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废弃工矿区及周边地区重金属等污染物的生态风险隐患较高,了解其污染特征对防止污染源扩散十分关键。本研究按地形、水流走向等布点,采集了64个0~20 cm表层土壤样品,应用反距离权重插值(IDW)和数理统计相结合的方法,以及地累积指数评价法,探究湖南长沙某废弃冶炼厂重金属Cd向周边的扩散及土壤Cd污染的风险。结果表明:废弃冶炼厂周边土壤中有不同程度的Cd富集现象,其Cd含量在0.09~6.96 mg·kg-1,平均1.18mg·kg-1,超过当地土壤Cd背景值,是《土壤环境质量农用地土壤污染风险管控标准(试行)》中风险筛选值的2.95倍,地积累指数平均值达中重度污染水平。IDW插值结果表明:污染高值区主要分布在调查区东部原废水排放小溪两侧,且与废弃冶炼厂距离越远,小溪两侧土壤的Cd含量逐渐降低;在沿风向分布上,亦有随冶炼厂距离越远土壤Cd含量越低的趋势;不同土地利用方式下,土壤Cd含量呈现为园地水田菜地裸露地。研究结果为工矿源重金属排放管理提供了依据。  相似文献   

任文杰  滕应 《生态学杂志》2014,25(9):2723-2732
石墨烯是当前研究最热的碳纳米材料,具有独特的理化特性,在各领域具有广阔的应用前景.随着其生产和使用量的不断增大,石墨烯不可避免地会进入到环境中,从而给生态环境和人类健康带来风险.深入理解石墨烯在环境中的行为和归趋,探讨石墨烯对污染物环境行为的影响,对于科学客观评价石墨烯的环境风险具有十分重要的意义.本文对石墨烯的环境行为及其对污染物迁移归趋的影响进行了综述,主要介绍了石墨烯在水环境中的胶体特性和稳定性,以及在多孔介质中的迁移,重点探讨了石墨烯与重金属和有机物之间的相互作用,并从吸附机理、石墨烯与土壤组分之间的相互作用、石墨烯对污染物在环境中迁移及生物有效性的影响、石墨烯的定量方法等方面对该研究领域的前景和重点进行了展望,以期为该领域的深入研究提供借鉴并拓展新的思路.  相似文献   

环境中人为来源的铂族元素及其迁移转化研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李培苗  高学鲁 《应用生态学报》2012,23(12):3514-3525
铂族元素(PGEs)在汽车尾气催化转换器(VECs)、工业催化剂和制药学领域的广泛应用,致使PGEs尤其是铂(Pt)、钯(Pd)和铑(Rh)在某些区域已经成为新型环境污染物.由于环境样品中Pt/Pd、Pt/Rh与VECs中活性成分比例有较好的相关性,因此PGEs污染主要来源于应用了铂族金属的VECs.研究显示,过去的30年里,气溶胶、永生态系统(河水、雨水、地下水、海水、沉积物)、土壤、路尘和生物有机体等不同环境介质中PGEs浓度均显著增加.人们普遍认为铂族元素是惰性的,暴露于环境中的PGEs的健康风险很小,但PGEs毒性和生物可利用性的研究表明,在多种生物地球化学过程作用下,人为排放的PGEs易发生迁移,转化为毒性更大的形态,增加生物可利用性,通过食物链传递对人类产生潜在的健康风险.本文对不同环境介质中PGEs来源、分布及生物地球化学行为的最新成果进行了总结,认为PGEs人体健康风险标准制定、PGEs标准物质的研制、近海沉积物中PGEs的研究、PGEs对滩涂贝类的毒性、食物中PGEs的污染现状及人体健康风险评估等是今后PGEs研究的重要领域.  相似文献   

徐磊  段林  陈威 《应用生态学报》2009,20(1):205-212
碳纳米材料具有广阔的应用前景,近年来已成为一大研究热点.工程碳纳米材料的大量生产和使用将不可避免地造成这些材料向环境中的释放,可能带来环境和生态风险.一方面,碳纳米材料本身具有环境毒性,另一方面碳纳米材料对环境中有毒有害污染物有较强的吸附性能,因此会影响污染物迁移转化等环境行为.目前,对碳纳米材料生态风险的研究主要集中于碳纳米材料对生物体可能的毒性,而对其自身环境行为以及影响污染物迁移归趋等方面的研究较少.本文简要概述了碳纳米材料的来源、暴露途径、环境行为以及对污染物迁移归趋的影响,阐述了这些研究对于评估碳纳米材料的环境和生态风险所具有的重要意义.  相似文献   

