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Sponges often exhibit tissue regression in response to stressful conditions. This study investigated whether handling stress invoked tissue regression in Ianthella basta and assessed whether sponges could recover from this regressed tissue state. Six necrotic specimens and 12 healthy explants were collected at Orpheus Is. Australia and transported to aquarium facilities. Sponges were photographed daily and an integrated density (ID) measurement was used to quantify tissue regression. Histological samples were taken from sponge explants to compare cellular organization. Bacterial communities of regressed and recovered tissue were compared using Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE). After 12 h both necrotic and healthy sponges displayed substantial tissue regression. However, within 72 h all sponges recovered to their original condition. The ID of the sponge tissue doubled, confirming tissue recovery in I. basta. Sponges affected by tissue regression had significantly fewer choanocyte chambers and more densely packed granulated cells than recovered sponges. DGGE revealed the same microbial symbionts in both regressed and recovered sponges. Handling stress associated with collection and transportation is sufficient to invoke tissue regression in this species, but sponges can rapidly recover. This study contributes to our understanding of how sponges respond to environmental pressures, influencing population resilience and persistence.  相似文献   

Marine sponges represent one of the few eukaryotic groups that frequently harbour symbiotic members of the Thaumarchaeota, which are important chemoautotrophic ammonia-oxidizers in many environments. However, in most studies, direct demonstration of ammonia-oxidation by these archaea within sponges is lacking, and little is known about sponge-specific adaptations of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA). Here, we characterized the thaumarchaeal symbiont of the marine sponge Ianthella basta using metaproteogenomics, fluorescence in situ hybridization, qPCR and isotope-based functional assays. ‘Candidatus Nitrosospongia ianthellae’ is only distantly related to cultured AOA. It is an abundant symbiont that is solely responsible for nitrite formation from ammonia in I. basta that surprisingly does not harbour nitrite-oxidizing microbes. Furthermore, this AOA is equipped with an expanded set of extracellular subtilisin-like proteases, a metalloprotease unique among archaea, as well as a putative branched-chain amino acid ABC transporter. This repertoire is strongly indicative of a mixotrophic lifestyle and is (with slight variations) also found in other sponge-associated, but not in free-living AOA. We predict that this feature as well as an expanded and unique set of secreted serpins (protease inhibitors), a unique array of eukaryotic-like proteins, and a DNA-phosporothioation system, represent important adaptations of AOA to life within these ancient filter-feeding animals.  相似文献   

Sponges are an important component of the benthic community, especially on coral reefs, but demographic data such as growth, recruitment or mortality are notably limited. This study examined the growth of the elephant ear sponge Ianthella basta, the largest and in some areas one of the dominating sponge species on Guam and other pacific reefs. We measured growth rates of the natural population on Guam over the course of one year and identified intra-individual growth patterns. Initial sponge sizes ranged from 200 to 35,000 cm2. Specific growth rates ranged from 0.08 to 6.08 with a mean specific growth rate of 1.43 ± 1.29 (SD) year−1. Furthermore, specific growth decreased with sponge size. The age estimate for the largest sponge (1.7 m height × 9.5 m circumference) was ~8 years. Intra-individual growth was mostly apical. This study demonstrated high growth rates, which has notable implications for environmental assessments, management and potential biomedical applications.  相似文献   

Morphological delineation of sponge species is hindered by the narrow range of fixed diagnostic characters and our limited knowledge of how much phenotypic plasticity the sponge body plan assumes in response to environmental conditions. Here, we make use of the partial mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene and the second internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) region to assess the taxonomic validity of colour morphotypes observed in the elephant ear sponge Ianthella basta (Pallas, 1776) across its distribution range in northern Australia, and explore levels and patterns of genetic diversity among populations of the species collected from both sides of the Torres Strait. Molecular phylogenetic analyses revealed congruent topologies consistent with three evolutionarily significant units (ESUs) that were independent of the morphology of the sponge. ESU I includes previously morphologically and genetically delineated western Pacific specimens of I. basta (Guam), and probably corresponds to the type specimen originally described from Indonesia. ESU I occurs in almost all sampling sites across northern Australia, suggesting considerable levels of connectivity among reefs throughout the Torres Strait. ESUs II and III are each exclusively associated with a geographic region of high sponge species richness separated by Torres Strait, and probably represent the result of historical population fragmentation. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 166 , 225–235.  相似文献   

