas open-country birds avoided such areas. The species richness and total number of forest birds declined with increasing distance to the forest. A comparison with the bird community within Kakamega Forest indicated that only a fraction of the forest species could be sustained in the farmland. This suggests that agroecosystems with a diverse habitat structure can support a high diversity of birds, but have only a limited capacity to compensate for forest loss. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Abstract. Ectomycorrhizal species composition and sporocarp abundance in two 15–20-yr old primary stands of Pinus sylvestris in the central part of the Netherlands was compared with those in two 16- and 27-yr old secondary stands of P. sylvestris in the Northeast of the country. The trees of the primary stands were spontaneously seeded in a drifting sand area. Only thin litter and humus layers were present. The trees of the 16-yr old secondary stand were planted on podzolic sandy soil and those of the 27-yr old stand on non-podzolic sandy soil. In both secondary stands thick litter and humus layers had developed. The litter and humus partly originated from former stands at the same sites and partly from the present stands. In the secondary stands the thick litter and humus layers and herb vegetation were removed (‘sod-cutting’) in order to simulate the thin litter and humus layers in the primary stands. Control treatments were present. Surveys in 1991, 1992 and 1993 showed that sod-cutting enhanced both abundance and diversity of ectomycorrhizal fungi. However, species richness and diversity were higher in the primary stands than in the secondary ones, also even in the sod-cut plots. High species richness and diversity were associated with low concentrations of nitrogen and relatively high pH in the litter and humus layers, and in the mineral soil.  相似文献   

Resource availability and heterogeneity are recognized as two essential environmental aspects to determine species diversity and community abundance. However, how soil resource availability and heterogeneity determine species diversity and community abundance in highly heterogeneous and most fragile karst landscapes is largely unknown. We examined the effects of soil resource availability and heterogeneity on plant community composition and quantified their relative contribution by variation partitioning. Then, a structural equation model (SEM) was used to further disentangle the multiple direct and indirect effects of soil resource availability on plant community composition. Species diversity was significantly influenced by the soil resource availability in shrubland and woodland but not by the heterogeneity in woodland. Abundance was significantly affected by both soil resource availability and heterogeneity, whereas variation partitioning results showed that soil resource availability explained the majority of the variance in abundance, and the contribution of soil resource heterogeneity was marginal. These results indicated that soil resource availability plays a more important role in determining karst plant community composition than soil resource heterogeneity. Our SEMs further found that the multiple direct and indirect processes of soil resource availability in determining karst species diversity and abundance were different in different vegetation types. Soil resource availability and heterogeneity both played a certain role in determining karst plant community composition, while the importance of soil resource availability far exceeded soil resource heterogeneity. We propose that steering community restoration and reconstruction should be highly dependent on soil resource availability, and multiple direct and indirect pathways of soil resource availability for structuring karst plant communities need to be taken into account.  相似文献   

1. Spatial and temporal availability of pollen helps shape bee foraging behaviour and productivity, which has been studied in great detail at the landscape level, but never in a diverse tropical forest. 2. To study the effect of spatio‐temporal variation in resource distribution on pollen use and productivity, we identified pollen from spatially explicit nest collections of two generalist sweat bees, Megalopta genalis Meade‐Waldo and M. centralis Friese, from Barro Colorado Island, Panama, a 50‐ha forest dynamics plot during the 2007 dry and early wet seasons. Pollen from nests collected in 1998–1999 without spatial information was also identified. 3. Bees used pollen of at least 64 species; many of these occurred in only one collection. The 2007 collections contained pollen of 35 different species, but were dominated by five species, especially Hura crepitans L. and Pseudobombax septenatum (Jacq.) Dugand. 4. Temporal availability, but not distance from nest, influenced flower use at a 50‐ha scale. 5. Body size was not associated with minimum flight distance as inferred from pollen collections. 6. Nest productivity and pollen diversity decreased from the dry to wet seasons, mirroring community‐level availability of floral resources. 7. Results suggest that on a scale of 50 ha, bees are choosing certain host plant species regardless of distance from the nest, but adjusting foraging behaviour opportunistically based on the temporal availability of host flowers.  相似文献   

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