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Chemical cross-linking procedures have been employed to study possible interactions between components of the mitochondrial outer membrane and NH2-terminal signal sequences located in proteins destined for import into the organelle. A synthetic peptide comprising amino acids 1-27 of pre-ornithine carbamyltransferase (pOCT) was found to interact specifically with a mitochondrial polypeptide of apparent molecular size 30 kDa. Membrane fractionation and protease accessibility analyses indicated that the polypeptide, designated p30, is located in the outer membrane. Binding of the synthetic peptide to p30 was saturable and reversible; Scatchard analysis of the binding data revealed a dissociation constant of 2 X 10(-6) M and predicts that p30 constitutes 4-10% of the outer mitochondrial membrane protein. Mild trypsin digestion of the mitochondrial surface destroyed both the ability of p30 to cross-link to the signal peptide and the ability of the organelle to import pOCT. Neither parameter was affected, however, by pretreatment of mitochondria with 1 M KCl.  相似文献   

Secreted proteins are processed from a nascent form that contains an NH2-terminal signal peptide. During processing, the latter is cleaved by a specific NH2-terminal signal peptidase. The nascent form of phosphatidylinositol glycan (PI-G) tailed proteins contain both an NH2- and a COOH-terminal signal peptide. The two signal peptides have much in common, such as size and hydrophobicity. The COOH-terminal peptide is also cleaved during processing. We propose that the amino acid in a nascent protein that ultimately combines with the PI-G moiety be designated the omega site. Amino acids adjacent and COOH-terminal to the omega site would then be omega + 1, omega + 2, etc. In previous studies, we showed that allowable substitutions at the omega site of an engineered form of placental alkaline phosphatase (miniPLAP) are limited to 6 small amino acids. In the present study, mutations were made at the omega + 1 and omega + 2 sites. At the omega + 1 site, processing to varying degrees was observed with 8 of the 9 amino acids substituted for alanine, the normal constituent. Only the proline mutant showed no processing. By contrast, the only substituents permitted at the omega + 2 site were glycine and alanine, with only trace activity observed with serine and cysteine. Thus, just as there is a -1, -3 rule for predicting cleavage by NH2-terminal signal peptidase, there appears to be a comparable omega, omega + 2 rule for predicting cleavage/PI-G addition by COOH-terminal signal transamidase.  相似文献   

Many bioactive peptides terminate with an amino acid alpha-amide at their COOH terminus. The enzyme responsible for this essential posttranslational modification is known as peptidyl-glycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase or PAM. We identified cDNAs encoding the enzyme by using antibodies to screen a bovine intermediate pituitary lambda gt11 expression library. Antibodies to a beta-galactosidase/PAM fusion protein removed PAM activity from bovine pituitary homogenates. The 108,207 dalton protein predicted by the complete cDNA is approximately twice the size of purified PAM. An NH2-terminal signal sequence and short propeptide precede the NH2 terminus of purified PAM. The sequences of several PAM cyanogen bromide peptides were localized in the NH2-terminal half of the predicted protein. The cDNA encodes an additional 430 amino acid intragranular domain followed by a putative membrane spanning domain and a hydrophilic cytoplasmic domain. The forms of PAM purified from bovine neurointermediate pituitary may be generated by endoproteolytic cleavage at a subset of the 10 pairs of basic amino acids in the precursor. High levels of PAM mRNA were found in bovine pituitary and cerebral cortex. In corticotropic tumor cells, levels of PAM mRNA and pro-ACTH/endorphin mRNA were regulated in parallel by glucocorticoids and CRF.  相似文献   

Peptidylglycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase (PAM) catalyzes the COOH- terminal amidation of bioactive peptides through a two step reaction catalyzed by separate enzymes contained within the PAM precursor. To characterize the trafficking of integral membrane PAM proteins in neuroendocrine cells, we have generated stable AtT-20 cell lines expressing full length and COOH-terminally truncated integral membrane PAM proteins. Full length integral membrane PAM was present on the cell surface in low but detectable amounts and PAM proteins which reached the cell surface were rapidly internalized but not immediately degraded in lysosomes. Internalized PAM complexed with PAM antibody was found in a subcellular compartment which overlapped with internalized transferrin and with structures binding WGA. Thus the punctate juxtanuclear staining of full length PAM represents PAM in endosomes. Endoproteolytic processing of full length PAM-1 and PAM-2 resulted in the secretion of soluble PAM proteins; the secretion of these soluble PAM proteins was stimulus dependent. Although some of the truncated PAM protein was also processed and stored in AtT-20 cells, much of the expressed protein was redistributed to the plasma membrane. Soluble proteins not observed in large amounts in cells expressing full length PAM were released from the surface of cells expressing truncated PAM and little internalization of truncated integral membrane PAM was observed. Thus, the COOH-terminal domain of PAM contains information important for its trafficking within the regulated secretory pathway as well as information necessary for its retrieval from the cell surface.  相似文献   

Herpesvirus maturation requires translocation of glycoprotein B homologue from the endoplasmic reticulum to the inner nuclear membrane. Glycoprotein B of human cytomegalovirus was used in this context as a model protein. To identify a specific signal sequence within human cytomegalovirus glycoprotein B acting in a modular fashion, coding sequences were recombined with reporter proteins. Immunofluorescence and cell fractionation demonstrated that a short sequence element within the cytoplasmic tail of human cytomegalovirus glycoprotein B was sufficient to translocate the membrane protein CD8 to the inner nuclear membrane. This carboxyl-terminal sequence had no detectable nuclear localization signal activity for soluble beta-Galactosidase and could not be substituted by the nuclear localization signal of SV40 T antigen. For glycoprotein B of herpes simplex virus, a carboxyl-terminal element with comparable properties was found. Further experiments showed that the amino acid sequence DRLRHR of human cytomegalovirus glycoprotein B (amino acids 885-890) was sufficient for nuclear envelope translocation. Single residue mutations revealed that the arginine residues in positions 4 and 6 of the DRLRHR sequence were essential for its function. These results support the view that transmembrane protein transport to the inner nuclear membrane is controlled by a mechanism different from that of soluble proteins.  相似文献   

We analyzed the signal that directs the outer membrane protein with the C-terminal transmembrane segment (TMS) to mammalian mitochondria by using yeast Tom5 as a model and green fluorescent protein as a reporter. Deletions or mutations were systematically introduced into the TMS or the flanking regions and their intracellular localization in COS-7 cells was examined using confocal microscopy and cell fractionation. 1) Three basic amino acid residues within the C-terminal five-residue segment (C-segment) contained the information required for mitochondrial-targeting. Reduction of the net positive charge in this segment decreased mitochondrial specificity, and the mutants were distributed throughout the intracellular membranes. 2) Elongation of the TMS interfered with the function of the C-segment and the mutants were delivered to the intracellular membranes. 3) Separation of the TMS and C-segment by linker insertion severely impaired mitochondrial targeting function, leading to mislocalization to the cytoplasm. 4) Mutations or small deletions in the region of the TMS flanking the C-segment also impaired the mitochondrial targeting. Therefore, the moderate length of the TMS, the positive charges in the C-segment, and the distance between or context of the TMS and C-segment are critical for the targeting signal. The structural characteristics of the signal thus defined were also confirmed with mammalian C-tail-anchored protein OMP25.  相似文献   

The introduction of positive charges at the amino terminus of the mature domain of secretory proteins resulted in strong inhibition of their translocation across the cytoplasmic membrane of Escherichia coli, both in vitro and in vivo. The model secretory proteins used were OmpF-Lpp chimeric proteins possessing a cleavable or uncleavable signal peptide, beta-lactamase (Bla) and Bla-Lpp chimeric proteins. It is suggested that positively charged residues preceding the hydrophobic domain of the signal peptide have a positive effect, and ones following the hydrophobic domain, a negative effect on the translocation. These findings are discussed in relation to the orientation of membrane proteins, of which positive charges are predominant on the cytoplasmic surface.  相似文献   

