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Regulation of cell adhesion using a signal-responsive membrane substrate   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have developed a novel cell culture material that regulates cell adhesion by changes in potassium ion concentration. The material is a polyethylene substrate grafted to a copolymer of the thermoresponsive polymer N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAM) and benzo-18-crown- 6-acrylamide (BCAm), with a pendant crown ether as sensor. The crown ether recognizes potassium ion concentrations and NIPAM conformational changes lead to changes in the hydrophobicity/hydrophilicity balance of the entire polymer at constant cell culture temperatures. Although cells were successfully cultured on the ion recognition material in normal culture medium at 37 degrees C, the cells could be detached from the material surface by adding potassium ions alone, without proteolytic enzymes, because the surface to which the cells were attached altered its surface characteristics to a more hydrophilic state. Therefore, cell layers with intact cell-to-cell junctions and high activities were successfully recovered. Furthermore, by changing the target sensors, this material will be able to control cell adhesion through various cellular signals.  相似文献   

Focal adhesions (FAs) play a key role in cell attachment, and their timely disassembly is required for cell motility. Both microtubule-dependent targeting and recruitment of clathrin are critical for FA disassembly. Here we identify nonvisual arrestins as molecular links between microtubules and clathrin. Cells lacking both nonvisual arrestins showed excessive spreading on fibronectin and poly-d-lysine, increased adhesion, and reduced motility. The absence of arrestins greatly increases the size and lifespan of FAs, indicating that arrestins are necessary for rapid FA turnover. In nocodazole washout assays, FAs in arrestin-deficient cells were unresponsive to disassociation or regrowth of microtubules, suggesting that arrestins are necessary for microtubule targeting–dependent FA disassembly. Clathrin exhibited decreased dynamics near FA in arrestin-deficient cells. In contrast to wild-type arrestins, mutants deficient in clathrin binding did not rescue the phenotype. Collectively the data indicate that arrestins are key regulators of FA disassembly linking microtubules and clathrin.  相似文献   

Lymphocytes have been described to perform different motility patterns such as Brownian random walks, persistent random walks, and Lévy walks. Depending on the conditions, such as confinement or the distribution of target cells, either Brownian or Lévy walks lead to more efficient interaction with the targets. The diversity of these motility patterns may be explained by an adaptive response to the surrounding extracellular matrix (ECM). Indeed, depending on the ECM composition, lymphocytes either display a floating motility without attaching to the ECM, or sliding and stepping motility with respectively continuous or discontinuous attachment to the ECM, or pivoting behaviour with sustained attachment to the ECM. Moreover, on the long term, lymphocytes either perform a persistent random walk or a Brownian-like movement depending on the ECM composition. How the ECM affects cell motility is still incompletely understood. Here, we integrate essential mechanistic details of the lymphocyte-matrix adhesions and lymphocyte intrinsic cytoskeletal induced cell propulsion into a Cellular Potts model (CPM). We show that the combination of de novo cell-matrix adhesion formation, adhesion growth and shrinkage, adhesion rupture, and feedback of adhesions onto cell propulsion recapitulates multiple lymphocyte behaviours, for different lymphocyte subsets and various substrates. With an increasing attachment area and increased adhesion strength, the cells’ speed and persistence decreases. Additionally, the model predicts random walks with short-term persistent but long-term subdiffusive properties resulting in a pivoting type of motility. For small adhesion areas, the spatial distribution of adhesions emerges as a key factor influencing cell motility. Small adhesions at the front allow for more persistent motility than larger clusters at the back, despite a similar total adhesion area. In conclusion, we present an integrated framework to simulate the effects of ECM proteins on cell-matrix adhesion dynamics. The model reveals a sufficient set of principles explaining the plasticity of lymphocyte motility.  相似文献   

