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The effects on productivity by the addition of various numbers of radiated adult males or females to populations of two densities were determined for two species of flour beetles. Modifications in productivity after exposure to gamma radiation from60Co included:
  1. females of T. confusum were sterilized by an exposure between 2620 to 5230 R.
  2. females of T. castaneum were not sterilized by 10, 200 R.
  3. males were not sterilized by 10, 200 R.
  4. sterile females may serve as depositories for normal sperm thereby reducing the productivity. Addition of such females to populations of flour beetles did not reduce the numbers of progeny.
  5. since sterile females did not suppress population development, and since they destroy grain and cereal products, they should be eliminated from control programs featuring the sterile insect release technique.
  6. population density decreased the numbers of progeny.
The use of the sterile insect release technique to control insects of stored grain products does not seem likely with present day sanitary standards since large numbers of insects need be added to effect control.  相似文献   

The effect of ozone on the respiration of three species of adult stored-product Coleoptera was tested in an air-tight flask. Sitophilus oryzae (L.), Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) and Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) adults were exposed to atmosphere containing 0.1, 0.2 or 0.4 μg/ml initial ozone at 23–25 °C and 50% r.h. Carbon dioxide (CO2) production reflected the respiration rates of insects and was determined with a gas chromatograph (GC). The experiments showed that the effects of ozone on respiration had two distinct phases. Phase 1 involved a lower respiration rate of the adult stored-product Coleoptera under ozone atmosphere and reflected the need for insects to reduce ozone toxicity. After 1 h, CO2 production of S. oryzae was 3.19, 2.63, 2.27 and 1.99 μl/mg for the ozone concentration of 0, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.4 μg/ml, respectively. The results also showed that there were decreases in the rate of respiration in R. dominica and T. castaneum with an increase in ozone concentration. During phase 2, respiration of S. oryzae, R. dominica, and T. castaneum adults treated with ozone increased as the ozone degraded to oxygen. After 7 h, the effect of ozone on CO2 production, relative to the control, changed from a decrease to an increase. The findings in relation to control strategies were discussed.  相似文献   

A series of field trials were conducted in a commercial food storage facility to evaluate exposure of stored‐product insects to aerosol formulations of synergized pyrethrins and the insect growth regulator methoprene. When adults of Tribolium castaneum (Herbst), the red flour beetle, and Tribolium confusum (Jacqueline DuVal), the confused flour beetle were exposed with and without a food source to synergized pyrethrin aerosol, there was no difference in adult mortality with respect to availability of food at either 7 or 14 days after exposure (P≥ 0.05). However, mortality was lower in T. confusum (40.4% and 79.3% with flour at 7 and 14 days, 38.9% and 84.8% without flour at 7 and 14 days) compared to T. castaneum (96.5% and 99.8% with flour at 7 and 14 days, 91.0% and 98.7% without flour at 7 and 14 days). Few late‐stage larvae and pupae of either species exposed to the pyrethrin aerosol emerged as adults. In tests with methoprene aerosol, adult emergence of exposed 3‐and 4‐week‐old larvae of T. confusum was less than 2%. Only 0.3% of 4‐week‐old larvae of T. castaneum exposed in open and obstructed areas emerged as adults. Emergence of adults from eggs of Plodia interpunctella (Hübner), the Indianmeal moth, embedded in culture media and exposed to the methoprene aerosol was 13.2%± 3.5%. Results show that the aerosols evaluated in our study could give effective control of some of the major stored‐product insect pests in commercial food storage facilities, and may offer an alternative to fumigation.  相似文献   

