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拟南芥耐低钾突变体的筛选及遗传分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
利用乙酰甲基磺酸(EMS)诱变方法,以幼苗根在重力作用下的弯曲生长为指标、筛选得到了拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)耐低钾突变体。经过对突变体杂交后代的遗传分析证明,其中两株突变体的耐低钾性状为隐性单基因突变所致。鉴定、分离与植物耐低钾性状连锁的基因将有可能与对培育钾高效作物品种有重要意义。  相似文献   

Ethyl methane-sulfonate (EMS)-mutagenized Arabidopsis M2 populations were screened in low-K+ medium using the root-bending assay. Forty-two putative low-K+-tolerant ( lkt ) mutants were selected from 150?000 tested M2 seedlings, and two of these mutants maintained their low-K+-tolerant phenotype in their M3 generations, respectively. Genetic analysis showed that either one of these two mutants has a monogenic recessive mutation in a nuclear gene, and that the two mutations in two independent mutants are allelic to each other.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis , aux1-7, axr1-3 and axr2-1, grown in a natural sandy soil, without sucrose supplementation. The three mutants showed impaired epidermal cell elongation in the hypocotyls of 15-day-old seedlings, with axr2-1 showing the most marked effects. In addition, the roots of axr2-1 elongated faster and presented a more extended meristematic zone than the other genotypes. Unchanged epidermal cell length in the differentiation zone of axr2-1 relative to the wild-type suggested enhancement of cell proliferation. These alterations may have affected the timing and site of emergence of the root hairs, starting later and further from the root tip than in the other genotypes. Similarly to the wild-type, no root hair growth was initiated in axr2-1 drought-induced short roots, although the epidermis was differentiated into trichoblasts and atrichoblasts. On rehydration of the short roots, hair formation occurred from trichoblasts prior to epidermal cell elongation. Therefore, auxin-insensitivity in the axr2-1 mutant did not result in alterations of the hair-forming process itself. The differential development of axr2-1 seedlings, relative to the other auxin-insensitive mutants, suggested that the AXR2 gene has a complex, regulatory function in multiple hormone signaling. Received 26 July 2000/ Accepted in revised form 28 February 2001  相似文献   

王伟青  程红焱 《植物学报》2006,23(6):625-633
种子的休眠和萌发是一个复杂的过程, 至今尚未能清楚阐明其调控机制。目前已从拟南芥突变体中鉴定了一些与种子萌发和休眠相关的基因, 有助于阐明种子休眠和萌发的分子机制。本文综述了拟南芥突变体种子休眠与萌发方面的研究进展。赤霉素是促进种子萌发的主要因素之一, RGL、SPY、GCR、SLY和GAR等基因的表达参与赤霉素对种子萌发的调控。脱落酸与种子休眠有关, ABI1、ABI2、ABI3、ABI4、ABI5、FUS3、LEC、MARD和CIPK等基因参与了脱落酸的调控过程。对3类乙烯反应的突变体 (ein、etr和ctr) 以及油菜素内酯突变体 (det和bri) 的研究表明乙烯和油菜素内酯是通过拮抗脱落酸而促进种子萌发的。光对种子萌发的调节, 是通过具有Ser/Thr蛋白激酶活性的光敏色素PhyA、PhyB、 PhyC、PhyD和PhyE, 以磷酸化/去磷酸化方式调节其它与萌发相关基因的表达。含氮化合物对种子萌发的促进, 可能是以一种依赖一氧化氮的方式解除种子休眠。  相似文献   

拟南芥突变体种子休眠与萌发的研究进展   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
种子的休眠和萌发是一个复杂的过程,至今尚未能清楚阐明其调控机制。目前已从拟南芥突变体中鉴定了一些与种子萌发和休眠相关的基因,有助于阐明种子休眠和萌发的分子机制。本文综述了拟南芥突变体种子休眠与萌发方面的研究进展。赤霉素是促进种子萌发的主要因素之一,RGL、SPY、GCR、SLY和GAR等基因的表达参与赤霉素对种子萌发的调控。脱落酸与种子休眠有关,ABI1、ABI2、ABI3、ABI4、ABI5、FUS3、LEC、MARD和CIPK等基因参与了脱落酸的调控过程。对3类乙烯反应的突变体(ein、etr和ctr)以及油菜素内酯突变体(det和bri)的研究表明乙烯和油菜素内酯是通过拮抗脱落酸而促进种子萌发的。光对种子萌发的调节,是通过具有Ser/Thr蛋白激酶活性的光敏色素PhyA、PhyB、PhyC、PhyD和PhyE,以磷酸化/去磷酸化方式调节其它与萌发相关基因的表达。含氮化合物对种子萌发的促进,可能是以一种依赖一氧化氮的方式解除种子休眠。  相似文献   

