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Ostropella luxurians sp. nov. collected in the Russian Far East is described and illustrated.  相似文献   

Allocreadium pichi n. sp. (Trematoda: Allocreadiidae) is described from the intestine of Galaxias maculatus (Osteichthyes: Galaxiidae) from Moreno Lake in Patagonia, `Argentina. This species is distinguished from A. patagonicum Shimazu, Urawa &; Coria, 2000, the other species recorded in the area, by its smaller body size, the diagonal position of the testes and different ratios of the suckers, testes and cirrus-sac in relation to body size. In addition, the synonymy of A. patagonicum withPolylekithum percai Ostrowski de Núñez, Brugni &; Viozzi, 2000 is proposed herein.  相似文献   

A new species Sequoioxylon dimyense (Cupressaceae) is described from the Middle Maastrichtian (Upper Cretaceous) deposits of the Zeya-Bureya basin (Russian Far East) based on the fossil wood anatomy. The new species is characterized by combination of anatomical wood characters of the modern representatives of the subfamily Sequoioideae.  相似文献   

Specimens of Asymphylodora perccotti sp. n. (Trematoda: Lissorchidae) were found in the esophagus of the freshwater fish Perccottus glenii (Odobantidae) taken from the Bolshaya Ussurka River Basin (Primorsky Region, Russian Southern Far East). The first intermediate host of this trematode is a gastropod, Parafossarulus manchouricus, and the secondary hosts are the same mollusk and Boreoelona ussuriensis. Specimens of the new species are similar to A. amnicolae identified by Stunkard in 1959, but the mature worms have larger suckers and shorter ceca. The cercariae of these species are distinguished by body, suckers and pharynx size. These organs in A. perccotti sp. n. are more than one-third larger than what is observed in A. amnicolae. In addition, the new species lacks the capacity for progenesis. Finally, the new species is unusual in that it resides in the fish esophagus instead of the intestine, as is common for most Asymphylodora species. Partial ribosomal DNA sequences and phylogenetic reconstruction sequence data indicate that these worms represent a new digenean species.  相似文献   

A new species of Allocreadium, Allocreadium danjiangensis n. sp., is described from the intestine of several species of freshwater fish, including Abbottina rivularis (Basilewsky, 1855), Sarcocheilichthys nigripinnis nigripinns (Güther, 1873), Gnathopogon argentatus (Sauvage et Dabry 1874), Opsariichthys uncirostris bidens (Gunther, 1873), and Erythroculter mongolicus mongolicus (Basilewsky, 1855) (Cyprinidae) from the Danjiangkou Reservoir in central China. The main morphological characters of the new species are as follows: vitelline follicles numerous, extending from the level of acetabulum to posterior extremity, distributed over both sides around the ceca; cirrus sac relatively large, developed, lying obliquely anterior to the acetabulum, extending from the level of the intestinal bifurcation to the central level of acetabulum, and overlapping left or right cecal; and ovary much smaller than testes, generally close to or even overlapping the anterior border of anterior testis. Observation by scanning electron microscopy shows only 2 kinds of tegumental formations, i.e., papillae and tubercles, instead of 3 types of tegumental formations, i.e., papillae, bosses, and minute sensor receptors observed on other species of the Allocreadiidae. The tegumental striations of the present species vary on the different parts of the body. In addition, a new structure, identified as the "groove" with a tonguelike tubercle, was observed on the inner wall of acetabulum.  相似文献   

Colpomenia borea sp. nov. is described from Hokkaido, Japan and Magadan, Far East Russia based on morphological observations and molecular analyses using mitochondrial cox3 and chloroplast rbcL genes. This new species is distinguished from other Colpomenia by its small globular to ovoidal thallus up to 5 cm in diameter, and thin thallus membrane composed of a cortex of one to two-cell layers and a colorless medulla of up to three layers. This species is epiphytic on the brown alga Stephanocystis in areas protected against waves. The life history in culture of C. borea was investigated and the observed life history pattern was similar to those reported in C. peregrina and C. sinuosa. Our phylogenetic analyses supported that C. borea is a distinct species, yet it is more related to C. peregrina than C. sinuosa.  相似文献   

A new species, Piceoxylon burejense sp. nov. (Pinaceae), is described from the Middle Maastrichtian (Upper Cretaceous) of the Zeya-Bureya Basin, Amur Region (Russian Far East) based on the fossil wood anatomy. The new species is characterized by a combination of anatomical wood features of the modern genera Picea and Larix. The fossil wood of Pinaceae was found in the Cretaceous deposits of the Amur Region for the first time.  相似文献   