四种重金属在金针菇栽培过程中的迁移规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了掌握铅、镉、砷、汞4种有害重金属元素在金针菇栽培过程中的富集和迁移,为金针菇产品质量控制提供依据。采用在培养料中添加一定量的铅、镉、汞、砷栽培金针菇,测定其在各栽培阶段培养料、金针菇子实体中的含量。结果表明,在试验的浓度范围内,金针菇子实体中4种重金属的含量随着培养料中添加量的增加而增加,说明金针菇子实体中4种重金属主要是来源于培养料,但金针菇子实体对不同重金属的吸收富集能力不同,对汞的吸收富集能力最强,富集系数最高达到7.590,富集能力大小依次为汞>镉>砷>铅。  相似文献   

城市蔬菜的重金属污染及其对策   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
通过对我国主要城市已开展的蔬菜重金属污染调查的回顾 ,对城市蔬菜的重金属污染现状的评价进行了比较 ,综合分析了造成城市蔬菜重金属污染的成因 ,并提出了几点降低和控制城市蔬菜重金属污染的对策。  相似文献   

城市蔬菜的重金属污染及其对策   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  

目的:调查分析江西某市三家私营有色金属回收冶炼企业的粉尘污染和对尘肺病的防护。了解职工的职业病情况。方法:科学检测,并采用问卷方式对职工进行随机调查。结果:轻度粉尘污染。大多数劳动者对尘肺病缺乏足够的防护。结论:改善生产工艺,加强对工人的培训和健康保护。  相似文献   

黔西北铅锌矿区植物群落分布及其对重金属的迁移特征   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
重金属耐性植物和超富集植物的筛选、鉴定和驯化是植物修复技术研究与发展的关键。以黔西北4个不同恢复年限的铅锌矿为研究对象,通过群落生态调查利用聚类分析方法筛选出研究区域中重金属耐性植物优势种,并分析其对重金属Pb、Zn、Cu、Cd的迁移富集能力。结果表明:4个矿区共发现高等植物22种,分属13科21属,筛选出9种重金属耐性植物优势种,其中转运系数大于1的植物有:黄花蒿(Cu)、珠光香青(Zn)、大叶醉鱼草(Zn/Pb/Cd)、野艾蒿(Cu/Zn/Pb/Cd);没有富集系数大于1的植物。其中大叶醉鱼草具有耐贫瘠、耐旱、生物量大等优势,可将其作为典型的重金属耐性先锋植物,用于矿区废弃地的植物修复。  相似文献   

With the aim of metal decontamination, migration and stabilization of multiply heavy metals in an aged contaminated soil under a constant 1 V cm?1 parallel-plate electric field were investigated through monitoring the metal migration in the anolyte, as well as analyzing their species distribution residual in soil. Besides anionic Cr(VI), cationic metals were also found in the anolyte, primarily by the concentration-gradient-driven diffusion of free ions, especially when the produced H+ considerably increased their levels in the soil. After 295 h, parts of Cu, Cr, Ni, and Zn were found to electro-migrate into the intermediate area, but no obvious Pb migration was observed, likely ascribed to its own great inertia and precipitation with the present Cr(VI). However, in the whole, only 5.3% of Zn and 2.7% of Ni were separated, while the release of other heavy metals was almost ignorable. Although Pb mobility in the soil near the anode even increased three times, the overall metal mobility in all sample locations was found to significantly reduce under the electric field, indicating an effective stabilization approach. Moreover, compared with the bottom soil, the top soil near the anode was found to have a lower pH, higher moisture, lower heavy metal concentrations, and less soil oxidant demand; these phenomena may be due to a faster electro-migration of charged ions, especially H+, in the top soil. Therefore, such a divergence may considered to improve the current simulation approach for a realistic estimation of the actual metal and H+ electro-migration rate and the associated behavior under an electric field.  相似文献   

从铅锌矿渣中分离的微生物对重金属吸附特性的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
从铅锌矿渣中分离到 16种菌 (包括 7株细菌和 9株真菌 ) ,并研究了它们对Zn2 + ,Pb2 + ,Cu2 + 的吸附特性。发现大多数菌株对Pb2 + 与Zn2 + 有不同程度的吸附 ,但对Cu2 + 的吸附能力较小。菌株对Zn2 + 的吸附率大于对Pb2 + 的吸附 ,能吸附Pb2 + 的菌株也能吸附Zn2 + 。pH 4~ 6是真菌吸附金属离子的较好范围 ,细菌仅在pH =5 .0条件下 ,对Pb2 + 与Zn2 + 有吸附。在测试的不同金属离子浓度范围内 (5 0mg/L 相似文献   