Larval developmental time and adult fecundity of the flour beetles Tribolium confusum and T. castaneum were measured on twelve different diets: top patent fluor; top patent flour enriched with riboflavin, thiamine and niacin, singly or in combinations; top patent flour mixed with bran, germ or both; and whole wheat flour.Larval mortality did not exceed 5% on any of the diets. Larvae of both species developed slightly faster and laid significantly more eggs in flour enriched with the three vitamins than in unenriched patent flour. The improvement was due to the addition of riboflavin. The addition of thiamine or niacin or both did not accelerate development or increase fecundity. It was concluded that top patent flour contains enough thiamine and niacin but not enough riboflavin for proper growth and development of flour beetles.Whole wheat flour was the best diet for T. castaneum, and the flour-germ-bran mixture for T. confusum. Larvae of T. confusum developed as rapidly in the mixture, as in whole wheat flour, but the adults laid significantly more eggs. T. castaneum was equally fecund on these diets, but developed faster in the coarser whole wheat flour. In both species, especially T. castaneum, dietary components had a greater effect on fecundity than on rate of larval development.
Résumé Le taux de développement larvaire et la fécondité des sujets adultes du Tribolium brun de la farine, Tribolium confusum Jacquelin duVal, et du Tribolium rouge de la farine, Tribolium castaneum Herbst, ont été examinés en rapport avec 12 formules alimentaires différentes: fleur de farine; fleur de farine enrichie de riboflavine, de thiamine et de niacine, seules ou combinées; fleur de farine mélangée de son, de germe de blé ou de ces deux éléments à la fois; enfin, farine de blé entier.Dans chacun de ces régimes, la mortalité larvaire n'a jamais été supérieure à 5%. Les larves de ces deux espèces se sont developpées légèrement plus vite et ont pondu beaucoup plus d'oeufs avec le régime de fleur de farine enrichie de trois vitamines qu'avec le régime de fleur de farine non enrichie. Ces améliorations du développement sont dûes à la riboflavine, car l'addition de thiamine ou de niacine, seules ou associées, n'a ni accéléré le développement ni augmenté la fécondité. On en a conclu que la fleur de farine contenait assez de thiamine et de niacine, mais qu'il y avait une insuffisance en riboflavine pour assurer le développement et la croissance des Tribolium spp.La farine de blé entier a été la plus efficace pour les T. castaneum, et le mélange de farine, de germe et de son a eu les mêmes effets sur les T. confusum. Les larves des T. confusum se sont développées au même rythme dans ce mélange que dans la farine de blé entier, toutefois les sujets adultes ont pondu une quantité d'oeufs beaucoup plus grande dans ce même mélange. Les T. castaneum étaient également féconds dans ce mélange, mais se sont développés plus rapidement dans la farine plus grossière de blé entier.Pour les deux espèces, mais spécialement pour les T. castaneum, les composants du régime ont eu un plus grand effet sur la fécondité que sur le développement larvaire.

Contribution No. 708 of the Canada Agriculture Research Station, Winnipeg.  相似文献   

Seven unsaturated hydrocarbons were isolated from the volatiles of two species of flour beetles, Tribolium castaneum and T. confusum, and identified as 1-pentadecene, 1-heptadecene, 1,8-heptadecadiene, 1-tetradecene, 1-hexadecene, 1,6-pentadecadiene and heptadecatriene by GLC, GLC–MS, NMR, IR and micro-ozonolysis. This is the first report of the presence of these compounds in red flour beetles, and the last four compounds are also reported for the first time in confused flour beetles. These compounds are strong repellents for the same species or each other. The roles of these compounds are discussed.  相似文献   

The genetic and ecological effects of population subdividsion were investigated for two wild strains of Tribolium castaneum and two wild strains of T. confusum and compared with the effects of population subdivision on the synthetic laboratory strain of T. castaneum (c-SM), used extensively in earlier experiments. For the c-SM strain, it has been shown repeatedly, for a variety of different population structures (different combinations of effective numbers, Ne, and migration rates, m), that large heritable differences in population growth rate arise among demes during 10 to 15 generations of population subdivision. Because this laboratory strain was synthesized by mass mating several “inbred” strains in 1973 (80 to 100 generations ago), it is possible that it has genetic variation for fitness (measured as the heritable variance among demes in the rate of population increase) unusually large compared to natural populations of flour beetles. In this paper, I report that natural populations of flour beetle exhibit as much or more phenotypic and genetic variation in the effects of population structure on fitness than the laboratory strain, c-SM. The observation of substantial heritable variation for fitness in natural populations is unexpected under additive theory and may be indicative of nonadditive genetic variance.  相似文献   

