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The postmetamorphic growth and survival of the salamander Hynobius nebulosus tokyoentisTago were surveyed in the study site located in Habu village of Hinodemachi, a suburb of Tokyo City, during 1975–1981. A laboratory experiment on the growth rate of juveniles was conducted in parallel with the field survey. The result indicated that this salamander grew at the rate of 8,mm in s.v.l. per year during the juvenile stage, but its growth rate decreased markedly as low as 1.8 mm for males and 1.1 mm for females, once it had attained sexual maturity. According to the “capture-recapture” procedure the annual survival rate after metamorphosis was found to be quite high; that is, approximately 0.7. By using the growth rate of juveniles and the difference between the sizes at metamorphosis and sexual maturity, the age at first reproduction was estimated to be 4 year for males and 5 year for females. From the data obtained in this study, the intrinsic rates of increase (r) were calculated for various values of age at first reproduction under different survival schedules, and the relationship between the age at first reproduction and fitness as measured by r was examined. The result indicated that an optimal age maximizing fitness always existed under respective survival schedules, and the observed age at first reproduction of this salamandei was found to coincide well with the predicted optimal age.  相似文献   

Litter size was positively correlated with latitude and altitude but not with production of offspring or with body size in Peromyscus. Increased litter size in northern populations probably reflects shortening the breeding season by climate and not a greater mortality rate at northern latitudes compared to southern latitudes. Production of offspring was negatively correlated with body size but not with latitude, altitude, or litter size. This is probably due to larger species living longer and taking longer to mature.  相似文献   

The epithelial lining of the respiratory tract of urodeles has been shown to harbor an innervated system of neuroepithelial endocrine (NEE) cells. Even between phylogenetically closely related species, large differences have been reported in the appearance and chemical coding of the NEE system. Although urodeles are well suited for the purpose, none of the prior studies have provided an immunocytochemical survey of the NEE system in all parts of the respiratory tract. In the present study, many bioactive substances and a general marker were immunocytochemically demonstrated in serial sections of the entire respiratory tract of the Tokyo salamander, Hynobius nebulosus tokyoensis, a species in which neuroepithelial bodies (NEBs) were previously characterized at the electron microscopic level. In the current study, serotonin-immunoreactive solitary NEE cells were observed in variable numbers in the larynx, in all parts of the trachea, and in areas of the lungs covered with ciliomucous epithelium. Serotonin-containing NEBs, however, were detected in small cranial areas of the lung only. Solitary NEE cells were seen in the trachea and lungs of H. nebulosus tokyoensis by immunocytochemical staining for somatostatin, calcitonin, calcitonin gene-related peptide, and bombesin, but the number, localization, and appearance of the labeled NEE cells differed considerably. Only calcitonin-like immunoreactivity was also noted in some NEB-like cell clusters in the cranial parts of the lungs. Unlike many other vertebrates, neuron specific enolase was found to be a poor marker for the NEE system in the salamander species used in this investigation. It may be concluded that the NEE system of H. nebulosus tokyoensis contains at least five different bioactive substances. The different markers, however, demonstrate the presence of NEE cells with obvious differences in respect to appearance and topographical distribution. The necessity is emphasized of reliable methods for adequate sampling of all regions of the respiratory tract in comparative histological studies of the NEE system.  相似文献   

Summary One strain (iC) ofC. chinensis and two strains (aQ and tQ) ofC. maculatus were used to study the temporal pattern in adult distribution in oviposition site. The density of iC in the oviposition site decreased faster than the density in the population cage, but the pattern was not affected by the presence of the other species. The density in ovipositon site of aQ and tQ controls was far lower than that of iC. The density changes in the controls of both strains were rather parallel to the pattern in the population cage. The density of aQ and tQ in the oviposition site in mixed cultures was affected by the presence of the other species. The density of aQ was less than half that in the controls. The pattern of density change was almost the same as in the controls. The density of tQ in the mixed cultures, although lowered initially by the presence of iC, increased after the density of iC decreased. Coupled with its longer female longevity, this characteristic of tQ behavior at the oviposition site apparently contributed to its winning the competition with iC. The adult distribution pattern observed in the present experiments provides an explanation for the peculiar two-fold increase in mean individual weight ofC. chinensis in mixed cultures compared with controls, whileC. maculatus adults were a little lighter in mixed cultures than the controls. Contribution from the Entomological Laboratory, Kyoto University, No. 432.  相似文献   