We isolated Pseudomonas paucimobilis SYK-6, which was able to degrade various dimeric lignin compounds (Y. Katayama, S. Nishikawa, M. Nakamura, K. Yano, M. Yamasaki, N. Morohoshi, and T. Haraguchi, Mokuzai Gakkaishi 33:77-79, 1987). This metabolic process is a distinct characteristic of this bacterium, which is equipped with an enzymatic modification system for various dimeric lignin compounds involved in the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Cleavage of the beta-aryl ether linkage is essential in this process, because this linkage is the most abundant (approximately 50%) in lignin. Here, we report the isolation and characterization of the beta-etherase gene, which contains an open reading frame of 843 bp and which we call ligE. This gene was expressed in Escherichia coli, and the enzyme had the same kinetic properties as the P. paucimobilis SYK-6 enzyme.  相似文献   

Incubation of membranes prepared from Saccharomyces cerevisiae with [32P]phosphatidyl[3H]inositol resulted in the transfer of both labels to two products which were characterized as two species of inositolphosphoceramide, differing in the ceramide portion of the molecule. The products were characterized on the basis of stability in mild alkali, mobility on silica gel-impregnated paper, chromatography on silicic acid columns, and release of inositol phosphate upon base hydrolysis. The reaction did not require the addition of metals, nor was it inhibited by ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. The detergents Triton X-100 and Tween 20 provided little, if any, stimulation. At relatively high concentrations of phosphatidylinositol (1 to 4 mM), the in vitro rate was about 20% of the in vivo rate. Although ceramide was a logical substrate, the reaction could not be greatly stimulated by the addition of ceramides containing mono- and dihydroxy fatty acids. In addition, incubation of yeast membranes with [32P]phosphatidylinositol gave rise to a product that was chromatographically indistinguishable from the major yeast phosphosphingolipid, mannose-(inositol-P)2 ceramide.  相似文献   

A membrane-bound neutral carboxypeptidase B-like enzyme was solubilized from human placental microvilli with 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)-dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonate (CHAPS) and purified to homogeneity by ion-exchange chromatography and affinity chromatography on arginine-Sepharose. It gave a single band on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis with an apparent Mr of 62,000 with or without reduction. The enzyme is a glycoprotein as shown by its high affinity for concanavalin A-Sepharose and reduction in mass to 47,600 daltons after chemical deglycosylation. It has a neutral pH optimum, is activated by CoCl2, and inhibited by o-phenanthroline, 2-mercaptomethyl-3-guanidinoethylthiopropanoic acid, or cadmium acetate, indicating it is a metallopeptidase. The enzyme cleaves arginine or lysine from the COOH terminus of synthetic peptides (e.g. Bz-Gly-Arg, Bz-Gly-Lys, Bz-Ala-Lys, dansyl-Ala-Arg, where Bz is benzoyl and dansyl is 5-dimethylaminonaphthalene-1-sulfonyl) as well as from several biologically active substrates: dynorphin A(1-13), Met5-Arg6-enkephalin (Km = 46 microM, kcat = 934 min-1), bradykinin (Km = 16 microM, kcat = 147 min-1), Met5-Lys6-enkephalin (Km = 375 microM, kcat = 663 min-1), and Leu5-Arg6-enkephalin (Km = 63 microM, kcat = 106 min-1). Although the enzyme shares some properties with other carboxypeptidase B-like enzymes, it is structurally, catalytically, and immunologically distinct from pancreatic carboxypeptidase A or B, human plasma carboxypeptidase N, and carboxypeptidase H ("enkephalin convertase"). To denote that the enzyme is membrane-bound, and to distinguish it from other known carboxypeptidases, we propose the name "carboxypeptidase M." Because of its localization on the plasma membrane and optimal activity at neutral pH, carboxypeptidase M could inactivate or modulate the activity of peptide hormones either before or after their interaction with plasma membrane receptors.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli SurA protein is a periplasmic molecular chaperone that facilitates correct folding of outer membrane porins. The peptide binding specificity of SurA has been characterized using phage display of heptameric peptides of random sequence. The consensus binding pattern of aromatic-polar-aromatic-nonpolar-proline amino acids emerges for both SurA and a SurA "core domain," which remains after deletion of a peripheral peptidyl-proline isomerase domain. Isothermal titration calorimetry with a high affinity heptameric peptide of sequence WEYIPNV yields peptide affinities in the range of 1-14 microm for both SurA and its core domain. Although the peptide consensus aromatic-polar-aromatic-nonpolar-proline occurs infrequently in E. coli proteins, the less restrictive tripeptide motif aromatic-random-aromatic appears with greater-than-random frequency in outer membrane proteins and is prevalent in the "aromatic bands" of the porin beta barrel structures. Thus, SurA recognizes a peptide motif that is characteristic of integral outer membrane proteins.  相似文献   