李娜  王潇楠 《植物研究》2023,43(1):59-68
类黄酮在植物应答各种环境胁迫和种皮发育调控中起着重要作用。通过甲基磺酸乙酯(EMS)诱变筛选获得1个透明种皮突变体,与野生型拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)(Col-0)相比,突变体成熟的种子颜色为黄色,其表型性状由隐性单基因控制。利用图位克隆和精细定位技术将突变基因定位于5号染色体MAH20的BAC上,是TT4(At5G13930)基因的第1 299位碱基C突变为T,使得第324位氨基酸甘氨酸突变为谷氨酸。TT4(transparent testa 4)编码1个类黄酮合成的结构基因查尔酮合酶(CHS),突变后种皮透明,种子颜色为黄色,突变体命名为tt4-1。利用功能回补突变体恢复褐色种皮表型,进一步证明了TT4在调节种皮颜色发育过程的重要作用。启动子偶联GUS基因组织表达分析显示TT4基因在植株幼苗的根、茎、叶和花中均有表达,生理表型分析结果显示与野生型相比,突变体tt4-1种子萌发早,幼苗主根短、侧根和根毛较多,成苗叶片气孔开度大和失水率高等特性。该研究将为进一步阐述TT4基因功能奠定理论依据。  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Growth Regulation - Experiments designed to quantify the physiological and metabolic status of Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings across their photoperiod used wild-type (Col-0) and...  相似文献   

We describe 83 recessive autosomal male-sterile mutations, generated by single P element mutagenesis in Drosophila melanogaster. Each mutation has been localized to a lettered subdivision of the polytene map. Reversion analyses, as well as complementation tests using available chromosomal deficiencies, indicate that the insertions are responsible for the mutant phenotypes. These mutations represent 63 complementation groups, 58 of which are required for spermatogenesis. Phenotypes of the spermatogenesis mutants were analyzed by light microscopy. Mutations in 12 loci affect germline proliferation, spermatocyte growth, or meiosis. Mutations in 46 other loci disrupt differentiation and maturation of spermatids into motile sperm. This collection of male-sterile mutants provides the basis for a molecular genetic analysis of spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

Germination and growth of wild-type and two mutant strains (aux-1and Dwf) of Arabidopsis thaliana L. have been examined. Seedlingsof aux-1 exhibit agravitropic roots whereas Dwf display bothagravitropic roots and shoots. Wild-type seedlings retained the seed coat at the root-hypocotyltransition zone and developed hypocotyl hooks. In contrast,aux-I and Dwf seedlings did not retain their seed coats andlacked hypocotyl hooks. A positive gravitropic response of theroots was essential for the retention of the seed coat at theroot—hypocotyl transition zone by the attachment of roothairs to the seed coat. The development of the hypocotyl hookwas aided by the retention of the seed coat. The apical regionof the hypocotyl apparently remained agravitropic during formationand maintenance of the hypocotyl hook. Arabidopsis thaliana L., auxins, gravitropism, hypocotyl hook, mutants, peg formation, germination  相似文献   

利用农杆菌介导法将番茄红素β-环化酶基因(Lycb)转入由玉米自交系天塔五号植株,分析基因在T0转化及后代的遗传情况,结果表明,在27株T0转基因植株中,PCR初步检测后8株呈阳性;将T1代转基因植株以株系为单位用200mg/L草铵膦抗性筛选后,收获抗性植株种子。T2代转基因植株进一步进行PCR、RT-PCR和田间草铵膦涂抹检测,结果表明,PCR、RT-PCR为阳性的6个株系植株均具有草铵膦抗性。选取6株阳性植株提取叶片总类胡萝卜素,经HPLC分析其β-胡萝卜素含量显著高于野生型,表明目的基因Lycb成功的转入玉米,并得到了稳定遗传。  相似文献   

Nicotianamine chelates and transports micronutrient metal ions in plants. It has been speculated that nicotianamine is involved in seed loading with micronutrients. A tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) mutant (chloronerva) and a tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) transgenic line have been utilized to analyze the effects of nicotianamine loss. These mutants showed early leaf chlorosis and had sterile flowers. Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) has four NICOTIANAMINE SYNTHASE (NAS) genes. We constructed two quadruple nas mutants: one had full loss of NAS function, was sterile, and showed a chloronerva-like phenotype (nas4x-2); another mutant, with intermediate phenotype (nas4x-1), developed chlorotic leaves, which became severe upon transition from the vegetative to the reproductive phase and upon iron (Fe) deficiency. Residual nicotianamine levels were sufficient to sustain the life cycle. Therefore, the nas4x-1 mutant enabled us to study late nicotianamine functions. This mutant had no detectable nicotianamine in rosette leaves of the reproductive stage but low nicotianamine levels in vegetative rosette leaves and seeds. Fe accumulated in the rosette leaves, while less Fe was present in flowers and seeds. Leaves, roots, and flowers showed symptoms of Fe deficiency, whereas leaves also showed signs of sufficient Fe supply, as revealed by molecular-physiological analysis. The mutant was not able to fully mobilize Fe to sustain Fe supply of flowers and seeds in the normal way. Thus, nicotianamine is needed for correct supply of seeds with Fe. These results are fundamental for plant manipulation approaches to modify Fe homeostasis regulation through alterations of NAS genes.  相似文献   

