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Soybean sterol methyltransferase (SMT) in the presence of AdoMet catalyzes the transmethylation of the delta24-bond of the sterol side chain to produce phytosterols with a methyl(lene) or ethyl(idene) group at C-24. The function of six aromatic amino acids associated with the putative active center of the SMT, i.e., Region 1 that extends from Phe82 to Phe93 in soybean SMT, was studied by site-directed mutagenesis and heterologous expression in BL21(DE3) bacterial cells. The enzyme-generated products were characterized kinetically and by GC-MS analysis. Substitution of the aromatic amino acids at positions 82, 83, 85, 87, 91, and 93 with a leucine residue produced mutant SMTs with varying activities. The mutants converted cycloartenol to 24(28)-methylene cycloartanol [C1-activity] from a few percent to as much as 95% of the control activity. In contrast, none of the leucine mutants were found to catalyze 24(28)-methylene lophenol [C2-activity], suggesting a loss of function associated with the second C1-transfer activity. In contrast to the loss of the second C1-transfer activity of the Phe82Leu, replacement of the Phe82 residue to isoleucine had minimal effect on the first or second C1-transfer activities, suggesting that the increased bulk (branching) in the leucine side chain contributes to significant perturbations in the active site that generate inaccurate positioning of the substrate side chain disfavoring the second C1-transfer activity. Replacement of Tyr83 to phenylalanine resulted in an increase of the specificity constant (kcat/Km) for the substrate of the second C1-transfer activity by a factor of 5 compared to control and an increase of delta24(28)Z-ethylidene sterol formation in the 24-ethyl sterol product set, suggesting that loss of steric bulk from the phenolic hydroxyl group on tyrosine generates a less precise fit of the delta24(28) sterol side chain into the active site favoring the second C1-transfer activity and prompting reaction channeling during catalysis. Circular dichroism spectra, equilibrium dialysis studies of AdoMet, and chromatographic information of the wild-type and Tyr83 mutants confirmed retention of the overall conformation of the enzyme during the experiments. Together, these findings suggest that the amino acids of Region 1 provide a tight substrate orientation imposed by hydrophobic interactions between the sterol side chain and the SMT active site contacts and control the production and processing of the transmethylation pathways governed by the first and second C1-transfer activities.  相似文献   

Sterol methyltransferase (SMT) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae was purified from Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) and labeled with the mechanism-based irreversible inhibitor [3-3H]26,27-dehydrozymosterol (26,27-DHZ). A 5-kDa tryptic digest peptide fragment containing six acidic residues at positions Glu-64, Asp-65, Glu-68, Asp-79, Glu-82, and Glu-98 was determined to contain the substrate analog covalently attached to Glu-68 by Edman sequencing and radioanalysis using C18 reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography. Site-directed mutagenesis of the six acidic residues to leucine followed by activity assay of the purified mutants confirmed Glu-68 as the only residue to participate in affinity labeling. Equilibration studies indicated that zymosterol and 26,27-DHZ were bound to native and the E68L mutant with similar affinity, whereas S-adenosylmethionine was bound only to the native SMT, K(d) of about 2 microm. Analysis of the incubation products of the wild-type and six leucine mutants by GC-MS demonstrated that zymosterol was converted to fecosterol, 26,27-DHZ was converted to 26-homo-cholesta-8(9),23(24)E,26(26')-trienol as well as 26-homocholesta-8(9),26(26')-3beta,24beta-dienol, and in the case of D79L and E82L mutants, zymosterol was also converted to a new product, 24-methylzymosta-8,25(27)-dienol. The structures of the methylenecyclopropane ring-opened olefins were determined unambiguously by a combination of (1)H and (13)C NMR techniques. A K(m) of 15 microm, K(cat) of 8 x 10(-4) s(-1), and partition ratio of 0.03 was established for 26,27-DHZ, suggesting that the methylenecyclopropane can serve as a lead structure for a new class of antifungal agents. Taken together, partitioning that leads to loss of enzyme function is the result of 26,27-DHZ catalysis forming a highly reactive cationic intermediate that interacts with the enzyme in a region normally not occupied by the zymosterol high energy intermediate as a consequence of less than perfect control. Alternatively, the gain in enzyme function resulting from the production of a delta(25(27))-olefin originates with the leucine substitution directing substrate channeling along different reaction channels in a similar region at the active site.  相似文献   