Community selection, defined as the differential proliferation and/or extinction of communities, can bring about a response that may be qualitatively different from the response to selection acting at lower levels. This is because community selection can result in genetic changes in all of the species within the community by acting on the interaction among species. In the experiment presented here, a series of one generation assays were performed on the coevolved communities of two species of flour beetles, Tribolium castaneum and T. confusum, discussed by Goodnight (1990). Two community assays and one single-species assay were performed. Taken together, these provide insights into the genetic basis of the response to community selection. The first community assay involved measuring the selected traits on the original coevolved communities that had been subjected to community selection. This assay indicated that all of the selection treatments resulted in a significant response to selection in the original coevolved communities. The single-species assay involved separating the coevolved communities into their constituent single-species populations and again measuring the selected traits on these populations. None of the single-species populations exhibited a significant response to selection; thus the responses to community selection observed in the first community assay are expressed only in a community context. The second community assay again involved separating the coevolved communities into their constituent single-species populations; however, in this assay a competitor of the opposite species that had never been exposed to community selection was added to each population to form a “reconstructed” community. The results of this assay were that for two traits, emigration rate in T. castaneum and emigration rate in T. confusum, the genetic identity of the competing species did not affect the response to selection. This indicates that the competing species was acting like a nonevolving part of the environment. For the other two traits measured, population size in T. castaneum and population size in T. confusum, the results were very different. For these traits there was no detectable response to selection in the reconstructed communities. This indicates that for these traits the response to selection cannot be attributed to a genetic change in either species independently of the other species in the community. Rather it resides in the interaction between the two species.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. The present study quantified egg and pupal cannibalism, and interspecific predation on eggs and pupae, by larvae and adults of seven species of flour beetle (Tribolium spp.) under laboratory conditions: T. anaphe, T. brevicornis, T. castaneum, T. confusum, T. destructor, T. freemani, and T. madens. 2. Variation among species in cannibalism and predation propensities did not reflect taxonomic affinities within the genus, indicating that these behaviours were shaped by ecology at species level. 3. Within species, larvae and adults displayed different propensities for cannibalism and predation, leading to the conclusion that these behaviours evolve independently in the two life stages. 4. All species behaved as intraguild predators to some degree, especially in the adult stage. 5. Three general patterns of cannibalism and predation were described by principal component mapping and cluster analysis. 6. The first group comprised three cosmopolitan pest species that were more voracious as adults than as larvae: T. castaneum, T. confusum, and T. destructor. It is proposed that stored product environments select for high adult voracity because the costs associated with emigration from such rare, but resource‐rich, habitats intensifies interference competition among adults. 7. The second group consisted of species that inhabit natural environments and that were more voracious as larvae: T. anaphe, T. freemani, and T. madens. Habitats for these species are probably numerous, but generally poor in quality, a situation that intensifies larval competition, while favouring earlier adult emigration. 8. The largest species, T. brevicornis, demonstrated inconsistent voracity between life stages and was the only species with chemically defended pupae. 9. It is proposed that consumption of eggs provides primarily nutritional benefits, whereas consumption of pupae has a more important role in interference competition.  相似文献   

In many stage-structured species, different life stages often occupy separate spatial niches in a heterogeneous environment. Life stages of the giant flour beetle Tribolium brevicornis (Leconte), in particular adults and pupae, occupy different locations in a homogeneous habitat. This unique spatial pattern does not occur in the well-studied stored grain pests T. castaneum (Herbst) and T. confusum (Duval). We propose density dependent dispersal as a causal mechanism for this spatial pattern. We model and explore the spatial dynamics of T. brevicornis with a set of four density dependent integrodifference and difference equations. The spatial model exhibits multiple attractors: a spatially uniform attractor and a patchy attractor with pupae and adults spatially separated. The model attractors are consistent with experimental observations.  相似文献   

Avidin was found to be an insecticidal and growth inhibiting dietary protein for five species of Coleoptera (red flour beetle,Tribolium castaneum, confused flour beetle,T. confusum, sawtoothed grain beetle,Oryzaphilus surinamensis, rice weevil,Sitophilus oryzae, and lesser grain borer,Rhyzopertha dominica) and two species of Lepidoptera (European corn borer,Ostrinia nubilalis, and Indianmeal moth,Plodia interpunctella). At levels ranging from 10 to 1000 ppm in the diet depending on the species, avidin retarded the growth and caused mortality of all seven species. Addition of biotin to the avidin-treated diets forT. castaneum, T. confusum, R. dominica, andO. nubilalis prevented the growth inhibition and mortality caused by avidin. Streptavidin exhibited similar insecticidal and growth inhibiting activity towardsT. castaneum andO. nubilalis. The results support the hypothesis that feeding avidin or streptavidin to insects causes a biotin deficiency which in turn leads to stunted growth and mortality. Avidin and streptavidin are insect growth inhibiting proteins whose genes potentially could be manipulated into plants and provide host plant resistance to insect pests. This research was conducted by the Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture in coperation with the Department of Biotechnology Research, Pioneer Hi-Bred International. Mention of an insecticide or proprietary product does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement by the USDA.  相似文献   


Tribolium castaneum T. confusum were washed in HPLC-grade methanol, and the methanolic washes were analyzed by UV spectroscopy, reversed phase HPLC, and GC/MS. The methanolic washes from both species contained methyl-1,4-benzoquinone (MBQ) and ethyl-1,4-benzoquinone (EBQ). The amounts of MBQ recovered from the two species were not significantly different, but the amounts of EBQ and total benzoquinones (MBQ + EBQ) recovered from T. castaneum were significantly greater than for those recovered from T. confusum. The methods described are superior to previous methods for isolating, identifying, and quantifying the benzoquinones in these beetles, since they are relatively simple, fast, do not require handling of the beetles, and are sensitive enough to quantify the benzoquinones of a single beetle.  相似文献   