Microbial communities carry out the majority of the biochemical activity on the planet, and they play integral roles in processes including metabolism and immune homeostasis in the human microbiome. Shotgun sequencing of such communities' metagenomes provides information complementary to organismal abundances from taxonomic markers, but the resulting data typically comprise short reads from hundreds of different organisms and are at best challenging to assemble comparably to single-organism genomes. Here, we describe an alternative approach to infer the functional and metabolic potential of a microbial community metagenome. We determined the gene families and pathways present or absent within a community, as well as their relative abundances, directly from short sequence reads. We validated this methodology using a collection of synthetic metagenomes, recovering the presence and abundance both of large pathways and of small functional modules with high accuracy. We subsequently applied this method, HUMAnN, to the microbial communities of 649 metagenomes drawn from seven primary body sites on 102 individuals as part of the Human Microbiome Project (HMP). This provided a means to compare functional diversity and organismal ecology in the human microbiome, and we determined a core of 24 ubiquitously present modules. Core pathways were often implemented by different enzyme families within different body sites, and 168 functional modules and 196 metabolic pathways varied in metagenomic abundance specifically to one or more niches within the microbiome. These included glycosaminoglycan degradation in the gut, as well as phosphate and amino acid transport linked to host phenotype (vaginal pH) in the posterior fornix. An implementation of our methodology is available at http://huttenhower.sph.harvard.edu/humann. This provides a means to accurately and efficiently characterize microbial metabolic pathways and functional modules directly from high-throughput sequencing reads, enabling the determination of community roles in the HMP cohort and in future metagenomic studies.  相似文献   

Marine sponges (phylum Porifera) often contain dense and diverse microbial communities, which can constitute up to 35% of the sponge biomass. The genome of one sponge, Amphimedon queenslandica, was recently sequenced, and this has provided new insights into the origins of animal evolution. Complementary efforts to sequence the genomes of uncultivated sponge symbionts have yielded the first glimpse of how these intimate partnerships are formed. The remarkable microbial and chemical diversity of the sponge-microorganism association, coupled with its postulated antiquity, makes sponges important model systems for the study of metazoan host-microorganism interactions, and their evolution, as well as for enabling access to biotechnologically important symbiont-derived natural products. In this Review, we discuss our current understanding of the interactions between marine sponges and their microbial symbiotic consortia, and highlight recent insights into these relationships from genomic studies.  相似文献   

Ianthellamide A (1), a novel octopamine derivative, was isolated from the Australian marine sponge Ianthella quadrangulata. Compound 1 selectively inhibited the activity of kynurenine 3-hydroxylase with an IC(50) value of 1.5 μM. It also significantly increased the level of endogenous kynurenic acid in rat brain and hence has the potential as a neuroprotective agent in the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders.  相似文献   

Microbial communities have a key role in the physiology of the sponge host, and it is therefore essential to understand the stability and specificity of sponge–symbiont associations. Host-specific bacterial associations spanning large geographic distance are widely acknowledged in sponges. However, the full spectrum of specificity remains unclear. In particular, it is not known whether closely related sponges host similar or very different microbiota over wide bathymetric and geographic gradients, and whether specific associations extend to the rare members of the sponge microbiome. Using the ultra-deep Illumina sequencing technology, we conducted a comparison of sponge bacterial communities in seven closely related Hexadella species with a well-resolved host phylogeny, as well as of a distantly related sponge Mycale. These samples spanned unprecedentedly large bathymetric (15–960 m) gradients and varying European locations. In addition, this study included a bacterial community analysis of the local background seawater for both Mycale and the widespread deep-sea taxa Hexadella cf. dedritifera. We observed a striking diversity of microbes associated with the sponges, spanning 47 bacterial phyla. The data did not reveal any Hexadella microbiota co-speciation pattern, but confirmed sponge-specific and species-specific host–bacteria associations, even within extremely low abundant taxa. Oligotyping analysis also revealed differential enrichment preferences of closely related Nitrospira members in closely related sponges species. Overall, these results demonstrate highly diverse, remarkably specific and stable sponge–bacteria associations that extend to members of the rare biosphere at a very fine phylogenetic scale, over significant geographic and bathymetric gradients.  相似文献   

Coral reefs are facing increasing pressure from rising seawater temperatures and ocean acidification. Sponges have been proposed as possible winners in the face of climate change; however, little is known about the mechanisms underpinning their predicted tolerance. Here we assessed whether microbiome-mediated cross-generational acclimatization could enable the photosynthetic sponge Carteriospongia foliascens to survive under future climate scenarios. To achieve this, we first established the potential for vertical (cross-generational) transmission of symbionts. Sixty-four amplicon sequence variants accounting for >90% of the total C. foliascens microbial community were present across adult, larval and juvenile life stages, showing that a large proportion of the microbiome is vertically acquired and maintained. When C. foliascens were exposed to climate scenarios projected for 2050 and 2100, the host remained visibly unaffected (i.e. no necrosis/bleaching) and the overall microbiome was not significantly different amongst treatments in adult tissue, the respective larvae or recruits transplanted amongst climate treatments. However, indicator species analysis revealed that parental exposure to future climate scenarios altered the presence and abundance of a small suite of microbial taxa in the recruits, thereby revealing the potential for microbiome-mediated cross-generational acclimatization through both symbiont shuffling and symbiont switching within a vertically acquired microbiome.  相似文献   

