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Variation in both inter‐ and intraspecific traits affects community dynamics, yet we know little regarding the relative importance of external environmental filters versus internal biotic interactions that shape the functional space of communities along broad‐scale environmental gradients, such as latitude, elevation, or depth. We examined changes in several key aspects of functional alpha diversity for marine fishes along depth and latitude gradients by quantifying intra‐ and interspecific richness, dispersion, and regularity in functional trait space. We derived eight functional traits related to food acquisition and locomotion and calculated seven complementary indices of functional diversity for 144 species of marine ray‐finned fishes along large‐scale depth (50–1200 m) and latitudinal gradients (29°–51° S) in New Zealand waters. Traits were derived from morphological measurements taken directly from footage obtained using Baited Remote Underwater Stereo‐Video systems and museum specimens. We partitioned functional variation into intra‐ and interspecific components for the first time using a PERMANOVA approach. We also implemented two tree‐based diversity metrics in a functional distance‐based context for the first time: namely, the variance in pairwise functional distance and the variance in nearest neighbor distance. Functional alpha diversity increased with increasing depth and decreased with increasing latitude. More specifically, the dispersion and mean nearest neighbor distances among species in trait space and intraspecific trait variability all increased with depth, whereas functional hypervolume (richness) was stable across depth. In contrast, functional hypervolume, dispersion, and regularity indices all decreased with increasing latitude; however, intraspecific trait variation increased with latitude, suggesting that intraspecific trait variability becomes increasingly important at higher latitudes. These results suggest that competition within and among species are key processes shaping functional multidimensional space for fishes in the deep sea. Increasing morphological dissimilarity with increasing depth may facilitate niche partitioning to promote coexistence, whereas abiotic filtering may be the dominant process structuring communities with increasing latitude.  相似文献   

JANI HEINO 《Freshwater Biology》2005,50(9):1578-1587
1. Biodiversity–environment relationships are increasingly well‐understood in the context of species richness and species composition, whereas other aspects of biodiversity, including variability in functional diversity (FD), have received rather little rigorous attention. For streams, most studies to date have examined either taxonomic assemblage patterns or have experimentally addressed the importance of species richness for ecosystem functioning. 2. I examined the relationships of the functional biodiversity of stream macroinvertebrates to major environmental and spatial gradients across 111 boreal headwater streams in Finland. Functional biodiversity encompassed functional richness (FR – the number of functional groups derived from a combination of functional feeding groups and habit trait groups), FD – the number of functional groups and division of individuals among these groups, and functional evenness (FE – the division of individuals among functional groups). Furthermore, functional structure (FS) comprised the composition and abundance of functional groups at each site. 3. FR increased with increasing pH, with additional variation related to moss cover, total nitrogen, water colour and substratum particle size. FD similarly increased with increasing pH and decreased with increasing canopy cover. FE decreased with increasing canopy cover and water colour. Significant variation in FS was attributable to pH, stream width, moss cover, substratum particle size, nitrogen, water colour with the dominant pattern in FS being related to the increase of shredder‐sprawlers and the decrease of scraper‐swimmers in acidic conditions. 4. In regression analysis and redundancy analysis, variation in functional biodiversity was not only related to local environmental factors, but a considerable proportion of variability was also attributable to spatial patterning of environmental variables and pure spatial gradients. For FR, 23.4% was related to pure environmental effects, 15.0% to shared environmental and spatial effects and 8.0% to spatial trends. For FD, 13.8% was attributable to environmental effects, 15.2% to shared environmental and spatial effects and 5% to spatial trends. For FE, 9.0% was related to environmental variables, 12.7% to shared effects of environmental and spatial variables and 4.5% to spatial variables. For FS, 13.5% was related to environmental effects, 16.9% to shared environmental and spatial effects and 15.4% to spatial trends. 5. Given that functional biodiversity should portray variability in ecosystem functioning, one might expect to find functionally rather differing ecosystems at the opposite ends of major environmental gradients (e.g. acidity, stream size). However, the degree to which variation in the functional biodiversity of stream macroinvertebrates truly portrays variability in ecosystem functioning is difficult to judge because species traits, such as feeding roles and habit traits, are themselves strongly affected by the habitat template. 6. If functional characteristics show strong responses to natural environmental gradients, they also are likely to do so to anthropogenic environmental changes, including changes in habitat structure, organic inputs and acidifying elements. However, given the considerable degree of spatial structure in functional biodiversity, one should not expect that only the local environment and anthropogenic changes therein are responsible for this variability. Rather, the spatial context, as well as natural variability along environmental gradients, should also be explicitly considered in applied research.  相似文献   

