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Sexually mature but inexperienced male rabbits were castrated, immediately implanted with either testosterone (T), estrone (E1), dihydrotestosterone (DHT), T + E1, or DHT + E1, and tested for male sexual behavior. Other castrates were not implanted, and testing was either begun immediately (Ca-I) or delayed for 4 weeks (Ca-D). Intact males served as controls (C). Latency to mount a teaser female and to ejaculate into an artificial vagina was tested twice in a morning three times per week for 8 weeks. Then, animals were sacrificed, and reproductive organs were measured. The Ca-I group responded slowly to sexual training and ceased nearly all sexual activity by 8 weeks, whereas the Ca-D males seldom displayed interest in the teaser female. Intact controls and the T and T + E1, groups all responded to the teaser and mounted and ejaculated within a few seconds. DHT and E1, individually maintained the sexual activity of castrates equivalent to that of C for 4–5 weeks, but the time required to mount and, particularly, to ejaculate increased thereafter. The results with DHT + E1 were equivocal in that castrates with this hormone combination sustained sexual activity equivalent to that of the controls for 7 weeks, but one animal in particular became sexually inactive the last week of the experiment. Penis weight was at least partially maintained in all implanted castrates. Accessory sex gland weight was smallest in the DHT group and was significantly increased in the T + E1 and DHT + E1 groups. The largest ejaculates of fluid were obtained in the group receiving E1 alone. These results may be interpreted to indicate a role of both androgen and estrogen centrally and peripherally in the rabbit.  相似文献   

The effect of antiestrogens (MER-25, ICI-46474, and cis-clomiphene) and aromatase inhibitors (5-α-androstanedione, metopirone, and aminoglutethimide) on androgen induced copulatory behavior was tested in sexually inexperienced castrated male tats. Daily injections of 1 mg testosterone (T) for 21 days induced sexual activity in most subjects (61% mounting). Daily pretreatment with MER-25 or cis-clomiphene at three dose levels did not block the behavioral response to T. ICI-46474 at the high dose level (1 mg/kg) elicited a significant depressory effect on the sexual behavior of the T treated castrated rats. A single injection of 6 mg testosterone propionate (TP) induced mounting behavior in 56% of the tested rats within 120 hr. Treatment with metopirone or 5 α-androstanedione (injections every 12 hr for 96 hr) did not inhibit the response to TP. By contrast, aminoglutethimide (5 or 15 mg every 12 hr for 96 hr) abolished the behavioral response to androgen.  相似文献   

Sexual behavior of long-term castrated rhesus males was not increased by administration of the hydroxylated metabolite of testosterone (T), 17 beta, 19-dihydroxy-5 alpha-androstan-3-one diacetate (19-OH-DHTA) at a dose of 1 mg/kg/day. Simultaneous administration of 19-OH-DHTA and estradiol benzoate (EB) also failed to increase the level of sexual performance, but daily injection (1 mg/kg/day) of testosterone propionate (TP) was very effective in effective in activating sexual behavior.  相似文献   

Fluoxymesterone (FM), a synthetic nonaromatizable androgen, and testosterone (T) were injected into castrated male rabbits in doses of 4 and 12 mg per animal and day for 21 days. Both 12 mg of FM and 12 mg of T stimulated sexual behavior, the two hormones being almost equally effective. The lower dose, 4 mg, had only slight effects on sexual behavior. FM was found to be more active than T in stimulating growth of the seminal vesicle. Since FM cannot be aromatized to estrogens, it is suggested that aromatization is not important for androgenic activation of sexual behavior in male rabbits. This hypothesis is discussed in relation to previous studies in which dihydrotestosterone was found to be much inferior to T in stimulating rabbit sexual behavior.  相似文献   

Castrated male Japanese quail were injected for 15 days with 1 mg/day of testosterone propionate (TP), testosterone (T), androstenedione (AE), androsterone (AO), 5α-dihydrotestosterone benzoate (5α-DHTB), or 5β-dihydrotestosterone (5β-DHT), or with oil. Copulation was activated to a significant extent only by TP and T. Strutting was activated only by TP, T, and AE. Proctodeal (foam) glands were well-developed in birds injected with TP, T, AE, or 5α-DHTB. Additional data were obtained following implantation of pellets of crystalline T, AE, AO, or 5α-DHT. T pellets activated copulation, but AO and 5α-DHT pellets did not. Effects of AE require further study. These results suggest that conversion of androgen to estrogen is necessary for the activation of copulation in the male quail.  相似文献   