Fistulifera sp. strain JPCC DA0580, a marine pennate diatom, contains extremely high levels of intracellular triglyceride and has been suggested as a promising source of feedstock for biodiesel fuels. JPCC DA0580 was isolated from a mangrove swamp located in Sumiyo Bay below the mouths of the Sumiyo and Yakugachi Rivers in Amami‐Ohshima, Kagoshima, Japan. In this study, the morphology and the 18S rDNA sequence of JPCC DA0580 were compared with those of other Fistulifera strains. JPCC DA0580 possesses morphological characters of the genus Fistulifera, namely lightly silicified frustules, a distinct median costa (raphe sternum), and a wart‐like central pore (fistula). Morphometric analysis revealed that JPCC DA0580 differs from other Fistulifera species by the presence of a valve with coarser striation and coarser areolation. On the basis of 18S rDNA phylogeny, JPCC DA0580 formed a well‐supported clade with other members of the Fistulifera species complex, although the number of nucleotide substitutions was highest in JPCC DA0580. Our results led us to propose the taxonomic name Fistulifera solaris sp. nov. for JPCC DA0580.  相似文献   

Adult worms of Erschoviorchis anuiensis sp. n., parasites of the pancreas and liver of birds, were found by feeding the Muscovy ducks Cairina moschata dom. with freshwater fish (Phoxinus percnurus) from the Amur River basin (Russia). The trematodes obtained differ from the only previously known representative of the genus, E. lintoni by the large size of the ventral sucker, testes and ovary, the shape of the ovary (three-lobed vs irregular oval for E. lintoni), and the degree of vitellarium development (well-developed vitellarium with numerous follicles vs weakly developed vitelline fields for E. lintoni). In addition, genetic data were obtained for E. anuiensis sp. n., including nucleotide sequences of the ITS region and the 28S rRNA gene of nuclear DNA, and the mitochondrial сох1 gene. These data show that the genus Erschoviorchis is a sister group to the representatives of the genera Opisthorchis, Clonorchis, and Metorchis. At the same time, it did not cluster with species of Amphimerus, in which E. lintoni has sometimes been placed. The results of the study indicated that E. anuiensis sp. n., as well as E. lintoni, when it occurs in the pancreas, leads to significant associated pathological changes, manifested in an increase in size, changes of structure and tissue density.  相似文献   

Xylodon subflaviporus (Hymenochaetales, Basidiomycota) is described as a new species collected from tropical and subtropical regions of East Asia. This new species is characterized by resupinate basidiocarps, a poroid hymenophore, pseudodimitic hyphal system, nodose-septate hyphae, four types of cystidia (capitate, acicular to cylindrical, subulate to ventricose, and apically-encrusted), and thin-walled, colorless, smooth and ellipsoid basidiospores. Bayesian, Maximum Likelihood and Maximum Parsimony algorithms were used to construct phylogenies inferred from the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of rDNA. Morphological and molecular studies, along with intercompatibility tests, confirmed the independent status of this species. Also, based on morphological and molecular evidence, six new combinations of Xylodon are proposed to accommodate species originally classified under Hyphodontia s.l., i.e. X. bubalinus, X. chinensis, X. mollissimus, X. nongravis, X. reticulatus and X. subtropicus. A key to known species of Hyphodontia s.l. with poroid, irpicoid or raduloid hymenophores is provided for the convenience in identification.  相似文献   

Nanocnide zhejiangensis X.F. Jin & Y.F. Lu, a new species of Urticaceae from Zhejiang, east China, is described with illustrations. The new species is morphologically similar to Nanocnide japonica in having staminate inflorescence longer than leaves, but differs by having glabrous stems, petioles, peduncles and abaxial leaf surfaces, glabrous perianth lobes of staminate flowers, dorsally glabrous perianth lobes of pistillate flowers, and acuminate or solitary spinose–setaceous at the apex. Analysis based on ITS, atpF–H, atpB–rbcL and trnL–F sequences also demonstrate that Nanocnide japonica is the closest extant relative to the new species.  相似文献   

Lappodiamesa willasseni sp.n. is described. It differs from related species in characteristics of the male adult. the pupa and the larva. A key to the species of Luppodiamesa Serra-Tosio is given. In contrast to previously described Diamesinae . the homologes of the large polytene chromosomes are often unpaired in few regions and they have a meandric structure. The four pairs of chromosomes include three metacentric and one acrocentric (spherical) chromosoine. A series of chromosome markers are described.  相似文献   

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