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Cysteine dioxygenase is a non-heme mononuclear iron enzyme with unique structural features, namely an intramolecular thioether cross-link between cysteine 93 and tyrosine 157, and a disulfide bond between substrate l-cysteine and cysteine 164 in the entrance channel to the active site. We investigated how these posttranslational modifications affect catalysis through a kinetic, crystallographic and computational study. The enzyme kinetics of a C164S variant are identical to WT, indicating that disulfide formation at C164 does not significantly impair access to the active site at physiological pH. However, at high pH, the cysteine–tyrosine cross-link formation is enhanced in C164S. This supports the view that disulfide formation at position 164 can limit access to the active site. The C164S variant yielded crystal structures of unusual clarity in both resting state and with cysteine bound. Both show that the iron in the cysteine-bound complex is a mixture of penta- and hexa-coordinate with a water molecule taking up the final site (60 % occupancy), which is where dioxygen is believed to coordinate during turnover. The serine also displays stronger hydrogen bond interactions to a water bound to the amine of the substrate cysteine. However, the interactions between cysteine and iron appear unchanged. DFT calculations support this and show that WT and C164S have similar binding energies for the water molecule in the final site. This variant therefore provides evidence that WT also exists in an equilibrium between penta- and hexa-coordinate forms and the presence of the sixth ligand does not strongly affect dioxygen binding.  相似文献   

Lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) is a plasma enzyme which catalyzes the transacylation of the fatty acid at the sn-2 position of lecithin to cholesterol forming lysolecithin and cholesteryl ester. The substrates for and products of this reaction are present within the plasma lipoproteins upon which the enzyme acts to form the majority of cholesteryl ester in human plasma. We proposed a covalent catalytic mechanism of action for LCAT (Jauhiainen, M., and Dolphin, P. J. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 7032-7034) in which serine and histidine residues mediate lecithin cleavage and two cysteine residues cholesterol esterification. With the aid of sulfhydryl reactive trivalent organoarsenical compounds which are specific for vicinal thiols we have probed the geometry of the catalytic site. p-Aminophenylarsendichloride noncompetitively inactivates cholesterol esterification (Ki = 0.23 mM) by LCAT via alkylation of both catalytic cysteine residues. This reagent does not significantly inactivate lecithin cleavage by LCAT. Full enzyme activity is restored by treatment with 2,3-dimercapto-1-propanesulfonic acid. Treatment of LCAT with p-bromoacetylaminophenylarsenoxide blocks the subsequent incorporation of diisopropyl fluorophosphate and iodoacetamide and inactivates both cholesterol esterification and lecithin cleavage. These activities are not restored following 2,3-dimercapto-1-propanesulfonic acid treatment. However, the reduced cysteine thiols are regenerated and can catalyze cholesteryl arachidonate formation from arachidonyl-CoA. The control reagent, bromoacetylaniline, which lacks the sulfhydryl-reactive arsenical moiety, does not inactivate LCAT nor is this reagent incorporated into the LCAT protein. We conclude that the two catalytic cysteine residues of LCAT (Cys31 and Cys184) are vicinal with a calculated distance between their sulfur atoms of 3.50-3.62 A. The additional residue alkylated by the bifunctional reagent is within the catalytic site and may represent a previously identified catalytic serine or histidine residue.  相似文献   

Cysteine oxidase (cysteine dioxygenase, EC was purified approximately 1000-fold from rat liver. The purified enzyme (protein-B) was obtained as an inactive form, which was activated by anaerobic preincubation with L-cysteine. The active form of protein-B was inactivated during aerobic incubation to produce cysteine sulfinate. This inactivation of protein-B was protected by a distinct protein in rat liver cytoplasm, namely stabilizing protein (protein-A). The Ka and Km values for L-cysteine were 0.8-10(-3) M and 1.3-10(-3) M respectively. The enzyme was strongly inhibited by Cu+ and/or Fe2+ chelating agents but not by Cu2+ chelating agent. The optimum pH of enzyme reaction was 8.5-9.5 while that of enzyme activation was 6.8-9.5, with a broad peak.  相似文献   