The karyotype of Hynobius tokyoensis (2n = 56) was analyzed using three kinds of banding methods to determine the morphological differentiation of the sex chromosomes of this species. Salamanders and egg sacs were collected from seven localities around Tokyo, Japan. Of 28 chromosome pairs, microchromosome No. 21 was identified as a ZZ/ZW-type sex chromosome. The Z chromosome was acrocentric, whereas the W chromosome was submetacentric, with a heterochromatic, elongated short arm. Interestingly, the W chromosome is of three distinct types, W(A), W(B), and W(C), based on R-banding and Ag-NOR patterns. W(A) was detected in five populations from southern habitats, whereas W(B) and W(C) were detected in one population each from northern habitats. W(A), W(B), and W(C) were all found to carry Ag-NORs on their heterochromatic short arms. Considering the karyotypes of other species belonging to the same genus, we discuss the evolution of the sex chromosomes of H. tokyoensis.  相似文献   

The effect of population density on reproduction as well as the oviposition modes of two sympatric dung beetle species, Aphodius haroldianus (a low fecundity/high parental effort species) and A. elegans (a high fecundity/low parental effort species) was studied at a pasture in central Japan from 1982 to 1986.
  1. The adult population density of A. haroldianus was high (>40 per dung pat). The density of A. elegans was low (<5 per dung pat). Oviposition of A. haroldianus was suppressed above the density of about 10 adults of conspecifics but not affected by the density of other species. The intra- and interspecific density effects on oviposition were not detected in A. elegans.
  2. The number of A. haroldianus adults per pat decreased with dung age, while that of A. elegans increased until sixth day after deposition and then decreased. The number of eggs laid per pat was not different between 1-day-and 3-day-old pats for A. haroldianus. However, more eggs of A. elegans were found in 3-day-old pats than in 1-day-old ones.
  3. In the both species, the amplitude of population fluctuations was not remarkable; the maximum/minimum ratio for five years being 2.3 for A. haroldianus and 2.9 for A. elegans. Different density dependent processes were suggested to function for the small fluctuation of population density between the two species, i.e. intraspecific density effect on oviposition for A. haroldianus and contest type competition for food among larvae of A. elegans.

Larvae of the salamander, Hynobius retardatus, are carnivorous, and even though there are two morphs, a typical morph and a broad-headed or “cannibal” morph, both are cannibalistic. They also sometimes eat other large prey, for example larvae of the frog, Rana pirica. In natural habitats, use of both conspecific and R. pirica larvae as food may contribute more strongly to high survival and substantially to fitness when larval densities are higher, because early-stage H. retardatus larvae sometimes experience scarcity of their typical prey. In cannibalistic oviparous amphibians, larger individuals that developed from larger eggs can more efficiently catch and consume larger prey and thus their survival may be better than that of smaller individuals developed from smaller eggs. Populations might therefore diverge in respect of egg size in response to variation in the density of conspecific and R. pirica larvae in natural ponds, with eggs being larger when larval density is higher. I examined how variance in hatchling size correlated with the incidence of cannibalism, and whether increasing larval density in natural ponds correlated with increasing egg size. Variance in initial larval body size facilitated cannibalism, and egg size increased as larval density in the ponds increased. In ponds with high larval density, where cannibalism and large prey consumption is a critical factor in offspring fitness, the production of fewer clutches with larger eggs, and thus of fewer and larger offspring, results in greater maternal fitness. Variation among the mean egg size in populations is likely to represent a shift in optimum egg size across larval density gradients.  相似文献   