The effect of testosterone propionate (Tp) and dihydrotestosterone propionate (DHTp) at doses of 1, 3 and 9 mg daily for 30 days on the copulatory behavior of prepuberally castrated male New Zealand white rabbits was studied. Tp was significantly more effective than DHTp in eliciting copulatory behavior at each dose level tested. Three milligrams Tp was the minimal dose required to elicit mounting consistently. DHTp at the high dose level (9 mg) only elicited sexual activity comparable to that observed with the low dose of Tp (1 mg). The results suggest that T does not need to be reduced to DHT to stimulate sexual behavior in the male rabbit.  相似文献   

From the population of 89 adult sexually inexperienced Wistar male rats 20 animals that initiated copulatory behavior with females exhibiting low intensity of precopulatory behavior (presenting females) were preselected. Prior to castration all 20 males had the same sexual experience: three ejaculatory series in four weekly sessions with females exhibiting high intensity of precopulatory behavior (darting females). Following castration, the decline of copulatory behavior was much slower for the nine males tested with darting females as compared to the 11 males tested with presenting females. Male precopulatory behaviors (anogenital sniffing, touching flanks, etc) outlasted the loss of copulatory behavior and seem to be less dependent on both external and internal determinants. It is concluded that intensive external sexual stimuli can function to compensate, and therefore mask, the subnormal operation of androgen-dependent mechanisms in initiating the copulatory behavior.  相似文献   

The effect of some aromatase inhibitors (aminoglutethimide, 1,4,6-androstatrien-3, 17-dione, and 4-hydroxy-androstenedione) on testosterone propionate (TP)-induced copulatory behavior was tested in sexually inexperienced castrated male rats. A single injection of 6 mg of TP induced mounting in 48% and ejaculatory pattern in 19% of the rats within 120 hr. Treatment with the aromatase inhibitors (injections every 12 hr for 108 hr) suppressed ejaculation in all but one rat and significantly reduced the number of rats mounting and intromitting. Concurrent administration of estradiol benzoate (EB, 1 or 3 μg every 12 hr) prevented the inhibitory effect of aromatase blockers. No inhibitory effect of the aromatization blockers was observed in rats in which sexual behavior was induced by dihydrotestosterone (1 mg/day) and EB (2.5 μg/day) for 20 days. The results support the concept that aromatization is an essential step for the induction of male sexual behavior by androgen in the rat.  相似文献   

To investigate the role of neonatal androgen stimulation in the development of the potential for masculine and feminine sexual behavior in the mouse, different groups of mice were hormonally manipulated early in life. One group of female mice was administered testosterone propionate (TP) within 24 hr of birth; a second group of females was given a control injection of oil on the day of birth; a third group of females received an injection of TP on the 10th day after birth. A group of males received a control injection of oil on the day of birth. All mice were gonadectomized at about 30 days of age. At 60 days of age, mice were injected with estrogen and progesterone and tested for sexual receptivity; several weeks later all mice were injected with TP and tested for male sexual behavior. Female behavior: Females given oil at birth and females given TP on the 10th day after birth showed high levels of sexual receptivity as adults following estrogen-progesterone treatment. Females given TP on the day of birth, and male mice, rarely exhibited lordosis following estrogen-progesterone treatment. Male behavior: Most mice, regardless of genetic sex or neonatal treatment, mounted in adulthood following administration of exogenous androgen. There was little difference in mounting frequency between groups, suggesting that exogenous or endogenous androgen stimulation of the neonatal mouse does not facilitate adult mounting behavior. These data for the mouse are in essential agreement with existing data for the rat, and indicate that sexual behavioral differentiation induced by androgen stimulation in infancy is best characterized as an inhibition of the potential to display feminine sexual behavior in adulthood.  相似文献   