New blood vessels are initially formed through the assembly or sprouting of endothelial cells, but the recruitment of supporting pericytes and vascular smooth muscle cells (mural cells) ensures the formation of a mature and stable vascular network. Defective mural-cell coverage is associated with the poorly organized and leaky vasculature seen in tumors or other human diseases. Here we report that mural cells require ephrin-B2, a ligand for Eph receptor tyrosine kinases, for normal association with small-diameter blood vessels (microvessels). Tissue-specific mutant mice display perinatal lethality; vascular defects in skin, lung, gastrointestinal tract, and kidney glomeruli; and abnormal migration of smooth muscle cells to lymphatic capillaries. Cultured ephrin-B2-deficient smooth muscle cells are defective in spreading, focal-adhesion formation, and polarized migration and show increased motility. Our results indicate that the role of ephrin-B2 and EphB receptors in these processes involves Crk-p130(CAS) signaling and suggest that ephrin-B2 has some cell-cell-contact-independent functions.  相似文献   

Cell adhesion is a process which is initiated by the attachment of cells to specific sites in adhesive matrix proteins via cell surface receptors of the integrin family. This is followed by a reorganization of cytoskeletal elements which results in cell spreading and the formation of focal adhesion plaques. We have examined the effects of a class of small galactosaminoglycan-containing proteoglycans on the various stages of cell adhesion to fibronectin-coated substrates. Our results indicate that dermatan sulfate proteoglycans (DSPGs) derived from cartilage, as well as other related small proteoglycans, inhibit the initial attachment of CHO cells and rat embryo fibroblasts to substrates composed of the 105-kD cell-binding fibronectin fragment, but do not affect cell attachment to intact fibronectin. Although this effect involves binding of DSPGs to the substrate via the protein core, the intact proteoglycan is necessary for the observed activity. Isolated core proteins are inactive. The structural composition of the galactosaminoglycan chain does not appear to be functionally significant since both chondroitin sulfate and various dermatan sulfate proteoglycans of this family inhibit cell attachment to the fibronectin fragment. Neither the percentage of cells spread nor the mean area of spread cells adhering to substrates of intact fibronectin was significantly affected by the DSPGs. However, significantly fewer cells formed focal adhesions in the presence of DSPGs as compared with untreated control cells. These results suggest that the binding of small galactosaminoglycan-containing proteoglycans to a fibronectin substrate may affect several stages in the cell adhesion process.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Keratocytes are specialised, rapidly moving cells that generate substantial contractile force perpendicular to their direction of locomotion. Potential roles for contractile force in cell motility include cell-body transport, regulation of adhesion, and retraction of the cell's trailing edge. RESULTS: To investigate contact dynamics, we used simultaneous confocal fluorescence and interference reflection microscopy to image keratocytes injected with fluorescent vinculin. We found that contacts formed behind the leading edge and grew beneath both the lamellipodium and the cell body. Contacts in the middle of the cell remained stationary relative to the substrate and began to disassemble as the cell body passed over them. In contrast, contacts in the lobes of the cell grew continuously and more rapidly, incorporated more vinculin, and slid inwards towards the sides of the cell body. Contact sliding often led to merging of contacts before their removal from the substrate. CONCLUSIONS: We suggest a synthesis of two existing, apparently conflicting models for keratocyte motility, in which network contraction progressively reorients actin filaments using the contacts as pivots, forming bundles that then generate lateral tension by a sliding-filament mechanism. Contact dynamics vary between the middle of the cell and the lobes. We propose that laterally opposed contractile forces first enhance contact growth and stability, but escalating force eventually pulls contacts from the substrate at the back of the cell, without interfering with the cell's forward progress.  相似文献   

Accurate neural crest cell (NCC) migration requires tight control of cell adhesions, cytoskeletal dynamics and cell motility. Cadherins and RhoGTPases are critical molecular players that regulate adhesions and motility during initial delamination of NCCs from the neuroepithelium. Recent studies have revealed multiple functions for these molecules and suggest that a precise balance of their activity is crucial. RhoGTPase appears to regulate both cell adhesions and protrusive forces during NCC delamination. Increasing evidence shows that cadherins are multi-functional proteins with novel, adhesion-independent signaling functions that control NCC motility during both delamination and migration. These functions are often regulated by specific proteolytic cleavage of cadherins. After NCC delamination, planar cell polarity signaling acts via RhoGTPases to control NCC protrusions and migration direction.  相似文献   