1. The use of trait‐based approaches to examine the ecology of stream fish assemblages is increasing. However, selection of traits that will be useful in testing spatial or temporal hypotheses about ecological organisation is currently limited by availability of data, rather than empirical evaluation. 2. We analysed two data sets of stream fish assemblages to compare taxonomy and trait‐based approaches. The Wabash River temporal data set is based on 25 years of boat electrofishing collections over a 230‐km river distance. The Indiana Department of Environmental Management data set of stream collections in the state of Indiana was selected to represent a spatial database. We compared several trait‐based approaches: reproductive guilds, life history variables, biomonitoring metrics, ecosystem‐based functional guilds and feeding and ecosystem interaction guilds. 3. Analyses of fish assemblages that are designed to detect how environmental variation structures fish assemblages can expect similar results using taxonomic or trait‐based approaches. Results of trait‐based approaches will vary according to the spatial extent of the region and the number of unique entities of trait groups for a given data set. However, taxonomic analyses accounted for more variation than any trait‐based analyses.  相似文献   

The taxonomic diversity (TD) of tropical flora and fauna tends to increase during secondary succession. This increase may be accompanied by changes in functional diversity (FD), although the relationship between TD and FD is not well understood. To explore this relationship, we examined the correlations between the TD and FD of ants and forest age in secondary forests at the α‐ and β‐diversity levels using single‐ and multi‐trait‐based approaches. Our objectives were to understand ant diversity patterns and to evaluate the role of secondary forests in the conservation of biodiversity and in the resilience of tropical forests. Ant assemblages were sampled across a chronosequence in the Lacandon region, Mexico. All species were characterized according to 12 functional ecomorphological traits relevant to their feeding behavior. We found that TD and FD were related to forest age at the alpha level, but not at the beta level. α‐functional richness and divergence increased linearly with species richness and diversity, respectively. Also, the relationship between taxonomic and functional turnover was linear and positive. Our results indicated that functional traits were complementary across the chronosequence. The increase in FD was mainly driven by the addition of rare species with relevant traits. The older secondary forests did not recover all of the functions of old growth forest but did show a tendency to recovery. Because older successional stages support more TD and FD, we suggest developing agriculture and forestry management practices that facilitate rapid post‐agricultural succession and thereby better preserve the functionality of tropical forests.  相似文献   

Understanding how environmental change alters the composition of plant assemblages, and how this in turn affects ecosystem functioning is a major challenge in the face of global climate change. Assuming that values of plant traits express species adaptations to the environment, the trait‐based approach is a promising way to achieve this goal. Nevertheless, how functional traits are related to species’ environmental tolerances and how trait spectra respond to broad‐scale environmental gradients remains largely unexplored. Here, we identify the main trait spectra for US angiosperm trees by testing hypotheses for the relationships between functional traits and species’ environmental tolerances to environmental stresses, as well as quantifying the environmental drivers of assemblage means and variances of these traits. We analyzed >74,000 community assemblages from the US Forest Inventory and Analysis using 12 functional traits, five traits expressing species’ environmental tolerances and 10 environmental variables. Results indicated that leaf traits, dispersal traits, and traits related to stem hydraulics were related to cold or drought tolerance, and their assemblage means were best explained by minimum temperatures. Assemblage means of traits related to shade tolerance (tree growth rate, leaf phosphorus content, and bark thickness) were best explained by aridity index. Surprisingly, aridity index, rather than minimum temperature, was the best predictors of assemblage variances of most traits, although these relationships were variable and weak overall. We conclude that temperature is likely to be the most important driver of functional community structure of North American angiosperm trees by selecting for optimum strategies along the cold and drought stress trade‐off. In turn, water availability primarily affects traits related to shade tolerance through its effect on forest canopy structure and vegetation openness.  相似文献   

