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The basic reproduction number, ?(0), one of the most well-known thresholds in deterministic epidemic theory, predicts a disease outbreak if ?(0)>1. In stochastic epidemic theory, there are also thresholds that predict a major outbreak. In the case of a single infectious group, if ?(0)>1 and i infectious individuals are introduced into a susceptible population, then the probability of a major outbreak is approximately 1-(1/?(0))( i ). With multiple infectious groups from which the disease could emerge, this result no longer holds. Stochastic thresholds for multiple groups depend on the number of individuals within each group, i ( j ), j=1, …, n, and on the probability of disease extinction for each group, q ( j ). It follows from multitype branching processes that the probability of a major outbreak is approximately [Formula: see text]. In this investigation, we summarize some of the deterministic and stochastic threshold theory, illustrate how to calculate the stochastic thresholds, and derive some new relationships between the deterministic and stochastic thresholds.  相似文献   

The basic reproduction number R(0) is one of the most important quantities in epidemiology. However, for epidemic models with explicit social structure involving small mixing units such as households, its definition is not straightforward and a wealth of other threshold parameters has appeared in the literature. In this paper, we use branching processes to define R(0), we apply this definition to models with households or other more complex social structures and we provide methods for calculating it.  相似文献   

We consider a simple unstructured individual based stochastic epidemic model with contact tracing. Even in the onset of the epidemic, contact tracing implies that infected individuals do not act independent of each other. Nevertheless, it is possible to analyze the embedded non-stationary Galton-Watson process. Based upon this analysis, threshold theorems and also the probability for major outbreaks can be derived. Furthermore, it is possible to obtain a deterministic model that approximates the stochastic process, and in this way, to determine the prevalence of disease in the quasi-stationary state and to investigate the dynamics of the epidemic.  相似文献   

Epidemic thresholds in network models of heterogeneous populations characterized by highly right-skewed contact distributions can be very small. When the population is above the threshold, an epidemic is inevitable and conventional control measures to reduce the transmissibility of a pathogen will fail to eradicate it. We consider a two-sex network model for a sexually transmitted disease which assumes random mixing conditional on the degree distribution. We derive expressions for the basic reproductive number (R(0)) for one and heterogeneous two-population in terms of characteristics of the degree distributions and transmissibility. We calculate interval estimates for the epidemic thresholds for stochastic process models in three human populations based on representative surveys of sexual behavior (Uganda, Sweden, USA). For Uganda and Sweden, the epidemic threshold is greater than zero with high confidence. For the USA, the interval includes zero. We discuss the implications of these findings along with the limitations of epidemic models which assume random mixing.  相似文献   

A precise definition of the basic reproduction number, , is presented for a general compartmental disease transmission model based on a system of ordinary differential equations. It is shown that, if , then the disease free equilibrium is locally asymptotically stable; whereas if , then it is unstable. Thus, is a threshold parameter for the model. An analysis of the local centre manifold yields a simple criterion for the existence and stability of super- and sub-threshold endemic equilibria for near one. This criterion, together with the definition of , is illustrated by treatment, multigroup, staged progression, multistrain and vector–host models and can be applied to more complex models. The results are significant for disease control.  相似文献   

Stochastic compartmental models of the SEIR type are often used to make inferences on epidemic processes from partially observed data in which only removal times are available. For many epidemics, the assumption of constant removal rates is not plausible. We develop methods for models in which these rates are a time-dependent step function. A reversible jump MCMC algorithm is described that permits Bayesian inferences to be made on model parameters, particularly those associated with the step function. The method is applied to two datasets on outbreaks of smallpox and a respiratory disease. The analyses highlight the importance of allowing for time dependence by contrasting the predictive distributions for the removal times and comparing them with the observed data.   相似文献   