底物种类和浓度对污泥重金属生物淋滤效果的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以生污泥为材料,研究单质硫(浓度分别为5、10、20 g/L)、FeSO4?7H2O (浓度分别为10、20 g/L)和硫代硫酸钠(浓度分别为10、20 g/L)三种底物的不同浓度对污泥中Zn、Cu、Pb、Cd、Cr和Ni六种重金属生物淋滤效果的影响。结果表明:单质硫的致酸性最好,第4天pH值就达到2.0左右,Zn、Cu、Pb、Cr和Ni的滤出量最大(原污泥Cd未检出),并以底物投放浓度在10~20 g/L为佳。FeSO4?7H2O的致酸性和重金属滤出量较单质硫弱。硫代硫酸钠在浓度10 g/L时,致酸性和重金属的滤出量介于单质硫和FeSO4?7H2O之间,但浓度20 g/L时滤液呈碱性,重金属难于滤出甚至不滤出。  相似文献   

This work has examined sewage sludge of the following heavy metal concentrations (mg/kg): Cd-3.43; Co-5.25; Cu-131; Fe-51300; Mn-177; Ni-37.5; Pb-104; Zn-3300. Metals speciation by sequential extraction according to Tessier et al. (1979), and Rudd et al. (1988), and a procedure recommended by European Community Bureau of Reference (BCR) (Ure et al., 1993; Quevauiller et al., 1996; Davidson et al., 1999), as well as analysis of chemical forms of metals, have been carried out. It has been found that only Zn concentration is higher than the value permissible for agricultural sewage sludge application (2500 mg/kg). The results obtained by Tessier et al. (1979) Tessier, A., Campbell, P. C. and Bisson, M. 1979. Sequential extraction procedure for the speciation of particulate trace metals.. Anal. Chem., 51: 844851. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], and BCR procedures (Ure et al., 1993; Quevauiller et al., 1996; Davidson et al., 1999) appeared to be consistent. A comparison of the sequential analysis and the analysis of chemical forms of metals indicates that the sum of metal concentrations for the exchangeable, carbonate and bound to Fe/Mn oxyhydroxides forms (found by Tessier et al., 1979, and BCR analyses (Ure et al., 1993; Quevauiller et al., 1996; Davidson, et al., 1999)) corresponds to the sum of sulfate, oxide, metallic and siliceous forms. The concentrations of the forms bound to organic matter or sulfides correspond to the sulfide form while the residue corresponds to the ferrate form. Preparative extraction of metals from the sewage sludge using sodium salt of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA-Na), sodium pyrophosphate (V) and ammonia water has also been investigated. As far as the examined leaching agents are concerned, EDTA-Na appeared to be the best. Single leaching with this agent results in the following metal concentrations remaining in the sludge (mg/kg): Cd-1.1; Co-2.1; Cu-105; Fe-17700; Mn-28.3; Ni-12.8; Pb-44; Zn-1200. They meet the requirements of Polish regulations concerning the use of sewage sludge as a soil fertilizer.  相似文献   

Soil heavy metal pollution is becoming more and more serious. Biomass charcoal application can play an important role in alleviating the toxicity of heavy metals in soils. Compared with other biochar, bamboo charcoal has more unique properties and may have a unique effect on heavy metal pollution. Zhejiang Province of Southeastern China is rich in bamboo resources. However, few studies related to bamboo charcoal application for heavy metal remediation in farmland were reported. In this study, four treatments with different amounts of bamboo charcoal application were set up through a field experiment, namely BC0 (no bamboo charcoal application), BC1 (2500 kg⋅ha−1), BC2 (5000 kg⋅ha−1), and BC3 (10000 kg⋅ha−1), and each treatment was replicated three times. The results showed that (1) The application of bamboo charcoal significantly increased the soil pH and organic matter content. Compared with BC0, the pH and organic content of BC3 increased by 7.4% and 17.4% (P < 0.05) respectively. (2) The HCl-extractable Cd content of paddy soil in the BC1 treatment was significantly lower than other treatments (P < 0.05), and decreased by 15.3%, compared with BC0. The soil HCl-extractable Zn and Cu content did not differ significantly between treatments (P > 0.05). (3) With the increase of bamboo charcoal application, the Cd content in rice gradually decreased, the BC3 treatment significantly decreased by 39.0% (P < 0.05), and the Zn and Cu contents in rice did not differ significantly between treatments (P > 0.05), compared with BC0. (4) Soil pH, organic matter and Cd in rice seeds were significantly negatively correlated (P < 0.01). The heavy metal content in rice does not change with the change of heavy metal content with HCl-extractable state in soil. It means bamboo charcoal does not reduce heavy metal content in rice by simply declining the heavy metal content with HCl-extractable state. The mechanism of action is relatively complicated, and further study is needed.  相似文献   