1. Interspecific niche differences have long been identified as a major explanation for the occurrence of species-rich communities. However, much fieldwork studying variation in local species richness has focused upon physical habitat attributes or regional factors, such as the size of the regional species pool. 2. We applied indices of functional diversity and niche overlap to data on the species niche to examine the importance of interspecific niche differentiation for species richness in French lake fish communities. We combined this information with environmental data to test generalizations of the physiological tolerance and niche specialization hypotheses for species-energy relationships. 3. We found evidence for a largely non-saturating relationship (relative to random expectation) between species richness and functional evenness (evenness of spacing between species in niche space), while functional richness (volume of niche space occupied) peaked at moderate levels of species richness and niche overlap showed an initial decrease followed by saturation. This suggests that increased niche specialization may have allowed species to coexist in the most species-rich communities. 4. We tested for evidence that increased temperature, local habitat area, local habitat diversity and immigration affected species richness via increased niche specialization. Temperature explained by far the largest amount of variation in species richness, functional diversity and niche overlap. These results, combined with the largely non-saturating species richness-functional evenness relationship, suggest that increased temperature may have permitted increased species richness by allowing increased niche specialization. 5. These results emphasize the importance of niche differences for species coexistence in species-rich communities, and indicate that the conservation of functional diversity may be vital for the maintenance of species diversity in biological communities. Our approach may be applied readily to many types of community, and at any scale, thus providing a flexible means of testing niche-based hypotheses for species richness gradients.  相似文献   

Understanding of community assembly has been improved by phylogenetic and trait‐based approaches, yet there is little consensus regarding the relative importance of alternative mechanisms and few studies have been done at large geographic and phylogenetic scales. Here, we use phylogenetic and trait dispersion approaches to determine the relative contribution of limiting similarity and environmental filtering to community assembly of stream fishes at an intercontinental scale. We sampled stream fishes from five zoogeographic regions. Analysis of traits associated with habitat use, feeding, or both resulted in more occurrences of trait underdispersion than overdispersion regardless of spatial scale or species pool. Our results suggest that environmental filtering and, to a lesser extent, species interactions were important mechanisms of community assembly for fishes inhabiting small, low‐gradient streams in all five regions. However, a large proportion of the trait dispersion values were no different from random. This suggests that stochastic factors or opposing assembly mechanisms also influenced stream fish assemblages and their trait dispersion patterns. Local assemblages tended to have lower functional diversity in microhabitats with high water velocity, shallow water depth, and homogeneous substrates lacking structural complexity, lending support for the stress‐dominance hypothesis. A high prevalence of functional underdispersion coupled with phylogenetic underdispersion could reflect phylogenetic niche conservatism and/or stabilizing selection. These findings imply that environmental filtering of stream fish assemblages is not only deterministic, but also influences assemblage structure in a fairly consistent manner worldwide.  相似文献   

The richness of Taiwanese reef fish species is inversely correlated to latitude as a direct consequence of the abiotic environment and its effects on benthic habitats. However, to date, no studies have investigated the variations in the diversity of traits (FD) linked with the role of these fishes in the ecosystem. FD is usually considered more sensitive than species richness in detecting early changes in response to disturbances, and therefore could serve as an indicator of ecological resilience to environmental changes. Here, we aim to characterize FD in the Taiwanese reef fish fauna and to document its regional variations. Six traits were used to categorize the 1,484 reef fish species occurring in four environmentally contrasted regions around Taiwan. The number of unique trait combinations (FEs), their richness (FRic), their redundancy (FR), their over‐redundancy (FOR), and their vulnerability (FV) were compared among these regions. Overall, 416 FEs were identified. Their number decreased from south to north in step with regional species richness but FRic remained similar among regions. FR and FOR were higher to the south. At the local scale, variations in FEs and FRic are in concordance with the worldwide pattern of FD. High‐latitude, impoverished fish assemblages, offer a range of trait combinations similar to diversified tropical assemblages. Increasing diversity in the latter mainly contributes to raising FR and supports already over‐redundant entities. High vulnerability makes many combinations highly sensitive to species loss, and was higher at intermediate latitudes when using a fine resolution in trait categories. It suggests that the loss of FEs may first be characterized by an increase in their vulnerability, a pattern that could have been overlooked in previous global scale analyses. Overall, this study provides new insights into reef fish trait biogeography with potential ramifications for ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