The malariologist Lewis Wendell Hackett famously observed that, "Like chess, (malaria) is played with a few pieces, but is capable of an infinite variety of situations". This paper discusses one such piece, the Red Queen. Red Queen phenomena arise when an intensification of effort leads to a need for further intensification to maintain the new status quo. Such phenomena represent dangers for current strategies to combat the disease. Understanding reproduction numbers is key to understanding these dangers. In this paper, we show why the variability and dynamics of reproduction numbers is important for analyzing the effects of interventions against malaria. This has importance for both formal modeling of malaria and for planning malaria intervention strategies in the field.  相似文献   

Stochastic differential equations that model an SIS epidemic with multiple pathogen strains are derived from a system of ordinary differential equations. The stochastic model assumes there is demographic variability. The dynamics of the deterministic model are summarized. Then the dynamics of the stochastic model are compared to the deterministic model. In the deterministic model, there can be either disease extinction, competitive exclusion, where only one strain persists, or coexistence, where more than one strain persists. In the stochastic model, all strains are eventually eliminated because the disease-free state is an absorbing state. However, if the population size and the initial number of infected individuals are sufficiently large, it may take a long time until all strains are eliminated. Numerical simulations of the stochastic model show that coexistence cases predicted by the deterministic model are an unlikely occurrence in the stochastic model even for short time periods. In the stochastic model, either disease extinction or competitive exclusion occur. The initial number of infected individuals, the basic reproduction numbers, and other epidemiological parameters are important determinants of the dominant strain in the stochastic epidemic model.  相似文献   

In this paper, we outline the theory of epidemic percolation networks and their use in the analysis of stochastic susceptible-infectious-removed (SIR) epidemic models on undirected contact networks. We then show how the same theory can be used to analyze stochastic SIR models with random and proportionate mixing. The epidemic percolation networks for these models are purely directed because undirected edges disappear in the limit of a large population. In a series of simulations, we show that epidemic percolation networks accurately predict the mean outbreak size and probability and final size of an epidemic for a variety of epidemic models in homogeneous and heterogeneous populations. Finally, we show that epidemic percolation networks can be used to re-derive classical results from several different areas of infectious disease epidemiology. In an Appendix, we show that an epidemic percolation network can be defined for any time-homogeneous stochastic SIR model in a closed population and prove that the distribution of outbreak sizes given the infection of any given node in the SIR model is identical to the distribution of its out-component sizes in the corresponding probability space of epidemic percolation networks. We conclude that the theory of percolation on semi-directed networks provides a very general framework for the analysis of stochastic SIR models in closed populations.  相似文献   

Most multipopulation epidemic models are of the contact distribution type, in which the locations of successive contacts are chosen independently from appropriate contact distributions. This paper is concerned with an alternative class of models, termed dynamic population epidemic models, in which infectives move among the populations and can infect only within their current population. Both the stochastic and deterministic versions of such models are considered. Their threshold behavior is analyzed in some depth, as are their final outcomes. Velocities of spread of infection are considered when the populations have a spatial structure. A criterion for finding the equivalent contact distribution epidemic for any given dynamic population epidemic is provided, enabling comparisons to be made for the velocities and final outcomes displayed by the two classes of models. The relationship between deterministic and stochastic epidemic models is also discussed briefly.  相似文献   

Recent developments of the theory of stochastic matrix modeling have made it possible to estimate general properties of age- and size-structured populations in fluctuating environments. However, applications of the theory to natural populations are still few. The empirical studies which have used stochastic matrix models are reviewed here to examine whether predictions made by the theory can be generally found in wild populations. The organisms studied include terrestrial grasses and herbs, a seaweed, a fish, a reptile, a deer and some marine invertebrates. In all the studies, the stochastic population growth rate (ln λ s ) was no greater than the deterministic population growth rate determined using average vital rates, suggesting that the model based only on average vital rates may overestimate growth rates of populations in fluctuating environments. Factors affecting ln λ s include the magnitude of variation in vital rates, probability distribution of random environments, fluctuation in different types of vital rates, covariances between vital rates, and autocorrelation between successive environments. However, comprehensive rules were hardly found through the comparisons of the empirical studies. Based on shortcomings of previous studies, I address some important subjects which should be examined in future studies.  相似文献   

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