The KsgA methyltransferase is universally conserved and plays a key role in regulating ribosome biogenesis. KsgA has a complex reaction mechanism, transferring a total of four methyl groups onto two separate adenosine residues, A1518 and A1519, in the small subunit rRNA. This means that the active site pocket must accept both adenosine and N(6)-methyladenosine as substrates to catalyze formation of the final product N(6),N(6)-dimethyladenosine. KsgA is related to DNA adenosine methyltransferases, which transfer only a single methyl group to their target adenosine residue. We demonstrate that part of the discrimination between mono- and dimethyltransferase activity lies in a single residue in the active site, L114; this residue is part of a conserved motif, known as motif IV, which is common to a large group of S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferases. Mutation of the leucine to a proline mimics the sequence found in DNA methyltransferases. The L114P mutant of KsgA shows diminished overall activity, and its ability to methylate the N(6)-methyladenosine intermediate to produce N(6),N(6)-dimethyladenosine is impaired; this is in contrast to a second active site mutation, N113A, which diminishes activity to a level comparable to L114P without affecting the methylation of N(6)-methyladenosine. We discuss the implications of this work for understanding the mechanism of KsgA's multiple catalytic steps.  相似文献   

Sortases anchor surface proteins to the cell wall of Gram-positive pathogens through recognition of specific motif sequences. Loss of sortase leads to large reductions in virulence, which identifies sortase as a target for the development of antibacterials. By screening 135,625 small molecules for inhibition, we report here that aryl (beta-amino)ethyl ketones inhibit sortase enzymes from staphylococci and bacilli. Inhibition of sortases occurs through an irreversible, covalent modification of their active site cysteine. Sortases specifically activate this class of molecules via beta-elimination, generating a reactive olefin intermediate that covalently modifies the cysteine thiol. Analysis of the three-dimensional structure of Bacillus anthracis sortase B with and without inhibitor provides insights into the mechanism of inhibition and reveals binding pockets that can be exploited for drug discovery.  相似文献   

Chemical modification of the active site of yeast invertase   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

The glyoxalase pathway is responsible for conversion of cytotoxic methylglyoxal (MG) to d-lactate. MG toxicity arises from its ability to form advanced glycation end products (AGEs) on proteins, lipids and DNA. Studies have shown that inhibitors of glyoxalase I (GLO1), the first enzyme of this pathway, have chemotherapeutic effects both in vitro and in vivo, presumably by increasing intracellular MG concentrations leading to apoptosis and cell death. Here, we present the first molecular inhibitor, 4-bromoacetoxy-1-(S-glutathionyl)-acetoxy butane (4BAB), able to covalently bind to the free sulfhydryl group of Cys60 in the hydrophobic binding pocket adjacent to the enzyme active site and partially inactivate the enzyme. Our data suggests that partial inactivation of homodimeric GLO1 is due to the modification at only one of the enzymatic active sites. Although this molecule may have limited use pharmacologically, it may serve as an important template for the development of new GLO1 inhibitors that may combine this strategy with ones already reported for high affinity GLO1 inhibitors, potentially improving potency and specificity.  相似文献   