Understanding the imprint of environmental filtering on community assembly along environmental gradients is a key objective of trait‐gradient analyses. Depending on local constraints, this filtering generally entails that species departing from an optimum trait value have lower abundances in the community. The community‐weighted mean (CWM) and variance (CWV) of trait values are then expected to depict the optimum and intensity of filtering, respectively. However, the trait distribution within the regional species pool and its limits can also affect local CWM and CWV values apart from the effect of environmental filtering. The regional trait range limits are more likely to be reached in communities at the extremes of environmental gradients. Analogous to the mid‐domain effect in biogeography, decreasing CWV values in extreme environments can then represent the influence of regional trait range limits rather than stronger filtering in the local environment. We name this effect the ‘trait‐gradient boundary effect’ (TGBE). First, we use a community assembly framework to build simulated communities along a gradient from a species pool and environmental filtering with either constant or varying intensity while accounting for immigration processes. We demonstrate the significant influence of TGBE, in parallel to environmental filtering, on CWM and CWV at the extremes of the environmental gradient. We provide a statistical tool based on Approximate Bayesian Computation to decipher the respective influence of local environmental filtering and regional trait range limits. Second, as a case study, we reanalyze the functional composition of alpine plant communities distributed along a gradient of snow cover duration. We show that leaf trait convergence found in communities at the extremes of the gradient reflect an influence of trait range limits rather than stronger environmental filtering. These findings challenge correlative trait–environment relationships and call for more explicitly identifying the mechanisms responsible of trait convergence/divergence along environmental gradients.  相似文献   

Body size, coupled with abundance and taxonomy, may help to understand the mechanisms shaping community structure. Since the body size of fish is closely related to their trophic niche, size diversity (based on individual body size) of fish communities may capture intraspecific variations in fish trophic niches that are not detected by species diversity. Thus, the relationship between size diversity and species diversity may help to integrate variation at both intraspecific and interspecific levels. We studied the relationship between species diversity and size diversity as a measure of the degree of overlap in size among species and thereby the potential overlap in niches in a community. We hypothesized that the relationship between size diversity and species would be different across the European continent due to different levels of size overlap in fish communities. The data were derived from samplings of fish communities using standardised benthic gill nets in 363 lakes. At the continental scale, size diversity increased with species diversity; at the ecoregion scale, the slope of the relation changed across the continent, with the greatest mismatch occurring in northern Europe where communities comprised only one or a few species, but each of which exhibited a great range in size. There was an increase in slope towards the south with significant relations for four out of six ecoregions. The steeper size diversity‐species diversity slope at lower latitudes is attributable to a lower overlap in fish size and thus likely to finer niche separation. Our results also suggest that size diversity is not a strong surrogate for species diversity in European lake fish communities. Thus, particularly in fish communities composed of few species, measuring size diversity may help to detect potential functional variation which may be neglected by measuring species diversity alone.  相似文献   

1. The species composition of stream fish assemblages changes across the longitudinal fluvial gradient of large river basins. These changes may reflect both zonation in species distributions and environmental filtering of fish traits as stream environments change from the uplands to the lowlands of large catchments. Previous research has shown that taxonomic diversity generally increases in larger, lowland streams, and the River Continuum Concept, the River Habitat Template and other frameworks have provided expectations for what functional groups of fishes should predominate in certain stream types. However, studies addressing the functional trait composition of fish assemblages across large regions are lacking, particularly in tropical river basins. 2. We examined functional trait–environment relationships and functional diversity of stream fish assemblages in the Río Grijalva Basin in southern Mexico. Traits linked to feeding, locomotion and life history strategy were measured in fishes from streams throughout the catchment, from highland headwaters to broad, lowland streams. Relationships between functional traits and environmental variables at local and landscape scales were examined using multivariate ordination, and the convex hull volume of trait space occupied by fish assemblages was calculated as a measure of functional diversity. 3. Although there were a few exceptions, functional diversity of assemblages increased with species richness along the gradient from uplands to lowlands within the Grijalva Basin. Traits related to swimming, habitat preference and food resource use were associated with both local (e.g. substratum type, pool availability) and landscape‐scale (e.g. forest cover) environmental variables. 4. Along with taxonomic structure and diversity, the functional composition of fish assemblages changed across the longitudinal fluvial gradient of the basin. Trait–environment relationships documented in this study partially confirmed theoretical expectations and revealed patterns that may help in developing a better understanding of general functional responses of fish assemblages to environmental change.  相似文献   