Two hepatic enzymes, cysteine dioxygenase (CDO) and gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase (GCS), play important regulatory roles in the response of cysteine metabolism to changes in dietary sulfur amino acid or protein levels. To examine the time-course of changes in CDO and GCS activities, CDO and GCS-catalytic or heavy subunit protein and mRNA levels, and cysteine and glutathione levels, we adapted rats to either a low protein (LP) or high protein (HP) diet, switched them to the opposite diet, and followed these parameters over 6 days. Hepatic CDO activity and amount, but not mRNA level, increased in response to higher protein intake; the t(1/2) of change for CDO activity or protein level was 22 h for rats switched from a LP to a HP diet and 8 h for rats switched from a HP to a LP diet, suggesting that the HP diet decreased turnover of CDO. Hepatic GCS activity, catalytic subunit amount and mRNA level decreased in response to a higher protein intake. GCS catalytic subunit level changed with a similar t(1/2) for both groups, but the change in GCS activity in rats switched from a LP diet to a HP diet was faster (approximately 16h) than for rats switched from a HP to a LP diet (approximately 74h). Hepatic cysteine and glutathione levels reached new steady states within 12 h (LP to HP) or 24 h (HP to LP). CDO activity appeared to be regulated at the level of protein, probably by diminished turnover of CDO in response to higher protein intake or cysteine level, whereas GCS activity appeared to be regulated both at the level of mRNA and activity state in response to the change in cysteine or protein availability. These findings support a role of cysteine concentration as a mediator of its own metabolism, favoring catabolism when cysteine is high and glutathione synthesis when cysteine is low.  相似文献   

Recent crystal structures of cysteine dioxygenase (CDO) suggest the presence of two posttranslational modifications adjacent to the catalytic iron center: a thioether cross-link between Cys93 and Tyr157 and extra electron density at Cys164 which was variously explained as cystine or cysteine sulfinic acid. Purification of recombinant rat CDO yields “mature” and “immature” forms with distinct electrophoretic mobilities. We have positively identified and characterized the two modifications in the products of three sequential proteolytic digestions using liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry. The cross-link is unique to the mature form and was identified in an ion of m/z 3,225.403, consistent with a Tyr-Cys cross-link of peptides Gly80-Phe94 with His155-Phe167. The cross-link is liable to cleavage by in-source decay and the resulting separate peptides were sequenced by collision-induced dissociation tandem mass spectrometry. Mass-spectrometric analysis of these same and overlapping peptides in the presence or absence of reductants and alkylating agents identified the second modification to be a cystine formed between Cys164 and exogenous cysteine as proposed earlier. Both modifications have been shown to form in the presence of high levels of cysteine and iron. This and the presence of small amounts of an apparently off-pathway cystine at position Cys93 suggest that although these conditions promote CDO maturation, they may actually arise via nonenzymatic, nonphysiological processes. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

During net nucleoside triphosphate synthesis by chloroplast ATP synthase the extent of water oxygen incorporation into each nucleoside triphosphate released increases with decrease in ADP, GDP or IDP concentration. Likewise, during net ATP hydrolysis by the Mg2+-activated chloroplast ATPase, the extent of water oxygen incorporation into each Pi released increases as the ATP, GTP, or ITP concentration is decreased. However, the concentration ranges in which substrate modulation occurs differs with each nucleotide. Modulation of oxygen exchange during synthesis and hydrolysis of adenine nucleotides, as measured by variation in the extent of water oxygen incorporation into products, occurs below 250 microM. In contrast, guanosine and inosine nucleotides alter the extent of exchange at higher and much wider concentration ranges. Activation of the chloroplast ATPase by either heat or trypsin results in similar catalytic behavior as monitored by ATP modulation of oxygen exchanges during hydrolysis in the presence of Mg2+. More exchange capacity is evident with octylglucoside-activated enzyme at all ATP concentrations. High levels of tentoxin were also found to alter the catalytic exchange parameters resulting in continued water oxygen exchange into Pi released during hydrolysis at high ATP concentrations. Little or no oxygen exchange accompanies ATP hydrolysis in the presence of Ca2+. The [18O]Pi species formed from highly gamma-18O-labeled ATP at lower ATP concentrations gives a distribution as expected if only one catalytic pathway is operative at a given ATP concentration. This and other results support the concept of catalytic cooperativity between alternating sites as explanation for the modulation of oxygen exchange by nucleotide concentration.  相似文献   