Cohorts of 100 newly eclosed adults of strains bI and bIV of T. confusum and strains cI and cIV of T. castaneum emigrated over a 15-day interval from experimental habitats which contained a constant volume of 8, 4, 1, and 0 g of flour diluted with powdered polyethylene. Food level affected the emigration of T. confusum adults only during the interval before the normal onset of reproduction. Thereafter the beetles exhibited virtually identical patterns of departure. Larval recruitment did not decline when food levels ranged from 8 to 1. T. castaneum delayed their emigration at progressively lower food levels, but also produced fewer progeny. In strain cI, where emigration was more strongly deferred, the decline in larval recruitment was less pronounced. Both species of Tribolium departed most rapidly when starved outright, but only after an initial delay.The results are interpreted from the point of view of the oögenesis-flight syndrome. It is suggested that the Tribolium system provides an opportunity to relate differences in colonizing ability among several closely related species to specific differences in the physiological mechanism of adaptive dispersal.  相似文献   

When replicate cultures ofT. confusum andT. castaneum are husbanded together under identical treatment conditions, sometimesT. confusum eliminatesT. castaneum, and other times,T. castaneum wins (i.e., competitive indeterminacy occurs). While several plausible explanations were advanced, the results of Mertz et al. (1976) implicated demographic stochasticity and not classical genetic founder effect as the predominant factor influencing the identity of the winning species. They also observed, however, that the size of the founding population had an influence on the competitive strength ofT. castaneum. The present study shows that the decline in competitive strength that accompanied decreasing founder size inT. castaneum can be amply explained by simple inbreeding depression. The eggs of inbred adults showed an approximate 15% reduction in hatchability when compared to outbred adults. No evidence was found that the decrease in competitive strength was due either to prior history differences or reduced genetic heterogeneity of the founding adults.  相似文献   

Observations on behavioural activity involved in the host selection by secondary pests of stored grains, Oryzaephilus surinamensis (Linnaeus), Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) and Tribolium confusum J. du Val, with respect to intact and mechanically or naturally damaged kernels are reported. Our results indicate that the attraction of secondary pests is facilitated by broken grain kernels, which resulted from either mechanical damage during harvesting and/or binning procedures, or the feeding activity of primary insect pests. Insect damaged kernels were more attractive to O. surinamensis, T. castaneum and T. confusum than whole kernels; in addition insect damaged kernels elicit more attractiveness than mechanically split kernels. The damage caused by primary pests, such as Rhyzopertha dominica (Fabricius) and Sitophilus oryzae (Linnaeus), on whole kernels may facilitate colonization by secondary pests, which continue damaging the cereals. O. surinamensis, T. castaneum and T. confusum utilize the grain volatile odours to distinguish whether the grain kernels of the stored cereals are damaged mechanically or by insects.  相似文献   

  1. Tetropium gabrieli is native to the European Alps where it breeds in European larch and may be an important pest during drought periods by killing trees. It has spread to larch plantations in several European countries including Sweden.
  2. In trapping studies conducted in Sweden, we tested whether T. gabrieli was attracted to E-fuscumol, E,Z-fuscumol, E,Z-fuscumol acetate and the host volatile combination of α-pinene plus ethanol. We also compared its response with those of the native congeners, T. fuscum and T. castaneum.
  3. All three Tetropium species were caught in significantly higher numbers in traps baited with E-fuscumol plus host volatiles than in traps baited with host volatiles alone or in unbaited traps.
  4. There was no difference in catch of any Tetropium species between traps baited with E-fuscumol plus host volatiles versus traps baited with E,Z-fuscumol plus host volatiles, but the latter treatment caught more T. fuscum and T. castaneum than did E,Z-fuscumol acetate plus host volatiles.
  5. The addition of E-fuscumol to host volatile-baited traps significantly reduced mean catch of T. gabrieli, significantly increased mean catch of T. castaneum, and had no significant effect on catch of T. fuscum. Mean catch of all three species was significantly greater in traps baited with E-fuscumol alone than in traps baited with host volatiles alone.
  6. All three species were caught from May to August. The median date of captures was about 2 weeks earlier for T. fuscum compared with the other two species.