Aim In times of biodiversity crisis, it is extremely important to understand diversity gradients. In particular, the study of the diversity of ecological functions is a key issue for the management of ecosystem integrity. Here we identify areas of low functional diversity of the native fish fauna in European drainage basins and we determine the relative importance of three underlying mechanisms: environmental filtering, geographic isolation and climatic history. Location The European continent. Methods Based on 14 morphological traits that are closely related to fish function (habitat and dietary niches), three independent functional diversity indices [functional richness (FR), functional evenness (FE), functional divergence (FD)] were calculated for 128 European drainage basins with a total of 230 fish species. The indices were standardized for species richness using null models. The patterns of the standardized indices are described and three potentially underlying mechanisms are tested using variance partitioning and multi‐linear regression models. Results FR and FD were highest in eastern European drainage basins and in Great Britain and lowest in the Mediterranean. FE patterns were less pronounced. All observed patterns were mainly governed by geographic isolation and present environmental conditions. Within the environmental conditions, average annual temperature and precipitation were good predictors for functional diversity. The role of habitat diversity and size was negligible. Main conclusions Geographic isolation coupled with harsh environmental conditions such as extreme temperatures and low precipitation, as in Mediterranean regions, can lead to low FR and FD. This can be explained by extinction that could not be compensated by re‐colonization and high speciation. Due to their high functional redundancy, communities in these areas might better withstand further species extinctions on a small scale. Over the short term, however, their often extremely low FR suggests a less flexible functioning that can hinder their ability to withstand today's rapid environmental and anthropogenic threats.  相似文献   

  1. Species distribution models often fail to predict observed patterns of species diversity, and this is because some species within a regional pool that are tolerant of conditions at a given location may nevertheless be absent from the local community. These missing species have been termed “dark diversity”. In the present study, we investigated which factors explain dark diversity among fish assemblages in Amazonian streams.
  2. We sampled 71 streams in areas with different types of land use within two river basins and estimated dark diversity from patterns of species co-occurrence, using Beals’ index, along environmental gradients. From this procedure, taxa are designated as dark diversity components when they are absent from a given stream, but often co-occur with the local species at other streams, indicating similar ecological requirements. We used generalised linear models both to determine whether environmental or landscape variables, connectivity, instream environmental heterogeneity or some combination of these factors explained dark diversity of fishes, and to evaluate whether ecomorphology is associated with the extent to which a species contributes to dark diversity and which specific traits contribute the most to explaining variation in dark diversity.
  3. Mean local diversity exceeded observed dark diversity. The magnitude of dark diversity was directly associated with the proportion of secondary forest in the immediate catchment and with the index of proximity to anthropogenic impact. Species that have high affinity for environments with higher current velocity, low swimming ability and that capture food mainly on the surface contributed more to dark diversity, which suggests that swimming ability, habitat preference and aspects related to diet are key predictors of the probability that a given species will be present at locations with suitable habitat.
  4. Our findings reinforce the idea that dark diversity results from interactions between species traits and environmental factors, including anthropogenic impacts. Understanding the interplay among environmental factors and species traits that contribute to dark diversity provides targets for improved ecosystem restoration and sustainability of native species assemblages.

强烈扰动和环境胁迫对植物群落的物种多样性(SD)和功能多样性(FD)有重要影响, 但SD和FD随时间的变化模式及其关系至今少有研究。该研究通过对高寒矮生嵩草(Kobresia humilis)草甸为期7年(2007-2013年)的刈割(3个水平: 不刈割、留茬3 cm和留茬1 cm)和施肥(2个水平: 施肥和不施肥)控制实验探讨了SD和FD随时间的变化模式及其关系。研究结果显示: (1)刈割显著增加了SD和FD, 施肥处理则降低了SD, 对FD增加仅有微弱影响; (2)各处理群落的SD随着时间而下降, FD则随时间增加; (3)随着刈割强度的增加, SD(x)-FD(y)关系由正线性相关变为无相关, 斜率大小为slopel ≥ slopem > slopeh (下标l、m和h分别表示轻度、中度和重度扰动强度), 施肥并不会改变此关系形式和斜率; (4)刈割与施肥对SD和FD的互作效应都不显著, 且不施肥群落SD(x)-FD(y)关系的斜率也为slopel ≥ slopem > slopeh。上述结果说明, 刈割并不一定导致植物功能性状的趋同构建, 也能引发趋异构建, 而施肥引起的强烈种间竞争也并未显著增强趋异构建过程, 这与植物群落构建理论的预测不完全一致。与施肥相比, 刈割扰动是决定群落中SD-FD时间关系形式的主要因素, 并决定着SD-FD关系斜率的变化。  相似文献   

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