S-(4-Bromo-2,3-dioxobutyl)-coenzyme A inactivates both yeast and rat liver beta-hydroxy-beta-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase. The inactivation is irreversible, complete in 15 s, and proportional to the concentration of the reagent. beta-Hydroxy-beta-methylglutaryl-CoA provides protection against inactivation, whereas NADPH does not. Inactivation is attributed to reaction with an essential cysteine at the beta-hydroxy-beta-methylglutaryl-CoA binding site. Experiments with other active site-directed reagents confirm the involvement of a cysteine and support the presence of an active-site histidine, but rule out the participation of arginine or serine.  相似文献   

Cysteine dioxygenase (CDO) from rat and other mammals exhibits a covalent post-translational modification between the residues C93 and Y157 that is in close proximity to the active site, and whose presence enhances the enzyme's activity. Protein with and without C93-Y157 crosslink migrates as distinct bands in SDS-PAGE, allowing quantification of the relative ratios between the two forms by densitometry of the respective bands. Expression of recombinant rat wild type CDO in Escherichia coli typically produces 40-50% with the C93-Y157 crosslink. A strategy was developed to increase the ratio of the non-crosslinked form in an enzyme preparation of reasonable quantity and purity, allowing direct assessment of the activity of non-crosslinked CDO and mechanism of formation of the crosslink. The presence of ferrous iron and oxygen is a prerequisite for C93-Y157 crosslink formation. Absence of oxygen during protein expression increased the fraction of non-crosslinked CDO, while presence of the metal chelator EDTA had little effect. Metal affinity chromatography was used to enrich non-crosslinked content. Both the enzymatic rate of cysteine oxidation and the amount of cross-linking between C93 and Y157 increased significantly upon exposure of CDO to air/oxygen and substrate cysteine in the presence of iron in a hitherto unreported two-phase process. The instantaneous activity was proportional to the amount of crosslinked enzyme present, demonstrating that the non-crosslinked form has negligible enzymatic activity. The biphasic kinetics suggest the existence of an as yet uncharacterised intermediate in crosslink formation and enzyme activation.  相似文献   

The hepatic cysteine dioxygenase activity of rats was markedly decreased by the intraperitoneal administration of glucagon. The enzyme activity was also decreased by either dibutyryl cyclic AMP or theophylline. The prior administration of actinomycin D completely blocked the glucagon-mediated decrease of enzyme activity, while administrations of this inhibitor of protein synthesis after glucagon injection did not block the decrease of enzyme activity. A single administration of actinomycin D resulted in a slight increase of cysteine dioxygenase activity in the rat liver. On the other hand, the injection of cycloheximide resulted in a rapid decrease of the hepatic cysteine dioxygenase with a half-life of 2.5 h. The half-life of the enzyme in rat liver after glucagon administration was one hour. The administration of hydrocortisone or insulin had no effect on the glucagon-mediated decrease of cysteine dioxygenase of rat liver. The enzyme activity of alloxan diabetic rat liver was almost the same as that of the intact rat liver. The evidence obtained here suggests that enhancement of degradation or inactivation of cysteine dioxygenase is responsible for the glucagon-mediated decrease of the enzyme activity in rat liver.  相似文献   

The first experimental evidence of a tight binding iron(II)-CDO complex is presented. These data enabled the relationship between iron bound and activity to be explicitly proven. Cysteine dioxygenase (CDO) from Rattus norvegicus has been expressed and purified with ~0.17 Fe/polypeptide chain. Following addition of exogenous iron, iron determination using the ferrozine assay supported a very tight stoichiometric binding of iron with an extremely slow rate of dissociation, k(off) ~ 1.7 × 10(-6) s(-1). Dioxygenase activity was directly proportional to the concentration of iron. A rate of cysteine binding to iron(III)-CDO was also measured. M?ssbauer spectra show that in its resting state CDO binds the iron as high-spin iron(II). This iron(II) active site binds cysteine with a dissociation constant of ~10 mM but is also able to bind homocysteine, which has previously been shown to inhibit the enzyme.  相似文献   