A universal step in the biosynthesis of membrane sterols and steroid hormones is the oxidative removal of the 14alpha-methyl group from sterol precursors by sterol 14alpha-demethylase (CYP51). This enzyme is a primary target in treatment of fungal infections in organisms ranging from humans to plants, and development of more potent and selective CYP51 inhibitors is an important biological objective. Our continuing interest in structural aspects of substrate and inhibitor recognition in CYP51 led us to determine (to a resolution of 1.95A) the structure of CYP51 from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (CYP51(Mt)) co-crystallized with 4,4'-dihydroxybenzophenone (DHBP), a small organic molecule previously identified among top type I binding hits in a library screened against CYP51(Mt). The newly determined CYP51(Mt)-DHBP structure is the most complete to date and is an improved template for three-dimensional modeling of CYP51 enzymes from fungal and prokaryotic pathogens. The structure demonstrates the induction of conformational fit of the flexible protein regions and the interactions of conserved Phe-89 essential for both fungal drug resistance and catalytic function, which were obscure in the previously characterized CYP51(Mt)-estriol complex. DHBP represents a benzophenone scaffold binding in the CYP51 active site via a type I mechanism, suggesting (i) a possible new class of CYP51 inhibitors targeting flexible regions, (ii) an alternative catalytic function for bacterial CYP51 enzymes, and (iii) a potential for hydroxybenzophenones, widely distributed in the environment, to interfere with sterol biosynthesis. Finally, we show the inhibition of M. tuberculosis growth by DHBP in a mouse macrophage model.  相似文献   

The kinetics of acetylation of mitochondrial succinate dehydrogenase [EC] in the two fibre types (A and C) of rat gastrocnemius with N-acetylimidazole was studied by a newly modified histochemical technique. Acetylimidazole partially inactivated the enzyme, but subsequent deacetylation with hydroxylamine restored the enzyme activity completely. Inactivation of the enzyme by acetylimidazole was prevented by malonate, which is a competitive inhibitor of the enzyme. The value of the inhibition constant (Ki = 34 microM) for malonate, obtained from the dependence of the pseudo-first order rate constant of acetylation of the enzyme with acetylimidazole on the malonate concentration, was in good agreement with the Ki value (33 microM) obtained by a different method, the dependence of the initial velocity of succinate oxidation by the dehydrogenase on the substrate concentration in the presence of malonate. These findings suggest that a tyrosyl residue is located in the malonate binding site (the active site) of succinate dehydrogenase in the gastrocnemius and plays a role in substrate binding, but is not a catalytic group.  相似文献   

The enzymatic C-methylation reaction catalyzed by the Glycine max sterol 24-C-methyltransferase was studied with substrate analogs containing a cycloartenol nucleus (CA) and a double bond (8) or triple bond (14) attached to C26. The production of the corresponding C24(28)-methylene olefin and time-dependent inhibition kinetics of k(inact) 0.24 min(-1) (CA-8) or 0.06 min(-1) (CA-14) indicates an active-site directed process and partitioning to produce novel products.  相似文献   

We report the characterization of a higher-plant C-24 sterol methyltransferase by yeast complementation. A Zea mays endosperm expressed sequence tag (EST) was identified which, upon complete sequencing, showed 46% identity to the yeast C-24 methyltransferase gene (ERG6) and 75% and 37% amino acid identity to recently isolated higher-plant sterol methyltransferases from soybean and Arabidopsis, respectively. When placed under GAL4 regulation, the Z. mays cDNA functionally complemented the erg6 mutation, restoring ergosterol production and conferring resistance to cycloheximide. Complementation was both plasmid-dependent and galactose-inducible. The Z. mays cDNA clone contains an open reading frame encoding a 40 kDa protein containing motifs common to a large number of S-adenosyl-L-methionine methyltransferases (SMTs). Sequence comparisons and functional studies of the maize, soybean and Arabidopsis cDNAs indicates two types of C-24 SMTs exist in higher plants.  相似文献   