黑土中几种重金属的化学形态   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
在自然界中,重金属元素的总浓度不能正确反映出它们对生物的效应和地球化学的过程。重金属的毒性在很大程度上取决于它们存在的化学形态。重金属进入土壤这个有机、无机复合体后,通过溶解、沉淀、凝聚、络合、吸附等各种反应,形成重金属的不同化学形态,并表现出不同的活性。东北地区的黑土,其主要特征是富含有机质,为了探索土壤有机质含量与土壤重金属的亲合力及其在土壤中存在的各种形态,我们用A.Tesser等提出的连续浸提法,作了重金属元素在黑土中存在形态的研究,这对进一步研究土壤净化功能与土壤环境容量具有一定意义。  相似文献   

本研究从剩余活性污泥中分离得到两株土著硫杆菌。对两株菌进行了分类鉴定。确立二者分别为嗜酸性氧化亚铁硫杆菌(Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, A. f)和嗜酸性氧化硫硫杆菌(Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans, A. t)。将二者的单菌和混合菌分别接种于剩余活性污泥中, 进行了为期9 d的生物淋滤, 对淋滤过程中的pH变化、氧化还原电位(ORP)以及重金属含量进行了检测。结果表明, 生物淋滤9 d混合菌对于As、Cr、Cu、Ni和Zn的去除效果最好; 去除率分别达到了96.09%、93.47%、98.32%、97.88%和98.60%。对于Cd和Pb混合菌生物淋滤的去除率在第6天之后迅速下降, 但是A. t单菌淋滤保持较高的去除率。  相似文献   

金属结合蛋白基因及其在清除重金属污染中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
焦芳婵  毛雪  李润植 《遗传》2002,24(1):82-86
一些微生物和植物由于对毒性金属具有独特的抗性机制,使得利用它们来清除日益严重的环境污染已发展成为一种十分有效的技术——生物修复。研究表明,不同的金属结合蛋白(如MT 和PC),在生物忍耐和降解过量重金属毒性机制中起重要作用。愈来愈多的MT 和PC基因被克隆,并已成功地应用于生物遗传转化,这些转基因生物在清除重金属污染方面已显示出潜在的应用价值。 Abstract:Heavy metal pollution has become a global environmental hazard.The use of microorganisms and plants for the decontamination of heavy metals is recognized as a low lost and high efficiency method for cleaning up metal contamination.It shows that various metal-binding proteins such as metallothioneins (MTs) or phytochelatines (PCs) play an important role in defense systems and detoxification to heavy metals in organisms.Many genes of MTs and PCs have been cloned and utilized successfully in genetically modified bacteria and plants for increasing remediation capacity.These transgenic organisms have been displayed a great potential in bioremediation and phytoremediation of heavy metals.  相似文献   

邱并生 《微生物学通报》2010,37(4):0614-0614
生物淋滤法(Bioleaching)是指利用自然界中一些微生物(硫细菌)的直接作用或其代谢产物的间接作用,产生氧化、还原、络合、吸附或溶解反应,将固相中某些不溶性成分(如重金属、硫及其他金属)分离浸提出来的技术.在生物淋滤中,嗜酸性氧化亚铁硫杆菌(Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans,A.f)和嗜酸性氧化硫硫杆菌(Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans,A.f)被用作有效的淋滤载体[1].这种嗜酸性的化能自养型细菌以大气中的CO2为碳源,以无机物铁或硫为能源来维持生长,不需要提供外来的碳源和电子供体.另外,由于pH值很低,抑制了其他细菌的生长,所以在实际的操作过程中不需要严格的无菌条件.氧化亚铁硫杆菌和氧化硫硫杆菌去除重金属适宜于污水处理厂的开放系统,采用土著嗜酸性氧化亚铁硫杆菌(A.f)和氧化硫硫杆菌(A.f)进行重金属去除.也就是说,处理什么地方的污泥,就在什么地方分离A.f和A.t,这样分离的微生物在生物淋滤过程中能发挥较好的作用.这也是微生物在自然界生长繁殖的特点之一. 本期介绍了王聪、宋存江等[2]从剩余活性污泥中分离得到两株土著硫杆菌,对两株菌进行了分类鉴定,确定二者分别为嗜酸性氧化亚铁硫杆菌杆(Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans,A.f)和嗜酸性氧化硫硫杆菌(Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans,A.t),将二者的单菌和混合菌分别接种于剩余活性污泥中,进行了为期9 d的生物淋滤,对淋滤过程中的pH变化、氧化还原电位(ORP)以及重金属含量进行了检测.结果表明,生物淋滤9 d的混合菌对于As、Cr、Cu、Ni和Zn的去除效果最好,去除率分别达到了96.09%、93.47%、98.32%、97.88%和98.60%.混合菌生物淋滤对于Cd和Pb的去除率在第6天之后迅速下降,但是A.t单菌淋滤保持较高的去除率,此结果为进一步的应用打下了良好的基础.  相似文献   

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