Cysteine dioxygenase is a mononuclear iron-dependent enzyme responsible for the oxidation of cysteine with molecular oxygen to form cysteine sulfinate. This reaction commits cysteine to either catabolism to sulfate and pyruvate or the taurine biosynthetic pathway. Cysteine dioxygenase is a member of the cupin superfamily of proteins. The crystal structure of recombinant rat cysteine dioxygenase has been determined to 1.5-A resolution, and these results confirm the canonical cupin beta-sandwich fold and the rare cysteinyltyrosine intramolecular cross-link (between Cys(93) and Tyr(157)) seen in the recently reported murine cysteine dioxygenase structure. In contrast to the catalytically inactive mononuclear Ni(II) metallocenter present in the murine structure, crystallization of a catalytically competent preparation of rat cysteine dioxygenase revealed a novel tetrahedrally coordinated mononuclear iron center involving three histidines (His(86), His(88), and His(140)) and a water molecule. Attempts to acquire a structure with bound ligand using either cocrystallization or soaking crystals with cysteine revealed the formation of a mixed disulfide involving Cys(164) near the active site, which may explain previously observed substrate inhibition. This work provides a framework for understanding the molecular mechanisms involved in thiol dioxygenation and sets the stage for exploration of the chemistry of both the novel mononuclear iron center and the catalytic role of the cysteinyl-tyrosine linkage.  相似文献   

Mammalian cysteine dioxygenase (CDO) is a non-heme iron metalloenzyme that catalyzes the first committed step in oxidative cysteine catabolism. The active site coordination of CDO comprises a mononuclear iron ligated by the Nepsilon atoms of three protein-derived histidines, thus representing a new variant on the 2-histidine-1-carboxylate (2H1C) facial triad motif. Nitric oxide was used as a spectroscopic probe in investigating the order of substrate-O2 binding by EPR spectroscopy. In these experiments, CDO exhibits an ordered binding of l-cysteine prior to NO (and presumably O2) similar to that observed for the 2H1C class of non-heme iron enzymes. Moreover, the CDO active site is essentially unreactive toward NO in the absence of substrate, suggesting an obligate ordered binding of l-cysteine prior to NO. Typically, addition of NO to a mononuclear non-heme iron center results in the formation of an {FeNO}7 (S = 3/2) species characterized by an axial EPR spectrum with gx, gy, and gz values of approximately 4, approximately 4, and approximately 2, respectively. However, upon addition of NO to CDO in the presence of substrate l-cysteine, a low-spin {FeNO}7 (S = 1/2) signal that accounts for approximately 85% of the iron within the enzyme develops. Similar {FeNO}7 (S = 1/2) EPR signals have been observed for a variety of octahedral mononuclear iron-nitrosyl synthetic complexes; however, this type of iron-nitrosyl species is not commonly observed for non-heme iron enzymes. Substitution of l-cysteine with isosteric substrate analogues cysteamine, 3-mercaptopropionic acid, and propane thiol did not produce any analogous {FeNO}7 signals (S = 1/2 or 3/2), thus reflecting the high substrate specificity of the enzyme observed by a number of researchers. The unusual {FeNO}7 (S = 1/2) electronic configuration adopted by the substrate-bound iron-nitrosyl CDO (termed {ES-NO}7) is a result of the bidentate thiol/amine coordination of l-cysteine in the NO-bound CDO active site. DFT computations were performed to further characterize this species. The DFT-predicted geometric parameters for {ES-NO}7 are in good agreement with the crystallographically determined substrate-bound active site configuration of CDO and are consistent with known iron-nitrosyl model complexes. Moreover, the computed EPR parameters (g and A values) are in excellent agreement with experimental results for this CDO species and those obtained from comparable synthetic {FeNO}7 (S = 1/2) iron-nitrosyl complexes.  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of a cDNA for rat liver cysteine dioxygenase   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cysteine dioxygenase is a key enzyme of cysteine metabolism in mammals. The cDNA clones for rat liver cysteine dioxygenase were isolated by immunological screening and plaque hybridization from a rat liver cDNA library. The longest clone contained an insert of 1458 bp and encoded a polypeptide of 200 amino acids. The clone included the corresponding nucleotide sequence to amino acid sequences obtained from four lysyl endopeptidase-digested fragments of purified rat liver cysteine dioxygenase. The calculated molecular weight of rat liver cysteine dioxygenase was 23,025. Northern blot analysis revealed a single cysteine dioxygenase mRNA species of about 1.7 kb. A computer homology search indicated that this protein showed no homology with any known protein.  相似文献   