The active site of myo-inositol dehydrogenase (IDH, EC from Bacillus subtilis recognizes a variety of mono- and disaccharides, as well as 1l-4-O-substituted inositol derivatives. It catalyzes the NAD+-dependent oxidation of the axial alcohol of these substrates with comparable kinetic constants. We have found that 4-O-p-toluenesulfonyl-myo-inositol does not act as a substrate for IDH, in contrast to structurally similar compounds such as those bearing substituted benzyl substituents in the same position. X-ray crystallographic analysis of 4-O-p-toluenesulfonyl-myo-inositol and 4-O-(2-naphthyl)methyl-myo-inositol, which is a substrate for IDH, shows a distinct difference in the preferred conformation of the aryl substituent. Conformational analysis of known substrates of IDH suggests that this conformational difference may account for the difference in reactivity of 4-O-p-toluenesulfonyl-myo-inositol in the presence of IDH. A sequence alignment of IDH with the homologous glucose-fructose oxidoreductase allowed the construction of an homology model of inositol dehydrogenase, to which NADH and 4-O-benzyl-scyllo-inosose were docked and the active site energy minimized. The active site model is consistent with all experimental results and suggests that a conserved tyrosine-glycine-tyrosine motif forms the hydrophobic pocket adjoining the site of inositol recognition. Y233F and Y235F retain activity, while Y233R and Y235R do not. A histidine-aspartate pair, H176 and D172, are proposed to act as a dyad in which H176 is the active site acid/base. The enzyme is inactivated by diethyl pyrocarbonate, and the mutants H176A and D172N show a marked loss of activity. Kinetic isotope effect experiments with D172N indicate that chemistry is rate-determining for this mutant.  相似文献   

Alkaline phosphatase from Megalobatrachus japonicus was inactivated by diethyl pyrocarbonate (DEP). The inactivation followed pseudo-first-order kinetics with a second-order rate constant of 176 M(-1) x min(-1) at pH 6.2 and 25 degrees C. The loss of enzyme activity was accompanied with an increase in absorbance at 242 nm and the inactivated enzyme was re-activated by hydroxylamine, indicating the modification of histidine residues. This conclusion was also confirmed by the pH profiles of inactivation, which showed the involvement of a residue with pK(a) of 6.6. The presence of glycerol 3-phosphate, AMP and phosphate protected the enzyme against inactivation. The results revealed that the histidine residues modified by DEP were located at the active site. Spectrophotometric quantification of modified residues showed that modification of two histidine residues per active site led to complete inactivation, but kinetic stoichiometry indicated that one molecule of modifier reacted with one active site during inactivation, probably suggesting that two essential histidine residues per active site are necessary for complete activity whereas modification of a single histidine residue per active site is enough to result in inactivation.  相似文献   

The flavoprotein nitroalkane oxidase catalyzes the oxidative denitrification of primary or secondary nitroalkanes to the corresponding aldehydes or ketones with production of hydrogen peroxide and nitrite. The enzyme is irreversibly inactivated by treatment with N-ethylmaleimide at pH 7. The inactivation is time-dependent and shows first-order kinetics for three half-lives. The second-order rate constant for inactivation is 3.4 +/- 0.06 m(-)(1) min(-)(1). The competitive inhibitor valerate protects the enzyme from inactivation, indicating an active site-directed modification. Comparison of tryptic maps of enzyme treated with N-[ethyl-1-(14)C]maleimide in the absence and presence of valerate shows a single radioactive peptide differentially labeled in the unprotected enzyme. The sequence of this peptide was determined to be LLNEVMCYPLFDGGNIGLR using Edman degradation and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. The cysteine residue was identified as the site of alkylation by ion trap mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