The migration of tissue cells requires interplay between the microtubule and actin cytoskeletal systems. Recent reports suggest that interactions of microtubules with actin dynamics creates a polarization of microtubule assembly behavior in cells, such that microtubule growth occurs at the leading edge and microtubule shortening occurs at the cell body and rear. Microtubule growth and shortening may activate Rac1 and RhoA signaling, respectively, to control actin dynamics. Thus, an actin-dependent gradient in microtubule dynamic-instability parameters in cells may feed back through the activation of specific signalling pathways to perpetuate the polarized actin-assembly dynamics required for cell motility.  相似文献   

Slender bundled actin containing plasma membrane protrusions, called filopodia, are important for many essential cellular processes like cell adhesion, migration, angiogenesis and the formation of cell-cell contacts. In migrating cells, filopodia are the pioneers at the leading edge which probe the environment for cues. Integrins are cell surface adhesion receptors critically implicated in cell migration and they are transported actively to filopodia tips by an unconventional myosin, myosin-X. Integrin mediated adhesion stabilizes filopodia and promotes cell migration even though integrins are not essential for filopodia initiation. Myosin-X binds also PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 and this regulates its activation and localization to filopodia. Filopodia stimulate cell migration in many cell types and increased filopodia density has been described in cancer. Furthermore, several proteins implicated in filopodia formation, like fascin, are also relevant for cancer progression. To investigate this further, we performed a meta-analysis of the expression profiles of 10 filopodia-linked genes in human breast cancer. These data implicated that several different filopodia-inducing genes may contribute in a collective manner to cancer progression and the high metastasis rates associated with basal-type breast carcinomas.Key words: filopodia, integrins, migration, cancer  相似文献   

Actin,microtubules and focal adhesion dynamics during cell migration   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Cell migration is a complex cellular behavior that results from the coordinated changes in the actin cytoskeleton and the controlled formation and dispersal of cell-substrate adhesion sites. While the actin cytoskeleton provides the driving force at the cell front, the microtubule network assumes a regulatory function in coordinating rear retraction. The polarity within migrating cells is further highlighted by the stationary behavior of focal adhesions in the front and their sliding in trailing ends. We discuss here the cross-talk of the actin cytoskeleton with the microtubule network and the potential mechanisms that control the differential behavior of focal adhesions sites during cell migration.  相似文献   

Slender bundled actin containing plasma membrane protrusions, called filopodia, are important for many essential cellular processes like cell adhesion, migration, angiogenesis and the formation of cell-cell contacts. In migrating cells, filopodia are the pioneers at the leading edge which probe the environment for cues. Integrins are cell surface adhesion receptors critically implicated in cell migration and they are transported actively to filopodia tips by an unconventional myosin, myosin-X. Integrin mediated adhesion stabilizes filopodia and promotes cell migration even though integrins are not essential for filopodia initiation. Myosin-X binds also PIP3 and this regulates its activation and localization to filopodia. Filopodia stimulate cell migration in many cell types and increased filopodia density has been described in cancer. Furthermore, several proteins implicated in filopodia formation, like fascin, are also relevant for cancer progression. To investigate this further, we performed a meta-analysis of the expression profiles of 10 filopodia-linked genes in human breast cancer. These data implicated that several different filopodia inducing genes may contribute in a collective manner to cancer progression and the high metastasis rates associated with basal-type breast carcinomas.  相似文献   

Roles of fascin in cell adhesion and motility   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Many cell interactions depend on the assembly of cell protrusions; these include cell attachment and migration in the extracellular matrix, cell-cell communication, and the ability of cells to sense their local environment. Cell protrusions are extensions of the plasma membrane that are supported internally by actin-based structures that impart mechanical stiffness. Fascin is a small, globular actin-bundling protein that has emerging roles in diverse forms of cell protrusions and in cytoplasmic actin bundles. The fascin-actin interaction is under complex regulation from the extracellular matrix, peptide factors and other actin-binding proteins. Recent developments advance our understanding of the multifaceted regulation of fascin and the roles of fascin-containing structures in cell adhesion, motility and invasion in the life of vertebrate organisms.  相似文献   