Sponges occur across diverse marine biomes and host internal microbial communities that can provide critical ecological functions. While strong patterns of host specificity have been observed consistently in sponge microbiomes, the precise ecological relationships between hosts and their symbiotic microbial communities remain to be fully delineated. In the current study, we investigate the relative roles of host population genetics and biogeography in structuring the microbial communities hosted by the excavating sponge Cliona delitrix. A total of 53 samples, previously used to demarcate the population genetic structure of C. delitrix, were selected from two locations in the Caribbean Sea and from eight locations across the reefs of Florida and the Bahamas. Microbial community diversity and composition were measured using Illumina‐based high‐throughput sequencing of the 16S rRNA V4 region and related to host population structure and geographic distribution. Most operational taxonomic units (OTUs) specific to Cliona delitrix microbiomes were rare, while other OTUs were shared with congeneric hosts. Across a large regional scale (>1,000 km), geographic distance was associated with considerable variability of the sponge microbiome, suggesting a distance–decay relationship, but little impact over smaller spatial scales (<300 km) was observed. Host population structure had a moderate effect on the structure of these microbial communities, regardless of geographic distance. These results support the interplay between geographic, environmental, and host factors as forces determining the community structure of microbiomes associated with C. delitrix. Moreover, these data suggest that the mechanisms of host regulation can be observed at the population genetic scale, prior to the onset of speciation.  相似文献   

Sponges are a promising source of organic compounds of potential interest regarding industrial and medical applications. For detailed studies on such compounds, large amounts of sponge biomass are required. Obtaining that is at present extremely difficult because most sponges are relatively rare in nature and their mass cultivation in the laboratory has not yet been accomplished. In this study the possibility of culturing Aplysina aerophoba fragments in laboratory was examined. While a substantial biomass increase was not yet observed, we achieved fragmented sponge tissue to develop into a functional sponge as a first success.  相似文献   

The siliceous marine sponge Suberites domuncula is a member of the most ancient and simplest extant phylum of multicellular animals-Porifera, which have branched off first from the common ancestor of all Metazoa. We have determined primary structures of 79 ribosomal proteins (r-proteins) from S. domuncula: 32 proteins from the small ribosomal subunit and 47 proteins from the large ribosomal subunit. Only L39 and L41 polypeptides (51 and 25 residues long in rat, respectively) are missing. The sponge S. domuncula is, after nematode Caenorhabditis elegans and insect Drosophila melanogaster the third representative of invertebrates with known amino acid sequences of all r-proteins. The comparison of S. domuncula r-proteins with r-proteins from D. melanogaster, C. elegans, rat, Arabidopsis thaliana and Saccharomyces cerevisiae revealed very interesting findings. The majority of the sponge r-proteins are more similar to their homologues from rat, than to those either from invertebrates C. elegans and D. melanogaster, or yeast and plant. With few exceptions, the overall sequence conservation between sponge and rat r-proteins is 80% or higher. The phylogenetic tree of concatenated r-proteins from 6 eukaryotic species (rooted with archaeal r-proteins) has the shortest branches connecting sponge and rat. Both model invertebrate organisms experienced recently accelerated evolution and therefore sponge r-proteins very probably better reflect structures of proteins in the ancestral metazoan ribosome, which changed only little during metazoan evolution. Furthermore, r-proteins from the plant A. thaliana are significantly closer to metazoan r-proteins than are those from the yeast S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Two new C29 sterols with a cyclopropane ring at C-25 and C-26, petrosterol-3,6-dione (1) and 5α,6α-epoxy-petrosterol (2), along with petrosterol (3), were isolated from the Vietnamese marine sponge Ianthella sp. The structures of the new compounds were elucidated by comprehensive spectroscopic analyses. Compounds 1?3 showed cytotoxic activities on A549, HL-60, MCF-7, SK-OV-3, and U937 cancer cell lines with IC50 in the range of 8.4–22.6 μM, whereas compounds 1?3 exhibited only weak cytotoxic activities on HT-29 cell. After HL-60 cells were treated with the compounds, several apoptosis events like chromatin condensation and the increase of the population of sub-G1 hypodiploid cells were observed. These data supported that the compounds might have potential for leukemia treatment.  相似文献   