Reproductive aging in males is characterized by a diminution in sexual behavior beginning in middle age. We investigated the relationships among testosterone, androgen receptor (AR) and estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) cell numbers in the hypothalamus, and their relationship to sexual performance in male rats. Young (3 months) and middle-aged (12 months) rats were given sexual behavior tests, then castrated and implanted with vehicle or testosterone capsules. Rats were tested again for sexual behavior. Numbers of AR and ERα immunoreactive cells were counted in the anteroventral periventricular nucleus and the medial preoptic nucleus, and serum hormones were measured. Middle-aged intact rats had significant impairments of all sexual behavior measures compared to young males. After castration and testosterone implantation, sexual behaviors in middle-aged males were largely comparable to those in the young males. In the hypothalamus, AR cell density was significantly (5-fold) higher, and ERα cell density significantly (6-fold) lower, in testosterone- than vehicle-treated males, with no age differences. Thus, restoration of serum testosterone to comparable levels in young and middle-aged rats resulted in similar preoptic AR and ERα cell density concomitant with a reinstatement of most behaviors. These data suggest that age-related differences in sexual behavior cannot be due to absolute levels of testosterone, and further, the middle-aged brain retains the capacity to respond to exogenous testosterone with changes in hypothalamic AR and ERα expression. Our finding that testosterone replacement in aging males has profound effects on hypothalamic receptors and behavior has potential medical implications for the treatment of age-related hypogonadism in men.  相似文献   

The objectives of these studies were to evaluate the influence of testosterone propionate (TP), estradiol cypionate (EC), dihydrotestosterone propionate (DHTP), EC + TP, EC + DHTP, and TP + DHTP on traits of masculine sexual behavior in castrated adult male pigs of different breeds. Masculine sexual behavior was restored and maintained by TP, whereas EC initially activated sexual behavior, including copulation and ejaculation, but was unable to sustain copulatory behavior for the 8- to 18-week periods that were evaluated. Treatment with DHTP was ineffective for stimulation of sexual behavior; thus, it is suggested that testosterone promotes some aspects of masculine sexual behavior in male pigs via aromatization to estrogen, but both androgen and estrogen are required for maintenance of the full complement of masculine sexual behavior traits.  相似文献   

The effect of progesterone (P) on sexual behavior was tested in five long-term castrated rhesus monkeys treated simultaneously with testosterone (T) and P. A control group consisting of three long-term castrates was treated only with T. Plasma levels of T and P were measured at weekly intervals, and behavioral data were collected for each animal twice a week throughout the study. Progesterone has been reported to inhibit sexual behavior in male guinea pigs and mice, but the levels of behavior in our two groups of monkeys did not differ from each other over 8 weeks of treatment and testing.  相似文献   

6α-Fluorotestosterone, an androgen that is not aromatized in a standard assay system, stimulated sexual behavior in both male and female rats. In males, it was as effective as testosterone. 19-Nortestosterone also stimulated more male sexual behavior than would be expected on the basis of its aromatizability in standard assays. In other tests of the aromatization hypo we used the anti-estrogen, CI-628. This drug inhibited androgen-induced sexual receptivity in female rats, but did not inhibit androgen-induced sexual behavior in male rats. In females, CI-628 antagonized testosterone and 6α-fluorotestosterone equally. These data suggest that the structures of androgens, rather than their abilities to be aromatized, determine behavioral effectiveness.  相似文献   

Male rats castrated on the second day after birth (Day 2) were, for the next 10 days, given daily injections of one of five steroids or steroid combinations: 200 μg of testosterone propionate (TP); 200 μg of dihydrotestosterone propionate (DHTP); 5 μg of estradiol benzoate (EB); 5 μg of estradiol benzoate plus 200 μg of dihydrotestosterone propionate; oil vehicle (VH). Control male rats castrated on Day 90 received a sham castration and oil vehicle in the neonatal period. All animals were given TP in adulthood and tested for male sexual behavior. There was no difference in mounting activity among the subjects. Day 2 DHTP subjects displayed intromissions but were incapable of ejaculating. The more frequent display of intromissions by Day 2 DHTP animals in comparison to Day 2 VH animals could be solely due to their larger and more highly developed penes. On the other hand, the ejaculatory failure of the Day 2 DHTP subjects was attributed to some deficiency in central neural processes controlling ejaculatory mechanisms rather than inadequate penile development. Equivocal results were obtained with the Day 2 EB and Day 2 EB-DHTP animals in that only a few animals in both groups showed an ejaculatory pattern.  相似文献   