In most organisms, the widely conserved 1-methyl-adenosine58 (m1A58) tRNA modification is catalyzed by an S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM)-dependent, site-specific enzyme TrmI. In archaea, TrmI also methylates the adjacent adenine 57, m1A57 being an obligatory intermediate of 1-methyl-inosine57 formation. To study this multi-site specificity, we used three oligoribonucleotide substrates of Pyrococcus abyssi TrmI (PabTrmI) containing a fluorescent 2-aminopurine (2-AP) at the two target positions and followed the RNA binding kinetics and methylation reactions by stopped-flow and mass spectrometry. PabTrmI did not modify 2-AP but methylated the adjacent target adenine. 2-AP seriously impaired the methylation of A57 but not A58, confirming that PabTrmI methylates efficiently the first adenine of the A57A58A59 sequence. PabTrmI binding provoked a rapid increase of fluorescence, attributed to base unstacking in the environment of 2-AP. Then, a slow decrease was observed only with 2-AP at position 57 and SAM, suggesting that m1A58 formation triggers RNA release. A model of the protein–tRNA complex shows both target adenines in proximity of SAM and emphasizes no major tRNA conformational change except base flipping during the reaction. The solvent accessibility of the SAM pocket is not affected by the tRNA, thereby enabling S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine to be replaced by SAM without prior release of monomethylated tRNA.  相似文献   

Chemical modification and site-specific mutagenesis approaches were used in this study to identify the active site serine residue of pancreatic cholesterol esterase. In the first approach, purified porcine pancreatic cholesterol esterase was covalently modified by incubation with [3H]diisopropylfluorophosphate (DFP). The radiolabeled cholesterol esterase was digested with CNBr, and the peptides were separated by high performance liquid chromatography. A single 3H-containing peptide was obtained for sequence determination. The results revealed the binding of DFP to a serine residue within the serine esterase homologous domain of the protein. Furthermore, the DFP-labeled serine was shown to correspond to serine residue 194 of rat cholesterol esterase (Kissel, J. A., Fontaine, R. N., Turck, C. W., Brockman, H. L., and Hui, D. Y. (1989) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1006, 227-236). The codon for serine 194 in rat cholesterol esterase cDNA was then mutagenized to ACT or GCT to yield mutagenized cholesterol esterase with either threonine or alanine, instead of serine, at position 194. Expression of the mutagenized cDNA in COS-1 cells demonstrated that substitution of serine 194 with threonine or alanine abolished enzyme activity in hydrolyzing the water-soluble substrate, p-nitrophenyl butyrate, and the lipid substrates cholesteryl [14C]oleate and [14C] lysophosphatidylcholine. These studies definitively identified serine 194 in the catalytic site of pancreatic cholesterol esterase.  相似文献   

The human topoisomerase I-mediated DNA relaxation reaction was studied following modification of the enzyme at the active site tyrosine (position 723). A series of unnatural tyrosine analogues was incorporated into the active site of human topoisomerase I by utilizing misacylated suppressor tRNAs in an in vitro protein synthesizing system. The relaxation activities of the modified human topoisomerase I analogues having varied steric, electronic, and stereochemical features were all greatly diminished relative to that of the wild type. It was found that modifications involving replacement of the nucleophilic tyrosine OH group with NH2, SH, or I groups eliminated DNA relaxation activity, as did changing the orientation of the nucleophilic tyrosine OH group. Only tyrosine analogues having the phenolic OH group in the normal position with respect to the protein backbone were active; the relative activities could be rationalized in chemical terms on the basis of the H-bonding and the electronic effects of the substituents attached to the meta position of the aromatic ring. In addition, the poisoning of one of the modified human topoisomerase I analogues, as part of covalent binary complexes with DNA, by CPT and 20-thio CPT was evaluated.  相似文献   

Reaction of Aspergillus ficuum phytase with the arginine specific modifier 1,2-cyclohexanedione causes a rapid loss of activity. The inactivation can be partially reversed by 0.2 M hydroxylamine and exhibits pseudo-first order kinetics. The reaction order and second order rate constant of inactivation were 0.87 and 6.72 M-1 Min-1, respectively. Amino acid analysis of modified phytase indicates that about 7 arginine of the total 19 were modified. While the chymotryptic maps of treated and untreated phytase wer virtually identical, the tryptic maps had 4 peaks of altered mobility. An Arg containing tripeptide was identified in the phytase which is also present in other phosphohydrolases and may represent one of the labile Arg involved in the formation of the active site.  相似文献   

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