Polar auxin transport inhibitors, including N-1-naphthylphthalamicacid (NPA) and 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA), have variouseffects on physiological and developmental events, such as theelongation and tropism of roots and stems, in higher plants.We isolated NPA-resistant mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana, withmutations designated pir1 and pir2, that were also resistantto TIBA. The mutations specifically affected the root-elongationprocess, and they were shown ultimately to be allelic to aux1and ein2, respectively, which are known as mutations that affectresponses to phytohormones. The mechanism of action of auxintransport inhibitors was investigated with these mutants, inrelation to the effects of ethylene, auxin, and the polar transportof auxin. With respect to the inhibition of root elongationin A. thaliana, we demonstrated that (1) the background levelof ethylene intensifies the effects of auxin transport inhibitors,(2) auxin transport inhibitors might act also via an inhibitorypathway that does not involve ethylene, auxin, or the polartransport of auxin, (3) the hypothesis that the inhibitory effectof NPA on root elongation is due to high-level accumulationof auxin as a result of blockage of auxin transport is not applicableto A. thaliana, and (4) in contrast to NPA, TIBA itself hasa weak auxin-like inhibitory effect. (Received April 12, 1996; Accepted September 2, 1996)  相似文献   

To discover which components of plant defense responses make significant contributions to limiting pathogen attack, we screened a mutagenized population of Arabidopsis thaliana for individuals that exhibit increased susceptibility to the moderately virulent bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. maculicola ES4326 (Psm ES4326). The 12 enhanced disease susceptibility (eds) mutants isolated included alleles of two genes involved in phytoalexin biosynthesis (pad2, which had been identified previously, and pad4, which had not been identified previously), two alleles of the previously identified npr1 gene, which affects expression of other defense genes, and alleles of seven previously unidentified genes of unknown function. The npr1 mutations caused greatly reduced expression of the PR1 gene in response to PsmES4326 infection, but had little effect on expression of two other defense genes, BGL2 and PR5, suggesting that PR1 expression may be important for limiting growth of PsmES4326. While direct screens for mutants with quantitative pathogen-susceptibility phenotypes have not been reported previously, our finding that mutants isolated in this way include those affected in known defense responses supports the notion that this type of screening strategy allows genetic dissection of the roles of various plant defense responses in disease resistance.  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis, fertilization induces the epidermal cells of the outer ovule integument to differentiate into a specialized seed coat cell type producing extracellular pectinaceous mucilage and a volcano-shaped secondary cell wall. Differentiation involves a regulated series of cytological events including growth, cytoplasmic rearrangement, mucilage synthesis, and secondary cell wall production. We have tested the potential of Arabidopsis seed coat epidermal cells as a model system for the genetic analysis of these processes. A screen for mutants defective in seed mucilage identified five novel genes (MUCILAGE-MODIFIED [MUM]1–5). The seed coat development of these mutants, and that of three previously identified ones (TRANSPARENT TESTA GLABRA1, GLABRA2, and APETALA2) were characterized. Our results show that the genes identified define several events in seed coat differentiation. Although APETALA2 is needed for differentiation of both outer layers of the seed coat, TRANSPARENT TESTA GLABRA1, GLABRA2, and MUM4 are required for complete mucilage synthesis and cytoplasmic rearrangement. MUM3 and MUM5 may be involved in the regulation of mucilage composition, whereas MUM1 and MUM2 appear to play novel roles in post-synthesis cell wall modifications necessary for mucilage extrusion.  相似文献   

Su W  Howell SH 《Plant physiology》1992,99(4):1569-1574
Arabidopsis mutants resistant to cytokinin (benzyladenine [BA]) have been isolated with the intent to find plants defective in cytokinin perception or response. At low concentrations, BA produces a “cytokinin root syndrome” in which primary root elongation is inhibited, but root hair elongation is stimulated. Five independent mutants that did not express this syndrome in the presence of BA were selected. All five mutants were recessive, and crosses between them indicated that they were in the same complementation group. The genetic locus represented by these mutations has been designated ckr1 and mapped to chromosome 5.  相似文献   

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