Growth and population density of the larvae, Hynobius nebulosus tokyoensisTago , were estimated in a small pond within the study site settled in Habu village of Hinodemachi, a suburb of Tokyo City, during the period from 1975 to 1980. The mortality factors which influenced the survival rate of larvae were also evaluated from the ecological point of view. Laboratory experiments on the growth of larvae and predation by newts were conducted in pararell with the field survey. The results showed that growth rate of larvae under the natural condition was very slow, as compared with that under the laboratory condition with sufficient food supply, and mean body size at metamorphosis was negatively correlated with the density at that time. This suggested that food resources were in short supply in the pond, and there occurred a severe intraspecific competition for food among larvae. The mortality rate of larvae was so high, 80–99% in each year, and the density of larvae survived until metamorphosis varied so greatly from year to year that the larval stage was the most important stage throughout the life cycle to the maintenance of a population for this salamander. The most important factors which contributed to this high mortality were the predation by the newt, Triturus pyrrhogaster pyrrhogasterBoie , and cannibalism. From the laboratory experiment, it was found that predators could attack only small larvae successfully, and successful attack rate decreased sharply as larvae grew larger. This relationship resulted in the characteristic L-shaped pattern of survivorship curve of larvae; that is, heavy mortality just after hatching period.  相似文献   

Population Ecology - The distribution of nests of the swallows was investigated in 1957, 1962 and 1963 at Koriyama, Nara Prefecture. Roughly speaking, the nest ofHirundo rustica was located in the...  相似文献   

Size variation in newly-emerged adults was examined in two different local populations of an herbivorous lady beetle, Henosepilachna niponica, for 1976–80. Mean adult size of both sexes changed rather synchronously in the two populations over 5 years. Body size of adult beetles apparently decreased with increasing leaf damage of the plants on which they developed. Adult beetles which emerged late in the season, associated with increasing food deterioration, were smaller than those which emerged early. Ecological consequences of adult size variation is discussed in terms of oviposition site selection.  相似文献   

宁波地区黑斑蛙的繁殖生态和产卵地选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黑斑蛙是我国分布最广的两栖动物之一,但目前有关其繁殖生态和产卵地选择还所知甚少,而且多局限于定性描述。2004—2006年在宁波地区黑斑蛙的繁殖期,对黑斑蛙的繁殖生态研究分析表明,该蛙在繁殖期的种群密度为0.0903±0.0029只/m(n=11);该蛙是雌雄二形性的蛙类,雌性蛙类的体重和体长都显著大于雄性;该蛙窝卵数的变化幅度较大(1546—7897个),平均窝卵数为4643.04±235.96个(n=50);卵径范围为1.50—1.74mm,平均卵径大小为1.6050±0.0046mm(n=226)。对黑斑蛙产卵地选择的研究结果表明,产卵地在水域比率、裸地比率、植被盖度、水深、水温和水的透明度等方面与随机样方不同;该蛙偏爱在水域比率和植被盖度较高的生境产卵,而避免在水体较深的生境产卵。为了更好地保护黑斑蛙的产卵栖息地,今后应优先保护水域比率和植被盖度较高而水体不深的生境。  相似文献   

Intra- and inter-specific comparisons in progeny size and clutch size were used to identify possible selection pressures acting on three sympatric species of ovoviviporous flesh flies. Both progeny and clutch sizes increased with body weight of the female parent in all species. There was no evidence for a simple trade-off between the two traits. In one species, the larger the female adult the smaller the relative biomass of larvae per clutch (total weight of larvae/body weight of female parent). Female flies produced similar progeny and clutch sizes over successive batches. Variation in progeny size did not influence either larval survival or duration of larval and pupal development. However, larger first instar larvae tended to form larger pupae in two of the species. The experiments testing the effect of progeny size on pupal weight under limited food conditions suggest a selective advantage for larger progeny size.  相似文献   