Tribolium confusum is a major pest of grains and grain products. Some legumes hitherto not used as major food are gaining interest due to increase in human population and the need of food and feeds. Susceptibility of fresh and processed Glycine max and Cajanus cajan flours, and white wheat flour (control) to T. confusum was studied towards effective storage techniques and cheap insect diet. Ten copulating pairs of the beetle were introduced into twenty grams of each flour. Number of eggs laid, emerged larvae, pupae, eclosed adults, and duration of development of each stage was used as indices of survival of T. confusum. Proximate composition, saponin; and α-amylase and protease inhibitors determined suitability of flours as insect diet. This work discusses the significance of proximate composition and anti-nutrient properties in fresh and roasted processed flours on the development and survival of T. confusum.  相似文献   

  1. The distribution of adults and immatures of two Tribolium castaneum strains in plexiglas towers was studied both in single-strain and in mixed cultures.
  2. The adults of the + + strain tended to be, on the average, deeper in the flour than the bb adults, in pure and in mixed cultures.
  3. Adult distribution was independent of sex.
  4. The correlation between adult and egg distribution was usually negative, due to either adult movement in the flour, or to reduced fecundity and increased cannibalism of eggs where adults were numerous, or both.
  5. Larvae, and especially pupae, of bb were more abundant in the upper sections, and + + in the lower sections, of towers, both in pure and in mixed cultures and, in particular, at the higher density.
  6. In general, the distribution of the strains in the mixed cultures was very similar to the pure cultures, showing a very small effect of the interaction between the two strains, in comparison with GHENT’S results with two species. It seems that the two strains are very much alike in their ability to exploit their environment and therefore their success is the same (when pupal cannibalism is reduced) whether the biological component of the environment is composed of one or two strains.

Summary Tribolium castaneum lines selected for high and for low sensitivity to the environment were observed in pure strain culture and in mixed 1∶1 cultures withTribolium confusm. Since the medium was not refreshed during the experiment, the environment was continuously deteriorating and ultimately both species became extinct. Both time until extinction and total dry weight were used as a measure of competitive ability. AllTribolium castaneum lines showed higher competitive ability thanTribolium confusum. As interference was noted in all the mixed cultures, competition here demonstrates both exploitation and interference. Comparisons between theT. castaneum lines indicates higher competitive ability for lines with shorter developmental time.  相似文献   

The spectra of Tribolium castaneum and T. confusum larval digestive peptidases were characterized with respect to the spatial organization of protein digestion in the midgut. The pH of midgut contents in both species increased from 5.6–6.0 in the anterior to 7.0–7.5 in the posterior midgut. However, the pH optimum of the total proteolytic activity of the gut extract from either insect was pH 4.1. Approximately 80% of the total proteolytic activity was in the anterior and 20% in the posterior midgut of either insect when evaluated in buffers simulating the pH and reducing conditions characteristic for each midgut section. The general peptidase activity of gut extracts from either insect in pH 5.6 buffer was mostly due to cysteine peptidases. In the weakly alkaline conditions of the posterior midgut, the serine peptidase contribution was 31 and 41% in T. castaneum and T. confusum, respectively. A postelectrophoretic peptidase activity assay with gelatin also revealed the important contribution of cysteine peptidases in protein digestion in both Tribolium species. The use of a postelectrophoretic activity assay with p‐nitroanilide substrates and specific inhibitors revealed a set of cysteine and serine endopeptidases, 8 and 10 for T. castaneum, and 7 and 9 for T. confusum, respectively. Serine peptidases included trypsin‐, chymotrypsin‐, and elastase‐like enzymes, the latter being for the first time reported in Tenebrionid insects. These data support a complex system of protein digestion in the Tribolium midgut with the fundamental role of cysteine peptidases. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Interspecific mating between two species of Tribolium occurs only between males of T. confusum and females of T. castaneum. The reciprocal mating combination was not observed. This pattern of unidirectional mating resulted in a frequency-independent reduction in the number of inseminated females in mixed populations in comparison with single-species mating groups. The ecological significance in terms of interspecific competition, and the possibility of identifying evolutionarily ancestral and derived species from such data are discussed.
Accouplements non réciproques entre Tribolium castaneum et T. confusum: conséquences évolutives et écologiques
Résumé Les accouplements interspécifiques entre deux espèces de Tribolium n'ont lieu qu'entre mâles de T. confusum et femelles de T. castaneum. Les combinaisons réciproques n'ont pas été observées. Ce type d'accouplement asymétrique a provoqué une réduction indépendante de la fréquence dans le nombre de femelles inséminées dans les populations par rapport aux groupes d'accouplements monospécifiques. La discussion porte sur la signification écologique dans la compétition interspécifique et les possibilités d'identification des espèces ancestrales et dérivées.

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