The human beta 2 adrenergic receptor is a type IIIb membrane protein. It has a putative seven-transmembrane topology but lacks an amino-terminal cleavable signal sequence. The mechanism by which the amino terminus of the beta 2 receptor is translocated across the endoplasmic reticulum membrane is unknown. Furthermore, it is not known if translocation as a type IIIb protein is essential for the proper folding. Our studies indicate that conversion of beta 2 receptor from a type IIIb to a type IIIa membrane protein by introducing an NH2-terminal cleavable signal sequence enhances translocation of the receptor into the endoplasmic reticulum membrane, thereby facilitating expression of functional receptor.  相似文献   

Placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP) is anchored to the plasma membrane by a phosphatidylinositol-glycan (PI-G) moiety. During processing of nascent PLAP, a 29-residue COOH-terminal peptide is cleaved out and the PI-G moiety is attached to the newly created COOH terminus of the mature protein. To investigate the structural requirements of the COOH terminus of the nascent protein for PI-G tailing and anchoring to the plasma membrane, we have transfected COS cells with wild type and mutant forms of cDNA encoding human prepro-PLAP. Utilizing a series of COOH-terminal deletion mutants of prepro-PLAP, it was found that to be PI-G-tailed the newly synthesized protein must possess an uncharged, predominantly hydrophobic amino acid sequence of a minimal length in the COOH-terminal peptide. While forms of prepro-PLAP with 17 consecutive hydrophobic residues in the terminal sequence yielded PI-G-tailed and membrane-bound products, prepro-PLAP mutants with 13 or fewer of such residues yielded hydrophilic proteins that were no longer PI-G-tailed but efficiently secreted into the medium. Studies using cassette mutants demonstrated that the precise amino sequence of the COOH-terminal region could be altered as long as minimal hydrophobicity and length was maintained.  相似文献   

Dual functions of the signal peptide in protein transfer across the membrane   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
J Coleman  M Inukai  M Inouye 《Cell》1985,43(1):351-360
Most secretory proteins in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells are synthesized from a precursor with an amino-terminal extension of 20 to 25 amino acid residues called a signal peptide. These signal peptides are removed during translocation of the secretory proteins across the membrane. When two precursor structures are fused, the internalized second signal peptide was found to exert two different roles, depending upon either the distance between the two signal peptides, or whether the first signal peptide functions cotranslationally or posttranslationally. One role is to function as the usual signal peptide to translocate the protein downstream of the internal signal peptide. The other role is to function as a stop-transfer signal to create a transmembrane protein with the second signal peptide anchoring the protein in the membrane.  相似文献   

The binding of an amphipathic alpha-helical peptide to small unilamellar lipid vesicles has been examined using chemical derivitization and mass spectrometry. The peptide is derived from the sequence of human apolipoprotein C-II (apoC-II), the protein activator of lipoprotein lipase (LpL). ApoC-II(19-39) forms approximately 60% alpha-helix upon binding to model egg yolk phosphatidylcholine small unilamellar vesicles. Measurement of the affinity of the peptide for lipid by spectrophotometric methods is complicated by the contribution of scattered light to optical signals. Instead, we characterize the binding event using the differential labeling of lysine residues by the lipid- and aqueous-phase cross-linkers, disuccinimidyl suberate (DSS) and bis(sulfosuccinimidyl) suberate (BS(3)), respectively. In aqueous solution, the three lysine residues of the peptide are accessible to both cross-linkers. In the presence of lipid, the C-terminal lysine residue becomes inaccessible to the lipid-phase cross-linker DSS, but remains accessible to the aqueous-phase cross-linker, BS(3). We use mass spectrometry to characterize this binding event and to derive a dissociation constant for the interaction (K(d) = 5 microM). We also provide evidence for the formation of dimeric cross-linked peptide when high densities of peptide are bound to the lipid surface.  相似文献   

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