新疆木垒波斑鸨的繁殖成功率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者于 1998~ 2 0 0 0年 4~ 7月 ,采用野外直接观察、栖息地植被样方调查和无线电跟踪等方法对分布于新疆木垒的波斑鸨 (Chlamydotiundulatamacqueenii)种群的繁殖生态进行了初步观察与研究。考察中共发现45个巢、 84窝幼雏。研究结果表明 ,木垒波斑鸨有两个产卵高峰期 ,表明雌鸟第一次繁殖失败后可能再次产卵。雌鸟营巢成功率平均为 0 5 0 5。波斑鸨的窝卵数在 2~ 6枚之间 ,出现 4枚卵的频率最高。第一产卵期内的平均窝卵数 ( 4 0± 0 8枚 /窝 )大于第二产卵期内的平均窝卵数 ( 3 3± 0 8枚 /窝 )。木垒波斑鸨种群三年间卵孵化率分别为 0 84、 0 80和 1,繁殖成功率为 0 45 6。种群在繁殖期几乎不受人类活动干扰 ,巢卵及幼雏损失主要来自天敌捕食 ,如沙狐、大和棕尾等.  相似文献   

Using skeletochronology, we determined the age structure of adult Hynobius nebulosus from Kyoto in the breeding season of 1998. From previously marked individuals, the lines of arrested growth proved to be formed once per year, indicating the number of winters each salamander experienced. The age at first reproduction was estimated to be 2.8-2.9 yrs of age in males and 3.8-3.9 yrs in females. The oldest males and females were 9.8-9.9 and 5.8-5.9 yrs of age, respectively, and, therefore the longevity in this species was estimated to be more than 9 yrs for males and 5 yrs for females. The growth curve of male's body size estimated indicated that the growth rate much decreases after males attained sexual maturity. Because body sizes of adults greatly vary even within an age class, it is dangerous to estimate individual age from the size frequency data at least in adults. We discussed age properties in Hynobius by comparing lentic and lotic breeders.  相似文献   

Individual differences in several reproductive parameters of female Pieris rapae were investigated in a controlled laboratory condition. Lifetime and age-specific fecundity showed considerable variability between individuals. Larger females began oviposition at an earlier age than smaller ones, and larger females were more fecund than smaller ones. Larger females laid a larger proportion of their eggs in the early stages of their reproductive lifetime, whilst smaller females laid the larger proportion of their eggs later in their reproductive lifetime. The significance of the variance in age-specific fecundity associated with female size is discussed with respect to the seasonal change in size and habitat utilization of this species.  相似文献   

  1. Reproductive properties of two sympatric dung beetles, Aphodius haroldianus and A. elegans, were studied at a pasture in the central Japan.
  2. Overwintered adults of A. haroldianus came flying to dung pats from May to early August and bred from June to July. A. elegans overwintered as larvae, new adults came to dung pats from mid May to mid June. After aestivation, they reproduced from October to November.
  3. A. haroldianus was a species with low fecundity and large food reserve for larvae. Female of this species had short duration of residence and laid fewer number of eggs in one dung pat. On the other hand, A. elegans was a species with high fecundity and small food reserve for larvae. Female of this species had long duration of residence and laid larger number of eggs in one dung pat.
  4. The daily egg production in A. haroldianus reached a peak (0.40 eggs/female/day) at middle of oviposition period, but, that in A. elegans reached a peak (6.49 eggs/female/ day) at the beginning of oviposition period. The mortality of A. haroldianus female occurred after the daily egg production reached a peak and then rapidly increased, whereas that of A. elegans began soon after the beginning of oviposition and then gradually increased.

The role of social behavior on the population regulation of the Japanese wood mouse, Apodemus speciosus, was studied in the Ashu Experimental Forest of Kyoto University by monthly trapping and direct observation on the social behavior at the artificial feeding site. The census was carried out from May to October in 1974 and 1975, and the direct observation in June, August and October, 1975. In the study area, the Japanese wood mouse has two breeding seasons in a year: in spring and in autumn. Minimum survival rate was high in the non-breeding season and low in the breeding season. It was negatively correlated to the number of sexually active adults in both sexes. Home ranges of females tended to be mutually exclusive, and female residents prevented the settlement of female immigrants. On the other hand, home ranges of males overlapped largely and males had a straight social hierarchy. Subordinate males tended to disappear more often than dominant males did, but male residents did not hinder the settlement of male immigrants. Males may regulate their number by driving out the subordinate males, while females by spacing behavior.  相似文献   

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