Sexual behavior was assessed in castrated adult CD-1 male mice given exogenous steroids under various treatment regimens. Castrated mice maintained on 20 μg testosterone (T) daily for 1 week, but given 250 μg testosterone propionate (TP) on the day of testing showed higher levels of copulatory activity than intact mice or the males receiving an additional dose of 20 μg T on the test day, although plasma testosterone levels were not different at the time of behavioral testing. Castrated males given 50, 125, or 250 μg TP for 1 week including the day of testing showed higher levels of sexual behavior than males receiving the same doses of TP only once, on the test day. A single injection of 17β-estradiol (E2) completely restored the male copulatory pattern, including ejaculation, in castrated mice under every condition examined. Testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) were less effective than E2, as was the combination of E2 and DHT. The relative efficacy of a single dose of T, DHT, and E2 plus DHT was dependent upon factors such as the delay between steroid administration and testing, as well as whether or not the castrated mice received androgen replacement prior to testing. Estradiol benzoate (E2B) was not capable of restoring sexual behavior in castrated mice in this study. The comparison of results obtained with TP, T, E2, and E2B suggests that an appreciable, but not necessarily sustained, elevation of E2 levels in the brain may be critical in the facilitation of male copulatory behavior in mice.  相似文献   

Interpretation of behavioral and other effects of intracranial steroid implants depends on knowledge of the rate of release of the implanted hormones into the general circulation. Testosterone propionate implants (200 μg, pellets) in the median eminence and pituitary were found to result in circulating levels of testosterone (T) twice as high as those in the anterior hypothalamus-preoptic area (AHPOA), posterior hypothalamus (PH), and cortex (Ctx). Implants in all cranial areas examined resulted in plasma T levels in the lower range of circulating T found in normal rats for the first 24 hr postoperatively, decreasing thereafter and reaching very low levels by the end of 2 weeks. There were no significant differences in the plasma T levels in rats with implants in the AHPOA, PH, and Ctx, but AHPOA implants were slightly more effective in restoration of sexual behavior than PH implants, and both of these implants were considerably more effective than those in the cortex. There was no apparent correlation between behavioral responses and peripheral levels of T. The major conclusion of this study was that the effects of hypothalamic implants of T on male sexual behavior cannot be explained by the presence of T in the peripheral circulation.  相似文献   

Three groups of inexperienced castrated male rats were treated daily for 15 days with oil, estradiol benzoate (1 μg), or dihydrotestosterone (1 mg), and thereafter injected daily with testosterone (1 mg) for 21 days. Sexual behavior was tested every third day after the start of the pretreatment until day 36. Estradiol benzoate or dihydrotestosterone failed to elicit sexual behavior. Pretreatment with dihydrotestosterone, but not estradiol benzoate, significantly shortened the intervals to initiation of mounting and intromission in response to testosterone. The results suggest that fully developed genitals (penis and/or sexual accessories) facilitate initiation of copulatory behavior in response to testosterone administration.  相似文献   

The two androgens responsible for all aspects of male sexual differentiation are testosterone and dihydrotestosterone. The action of both these steroids is mediated by a specific intracellular receptor, the androgen receptor, which is a member of the nuclear receptor superfamily. The androgen receptor gene has been cloned and is located on the X chromosome at Xq11-12. Mutations of this gene have been found in subjects with both complete and partial androgen insensitivity. In a study of 27 subjects with the androgen insensitivity syndrome, we have identified mutations in 14, using a rapid mutation screening assay. The same technique has also been used to determine carrier status in an affected family. We have also identified a mutation in two brothers who show perineal hypospadias as the only evidence of undervirilisation. Familial severe hypospadias should therefore be included as part of the phenotypic spectrum of partial androgen insensitivity. The study of naturally occurring mutations of the androgen receptor gene is providing further information on the function of the androgen receptor and its role in normal male sexual differentiation.  相似文献   

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