Ring-hydroxylating dioxygenases are multicomponent bacterial enzymes that catalyze the first step in the oxidative degradation of aromatic hydrocarbons. The dioxygenase from Sphingomonas CHY-1 is unique in that it can oxidize a wide range of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). With a crystal structure similar to that of the seven other known dioxygenases, its catalytic domain features the largest hydrophobic substrate binding cavity characterized so far. Molecular modeling studies indicated that the catalytic cavity is large enough to accommodate a five-ring benzo[a]pyrene molecule. The predicted positions of this and other PAHs in the substrate binding pocket are consistent with the product regio- and stereo-selectivity of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The common reactions of dioxygen, superoxide, and hydroperoxides with thiolates are thought to proceed via persulfenate intermediates, yet these have never been visualized. Here we report a 1.4 A resolution crystal structure of the Fe(2+)-dependent enzyme cysteine dioxygenase (CDO) containing this putative intermediate trapped in its active site pocket. The complex raises the possibility that, distinct from known dioxygenases and proposed CDO mechanisms, the Fe-proximal oxygen atom may be involved in the primary oxidation event yielding a unique three-membered Fe-S-O cyclic intermediate. A nonpolar environment of the distal oxygen would facilitate isomerization of the persulfenate to the sulfinate product.  相似文献   

A cysteine dioxygenase, cysteine oxidase (EC, has been purified from the cytosolic fraction of yeast phase cells of the dimorphic fungus Histoplasma capsulatum. The cysteine oxidase is an iron-containing dioxygenase with a molecular weight of 10500 (+/- 1500) and is present only in the yeast phase of the fungus. The enzyme is highly specific for L-cysteine, with a Km of 2 X 10(-5) M in vitro. The product of cysteine oxidation is cysteinesulfinic acid, as analyzed by thin-layer chromatography and mass spectroscopy. To our knowledge, this is the first cysteine oxidase isolated from a fungus, and it probably plays an important role in the mycelial to yeast phase transition of H. capsulatum during which redox potential and cysteine levels are crucial factors.  相似文献   

Summary. Cysteine dioxygenase (CDO) plays a critical role in the regulation of cellular cysteine concentration. Because multiple forms of CDO (23kDa, 25kDa, and 68kDa) have been claimed based upon separation and detection using SDS-PAGE/western blotting (with antibodies demonstrated to immunoprecipitate CDO), we further investigated the possibility of more than one CDO isoform. Using either rabbit antibody raised against purified rat liver CDO or against purified recombinant his6-tagged CDO (r-his6-CDO) and using 15% (wt/vol) polyacrylamide for the SDS-PAGE, we consistently detected the 25kDa band, but never detected a 68kDa band, in rat liver, kidney, lung and brain. Nondenatured gel electrophoresis of r-his6-CDO yielded a molecular mass estimate of 25.7kDa and no evidence of dimerization. Mass spectrometry of r-his6-CDO yielded two peaks with molecular masses of 24.1kDa and 24.3kDa. Anion-exchange FPLC of r-his6-CDO also gave two peaks, with the first containing CDO that was 7.5-times as active as the more anionic form that eluted second. When the two peaks recovered from FPLC were run on SDS/PAGE, the first (more active) CDO fraction yielded two bands (perhaps as an artifact of SDS/PAGE), whereas the second (less active) CDO fraction yielded only the 23kDa band. We conclude that the physiologically active form of CDO is the 25kDa (i.e., 23.5kDa based on mass spectrometry) monomer and that this active form is probably derived by post-translational modification of the 23kDa gene product.  相似文献   

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