During development of Dictyostelium, four adhesion systems have been identified and adherens junction-like structures have been discovered in the fruiting body. The temporal and spatial expression of cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) is under stringent developmental control, corresponding to major shifts in morphological complexity. Genetic manipulations, including over-expression and knockout mutations, of the adhesion genes, cadA (encoding DdCAD-1), csaA (gp80) and lagC (gp150), have shed light on new roles for cell adhesion molecules in aggregate size regulation, cell-type proportioning, cell differentiation and cell sorting. As cell–cell interactions remain highly dynamic within cell streams and aggregates, mechanisms must exist to facilitate the rapid assembly and disassembly of adhesion complexes. Studies on gp80 have led to a model for the rapid assembly of adhesion complexes via lipid rafts.  相似文献   

Metastasis is the major cause of failure in cancer therapy. Recent studies of the molecular cell biology of the metastatic process have provided new insights into the mechanisms of cell-cell adhesion, cell-substrate adhesion and cell motility that underly invasion by tumour cells. In this review, Van Roy and Mareel discuss the role of proteins with invasion-promoting and invasion-suppressing functions in metastasis.  相似文献   

T-cadherin (T-cad), an unusual glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored member of the cadherin family of cell adhesion molecules, is widely expressed in the cardiovascular system. The expression profile of T-cad within diseased (atherosclerotic and restenotic) vessels indicates some relationship between expression of T-cad and the phenotypic status of resident cells. Using cultures of human aortic smooth muscle cells (SMC) and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) we investigate the hypothesis that T-cad may function in modulating adhesive properties of vascular cells. Coating of culture plates with recombinant T-cad protein or with antibody against the first amino-terminal domain of T-cad (anti-EC1) significantly decreased adhesion and spreading of SMC and HUVEC. HUVECs adherent on T-cad or anti-EC1 substratum exhibited an elongated morphology and associated redistribution of the cytoskeleton and focal adhesions to a distinctly peripheral location. These changes are characteristic of the less-adhesive, motile or pro-migratory, pro-angiogenic phenotype. Boyden chamber migration assay demonstrated that the deadhesion induced by T-cad facilitates cell migration towards a serum gradient. Overexpression of T-cad in vascular cells using adenoviral vectors does not influence cell adhesion or motility per se, but increases the detachment and migratory responses induced by T-cad substratum. The data suggest that T-cad acts as an anti-adhesive signal for vascular cells, thus modulating vascular cell phenotype and migration properties.  相似文献   

Actin dynamics and turnover in cell motility   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cell migration is a highly coordinated process involving a multitude of separable but intertwined phenomena traditionally studied in multiple cell types, tissues and model systems. In spite of the multitude of mechanisms and modes of motility described in all these different systems, the ability to dynamically reorganize the actin cytoskeleton is common to all of them. However, defining the key molecular players in motility and their precise molecular functions continues to be challenging, last not least owing to robustness and flexibility common to complex biological phenomena. Here we will draft the future steps essential for achieving true progress towards the goal to increase our understanding of actin cytoskeleton dynamics driving cell migration.  相似文献   

Cell adhesion to extracellular matrices is a tightly regulated process that involves the complex interplay between biochemical and mechanical events at the cell-adhesive interface. Previous work established the spatiotemporal contributions of adhesive components to adhesion strength and identified a nonlinear dependence on cell spreading. This study was designed to investigate the regulation of cell-adhesion strength by the size and position of focal adhesions (FA). The cell-adhesive interface was engineered to direct FA assembly to the periphery of the cell-spreading area to delineate the cell-adhesive area from the cell-spreading area. It was observed that redistributing the same adhesive area over a larger cell-spreading area significantly enhanced cell-adhesion strength, but only up to a threshold area. Moreover, the size of the peripheral FAs, which was interpreted as an adhesive patch, did not directly govern the adhesion strength. Interestingly, this is in contrast to the previously reported functional role of FAs in regulating cellular traction where sizes of the peripheral FAs play a critical role. These findings demonstrate, to our knowledge for the first time, that two spatial regimes in cell-spreading area exist that uniquely govern the structure-function role of FAs in regulating cell-adhesion strength.  相似文献   

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