Pollen and macro-remains were analysed in a sixth site (La Gouille 1,800 m) of the Cha?ne des Hurtières (northern French Alps). Nine A.M.S. dates support the chronology. Thus, the establishment of the vegetation belt of a massif can be modelled in the northern French Alps. Betula invaded sub-Alpine grasslands as early as 10,000 14C BP. Around 9,600 14C BP shrublands with Corylus, Alnus and Sorbus were established before the spread of Abies at the site approximately 8,200 14C BP. A decrease in Abies prior to 8,100 14C BP occurred during the Venediger climatic oscillation. At around 2,940 14C BP, a strong regression of Abies due to human action is noted with the expansion of Alnus viridis. Recently, a second Abies retraction led to the present sparce P. cembra and Alnus viridis vegetation cover.  相似文献   

Pichia yeasts have been recognized as important microbial cell factories in the biotechnological industry. Notably, the Pichia pastoris and Pichia stipitis species have attracted much research interest due to their unique cellular physiology and metabolic capability: P. pastoris has the ability to utilize methanol for cell growth and recombinant protein production, while P. stipitis is capable of assimilating xylose to produce ethanol under oxygen-limited conditions. To harness these characteristics for biotechnological applications, it is highly required to characterize their metabolic behavior. Recently, following the genome sequencing of these two Pichia species, genome-scale metabolic networks have been reconstructed to model the yeasts’ metabolism from a systems perspective. To date, there are three genome-scale models available for each of P. pastoris and P. stipitis. In this mini-review, we provide an overview of the models, discuss certain limitations of previous studies, and propose potential future works that can be conducted to better understand and engineer Pichia yeasts for industrial applications.  相似文献   

DNA “barcoding,” the determination of taxon-specific genetic variation typically within a fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase 1 (cox1) gene, has emerged as a useful complement to morphological studies, and is routinely used by expert taxonomists to identify cryptic species and by non-experts to better identify samples collected during field surveys. The rate of molecular evolution in the mitochondrial genomes (mtDNA) of nonbilaterian animals (sponges, cnidarians, and placozoans) is much slower than in bilaterian animals for which DNA barcoding strategies were developed. If sequence divergence among nonbilaterian mtDNA and specifically cox1 is too slow to generate diagnostic variation, alternative genes for DNA barcoding and species-level phylogenies should be considered. Previous study across the Aplysinidae (Demospongiae, Verongida) family of sponges demonstrated no nucleotide substitutions in the traditional cox1 barcoding fragment among the Caribbean species of Aplysina. As the mitochondrial genome of Aplysina fulva has previously been sequenced, we are now able to make the first comparisons between complete mtDNA of congeneric demosponges to assess whether potentially informative variation exists in genes other than cox1. In this article, we present the complete mitochondrial genome of Aplysina cauliformis, a circular molecule 19620 bp in size. The mitochondrial genome of A. cauliformis is the same length as is A. fulva and shows six confirmed nucleotide differences and an additional 11 potential SNPs. Of the six confirmed SNPs, NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 (nad5) and nad2 each contain two, and in nad2 both yield amino acid substitutions, suggesting balancing selection may act on this gene. Thus, while the low nucleotide diversity in Caribbean aplysinid cox1 extends to the entire mitochondrial genome, some genes do display variation. If these represent interspecific differences, then they may be useful alternative markers for studies in recently diverged sponge clades.  相似文献   

Metabolomics studies now approach large sample sizes and the health characterization of the study population often include complete blood count (CBC) results. Upon careful interpretation the CBC aids diagnosis and provides insight into the health status of the patient within a clinical setting. Uncovering metabolic signatures associated with parameters of the CBC in apparently healthy individuals may facilitate interpretation of metabolomics studies in general and related to diseases. For this purpose 879 subjects from the population‐based Study of Health in Pomerania (SHIP)‐TREND were included. Using metabolomics data resulting from mass‐spectrometry based measurements in plasma samples associations of specific CBC parameters with metabolites were determined by linear regression models. In total, 118 metabolites significantly associated with at least one of the CBC parameters. Strongest associations were observed with metabolites of heme degradation and energy production/consumption. Inverse association seen with mean corpuscular volume and mean corpuscular haemoglobin comprised metabolites potentially related to kidney function. The presently identified metabolic signatures are likely derived from the general function and formation/elimination of blood cells. The wealth of associated metabolites strongly argues to consider CBC in the interpretation of metabolomics studies, in particular if mutual effects on those parameters by the disease of interest are known.  相似文献   

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